Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1930, p. 5

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y , TT RIL TU Ot Hi Ti PAGE FIVE "Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship ST. ANDREWS AND SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCHES Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Rev. J. 8. I. Wilson (in charge) 11 a.m, 7 pom. UNION SERVICES 10 a.m, ~Sunday School in Simcoe St. and St. Andrew's Rev. D. M. Morden Of United Church, Walkerville (In St. Andrew's Church) Rev. D. M. Morden Of United Church, Walkerville (In St. Andrew's Church) You Will be Made Welcome King Street United Church Rev. Chas, E. Cragg, M.A., B.D. Rev. J. M. Whyte WILL SPEAK AT BOTH SERVICES 12 p.m.~Sunday School and Bible Classer i Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor. Milleroft and Mary bis Rev. HK. B. Patterson, M.A. Incumbent, 608 Masson SL 9.50 a.m. ~Sunday School Service, am, == Holy Com. munion, 7 pm. Evensong. First Baptist | Churc KING RT. KANT Rev. Aubrey W. Small | 18 Aberdeen Ht, KNOX Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North ano Brock Btreet Rov, Duncan Monroe 64 Brock St, W, Phone 2854 D456 am~=Bunday Bchoul, Rev. A. N, Tomlinson, of Dufferin Street Church Toe ronte, will preach at both nervices, Sound Doctrine Hearty Singing and a Res! Wel come Are [eatures of Knox Church, 10 am, CHURCH SCHOOL 11 am, Service in charge of B.Y.P.U. No Evening Service Wednesday 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting WE INVITE YOU 10 WORSHIP WITH Us NEW ROTARY SKORETARY Cobourg. ==Cohour| | has lect ! lace iB rh] after holding eight years, Rotary Club} Leslle Wilson, Secretary of H, W, Young, who has office for Evangel Tabernacle 200 King St. West J. T. BALL, Pastor Residence, 81 Park Hoad South, Phone 1081J, 10 a.m -Sunday Sehool, 11 am, ==Morning Worship 7 pom, =Lvangelistic, § p.m~="Tuesday and Thurs day, : All Welcome Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches King St, United Church Rev, J, M, Whyte will preach at both services in King Street Unit- ed Churéh on Runday, the pastor, Rev, C. KB, Crags, being on vice- tion, BE Wirst, Baptist The Baptist Young People's Un- fon will conduet the morning ser vice in the First Baptist church on Sunday, Dulrng August, while the pastor, Rev, A, W, Small, is on var cation, thers will be no evening services in the church, Northminster United Rev, H. M. Bellsmith, of Tor« onto, will preach In Northminster United Chureh on Sunday morning, There will be no evening service, Christian selence "Love" Is the subject for the Christian Belence study on Sunday, Christ. Church Holy Communion will he admin fstored at the 11 a.m, service al Christ Chureh, Anglican, on Bun day, The usual evening service will be held at 7 p.m, Albert Street Church Rev, G, W, Irvine, M.A, of Cad- ardale United Chureh will preach the morning sermon at Albert Ft United Church, The evening wer: viea will be taken by Rev, H,' M Bellsmith, of "Toronto Grace Tatheran The ususl morning service at 10,80 o'closk will be conducted hy the Grace Lutheran congregation, Evangel Tabernacle Usua! services will be held at Evangel Tabernacle under the leadership of the pastor, J, T, Ball, Free Methodist The ususl sfternoon service will be conducted by the Free Metho- dist mission on Sunday, with the Rev, R, L, Casement in charge, wt. Jeorges Church Rev, A, K, Grittin, of Toronto, will preach at St, George's Angli- oan Church on Bundey, At the evening wervice Mr, Fred Cooper WIL ing a5 & solo, 'Come Unto 0 Knox Preshyterian At both services in Knox Church tomorrow, Rev, A, M, Tomlinson. of Dufferin Street Church, Toronto, will preach, Holy Trinity Church LAL the 11 am, service in Holy "rinity Church, choral eucharist will be sung, The evensong with sermon will he at 7 o'clock, Bap tism will be at 4 o'clock, Contre Street United Rey, W, G, Fletcher, Perth, Ont, son of the Rev; W, P, Fletcher, the pastor, will preach at the evenin service In Centre street United Chureh tomorrow Musie will be furnished by a children's choir, At the morning service Holy Communion will "he dispensed, and the sermen subject will he "Friends of Jesusu," St. Andrew's and Simeoe Street Rev, D. M, Morden of the Walk eryille United Church, will he the preacher at hoth services in St, Ane drew's church on Sunday, The son. gregation of Simcoe street United church, which has united with the St Andrew's congregation for the sum mer months, will alse worship in 8t, Andrew's church -- A -------- I -------------- Alcohol and Ir------------ The Motorist BY A. W, LYLE Field Sup't,, Royal Templars of Temperance On slgnbourds of a national organ. lgation there recently appeared this slogan "The trafic on the rowd ruin, Is terrible," Henry Ford, whos firm has manufactured more cars than any other concern the world aver, says, "Gasoline and boore don't mix" and when we know thst in One turio alone, there were issued last year over 530,000 motor licenses und that hundreds of thousands of Am erican ears use our highways, we must realize thut "Safety frst" would indicate to us the necessity of un alert mind, a clear brain and steady nerves to guide a motor car through the maze of traffic on our strects and. highways, Motor Accidents Last year in Ontario, there were over six thousand moteur accidents, nearly five hundred of which result ed fatally for some driver or passens Ke Of course no one would claim thst all accidents ure the result of indulgence in drink, but enough of them are caused by aleohol to call forth from many of the members of our Judiciary, warnings of the dang. ers of driving after having taken a drink or two, the latest of which was given very recently by His Honor, Judge Ruddy of Whitby, when he sald, "Drunken 'drivers ure danger ous criminals," Our newspapers to day are full of the details of accl dents where the driver admits that he had taken lguor before starting out, Dobbin Gong Perhaps the most outstanding change that has taken place in the last twenty years, is the revolution in our methods of transportation, Yesterday pld Dobbin conveyed us from one place to another and usual: ly brought us to our destination in safety. Today autos that will travel sixty miles an hour have displaced the horse that would probably cover six miles an hour, Present day speed demands perfect brain control, The fraction of a second Is today, often the margin between safety and acel: dent, Distance Eliminated Two biles travelling in the ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH REV, 8 0, MOORE, B.A, B.D, Minister #0 Elena Street, "hone naTH 10 a.m,~=Sunday School and Bible Classes 11 am,~=Rev, G, Ww, Irvine, M.A, will preach. A 7 pimi==Rev, H, M, Bellsmith, B,A,, B.D,, of Toronto, 4 will preach. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's League. ALL WELCOME NAA CAUSKD OWN DEATH Kingston,=The jury empanelled to enquire into the death of N. D, * paul, 'who, while employed In con. struction work on the new O.8.L, olovator, dled of Injuries received [#4 when he fell from a scaffold on which he was working, eighty feet to the bottom of ona of the tanks, strikin w! cement floor returned » ordiot hat the accident was caused by the carelessness of the man himself as he had been twice warned agalust using a saw whieh wan on the scaffolding, OLD HOME WEER SUCCESS Stirling, ~8tirling Old Boys and Girls Getsto-Gether was a success in avery way, W, H, Moise; treasurer Heit the surplus will amount te . WUSINESS BLOCK SOLD | Stirling. ~The I, N, MoKee block Is now owned by the Imperial Ol) Company, Mr; MoKee has purchased the Parker Block fn which ia lo cated J, §, Morton's drug store and Sha, Eggleton's photograph gal opposite direction at fifty miles an hour, will lessen the distance between them by at least seventy five feet in one half a second, They would in one eighth of u second, just the flash of an aed; have wiped out nearly twenty-five feet, How often, in mo: toring, is this distance the margin between life and death? It is a pro: ven faet that as little alcohol as is contained in two Riatute of heer, or two ounces of whiskey, will slow down a man's preception two fifth's of a second, so that, if the truth were known, many serious aceidents on our highways are caused today, not by "drunken drivers," but by men whose brain centres have hel dulled by a litte alcohol and theres fore robbed of the er to make essential, rapid decisions, . in split seconds, © How It WN . Driving along the Mn hway suddenly confronted with a that requires speedy judgnient an action, Perhaps some one "cuts in" or the ear in front pully up sudden: ly, The eyes telegraph the message tu the brain, where & decision w made dnd the message sent on to the muscles of the arma controlling the seeing wheel. A clear brain al lows this process to evolve quickly enough to aveid trouble, On the other hand, a little aleohal has heen taken, thus slowing down the mess sage from the eye to the oui are tation these Thu slowing down the ability to arrive at i oquick decision; slowing down the message after the decision has heen urrived at, from the brain to the muscles. Result; an aceident, per haps yourself or semeong elve killed or maimed for life, not because of drunkenness, but because of the dull Ing effect of alcohol upon the whole Aystem A Doctor's Opinion Dr. F, W. Jackson of Broekville, In an article which appeared in the "Canadinn Motorist" a few mbnths go, under the caption, "When is a driver drunk," sayh, "Drunkenness is i progressive state, and varies with uradutions und degrees from pervars slon of judgment onward to fatal nureotism Therefore, drunk: fnness beging with the Arst drink of alcoholic liquor. From these gon sderations it follows that no pers san, having taken any alcoholic bey- erage whatever, should be allowed te drive a motor car." The reason for all this is clearly stated hy Sir Thomas Barlow, the eminent Eng lish physician in thesq words: "Aleos hol or drink slows dewn the power to wee - wignals, confuses prompt Judgment, spoils memory and hast ens fatigue," and the "British Medi cal Journal" some time ago put it this way, "One effect of algohol is irritability in which a person ACTS FIRST AND THINKS AFTER. WARD" The motor car driver, for his own safety and for the protection of the lives and property of others, should abstain altogether - from alcoholic beverages and give heed to the ex- hortation of the Geod Book, "Wine In & mocker, strong drink Is raging, and whosoever {x deceived thereby, in not wise" IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY St. John's Churcti, Port Whithy-- Rector, Rev, D, B, Langford, Sam day, August 8rd, 10 am, Sunda: Behool and ible Class servige at i am, k fit Br om Mn G Craton ire to emer: bi 31 [| he gency A Bi yF) i - - Whithy Ba Churehy= 1, F, Dest, A "Hn August bt 10 a.m, Bible ® olnases for all ARON, Mr, 8, Lo Wilhelm, Supt, 1 am, "Every Preacher's Text." 7.00 hi "What Think Ye of Christ," orning service In United evening service In Baptist The Baptist minister will be in charge of all united services in Aug: ust, Visitors always welcome, Mon. day, 8 p.m, Young Juopies meeting, XN raday, 8 pm, meeting for pray: -- School an le study 10 o ------ All Saints' Chureh, 7th Sunday after Trinity, Sunday School 10 a eon cht [i m4 Holy Communion 11 a.m} Evens brain, ing Prayer 7 pm, Wb Lhe i A special requiem service wan held In the Bucharest Cathedral for! the third anniversary of the death | of the late King Ferdinand, Mi members of (he Houmaninn royal | "My seasons," Baturn told Har ry, "are like yours in their degrees of warmth, mild weather, and so forth-=only every one of my sens sona lasts seven years" "Do yoy mean seven Yours of winter and seven years of spring and seven years of spring and peven years of summer and so on?" asked Harry, "Just what 1 mean" sald Rat urn, "Glad you get the idea at once," "Do you find anyone grumbling over having a season last so long? Now If we have too long a winter or too long a spring people grum ble," "I never hear complaints," Harry had hoped from the wa) In which he had put his question that Saturn would give himself away and anawer that having no people on his planet there could be no complaints, Rut Saturn's eyes twinkled as he anawered, for he knew what was in Harry's mind, However, Harry was just about certain that there was no life hore From the look of what he could oe he could tell that it was very ot and that it was not like his family attended, and King Carol 1, appeared with his wife, Princess Helene, for the frst time since hin return to Houmania: Photograph shows, left to right, Princess Hel. earth where so muny creatures liv od It was the strangest thing hut at this moment Cosmo arrived with the plane, How wall they were go ing to guard their secrets! Harr ald mandhy to Baturn hurriedly for Cosmo sald they mustn't Ht 2 "Don't forget to look at my rings through a lst next time you he get a chance," Katurn ealled out "Horry | couldn't have shown them to you here, hut on aceount of go Ing around me" Harry did pot hear the end of the sentence They were flying once mare He made himself ut home In the plane now, He looked at some of the charts as he ate saniwiche "We'll just whiz by Uranus," wuld Cosmo, "He's next to the most distant planet and you can't waa him without a telescope, You're always asking about life on the planets, Of course they wonder moat about Mars and a little about Venus, but | will tell you that there's no life on Uranus-=nor on Neptune, Hoth are too hot are alse ton hot, "Uranus was named after an an elent god. A hreilliant man named William Herschel (Jiscovered him but was ten modest to have the planet named after himself so chose the name of an old god In ston." "IF 1 ever Ald anything lke diss covering a planet I'm sure 1 would want it named after me," Harry sald, "although I'm not strong for coneelted people," They flew by Uranus, looking out at it fram the windows of the plane, Tt seemed very large from their view of it-=po close at hand and then the pllet went in the di rection of Neptune, "Neptune wan discovered less than ene hundred years ago hy an Fng!ishman named John Cough Adams, hut he named this planet alter Father Neptune, About the same time, too, a French astron. imer-named Severrier discovered hig planet," "Have either of these planets a moon" Harry asked, Stars ENGLISH SOULLER FOR BMPIRE GAMES ' resentative August 20, Joo Wright of the Aw ary heats of the amond Houlls last month, Bradley of Pembroke College, Cambridge, who will be England' in the soulling race at the Britton in ire pain Ay on oh amilton on defeated Hradiey in one of the pres ene with fun, Queen Marie on arm of King Carol 11, and Prince Nicks olan, back turned to camera Copyright, 1080, Pacific and Atlan. tie Photos, Ine, "Yes, Neptune has a moon to keep him company way off in the sky. And Uranus has four little ones "Better than none, I should say," Harry remarked, "Hut Lars, now we must visit the Oh, there is so much to be seen, Your Bolur System amounts to so little when we think how much elge there lp---such countless stars, and other sky families" GORED BY BULYy Relleville Herbert Watt, re. siding in the #th concession of Bid. ney Towuship, was painfully injure od when attucked by a bull, Mr, Watt was leading the animal te water when it turned upon him and would probably inflicted fatal Ine juries It he had not been driven off, RR A CHRISTADELPHIAN GOD'S PROMISE TO THE JEWISH RACE Iwill make a full end of all the nations whither | have driven thee; but | will pet make a full end of thee, but carreet thee in mensure; yet will | net leave thee whally unpunished." Read Jeremiah 46, 20; 33, 14:10; 81, 20.00; (John 4 3; Galations 3 2) CALVARY BAPTIST Gospel entre Athol Bt. Werte Nurth Nae DR, E, RALPH HOOPER Nupt, of the Nhantymen's Cheistlan Association will preach at both services 11 am~--"The Value and Vitality of a Vision T pm MOshawn's est. Need M sunday Fchoo' 8 p.m, Monday, & pm.-RY PU, |! a Greats Wednesday, 8 pom, ==Prayor [| Meeting, i g . ch is a | Osliawa Pentecostal Holiness Church | #11 Celina Street Pastor G, Legge In Charae 10 a.m, Sunday School 11 aan, Paster G. Legge 7 pm, Pastor G Legge Tues, 8 pmo : Prayer Meeting Fri. 8 pom w= Bible Study Everyone Welcome ; Northminster United Church Rev, Manseli trwin, nA, Bb Pastor | 80 Greta St, Phone auoawv i 10 am ==Ruuday Sohool, 11 am~=Rev, H, M, Balls smith, of Teronte, ' The Evening Service will be Withdrawn, All the Churche Bid You a Hearty Welcome St. George's ANGLICAN CANON ©, R, dePENCIER gn Cor, Bagot and Centre Sts, Organist snd Cholrmaster- Matthew Gouldburs, AMLOM, 10,15 a.m. ~Sunday School, 11 a.m.~~Morning Prayer, Rev, A. K, Griffin, of Tor. onto, will preach, 1 pm, Evensong, fiolo by Mr, ¥red Cooper, "Come Unto Me." Baptisms second Sanday each month, Free Methodist | MISSION (Over Areads) 190 SIMOOR #7, N, Rev. KR. Li, Casement, Pastor Sunday, August 3 2.30 p.m. Sunday Scheel 3.30 p.m. Preaching Ser~ | vice. | | Wed, 7.50 p.m, ==Prayer | Meeting, Cordial Welcome | "Christian Science' Firat Church of Christ, Belontist 64 Colborne Street East Sunday,, August 3 Morning Service at 1] am SUBJECT "LOVE" Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing shrough Christian Solenee, You are cordially Invited te attend the services and te make use of the Free Public Reading Roem where the Bible and all authorised Ohristion Wolence literature may be fead, borrowed eo nd ribed for on Tuesdays, aye and aturdars from # to § p.m, Centre St, United Church" REV, W. PF, FLETUNEM, B.A. DD, Sunday, August 3 10 am. ~=Sunday Scheel 11 am, == "Friends of Joss" 7 pm, w= Rev. W. G. Fletcher, Perth, Ont, Music by Children Cheir HOLY TRINITY CHURCH REV. 8, C, JARRETT luoumbent 30 Fairbanks St. 8 a.m. Holy Communion 10 a. m.~=Sunday Scheel 11 am, w= Choral Euche areal, 4 p.m.~Baptism, 7 pm. . Evensong and Sermen. GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING Rov, A, ©, Nahn 182 Alloe Btreey Sunday, August 3 9.30 a.m, Sunday Sehool, 10.30 am, Morning Won ship, ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME

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