Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1930, p. 3

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| 40, tather and husband, who pans: "Apply 22 Bim 8t, Phone 13001, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930 PAGE THREE Gasoline Prices Sink and Rumors of Price Cu ing War Are Heard in City of Oshawa Two Local Service Stations Announce Prices of 20 'and 21 Cents on Automo- bile Fuel PRICE WARS ON IN SEVERAL CITIES Wholesale Men Declare They Are Not Offering Stand. ard Quality Gasoline 'to Retailers at Any Cut in Price Is Oshawa (0 have a price war in gasoline? * For the past few weeks, price shing competition in several On. tarfo cities has sent the retall cost gasoline sliding downhill, and rejoiced the heart of the average chr owner, Paterboro people were buying gas for 18 cents recently, and similar conditions have existed in Kitchener and other Western Ontario towns, Yesterday a local Alling station anounced that they were going to wall gan at 20 cents a gallon, To- day another dealer Is announcing gas At 21 cents, advertising It In the press as a "holiday special', Enquiry at local wholesale gas oline offices this mornng indicates that no cuts have been made to date in wholesale prices. Revers! wholesale dealers volced the opin fon that anyone who Is selling gas at 20 or 21 cents a gallon In Osh awa today Is either taking a loss on it, or selling a low test grade, "It means either that they're putting out a cheap grade of gan, or that they're selling below cost," stated the local manager for Cities Service this morning, 'They can't lay gas of that quality," point! to a loaded truck In the yard, "at less than 30 cents to the gallon." The same man remarked that there is a lot of cheap navy gas on the market at the present time, which wells at a lower price than standard brands, "If it comes to a price war, we will certainly not put out an in- ferior grade, We'll sell our regular brands and take a loss on it." "British « American have net made any cut in thely wholesale prices here,' stated G, HM, Bannor, ot A Oshawa Pritt merioam warehouse, "We're selling our atandard quality at standard prices and we're not giving cuts to any dealer, Anyone who sells our gas AL 20 cents or 21 cents Is taking a lows on it" 'No one can sell Premier gas of standard quality at that price with. out taking a loss on it." corrobor- ated Clifford Cousins salesman for the same firm, Enquiry at the loeal headquarts ors for Shell gas revealed that Shell Are also making no wholesals cuts, and are not bringing out any cheap grades, "It it co down to a price war like they are having in Peterboro, Shell will be the last to cut prices, CANADA'S PER CAPITA WEALTH 1S $2,996 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Aug. 2~I1i all the wealth, in the Dominion of Canada was aqually divided every citizen would have $2996, This figure is the per capita wlth of Canada according to figures sompiied by the bureau of statistics for the year 1928 which lace the aggregate wealth of the Doimnion, exclusive of undeveloped natural resources at $28,940,000,000, an increase of $1,272,000000 over the 1927 estimate of $27,608,000,000, Individually the people ef British Columbia are the wealthiest people although Ontario ranks first among the provinces in total wealth, 'I'he per capita wealth of British Columbia in M4.339 and Ontario Is fourth with WW, TYPOGRAPHICAL KUROR Owing to a typographical error It 'wan stated in yesterday's iusue of the The Times that the registra. ton wickets and stamp wickets would be open to the public on Civ. la Moliday from 8 am, to § noon, ot course this should have been I$ noon, EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY Mr, amd Mrs, Max Bwarts, ¥ King Street Kast wish to extend their de t sympathy to the wile and family of the late Hyman Ku: od away on Wednesday, July 30, (28a) T Ciamsity oo Late To LM-408, also driver's permit, Ree rm to Albert Burrows, RR, §, hawa, Phone 030 r 3-3, (280) Y HOUSE All conveniences, garage, 160 Bruco St, - (480) FOR RENT == FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, Chole of Herat or second floors, $30 a month, (380) ROR SAT E=MUST AESOLDL IM: mediately, four roomed cotlage, 288 Fronch street, newly papered and painted. inside and out, $1750 Down payment $150 balance easily arranged, Apply above address o WILL START CAR' W. F, DAVIN Assistant General Manager of Gens eral Motors of Cangda who will wart on is 07% hour run the niko to be given away nt the G, M, OC, Plenle, LOCAL BAKERS ATTEND CLASSES Four Oshawa Men Report on High Value of "Travel. ling Bakery" In the Times a few days ako | there appeared a cut of the only travelling bakery in tha world, with its operstor, William k Borer, The hif%ery is owned hy the Plalchman Yeast Company and avery day for the past week ¢lannng fn baking cakes, Danish pastry and bread have 'heen carriad on In it In connection with (he vehicle bakery is a large tent with senting capacity for two hundred people and at all classey the tent has heen complataly filled In thelr anxiety to produce wares that are made In tha most upsto- date way, Messrs. DD, M, Tod, leo Gray, Ed, Gay and Tavry Andrews, all bakers of this eity, have heen attending these classes, All four men report having found the in struotions of the highest value in thelr trade, The classes will con. tinue Tuesday and Wednesday of next week PROSECUTION FOR DRIVERS WHO PARK FORBIDDEN "AREA Trouble Narrowly Averted on Several Recent Fire Dept. Calls Warning has heen lusued hy ihe chief of police that motorists who disregard the no parking signs on the north sldt of Richmond strevt, divectly opposite the fire hall, will meet with instant prosecution; The no parking rule Is enforced in that area so that the fire 1ruoks will have clear space In which to manosuvre out of the fire station in answering alarms, Recuntly, trouble has heen narrowly avoided on several occasions through the thoughtlassness of motorists who have loft thelr cars in forbidden area, and the police department in. tend to enforce the regulmiions in this regard without fear or favour in the future, Ross Hamilton at Yarmouth Yarmouth, N.8,-- Ross Hamilton, aotor impersonator of female roles, arrived here yesterday on a visit to his home, Ross had hecn ore roneously reported dead several days ago, : fH, GORDON SKILLING Toronto, who has been annoaneed an the winner of the S1,300 GundysDoran scholarship, Phe award is givon each year to the phone 2404M. (38) Over 100 Visitors Inspected | New York Exchange FENCE T0 STAY AT SOUTH END OF ALEXANDRA PARK Parks Commission Defers Action Pending Decision by Fair Board The removal of the fence at the south end of Alexandria Park has once more been deferred, After half an hour's discussion of this matter, which has been agitated intermittently for the past (wo yours, the Parks Commission dor cided at thelr meeting last night to postpone any metion until some thing was learned of the plans of the Agricultural Bocloty, The concensus of opinion at Jus! night's meeting seemed to be that when the present unsightly old fence is removed, it should be re placed either hy a comparatively low open work fence of some kind, or alse the front left with no fence at all, At the same (ime It win (alt that » high fence shoulg he built across the middle of the park, shutting off the section which Is now used for an athletics field, and leaving the lawn area front ing on Alexandria strost open In view, It was decided last night to al lyw the Boy Beouts Association to have the use of the park on Hep tember 6 for a Heout rally and display, Accounts totalling $2,802.75 covering the period wince the last meeting In May, wern passed for payment, To date, Oshawa has compiled & fine record in 1040 In the matier of safe and sane driving, with net a single fatelity reported as 8 re: sult of reckless use of the high- ways hy citizens of this eity or its vicinity, Over the entire provinces an well, the campuign initiated by the Highway Bafery Commitee, of which a number of local eltizens are honorary members, seems (0 ba taking effect, The Times urges upon its read: ors the necessity for eaution over Cautious Driving Is Urged Ower Civic Holiday Weekend the approaching weekend, when thousands of cars will thropg the highways in all directions from this eity, and a large proportion of Oshawa motor car owners will take trips of varying lengths, Contine uous caution, and a rigid abstin ench from the "eutting-in" avi) will keep the record clear, "Neyer pass another cur on a bend, a hill, or In any place where you have not a clear view of the road for a long distance ahead," is a good maxim, Harbor will Doubly Assure Prosperity, Is Comment The following comment sn the opening of the Oshawa Harbor Lo navigation appeared In the editor. nl columns of the Toronto Globe htls morning under the heading "Oshawa'n New Port', YRefltiing Mts importance ns # flourishing Ontario eity, Oshawa will next week take on the added dignity of a real port, with the large vosnels of the upper lakes coming and going about the har hor, This Is the culmination of years of hard work-=work Inspired and divected hy enthusiasm for the walfare of the community Freight and passenger steamship companies have announced thelr PARENTS VISIT BOY SCOUT CAMP Fifosh Camp Last Night A great gathering of parents and frionds assembled at the Vi fosh Camp; the eamp of the Fifth Oshawa Troop, Boy Scouts, Inst evening, for the open camp-fire and presentation of prizes, Wall over a hundred visitors wore in the mmp, and the boys provided An excellent program of entertain: ment, In addition to the award of prizes to the succossful boys, this being the feature of the pro. gram, a scout hatchet was pre sented to Mr, Goddard, of the pro vincla!l department of forestry, who has been In camp for the whole week as leader In nature study, and has taken the boys on dally hikes through the woods of the district, Reoutmaster Torret! maser of ceremonies, prizes wera presented hy Lionel C., Wood, Mr, Goddard and M. Mq Intyro Hood, The camp has heen a highly successful one, far ex- 'caeding a'l previous camps, and Seoutmaster Terrett was heartily ocangratulpted on Its appearance and the excellent spirit of the boys of whom there were forty In camp, The camp will hroak up to morrow, when the boys will re. turn home, BAFFERT AND NIKI IN FEATURE MATCH Toronto, Aug, 1.-=One of the moat attractive finals planned for a local ring Is on the oard next Thursday at. the Avena Gardens when Al Baffert, Flying French man, meets Reg, Miki, the oolorad flash, Roth are hreilllant, aspects enlar performers, who have created kreat interest in thelr recent bouts, Baflert has beaten two of the has in less than 93 minutes In sensa- tional manner in the last two shows, With good preliminaries planned the show should be in a olan by itwelf for action and a capa- olty orawd is expected, acted as and . the CHARLES 8, MACDONALD KNLEOTED PRESIDENT CONFEDERATION LIFE Charles 8, Macdonald, M.A, has heen elected President of the Cons federation Life Association sues ceeding the late Peleg Howland, and Col, J, I, Michie has heen elec. ted Vice-President, Mr, Macdonald, who Is a son of the late J, K, Macdonald, founder of the Confederation Life In 1871, has heen actively associated with the Company for thirty-two years, filling successively the positions of Assistant Actuary, Assistant Super- intendent of Agencies, Assistant to the President, General Manager, and Vice-President and General Manager, Mr, Macdonald's title In President and General Man: Marke, Sommary intention of making Oshawa a port of call, and on Thursday tha first vase! will make use of the quite elaborate: facilities provided "Ome of the first loads of freight to loave the new harbor will he made up of cars produced in Lhe city, which will he routed to points west on the Great Lakes, The new shipping accommodation should come as a hoon to this manufac. turing centre, whose prosperity will thus he doubly assured, The Oshawa City Counell and Ihe (Mismber of Commerce have heap diligent In promotion of this Im» portant Improvement, and are to ha commended for the enterprise they have shown." Stock Market Prices by Canadian rem Toronto and New York Weck Quotations Sapplied by Biggar and Orawford, Alger Bullding, (mhawa Close 130 14% 2100 LER L} ILL] FER 106% Low IF E 1% S108 HER Kl 186 20% 104% High 140 Htock Am Am, Fr Am, Tel Rendix Both, Heel Can, Pape Chrysler Col, Gus Can 72% 2105 11% Kl 186 20% 106 Risley meet for the King's prise, p-- \ ih'% URRY 40th 4hly hy (LR ih nn % 15 10% ih oly nog $1 8114 3114 MER ER 71% (3) 20% 20% 10h 1068 Ph ERM 46% 01 Ih dh lg LL] 86 % in ny an Hh '% Hig in Film Flee Gan, Mot Int. Tel Kelvinator Mt, Ward Nat, Cash Ph, N. Jor Radin Radio Kth Blmmona Mt, NJ 'H, Rubber LIN, Ktoe] Vanadium Fox fien 20% 160% TR" The photograph here shows Miss Marjorie Foster, flsyoarold mo. tor driver during the Inte world war, being earvied in telumph from the field, after she had beaten the erack shots who took part in the 1-100 FLIGHTS HAY BF WADE (Continued from Page 1) tall of the glam ship ia more than 200 feet above the ground, Ager, The Panel which will aventually cover the gaping hole of the fin, Is being made at the plant of Cana dian Vickers, Limited, in Mantreul, and will he at the alrport hefore non, Immediately upon its arrive al members of the ship's erew will begin to put it in place, It was stated, Rrackville George 1°. Riley, Taledo, had part of one foot crushed hy pv motor truck : R= 100 0'FAAV Fl! I 1] LEACH UNON SION ~ YB FEET best pupil in Canadian history, LENGTH OF RICO = TQ FEE. esse vein (Nt Comparison of R00 with Toronto's Union Station, ee ------E--------T LO i ERA - : CAR TO BE GIVEN | AT GMC. PICNIC TOSTART TUESDAY | E. Davis and Mayor Mitchell to Officiate at Ceremony w, Win all precautions, and with the municipality and the pxecutives of Genernl Motors of Canada ol fielally represented, the starting of the 97% hour run of the special paint Joh Chevrolet car which will ha given Away Lo some employes of General Motors at the annual plenie on August 16ht, will take place on the grounds of the Me Laughlin Coal Company, Kisg greet west, on Tuesday evening The official start will ha cons ducted hy W, ¥, Davis, assistant general manager of General Mol ore of Canada, Limited, His Wor ship Mayor 1. HB. Mitchell will also he present, will Inspect the speedometer hofore the engine 1a started, and will seal it in a hox, tn remain Invisible until the run in completed on Thursday, August 14th Onl of (leneral Mators are entitled to guesses on the total mileage run hy the cay during the 87% hour period, ann tn the employen who KUBEHEN closest, the ear will 'he presented on the evening of the monster pi al Lakeview Park, USIG RESULTS | AT ST. JOSEPH'S Pupils Successful in Recent! Piano And Theory Examinations employees nh The Joseph's wore following pupils of | Convent Himeos Bt, N ful In the recent ex aminations held hy the Conservatory of Mush Juntor Plann Honours Curtin Carmen Hughos Kathleen Gorman Primary Fiano 1st class hon Helen Doughty, Kvelyn Roh honours, Marian Hroekman, Veronlea Nita Wilkenson Flementary Mano Hotty Deans, | Tohn Htanton, HBoetly ours, Hilda Riley, Patricia Murphy; nhaw, Kdithe Intraductory honours John Catherine Nell Intermediate Craddock lunior Harmony, and History Hughes dunfor Counterpoint tory ~Honours, Kathleen Van Hulsen| pass, Marie Commerford Primary Theory-< 1st class hon Ours, Kitean Rirehall, Helen Dough ty, Olive Curtin, Violet Hosnor Evelyn Robinson: honours, Jack Prackman, Rita Wilkenson, Lor etta Gates Elementary Theory honours, Patriols Riley; honours, ACR Faronto Olive DASH, Ours, Nammut, John nson Jack Bon Int la ther Hall Marks; hon Mary Htanton ass, Margaret Hwithenbank, Plano 1st lag Hell; honours, honours Form Dorothy Counterpoint Honours, Carmen And Hix Ist Murphy, Marian i ITE Hilda Sammut CITY FATHERS WILL PUTT FOR CITY HALL TITLE, WRISTWATCH Aldermen Tuning Up Their Games for Council Tournament It In rumoured that our city fathera have hecome an anamoured of golf of the minlature variety, that a tournament for the eity council 1a mooted for the very near future on the Tom Thumh course, Manager Hadise O'Dowd is reported to have a wrist wateh for the alds armanio gentleman who emerges from the fray with the lowest Roore, For years past hava the councils lors who guide the destinies of this olty of. aura conducted their diss putes in words, and adjusted thely differences of opinion salting in the smoke laden atmosphere of the oounell chamber, Hut a new era 1s heralded, When the alderman from the North East Ward wishes to have an argument with the els acted representative from the North West Ward, they will Wl out behind the elty hall, procure oluha and balla from Kddie, and battle with the water jump en the sixth hole, or with those (three ans noying obutaclea on the eleventh, Late last night The Timea spot tad Mayor Mitehell and Alderman George Morris making a pra 'he round; presumably pevfecting thelr games for the pursuit in the near future of the wrist wateh, and the ehamplonship of Oshawa's munlels pal government RID ON ARENA Bathe and MoClellan Builders, of the New Collegiate Institute. in thin oity ave bidding an the New Agvionitural Avena which 18 ta ba erected in the Town of Aurora, . Steamers Will Race For Honor of Opening Oshawa Harbor Two Navigation Companies Will Put Ships Into Harbor In This City Next Thursday TO OFFICIATE MAYOR MITCHELL | Who will inspect nnd seal the speedometer of the Chevrolet conch, ta he given away nl the GMA plende, whieh will be started Taesday evening BELL TELEPHONE DISTRICT PICNIC HELD NEAR OSHAWA Brookside Park Scene of Merry Gathering This Week hundred ana fitesn &m playees of the Hell Telephone Com pany of Oshawa and the surround ng district gathered at the an nual digteiet piente, held at Brook ide Park on Wednesday afternoon of thi Good weather hleas ad the and the spirits of the in keaping with the of the day of the at annual struggle tens (on wok accasion crowd were hii ant wnehing One of the | 1arnoon "wus he utures hetween (Ug -0'«wal repre the married men and the men in past the ed on top on hut Lhio and they senting ingle benadiets have # majority Yours smerg of oceasions haueholors heh wedded i the aliter a long drawn out mutehing of thews and sinews wo softhall games also en gaged the attention af the crowd, With the Oshawa local staff defeat ing the Distriet Construction stall 10:16 In the men's game fn the afternoon, and the Oshawa girls trimming a team vepresonting the outside office the evening Rasket lunches were the ardey of the day, and the plenle meal was, hy rights, one of the most ats tractive of the entire Airan The usual race was he pulled YOu apponenta na features i Were run aff for the henefit of the - kiddies, and priges distributed The employess af (he Oshawa, Rowmanville, Whithy Nearhora and ARieourt offices attended the Penk Heveral tha company executives from Toronto were alsa Visttors Board of Education To Prosecute Boys Damaging Property Considerable damage has heen Wrought of late at the Oshawa Cols loginte and Vooational Tastitnte by A number af young hoys who have heen diguing the putty from around the windows, The hays have ovids ently heen in the habit of wsing the side of the school as a short ut from Bimeoe street to Slee and while passing have done thin damape, A special constable caught a numher of hoya recently who were lot go with a warning Dasplte this warning last wight further damage was done with the vest that the Neavd of Rdueation have decided to prosecute any ofenders, Pavents are urged to aequaint thelr hoys with the danger they ave yun Ning in interfering with oity pros perry, ------ Youth Escapes From St. Vincent De Paul ---- (By Canadian Press Leases Whe) Montreal, Aug, 3=The police tos day were searching for Jules Lagace, A youthiul holdup man, escaped from St, Vincent de Paul penitentiary where he had been sentenced on Dee, 1929 ta 12 strokes of the lash and ten years confinement, last night, St. Vineont de Paul is situated on the north shore of the Riviere Des Prairies, and with guards posted oi all brides along the viver ft was hes Heved hy the authorities to-day that the escaped eonvice had proceeded north, hiding in the woods, unless he erossed aver ta the Montreal Island wide unhotioced The hunters were concentrating their search in that neighborhood, & | announced that the | schedule apparently only | of the C81, Mavy | Canada Steamship Lines An~ nounces Express Freight Service for Oshawa by Its Fleet of Modern Steamers, Both Eastbound and Westbound FIRST SHIP ARRIVES THURS, AFTERNOON Steamer "City of Kingston" Will Reach Oshawa Port About 3.30 O'clock, East« bound-- Tree Line Come pany Also Starting Ser- vice on That Day A steamer race, for tha honors f haing the fivet ship tn enter the Oshawa harbor and officially open It, looms Ax interesting tithiy for Oshawa next Thurss day afternoon Alread un ciigens two steamship lines hava will put hosts nn that mada nn Oshawa harnoy fin The announcement Thursday of this week that the line Navigation company would place Oshawa on its vegular Awakens ed thoughts of compatition In the minds of executives of other eoms panies and today (t was announced hy the Canada Steamship Vines that they will alsa placa Oshawa on their schedule, alsa ecominaneing on Thursday, This statement was made tn The Times this morning aver long distances telephone from thin company's afMea in Toronte The "City of Kingston fleet, will, It is axe pected, arrive In this eity ahont 1.00 o'clock on Thursday afternpnon net I'he hon! leaves Toronto at noon on that day for Montreal "hy company stated that they linva not yet arranged a schedule including Oshawa, They have a total of five ships nach week oasis hound, and a number westhound, ineluding two to the head of tha takes, A survey of the elty will he made shortly, ard a schedule will ha arranged fo have hoats aall Into this nart at the hest time to accomodate local shippers, As many hobts will he pot inte Osh awa each week as the prospective husiness warrants Arrangements will BOON possible. for freight-shod peenmmaodation For the first faw dave, however, freight will pros. hahly have ta he taken to the wharf and loaded directly eantn the ships The C.H.1, ships are all modern lake steamers of the 'tween deck type A featura- is that loading ia done hy means of EAngways in tha side of the ship, so (that the frefght does not have to ha holstad over the deck All of the hoats parry elevators from the held te the decks As yet Intn the MOR mMar he made as LL) the Canadian Nieamshie Lines have not arranged for any PABSENEAN Rleamer service ta this efty, The hoats that eall here will he those on the express fraiaht service, which take enly 29% hours from Toronto te Montveal As was previeusly announced, the members of tha elty counefl and of the executive af the Chamber of Commerde will he on hand at the dock to welcome the first hnat into this harbor in IR years, The gkipper will ha presented with a new hat, and addresses will he pive on, Modal for Aviatrix Cairn, Egypt Miss Amy Johns gon, 29-year-old English girl whe made a remarkable solo flight in A Moth plane from England to Aus atralla vecently, was decorated with a ®old medal presented to her hy Premier Hidky Pasha, oa behalf of King Fuad, In Memoriam WHITELEY==In loving memory of Rertha, wife af Vernon Whites ley, who died Aum, dvd, 1090, Today we ave thinking of someons Who was loving, true and kind Whose smile was as dear as tha sunshine, Dear Mother, that you, Sadly missed hy her hushand and two sons, (28a) nomenne Was Born KRENAN-On August 1, and Mra, Alex Keenan, Patria Ave, a son, (2 to Mw it fa) Coming Events 8 Onto " word each fee sertion, Minimum charge for each insertion, 8a FIRRT ANNUAL PICNIO * ON sport for members and families of Centre Street Home and dohoal Club at Lakeview Park, Thursday, Aug. 7 at 2 p.m, Bring baskets, (28a) SQUARK DANCE AT BARN: hart's Pavilion every Thursday and saturday nights, Admission ey (20-23:26:38)

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