Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Aug 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1930 PAGE FIVE and the Community ------EIP Women's Interests in the Home --- Social and Personal Colamn snd Id besy the name shi Ts Ml he Se Miss Gertrude Brettingham, fim cos sivest Mouth and Miss Ma, Brottingham, of Yoronte, have just roturned from holidaying at Port Cunningham, Muskokns, Mw, William MeConnell off Hollywood, California, Is visitin with her neice, Mrs, Roy Viintoft, 340 Tiohmond Btreet Kasi, Mr, Wd, Buckler, Miss Bows Buckler, and Mr, and Mrs, Orien Ory, are motoring to Leeds Mass, where thay will visit Mr, Buckler's son, Harold Buckler, " Mrs, ¥msley, Drock Hireet, Is leaving to-day to spend the week- ond at Chautauqua, New York, ll where her daughter, Miss Klisabeth Emsley, a music teacher of this city is spending a month, Mims KEmuley in studying and doing some playing, Khe {8 with a party from Kingston, Ont, MOTHER OF 11 1§ DEEPLY GRATEFUL a "My appetite was poor, my liver wan sluggish, my kidneys were over-aetive and 1 fell weak and warnoul, I oJuet vwonted te run AwRy [rom my housework that fooked an big as A mountain to me Hargon took vight hold of my troubles, ended all my atlments and strengthened and vohuilt me up remarkably, | am deeply grate. ful for what this wondertil med! oine did for me! Hargon Pe stimulated my liver normal aetion without piving me that weilk, 'let down' feeling produced hy other Inxatives"- Mra, W, Pyke, 00 Hyde Park Ave, Hamilton, Ont,, who Is the mother of eleven children, 1] Nargon may he 'obtained 'nu Oshe awa from Karn's Drug Store, (AdY,) F elt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Katablinhed INNO 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH It your waloh Is uot giving satisfaction we oan repair and make it tel) the correo! time D. J. BROWN IHN JEW RLEN Oficial Watoh tnspector for Canadian Natlonn) nad Ost awn Hallronds 10 King Nt, WW Phone L180 I NOTICE! "The Times' will publish re porn of meetings of all Wo. | men's Organizations in the community. Kindly, addrem such te Women's age Ed itor or Telephone Number 95. When writing remember to use only one side of paper. PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simoes 86 B «= We Deliver Wy menu, constitute the mun course of u light noon luneh etables, always tasty and wholesome, ure perhaps 100 heavy for the very hot wenther so salads uppear to take celery and pineapple, : oll, lemon Jule and seasonings, Sers other items of news for Lhe address of the sender, | , or phoned to No, of the paper, Mrs, 8, Phillips and son, John, leave for Wasaga Beach where they have taken a cottage for a month, The Guides of the first snd suo. ond companies of Oshawa and the Whithy Guides ) to-day for thelr camp on Cameron Lake, Mr, Cyril Nicholas, who has been lving in this city recently, i» holidaying with his parents at his home in Pleton, Mrs, Pred Bull, of Oshawa, I» spending the summer at Lake-of Bays, Muskoka, Misses Elsie apd Louise Lowe Are leaving to-nibrrow on a trip to Beattie, Washington, They will travel out west by way of Jasper Park and return by Banff Their trip will extena over thres weeks, Miss. Galton, of Torentn, Is In town spending a few days with Mrs, Bleanor Mclaughlin, #imooe Wireet North, Myre, (, L, Lander, Drew Btreel, loft Wednesday for an oxtendad trip to Vancouver, Heattle and other western cition and expeits Lo be gone until the middle of Qetob- or, Dr, G, L, Bird returned yester diy from Rochester, Minn, ~hare he was studying for two weeks ul the Mayo Clinle, Miss Nina Gough, Reg, N, is In town and will spend a moutih's vacation with her parents, My, nnd Mrs, MH, Gough, Athol Breet Kast Mrs, A, I. Alloway and family and Mrs, Hurry Boyce und son, George, returned Inst evening from Gull Lake, Minden, Ontario, where they were spending the last week Mr, and Mrs, B, W, Drew, ¥iug Hiraet ant, have gone to Muskoka, where they will spend August und Heptember, RECIPES SUMMER SALADS Sumner the They should not In fuel, time for salads he excluded from very often, they I» Meats und cooked vous Here ure sm mel BOI MUNRO thelr plage, wilad cook tons for your hook Cooked Salad Dressing, 1 tablespoon corn starch, & tea spoons tustard, 1 tesspoon salt, 1-4 up sugar, dash of eavenne, I expr, 1d cap vinegar (dilute), 1 14 cups milk, | tablespoon butter Blend dry ingredients with some of the vinegar, Add to beaten exus, Cook in double holler, wdding slowly vinegar and mille alternately, Stir constantly until mixture thickens, Add butter] ehill, Verena Salad, 2 tablespoons gelatine, 1:2 dip cold water, 3 medium sized oranges, | lemon, 1+4 cup sugar, few grains ol wilt, 1 oeup halved, weeded Malaga or Tokay grapes, 1-2 cup nut meats, Soak gelatine in cold water, Squeexe Julee from oranges and lem. on and add suMelent Naud to make two cups, Add sugar and salt, Brin to boiling point, add welatine; chill, When partially set add grapes and nuts, Turn Inte moulds, Serve on erlap lettuce leaves with wa whipped cream "dressing, Garnish with water cress Supreme Crabmeat Salad, I ean srebmuat ah shrimp | cup pineapple, cubed; 1 eup celery ed 1 tablespoons salud oll, 4 the blespoons lemon Julee) salt and pep per, Drain crabmeat, remove muscle and out Into pleees, Combine with Marinate with ve on erlsp lettuce leaves with may« onaise or cooked salad dressing, wm Vegetable Mold, 1 hare lemon jolly powder 2 cu "bag water, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1-3 teaspoon salt, dash of wayenne, 1-2 cup green peas, J-4 eup finely chopped raw carrots, 1 cup finely chopped raw cabbage, 4 table: spoons finely chopped green pepper, Dissolve jelly powder in belling was or, Add vinegar, salt and cayenne, Chill, When partially wet hy vey: etables, Turn inte molds, When set, unmold on bed of lettuce, Serve with mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing, Cabbage and Basen Salad, 2 oups Hhely shredded Bl 1 chopped sweet green pepper oF pi: mento, 4 strips bacon, salt and pep: per, 1 teaspoon onion juige, Con: ne cabbage and pepper with bacon which has been cooked until erly and crumbled with a fork, Mix with cooked walad dressing, Pile on let: tee leaves, Garnish with green pep: per or plwento, Kothryn Crawlord, who a \ opposite Ken Maynard In He test Universal pieture, "Mountain Jus: tie," which opens Saturday at the New Martin Theatre, was his loads a woman fv another recent pros duction, "Senor Americano" Min Cruwlord's winking volee Iv considers el one of the best fn pletures, In "Mountain Tustiee," she sings three numbers; "Seoiiig Nellie Howe," Hed i " "Rina while ayvnard displays his ability as pod .. 0.8 What New York is Wearing By Annebelle Wort Hiustrated Drossmaking + «Wurnished with Every Vattern It's wo summer, and wmart tnd oany to make! A quaint pretty sleeveless frock with berths eape eolisr for the Important age of #, &, 10 and 14 years In sketched in Wyle No, 1062 in printed dimity in may red and white colouring, The sapelut col Inr Is of crisp white organdie, It takes but 15% yards of "0«dnech material with 4 yard of Ad-lneh contrasting for the K-year wire, The skirt Is top-sticthed with two rows of machine stitching to the moulded bodice Pique In blue with white dots with white collar and blua gros grain ribbon tie In very attractive and sturdy as well Daftodil yellow cotton shantung with self-fabrio collar piped In brown at edge Is very smart, Na peat the hrown fof the tie and to join the skirt to the hodice "ranch blue linen, nile groan printed shear lawn pale olue dot ted swish and pink pique are attrae: tive combinations made for a very small sum, Pattern priea 20 cents In stor ps or eoln (goin preferred), lle sure to AN In sine of pattern, Address Pattern Department, The Summer Faghiou Magagine contains mort inferesting styles for adults for town or vaohtion wear, Also darling styles for the kiddies, It ia 10 cents a copy No, 804038 Mine Name Clty Prov, Otis Harlan, the "Captain Andy Hawks" of "Show Boat," and one of the best known character comedians in pletures, has the role of a Ken tucky mountaineer in Ken May nard's latest Universal pleture, "Mountain Justiee," which opens Saturday at the New Martin Theas tro. Kathryn Crawford appears ops posite Maynard in a story hullt around a mountain feud, a distinet departure from Maynard's usual wastern pletures, 'Ing Club, GIRL GUulLE \ INT, ONHAWA COMPANY Owing to the fact that so many uf the girls ure away on thelr holl- duys, Guide mestings will be nis dispensed with during the month of August, The next meeting wii) he held Fog Monday evening, Septem. or Bh Mary Kory has een visiting for some time In Peterborough, Lorraine Les spent last week in Toronto, Guides leave to-day for camp, There is lots of excitement gutting ready, GIRL GUIDES LEAVE FOR CAMP Will Enjoy Two Weeks Un- der Canvas at Fene- lon Falls Today the Guides are getting off to camp, Through the generosity of the Rotary Club, a big bus has heen chartarad and the campers tanve North Blmoeos street sohoo) at 2 pom, Reversal of the parents, whp motorsd up, too other Guldes a- long with their own daughter, Mrs, Ratoliffe loft on Thursday morning for the oamp, The big grocery supply, and the total squip- ment of tents, ground shesto and palinsses wont up on Thursday, through the kindness of the W, Phillips Glass Co. Naveral of the Malt trbm Toronto alse went up REBEKAH LODGE HOLDS PICNIC First Mixed Jitney Played With Outside Rinks and Oshawa Bowlers Oshawa Rebekah lodge No, 8, held thelr annual plente at Lake: view Park, on Tuesday afternoon, Hister Moynes, NG, sister Baund. ors, V.O., and the committees in charge of the sports had arranged 4 kood time for every ons, The raves ware an follows "Children under Ave.~Clarald Far. row, NWoby Dingman, Margaret Cowle Noys Bh years Wddie Disney, iris b«8 yoars~Gwandolyn Des Guerre, Evelyn Farrow, (iris R18 yourp==Inohel Donald, Madeline anton, Boys R18 years~Douglus Guerre Elgin Moynes Cirle 13 years-~Ruth MaeDon: ald, Killeen Disney, Young Ladies Eileen Helen Farrow, Young men Whiting, Married ladies Mrs, Whittington \ Married men-Mr, I, Smith, Mr, Disney, Past Noble Grands Mrs, Bohwarts OMeoars--Mra, Flokes, Donald, PORT PERRY RINKS ENTERTAINED AT L0GAL CLUB Grown Ups and Kiddies Enjoy Good Time The organizing of a ladies' Bowling Club han meant new aoe tivities at the Oshawa Lawn Howls The club has advanced soolally with the introduction of the ladies, with the event of last evening, a hig step In thin dire tion, Tt was the oooasiun, for the first time since the Club's noeps tion of a mixed jitnay, consisting of three rinks from Port Perry, AN guests of the Oshawa Club, and Kigin Mayne, Mans De Disney, Kverstt Disnsy, 1. Mra Fiokes, L Mr, Bhaw, Mrs. Mes or -------- on Thursday, so that it is expected the Iarger tents will he up to so commodate the girls In cans of rain, The reports of the drinking water from camp, which were heing test~ od by the bacteriological departs ment. of tha government, proved "Agood", and wo pure and Ht for drinking, This is n great hoon, aw pure drinking water Is » biswsing that is so often acospied without appreciating Its benefits, All the Guides are in Nt ships, and so the health -of the camp should be good all through, if nothing untoward happons, Miss Marah Booth, of the New York Girl Boouts, Is to he an In ternational guest at the camp, Miss Booth is anxious to see what a real "pioneer" camp in like, so she can #0 back and give hor Reouts the kind of treat that Cansdian Girl Guides always have at amp, The camp has heen named, and is now known an "Camp Wannam«~ woos," meaning "Much happiness" The staf In an excellent one, and in na follows Commandant oliffe, CA, Quartermaster Walr Nurse Hwimming Director Holthy, Naturalist aon Dramatios Hips, Handiorafts Mrs, Gordon Tat Mra, Archie Miss Mary Warling, Miss Ruth Mrs, Btuart Thomp- Miss Rowena P'hil Miss Harah Booth, Group souncillors Mins Alive Pitehes, Miss Marjorie Ruddy, Miss Lillian McDowell Miss Marjorie Jarratt, four rings of the loeal inh The green was in Arat-oluss sun dition and excellent play on all siden Wan witnessed, euthusigsm marking to no small degres the skilled roll of the howls, that abounded At the conclusion of the play light refrashmants were worved by the dshawa ladles, It In the intent of the club to Invite guests from various bowlhig se tions of neighhouring towns and thus form a greater competition In ski} And also A most congenial unity, dear 10 avery. true sports man, The Wis Mra, Cecll Boure, Port Perry 1a Mra, V. Murray, Port Perry, 2nd, Mra, T. Kaiser, Oshawa, rd; Mr Carnegie, Oshawa, 1st; Mr, Naplas, result of the competition Port Perry, Ind; Mr, Luxton, Osh | Port Perry, | awn, and Mr, Levis, tied, paY 15 KIDNAPPED AT KEW GREEN FAIR Arthur Earles, Aged 5, Loft Parents For a Moment London Arthur Karles, aged five, the sen of a lahorer, of Ancill street, Fulham, was with his parents on Kew Green fair ground on Whit. Monday, Armed with a penny, he walked to wards an lceseream stall ten yards from where his father and mother were standing , . , and that was the last thay saw of him until they heard two days after that he was in the Redhill Institution, Burnt Oak, He had been found wandering in Highsstreet, Wambley, about eight miles from the fair ground, Arthur, a falrhaired, blue-eyed youngster, sat up in his nightshirt in hed and told a newspaper reprosentas tive of what had happened to him, "I was just going to go up to the loescroam gentleman," he sald, "when a lady said to me: "Would you like Nome sweats, sonny "I nd I would and went along with her, She took me for a lovely long bus ride" Asked what the woman was like, Arthur could only say "she wap a nies lady with a brown coat, like mummy's." Arthur, whe did not seem at all perturhed by his adventure, explain od that the woman took him to a house where he played with another little hoy, Presently, she gave him some coppers and told him to go out and buy some sweets, For some while he wandered around until he was found by a policeman, Mr, Earles suid; "I hid not turned my head for more than four or five seconds when I looked round and found the hoy wis gone, | searched frantically in the crowd for several howrs, and both my wife and | sat up all night, paral yred with fear) PLAYGROUND RULES TOO -------- Torome, Ont, July 3. Rules whieh mostly begin: with a capital "Dont" ure surrounding the ety play wromnds with a lot too much decorum weeording (0 Willkam Ingram, of this city, as the result uf sue yencarches he hud made alter reading the wee count of uw nine-year-old girl's han ishment from wu playground because her hare arms looked indecent to the eyes of the officialdom Playground rules are hird, fast and numerons on points of clothing and general behaving, Mr. Ingram declared, not withstanding the states ment of 8, WH, Armstrong, director of ety playgrounds, that the offiei~ ils confined themselves, on matter of dress, to helpful suggestions, Among the regulation whieh Mr. Ingram disgovered in uw eanvis of four wo men supervisors, were the following, he snys Coirls must not wear sin suis They mustn't wear sun shades They mustn't chew gum They must wear middie and Woomers If they want to play hases hull, They must wear nverconis over sild middies and Woomers while gos ing from one plavground to another Noo men, not even thelr futhers, are allowed to wateh the girls playing hauseball, No girls=presumahly not aven their sisters=are allowed 10 wateh the uthietes In the hoy's see tion of the grounds Ken Maynard's unelvalled Lore mnship wis put to the test in the making: of "Mountain Justice his lastest Universal Pieture which opens Saturday at the New Martin Theatre, In it he rides two horses standing erect, Komun-fashion, a foot on the hack of each, at break neck speed Maynard considers it ane of the most diffiealt feats with he hus necomplished in his Curect Kathryn Crawford appears opposite him In the pleture, which Is Inld In the Kentueky mountains fend district horses Mrs, Puul=Din vou tell your hus hand everything? Mrs, Gaul=Why, T cant listen to me long enouy! He won't EN a RRA ST STRICT| Was Constipated, Bilious, Tired, Now Well, New Woman Years of Misery Ended by "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Wan slways sons | SISTER OF PEER OBTAINS DIVORCE Lady Evelyn Graham Was Married to a "Nasty Man" London. A decree nisl has heen granted fn the Divorce Court to Lady ivelyn Catherine Graham, a sister of the Varl of Loveluee, of Mount street, W., om the ground of the mis conduct of her hushand, Miles Art hur Willium Peel Graham The sult was in the defended list, hut Mr. Barnard, for Mr. Graham slid) that he was not ina position fo put his elent in the witness-hox to deny the charge The purties were married in June, 1918, ut Holy Trinity Chureh, Bromp ton, und lived at Walpole street Chelsen. There were two children The marriage wis a happy one un til 1926, when Lady Evelyn complain ed of her hushund's association with wn woman and of his returning home late at night whe had Wim watehed, and alleged that she was informed that he ansocinting with women = of chiurncter Kyidence was given by Lady Kye lyn und hy Arthur Parlet, a private Inquiry agent, who watched Mr, Gra ham's house at Cadogan Gardens, Chelsen A decree nisl with costs was grant ed, und Lady Evelyn was given the custody of the children, who are aged ten and pine und were stated to he wt a hourdipg school Mr, Justice HI sald that ham was one of the men wha sree Mr, Barnurd it] golug to ash that the question of the custedy of the children he adjourned hito chu hey Mr. Justice Hill; } | shall Lady Fvelyn the legal custody, Mr Cirnham Is unfit to have charge of them wlipnied, billous, Ured, out of worts, $line taking 'Fruit. wives' (eel like new woman, LL fect hewlth, Cons stipation wll gone," Muriel McHen: dry, Montreal, of man and women write years-old constipation and ver trouble ended over night with "ruitenives,! Billousness, ins digestion, heurthurn, gas vanish Ike magi Kidney and bladder His, pain In hack, fade away quick, Narves quiet, sound sleep at once, Rheumatism, neuruglin, neuritis #lek headoehos decamp In hurry Complexion cienrs Ten of nniure's greatest. reme dies combined in handy tablet, Mar: velous discovery hy famous Can wlan doctor, Hpeedy results amaie wll Quilt heing Hrulteasl ives day, Hort With Jonme tired, wenk, Gel druggist tor pluk from FORD DISMISSES PRODUCTION STAFF IN SPANISH PLANT Cars, Mr. Gira type ml the nisl pieked up women in Barealonn, Bpain, Aug, 1.--hHig hundred men, representing the en tire production staf of the Ford uspembiing plant hers, were dis missed to-du The munsgement gave ap Its res ganaral depression and uncertainty as to how badly the new Hpanish tari would nurt sings and pla Industry HONK business Kathryn Crawford three old time favorites In "Moun« | = tin Justice," Ken Maynard's latest Unicersal Picture, which opens Sat uiday ut the New Martine Theatre hey are Nellie Hamme,' "Buffulo Cal "Dixie" WM nard shows his ability as a fiddler in a seene depicting an old4hne moun twin "shindi Otis Ha EXCHANGE Want to dispose of my husle ness, Good eountry store, good halldings, ete, Would vomsider good Oshawa prope Seeing und ery, APPLY BOX 768 TIMES "or dance a a lan has a feature role a a a et Eo a] when it's one of those ninety-initheshade days and you don't know what you'd like for lunch, just try a bowl of crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes, With cool milk or cream and a bit of fruit, You'll notice new enthusiasm from your appetite and you'll feel bette all afternoon. For Kellogg's are extra easy to digest. They help you keep cool whem t's hot Holloys' CORN FLAKES Made of wholesome corn, ane of nature's finest grains. Toasted, Crisp and crunchy, J AWAKEN (RO, MOTHER JONBS + pli LR NE GOT THw REST Al ht LH WN ACE adh ABLE ado hat" ™ MR, MIPRL DAD NOW h IT 8 FOR Mel awcaiE DICK MAYWELL |§ WERE WITH HIS CAR = \ LIM WERE DIinE our IIR ) NT Sou | WENT WMMING Ph SA HA 0 ERE RAS | + a ---- Ss le

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