Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Aug 1930, p. 2

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oy | : RIAL A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1930 Bowmanville Daily imes News, advertising and subscri s will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times in the Cowan Block, King Street, Telephones--Office--587; House131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock "Yost Durham Agricultural "Society Will Consider Offer Next Wednesday -- Grounds May Be Used as Market Garden An offer has been made to the "West Durham Agricultural Society who own and operate the Fair Grounds in Bowmanville for the spurchase of these grounds for a sum in cash, The offer Is the * outcome of an advertisement which appeared a fow months ago offering the property for sale, The adver. gtisement was inserted after Soclety had met and decided that in view 'of the loss sustained emch year it would be better to stop the fair and sell the grounds, However, since that time the Society at a further meeting decid. ed that Bowmanville Fair would Igo on As usual and an endesvour would be made to increase both + membership and interest to. see If + the fair could not be made a suc. cess financially, As far as the falr itself is concerned it has always * been a success from a standpoint of value to the community but it has not paid its way for some | Offer Made for Purchase Bowmanville Fair Grounds oars, As far as this goes there re very few country fall fairs which are & success financially, The foclety will meet in the Town Hall next Wednesday to cons sider the proposition which has now presen itwelf, Just what will be decided is doubtful but it fs hoped that the directors will make an effort, even it they do dispose of the grounds to hold the alr in some other place, The amount received from the sale of the property would more th Hikes ly place the Hoelety in a sound condition snd with a fresh start an endeavour would be made to keep on the right side of the fod gor. Just what use the grounds will be put to in the event of a sale being made is not known for eer tain but it is rumored that a firm is considering using it for market gardening on a large scale, If this is so it would be like adding a another small industry to the town for doubtless it would need a few employees, ihe eneral public will have to walt fently for the next week to see the outcome and whatever that outcome may be it is hoped that it will be in the best Interests of both the town and the Agricul: tural Soolety, High School Whitewash Motors in Scheduled Game Taking the upper hand from the start, High School handed the Mo tors a whitewash when they won out in a scheduled game last eve ening. The scord was 7 to 0, This was the first whitewash of the sea- son and the close fielding of the students and the fine pitching of Colmer were responsible for this result, The Motors were unable to get near scoring anytime during the game while the High School start ed off with four runs in the first innings, The Motors, however, held them scoreless In four innings ; out of the nine but the result was never in doubt, The students' win last night speaks well for the train. ing they have received at the hands of Frank Willlams, The boys were on edge throughout the game and only one error was registered against them, With the shortness of the second schedule the Motors will have to show hetter form than this to get Into the playoffs, Hey. mour was pitching for the Motors but waa of during most of the game, Of oourse it must be re. membered that he has not pitched for some weeks and that would ac. count a great deal for that, It wound not he A bad thing to seo the High Hehoo! lads in the playoffs for a change as they are all young and have the makings of some good ball players among them, Herb Colmer scored the only homer with a hit to the east fence, The teams were: High School Adams, oi Herh Colmer, p; Hacks ney, 8b; Willams 1b; Bagnell, », 8; Lunney 3b; HW, Colmer, rf; Wright, of; Ingram Lf. Motors==Martyn, of.; Seymour, p.; Brooks, rf! Hall, as: Culley, 1b; Witheridge, 2b.i Jamieson, 1 f.; Jackman, 3 h.: Hooper, e Umpires=Calver and Cole, LORNE STEVENS RECEIVES FINE FOR RECKLESS DRIVING Crown Reduces Charge From Criminal Negligence Fine Was $28 and Costs Lorne Stevens, Rowmanville taxi driver was fined $26 and coats by Magistrate Ward in police court yesterday afternoon when he plead. od gulity to a charge of rookloms driving, The costs amounted to $195. Stevens ha formerly been os charged with oriminal negligence , and the crown had reduced the charge to one reckless driving , When it was foffnd that the Iad injured in the accident in whic Stevens was Involved had not sus tained any serious injuries. The charge arose out of an ae: edent mear Maple Grove on July 7 when Ntevens smashed into a car owned by a man named Nixon, eof Belleville, The Iatler oar was turned completely upside down and the ocupants thrown from the car, Mra, Nixon received a bad shaking up and was confined to her bed with bruises for three weeks Stevens was representod in court by J. P. Mangan of Oshawa, who asked for a lenient sentence in view of the faot that Stevens had pleaded guilty and that no one was seriously injured. Col, Boggs, of Cobourg, Crown Attorney, agreed that sentence should not be too heavy but thought that the mini. mum would not he enough, Mag: {strate Ward In summing up stated that as the costs were so heavy and would have to be borne by de. fendant he would only impose a small fine, He would not, however, impose the minimum which was $10 an he considered the nature of the charge too serious. He there: fore fined Stevens the amount men. tioned above, rR | SATURDAY SPECIAL Woods Lavender Line Silk Knickers The most chic and attractive undergarments it is poss sible to imagine, with their pretty color combinations and fancy motifs, Regular $1.49, Special ......... $1.00 Regular $1.95, Special ....... $1.49 W. A DEWLAND, LD. OSHAWA | NEWS ABOUT TOWN School Board Meet The regular monthly meeting of the public school board will be held fn the board room at Central Sohool this evening, Rogular rons tine business will be the order of the session, Gamo Tonight Goodyear winners of the first schedule play the Front Hireet Toam at the Public Bohool grounds tonight, Goodyear were boaten in their first game of the second schedule on Monday night and will have to win tonight if they are to make an effort to win the second schedule, Football Tomorrow ostponed football game be tween Bowmanville and Orono will he pared at the High Mehool Foot. bal grounds tomorrow night, There should be a real large crowd to woe this game as Bowmanville's hopes of a place in the finals are based partly on this game, Woddings Bells Provinelal Constable WwW, 5, Smith who Is attached to Bowman. ville loft town last night and wil be away for the next three weeks. Mr, Smith ig being married at Nap. anes on Maturday, His many friends in Bowmanville will wish him much happiness in his new sphere, JfH ANNIVERSARY Other The Interesting Votes From Village of Hampton Hampton, July 40,~-The attend: ance at Munday School on Bunday aftarnoon was small, Sunday ovening marked the ffth anniver- sary of the first sremon here of our pastor, Rev, J, It. Bick, Rey, George Mason, Dowmanville, will ocoupy the pulpit next Sunday evoning, Aug. dred, also Aug, 17, The Young People's League will hold an open air meeting on the churel lawn next Friday evoning, when a good program Is being ar: ranged for. Carl Anderson and other Oshawa friends will be pre- sont to take part Quits a number of friends from here attonded the funeral of Mist Alma Pollard on Sunday afternoon at Bowmanville Misa McArthur, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs, (Rev.) J. NR. Blok, last woek The Cryderman and Ruse fam ilies enjoyed thelr 'annual plenty iu the park again on saturday afternoon, Muriel Moore, Knuiskillen, visit od Grade Hastings ,on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Wilbur and family, spent a fow days with rel atives recently, Mr, and Mra, McClellan and son Howard, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Milton Avery, Buffalo, wero Buns day guests of Mr, and Mrs, R, Av- ery, The family of Miss Alma Pol lard, Bowmanville, whose death oocurred on Friday, have the ayms pathy of friends here, Hampton won from Enniskillen In a weore of 82:17 In the gamo of woftball played In the park on Monday night, Mrs, Phillips, Cobourg, visited her daughter, Mra, Wilbert Craig last week, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wilson and Mrs, Bond, Toronto, were Wed: nesday visitors at the home of 8, Koraey, The fence In front of the north cemetory has been torn down and in being replaced by a new one, The cemetry has a much better appoarance wince having been levelled and kept In good condi tion by mowing. * The trees and flowres that have been planted, al #0 lond themselves to the splon: did Improvements made, REMODELLING HALL AT RAGLAN A. J. Pilky, of That Village, Starts Work on Structure Raglan, July 30.--A, J. Plikey, local carpenter, has begun work on the hall, which is being re modelled, Mr, and Mra, J, Ormiston and Mrs, Thos, Hall, of Rrooklin, wore recent visitors of Mr. and Mra Wm, Avery. Lloyd Hughson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Hugh: won, Miss Morence Heaks, ia visite Ing with frionds in Oshawa, Mr. N. Grose has returned to his home in Toronto, after visiting With his sister, Mrs, D, Thompson. Miss Hanol Plorson, of Toronto, In spending her vacation with her purents, Mr. and Mra, Frod Pler on, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Hughson, Myr, and Mra, Chapman, and Miss Robinson, all of Oakville, were Sunday guests of the former's als tar, Miss Susie Bray, Mrs, Ray Way and daughipr June, of Oshawa, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Stacey, Miss Verna Maye, of Goodwood, In visiting with her little school mates here, \ Mr, Arthur Ormiston and Misa G, Kemp, of Toronto, is visiting vith the former's parents, Mr, and Mra, Irvin Ormiston, A number of tho young people from here motored to Kasha Lake on Sunday. Idoyd Thompaon, le Misngn Wilson and Jean Jhompson visited in Toronto recently, A -------- "WSs ASHBURN Ashburn, July 20.~/I'he Leach Houso was unusuaJly husy on Mon. day when voters from all direc tions streamed in all day long tp oxergise thelr franchise and poll their vote, Dan Parroit was ro- turning officer and the seruitineers wero James Dickson, Frank Briggs, Stewart Graham, Wesley Routloy and Kenveth Hirettaford, Farmers have finished haying and thoy are busy cutting (heir tall wheat and it won't be long before the local threshing outfity will bo starting again for the sea- won, John Miller Jr, 'of Toronto spent the week-end at his home here, Mrs, Russell Walker has return. od from a week's holiday with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs, M., Hicks, of Thornhill and former residents here, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Norman Anderson recently, The sacrament of tho Lord's Bupper was obyerved here on Sabbath morning when the pastor, Rev, A, BD, Btevenson, dolivered n very appealing wormon, making an appeal to all hut espocially the ity, A number of new communi cants, who have been attending the weekly preparatory gorvices wore added to the church roll, Drew McCullough, of Epsom, ealled on friends hore during tho week, Mr, and Mrs, Duncan, of Tor- onto, visited Mrs, Duncan's sls tor, Mrs, idward Ashton, recently, Varmors have commenced hur: vesting operations by cutting thelr full wheat which is a splendid crop ond the spring grains , especially oats; glvo promise of a splendid yield, There was no preaching service here last Sabbath on account of the pastor's absence, Korviee will be at the regular time, 4 p.m, next. Mabbath, Aug, 8rd, when local prencher Is expected to take charge, The Misses Price are spending the holiday wmeason with thely grandmother at Stirling, The Willing Workers Class with thelr teacher, Mrs, J. A, Car. michael, enjoyed thelr annual ples nie and outing to Port Bolster last wook, The Columbus boys played a game of softball with the local boys on Baturday night, the score being 8:1 against the visiting team, younger eloment of the commun. A -- ' re ------------------ workmen. Model A Fords, the car, 100,000 miles, | thought impassable, RELIABILITY == The new Ford has been built to endure. Every part has heen carefully made of good materials to give you many yoars of satlefactory service. Many of the new Fords have already gone 50,000, 75,000 and SPEED AND ACCELERATION w= The new Ford will do 55 to 65 miles an hour. Everywhere you go you note its power on the hills and its unusual acceloration in traffic, ROADABILITY w= From all over the Dominion come letters telling of the good performance of the new Ford on rough roads and through heavy mud and sand, In winter, particularly, it has successfully traveled many roads once COMFORT == Every Ford car is equipped with special transverse springs and four Houdaille v FATE OF TARIFF BOARD UNGERTAIN UNDER BENNETT Be Continued But With Change in the Personnel May Otiawa, Aug, 1~-Hpeculation Is rife here as to what the new Con- wervative administration will do with the advisory hoard on tariff und taxation whieh, until the elec tion, wis headed hy W, 11, Moore, M.P..alect, for Ontario county, Mr, Moore, of couren, resigned ag chairman in order to contest the Ontario went, Now that Mr, Ben nett is In power it In expectasd dally, here that Mr, Moore's two colleagues on the hoard, hoth Lib orn] nppointeos like himself, will wend in thely resignations, While the Conservative party hus stood committed to the principle of n tariff hoard ever since the days of Bir Robert Borden, Mr, Henne! did not mention once In the recent campaign what he 'would do nhout a ------ | the board upen election, Ottuwa ce. A has ttle doubt that he will cone tinue the hoard hut in what form und with what men ag Its members ne ons yet hus been abls to hint, There are uo number of Interost- Ing rumors being clreulnted as to the fate of D, J, Deachman, a fame iar gure ul bourd hearings under Mr, Moore, Mr, Deachman uppeur= ed at almost every sitting of the board und ghamploned the cnuse of low tariff or free trade in the face of nll applications for higher tariff yates, Vormerly a novispap- grman in the West, he ilso eon~ tributed free (rado articles to the Liberal press, He doclured himself the oMeinl representative of the Corsum rs League of Canada, Thin is or was an organlmtion surrounded hy mystery, Mr, Deach- mun claimed that through it he represented the consumers of Can: wda, But the ames of Is oMeors and the number of its members re. min still undisclosed, Conserva- tives In the House of Commons never lost an opportunity to direct pointed questions at Western Lib- eral Progressives who wars reput- odly interested in the organization, but no Important facts ever were brought to light, * ET ET RE TS MYRTLE PERSONALS Myrtle, July 20,~~Mr, and Mrs, toy McCann, who have been visit ing the latter's brother lvan Rodd, returned to their home in Dear horn, Mich,, on Munday, Mrs, Ballard and sons, Nelson of Mt, Dennis and Frank, of Der troit, who were going through to visit relatives at Seabright, esl ed on friends hore during ' the weok, Mrs, Ballard is about to enter the hospital where she is to have & cataract removed from hboth eyes, Mr, and Mrs, Gustave Habn and daughter Sylvia, of Toronto, gpont the week-end with the for. mor's daughter, Mrs, Harvey Hooke, Mrs, Conboy, who spent the pant two weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs, Jack Kirkham, has re- turned to her home in Perth, Mrs, IKirkham"s health is somewhat im- proved, | Susp KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378," NEXT TE POSY PPD EB , -------- LEADERSHIP The Ford is Outselling Every Other Car in Canada by a Large and Constantly Increasing Margin The Ford Motor Company of Cane ada, Limited, was organized twentys six years ago. The business was started in a small frame building and the entire first year's production totaled only 117 cars: Today the fine modern plant covers many acres of ground and the average payroll is in excess of $11,000,000 a year. The first force of 17 men has grown to a peak of 7500, and the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, is one of the leading industrial organizations of the Dominion, Canadians may wel be proud of the Ford, for it is prac. tically all made in Canada, of Cana. dian materials, and by Canadian That the public appreciates the unusual value built into the Ford is shown by its everdincreasing popu. larity, In many sections, 509% to 709% of all cars sold today Are Following are just a few of the many features that make the Ford a * value far above the price: ECONOMY == You save when you buy the Ford and you save every mile you drive. During the life of the car, the saving on operation, up-keop and depreciation will amount to even _ more than the saving on the first cost of THE NEW FORD TOWN SEDAN doublesacting hydraulic shuck absorbers, The steelsapoke wheels, low unspruhg weight, threespoint chassis suspension, and the torques tube drive also add to its easy-riding comfort, SAFETY == In addition to fully enclosed four wheel brakes, the new Ford brings you the collisions, Coupe . FORD MOTOR COMPANY body type. The F Roadster + Phaeton Tudor Sedan Sport Coupe De Luxe Coupe Threv:window Fordor Sedan Convertible Cabriolet . Town Sedan 4 + + + All prices J, ou by East Windsor, Ontario, Bumpers, spare tire and taves extra, Easy time payments con be arranged through your Ford dealer, New Low Ford Prices There is a Ford cdr for every need and purpose. You have your choice of a variety of colors in each dealer will gladly demonstrate the car over any roads you wish, 2 9 8 8 ve. Lt I LE TE EE La ET se 0 0 0 We ® SV os 8 9% sw "Tue CANARTAN Can" shell, hub caps, cowl added safety of a shatterless glass windshield, By reducing the dangers of flying glass, it has prevented many injuries in automobile THE STRENGTH OF STEEL == The enduring strength of steel makes the new Ford a sturdy, rugged cars Nearly forty kinds of steel arg used in the chassis alone, RUSTLESS STEEL = Evidence of the high quality built into the Ford is shown by the use of Rustiess Steel for the head lamps, radiator finish strip, tail lamp and other exterior metal parts, It will not #520 830 598 593 630 658 720 780 798 of the car, than twenty ball and rust, corrode, scale or tarnish in any kind of weather, Its bright luster will last for the life A SMOOTH-RUNNING CAR == There are more roller bearings in the now Ford = an exceptionally large number. They insure smoother operation, save gas oline, give more speed and power, decrease noise and increase the durability and effi ciency of the transmission gears. OF CANADA, LIMITED

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