Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Aug 1930, p. 10

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ARABI UY 55% SW THE OSHAWA DAILY TIM EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS , 18 MEN OUT OF WORK Omemes, --fevonty-Nive Iabour: are, i by the Jupp Con srustion Company, were (hrown out of work here for three days when part of the machinery louated one mile west of the village, ahd used hy the company in 11s youd work broke down, ------ PERMIT CANOEILLD Lindsay William J, Williums, of Tovonto, was fined #26 and costs Amounting to $96,640 hy Magistrate G, A, Jordan and also had his Ariver's permit cancelled for one hid on & eharge of eriminal noge igonce while in charge of a motor vohiole, 11 was proved that Wil Hams operated his ear on the Oaks wood Road In a negligent manner causing bodily Injury tn Austin Williams, in his ear, and to Wi lam Black, of Cannington, (he driver of (he other sar With which Williams collided, REBUILD VIRNT PAVEMENT Kingaton, Work on the recon struotion of the pavement on Brook street, from King to Wellington street, will be undertaken short Thin pavement 1s (he first piece of blook pavement put down by the ety, In 1011, PICTON VAIN Pleton-=Kvery Prince "Gdward County farmer who is the owner for the frst time of a purebvad sire 1s oligible to completa for the special prises to he offered al Pieton Valr, In purebred Holstein bulls, The Animal may be any age and prises of B56 #8 and #2 are offered, The competition Is arranged to further the hatter hull eampalen sponsored by the Department of Agriculture NORE THIEVING WEST OF OSHAWA Fred Powell's Henhouse at Thornton's Corners Is Raided a a Thornton's Corners, July 20 All were sorry (no hear of Fred Powell's lass when (hiaves enter od Bin hen house ene night lately and velleved him of many well grown spring chickens, Other polghbers also report seeing and hearing men prowling Around thelr bulldings at night, Nothing seams safe from these depredi- tons, The sympathy of tha community in extended to Mra, B, Luke In hey loss by death of her hrother, Wil liam James Hobbs, vho died sud: donly on Wednesday, July #8vd, He wan 61 years of age and was born In Kast Whithy Township, The funeral sevvies was conduets od by Canon CO, R, dePencier at the family residence, AN Hrook street weal, Oshawa, on Friday af. ternoon, Interment was made In the Union Cemetary, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Lick and two daughters and Misa Loulse Luke are on a two weeks' moter trip through the Maritime prove Ingen, Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Plerson and family motored to Toronto on Nunday, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Gilbert and baby Murray were in Toronto Nunday to visit Mrs, Glibert's alse tor, Miss Nora Bpencer, who res cently underwent an operation In the Toronto General Hospital, Congratulations are extended to Miss Greta Lick on passing with honours her Introductory Plano Examination, Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Perryman and Billy were in Orillia on Hatuis day to see Mr, Perryman's fathep who 18 stil} dangerously il in the Orillia Hospital, Mr, and Mra, Edgar Pascoe mots ared to Newtonville on Munday to vil an aunt, Mes, Allan The Ladies' Aid held their ans nual plenie at Lakeview JPark this weak, Ray Beott was home over the wosk-ond and hin wite veturnbi 10 Toronto with him after a week's plo with Mr, and Mrs, W, A, ott, Miss Olive Modson, of Little Bpitaln, was & guest last woek of Mra, W, A, Hootl, MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Cobourg ~Stirling Agriculinral fooiaty has taken a forward syids hy the appointment of several 1aams of eanvassers who will muke » country-wide drive far new meni hers, IL 1s oxpested to Lulld wp the Hoclety In this way, VALUABLE HORBKS DROWN Lindsay =A viluable team of farses belonging to Boh Hughos ot Burnt River were drowned in While Lake when they heeame (vightened and backed Into the river, dragsing A heavy wagon after them, Tha Woven struggled framtieally, and A number of men were unable (a dn A thing because of thelr kieking and plunging, KILLED BY TRAIN Cornwall, = Joan Arvihur Beau champ, £4, of Montreal, was In wantly killed in the Canadian Na tional Rallway yards herve, Neiu ehamp, with two companions, Emery Wernard and Tussler Vie vost, was stealing a ride on » frieght train BODIKK NOT RECOVERED Brockville Captain 'f, D, Cald woll representing the Depaviment of Publis Works In Rroekville pines the tragic explosion of the dell! boat J, B, King on June ¥0 reports that the Deparimedt has heen unsuccessful fn locating any of the 17 hodles from the total of B50 men who lost their tives when the ship went down following the explosion caused by the eraft haing giruek hy a bolt of Nghtwing, Pre viously 18 bodies had heen recov ered, EE ee Ee a Mr, and Mrs, Charles Beolt, of Audley, werg Hunday guests ul the former's brother, W. A, Healt, Miss Vearl Meatt 1s spending this week in Toronto Ta host wishes of the coms munity are oxtended to Mr, and Mya, Marold Plerson who were married Inst week, The young souple grew up in this vielnity and are very popular, taking an active pare in all the young people's at fairs of the nelghhorhood, On thelr veturn from thelr wend. ding trip they will reside at 44 Gibbon street, Oshawa Miss Cladys Reynolds, of Court los, In the guest of Miss Fianves Robinson for a week, MOUNTJOY CLAN HOLD REUNION Moet at Cream of Barley Camp for Eighth Annual Gathering Kedron, July 80,-The Meunt joy clan met for thelr elghth annual reunion at the Cream of Harley Camp; Bowmanville, on Haturday afternoon, July 86th, After all had gathered and a so olal time was being enjoyed, a shower sent dveryone te thelr OArA but poon blue sky appeared and all were ready for the races whieh proved very Interesting to old as well ap young, This was followed hy a peanut sevamhle and distribution of prises, A unlque feature being the prises for the one heinglng the laveest load which was won by Norman Mount Joy, Mackatook, ©, 1. Mountjoy, Islington, won the prise for com Ing. the farthest, Mwy, James Crossman, Hayden, for helng the oldest member and hahy Glen Hepburn, Kedron, the youngest member The tables wera then met and Over ninety did ample justien to the deliolous supper, W, I, Mounts joy, the president. ealled the coli PANY to order for the business meeting and election of officers Those asked to carry on for the coming yea are: president, W, Ly Mountjoy; Kedron; aeestrens,, Ji HN. Pasooe, Kedron) eommitien of management, Misa Winnie Nid: dery, Port Perry; Mervin Mounts Joy, Cadmus; Mr, Theron Mounts 10%, Haydon: Merlin Hepburn, Enniskillen, RR RR Jeddo Premium The Best Produced in America At Usual Coal Prices | Telephone 262 DIXON COAL CO. Five DirectLines ||| | Allin, EE a hal $ i... { | | bn A wl Tha cause of the alr-taxl srash that killed six persons, two of them mem: bers of the nobility, pussies British aly wiports, Discovery of the gare: A------ a It was decided to hold the ph nie at the Willett Memorial Park, Hampton, the last Baturday In July, 1061, Guests. ware present from Tor ont, Islington, Nesilaton, Wiaek work, Koniskillen, Haydon, Ux bridge, Columbus, Kedron and Bowmanville An the shades of svening were falling the merry company bade enoh other adiew snd wended thelr ways homewnrd looking forward to even a hotter timo next your Miss Blin Hoskin has heen spending aw few days with he grandparents at Orono Mr, und Mrs, Marodith Moffatt Oshiawn, wore recent visitors with Mr, and Mes, I, J, Luke Mr. und Mrs, A, Gully, Division Ni, Oshawa, visited af Mr, W, N Hoskin's Miss Hessle Mountjoy is holl daying with her grandmother Mrs MH, Langmald, Oshawa Marwond Heard, Oshawa Messrs, Howard and Lorne How kin, Misses Lens Monskin, Joan Love and Bernlee Miainton, visited with Mr, and Mrs, It, Wood, Qra no, on Munday, Miss Ruby Hancoek, Brooaklin, 1s holidaying with Mra, Lealle Han voek, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Batty, Osh wwa, Mr, and Mrs, Charlle Avgall and family, Tisdale, Hank, were Wuewis of Mr, and Mr, H.W, Werry on Monday, Migs Bernice Hininton, Alon and Miss Dorothy Providence, are holidaying With Mra, Noss Lee Mr, and Mra. Roy Hepburn, and family, visited at Mr, John Hep: hurn's, Knfield, Mr ound Min, A DD Lankmaid and Kvelyn, Elon, at Mr, KB, Mounts Joy's Miss Olive Luke, Torentn, Ww ponding two weeks holidays al her home here, Misses Joan Hiewart and Helen Batty, Oshawa, visited Miss Nore nice Worry on Monday The nome of My, and Mr, N Conlin was the scene of a happy gathering an Thuraday evening of Inst week when Miss Marguerite Conlin entertained about twenty» five of hey friends to n delightfully arranged ecard party In honor of Miss Manel VanDyke, of Concord, New Hampshire, Misa Luella Hepburn won the Indies' prise and Harvey Pascoe the gent's prise A Rumpluous Iuneh wan sovved hy Mes, Conlin, Asnlated hy her daughters, afior whieh the guests all departed to thelr homens, having spent a very enjoyable avening Mp, and Mea, F, Crossman, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Pascoa and Lops raine, and Mr, and Mes, Kverett Mountjoy, Perey and Dewsie, Mp and Mea, Harold Mountjoy, ana family, Mr, and Ms, W, L, Mounts joy, Marion and Willa, Mra, John Mountjoy and Reatrfee and My, and Mra, Roy Hepburn and fame ly attended the Mountjoy family plente at the Gream of Rarley Camp, Powman¥ille, on Haturday afternoon, Mina Marguerite Conlin attends od a shower tendered to My, and Mra. Meradith Dring at the home of My, James Reeson, Columbus, on Friday evening, My, and Mra, John Crossman, Oshawa, 'spent Hunday with My and Mrs, 1 Crossman, Mr, and Mra, Roy Worry, Mons (real, motored up. and spent the week-end at My, H, F, Wolry's, My and Mes, Werry returned home With them after spending the week past with relatives in Montreal, MOF Wo Henkin visited her Histor, Mw, I, Caldwell, ahi MP and Mea, W. Hepliurn, Mr, Arthur Hepburn, Misses Luelly Hepburn and Kista Grille enjoyed & motor tein to Peterhoro and Llnioan, Seoantiy, + BA Tonkin, Rowman ville, wpent Hunday with My pv M ) $ «Al MM OW, Hoakin, Mr Tonkin WAR Lhe pastor on thin olrewit [yen \ URRY Won cobra pad on \ 0 IY y a Miva ng his elghty AW MM OR Margaret and Ruth, ba Snake motored home and are visi ne Mn ed Ns IW, Loew *oand Mrs, Moth tantly, Nn and re Waar Lindsay, ME and Mrs, 3, Naylon Me and Mis Cool Pasoos and tordon, Holina, visited at My, Han Vey Cronsman's, , \ The Teall family plenio was held Wine tank Intact precludes the pos: | where It crashed to the ground, The |in Ottaws, was among the vietime- sibility of an explosion, Photograph | Earl of Dulerin, son of a former | Copyright, 1030, Pacific and Atlantic | parents, Mr, and Mrs shows the ruins jammed against » house In Meopham, Kent, ngland, The Whitby Advertising, subseriptions and news will he veeslved a the £8, FRIDAY, AUGUS Ea T 1, 1930 0 E---- 1 Mr, B, Brynn hay improved the uppearancs of his sore by giving It a fresh cont of paint, Mise Thorn, of Peterhoro, spent Monday *'th Mug, J, Bushhy L40 Mahel Melslian left on Mntiurduy en a trip to the const whe was sciompinied hy, Miss indys Moran, of Toronto, Mr. una Mrs. Prank Chidlew, of Victoria Corners, wore In the village on Monday Muster Billie und ed Toms Hinson, who have heen spending thelr holidays with relatives in London, votyrned home on Mons dny wfternoom, Miss Hilda Suliman Is spending har holidays with her parents in the village, pied the pulpit In Chureh on Sunday, Iaft on Mond Mf, and Mrs, ¢, Frin, to be out on Monday governor-general of Cafada and horn so ----re . ---- Daily Times | and Ch Telop 7", Whithy Branch Office, at Gasol) After Business Hours=Phone 300, REPRESENTATIVE-JAMES H, ORMISTON COUNT ELECTION BALLOTS SATURDAY Official Count Will Be Made of wi by Sheriff J. F, Paxton Bhorift J. ¥, Paxton, Returning flear for the Hiding of Ontario Ioan Maturday afternoon at his offiee tn the Court House apap the LL) ballot hoxes used in Monday' aleotion, count the hallots east for Dy w TW. Kaiser, Conservative, apd Mam MH, Moore, Liberal, and lssue un offieinl statoment , wi Iw ty orl he nt Lt It. Is expected that the count Il he withessed hy either the o oandidatos or thelr representa: of, Unless something unexpeet develops, the official count will A quiet affair, Bhoriff Paxton a ., sn ---- the home of Mr, and Mra, Ross a on Thursday last Uprdon Davis spent Bunday at the summer school at Oak Lake, Hy attended the ple UL a N New Hampshire, My, and Mes, M, Davis and fame Nesbitt family nie at Ureenwoond on Wednes yi Miss Harel VanDyke loft on Vel y to resume hey dution in the MH. Hiate Hospital In Concord, after wpending threoe weeks holidays with her par on th, Mr, and Mva, A, DD, Van Dyke tion has _nocepted an fre aasociation in Alon The Kedron Women's Associa invitation Mn the Elon ladies to visit their church on Waodnesday, Aum, Ath wg A SA, 35, A Warned! Fishing, camping, hiking, holidaying, all our vacation days are howet hy the dans goers of the preal autdeore, Nature doesn't intend to ba an eruel but we who do not take care are left to sufter, Hunburn, mosquitoes, black flies, poison ivy are only a faw of the things one does n't expect, Plan to meet these with nolantitio ald and not walt nh one han booome a vies tm, GYPSY CREAM A wolentifie preduet guaranteed oxoallent for Sunburn, Innsot Rites, Poise on Ivy and Meat Raph, It's soothing, healing qualities when applied after a day In the open commends it ta anyone's kit, Re sure and procure a Boe hottle today, Hi A afm vais Bie Mite Nop We Mosguite Bite No, EEE LE Polson Ivy Lotion You "Save with safety" at The Rexall Stores JURY & LOVELL Ring NL BG Nicos St, 8, Phone " now has all the ballet hoxes In his hands In the alection of 10860, 1 will he recalled, a rocorint was demand od by the Liberal candidate, My Moore, but no Irregularities wore found, BAPTIST CHURCH MUCH SPONSORED New Roof and Celling Con- structed Will Re:Open Sunday Listnpaive vepalvs, Including the construction of a new vaof and calling, have baen completed in the Whithy Baptist Chureh, at a cost of over 3600, In addition the In terior wally have boon cleaned, the oholr lott racpainten, and the in terior of the church completely Bone over The work was dona during the month of July when thera were no sarviees the congroxation uniting With tha United Church, The min ister, Rov, I, 1, Nest, will return thin week from his vacation, and the ehureh will he used for tho evening union service on Hunday avoning, a feature of which will he A Joint eslehration of the holy communion Whithy Baptist eongremation has made excellent progross under Capt, Heat's pastorate, There: has boon wn Ineronse In membership And an Improvement In echureh finances GIRL GUIDES Whithy Girt Guides, under coms mand of Captain Marjorie Ruddy daughter of His Honor Judge and Mra, Ruddy, leave on Friday for thelr camp at Fenelon Falls, and Will remain under canvas for two weeks, About twenty givie will pars tiolpate In the outing, For weeks preparations for the vamp have heen under way, and the Guides have looked forward With anticipation to the outing Cara kindly loaned hy friends of the girl, leave in the afternoon for the eamp, An alaborate programme for the Fire han been prepared hy those In oharge, There will he Guides from other places under canvas at the samo place, so tht thers in no ned to be lonesome,' Plant have been made for colons super vision of the girls while they are nwAy trom' home, NEW PRINCIPAL AT CLAREMONT SCHOOL J. H. Caskey of Madoc En. gaged by Board for Come tinuation School Claremont, July 20. The wohaol board han engaged J, MH. Oankey, of Madoe, an principle ta the Continuation sehool, Fall wheat harvest in in full Swing, many Helds ave now being out, Henry Smith and sons, Donald and Gordon, of Uxbridge, were Sunday visitors with Mise Bilas beth Nwith, Dr, Tomlinaon and Mrs, Tomine son spent the week-end in Lou on, W. 4 8Sceit haa veturned from Vigiting Lin wong, Gordon and Pew or Boot, of Winds Miss fe Graham, of Torows to, wan home over the weeleand, Miss EB. Bwith visited with My, and Mrs, Thos, Smith in Oshawa on Sunday, ME, and Mrs, Dobking and tame ily have return'd trom a pleasant || Photos, Ins, Mury rontn Mr the v Vinnk Minkokn Minn Margaret MeNah and Miss MeNuh npent Friday In To Wm, Brown, of Faronte, spent the wesk-end with father, Mr, Wm "Thompuon, Je a) nck Walton, Mr, and' Mrw, Whaw in Atlanta, Ceorgin Lawis MebLoan in Lenn, Miss Jute Noss, "| Mrs, Bentley holidaying in fn month with hey Cookburn "ort Perry wore; Mr oss, Mr, and Mrs George West, of Ashburn, oceu Nev, W, I, Blaphens and (amily for an three wesks' vaontion In the Muskoka district wnd family, spent the week-end in They wera secompanied hy Mrag Overiand Br, who has been thelr guest for some (ime The many friends of Wm, (ira ham were pleased to see him nhl PORT PERRY Port Perry, duly Wdith Peters in visiting her hrothe spent the week-and with Mr Mrs, A. M, Mereer of the staff of the Hospital of the Good Bamari tan, Los Angeles, Calif, in spending Among (the wesk-end vistors In and son, Mre, J. M, Lambrooke, hen dnd Feed Lambrooke, J, 1. Barnard, Migs Gladys Kine, MI Daveen wiiubhs, Mr, and Mrs, Oliver MaoCulloch, Miss MeCulloeh, si of Yoronto, Widmer Miller, Doroth fund Wraes Miller, Harry Vorter of Claremont, Mr. nnd Mrs, ( Vrond, My. und Mrs, Allen 111 ton, Mr, und Mrs, VV, Bright Oshawn, Mr, and Mrs, Chir! Johnston und family, Toronto, M ond Men, Vonsom, Miss Venson, Mr, und Mra, Whiter, Pred #hie Inek Sider, Toronto, Mr, and M/ Ki, 1. Bates, London, Mr, and ' 1, Franch and family, Akro Ohta, Mr, and Mrs, 11oyd Brow Pittahiirg, Miss Win "Wyudhn Minn Putriein Oliver and Miss 1 Ky Wood, Hamilton, Mis Mel Potter and Mims Man Venus, 1, don, Mr, und Mrs, Mugh Wi Mins Viola Wilson and Mrs, | Mpock, Cleveland, Mv, and M Mathew Mlevenson, Toronto Mr, and Mrs, den, Kei Lindsay, nara the guests of (he dunghter, Mrs, Grant Cerro Mr, and Ms, NI, R, Cockhy wid family huve returned to the home In Kapuskasing afin wonk's visit with J, €, Coskhu and family Mr, and Mrs, Norton Kingsln of Toronto, were week-end gu: of Port Parry friends Miss Veances Christy has thrned home after spending weeks tn Brantford Mr, ung Mrs, Gordan Broes | Miude Brittany have rolur from thelr honeymoon trip in West WHINE LACERATED Brockville «J, Foxhall, wh amployed in road construction on the Maltland-Algonguin contri wis admitted to Bt, Vincent Paul Hospital due (6 a savers carntion of the right wrist, sunt od when he wag nceldantally sti by a plek In the hands of o fo) workman 1 only, garden seat for Mid-Summer Sale Still on at Luke's PORCH FURNITURE Just a few of the above lines left, which-will be sold at a sacrifice price to clear, 1 Simmons' Hammo Couch. No. 1 quality. Regular $47.75, for . .. 1 Simmons' Hammo Couch, No, 2 qua opy. Regular $39.50, for 1 only, Deck Chair with Canopy and Foot Rest for (RE " ERE ' 8 Large Verandah Arm Chairs, natural wood with ¢ RR faa 2 Large Verandah Rockers, natural wood Bagh sve h cov 2 small maple Verandah Chairs wit Hah ep a) THE ABOVE ON DISPLAY IN WINDOW costs less The Marshall never packs or The Ms Its hu pe tiny evenresilient coll springs hoot it_ permanently in shape an you year after year the same comfort and ease aa when it. Marshall conta hoe cheaper tot eo Gurable mattresses, The Marshall is the original thirty. Years as ate of sleeping comfort, You will never make a invest ment, Priced to sult every Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St. E. . Complete with Cane $37 78 lity. Complete with can $29.50 ane seats. h cane seats. omfort Phone 78-79 . $5.25 $3.95 $3.95 92.25 $1.50 holiday spent in Buffalo and other points, ------

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