Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jul 1930, p. 6

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FACE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1930 GIANT DIRIGIBLE NEARS MONTREAL (Continued from Page 1) but it has nevor yet been used in an actual mooring operation, Final preparations were com- pleted hours before the dirigible was due or even expected by the wont .ptimisite, Reporters Walting In an airplane hangar overiook- fog the field and the massive black and yellow mast, reporters from Canada and the States rounded out stories of the . R-100's approaci and dozens of cameramen walted » beside planse held ready for quick transport of pictures to newspap- ers all ovor the continent as soon as the dirigible should arrive, There was an alr of keen ex- pectancy among all those, clvilinng and officials, having anything io do with the arrival, But the gen- oral public seemed satisfied to way at home, confident that they wouln own windows, or reud about its are rival in the papers, Expect Huge Crowd The guard at the fleld was not valaxed, however, for officials were convinced that as the arrival time approached thousands would be no longer able to festrain thelr natural curiosity and Cosire to see the ship ecloge to, und would jam the narrow rvond from Montreu) and the excursion trains scheduled to leave the eity at froquent in- tervals throughout the day, Making Good Time St, Hubert Airport, Montreal, July MA 12:25 am, eastern Standard time this morning the R-100 wired the government officials here that she had passed over the Canadian Pacific steamer Duchess of York n the Gulf of St. Lawrence and was approximately 750 miles from Mont- real, The message stated the aire liner had averaged 50 knots for the pust four hours and also stated her speed when the message was went wis 70 knots, The excellent progress being made by the British airship confirmed the opinion held here that if all goes well formation and added his ship off Mount #t, Louis Bay, 300 miles north of Quebec, Tho alr whip 1s following the south shore of the river, New Body of Pioneers St, Hubert Airport, Montreal; July J =~Canada today was ready to wei come with open arms a4 new body of British pioneers, Sailing majestical- ly above the River St. Lawrence, on whose mighty waters centuries ago French and British explorers crept cautiously, the R-100 today was rapi- dy approaching Montreal, Never before has any aircraft, whether heavier than air or lighter than air flown up over the St, Law. rence in direct flight from Europe, The R100, which left Cardington, England, Monday evening was there: fore making history, And the his tory-making flight has been in typi cally matter-of-fact naval fashion, Terse hulleting on the ship's posi tion and the information that all was going well were all the ship sent over her radio, Quietly and without fuss the world's largest air liner has followed the great circle course the new world for over two days wan [n) train, motor-cars and other modes of conveyance, they will arrive at the large airfield where soldiers and po- licemen will ensure that po demon: stration of ass enthusiasm carries in its wake danger either to the air- ship or the crowd itself, All On Board Well "Al. on board are extremely well and taking eager interest jn the air- ship's performance," was the cheery word from Capt, Booth, received herg this morning. At the time that mes- sage was received it was estimated the vessel was in the vicinity of An- ticosti Island, Weather conditions were favorable with the ship sailing calmly through a 22 mile per hour headwind, OSHAWA HARBOR OPENS NEXT WEEK (Continued from Page 1) today, Mr, Calvin said that the ser: vice to Oshawa would start one week from today, Thursday, August 7, it "Skinny" Mother of 8 Children Gains 10 Lbs. in 4 Weeks Mont Joli, P.Q.--"Was skinny. weak, run-down, looking after § children," sayy Mrs, Klol Gagnon Jr, "Tried Ironized Yeast. Gained 10 ibs, in 4 weeks, New strength." Don't be "skinny," weak, nerv- ous, New Ironized Yeast adds b to 16 Ibs, in 3 weeks. Ugly hollows fill, bony limbs round out. Blemish. ed skin clears. Constipation, in- digestion, "nerves" go overnight New pep first day. Rich red blood. fronized Yeast is two great tonics in one, Weight-bullding brewer's Yeast plus strengthening, blood-en- riehing Iron. Many times more ef- fective than unmedicated yeast. Re- sults in half the time, Start now to gain weight, health Avold danger of serious ills, Take these pleasant little tablets, No gas; no yeasty taste. If not de- lighted with quick gains, manu- facturer refunds money, Get Iron. and they seemed quite enthusiastic about prospects for the steamship service, Arrangement have been made for a 24-hour service in trans- potting freight to and from the wharf to any place in the city, A new tar iff schedule will be issued by the company immediately giving rates to and from Oshawa for other points on the route To ddte, no passenger steamship service has been announced for this city, but it 1s expected to come short ly. It will be remembered that some months ago, upan the letting of the contract for dredging of the harbor, the Canada Steamship Lines an-| nounced that they would makefOsh awa a port of call upon completion of the work, | | i | | GRAIN SITUATION © VERY DOUBTFUL (Continued from Page 1) bushel, Kven at that level, buyers | are not flocking to purchase oat crops are expected to he much larger than the 1929 harvest, since considerable sesdad Lo coarse grains due cheap wheat prices, Already ry¢ und barley stocks at the the lakes are more than three times an larger as twelve months ago--and a bushel of the conrpe grains takes up the game space an a bughel of wheat, PRINCE VISITS THE CANADIAN EXHIBIT, ( Canadian Press Lensod Wire) Ottawa, July 21 The Prince o 'nles visited the Canadian Hon at the International Exhibition f at a cable recefved today by the partment of trade and commerce Hix Royal Highness was shown around the huflding by J, O. Tur- Canadian exhibition eom and congratulated him benuty of the bullding and on the fine exhibits of the dian government and colle, migptoner, on the Cuni private extra land was | to | head of | Antwerp Tuesday, according to | de | crispness/ Ricr, Kriseies just erackle in milk or cream. They're crisp rice. Bubbles of won- derful flavor. Nothing like them was ever made before! Have Rice Krispies for breakfast. Try them with fruits and honey added. Make delicious macaroons, Sprinkle them into soups. At grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ~ eM mm rm------ | Pr oo? EXCHANGE, Canadian product, But grain men consider that the new low marks may start the huyer And Lay hope that the demand will hegin before the start of the vain tlood from the prairie harvey folds Want to dispose of my busi- Even now the reaping in watrted in news, Good country store, some sections ] good buildings, ete, Would Not only the wheat yisld fore | consider good Oshawa prop: tory making event in Oshawa cast as some 100,000,000 bushels ery, A number of local firms were in larger than lust year enuring APPLY BOX 7038 TIMES terviewed hv representatives of the the storage worry Barley and Ls de | company while they were in the city | somes No Need to Gamble Here... ized Yeast from druggist today Vee! great tomorrow, New pounds quick, the ship will reach Montreal this afternoon Ht, Hubert 161d, Que, July 31 The R-100 wirelessed at noop today that it expected to arrive at 8 o'clock E.DKT, tonight Passed Over Seamer Montreal, July 41 The R-100 passed over the liner Empress of Scotland ®t 9.40 am, (KDET) | culated and thousands upon thots- this morning. Tho Kmpress'dcom: | nds of people made ready to floc! | mander wivelessed the Canadian | (o the airport as soon as definite news Pacific steamships offices this In-" of the arrival time was available, By was expected, The first steamer into the Oshawa harbor in eighteen years is expected to steam into the slip about seven oclock in the evening, and will an nounce its coming by three sharp blasts of its whistle. I'he entire city cotmeil and the executive of the Chamber of Conmerce will be on the dock awaiting it, and Mayor Mitehell will perform the time-honored cere mony of presenting the skipper with a new hat, in honor of his being the Toduy watchers on the north shore of the St, Lawrence were early on the look-out as the Grey liner slip. ped past in the dawn, Quebec City, Three Rivers and other points were vagerly awaiting glimpses of hey while Montreal was agog with inter est and excitement over the flight The latest reports were widely cir see the groat ship pass from thelr Canadian firms, a , a a" | | | first skipper to enter the harbor in the year. Addresses will be given and the citizens of Oshawa will have full opportunity to celebrate this his RICE KRISPIES "5 BOND NI, WES) i ae a = sn » x ... y a a ST a fae i a Li El ad] in a complete line of radios HARMONIC AMPLIFICATION ODAY DeForest Crosley Dealers everywhere are displaying the new Harmonic Series with HARMONIC Amplification, the greatest of all DeForest Crosley developments, Introduced more than three months ago--proven the outstanding advance in radio entertainment--this vital principle of DC engineers comes now in FOUR great instruments, : 1930's Most Important Radio Development There are ¢F reasons why we sell Silvertowns Harmonic overtones create the character of every instrumgnt----make all the difference between a Stradivarius and an ordinary violin, Now in the HARMONIC SERIES the full harmonic complement of each note of every instrument is reproduced==for the first time in Radio, The result is radio music as never before--music in all its glory, 190% most important Radio development. One of them is Mileage E can't afford to gamble when we buy tires . . and vou don't have to . . Goodrich Silvertowns carry guaranteed proof of their unmatched moneysworth, New "Tone Color" Control == Automatic Volume Control Compare these great new models with the most costly instruments yoo have ever heard--the finest you can think of. You will know that here is something utterly new. Advances and improvements, new features that really meen more enteriainment await your investigation. You will find models with the new DeForest Crosley "Tone Color" Control==with the new conv of Au tic Volume Control. THE PRODUCT ITSELF Made of stretch-matched cords, waters cured for toughness . . a proven tread designed for traction and long wear. REPUTATION Goodrich Silvertowns are backed by the reputation of hue of the industry's oldest largest t That's why we sell them , J and behind that guarantee stands our own reputation as well as the total resources of one of the world's foremost and oldest tire manufacturers. Here is proven, - guaranteed mileage expectancy . . supreme tire quality, time-tried and tested on the best and worst roads . . in the best and worst weather . , scientifically de= signed and "water- cure" toughened. No wonder the Silvertown stands up and lasts longer! We'll prove these claims at our store for you . . with facts, not theories + « and if you wish, show you how Goodrich Dealer Service can add thousands of extra miles to tire life. turers. Then note the prices. These are the instruments that most people will buy this season, Hear them today, Enjoy Harmonic Amplification now, DeForest Crosley, Limited The HARMONIC Series $189.50 to $395 SERVICE Years of experience and unsurpassed re. search facilities developed the outstanding Goodrich Silvertown Tire. Naturally this tire attracted a high-class Dealer Service Organization. PERFORMANCE Goodrich Silvertowns have proven their performance under all kinds of driving conditions, MILEAGE Mileage facts, proven by actual road ser vice, are influencing more and more people every day to standardize on Goodrich Silvertown Tires. VALUE Thousands of motorists driving cars similar to your own state that no other tire gives you a better mile per dollar value. DEPENDABILITY The quality of Goodrich diamond matched Ovien advan: Silvertowns . . . the repus he nine tube Seren Grid Aulesas ion of the facturer lows controlled power with all + « + the service and pers the quality of Harmonie Am, the € added convenience of Automatic' Volume Control jormance i 'h Mileage Toe val ese combine ond "Tone Color™ Control, $248 complete with bes, Be you DEPENDA« DE FOREST CROSLEY YOUR RADIO FOR YEARS TO COME 7 = _ The "ARIA" =d boontiful model in sperd walnut , The * rombineiion valle y TROUBADOR * wu 77 with lee trim, Is new rem red Chassis (homorrar wins 35. Hal je Sevies einht tube with HARMONIC Amplification, wees eight tubes, croen 2 Iworoved elostree pho hs ' The aewlysdesignod: electro dynamic speaker bs Sued in ot of pudan Gyve (2 ened ' ow "Tone Control, 4578 complete wih The "MELODY® we$uprome cuted in erly el The Goodrich Silvertown made in standard and extra heavy sives, Goodrich Ne. a | Silvertowns Silver Fleet Tested BOND BROS. . King aud Ritson Streets Oshawa, Ontario Moffatt Motor Sales 88 Simcoe Street North Phone 915 Adams Furniture Co. Simcoe Street South Phone 701 Johns Piano Store 80 Simcoe Street North Phone 281 Phone 2561 ',

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