Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jul 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1930 PAGE THRE WAL S445 iven A Auto To Be Gi way at G.M.C, Picnic Again This OSHAWA BARBERS HOLD PICNIC AT LAKEVIEW PARK -------- CLOSE SOFTBALL GAME WAS FEATURE OF AFTERNOON Voted Best of All the An nual Gatherings of the Association Oshawa's Fire Loss in July Only $195; Total This Year is Less Than Half That of 1929 om toe ro 11 TURN RECEIPTS. OVER T0 CHARITY Compared With $31,268 For Same Period Last Year Tem Thumb Golf Course Managers Assist in Re: lief of Distressed ONLY THREE FIRES WITH LOSS IN JULY Fxemplitying a spirit of veal frienduhip between competitors Wm huginess, mambers of the Master Harbors' Association of Oshawa Wala their fourth annusl plenie at Lakeview Park yesterday after noon, Practically the whole mem bership with thelr wives and fam ies turned ant for the occasion und paraded to the park prepared to spend one of the finest afier NOONs ui the years Arriving al Lakeview a lengthy program of ports wae carvied out deh Lo the delight of (he younustors ~ wha keenly competed in the various races, The results of Lhe races wore ns follows ho yards, girls undey 16l, by, Horton; 4nd, leg ney; Hrd, D, Mountney 100 yards open 'n single ladies Branston, ¥, Kdwnrds, M. Ken Last Three Months Have Shown Very Small Fig ures, Total of All Three Being $665 A Practical gesture towards Lhe velief of the provalling distress 1 Oshawa 1s contained fn the sanoun ament of the mienrgoiient of the Pom Thumb golf course that all thelr receipts up to seven p.m, oh paturday of this weak will he turn el over upvessrvedly to the ally velief officer, Miss Varncombe to Le used as she sees HL 10 her work, Hecogniging that u res! need does exist In countless tamilies of the elty who are without the tum: mon necessities of Hfe, the man agement of the course have volun tarily announced thely readiness Lo extent to the people of Oshawa @ chines Lo Combing peneyolunes with I pleasure throughout Baturday, Wy: | nedy vy vent taken in at wioket will be Married ladies made over to the vellef fund, with | Mrs, ¢, Johnson, no strings beyond the proviglon | Mes, NH, Johnson that it be weed for the amelora (Hrls' three legmed race tion of the conditions of poverty | Mountney and 1, Horton, which exist In Oshawa homes ut] Johnson and Mrs, Kennedy, the present time perhaps LO A wards and J, Branton Wrentop extent than cuntonarily, Balloon bursting race, "1 constder our notion on Bab: Lgreian Ashton, 1. Morton, day of thin week #8 61 OXPUFE | Waieon ment," Mr, Freey, one of the or Master Barbers EAnigers tor the company who has 0. Johnson, Kd ween In Ushawn for the past week, Watson, : told 'ho Himes "It the public re Journeymen's race spond sulielently to make & real y Noatt. Mr. Glover. Mr. Curves ly substantial contribution to the MaNtcr: Darbera and Journey tr foliet tung Jousivie: re wil men's three legged race (', John we glad 10 co-operate further to . 4 the extent of setting axide regular | "ON and ¥ Uarner Mr. Watson days when our entire intake will] #nd Mr. Hoot be turned over to local charities" Master Barbers pulled the Jour noymen in eAfling tug of war but an most of the Master men had more weight than thelr opponents the less was not felt very keonly hy the Journeyman, (| Watson won the prige for kieking a softhall the longest distance and while a prise wan wiven for the one who seared the first homer In the ball game whieh followed no "ne was able in complete the diamond to clnim In Memoriam this prise - The ball mame "was, excepting FLYNN-«In memory of Ppivaie | the banquet, perhaps the tithit of John V, Flynn of the 15h Bats | the afternoon, As usual the Master tallon, O64, T45004, who died | Barbers were opposed (0 the Jour In Oshawa Hospital, July #1, neymen and while they may have hid A ureat deal more experience f'n Eternal peace and vest grant unto] barbering the maste men were hm, only able to heat the Juniors hy And may perpetual help shine upon | one run, The score wis 10 te 12 Wim, IL was a seven Innings kame and Madly missed hy wife and childran, | Was #0 close that until the third (U0a) | MAR Was out In the Jaurneymen's If the city of Oshawa manages (o got through the vest of today with out Ineurring any fire losses the Oshawa Mire Department will have on record for the month a total fire loss of $106, a creditably low fig ure, But three small items make up the month's total as It stood al noon today, the largest item being a fre a few days ago al the south end of Ritson Road which caused damage totaling #140 he total five loss for the frst seven months of 1000 fs $18,746, Th, whieh compares favorably with the first seven months of 1080, when losses totalling $01,805.78 were sustained Comparative monthly totals for 1080 and 1080 are given herawith 1000 1080 § ARKGO Hanon he14.00 LCR 2,066 850 1,748.00 4.015,00 74.00 146,00 SA 406.78 186.00 1886.00 106,00 480,00 PINTARTH B01, 066.7H The heavy loss in May, 1080, is explained in part by a fire In W, 1, Triek's planning mill, whieh did damage running over R18.000 Deaths JAMER In Oshawa, on Tuesday, July 20th, 1080, Jennia James, widow of the late Robert James, |! in her ATth year Funeral from the residence of her non, Dr, H, BH, James, 18 KI ¥in Fi, East, on Friday, August at, Nerviea at 3.80 pam. Inter ment Union Cemetery twelve Mount Th yards Mountney, Mrs bh Mrs Nd apen Mrs Januar) February March April May dune July 100 yards Mr rue, MeCalfery, 100 yards Mr NAME WAN KHHONKOUN Te name of Krnest Claus was given In error In Tuesday's Insane of The Times as & membey of the quirtetie who sang at the Rotary Club luncheon on Monday The pame should have neen that of A Tonge FINED FOR B1,0A, Kiva Rutka, 618 Albert street, enntributed $200 and conta te the coffers of the court this mornin de Ahe wha found hy A constable with halt a dosen hotties of aleahol 1 legally In her possession, Rina Foard Thotel Centrally located in the business district yet quiet and comfortable 1000 ROOMS WITH BATH 13%° ond up ~ European Plan Moalernly constructed = wel) established and moat homelike hotel in TORONTO GARAGE FAMOUS FOR FOCD ACCOMMODATION VICTORIA LINING Re ROOM . Special Club Breakfast Sunday Dinner ¢ THE SCHICK Room fe, THE CAFETERIA feianvifisally € u Gualiny oi Moo Highest eae oh Rio INET Ri DIRECTION OF 0 -- ep wln'e'e un" Children Make The Times this morning received A wontribution of one dollar for the Hed Cross Cottage fund, It wasn't a large sum, but It repre- sented a good desl in thought and effore on the part of & #toup of ehildren living on Miechmond sireel onst, For days they Led been plan: ning and yehenrsing for an "en- Larininment', one of these Affairs which form happy pastimes for vacation duys, Then the ides de veloped that some of the neigh: hour folks should he Invited and that a colleetion be taken up in ald of the fed Cross Cottage, Thess Kiddies, renging In age from three to (wolve, went al thelr work with nwill, A curtain was strung up In one of the backyards, stage sel tings were bullt and placed in posi ton, und yesterday afternoon OYErything was ready for the ens teriainment A want half-dosen chairs were Wel in place for the audience In front of the curtain, and the house Markey Hammary Toronto Stock Exchange Big Effort To Raise One Dollar For Red Cross Cottage F und A --------_--_-- _--------------] wives from Lhe next door houses were ushered into thelr places for the performance, IL was u vredil #hle performance, consisting ol Hite original skits and plays, rel tations and dances, and the andl once, although small, applunnded vooitorously und thoroughly en Joyed the program, An. the colle tion, taken up hy ons of the youthful performers, netted un oven dollar for tne Ned Cros Fund, As hus heen sald, It 1s nol a Inrge sum, but the spirit in which It wus sarned, and the effort made to produce It, should prove un ox ample to others hetier able to give fo do thelr shave for the kifidios who are' being brought back to health and strengih wl the Ned Cross Cottage on the lake, The ehildren who organised snd Took part In the performunce wes Marion Palmer, Katherine Moanes, Pauline Mounes, Lucille Veashy Nellis Maverson, Wilma Hundie Klgabeth Hood and Angus Hood Stock Market Prices by Canadian Vrese Toronto and Now York Weck Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Urawlord, Alger Ballding, Ushaws Th, Ma AAD Hn Year Regulations Are Drawn Up POTATOMENVESIT | For Guessing on Car, Which Is INTE3 SUES" ted 4 G. M, Euployees MUCH I AMATION ow Cor Will Run For 97% -\ or vo Paws GLOBE TROTTERS | "oe sien (ONTARIO COUNTY OF PENN. FARMS day, August 5 and Ende Growers Thre Spray Exe LEAVING TONIGHT | | ing on August 14 taaivaly and Esmploy ~ FOR SOUTH AFRICA Two BANDS wiLL BE Level Cultivation | PRESENT AT PICNIC | Kenneth and Rodoride: Tronts for Children of Graham Have Already Live | Employees, as in Former od in Three Continents Years; Punch and Judy Show and Fireworks Other Features Count potato Hui Harel Ariel hrm Zuphyr Zuphyy son, 1 Onturio district and Juine digtriee hid gn und Jnmen mlong with W'M Cantrud On turn) Representative Crom) The nneth Graham coteliney who | Hoderich and | two glohe | moda Oshuwn thelr home for will the ary necompaningd trotting four tol A | inve he | the punt thine tnken hy {oh | | | uf Larlo potato growers on un Pennystvanin enrly in Jul tart at first Je I} tke them t yout wintionx for which round ip whieh wus tonight on Fink) plane and reg Guessing contest lending of the ml Motors plente, to vant nt Lnkeview Park Aligint 161h nre whith w the (Cat 1 ir Chie wae 1200 m ' nll WE Jonny hinterinnd af L will be the funtire in There the | annus) Gane will join un third | ha held thi Girnham on nturdny, now complete Ciusssing | Job (hey art unily fo Hhode | Graham brothers | rot hiny | min 1 portion of Horn in when he Him i i fy fhe " made on shout 20 grow fl ou potato pection uf tate, | northeir the {den methods on conditions hetnig to pel ne nn Yurioun soll types. "Lhe TR who Is nn und soll Laried, ¢ {hey Ind while (Pennayl HUT wonderful hil) andy You alle of th ALLE in that dlgtunt he LY pos Ware farmed on you the ipecinl paint rolel conch which will bas given away 1o the fortunnte guess ar during the day of the plenie, | Will he Hmited strictly to employ oon of General Motors, Ang each | employes will have one ballot only ile i Wire mpi on cotlund, the Grahum Hhotesin Ww Lor the fourth the fourth country rifle limpira in which Hye producing roll Ing pravelly the valleys to ho a wid valleys mora Hie the Cru other in rene I | ontnbilieh #0 home It witli bh within he the will hin thin of time had nie "m have nna oneh potato 10h LL Ine 1 A0 Ventures Wr. Hi Pre n---- Mioek Br, A Arun Corkahutt C1y, Dry Dis, Bgm Gypsum Hr, Wal Ford Close 17% 41% High linw On 11% HEE 17 hh 0 1h LB 14 90 hy 8] 1014 17% 17% iN LER LA 10% LR" Standard Mining Exchange IAD LL [BL] hh 130 Ah nib Ao 2406 2060 190 RL nn Ao TAN 16 MA wih Ain Buh LEE] 140 180 hn hin Tah 2h Alnx Amulei Chi Now De, Ms, Faloon Holl ATR He, ON 331 Hd, Pay Kin Lk, Bh, 2884 Nenda, 847H Hh, Grd. 100 New York Exchange Clone 180% Th by 10M ITEM 0 hoy RE LR) Low 198 '% 1% 200% Bio 40M TH [FEM (FRM LEA NH % LAY on High 140% 7 FERRY Ih ho BO ly FRR EN 13 LA 20% 10K 0 4h % 101% LER Ah s 11% Ih Wy it % 10 1] ha HN 110 ahi Ti My LER Vanadium rE" Yel, Truek 26% Money 2 par vent Flook Am Am Am, Tel, Am. Inter, Anaconda Alito Wirop Lendix Hath, Kfeol Dyers AM Can, Par, Chrysler Col, Gas Fox Film Gen, Ko ten, Mol Int, Tel, Kelvinator Mi Ward Nat, Cash Pl, Rd, Coal Paramount I'h. N, Joy adie adin Kin Mimmonn NA Rubber Mtoe! rr. Pr, RE i 4 ING, LER M LEE iy A -------- A Ian Innings the result wan alwayn in doubt, Following the ball game a tired hut happy crowd sat down to a delightful banquet prepared hy the Indien and served under the super viston of Mra, C, Johnson, During | Mh after the meal W, C, Ashton president of the MBA, of 0, © Johnson, vies president, © Mot af fry, Past Pres Ly L, Gorrin, Past Pros, and Mr; Melntyre of the Pellafontaine Company of Toronto addressed the gathering, The main point stressed by all apeakors was the cause for co-operation and woodfallowship' hetwean all coms peting barbers of Oshawa All those whe have need to en tor a harbor shop today will likely hear all about the plonte for all the barbers are talking about it this morning and are voling It the best yal ROY WHO MADE GOOD Null" started out on the theory that the world had an opening for "And you found 2" Null=="Well rather, U'm in the hole now," THURSDAY==FRIDAY ALICE WHITE wf Wh Saow Gir) o Hellywood LAUREL & HARD COMEDY sd | Mickey Mouse Cartoon COMING SATURDAY JACK DARE "THE SOCIAL LION" PARAMOUNT NEWS CALVARY GHURCH ANNUAL PICNIC Members of Sunday School | Enjoy Outing at Lake: view Park The children and (eachors of the Nunday Nehool of Calvary Nap tist church enjoyed perfect wenth or for thelr annual midsummer pio ne at Lakeview Park yesterday, and under the superintendence of RN Willing, a record orowd tien od out to take advantage of the neoanion Kiddies of the Primary and Jun lor divisions of the aches] weps much to the fore during the after NOON, Ax was to be expected, and the plonie wan a good sucess from their standpoint ax well ax from that of the adults who were pre went, A fine weries of races and oontentn were staged under managemnt of Mr, Wilkins, large luscious lollypops an prices for the winners, The merryipo round and ferrin wheel wera alin pattonined by the youngsters dur NE the day, and proved tn have thelr usual atteactiveness for (he ounK idea, A hountiful pleniv rOught the day to a close In a sat intying manner, BENCH WARRANT INNUKD Released on bail recently on a charge of attompted eduction, Claude Oliver failed to appear in | court this morning when his name wan called, and a bench warrant wan {asned for hin arrest, Too Late To Classily CORT AT THR CARE VRETHR day, a sand and white ailk tam, Finder pleasa phone 1064M, or save at police tation, (20a) DANOE BARNHART'S Win the Admission 200, (26h) DANOING BARNHART'S PAV. Ton, Friday aight, Varsity § orchestra, Admisaion 280, 2% (26a) MADAME NEVADA, PALMIRT, Ross Corners, Home till Friday. SQUARR Pavilion, Thursday, prine a wack of flour, It's Cool at the Regent | Phone 2804, (20a) the | with | couttry will hn heon on on dif ferent continent Belay polhoy m India for | | on BLE DANIAN ith | In order to put the contest on ks haeid An Ihle, und the rule aligibhility tn clearly the fol lowing regilntions hoen dinwn up This announcement Hipersades and corrects that made In Monduy's lasue of The Times Aliyone who WH the (Continued on Page diatvivt {0 while formation and (Continued on Page 1) oie of the And wis on faly n po vet for tnderstood poy red coming Canada to hnve Graham hud Hyved und Rodor non that and months from will round North Amerien 1 Kennet) Vole (1 hinve had be I'he Grahnm ven) Hin Aili In for fou the Wurope tn OH Africa I'he Grahnms w doi {he An Inteyentin dublin wa office tod | in the gardens of My Hopn North Ouhnwa benutitul red Wirth the flowers. on the stem ser feet dahiine ot they huok like twin " Unusual Mie Ho he helioves nil nf the on the plant with he the [110 buds all look Hike the one from whith this flower hinomed pecimen of inte rUwh I Iward | "| hh Fimen brought "mn i) | How { HE viwdt flent the Birth from it In han thelr tine amuhip trip from England Ci Fown tn the Unfon of Mouth Africa, | w und a long up Into the Midawns | hour of the "African eontineuts | Urolghton and in kJ Magistrate police this on a charge of indecent Victor Sldaway did not ens no plow, and requested one remand It was granted, wus represented hy 1°, K, REMAND GRANTED | Apponring | Willis in morning HEsAt fay Montreal fhe poecinien niin will disembark esi aie m per pend three wenk hiek to City nil air ihe Old Country onlin for aithampton ruthey " flowery Imag pi growth wl tn nin \ wks Journe Guaranteed Summer | FOODS During the warm summer months appetites need coaxing with lighter foods. Note this carefully prepared list of finest quality summer foods, oie 45° Biscuits Py, 20C REAL GOOD VALUES IN THE MEAT DEPT. EE REE SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 2¢c Mild Cured and Nicely Smoked Delicious, Used Hot or Cold Shi _s AUSTRALIAN PEACHES Royal McCormick' $ han No, S12 Kraft Salad Ireings 12 on, 23¢ Faney Pack Crabmeat, 14% tin A5e Dinner Blend Coffee, he Montserrat Lime Julee, pint nl, Victory Queen Olives, 20 on, jar 39¢ 23e \ o£ Cottage Butter 2 1bs. §9¢ Kraft Velvetta Cheese pkgs, 1:2's for 31e TENDER YOUNG hn 24¢ n. 1Ge mn Ble EXTRA SPECIAL! BEEF CUTS Thick Rib Roast Shoulder Roast Blade Rib Roast FRESH YOUNG PORK 'he Lb, 3 De LOINS BEER BOLOGNA, Sliced ...ovvvuvins Ib. 22€ FRUITS «ww VEGETABLES NO. | GRADE MESSINA Dos. 27 LEMONS Dox. 23¢ l BANANAS 29¢ \ 4 Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn, 2'n tin 16e Libby's Dill Plokles, 214% tin 25¢ Heine Cream of Tomato Soup, small, 3 tins 250 Del Monte Crushed Pineapple, o 2%, tin 29¢ Tiger Catsup, quart bil... 2le \\ Eagle Brand Red Cohoe Salmon tin 29C CHOICE LEAN Cooked Ram NEW Potatoes Full ye In Peck

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