Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Jul 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, TUESDAY, JULY 29, 19%0 PAGE FIVE 'omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Hazel B, Van Dyke, RN, who has been spending i Yaeanion with her parents, Mr, ni) try, 1, Van Dyke, at Bonple View he during the lust three weeks, left on Friday night for Ceneerd, New Hampshire, where she will take up har new duties as Buperviser on the N. H 8 Hospital staff of that ety, Miss May Mitehell, of the High School stall ut Colborue, Ont, whe has heen gorrecting examination pap: ars in Toronte his returned home to spend the remiinder of her vagar tion with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Mitchell, 406 St, Lawrence Ave, Mr. Wilfred Lawrie who has been attending University in Washington, D.C, is spending the Bummer holis days with his Joris Mr, and Mra, Jno, Lawrie, 33 Ontario By The members of Vietery LO.RBA were entertiined at a card party on Friday evening last at the home of Mrs, Selleck, About thirty guests were present, The prise winners are as follows) Mrs, Norrison, My. Gaods man, first prises; Mrsy Beant and Mr. Halt, second prizes, and Mrs, Craw: ford and Mr. MeKnight third prizes Mis, W, J Atha! Street, Miss Leah Garrow, Mr, and Mrs, William Morrison spent Sunday with friends in New Marke!, Ontario, delicious just PLAIN Tay & handful of Rice Krisples right out of the red. and-green package. Golden bubbles of flavor that melt in your mouth! Serve for Sreskfastwithmilkoreream, Rice Krisples are deli at Hhton Gouinglam dous in a dowen different ---- ways, Children are wild 7 shout them, At your gros cer's, Oven«resh, Made by Kellogg in London, Ontarlo, Pobre - Gov KINORGIN BR a This pleture was taken when Their ¥xeellencies Lord and Lady Willingdon visited the County Health Unit in Beauceyille, Quo ¢, This Health Unit was the fivst to | he formed in Canndn and hits hey "| operating on full time for n nuns ber of years with great benefit (0 | Garrow, Miss Evelyn Andisan heen holidaying with (riends ml Hiurgeon Lake, has returned to the eity, fuente nt Mr# Frank Robson aver the week-end wera Mre, Mi Kettrick, Miss Doveathy Ponfeen, | and Messrs, Michael and Jack Fitzgerald, all of Toranin Miss Winnifred Sahine of Mar mora Is the guest of hey Mrs, 1. Roy Wage, Oshawa Riva, Claney winter, | nf De heather -- REPAIRING WATCHES OUR WEUIALTY I? your waloh (s uot §ivieg satisfaction we aan Fepall _ make (1 tell the anrreq! time D. J. Bho WN HE JWELKN Official Wateh [Inspector tor Canadian Nationa! and Ost, awa Hallroade 0 Kin , WN Phone 180 S---- ------------ TT---- Weddin gs ---- MYERS TOOLE On Saturday, July 26, at 330 pw a very pretty wedding wis polernnis od in Toronte, Rev. Bkinner of Cookes Prosbtyerian ohurel, alfiglat ng, when Ellen Alexandra, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs J, Toole, 41 Mutual street, Toponto, was unit ed in marvigge to Herbert Oliver, only son of Mr, and Mrs, O Myers, 198 Verdun Read, Oshawa The bride was assisted by her sis ter, Miss Elgla Toole, while the five wis supported Th Mr, MJ Hiokey, After a rocaption held at the heme of the bride's parents, the happy eoiple left on a motor trip thrangh Montreal and Quebec, On thelr res turn they will reside at 428 Simcoe SR, Apartment 1 a ha ORANGE CHARLOTTE Ling a meld ar how! with ladys fingers or sections of a juicy orange, Soak 1-3 hex. gelatine in 1d cup of cold water until soft, thei. pond on a like amount of boiling water, add 1 oup sugar, and the juice of a lems on, Strain it and add a cup of Ate nice and pulp, Peat whites of opis to a stiff froth. When the hh ening ta harden, heat it until it in light, then add the egg whites and beat them together watil they drip from a spoon well, Dash spinon fuls inte the haw! to fill betwen the it ssetians or ladyflnec + then fill the weld, 1 peeforee pint of oream whipped stiff may ropdiee the egw whites; or he piled au tap NOTICE! | "The Times' will publish re: port of meetings of all Wo. men's Organizations in the | community, Kindy od eddrent such te Women's Page Ed: iter or Telephone a 35. When writing remembey te use only one side of paper, a Rana July Clearance Our Prices Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE Ni Nlicow MLN PHONE 22 TH Your Drug THOMPSON'S 10 Nw oa = We Deliver ---------- HIGHER PAINK BILL London, w Drinkers of Great Britain 1989 spent $8,000,000 wore for wine than in 1938 and deareased expendi tures for beer by $1,635,000, aveard Felt Bros. The Jeweler paw br VIN VINNY (0 ANADIAN WHAL HUNT who has Mp [daughter 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | RAS fa bv oe Thi the surrounding eommunitlon, A motion was made in the House of Commons during the last session [asking the Canadian Government to consider subisidiging these small | fullsthine medieal health depuet- 0Onst Lo coant, H Oshinwn Cottingham, Allee Hipee Miss Betty Wilson war the guest Murion Nichol Bea Port week of Mi al her home Tunl rorania Legge loft on with a friend MI tounterary of vaenton pt Muskoka Labi Miss Hoeatpipe ray Tavanin, (0 My K all thi logge Divi morning 1n Minn New Yark 11] Viel hat Vivien Lege Ror! Pe ak. ol { Recently Toeland onlobrated the 100th anniversary of the formation of ita "Althing," the eldest pariine ment in the world, when. many world notables, ineluding numerous Canadinng attended the ploturess que observance, Visitors to the COrOIMONnY ware struck hy the singw lar beauty and magnifieance of loglandle seenery, Ita poaple and onntumen, Here are showni (1) Charming young Joelandlo giv) in TILLIE THE TOILER Ban WOR RECAURE MR BORE | ments In eval communities from | is he required to h KING STREET LEAGUE HOLDS WEINER ROAST The King Ktrast League held ona of thely regular gumwier outdoor meetings in the form of 8 welney roast, on Monday, July 80, About ho young people gathoved at the ahurgh at 7.00 spd trom (here they went in cars tn Uroekside Park, The meeting was 1h charge of Group "RB", A [6W BRINKS Were played, nin which everybody ene toyed honrtily The (wilight servioe way lead hy Bert Wood, leader of Group "N' After the singing of samp hymns, My, Cyaum gave a short talk After everyhody had eaten tu their (il of hot dogs, [olluwed hy lemonade, the meeting broke np LICENSE REQUIRED FOR GLIDERS IN U.S, Washington « Gliders, like ah plies, will he regularly Whee! In federal Heense after Qet, |, Clarence M. Young, aswistient Begretnry Commerce far Aeronautios, annoy en preparation of regulations defining the legal types of gliders whieh will he afforded the license, and which air navigators will have tn use unless they canhned their sport within the Hits af @ sinle stile, where federal sipervision cannot extend MIE gliders hwile helore Qetuber | Hothey pikn ah Inspection al the dy piriment, will he heensed forthwith RI TTY alter October | meat cerigin stm construction designed ahd ehgient opera ul progpiote salely | Hon {ponding he {dan Conant | Messy {ont of weve WHIPRLE (8 J THE Miu wii WwW. H Hoen, and Misses KI House win lave hosn pliner nl Volt, wie Hi town tor o lew dye his morning Mr and two ontldren, teen tyvelye and Hoge Ieft to Join Paguglos Conant wud | oll Lake where (he) will samp for two weeks, King Laka 1s Bn new camp site for this party It in sltuntedd north of Lellevitle tn Hastings County. The nearest villnge Maynoath In miles distant fiom oll nt Wines cmp WASITTE TE) peasant costume, (8) View fram orgs of Parliament Plains, seene of inauguration of nA lthingt 1,000 Yours Aue, and where the pecent oplpbtions 100k plaee, Viears and church may he seen upon | pladn, (1) Falls tn Tingvelin (Papiinment Plains) with a group - toelandie belles in foreground, (4) Teelandie heanty in eARAN pw, a impressive entranpe ta LL RETREAT IT 11g | Guy SH YN [&) FATHER: A REA, WEUVEBOn | and Mrs. tops | tha' | Rheumatism23 Yrs Discovers Way to Banish all b Nothing Helped Till She Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Had ehoumitism for U8 yenrs Hosp H wh salami help ma, y as ln hed when ™ tank 'Priulieatives uy hey have dems won ders. Can do my work and no mors pain" ==Mrs, A, N, Fiald, Wyn yard, Bask, Just ona of thousands whe say rheumatism, neuralgia, neuritiy [ly away qulok with "Fruli tives', Chronlg eonstipativn ane liver troubles end overnight, Bad stomach, Wliousness indigestion lieurthurn, wus varnish like miki Kidpey. and bladder ls. puln in back go In hurry, Nerves quis sound sleep at once, Tan of nature's ereaptest rame dion gomhined tn handy little tab lot, Marvelous diseovery of fam Que Canadian dootar, Hpesdy re siiltn, Get "Fryltsptives" gist today, Bleep Nine wreal from drug Wake up a LE i BAND INST RUMENTS | Women's Corner "WHAT WAY CAN MY i What wey wkn my distress come to another deer Aud And me a valley lovelisr Than before! All day the wind and | feth have heen Awisting koyn, Cryng al doors snd whispering "Open, plense!' But sverywhers we slop Barred out from loveliness; Homehow AL 18st there's no sseape rom thin dislress, Hy Davothy Livessy, Chalalaine, from the eae -- WOMEN AND ELECTION DAY Proving thal the women of Lo diy wro luking 4 greater biterual Wil engaging more wetively in the Unaies of government, was the fas Chiat such lurge numbers of women Lrned oul yesterday Lo assist with the election, Women ot hoth pay tien woeted me worubinsers, diove ils Lo gel the vole to the pail, worked in the eommitiee rouge wnd on the whole showed & keun anthusinam for all thelr Unuuriion Ings Wamen volers ware oul eurly the mast of thelr voles hes Ing carl during the morning in upite of iL boing Monday the hugl I diy In the week for housewly [| IWonppeired that In Oshewu ha WOINEH were equally: Interested In Wing wdvuntnge of thely right 1a HALF TONE LOWER Bowish wrmy hand instry ¢ hetng pitched a sen ol MOL O00 Lig wii: gon thang Contraver hin pie" for 30 ye hinds playing a than oreliestins and aunt heen raping nye het arm cil tone higher his | villian | Ws, IY Opal dithenl | tne up' to them pliwtined bh the War Office last year nd came lta effect with the recent opening of the oval Tournament at Odvinpie when | the hand played on the lower pitch veveral of the goods' regi wl thely in i" mstrumentaliste 1 mat! Ihe change Wie arm ments have ale eived In Lol cleaning up afte) wont dn deciding the destiny of the vauntry, Washing, the business Hunday, pre erving frultw and plokle making, Important duties ay [hey are to Lhe wives of the community, werv ol orgoiien Yesterday br sarnesl elt ola sought the polls to east thelr voles wlong with thelr hus hands who A Vikll ta the polls shortly he fore noon rveveilsd them all husy with # slesdy stream of voleps, lrgely composed of women Never haefore hitve Lhe Youn people of the community worked su earnestly during an election oames pain Yaune people Voting far the Niet time seemed anslons tn lowrn more ghout the business of government go that Lhey oly viel new instrime | ral hey | | | * mr ------_-- LARGE NISTORY SET Shanghat="The Twenty:Four His tories of Chinese Dynasties, all fags Nios of anelent editions, has gone to the publisher, It will he probably the largest history set ever eampiled, Stuhr BOO volumes totalling 130, 000 pages a-------- $10,000,000 FOR SHAKESPEARE STUDY New Yarle=The will af the Henry C, Folger -- late farmer chairman of the Standard oh Company of New York, Teaves approximately $10,000, 000, a warld famous Shakespeare ool lection and a museum to house 1, as 4 wif to the Uni lied Staten "or the ramation and diffusion of knowledge Noregard to Shakespeare" The museum huilding 15 now under construction fn Washington adigosm i the rpoperty bf the gongressional Ary thelr vole Intelligentiy and prioy to the election differen olyhs wera formed for this purpose The Twen teeth Century Cah ar yous ] rule In svidenve of (he (avi What of the GUMILEY 18 ta he Tar the nest few In decided and 1 1s hoped Lhat Lhe tervour thet thease gitigans have shawn during the slestion and previous ta i will not subside, but That It will Inoresss with thelr Inoreasing desire to ha wor tay and loval eltigsans tha government oie a - - rr ---- " tlantic Clty is always 'in season" ries an AHF Hiv A One of she Fines! Hotels n Aianbe ity Whe He] | Arabella 15¢ Come early for best Chints, Cratonne, Fabrics, Great Semi-Annual REMNANT SALE Wednesday Morning Hundreds of useful lengths to be sold at this price, selection, nN Curtain Nets, Towellings, Turk/sth Tawellings, SEE WINDOW ON ATHOL STREET TR yd. Prints, Ginghams, Flannelettes, Linen Printed and plain wash DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE IS ONE OF ENGLAND'S GREATEST LANDLORDS Chatawnrth, England The Duke of Devonshire, wha hus Just eclebrat ed hin Bdnd birthday, is one of the greatest land owners in bngland, He awns 16,000 aeres of land His home eantains priceless treasures, including the chats of a number of kings The Duke of Devanshire is a clase friend of the King, wha visits him at Chatsworth ne King met the Duke's litle grand-daughter, Arabella Mackintash, on his way down 1a breakfast one marning He stopped to speak 1a her and asked her what hey Name Wis "Arihells, in yours?" "George," replied the King "Well, George, you had heties hurry down to breakfast," sald little "leon granny will give yeu ne end of a seolding If you're late" Lord Charles Cavendish, san af the Duke of Devonshire, fs now working Ina hank in Wall Street, where I hay temporarily dropped his courtesy title NOTED LAWYER'S SON PRINCIPAL IN SHOOTING TRAGEDY Oxford Undergreduate Shoots at Stranger on . Canal Banks A wallsknoewn oily snl an she sald simply, "what Landon Aoltar has heen found dead at his home at Woking A alnglehap velled shot gun was heside him He wan Fradario Hudson, a part net of Amith and Hudson, of Fins hury=aauare, 1.0, and ehairman of Hudson Brothers, the provision merchants, Mr, Hudson, wha was K5, 'lvod at "Endway, Old-avenus, Weal Nyfest, Nin valet, Charles Hown, caranation apparently heard the explosion, hut thought It was a banging doer and paid ne head, Later, on going te Mr, Hudson's hadraom, he found the door leeks od An he could net gel and vers ponse to his knocks, he climbed up to the bedroom window hy a lads dar and saw Mr, Hudson dead en the fany Relieve that NEEDLE PAIN Headaches Colds Rheumatism Neuritis AKE a ola of Atpjrin, 4 fering rom {) Yelleven prompt . pL the foi affects to fear, % Wu hav Ught the genuine ta 7 > ayer, No the Lik 0 1n Wi see If a headache wi ae to endure pain ' iy oan ave such quick comfort Ampiein, To men ih mu i b on, In mp i of eyestrain, on (] or a cold; to women whe a wv Pegllar we le pain, Atnirl ' it p the onal ne, arry the poet Jolt [rections ancl 080 the be HH learn the various uses, fE: prey GASP RIN 2) | wl I Hi Li DISC Ane WA Hotel Diatnativaly Differs DiFParem' ORES WREAETER BL ALATA 4 FERRE Sent)

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