a > THE OSHAWA DAILY 7IMES, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1930 PACE FIVE' | Women's Interests in the Home --- and t he Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs, A 1; Shaw and ehil- dren Vernon and Flma, spent the ast week holidaying In Kingston, Ontario, Miss Rehecen Kilgour of Chester, Penn, is In town visiting her parents My, and Mrs, B. Kilgour, Viliatt Street, for this week, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Porter, Gertie Porter, of Toronto week-end guests of My, and A, Porter, Mason Bireet, Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Rass and My and Mrs, MH. A, Porter, of this eity ara leaving this morning for a week's mater trip to Muskoks, « Allan Livesay of Los Angeles, 16 spending a week with his mother, George Livesay, Prince Sires! Oshawa, Mr, Clifford Branton, of Tarons to, formerly of Oshawa, spent fhe week-end with friends here, Dr, and Mrs, B,J, Haglewood and son, Brenton, véturned al the end of the week from a motoy trip to New York City and the Adiven dack Mountains, Mr, and Mrs, Krnie Marks, Sim ann Mireet North, who have hesn holidaying with thelr family. at their summer home, Christie Lake, are in town for a few days, Mrs, Jason Hoag and son, Harry, of Buffalo, N.Y. spent the weeks end with the former's cousin, Mrs J, Ls MeKay, Mantrava Avenue Mr, Ed, Mullen, Brock Bt, W and Mr, ¥, Morris, Drew Bt, have returned after spending thely sums mer vacation at Thurstons! Park Miss Eileen Pipher, Bruce sirast, has returned to the elty after spending two weeks' vacation al Miurgeon Lake, Miss were re MH, REPAIRING WATCHES OUN SPECIALTY If your watch ls uot Biving satisfaction we can repair yriv make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JUWRALEN Official Wateh Laspector for Canadian National and Osh awa Hallronds Nt, W, hone 180 NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re: port of meetings of all Wo: men's Organizations in the community, Kindly address such te Women's Page Ed. ter or Telephone Number 35. When writing remember to use only ane side of paper, - ---- July Clearance Our Prices Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE #4 Simcoe BL, WH, J Purver and Clara Wopspr, of Whit THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Su B= We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Miss Marion Nichols has return- ad to Oshawa afler visiting for the past week and & half with her pave ents in Toronto My, and Mrs, J. WW. Caldwsll, Mise Vers Caldwell, Mr, and Mrs OG, W, Mason and Miss Lorraine Mason speni Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, AB, Dryland, Trent River, Paterhorough, Mr, and Mrs, A. © Cameron and family, spent Svadny as guests of Capt, and Mex, K€, Palmar, Tor ante, Mr, and Mrs, A. 1, Dryland were guests of Mr, and Mrs, J, W, €ald- well, Bond Biyesl on Saturday Mr, and Mrs, V, 15, Bartlett, frock Sireel Kast returned yeoster- day from a two week's motor trip to Londen and other cities in west arn Ontario Misses Mildred Price, Nessie hy, spent Sundaysat Wasaga Beach My, and Mrs, A FF, Baker and family, Brice ftrasl, wers guess of friends in Trenton, yesterday, Hey, and Mys, €, WV, Cragg are leaving on Wednesday for a motor trip to Quehes and Mis, Anne, Af tor two weeks they will ha joined at Wellington Beach, Princes ¥d ward County ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr, and Mra, Walley Hineey wish te announce the marriage of thelr only daughter, Beatrice Cu therine Helle (0 Alexander Bmith Auld, of Montreal, formerly of (his city, whieh took plaes on August 10, 1040 FLOWER GIRL PRESENTS BOUQUET Home may he 'wondering who the charming little lady was who pre sented My, W., WH, Moers with the houquet of roses al hig meeting in the Armouries Haturday evening and whose hand the Liheral candi day afternoon and were favored with ideal weather, Mr, und Mrs, 1, Oshawa (riends on Sunday of week, IK, Avery has been improving the appentance of W, W, Horn's resi denice, and store with a cont of paint, My, and Mrs, Geo, Vdger and dutighter, Rosenas, Courtice, wera weekend visitors with the latter's sister, Mrs, MH, Wileox, Dr, Davies und wife, with other Oshawa friends, were visors also on Saturday, Vahel and karl Wakely, Oshawa, ure holidaying with thelr grandpar« ents, Mr, und Mrs, Jno, Wakely, Vihel Stephens, Pleketing, Sune dayed wt home, CoM, Burrows, Oshawa, spent Sun diy in the village, Norman Clemens aceompanied Yr Nest Horn on a motor trip to Onk Lake on Monday, where they are ut fending summer school, an delegates from the Young People's League, this week, Mrs, Jerome Burrie, Rochester, Is visiting her mother, Mrs, Win, Smale Myrtle Bradley, Enniskillen, visited friends in the villuge on Sunday. Mr and Mrs, Kenneth Caverley and children, Windsor, are visiting tha latter's parents, Mr, und Mrs, CC, W Bouech Milton Slemon H., Cole visited last and son, Haydon visited Mis, Slemon at the home of hier mother, Mys, Elmina Johns, on Sunday, Mra, Slemon has heen ill fur some time, but Is convalescing slowly Mr, and Mrs Toronto, were Mr, and Mrs, I', Salter, My, und Mra, Fdwin Wood, and | children, Bowmanvitle, visited the lat {tet's parents, Mr, and Mrs, 8, Wil Jamieson and son week-end guests of Reports that Miss Gytha sours ton, shown shove, member of one of Kngland's oldest families, Is soon (0 he marvied to Viovantl del. Agnese, former Ttallan butler and major domo for Kiv Heme Howard, has created a sensation in the Units w---- N---- date so graciously caressed, 11 was Peggy Henry, daughter of Mr, and Men, Clifford Henry, King Hirest apt, Peggy looked very pretty in A dainty frock of peach colored taffelin EE... SMART LINEN SUIT PAMPERED SUMMER VOGUE The jacket dress Is probably one af the most comfortable, smart pra tieal fashions that Paris has ever sent us, No wander for its popularity | What New York Is Wearing Yellow and white printed dimity in with the jacket of plain linen with brown trim is ver tive Striped ecottan or silk jaunty lor sports and re ihre ellow hiring | Ofte i NN The ene illustrated has undoubted ehie, 1t is cool flattering lime green Ing of jacket that ix velled to form revers, A green buckle clasps the matching green. leather belt, The skirt shows slenderizing line in- pointed yoke treatment and in the inverted plaits at side fronts which erento a vertieal line, This interesting model may be eop- fed exactly at a real saving, Style No, 3436 {a deslgned fn siaes 4, 16, 18 years, J6, 8 and 40 in. uhes bust. The 16-year sive takes + fara of 39 neh printed linen with M oyards of inch plain linen It's exceedingly smart and por tive in gray tus with dusty- pink shantung with blue coin dots, ured for bodice and trim, Far mare dressy aeeasions, it's per fectly charming in hyacinth blue vinted chiffon with plain chiffon of lending tone. colouring in printed linens of sports weight, It {x accented by plain fae of harmonising tong in handkerchief weight, It makes the simulated tucks in bodige of the dress, which by the way han cap sleeves and clases at contersfront with bow trim, It is | il 8 F/ Pattern price 18 conts n stamps or eoin (eoin preferred), The Summer Fashion Magasine containg most interesting styles for adults for town or vacation wear, Alka darling styles for the kiddies It 1x 20 contx a copy, Hams on Saturday [ed Winton enplinl social eleelos | Mins Wlourton In no great grands | oo ca Wavmond Burns enjoyed daughter of (he fourteenth Duke | 00070 1 UROR recently, of Norway, and can (race her Hn | I'he Young People's League met on onge hack to the days of William | fitday night with w small attendance the Conqueror s=Copyright 1080, | 0 (rd vice streaident Mary Pet ueife and Atlantle Photos, tne, |, NS Yh! f ter the | | opening exercises Leslie Graham read | the Bible lesson, following which the | pastor, Ne J, R. Wiek, took charge Lof the devotlonnl period, In place of Mrs | the regular tople, Norn Kerslake gave Li very interesting paper on "Hooks, form. | and What They Will Do for You" Mrs, Will Gay. | A plane solo was given by Norah 3 | Horn, and a short contest was en Fane plenie wis held Hiatt Memorial Patk on Fi | gamed In wfter closing the meeting arto vith the Mizpah benediction I'he | singing of the National Anthem con here ats | chided the evening PrOZrAM it sh On Friday night this week's Young . | People's meeting will take the form FIO of an open. alr meeting to he held in played at Zion on | ihe park, It will he a rally of the f ited Jie Loatore ol | yaung people of the elreult, From of Ham Clemens, Wilfred Green Luverne aecipled chair HAMPTON Mi te, hive me of the { ified | Hampton, July 4 AMbert Cin Fear hieet hialida it the) 1] ini Mi fami! [ATEN S, vid | In tye | da | [A number of i tended the Trull {amily pie Ike | irda softhall "puine liet Iatives fron AW oni the on Ihe and Hampton girl | Friday night Hel in In The olla ee [anven to eight o'clock, an Interesting be engaged In, Whithy, LEASURE { thelr | hour of "while Re itt fu ports will | annual piente in the park on Satur Riehards, will The tingling taste of fresh mint leaves is a real treat for your sweet tooth. RIGLEY Affords people everywhere great comfort and long-lasting enjoyment. Nothing else gives ro much benefit at so small a coat. A It is a wonderful help in work and play=keeps you cool, calm and contented, futer address the gathering, Refresh- ments will be served and a social time is anticipated, On Friday, July we are looks ing forward to having some of the Oshawa young people provide a pro gram for us under the leadership of Carl Anderson, After being closed for a few weeks, the League has opened up again and are looking forward to having a good attendance, Hazel Wood and friend, Orono, visited at the home of Miss Wood's sunt, Mrs, Lorenzo Trull, on Sunday, Mrs, Kay und seven children, To ronta, are occupying the residence of Mr, Farn, and are thoroughly enjoye ing country life to the fullest extent possible, Mr, and Mrs, Varn and Allan residing in Toronto for a time, In the event of favorable weather, crops In general, throughout this distriet, will prove to be splendid There still remains some hay on some farms to be taken cure of A number of our villagers have heen enjoying plekdng wild berries in neighboring bushes, while a few have had the first pleking In thelr gards ens, which with the help of a few showers promise to he quite plenti ful Howard Cole has heen dea¥ing in horses recently, having disposed of his fine team of greys, HAYDON NEWS Hayden, July 19.<The = annual league pienic will be held at "Cream of Barley Camp" In July On Wednesdny evening the Ladies Baseball team of Tyrone came over und played a friendly game with our ladies' team here, the score being 21:24 in favor of Haydon, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Rice and babe, of Toronte, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Avery and called on other friends Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Thompson, Donald and Glen, visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs, McDonald, o Salem, on Sunday Mr, and Mrs, John Graham, of Oshawa, have been visiting the for mer's parents, Mr, and. Mrs, David Graham Miss Helen Werden, spent Sunday at home Mr, und Mrs, Loyde Ashton, Ross and Marie, attended the Werry pic at Hampton Park, on Wednes- 25, nre Toronte, nie day Misses Jean of Hampton, their cousin, Neil Mr, and Mrs sons, of end with Avery Russel Aunger has built garage and implement shed Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Mountjoy and sons, visited In Oshawa on Friday Haydon, July 26. Mr, and Mrs, A Grant, BIL and Jim, and Mrs, Wm, Creeper, of Toronto, ars spending a few weeks holidays here Mr, and Mra, Alex, McNeill and Archie, spent Bunday with Mr, and Mra, Herbert Stainton, of Hampton, Trewin Scott, of Orono, visited his uncle's, Mr, Wm, Trewin, re cently Haydon girls baseball team mot ored to Tyrons on Tuesday evening and played a return game with Tyrone girls, score being 23-26 in favor of Tyrone, Misses Ursul and Ruth MeNell apent a few days at the home of Mr. Bherwood Rundle, Bowman- ville y Mr, and Mra, Ray Smith, of Osh. awa, visited thair uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Bidney Trewin, re. cently, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Bhortt and Mrs, Cornish visited Mr, and Mrs James Crossman, Miss Ada Peech in holidaying with her brother, Mr, Elmer Beech, Enniskillen, and Betty Stainton, are holidaying with Ursul and Ruth Me. Norman Welsh and Toronte, spent the week Mr, and Mrs. Clarence A new Mr, und Mrs, J, Lawrence, Mr, Will, Lawrence und friend, Detroit, Mrs, Wilson, Toronto, were guests of Mr, und Mrs, Kilmer Bradley, Longue plenie will be held on Wednesday, July 30th, at Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville #unday #ehool pienie will bs held on Monday, Clvie holiday, August Ath, ENNISKILLEN NEWS Enniskillen, July 22==Mr, and Mrs Lloyd Ariold and family, Mes, Brown and son, Robert, and Miss Norma Fox, Humber Bay, visited Mr, and Mrs, Russell Griffin, Varmers are starting to cut wheat and report ua good crop, Mr, and Mrs, W, Preston and children, Mr. Stewart and daughter, Marion, and Miss Marion Wamsley, Port Huron, Mich, were recent guests at the home of Mrs, 1. Pres ton Muster Tack McDonald, Toronto, is holidaying with Master Don Whyte Miss Myrtle Brunt, Toronto, is spending her holidays with her pas ents, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Brunt Miss Marjorie Martyn, Mr, J, Cow ing and son, Jack, Mrs, M. Robbins, Hampton, Mr, and Mrs, 1, Hockaday and Mr. V1, Hockaday, Solina, re cently visited Mrs, Wim, Oke Master George Pethick, Newton ville, and Mr, and Mra, Wm, Ches ter, Oshawa, weie guests of their uncle, 8, R, Pethick Miss Marion Griffin had the mi fortune of having hey nose broken on Manday Inst Mr, and Mrs H daughter, Greta, Toronto former's parents, Mr, and Slemon Mr. and Mi fall lemon and visited tl Mrs Fred Tamblyn and | Miss Mary Famblyn, Mrs, I. D Brown and Olive, Mrs Tamblyn, | Orono, Dr, and Mrs, C, W, SI Miss Marion and Master Boyd, Keith, Bowmansille, Mr. and Mi |, Stainton and Miss Bernice R, Ashton, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd ton und family, Mr, und Mr Ormiston, were guests ut the home of Mrs, H, Werry on Sunday, Miss FE, Fletcher, Toronto, is spends ing a few holidays at Mr, R, Ormis ton's Levi Brunt is busy putting a ment foundation under his stable Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs Orr Jetfrey on the arrival of a bab gir! Mr. and Mrs, Stanley May, Toron to, visited Mrs, May's parents, Mr and Mrs, E, C, Ashton, recently Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Oke, Miss Gertie Oke and Mrs, S. Pethick ac companied Miss Elsie Oke to Co bourg where she took the boat for Rachester to visit friends "Mr, Brownlee, of Toronto, had hi hand badly crushed in the machine in his dairy, Mrs, R, Ashton left on Monday to visit her daughter, Mry Brownlee J. A. Werry is confined to his bed through illnes We hope for a speedy recovery Mr, and Mrs, family, Toronto, with Mrs, Thos, Gilders Mr, and Mrs, "MH, Stevens, Min Luella Stevens and Master Gordon, and Mr, B. Bryant visited the for met's syster, Mrs, I. Boyd, Williams Paint 'Mra, Frank Robbins friends in Rochester, 0. Li. Byers had a small barn rais ing on Monday, DETROIT POLICE RAID GANGSTER HANGOUT, ce Stanley Preston and spent the week-end 1s visiting FIVE ARE ARRESTED Detroit, July 28 -<Bixty datec- tives and patrolmen heseiged a gangsters' hideout in the exclusive Grosse Pointe suburbs this morn. ing and finally galned entrance and arrested five men believed to Among the weapons found in the plucs police believe thers may be those dad In the slaying of Gers ald ¥, Buckley, politienl commenta« tor for radio station WMBGC shob to death last Wednesday, . JUNE FIRE LOSS SHOWS INCREASE; YEAR'S TOTAL DOWN Tofkontn, July 28.-Vire logs in Ontario during Juna totalled #1.« 018,620, an Incrense over June, 1929, of $746,241, ncecording to the regular report of the prolvincial fire marshal, Of this amount §1,- 827,820 was covered hy Insurance Theres were 97K fires, un docreases/ from June, 1929, of 124. For the five, six months of this year there have heen 7,017 fives, n decreases of 29 from the same period last year, and loss has totalled 87,010,774, n decronss of $265, the fire marshal reports ~ VTh ap S WANTED Hef. WAITRES One nble to take charge erence easentinl Apply Box 901 Only keep your skin healthy ~and it will be lovely Evizanern Arnpen's method only aims to keep the skin healthy, to quicken circula= tion through the tissues, to stimulate the action of the pores. | But, in consequence, the skin grows lovely, For every step of the Elizabeth Arden Treatment enlists the aid of nature to prevent and correct wrinkles, coarseness and other blemishes. You can follow the method of an Elizabeth Arden Treatment every morning and night at home, cleansing, toning and nourishing the skin with Elizabeth Arden's Venetian Cleansing Cream, Ardena Skin Tonic, Venetian Special Astrine gent and Orange Skin Food. Elizabeth Avden's Venetian Toilet Preparations Tie ~ on sale at The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell Ltd. King 8t, B, Simcoe St. 8, Phone 28 Phone 68 have heen involved in a dozen re. cent gang slayings here, Poultry Supplies MIXED SCRATCH GRAIN FULL-O-PEP EGG MASH LAKKO EGG MASH BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, CORN CHOP, OAT CHOP, OYSTER SHELL, BEEF SCRAP, GRIT | Phone 205] Hogg & Lytle, Limited [e------------ a M \ Mere the vey doe Luh, Jocken and fa oralsred flat washable silk fective with white crepe, ule of | ot ------ TILLIE THE TOILER-- "Business Is Business" k FUEL LIRE A NER \ AN ARTEL A TWO WEEKS IANCATION + I'L G0 \N AND GAY HELLO ps 10, Kine Faatume Bymdisata Io Gian) Bria ------- MRT ETMPRING HAS EON Eon HE VACATION AND LEFT ME IN CHARGE = All. \ WANT FROM You \BANORIE AND PLENTY OF (IT. 850 HOP ro YT = we. THR Boul By Russ Westoves ®, ON'T LOOK 80 ELUM, | ---- OE A LO 18 PEN MAA FABLE, MAG HERE WE ARE | CK ON THE JOB AGAIN - (NQRSE HM, THAT'S WONDERFUL. * NOW My VACATION Wik. &0 RIGHT ON EVEN "TH {UM IN THE OFFICE ova