Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jul 1930, p. 11

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en --_-- cs TOP Si a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1930 PAGE THREE , CLASSEEIED SECTION 4 / Legal CONANT & ANNIS, BARRIBTENE §olicitors, - Notaries Publie, Ete, Conveyancing nnd general prac ee of Law, Offices 7% Blmeos Bt, South, Oshawa, Phone 4, G, D, Conant, BA, LLB; A, V, Ane nls, BA, LLB, WE ~ YINCLAIR KC, HANK of Coninrres Bullding, -- JOREVI 1 MANGAN, TA, --BAT rister, Holleitor, Notary PubMNe, Conveyancer, Money io loan, Of tice 14% King #t, East, Oshawa, Phone 445, Residence phone K37, GRIERBON, CREIGHTON AND '¥raser, Dorristers, Conveyancers, Notsries Publie, otc. Offices over Standard Bank, Entrance Simcoe coe Bt, Phone 14. J, FV, Grierson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A, N, C, Fraser, B.A, a [60TH 8, WYMAN, DARWINTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store, Money to loan, 16 8/meoe street, north, Phone 67, Rest: Bence B4TAW. sec FREER AND HUMPHREYS BAR: vistors, Solicitors, ete, 24% Bim. soe St, N, Phone #160, Money to Loan, i ALEX 0. WATT, B.A, LARRIS- ter, sta, Conveyancing and general ractice, 22% King Bt, Enst, hone 87487, (te) A J, PARKHILL, BARKISPER ete, Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op. posite Pnst Office, Phone 1614, FRANK 8, DBDS, DARRISTEN, Solleitor, Notary ™*iblie, Convey~ ancer, money to loan, Third tloor new Alger Bulldiny, opposite Post Office. Phone 2000, GL Medical DRE." HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Dlock, Phone 2060, Of fice hours 9 am, to 8.40 pm, Dr, B, J, Hazlewood, special attention \e Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B H, Harper, special attention to child= ren"s Diseases and Obstetrics, Bune fay and night calls 2416 or 122, DR. MeKAY PHYSICIAN, BUR- goon, Accoucher, Office and resis dence. King St East, corner Vies toria Bt, Oshawa. Phone 04, OE rere em-------- - DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of intents and children, Office and residence, 77 Bond East, Phone 166 A emma ARCHER, M.D, CM, wR. OP and 8 Edinburgh, Phy. velag, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Dttice 149 Bimcos Ht, N. Phone 3020, residence 40 Cadillac Ave, North, Phone 3166, + Sen "0. W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Burgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 512 Simone Street north Phohe 2438. "HER BROWN, PHYS! DR LARCHER BO Nuh: hitres and plod pil I85 Simeoe Street, North, phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon BR. BATHLEY, VETERINANTAN Specialist Diseasos Domestic Anime als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 610, (July 8-1 mo,) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist BR. ¥, T. BRYANS OF 100 BLOOR Btreat West Toronto will he at his office over Jurv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 til] 4 p.m, for consultation and tril ment of diseases of ear, nose an throat only, Appointments may be made at/drug store, Phone 07, | ------ -- EEE ---- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat I RICHARDSON, spectalist. Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2000 and 432), "1 Phone 16586, Dental WAR » attention to X-ray Nurse in House pit, 8,9, welt's, Special work, Cas extraction, altendance, Phone 000, 1812, DIL, WM, COOKE, i BIMCOW WY, north, over Mitchell's Drug Btore, Gas for mxtraction, Phone 64, va y " Nitrous oxid oxtgen gas for extrac. tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 048, residence 1478M, DR, J. ¥, BROCK, L106 Bimeoe Bt, N, over Dewland's, Phone 1957, Nes, 202W, Evenings by appointment, i BRL ANAMAT: Dit, DAVIES, Dentists, 77 King St. B, Special nttention to gas extraction and Xo ray work. Nurse In attendanes, Phones 1243 and 804, Hemstitching HEMBTITCHING, == PICOTING, nine cents & yard, Pleating skirts Lone dollar, Dresses cut and fitte perfectly, Embrodery work, The Dell Bho 26% Simcoe south, (July 21-1 mo) Optometrist yo Care and Bye Strain, Chila and Its Development, Dis ney Bloek opposite Post Office. Phone i616, (July 16-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND BMITH ONTAR- io Land Burveyors and Civil Engin. oors, sub-divisions, town planning, munleipal engineers, 366 or 411 King St, BE Phones 2682) or 2044, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST, Kast, Ambulance, -Residence b6H42 Bimeoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, 1 Armstrong & Hon, Praprietors, I"uneral and Ambulance Service, day and 'night, Phone 1082W, 87 Celina, (4tf) Insurance DAVIS AND HON, INSURANCE 10 King St, west, Oshawa, The old. ont 1'lre Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re. putuble Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance Wants ate tended to and your interests pro- tected, NE T-- ---- Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE. man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists In furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment, Phone I aaa . . CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long distance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone 024, 10 Bond Bt, West, ONHAWA'S OLDER' TAB. lished furniture movers, Park Road oartage, Local and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop, 65 Park Rd. south, Phone 216, (July 21-1 mo) All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Fic. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and lose arising from handling » large number of smal) arcounts of this nature, and collect for same. . For ths convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKE, BAND AND gravel for sale==To insure prompt delivery, place 'rders In advauce of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Phone 1618, BAND, OWAVET, BUACR LOOM, stone, also any kind of trucking, Phone 1070W, (July 12-1 mo.) = a. . ._-3 Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed. T, Taylor, * Teronto Oshawa phene 1053 (Apr. 10-tf.) AWNINGS, CURTAIN, - VLATS, hv all kinds of canvas goods, Com- plete camp equipment for rent, Fox Hardwarn, phone 26 or 26, Agents for J, J, Turner and Bon, Peterboro, Ontarlo, (July 3-1 Work Wanted OONCRETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road. ways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris Graham, Phone 2021M, (July +1 mo) ; =I YOU ANE bothered with cockroaches, 1 will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, Phone Hr (July Caulking EVERY HOME SHOULD 1 caulked around the door and win. dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, files, woot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, J, H, Lawson, Phone 728R3, (July 10«<1mo,) mo,) 16:1 mo.) PR. THUNA'S HE . IRDAT, ®TORE moved to Simcoe HBouth, Corner Mill, Herbal Remedies for various Allments continued by same fam- ous Herbalist, (Julylb+1 mo,) | fe Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANE AVE Shop, Specialists in permanont, finger and marcel waving, Per. manent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10! and $16, All othor lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2068, Apply 86 Slmooe street north, Architects O70, BTENHOURE -- GENERAT architectural work, Uecond floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1406, Res, phone 9003, er THOMSON AND JOHNBON, AS: noclate architects, Simcoe St. 8, Over Felt Bros, Watch Repairing A, VON GONTEN EXPERT HBwiss watchmaker, repalr shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage ia solloited, a CN ik Shoe Repairing THE BEST PLACEHE WHERE YOU get your shoes fixed like new f(a hy Menko, corner Simcoe N, and Willlam W, (June 20-1 mo) ------. Rates for Classified Ads, First insertion==113 oents per word, Minimum charge 30e. Each subsequent conaecus tive insertion lo per word, Three consecutive inser: tions tor thy price of two first (insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge fur three insertions, 00 cents, Box number 10a additional Professional or Businem Cards, $3.60 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per \nonth for each wdditlonal word, TIMES CLASSIFTED ADS CONT LITTLE: AC COMPLIAN MUCH TRLOPHOND 65 Ask tor Classified Ad Departroent EXPERT MARCULLING BY BIT ty Ward at Petty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and shaw poo $1, Phone 8068, WATRON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 0 Celina 8t, We spec: fallge in ladies' halr gutting, mar eolling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, Jor apprintments phone 20061, (July 17-1 mo) Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE AC. cessorien for sale, repairs on elec trio and battery sets, tubes and butteries tested, batteries re. ohurged, rental supplied $1, Phone Jub0J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin Last, (July 0-1 LL A 0 with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mil} Bt. Phone 1885W, (July 21-1 mo) Money to Loan UTR oan Arrange a tirst mortgage on your residence if it 1s well lo: cated, Bradley Bros, over Ward'a Store, Simcoe 8t, South, (June 38-1 mo) 0 -- hundred dollars to loan on first mortgage, Phone 00. Jas, Pei Langington, Auctioneer PHONE 718) W. J. SULLEY AUC tioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa, Ont, attention given to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements, Your Patron. licited, Fai Yr AE E-- Spirella Shop SPTRELLA BRINGS STYLE, health, comfort, Personal attens tion and service, Phone Mrs, Blat« tor, District Manager, 2180M, (July 81+) mo) a TY i FACE VALUE Client=-She's been saying the most dreadful things about wy face" Lawyer--"Yos, yes, I know, But I don't advise you to sue. It would cost you more than the whole thing's worth" Painting and Decorating it. GUTROLY, VINST CLASH PA. perhanger, painting and graining Prices right, work guaranteed, #40 Pine Ave, phone J0686w.or 3eiw, (rate) ET b@ @ -- i Hospital WHTFRY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, maternity and all patients recom- mended by physicians, Phone 3060 Whitby, J, M. McKee, RN, Bupt, (July 16-1 mo) "Second Hand Dealer } ) M(H niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M, (July 28-1 mo) FEUONG HAND DEALER=WD buy and sell used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1030, M, Collis, 8 church St, (July 16-1 mo) Ti Contracting ---- NOURETE Iastering, electrio oi alterations, hone 130 for estimates. (14tr) Palmist 11] W NENA, : Buena Vista. Appointments, Phone J424W, (Julyid-1 mo.) PALMYET Phone appointments 20361, 93 Louisa street, (July 26-1 mo) 3 Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 3081 WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr, 2611) a ese -- tbr ny FOR SALYE--HEINTZMAN co Ltd, planos, new and used planos, niko radios, Iatest models; terms nrranged Apply C, Trull, Phone 16664, (111-LL) FOR HALE == PAINTS, VARN- ishes, Wao have the largest assorts ment of paints, varnishes, etc, In in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west, (Apr. 20 tt) SAND, GRLVEL, BTONE, .CIN- ders, black loam, $1.67 per yard, For quality and service phone Ew scry Bros, 343 r 11, (May 8-11) GRAVEL AND BAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel $1.50, Bereened sand $1.76, Prompt des livery, Phone 020R12 after b p.m, (July 10+1 mo.) FOR SALE«- BLECTRIC STOVE and dining room table and chairs, Apply 411 Jarvis, Phone 10060 (21¢) HYS- price 2024W, (220) TROUT $1,100 tem, 17 DELCO LIGHTING good condition, half Westmoreland Phone FOR BALE "HAPPY 0) stove, perfect condition, Snap for cash Apply Loulsn st, I'hone K68W (42D) i ------------ For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- ern suites including electric refrig- oration stove, laundry convenls ences, ete, continuous hot water supplied, "Apply Supt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantees Co, Litd,, manager for owner, Toronto, Ge en (37-L1) FOR RENT-=APARTMENT, CER- tral, 6 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences lease or by the month, Hox 746 Times, (168tf) CHEERFUL" APARTMENT IN business section, 'newly decorated, by the month os year, Box 747 Times, (160+L1) APARTMERT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, MKvery convenience, Phone 1560 or 2347W, APARTMENT TO CET, CENTR All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Brow, (NHL) TO RENT=-FIVE ROOME™ WITH bath, furnace, Central, $25 0 rooms, all conveniences, furnace, central, $30, Phone 101W, (210) FOR RENT MALL HOUR contrally located, reasonable, 13 Elgin Bt, K. Phone 3162) at once, (230) TO RENT=TWO OR THIEN partly furnished or unfurnished rooms, bath flat or main floor 08 Roxborough Avenue, LARGE CENTRAT on King St, $20 per month, Ap: ply Bradley Hros, Phone 168, (280) FOR RENT--TWo UNFURNTEH- od rooms, or one furnished, Hard. wood floors, hot water heating, rent reasonable, Apply Herbalist, Simcoe South, corner Mill, (280) (88a) For Rent VOW MERT=AWG VERY NICV, front rooms, sult. business gentle men, central, 26% Bimcos south, (21e) To RERT=HOUBW AT 221 Dearborne Ave, 6 rooms, finished nttie, Double garage, Phounn 1001V, (21¢) TARY ROOMED AVA WTMENT, furnished, all convenlences, cen. tral, Rent reasonable, 221 Ar thur street, (21e) TWO LANGE ROOME TO RENT with private family, All conveni~ onces, Closes to Motors, Phone #207W, (22¢) TO NENT TO NWELTABLE TEN: ant furnished or unfurnished home, August first, 449 Millar Avenue off Gibbon Street, E (24c) VOT ENTRY" NOOM HOUBK, Newly docorated, At 318 Kings. dnle Ave, Phone 1305), (2%¢) ga. AT Motor Cars TET YOUR CAN WARHED AT Dominton Garage, 8 Bond streut went, Phone 3108, All cars at -oue price $1.00 (July 17-1 mo) A -------- I Real Estate For Sale VOICBATE==100 ACR VARM TN the Tp, of Mariposa, Will accept a sultable houses In city or town, In PAIL payment Apply Box 760 Timon (Sle) WHO WANTE TATE VERY AT tractive country place with 3 neres very choles garden soll, love ly new hungalo, chicken house Just. 8 miles from Oshawa Hoa Holden, 02 Bimcos N (23h) EE -- a CS] or Sale or Exchange TOR FALE OR TIXCHANGT Road house and werviee stations with booths, also several cabins, Hydro lights Located hetween Oshawa and Bowmanville, This pines Is doing a flourishing busi nous, Will exchange for house or small farm. Lycett, King 1, (21c) HH RE _, , A Male or Female Help WANTED-"PERBONS TO GROW Mushooms for us, In waste cellar spaces all Fall and Winter, Karn upwards of $46.00 weekly, Illus trated booklet "and particulars sent for stamp Canadian Mush room Co,, Toronto, --, "Lost and Found ror MLVER™ BRACELET With: Chinese letter on each lnk Koaprnke Lost on elthor King, Nimeoe or Ritson Noad Finder please leave at Times office, Ro- ward (24h) -------- aaa LSM I Help Wanted WANTED -- KAPERIENCED NE: liable, cook, general, Household of three. Apply Post Office Box 4K, ' (23¢) "Tenders Wanted OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PAINTING WATER TOWER Nenlod Tenders addressed to the undersigned and undorsed 'Tens der for Painting Water Tower" will be received until 12 o'clock Noon, (Daylight Saving Time), Tuesday, August 5th, 1080 for the painting of the 600,000 Imp, Gal, Water Tower at Oshawa, Ont Conditions of contract, specifi cations, and form of tender may he obtained at the office of the un dersigned, The lowest or any tens dor not necessarily accepted, (8gd,) WW, C, SMITH, Mgr. Water Works Division, Clty Engineer, a SI -- ArT Tr i Te Pets and Live Stock. POULTRY "MEN" GET YOUR heavy breed 1%-2 1b, cockerels caponized at 10ec each, Mintmum charge, $1.00, It pays to capons ine. Iven HBros, HEH Drew street, (July 26-1 mo,) "SOMETHING WRONG The Irish convict had missed an article of his personal kit. He de- manded an interview with the gov ernor, The interview was conced ed "Sorr," hegan the conviet, loudly, "there's a thief in this prison!" ONE DOLLAR DOWN St. Peter And here's your golden harp Newly Arriver American - much is the first pavment 2. Mele, Paris How Pele Egret Goes His Way for better oy nowadays," ="I'it Bits SLOGAN Mortimer CHANGED "Sn you've taken o Mir married him" for what n girl does worse dertie; ve that "No, viore or less res By Thornton rnc For freedom there can never ba. A substitute, we all agree, Old Mother Nature S------ WS _-- Egret was feeling better every day, That is to say, his wing was feeling better where it had been wounded Each day he tried lifting it a little more. Farmer Brown's Boy saw this and was glad, Yet Be was sorry, too, He had grown fond of the beautiful white bird, and he didn't like to think of the time when he would see it uo more, But, of course, l.gret must gon Farmer Brown's Boy hadn't the slightest idea of keeping Egret" a prisoner "He isn't a prisoner," explained Farmer Brown bor to Mother Brown, "People in hospitals are not prisoners, They just patients That is what Kgret is, a patient, And when he is well he will he set tice "Don't you think it would he nice to keep tasked Mot) Brown, "He is such a handsome fe law, and so unusual, that 1 shoul think you would hike to keep him uopet You could chip one of} wings, so that he couldn't fly Farmer Brown's Boy sighed. "I i t ons | ire him as a pet like to hut uldn't be | Egret, You know, to be happy He want to be marsh swampy and where there is plent Fgret couldn't be truly happ up here, No, | shall let him go i soon ns I am sure that his strong and he is quite able to take care of himself" Meanwhile, as olten a possible Farmer Brown's Boy took Egret do to the Smiling Pool to cateh hi meals, And he did! He proved hin sell a good fisherman It was in deed a spry minnow or frog that go away after once coming within reach of Egret, While he wikiting for fish or frog to come, would stand motionless, off into space, Yes, sir, what ! would do And Farmer Brown Boy, noticing this, would feel that Egret was dreaming of his free And Farmer Brown's Hoy right Iigret was thinking of his freedom He was dreaming of the days when those great, broad wings of his carried him wherever he wants ed to go, and he was wondering if ever again he would take long neys on them, He loved these visity tor the Smiling Peol, hut at the same time they. made him homesick, hen eame a day when Farmer Brown's Boy untied the string from the leg of Egret. lgret didn't know it, He didn't know that when Far mer Hrown Boy set him down on the edge of the Smiling Pool he wa us free ay ever he had heen, He be gan fishing as usual, Farmer Brown Boy withdrew a short distance It suddenly came to Egret that he was witlking more frecly than usual, Sull, he thought nothing of it, After a while he tried his wings, as he had so often tried them of late Always before there had been a gentle tug at one leg where the string was fast ened, This time there was no tug Egret went up, up, That wounded WINK was strong now, With long legs stretched out helind him, his neck folded back se that his head rested between his shoulders, the great white bird mounted into the air, Perhaps vou can guess how he felt. Farmer Brown's Boy could, Up up went Egret and over toward the Hw where it und of witer wing | Wilh lgret looking that is 16 sure dom wit ony Personal USE THE NEW Magnetism, WHY SUFFER! Harmony Klectro Others are obtaining health, why not you? Electro Magnetism Is one of the greatest discoveries ol the 20th century, In many cases where everything olse has failed the Harmony Klectro Magnetio AppHance has brought health, We are not put to sell you something that you are not satisfied will benefit you. Therefore we give you a free offer to prove what we RAYE 18 correct, When you are satisfied the Har mony will help you then ft ix up to you to use your own judgment W, €. Hutcheson, Dominion Sales Manager, 154 Willam 8, EK, Phone 260, Oshawa, (July 24-1 mo,) MO, Q "4 W. Burgess Big River, Then he turned, swung about In a clrele and came back over Farmer Brown's Boy, It was as if he had returned to say good hy, Per- haps he had, Who knows? Anyway, Farmer Brown's Boy was quite sure that he had Egret circled around the Smiling Expert Watch Repairing BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & I'rince Mts, nn RR Pool, then once more headed for the Big River, and this time he kept right on going Farmer Brown's Boy watched him disappear ahove the tree Then, with a little sigh, he turned and made his way home "I'm sorry and I'm glad, 11d Varmer Brown's Boy, "And, oh, how I du hope that no killer with a dread have a chance (0 ugain," tops ful gun will ever shont gret (Copyright, 1U50 W. Burgess) The next stor Venture some Se | MURDER THROWS Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARGE NOTHING 100 SMALL Adanac Machine Shop HARDWOOD VLOORS Linid by expert wechanios, Old hed like antractor BW. HAYNES 161 King St, West loos fn Ge 1 ( new, "hone JEWS INTO PANIC! Anti-Semitist Admits He | Murdered Jew De- "iberately Bucharest, July 28 The Jewish Telographic Aguancy reports that the Jews of Urley, Bessurabin, are in n state of panic over the murder of a. Jew named Sholom Landauon, | The Jewish Jeaders of Urley (ele | phonéd (hat they were fearful of | further sinister in | what appeared to he a dofinitely | planned anti-Semitic campaign All stores owned by Jews are roe maining closed, and Jews are koej ing off the streets in the Bazaar goction developments nrmet Profespor Muchedon, | wn demitie leader, who murdered sholom Landau in the presence of hundreds attending the Urlev Buz Rar, arrogantly asserted to the in vostigating authorities that he shot Landau because he hates the | Jew, "I shot at the Jews who wer attending the Bazanr while 1 wa perfoctly seber and consclous of what I was doing, When | am re leased 1 shall join Prof, Cuza in order to widen my anti-Semit| petivition," MONTREAL WOMAN OWNS OWN PLANE Foronto, "I'he Canada 1a flv he aeroplane is Miss JK, A Samaraw, Montreal When she landed here in her new Math plane, would not ad mit that there anvthing startlin about her feat. "I had Just as lief flv as drive a car said Miss Sam Arow Au important feature of the plane chosen hy Miss Samarow is {ts col or scheme silver wings, vellew struts, blue fuselage, black top decks ng with yellow stripe, The flver's CONtUIMEe was a summer sports suit with helmet and goggles first woman in row of she I) A LONG SHOT Heetor--1've put your dress shirt on the elothes horse Horace~What odds did vou get? Answers, LU LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard 'hone Oshawa 824 Whitby 19 hob er "COAL COAL | Phone 108 W. J, SARGANT Yard=-80 Hloor ftroet K. Orders Promptly Delivered InN | f | 481 + Nesidence B0T8W ------------ -------------------- a Good Weather Ahead! wef 0 NOL 1056 JOUFr CAPww Let mo Hnance yous=Addis tional Cash Glven, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Room 6, 14 44 King St, Kast TUTTI FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT ing h Jad Sys 1028 to Check ignition, just pointe, adjust on Chevrolet Cars, 1080 model Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, On Simcoe Nt, South ------ "Men's Suits, "Regular gl | $28.00, soc. $12.50 | Dominion Clothing Co. || | 08 King St, W, Phone 9141 | soda esis) he CAREW LUMBER (© 74 ATHOL STW OSHAWA Phones Fd ani) [ Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner i SH Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 500 Carnegle Ave, Phone 1058 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Son inlising exclusively (n muscle snomanes oyesight and glasaes 1816 Phone= 1518 Disney Block Opposites Bart Offeg ELLA CINDERS--Dancing for Profit [e---------- ne Cx "MINUTE THOUGHT 1 Han BROOME, SUDDEN | aeaumirul BT MIGHT AS WELL, FACE, THE FAST THAT 1 BTL DOW, LIE MYSELF | Ey

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