Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX - "Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worship ST. ANDREWS AND SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCHES Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Rev. J. 8. 1. Wilson (in charge) UNION SERVICES 10 a.m.~~Sunday School in Simcoe St, and 8t, Andrew's "REV. F. J. MAXWELL (In St. Andrew's Church) 7 pm REV. F. J. MAXWELL (In St. Andrew's Church) You Will be Made Welcome King Street United Church Rev. Chas. E. Cragg, M.A, B.D, ---- ' ---- 1H AM Great Need of This Hour Nichol (iraantree Mrs Mrs, M polo==""He That Dwelleth" Bolo--'"1 Come To Thee 7 FM THE MINISTRY OF MUSIC Special Musical Service Cholr--""At Kven 'ere the Bun Was Hel "Leave it With Him"=-Mrs, Bnowden Miss Wilma Crowthers and Mrs Inson Gen, Annis Mr, Cyril Weyrich Holo~ Duet-="Drifting" Holo~""The Penitent"=Mrs Holo--"An Evening Prayer" Duet=="0God's Way" Mrs Annis, My, Frank Quartette--""The Wayside Cross' --=Mossrs Walters and Parkinson Duet-="Tarry With Me"=Mrs, Farrow, Mrs Walters, Ataples, (len, Hare, Dunn KNOX Presbyterian Church Simoae Street North ana Rrook Btreet Rav, Duncan Monroe #4 Brock Nt, W, Phone 9854 Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor. Hillcroft and Mary Nis, Rev, RK: B, Patterson, M.A, Incumbent, 603 Masson Bt 9.50 a.m.~Sunday School Service, Merning Prayer Evensong, . 0.456 am ==8unday Bohool, ='DANIEL", T pmo=Kvening Worship, 11 am, 7pm Mr. R. R, Benis, BA, of Toronto, will officiate, 11 am The Pastor at hoth services Sound Doctrine Hearty Singing and a Real Wel: come are features of Knox Chureh, First Baptist Churc KING AT, HAST Rev. Aubrey W. Small | 18 Aberdeen Ht, Evangel 'Tabernacle 200 King St, West J. T, BALL, Pastor Residence, 81 Park Road Nouth, Phone 1081), 10 am ~=8unday Hohool, 11 am -=Morning Worship T pm.=Kvangellatic, § pom ~=Tuesday and Thura- day, All Welcome 10 a.m, CHURCH SCHOOL, A "Growing a Name" 100 pw "Form and Faith" Wednesday & pom, "Prayer Meeting WH INVITK YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US UNITED CHURCH "ALBERT ST. REV, NO, MOORE, BA, HD, Minister #0 Klena Wtreet, Phone BOTH 10- am~--Sunday School and Bible Classes 11 am, == Rev, E. A, Tonkin, of Bowmanville, will 7 pomo--Service in charge of Young People's League, Monday, 8 p.m.~--Young People's League, - ALL WELCOME Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches Wimeoe Bt, and Bt, Andrew's United Churches Joth services will be hela in Bt, Andrew's United Church on Sun day, Rev, ¥, J, Maxwell wil preach at both the morning and avening services, Bunday Hchool will meet in each of the churches at 10 p.m, ------ Fivet. Baptist "Growing & Namo 1s the subs ject of the sermon which will be preached by the pastor, Rev, A, W. Hmall at the morning service of First Baptist Chureh tomorrow, In the evening the pastor will preach on "Form and Faith," Albert Wireet tev, 1, A, Tonkin, of Bowman« Ville, will preach at the regular worvices of Albert Hireet United Chureh tomorrow, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Pastor (i, Legge will cons duct the services of Oshawa Pente costal Holiness Chureh, Bunday, United Evangel Tabernacle Hayvicos at Kvangel Tabernacle tomorrow will ha In charge of lay, J, TT. Ball, the pastor Contre Ntreet United "Christianity, A Life Experi ence' is the subject of the sermon Which will he proached hy the pas tor, Rev, W, P, Fletoher, at the morning service of Centre Rtre United Chureh, Bunday In the vening Dr, Metaher will preach on "A Fellow Who Made Good on the Recond Chance,' ' Methodist the Free Methodist ONTARIO AIRMEN BREAK RECORDS Feats of Herolc Endurance by Members of Forestry Patrol Feat of Vroe Mervices at l'aronte heroie en endurance rarely excelled in the annals of Canadian flying are becoming almost workaday oceurren ces in the provincial air services these days as the government flyers throw themselves into their work of Aghting the fire. menace in New Ontario's wild lands Faced with a forest fire situation of alarming proportions, the fiers are smashing thelr own previous endur ance records right and left, Accord Ing to fgures released recently hy W, Roy. Maxwell, director of the air service, one pilot, flying out of the I'win Lakes station, George Delahay, with in the air 61 hours and 15 ming tes during the week of June 7, This, an average of nearly nine hours a day flying, was 85 minutes better than the previous record made during the worst part of last August Delahay flew seven days of the week to make this record, hut un other pilot, A.C. Heaven, flying out al the same station, equalled it in six days flymg during the same week Heavens pertormance was all the marervmarkable inthat he was flying one of the cumbersome HS2L flying boats while Delahay had one of the much speedier and more easily hand led Moths Delahay and Heaven, while turn hg In most creditable records, are apparently no exceptions in the sey vice, for with five planes fewer than the service had last year, it has come within 14 hours of the record made during the biguest week of fying last August, The total (lying time ol the service for the week ending June 7 was 721 hours and 15 minutes Mareaver, even with this handicap of fewer machines the service up to June 18 had a total of flying time to date of L171 hours and 80 minutes above the figure for the corresponds ing date last year, This, however, nin part due, it must be explained, tu the fact that last year the fire hagard a not reach Ita worst until August, whereas this year the season was barely under way before a most dangerous situation faced the flyers, An example of the work being done in culled from the official rece ords in regard to the machine DHel This machine took 67 fights between June § and 18 It was employed on fire suppression duty and in that work it carried during tehso 13 days, i total of 167 men and 188 tons of provisions and equipment, ---------------- of a type ------ EXHIBITION TO BE HELD AGAIN Fisheries Show Is To Be An. nual Event in Nova Scotia Town EL Lunenbyrg, N, Se~That the Fish: eriea' Kxhibition first of its kind to be held in Canada and inaugurated successfully here last September, will become an annual event, in indicated by the deciNon of the exeoutive to hold a second exhibition on a more comprehensive seale during the coms ing autumn, last year, «A Pound, Deputy Minister of Fisheries, predicted that "the Fisheries Exhibition will develop and Billy were At the formal opening [t Chureh, Sunday, will be conducted by Rev, WR, L, U. oment, pastor, Holy Trinity Anglican ""Wishers of Men" is the subject of the sermon which will he preached by tha rector, Rev; B, C, Jarrell at the evening services of Holy Trinity Anglican Church to: morrow, Novthminster United The morning service of North. minster United Church tomorrow will be conducted hy the Young People's Union, his Chureh Anglican lay +B, Patterson, the re; tor, will ha in eharge of the ser: vices at Christ Anglican Chureh ramorrow Christian Solent int "Christian Belence" |x the sibs Jeol which will he discussed at tho ragular services of the First Churen of Christ Helentist tomorrow, Nt, George's Anglican Norviees at Bt, George's Angll enn Chureh tomorrow will be cons Acted hy Rev, Canon C, R, de Pencier, the vector, In the morning the choir will sing the anthem "Praise Yo the Father while In the evening Mr, R, I", Hinisy will WINE the solo "Galilee, King Wiveet United Marvices of King Brest Church tomorrow will ho featured hy special musie, In the morning the pastor, Rey, C. W, Cragg will preach on "Creat Need of this Hour" while In the evening a song arviee wilk"he given hy the cholr including anthems, solos, duets and quartet selections United niged over the entire Dominion of Fhe provinelal and Dom Ion governments have appropriated urunts of one and two thousand dol lnrs respectively to assist in defray ing the eost In order tn give the entire fishing feet an opportunity to participate, the exhibition will hegin on Septem her 30, lasting a week Lust year It was held in the middle of Septem her Canada" schooner PrOEramuip Ihe fishing part of the part ofthe programme is again ex pected to he a hig drawing eard News that the champion racer Blue nose had gone aground on the goast of Newfoundland spread gloom over the town, where plans for the race were heing made, and word that the schooner was reflonted and onl sigthiry damaged came as a mreat relief tn he In again ex Face THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Carners, July 28 Mr, and Mra, Edgar Pascoe, Harold Pascoe, Mr, and Mra. Wilfred Pas. one and family all attended the Pasens family reunion held at Hampton Park on Friday, July 18th Mr. and Mrs, Roy Dresidder, of foland Park, Hamilton, Miss Dress Inder, of the Ontaria Ladies' Col lege, Whithy, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Creamon, Toronto, wera recent guesty of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Robs Inson, Thorn Dale Farm Robert fully was In Toronto ene day last week Walter Russ, Toronto, was home over the week-end, The Ladies' Ald will hold thelr annual plenie at Lakeview Park on Wednesday, July 30th Wm, Hoag took a business trip | to Toronto lant week The friends of Arthur Plerson Are glad to know that he is able te he out again after the aceldent te hin knee, George Booth, Detroll, was a week-end guest of hin sister, Mrs, Edgar Pascoe and Mr, Pascoe Mr, and Mra; Norman Buss mos tored to West Hill on Friday to visit Mrs, Duss' sister, Raymond Le Roy was home over the week-and from Toronto, Miss Netty Robinson spent the week-end at Pine Point, Lake Sous HOR, Mr, and Mrs. Wall and family and Mr, and Mra, Mircook were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mra, Jas, Preston, Miss Nora Npenoer, Manchester, apent Hunday with her alater, Mrs, orman Gilbert and Mr, Gilbert. Mr. and Mra, W, H, Perryman In Orillia aver the week-end to see Mr, Perryman'a father who is seriously {11 tn the Orillia Hoapital, Mr, and Mrs, George Southwell, of Guelph, were week-end guests of their daughter, Mra, George Webster and Mr, Webster, Misses Margaret and Audrey Pleraon apent a fow days last week #on returned to Courtice with them Aunt, Mra, Ceorge Parsons, The annual Sunday School ples nie was held on Friday at Lakes view Park, It was a heautitul day And over one hundred joined the bea ba] Tog shi ren enjoys awings, slides, merry-go. round, boat rides, ete, ™ After a hounteous supper was served all went over to the sport fleld where the NUMErOUR races were held, Many of the ohildren carried off 'prises, Thin was fol lowed by a nut soramble for the ohildven which caused muoh laughs fae Ry A 2 sume of offs a play ¥ our bays and he vy Telephone whieh results od In-4 vietory for the Telephone boys, At a late hour the ohildren left for home tired but very happy, inte an institution that will be recog: The grown-ups also had a jolly day, The Church World Wide of the Lambeth Counell in Lendon, VEngland, the delegation from the Orthodox Greek Church of the Vast, formed & consplewous group, Two of the leading Patriarehs are of special in terest, Archbishop Germanos of Thyatelra has been resident in Ving land us the uceredited legate of the Oecumenieal ~ Patrinrech st Lambeth since 192, His personality, Aplin. did work for reunion and knowledge of the Anglican Chureh have won for him the friendly title, "the ad mirable prelate" There Is also Pats riareh Meletios of Alexandria, fam- ous for his own abilities and from the fact that he holds the third Apostolle see In Christendom, He is a Greek, horn in Constantinople of humble origin, and has flan hy force of character to his Wgh posi tion, He was Aschbishop of Athens during the war and fell with his friend, M, Venizelos, the premier For a time he was in charge of the Lireek congregations in North Amer len, As Oecumenienl Patriarch, he notified the late Archbishop Lord Davidson, that the Greek Church had recognized as valid the Orders of the Church of England, LJ LE J At the operin An interesting feature of the Chureh In this age is the revival In cathedral hullding, Canada has just witnessed the completion of the An gliean Cathedral in Vietoris, B.C. In New York the magnificent Protes: tant Fplscopal Cathedral of 8t, John the Divine Is gradually heing erected In Liverpool, England, the Chwreh of England will soon have a great mod ern temple of worship, which will ampare favorably with the histori eathedrals of the world, Its wrehl tect, Sir Gilhert Scott, is a Roman Catholie, Tn the same eity, a new ithalie edifice 1s being planned, on Brawnlow Hill, whieh, when finished, will cost $15,000,000, The ground plan Is that of a Latin eross the area not far short of St. Peter's In Rome; and a dome the Inrgest In the world, heing sixty-two feet in digmeter, and greater than St, Paul's London, The pave will he seated that 10,000 people will he able to see the high altar, The architect, Sir Edwin Lutyens, Is a Protestant LJ LJ LJ An Toternational Mass Meeting wis held In the Royal Albert Hall, London, England, on July 14th to appeal to the Russian Government to withdraw its opposition to reli glows teaching Pf worship, The chalr was taken hy Viscount Nrent ford and addresses delivered hy the Archbishops of Armagh and Mel hourne, hy Bishops of Dornakal, In din, and Fasex, and hy the represen tatives of the Congregational, Hap tist and Anglican Churches and the Salvation Army, Father C, C, Mar tindale, 8.J., who went to New Zea land on a lecturing mission, has met with an accident, Nevertheless, he persists In Alling his engagements Jogging along in trains, and ire quently travelling hy air. His phy selans have warned him to rest I'he new Moderator of the Preshy terian Chureh in Ireland is Rev, Id ward Clarke, of Strabane. He wis horn In Galway and educated at Trl nity College, Dublin, where he wen the first prize in Hebrew and hon ars in Philosophy, He has heen In the ministry for 40 years. The All Indian Conference of Indian Chris tans has written the Vieeroy stating their strong disapproval of civil dis obedience, which has been encoura wed hy Gandhi "ae In August of this year the World's Christian Endeavor Convention meets in Werlin, Germany, Promin ent delegates have planned te com bine a trip to other Kyropean eoun tries with their commission to the great convention, Dr, R, W, Lloyd, minister of Edgewood Preshyterian Chureh, Pittsburgh, is on the list of exchange of clergymen hetween Great Rritain and the United States, and will attend the meeting In Nor In, At Artesln, New Mexico, Rev I. P, Sinclair conducted the service in the Preshyterian. Chureh, using "broad Scoteh" throughout, Me ix a native of Scotland, Toyohike Ka Kawa, who is called the St, Francis of Japan, Is expected to visit the United States next year, The Sev enth Convention of the United ly theran Chureh of America ix ealled to meet in Milwaukee on Oct, 7, 1030, The opening service will he held in the Chureh of the Epiphany, where Dr, Roth is pastor, The 400th anniversary of the Augsburg Confes slon was celebrated hy the Ba In many parts of Canada and the United States, as well as In Europe, It was an opportunity te trace the apread of the Lutheran Chureh throughout the world; to diseusa the influence of the said Confession upon history, and the contribution made 9 Christian thought and life, te 8 Rev, Ki. M, Munro, of First United Chureh, Truro, NS, han left for Glasgow, Scotland, where he will ag cupy the pulpit of Renfield Street Chureh, during July and August, le was minister of St, Matthew's church, North Sydney, before he went to Truro, being the successor of Dr, Jack, Me expects while in Europe to visit Oberammergau, In the Reitish Columbia Conference of the United Church of Canada, fifty. four ministers changed their elrcuity this year, out of a total of 194 win. isters, Dr, W, 1, Sipprell, after ten yoars at the Metropolitan Chureh, Victoria has been given a year's furs lough hy his congregation to enjoy an "intellectual pilgrimage" Hix ins tention Ix to spend the time refresh: ing his mind at various collegescens tht and making a study of problems whieh are peculiar to this age, Dr, GC, T, Scott, a farmer minister of that charge, but recently an honored pas tor i Humiton, ho a at stiied supply dur r Sipprell's absence, Wht br ylie C, Clirke and Rev, ohn Cobtirn were travelling from St. John's, Newfoundland te Carbo. near, to attend the eonforence, the car driven by a. chauffeur, left the round and turned completely over Dr, Clarke was shaken up too ser) ously to proceed, but Mr, Coburn went on, although suffering from a sprained knee, » ' Dr, ¥rank Baird, Moderator of the Preshyterian Chureh in Canada, wis born on a farm near Chipman, NB, On his mother's side he Is related to the late Principal Snodgrass, who wis called from St. Paul's Church, Montreal to pilot Queen's University through one of the stormy periods of her early history, Dr, foal, ter graduating from the University of New. Brunswick, took his Theology in the Presbyterian College, Halifax, with post graduate work at Edin hurgh University and the United Free Chureh College, His ministers inl career began with ten years at Sussex, NB, and then nine years at Woodstock In the same provinee After a brief pastorate at Bedford, he was called to First Preshyterian Church, Pletou, one of the histori congregations In Nova Seotia, Me Queen Presbyterian Chureh wt Brownvale, Pence River District, is the farthest north mission of that de nomination in Canada, A new church wis recently opened free of det From that centre, Rev, ¥, A, Wright, the minister, Is organizing several other congregations Rev.- A, G Rintoul, minister of Knox Church, Sudbury, received KB new members at the last Communion Season, Mr Rintoul Is a son-in-law of the late Dr, David Perrle, Moderator of the General Assembly, Grace Preshyte rian Chureh, Calgary, has reduced its mortage from $80,000 to $5,000 9 9 Pape Pius XI's title Is Viear of Christ, Successor of St, Peter, Wi shop of Rome, Archbishop and Met ropolltan of the Roman Province, Primate of Tialy, Patriarch of the West, Supreme Pontiff of the Unl versal Chureh, and Soverelgn of the State of the City of the Vatican, Rey David Humphreys, parish priest of Killenaule, County of Tipperary, Ire land, hus passed awny, aged elghty five. He was familiarly known as "I'he Grand Old Man of Tipperary He was the oldest elergymen in th Archdiocese of Cashel, 8 keen and constant Aghter for Catholle Interests and a champion of popular rights; and nssociated with Mr Wm, O'Brien In advocating the cause of the Irish tenantry, Mgr. Lienart, the new car dinal of Lille, France, was given a great weleome hy his fellow eltinzens It was feared that the new honor would necessitate his promotion te another 'part of the Chureh, but when they were assured that he would he left for the present as thelr pastor there wie granl Joy among the pens ple. During the war France lost | 00 Cautholle churches eampletely, and FAO others damaged. Since the res toration of peace 1 RO of these churches have heen rebuilt a The Baptist Convention of Mani tohn met recently in Broadway church, Winnipeg, where Rey Simon is pastor, Thirty-three churches were represented and the subject under discussion was "Chris tianity after 1900 years," Rev, John Mest, missionary from India, was present, and Rev, H, ( Olsen, of First Church, Winnipeg, elected president for next veur, The wests ern chureh Is encouraged by the en trance of six young graduates of Me. Master University in to the work, within the hounds of the Conven flon, The Baptists of Saskatchewan held thelr annual meeting In Saska toon, when 141 delegates from twen tvsone churches were present, An Important part of the program was given to addrespes on "Pentecost," wv Rev, FF Jessop. Principal Ihomas Philling of the Baptist Cols lege, Cardiff, Wales, has outlined an lxtra-Mural Scheme, It is a corres pondence course, where ministers old and young are assisted in their stud lew, They will be organized into groups, and professors will he avail. ahle to visit them occassionally, The college will aet an adviser and will answer questions sent hy: the sty dents 84 The Centenary of Methodist oy ganization in West Australia has Just heen celebrated, The first service was held en the beach at Fremantle on February I, 1830, when Joseph Hardey, a local preacher, mathered his family, and the Clarksons, whe were of the same faith, and gave thanks to Almighty God for the mers cles granted during the long voyage, Rev. Frank Lade, M, A, president. weneral of the Methodist Conferenee, headed a strong delegation from eas- tern Australia, Services were held in many churches and the newspa- pers featured the event by photos, historieal sketehes and reports of the proceedings, No financial appeals were made, but it is the desire of the Chureh to recapture the fervor and pansion of the early Methodists, The Methodist Conference in Queens: land has at present in full swing an evangelistic campaign, Rev, J, A, Gault, ORI, of Victoria, spent Tune at two leading points, Rev, R, O'D, Finigan, the New South Wales evans gelist, in finishing July, after success ful missions at three leading contros, Tm T------ We: all must agree that when it comes to the qutetion of occupation or profession, the character of either ahould be of far greater importance than consideration of priority, A doctor, an architect and.a holshe. vik were discussing the priority of their occupations, The doctor sald: "When Adam's side was opened and a rib removed to make woman there was a surgical aperation-=medicine wax the oldest profession" The architect said: "Yes, but when the earth was made out of chaos, there was the building process, the ute of materials according to plan, The architect ix therefore the oldest." The bolshevik smiled and said: "But who supplied the chaos!" 15 your old bass soloist with the Cru: sade Union Boys' Singers of New: ark NJ, who appears in Bimeoe Street United Chursh, Oshawa, on Saturday evening of Edgar the complishment of being "shle, at the age of 15, to sing with ease down to the KE flat below the bass clef, -------------- A HT AAT EPS WILD DEER VISIT NEW ENGLAND TOWN Keene yuired a ver Into towns and, siderable ren! estate damage, leaving without strange aetions A year or so ago a high stepping |}! | buck invaded Muss, out the roof of a greenhouse to do a terpaichorenn Might the Gardner gar dener to foot with no one to blame except, perhaps, a queer fancy of nature thusinstic brother or a son of the Gardner in vader, duplicated the stunt here with approximately the same results Intruder couple of greenhouses, smashing with every leap. some nicely leaded panes that cost wallas kicking over a vatled ansogt ment of boxed petunias, snap -drugofs, Chinese asters and other flowers that were awaiting prospective customers In the houses Like hi mal was badly cut In his Aight and a trad! of hlood, hroken marked his other ranging dogs have chased the mals into the settled parts of the city Mr. Van Nagg==Jane, T think fil a little occasionally, I! Well, T think it Is {iriodionts subscribed for, 0 owie's Mr, Van Nagy Mrs, Van Nagg--=Yes, to speak well of her hushand oceaslonally, All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome St. George's ANGLICAN CANON C, I, dePENCIER M.A, Cor, Bagot and Centre ts, Organist and Cholrmaster-- Matthew Gouldburn, AdOM, § sm.-~Holy Communion, 10.15 a.m, ~Bunday Schou, 11 s.m.==Morning Frayer, "Praise Yo the Father's by choir, 7 pm, Kyensong, #ole by Mr. R, FV, "Guliles," Bacey, DG GREE FDOAR OREEN Baptisms second Sunday each month, this week, MISSION (Over Arcade) 10 SIMCOK WE, N, Rev. 11. L. Casement, Pastor Sunday, July 27 2.30 p.m. Sunday School 3.30 p.m. Preaching Ser- vice, Wed. 7.30 p.m, ==Prayer Meeting, Cordial Welcome deer In have ue NH=The" of the count had habit of galloping alter causing cons wild schon any explanations of their the town of Gardner, not far from here, and picked i -- -- "Christian Science' First Church of Ohrist, Molentist #4 Colborne Sireet Kast Sunday, July 27 Morning Service at 11 a.m, SUN ROT (1) TRUTH" Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science, You are cordially f(ovited to attend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorized Ohristian Holenoe literature may be fead, borrowed or purchased and Open on uesdays, Thursdays and @aturdays from J to § pm, result of the wnlmals steps, As had a rather heavy glass bill days #go another overen deer; probably a younger few The raced wlong the top of a real money to install, as Gardner brother, the ani Ines and hair [EET n ley of any the people hereabouts that woods ani theory inclined to helleve you fra. Van Nag lohn A wife's duty? duty, --- "CALVARY BAPTIST | Wo a | REV. W, T, GILMER Centre St, United Church REV, W. P, FLETCHER, B.A. DD, Sunday, July 27 Gospel Jentre Athol Bt, Weste=Nurth Bide of the China Inland Mission will preach at both services Sunday Schoo! 8 p.m, Monday, § pm.==HY.PU, Wednesday, 8 pm. =Prayor Meeting, «0 am,~=Sunday School 11 am, == "Christianity a Life Experience." 7 pm=--"A Fellow Whe Made Good on the » Oshawa Second Chance. Pentecostal Holiness Church 811 Celina Street Pastor OG. Legge In Charge 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 aun, Pastor G. Legge | 7 pm, Pastor G. Legge Tues. 8 pmo' Prayer Meeting Fri. 8 pomo== Bible Study Everyone Welcome HOLY TRINITY CHURCH REV. 8, C, JARRETT 30 Fairbanks St, 8 am. Holy Communion 10 a. m.==Sunday Scheel 11 am, Matins and. rmon, 3 p.mo==Baptism, 7 pm. Evensong and Sermon, Series of talks on "Home lems" will be con. tinued Sunday Evening at 7 o'clock. Subject "Fishers of Men," Northminster United Church Rev, Mansell Irwin, nA, Bb, Pastor 40 Greta Bt. Phone 8068\V 11 am==Harvice in oharge of Young People's Union, The Evening Service be Withdrawn, «Note, == Northminater Street Fair, Aug, 22nd. CHRISTADELPHIAN "TNE SURE WORD OF p " " shall some (nthe las ng " ata) ang Rear Peter heh LARS RL Wt La (NUTR . Net be ealved, .

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