Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1930, p. 5

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Rb As som a THE OSHAWA DAILY 'IMES, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1930 PAGE FIVE' ""-r Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community | SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Constance Colpus, Bagot strest, Is spending the week-end with Miss Kaye Herron, of Teron to, in Toronto and Niagars, Mr, fitanley Walker, formerly of this ety, now of Windsor, Is the guest of Mrs, Frank Robson, Ced ardale, , Mrs, B, Watts, Mrs, Fred Jones, of Cheltenham, Ontario, and Miss Laure Maveman of Jersey City, N, Y,, recently visited with Mr, and Mrs, Behwartz, Oak street Miss Catherine Gates, of Kiteh- ener, Ont, Is spending her summer holidays with My, Alfred Gates, of Ontario Hf, and 8B, A, Oates, of Kenneth Ave, Oshawa, Mrs, A. Blackwood and Miss Jaurs. Lee, of Royal Oak, Mieh- igan, are visiting My. and Mrs, © A, Toure, Nagsan fitrest, for a faw days, Mrs, It, Vudee, Lloyd Wiyeet, nnd her daughter, Mrs, B, Nicols, Que. hee Wtreet, are sdlling this morning from Montreal for London Eng: land, where they expect to visit for some time, Mr, and Mrs, MH. KE, Moke who have been visiting at the heme of the latter's mother, Mrs, A. H, Smith, 143 Kidon Avenue for the past three weeks, have motored back to their home in New arsey, Miss Hilda Johnson is spending two weeks vacation with her sister, Mrs, H. BE. Molke, New Jersey ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr, and Mrs, Walter Blacey wish to announce the marringe of thelr only daughter, Beatrice Catherine Belle to Alexander Smith Auld, of of Montreal, formerly of hin city, on August 10, 1030, HE KNEW l'eacher == "Willie, which third month of the year?" is the YOUNG LIBERALS WILL ASSIST ON ELECTION DAY Twentieth Century Liberal' Club Members to Get Voters to the Polls Twentieth Century Club mem: bers met last evening in the Lib oral Committee rooms an Organs ized for petivities that are to be earrie on hy young IAberals on election day, The meeting wis not as largely attended as had heen hoped by the executive but encugh ware there to ascertgin that ex tensive work in the way of getting the vote to tha poll on Mondu} will be one, Allen Moore, presi dent, presiding was assisted 1 making the arrangeménts hy his capable executive, The young Lib ernls have taken upon themselves the task of getting as many people ny possible to the polls GIFT REFUSED Ir Is rumorad that banquet | held In the local golf club house | Inst night, Mayor Bert 8, Wemp, of Toronto, who took part In yesier day's tournament with members of the Hearboro Golf Club, was pros ferred the old city hall glock as a gift, AL any vate it looks as If the gift was courteously declined hy His Wership as the clock Is still tieking cheerfully away today from its lofty eminence, There ars some, however, who would not mind If the old city hall, clock wnd all, wera to he ramoved (no the Queen City Prisoner="1 wasn't doing nothing, your honor, | was only passing some fruit to a pal of mine in the theatre Can't 1 do that?" Miugistrate-"No, Not when you're in the gallery and vour pal is on the stage and the fruit |» you can't LADY BOWLERS ENTER TOURNAMENT ------ ' On Thursday evening the Osh awa Bowling Cluh and its sffil ated Ladies' Club held as mixed Jtney, The green was in perfer condition thus enabling the play ors to enjoy games of the hes kind, The result of the play gave the Indies first and second prize, to Miss Leach and Mrs, Tom Bley. enson, The gentlomen's prizes went to Messrs, Donnelle and Heffer mann, The ladles although having Just recently begun to play are making speedy progress, A Lean of twelve Indies and twelve gen tlamen of the Port Perry Bowling Club are to he guesis of the Osh awa Club on Thursday of nes week, JULY EMPLOYMENT SFCOND BEST IN CANADA'S HISTORY 21,206 More Have Work Than a Month Ago--Only 1929 Was Better Ottawn, July 261In a report is | sued yesterday the Dominion Dur: | ean of Mtatisties, In analyzing the employment situation In Canada, sild (here ware 21,200 mora per sone earning wages In Canada on July last than on June 1 Irom raports sent In by 7,284 firms it wis computed that 1,044,282 work ars were employed In Canada The report continued; "This ad- vanes, which was similar In size to that recorded on July 1, 1620, hrought the index numher to 11K, 0. as compared whith 116.5 In the preceding month and with 124.7, 117.7, 100.7 106.0, 8.0 97.4, 100.7, 02.2 and KK.6 at the begin ning of July In 1020, 102K, 1047 1028, 1026, 1024, 1024, 10822 nd) | an oversripe tomatol" 1021, respectively Industrin)l am To he fashion wine, one must buy on a vising minrkets=that is, select mn dress with advance chile, ruther than current, To do this, of couEse, one must be on tip«ton noticing the Hitle things that make a dress this season or the next Mevernl indications of the futére mode are shown dress In the Vogue sketch at the left. above, Finely tucked bands Wun thus level on July 1, 1040 heginning of July in any other yonr on record, with the exception of 1020 BRITISH LUMBER ployment nn | | neason higher | mediate than at the | giving preference pnd 1 | encrusted on the skivt release the fullness in front. and back and in terupt the length of the sithouette The attached searf, which: crosses in the front, thes nnd hangs low in he haek, thereby concentrating | the | | | Dek "n new emphasis, While we | In the ovening | nre thus looking forward, we need the decolletege treatment in not fovget that ie is still the open for the short weape=thnt and 30 per cont, general HE prota tion British timber The duty on sawn log gon Is also Inerensod expressed the hops that arangements would be from Mr, reciprocal made with nton | Canadn complement to the long Levening gown, The one shown | shove In the sketch Is chile and | practical when made of velvet, It | hw nn went collay, which ties in n bow in the back at one shoulder On the right Is Norma shearer wearing a short ermine evening weap, made in cape effect, and antline Voune perfect CHICKEN THIEVES | This invaded the hot se Frog Powell Corner I'nion Cemaler | | two Thornton's aunt of the the Kingston the of houses on highway lust night between of 12 with about one hundred pring chickens, laghorns | Rocks, "Two hoys hours with sables=fketch In by | chicken | A 10 and 4 o'clock, and | and sleeping In a | But hi N inspiring world expositdian which satisfies the desire to see the unusual snd the extraordinary=an accomplishment unparalleled in enter. tainment and educational features ""LesVoyageurs," gorgeous Arandstind pageant depleting the pleturesque romance of North Amerlean develops ment, presented nightly by 1500 per. formers on the world's largest stage. Seats 29¢, $1.00, Boxes $1.50 Vifsh sane) Magathon amp onship snd rich ¢ \un, 23 (wamen), We na hirty hands, foctugin Yorma nt force Band of seventy; wentplises (hy special permission i] Militls and Defence), Four eopeerts by the Intornationally fa 2000-v0le ix hibition ors Aus 2% and 28, pe Zand 6, Rests 28¢, 75¢ and $1.00 Manufaceurers' exhibita from almost avery country Art in two galler Me wht n sli preaches Canad n Ya inal Motor § Engingering and Electrical displays Interest for everyone Jedud ed rates by rill, bus, sirway gnd speam vont, Make reservations wow for Grandignd Pageant and 1 wih cheque or money order the All-Cansdn Instn, opt, of our | . how | tion Chorus Converts, Send | EXHIBITION TORONTO Aug220:Sept-6-1930 HW. WATERS yeneval Manager PAT SAM HARRIS President - ALL-CANADA | YEAR This Is your year,.,s picturesque occasion for all Canadians, PLAY THE GAME (Vita Lampada) + hreathle hush the close tonight Fen to make ind the light lust {a blinding ind the teh a Ait hour 1 bumping pi the sake of a rib not Lor honed selfish Time Or the hope of a season's ind on hi Captain mately to | and And the host hes fictin fi y 1 d ! Pla Kami hiv "Pla up! and play the up Newholt, Henr | Major Tam Way Beith noted | author of "The [Pirst Hundre Thousand" and many other plays and novels, arrived recently al Ques beg aboard 8.8, Empress of Francs for a four week sojourn in the Dominion where he hopes "to fish and do nothing, although I may What New York Is Wearing NEW SOPHISTICATION EASY TO MAKE Feminine details accent printed dimity frock with ¢risp organdie cape collar, It approves of the higher walstline and ties it with narrow belt plek up an idea for a play or somes thing, for one Is always on the look out for likely material" Pupil="1 don't know" Teacher--"Well, what is it comes in like a lion and goes like a lamb?" Pupil="Father lawn were | un light flush the rob w-- of the gang "Land of Heart's Return" is the for there appenred fo | he | description of New Brunswick by more than just two, was left | Bamuel Heelit in his Tourist Topics guard at (he tent go that the | Red | eolumn in the New York American, boys could give | hecuuse it "always turned out to ha no whining to the | in the house Thera is nol nleer In reality than anyhody sald | LIVE CHICKEN TORN GIVEN PREFERENCE TO PIECES AT PICNIC Australian Teriff Amend. | \ London : Jub pn 4 | haan (ssued hy umane Society of ment Will Benefit Canada, | fitials on 1ive chicken hanes ut Hurt USA. tent on the Powell rudely awakened hy ed In thelr eves, hefore took place ne that pink taffeta with the edge of the wind play collar and skirt flounces Hnished with pleating, Pale blue georgette crepe and flowered organdie very pretty Pattern price 15 ar coin (coin preferred) di thioye len are bun has | of he or on with the wreek unre that broke cents in stamp ol a summer plentes In this distriet, The ruling following with George To BABY'S OWN . REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we oan repair and make it tell the correc! time D. J. BROWN HE JNWELKH Official Wateh Inspector for lan National and Osh. awa Hallroads 10 King Nt, W, Phone 1N0 NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re. ports of meetings of all Wo. | men's Organizations in the community, Kindly addres such to Women's Page Ed: itor or Telephone Number 35. When writing remember to use only one side of paper. July Clearance Our Prices Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE #4 Simcoe St, 8, For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Nimeoe St. & = We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Katablished (NMG 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH of the organdie at the left side, Gath- ered tiers add fulness to the skirt Just like the elder mode, it gives the The Summer Fashion Magazine | containg most interesting styles for adults for town or vacation wear 7 UA 1) Aa " appearance of tightened hipline which contributes new sophistication, Three little rosebuds made of organdie in tones that blend with the printed dimity, are caught at center-iront of the gathered cape collar, It is an adorable dress for kiddies of 6 8 10 and 12 years, It ix so ens tively smart and practieal for sum- mer afternoons, Style No, 3378 will amaze you with the small amount of material it takes to. copy it exactly In the 8-year size, 13 yards of 10. heh material with 34 yard of R:nch contrasting is sufficient, Gingham checks are back amain and lend themselves perfectly to this cute frock, You'll like it expecinlly In nile green and white with coll of white organdie and belt of seli fabric, Another interesting idea ix cundy striped batiste with the collar of jain batiste in predominating tone, Daffodil yellow ergandie, clear load ros printed lawn, flowered muslin n blue and rose on white ground, corded seed dimity in dusty pink, white dots an durk blue ground in voile, tub ailk in opaline tones and sheer linen in aquamarine are delights ful combinations fer this French model, ' For parties it is very dainty in pale Also darling styles for the kiddies, It in 18 cents a copy, but may be obs tained for 10 cents if ordered same time as pattern, TILLIE THE TOILER-- "Business Is Business" Carberra, July 26. In the House of Representatives yesterday, Hon, James E, Penton, Minister of Trade and Customs, Introduced a resolu tion amending the tariff with ra gard to Imported timber, the new senda of duties go Into opemition Immediately The duty on logs from the Stale of Oregon, UH A, wan Inoreasad to 10 per cent, 20 par cont inter PAIN so easily relieved How to treat Headaches Neuralgia Neuritis or check a Cold Wok nt with pain? Ahoppl patient wi alin opping head that ARrobs, Working when they ache all over, Sometimes it's hours before they take Aspirin and got relief! Most men take these tablets the moment that some sudden ache or pain threatens their comfort and so should you, Aspirin 1s. perfectly harmless), it cannot doprons the heart, he tablets » od Bayer are always genuine Aspiring always th me always safe, So it ian't se 0 to suffer with a headache, a cold, neuralgie pains, or anything else that these tablets reliove almost as soon as swallowed, Buy by ti bottle and save money, Any drugstore has the 100-tablet » TRADE MARK REG. SPIRIN tin officer, tarmed an In eldent of "disgusting brutality' at A recent plenle, Ha sald a chileken han heen released at a plenie held here a few days ago and the unfor wocioly ulive hy women strug ponslon sling for po Henry: "Bring me another sand wich, please," Wilter Will clue there he anvthing Henry: "Ye v paper weight, The last sandwich blew away" He ne So vou don't want to mia Doris 1" She "That's diferent! amething about " dyer PREPARATIONS FOR STREET FAIR Northminster Church to Hold Annual Carnival Next Month Complete arrangements are derway for Northminster United Church Street Fair, August 22nd, following an enthusiastic meating of the Central Btreet Maly mittes last night, Raseball game and a quolla tournament (will prove interesting and exciting and a centra of In tevest, will be the old time Coun try Stove In charge of ona depart ment of the Women's Association A fish pond and pony rides alonu with {ce cream, candy and pop' will be the chief juvenile attrac tions, The Hoy Soouts are on the fob and preparing for a really smart. "Hot Dog business, Nuts erous other hooths and attractions ure well in hand judging from re porta of committees given last night. A band will be in attend ance and pleasing lghting effects and decorations will add much to the seeno, . Come and enjoy a really fine time with the folk of Northminster United Church August 29nd, You being yours ov tifhate bird had bhaen torn to plecos | people COME BACK the entrance of a large uburbs of Glasgow are nding by cutate in the dogs carved out of granite lian, going by in a hack ould have we meoteh driver | | > two huge \n Lng! thought haw | the often, Jock dows "Whenever they traight-fuced reply "Hew those two big har) 'Here are two womeme---" ine ments Inundry does the wd he other makes weekly pays on her expensive equipment and laundey at home makes weeks | | ly payments tv our driver | and does It with a smile, hecause he gives her in return the family wash all done and ready to put away, You may he trying to decide a similar problem, Let us tell you of our five different services and the moderate charges Involved, We have no doubt as to how you will decide the matter, Please remember that all washings are done soparately in soft water without any marking, Phone today, or stop any one of our courteous drivers, Phone 788 434 Simcoe Street South to who committed the me fun with | I'he wed a Chnthing col And the regiment blind with dust and smoke river of death has h hank And England's fal nel dead Ihe rimmed and honor name, But the voice of a | the rank up! Pla game! thay rallie Pla up! ond play the § the word that year bh Car in her place the school is set one of her sons must hear, And none that hears it dare forget they all with a joyful mind Heat through life like lame v torch of Children will fret, often for no apparent reason, Rut there's als ways one sure way to comfort a restless, fretful. child, Castorial Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper; mild and bland as it tastes, But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surely than some powerful medicine that iss meant for the stronger systema of adults That's the beauty of this special children's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant--as often as there is any need. In cases of colic, diarrhea, or similar disturb: ance, it is invaluable, But it has everyday uses all mothers should ithe | {Mt Was on paper" A million dollar contract has heen offersd the Torbanite Produets Co, 14d, of New Glasgow, for Tors hanite residue na it comes from the Hnet retort, This order comprises 0,000 tons al $4 a ton and bes comes effective sixty days from July K, | \ A young lieutenant was visited in camp | t lushionable friend, and the latter was inclined to be joculay aver the t itting room whieh the young officer oceupied "Well, Charles," he sald on leaving, "how much longer do you mean to stay in this nutshell?! 'Oh, until 1 bes come a kernel!" replied the lieutens { | | | | understand, A coated tongue calls for a few drops to ward off congtis ation; so does any suggestion of bad breath, Whenever children don't eat well; don't rest well, or have any little upaet==this pure vegetable preparation is usually all that's needed to set everything to rights, Genuine Castoria has Chas,. H, Fletcher's signature on the wrapper, Doctors preseribe it, TA PAVILION TON\GENY, AT LAB THANKS A] LAT, MAC, BUT | TLBY PROMISED To EO WIT MR, WHIPRLE iy NA AA 50 I By Russ Westoves [come Bac TH THE OFFICE IMME DIATELY - IMPORTANT BUSINESS 4, I. SIMPKING ~ "THE Rl BRAS uch ohh se 8 { WHY COULDN'T Boss HAVE WA\TRD| UNTIL. MONDAW PINT: | WANT WELF LET W TRAY, HAL ™ BNID BR MITH SOME ONE A. CAN DANG all (Be y-- F Yau LLB Y HER « TON\GWT, «0

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