Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1930, p. 3

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A) ) \ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1930 Prosperity Around the Co Enthusiastic Crowd Greets Liberal Speakers at Meeting Westmount School Last Night 'ather and Son Speak From Same Platform in Persons of W. A, Dryden and John Dryden MOORE UNABLE TO BE PRESENT On July 26th Canada Will Show World She Is Behind Empire Trade, Candidate's Son Predicts--H, Ed. mondson and A. J, Graves Also Speak An enthusiastic crowd packed the auditorium of Westmount school to the doors, and lined *the walls last night for the second last meeting vl the Liberal campaign in Oshawa, A capable of sepakeis ouflined the policie af Empire trade which the Mughenzie King appealing to the people for reelection to power, and amid responsive cheer ing, urged the election of Mr, WV H, Moore, the Liberal candidate for this yiding Mr, Maore ately tn his requests to Brantiord worthily his group ol ie to repeated unable ta he pre Owing havin weeedyd peak in the eltic of ind Hamilton, He was represented, however, h on, Allan Moore met with a real o "I believe (hit principles of Liberalism coingide the princi ples of go government," he de clared Me, Moore called to the saying of Sly Johp A, MacDon ald, "A Hreitish subject | was born, # British subject | will die ind point ed out the practic in which the King government given expres sion to that through the drafting of the Dunning budget, and the strengthenin thereh of the hands of Lmpire trade "On July 28th we'll show the that Canada is behind Emp forever," he concluded Fathey and Son A feature of the meeting last night wis the appearance on the same plat form of father and son wf, the favisilyy to theoperaons of AV. «A hy den and Fihn Dryden, of Rrooklin John Dryden was introduced as the grandson of that Hon, John Dry whose address ation the with Wily his entiment vorld trade san EE Tr mind | EE den, who represented Ontario Bouth in the provineial house a quarter of ioeentury ago, and made a name fo) himself as one of the hest Ministers of Agriculture in the history of the provinee, John Dryden stated his belief that the important decisions nour na tonal affaires affecting such questions us the tariff should not he decided by privileged interests, but hy broad minded, clear thinking men, "This 15 the pelicy of the Liberal party)" Mr, Dryden, Junior, stressed the need whieh Canada will have for an outstanding representative ut the fortheoming Imperial Eeonomie Con ference, "If Canada 1s ta lead in the deliberations of the conference, ther is only one man to send, W, 1, Mac Kenzie King "here! he no dearth of Liberal candidates in this riding in years no come," remarked the ehatrman, G, D Conant, John Dryden concluded his address, Mr, W, A, the large and which have attended ever meeting in the ridin "he are all anxious to hear My explain the ren! issues of rather than listen (a the muek which our opponents through out the throw "Hecause 1] Is not suthieient reason ing a Liberal" W, A ed out, "ht Is duty (no stud serlously the problems of the coun Ir I believe that Liberalism come claser ta the thy citizen than does Conservatism" peaple "shout for high pro tection, without considering the pro | hlem rational I don't helieve in high protection as a remedy | 11 our ills, nor vet do | helieve in Free Frade At thy We not live in the: products we pre Ih Dunning budget has shaken up the tariff situation, and put it on a sound business basis" Howard ldmondson vid effectively, presenting point of the working man the Dunning budget and My candidature "We for Canadian labour velop miarkets fof Canadian labour," he Panning budget is a fore develop markets and stabilize ployment." Mir, Edmondson referred 10 as Dyyden commented on interested wudienee Moni people Moore the da slanderoy heen wont to country have horn a for Dryden point mark toy AVErREe ane sme time, ci we are unable ta trad ice hitetly View spoke the toward Moore unemployment unless we de the products of declared, "The tending ta cannot hive en Mn Kaiser's complaint that Mr. Moore is leaving u $10,000 job in an effort to win Dr, Waiver's $4,000 job, " say that we are lueky, We're getting w $10,000 pian Tor $4000," the speaker remarked with a smile, Mr, A), Graves opened the mee! ing with the assertion that if (he Conservatives expect ta get i 100 per cent, vote in the southern part of Oshawa, "they have another think cofning" He told his Westmont audience of the enthusiasm that wis evinced at the Liberal meeting on Boor street the night hefore last, Mr, Graves asserted that the ol'vy purty still stick to thely old plan of camprign, knocking everything sug gested by the Liberals, The crowd applavded heartily wt Mr, Graves reference to Dr, Wiiser's statement el tour years ago, auent Mr, Ferguson's reception at the Con servitlve convention in Winnipeg, when Dr, Kalser is reported to have sild that the Hon, Mr. Ferguson started like a milion dollars, and finished like ten cent "And vet ths doctor | that sume ten cents to come and sup port him at the park tomorrow even ng" the speaker pointed ont "ach of us has uw purely selfish duty in this eleetfon," stated William Gilbert," to select the vandidut whom we believe hing the hest vi ori, the preatest abilit hit brought th LONSLINCLIVE BUR gestion to his I mention no names, hut there doubt in nl nvikin wid most CRIN I think the mind hom I mean" cin bie no thinking people ws fo y Gordon D, ( man tar the Hal addres I have heen concerned in polities) CRINPRIENS ever 1902, und 1 hav, wpported & candidate whom | much ns Mr, Moore," li difficult to understiu how anyone could vote aginst WW H, Moor He has done more for Oshawa than any member of parla have had in mant wlso went Hon tht TERT onant aeted as char meeting and gave thi ol the evening LILLY neyel esteemed a tated "Hi VERT har empire trad high prot the Unite pinch of the gignter ment we Mr, ( ita the que pointing phi ol the like the i omueh out tanist ot Mate pnt depre feelin in tn were [ire 18 Canada the pegusinted ditions « the automo! cities of the Michigan, broke in ta corraborite ig thi tatement I 'nited ven! Dinning extent than erful men in pldience to he IsHing In eetned with alate of ously Stute since th hinduet manutaciurer pubhication af the that the in Canada to keep thelr mirket I Canada will obtain under the trade of th with the Heitish Ep vd h | fears for a Hiuee must Manutuctirg Wrivish Fonplre can obtain, wn Liberal poliele United State pire he ne shi PEER EF "Osha manently i v elect Mr, Canant concluded will he on nap per \ MH. Ma Last and Largest Meeting of This Campaign --Hon. G. Howard FERGUSON Premier of Ontario Memorial Park, Oshawa TONIGHT N80 PM, Daylight Saving Time IN SUPPORT OF Dr. T.E. Kaiser Conservative Candidate Ontario Riding REGIMENTAL BAND AND LOUD SPEAKER A mammoth parade will meet the Premier at the eastern ond of the oity and proceed to the park, All Conservas tive supporters ave requested to join, In case of inclement weather the meeting will he held in Oshawa Avena, King bt, W, A large number of seats will he provided, Park, SPECIAL The spegch of the Hon, R, B, Bennett being broadcast from Ottawa 12 midnight to 1 a.m, will be received and amplified through the loud-speakers at Memorial James Moore, M.D. President, GOD SAVE THE KING A. C, Hall Secretary, The Straight-Eight Valve-insHead MeLaughlin-Buick PAGE THREE Transition from the Bix to the Eight is complete in the 1051 McLaughlin: Bulcks, four series of which ure announced today, One of the sevies==which are all straight eights Is considershly lower in price than any of the McLuughlin:Bulck sixes of lst your Above Is the seven passenger sedan of the long wheelbase series, the motor of which develops 104 hp Left center shows the emblem "8" molded in the new radis wor cap In the oval, the MeLaughline Buck straight elght power. plant, the de elgn of which Is the same In all four series; hut which appears in three sizes, develop ing 7015 horsepower, 90 horsepower and 104 horsepower respectively felow, the engine oll temperature regulator, which keeps the entire engine at normal operating temperature under all conditions, Election Returns Will be | Given by the Oshawa Times at Armouries Monday Night Ad han heen the custom in former | fee so ns to maka a full and speed I'he ured the Monday avenng election returns nntional, A large help erectad In the Ar movies, pnd the veturn will he flashind on this hy lantern Just an thie Are avaliable, wn citiaeng of Oshawa and isteter will ha kept fully informed Wa Lo haw the Nght his gone Hy th means, it will hin possible for thi of the of Oshawa ta came indoors and anjoy tha pro ceding While both the candidate will he my ne nl the Armor nd ros a] guthoving a the result for the In definite] The Times ia unturned to give ridings ton wervien ever plans which have collecting the re af Ontario ave complet degree, and the serviea should heeak all records for speed I'he appeal to tha deputy-returning of neers for dn-aparation 1s expected on hring a ready responses, and WEAN The Times appeals to all of thes ta he sure to telephone thei NEures to The Times, at No noon ad th eount Is eompleted For national returns WHT une, of course, ta Creed auto mutle telegraph printer, voesiving the werviea over 1a Canadian Press lonsed wire, In addition, Rowaver, thera will ha an auxiliary Morse wire and operator in The Times' of aloatlon campaigns, Onhinwa Diinily he 0 for. the giv nl hath locul Flmes hus noe Han uf Arinnrie and wilekly. w that the isund penile o HOON An riding of Ontario known IBaving nn stone the poaple of the of Ontario the grostagt ole witempted I'he heon made for riding tothe last Ws In the Ah an The Thnes HE } What Others Say | a] PENNION LEGISLATION Dear Mr. Editor In your editorial of July 24 you take exeaption to a olreular sent to veterans in this eity Par your information I would nay 1 wan the author of the pamphlet and furs thermore no name helng mention od on (twas an overalght of tha printer. and hy reason of my only nealing the proofs before the elvous lar was malled accounts for the fact that | was possibly the most mnrprised person In Oshawa when I ved your artiola vegarding it The reason an to Why the olreus Iar wan sent out In that | am of the confirmed opinion thal veters uns are vitally Interested in this election heoause it In my opinion that a hroad Interpretation of new loglalation swings In the halanee Fay instance it in considered good politieal practice for ane party to dlaeredit the legislation of an ops posite party in view of this a hroader Interpretation of the new pansion legialaglon may he given it hy the party wich placed it on the piatute hooks than the party which Was In apposition at that time, Furs thermore a new party taking the relgns of government may eonaids ar patronage before effiolency in the appointments under the new NotE, The question hat heen brought Wp by you as te where oredit for the legislation ia due, lel me say the ovedit for the pension legialas tion tn due entirely and wnresers vedly to soldier organisations and the ear of a sympathetlo Liberal government, Furthermore all the new legislation was contalued in vesalition ment down hy the foun veteran organisations within the past year and tha anly political oredit whieh can be given must go to Gavernment which wan sympa thetlo enough (0 grant these res service cortuin Through the courtesy of the Hi here Bimpaon Company, all the tel Phones and sta of that will he avatluhle for Information, Calls fm an to results whioulad he O00, and not No which ui served for incoming result parts of Ontario ding I'o factiiinte the compiling election return he ime printed an election hanndhonl nen Hist of the candidatins hy for making notos na in halng comp mg oul formu made tn-No from nil constitu ng proving With to the avery dintrihuted sun of The Time nvaluhle an application i F'imes nM Two extra election editions will published on Monday one As soon an the result in taro viding can he conceded tn the eandidpte nd he AH HOON Ka there uMelont poy orl returns from nll aver the Ho minton to show the wing of the election, These will ha on sale h curvier hoya in the Armorie on tha streets at Ave conta mn cop and an they will contain a complete | upto the minute ol they should mest mand ennntitieg Caps With tad wd ne ha oning On ne of othe ne nnd finn with a Keen de | The Times extends to all eitigens | In Oshinwa and district w Invitation to' come ta the on Monday evening to re | election results, and mive AERLPANCA that a services as neprl perfect an is humanly possible will | ha miven cording Armor olve th tdefintie AUARLE surely we cannot give Ho opposing parties hoon use did not oppose 1 In closing 1 would say 1 ly regret the elrenlar was without the wouree from. whioh 1 oame printed on i also 1 had uo tention of insulting a soldier wm gantaation In the polltleal eam patEn or of evading the election aot L have a right as a private oil on and as returned soldier who haw werved tn Franes to fmpait to my oomrades my view that (he administration of the new Pension loginlation in of vital importance to them and | know an a legion mem her In good standing that he loglon could not dlaouss the pos Nibilitlen of the admintuteation of the new legislation and remain within ita constitution Qa 1 orod- | they | | mneern mailed Bdmonda Born DRUMMOND At Oshawa tanaral Hospital, on Maturday, July 24, 10800, to My, and Mya, J, M, B Drummond, a daughter o (200) T Too Late To Classily $1260 CANN OR CAR TAREKR [will he wont | Rnd A equity of $800 Id Hh voaom brlok hungalow, North end, Phone LAIRW, . (200) FOR TINT INA LE HOUR centrally located, reasonable, 14 Nlgin Street Hast, Phone 4863), al ones, . (480) FOR RENT NTOREV ORNS od hodroam, single or double, very convenience, very centmal, APply- LTR Contra 8t, Phone 3500, ls g 3 (2388) ART YOU ANSTOUE TO WORK, 1 have a good sales joh for oper aatio wan, Fuller Brush Co, Phone 3868W, OUTBOARD MOTOR BOAT RAGES ARE BEING FEATURED Lome Ardiel, Local Sports rer, Says W. H. Moore at Hamilton Iron and Steel Schedules of King - Dunning Budget are Bearing Fruit, Moore Claim ISTO POLLING | re Ho DIVISIONS HERE Large Meetings at Hamils ton and Brantford Lash Names of Deputy-Returning Officers Published--Elecs Night SCORES BITTERNESS tion Machinery Ready OF HON, R, B, BENNETT (Ry Bia Reporter) Hamilton, July =="1rosperity Is the earner, hecausn in the King: Dunning budget," is the slogan with which Ww Maore, Libera! candidate in ing, aroused & great aus of enthusiasm at # the LOO, Hall here last upport of the Liheral candidates no Hamilton and Wem reiisterin arth, Mr. Mi devoted his time the ietlons at the poll 0h ni ion af the iron ie vou like, hut vot feel wchedules of the hudget, Deputy Returning OWieers, City of | 1h hetng of primary importance to of Hutlon, and gave cone industrial expan miuking af tin plate, steel teel allows nlready heing ult af the hud» hrond + tutions exs Atlant } ust around polling di pre perity lie und the un retiring atficers 1s published by "Che "Tines tor the hen Ht of the voting public I he ehinery of election. 1s now ready and It is hoped that the eitigens of Osh will display wn keen interest in the day b The following list of visions in Oshawi, al the deputy 1 Cnturio Wie Ldienee tao height meeting in night In ULE] Issues ofl re can thiwen Oshawa Division Nr fan in school barl M ty brn Gr Travels Areel | | y fom Polling Division No, 2, 27 Parl Bd | el oud oth gin Ann 14 Mitirio Works ! Fred Muacdonell, 194 Church Bt, Wo Bo Rundle, 108 Par) uth instances of the pnd ranged for a Polling treet Centre Ie tubing I peech wa work ol to the (vi tin And New i tutions all included Ww he hooky : wid he mod opening his addr Mr. Moore ' ished ta throw aside all Flmandse partisanship, and indulge in some na Hall, 2138 College | viannl si Ktuking He deplored the MW Centre St hitterne ad vituperation in the hes of the Han, N- B. Bennent, iil, lowered the public Cunnda Mr. Ferguson, he plaving polities, and the vital issues of the CHOUS manney I'he only heh the Conservatives were puting tors win the old time policy of 1879, whieh hid piven Canada seventeen yours nif | fn sion than at the Palling Oxford | liegt Ji Centre Ej ei; J. A Big Polling Divisi Atha 4 IH \ + Al | t 1 OH uke, dn A t ] Chiunrles vhn | Polling renting thool | Vandervoort ) day in a Iirew Bp A Heist, 74 Conte patie eph Callahan, 143 Bruce Avr FIA Polling Division 0, 4 to Bonth-=\W, | hn | (J) fe hiel h | Hie of Shol fob | widely wi Ver {not our ] th national eh, ureater depres man, Is Keenly Interested in| \ ji, Clear Lake Regetta hip week-and for & series i Nl Fhe RO bint nd Hi today and on Bun i. from ware rin nye tin twenty miles n Clann LAN well \ \ rAnEing nnd to all 0 Fm fo Alren of ten af the day's i apen Latul avoiding the ee Ho Handenn Sleeplochnne Carter Tra PA ha mile vil fenture aon Fosmorrow the rind. pres oy His Teaph to nll elas id 1 an ane wil hie Lime nllownnee nllotted In the Any Durin Himed font All will he Handioapn I'he ovent In und divialons from Diy ven forty sononds Handicaps will he manne in prey Drives lon the with na meet all races are The veonrds Cunndn Power aftivinl vecon Canadian and World's ra Lorne Ardiel, well known portsman In taking a keen nthe evenls CITY EXPERIENCED FIRST FIRE 1088 OF MONTH TODAY Defective Chimney Cause of Blaze at Verdun Road Home wnieh ta he olution for nithon as tard loon Interest . The city of Oshawa suffered the firnt hot on te ive loss veoord for the month when a defective ¢him NEY cnused dnmage amounting ww BI0 ot the home of Andrew Kip ohok, 400 Verdun Road The five stavted tn the upper por tion of the small house and deme! hed part of the roof and part of the cotling of the Avat fear, All tha furniture was removed with: out damage, The Aremen found {t necessary to lay about 800 feet of howe to the nearest hydrants The new ladder truek proved its worth in this (te first veal Joh within the olty since ita purchase a fow weeks ago, Coming Events | 8 Conta par wan each bo wsartion, tntmum for each insertion, Be, SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 24, monster meating at Memoria! Park, Pramier G4, Howard Fey Muson NQUARK DANCER AT hart's Pavillon every Thursday And Baturday nights, Admission, 2h, (20-20-24:28) LADIRE' AUXTLIARY CANADIAN Legton plonte Brookside Park, duly 20 AIL members come, heing baskets, Leaving hall § n'olook (10:23) REKKRAH LODGE, NO, 8, PQ. ne, Lakeview Park, July 28, (388) ia | David Crawl FW | Wa dgem, 7 present thine IRD I'vesane I eed of Canada | \ p iy fil Mr. Moore, wil prosper and we cannat with a YEUTS AND eurchhght of Prosperity arner, heiause Ning Dunning an Vanghun Polling Division treet =\V, H, Mure 0d Athol 1g Charles Britton, 89 Avthi rd, #57 Verdin R Polling Division No, K, | Hull Hugh HWeaton, 59 Park Rd} H, KR, Luke, 46 King St. | Coch, 91 Gladstone Aye Polling Division 1? ' ehanl=A, Gi, Lambert, IW Co pete bolita | Wii Gilbert Nexan, 40 HRHIneLe. oF 4 moreland Ave Willis 1 Hamilio ol King Bi. Harald B® Reid, Lenlie | I ( I Mebavghlin Hiv Polling Division Neer last hindal horn Rd, Polling © Division A 11 Nreet Sehoole Frank Martin Anes S111 Mebean, 13d Divisio bl W. AY UR Agnes St { No J Stocks, La Elgin: KR. Den nis, 169 Rasharough Palling Noel, H earching for i Hi modern iow un the « les In the cane nt thy ol und that utterance not as a to he undul hut as an exprension of the deep faith within me" declared Mr, Moore, "You men I Hanlon want proof of my words Well, 1 FPERt that prosperity is under the KingsDunn wosoon shall witness clopments in the steel of Canada, You uch Industries in this nothere will he enormous here in the rolling of sheet About $000,000 worth of which have heen eoming into cach year will, under the Hudget, he made in this Ihe structural steel indus lov steel plants, and these making special electrical steels, alt these will expand, Seamless tubin oon will he made in the eity, | Urge to return to Ottawa the men who know how te bring pros perity hack," AHERN f Beene Hudget rons te nA MeMurtr Mur Lavin West Roy Hdusth) extension | metal heels Hin Hatin inning country Division MN 13 RE Align | "Y the smith, Wn? Mary Ni Vex Scott, JE) Mary St (8) Hraekman, M4 Masson St W.. ( Sith MW Westmoreland Aver D1 Girennon, W7 Kingwlale Ave Polling Division No. 1), Cedardale Nehool=Tarald Mathersill Colina "hos, Stapleton, 89 Conant Ace Nishop, King St. Chambers Substitutes Division Now PaCamphell 7, 8 1H King Feast Division Noo 101 WH, R 22 Kendall Ave Division No 9... ¥ Simcoe Nt N Ving Maore at Brantford Hranttord, Tauly J0-"There v @ wing to Liberalism to get away tom yvitgperation, 1 have never heard Liberals indulge in such billingsgate an have the Conservatives in this electing So declared W. H, Moore, feandidate in South Ontario, in ad dressing a joint rally here this evens ng nthe interests of W, Ross Maes (Continued on Page 2) mith Luke , 140 Nteckle el AB ADVERTINEMENT i :y PE T------------------ fi From Toronto Star, July 26, 1930 inducements Offered = Intending Immigrants Hm nid Yt ah Mad WORKER 10 30s 8 Web hn \ Bie ith on, hy While Premier Ferguson goes about blaming the King gow ernment far allowing immigrants to enter the country in a time of unemployment, his own Ontario government ia using English papers to advertise for immigrants. Here is a photograph of an advertisement appearing in the Sunday Chronicle a few weeks age, It will be seen that Mr, Ferguson guarantees jobs on the farm at good wages to newcomers; and low faves across the ecean, Yet many of our citizens have heen out of work for months and would jump at the chance to get auch jobs an Mr. Ferguson is dangling before newsomers at the expense of the taxpayers,

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