Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1930, p. 2

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PACE TWO DOOONONG Bowmanville Daily DOC Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times in the Cowan Block, King Street. Telephones--Offico---587; House--131, Bowmanville Representative~B, Herbert Mortlock FARMERS PLAN 0° ENTERTAIN LOCAL ROTARLANS Farmers arid "Rotarians will Gather at Hampton Next Wednesday -------- Farmers of tho surrounding fountry to Bowmanville under the leadership of the West Durham Agricultural Boclety will entertain the Bowmanville Rotary Club at tho Elliott - Memorial Park at Hampton on Wednesday next, July 40, The farmers are planning « splendid program for thelr guests and it Is expected that over throe hundred will attend, A fow months ago the Rotary Club en- tortainod a large number of farm- ors in Bowmanville and this fune- tion will be In the nature of a re- turn visit, These functions where urban and rural folk are brought togother are doing more good in fostering the friendships of these groups than any other thing, Re. eently at Ebenezer the Oshawa Rotary Club ontertained a large number of farmers and the spirit oh Te EATON GR It Pays To Shop Here Always PP. COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Atreet MK. Orders Promptly Delivered a ei ' 3 wo TR Ly ! Before placing Automobile Ine surance, get my special rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dear- born Park, subdivision, west of Simcoe N, J. H. R. LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg. Many people two hours after eating, suffer indigestion as they call ft. It is usually excess acid, Correct it with an alkali, The best way, the quick, harmless and efficient way, 1s Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physis clans, One spoonful In water neutralizes many times its volumo in stomach acids, and at once, The symptoms disappear in five min. utes, 0 v DOO0VOO0 in which this gathering took place was worthy of the efforts of any organization, Every tarmer in the district fs Invited to take part in this gath- oring and tickets may be secured from Mayor Elliott, John Baker, W. I, Rickard, W, H, Carruthers and Otto Brags. It any farmer fs desirous of furthering the friendship of rural and urban people they should plan to 1» ve next Wednoes- ny, rant -- -------- on oq WILL ESTABLISH PACKING PLANT AT NEWCASTLE Government Takes Action to Standardize Export of Apples First steps In a plan to establish government-owned frult-packing Plants throughout the province have beon taken by the depart. ment of agriculture, J, B, Pair. Lairn, deputy minister, announced last night, The first plant Is being estab. lished In the vicinity of Newcastle where it will be conducted as an experiment, 1f the experimont fs successful other central plants wil) be set up in various parts of the country, Mr, Falrbalrn sald, The Nowcastle district" was par ticularly appropriate for the ex periment, the deputy minister ex plained, The apple industry thore wns lagging, The growers had a warehouse owned by themselves which was In poor condition, The departmont of agriculture Is taking it over, refitting it and placing a supervisor in chrage, Growers In the district will ba charged for the actual cost of packing but not for supervision or for commissions on sales made In tho Old Country, Mr, Fairbairn ex- plained. The latter and of tho busi« ness will ho handled by Andrew Fulton, commercial agent for the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association In London. This should save the farmers anywhere from 50¢ to 7he u barrel on apples, Mr. Fairbairn nald, "The whole ided 1s to get uni formity and tightness of packing for overseas shipping," he do- clared, "If the plant at Newcastle . wbwed with, | | ther evidence of the service which You will never use crude meth ods whon you know this * better mothod, And you will never suf. for from excess acid when you prove out this easy relief, Please do that--for your own sako--now, Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia pre scribed by physicians for 50 years In correcting acids, Each bottle contains full directions--any drug. storo, ER 2 Your Prosperity Is | July to be Settled on 28th dS et the affairs of the Dominion are the affairs of every voter. When every Canadian finds profit- able employment Canada makes progress. But employment is largely a matter of home markets and foreign markets for what Canadians produce. Two policies are being advanced--one must be chosen. On the choice may depend the comfort and prosperity of yourself and family during the next four years at least. Hear both policies ex- ined over the radio by the men who are to direct the affairs of your country. To hear these speeches distinctly and to sense the personality of the speaker, have your radio put in A-1 condi- tion. Replace any tubes that have served their usefulness with-- Westinghouse Everything Electrical For Home, Transportation and Industry GENUINE RADIOTRONS---STANDARD OF THE INDUSTRY Wilson 71 SIMCOE STREET NORTH & ee PHONE 2388 a A proves successful other plants wil be established elsewhere through out the proviice, It will he ar ranged wc that growers can have packing facllities located Lh thelr districts through application to the government, The expenditure should be small and the facilities should he of great assistance to fhe growers, 1 wee no reason why the axperiment at Newcastle. will not succeed." Premier Ferguson and the Minerva Sin. Fire--Miss clair of Oshawa Is sili | Premier Ferguson, of Ontario, and the Hon, R, B, Bennett came under fire of several speakers at a Liberal Rally in the Town Hall last night when close on to two hundred people | gathered in a hot hall to listen to] the issues at stake in the Federal] clection, | Ex-Muyor Tom Holgate was in the | chair and on the entrance of thel candidate, M, J, Holman, ence stood on their feet and cheered | wildly, The first speaker of the | evening was Miss Minerva nelair, | daughter of the leader of the opposis | tion in the Provineial House | Miss Sinclair opened her by touching on the distinguished | career of the candidate in municipal | politics, Mr, Holman, she said, was eminently qualified to represent Dur ham in Parliament at Ottawa, The | speaker went on to tell why the Lib eral party, headed by Premier King, was the logical party for the youny people to vote for Yi ung people | and she Liberal party have much in| common she added In the formation of the tury Clubs young people of were banding together vice to their native land just as the | ideals of the Liberal party were for | service to Canada, Pep and ideal m| was embodied in Liberal progress the | speaker declared, Taking the word wep and disecting it, she made the | etters represent Personality, Ffficis | ency and Progress all af which she | claimed the Liberal party were en the audi remarks | 20th Cen Cunada | to give ser Turning to the issues at stake, she claimed the Dunning Budget statesmanlike act and a work of art | During the regime of the King Goy ernment which had come into power | with a deficit left by the former Con servative Government, the National Debt had been lowered, there were | lower taxes and the Canadian Na | tional Railway system which had | been a public liability was now al public asset, | "Liberalism," sald Miss Sinclair, | "looks forward to the future and with | William Lyon MacKenzie King as | the party leader he was naturally the ideal man for premier," Missy Sins clair touched on various other topics of the campaign and was greeted with great applause at the conclusion of the speech, M. J. Holman, the candidate, in a spirited attack on the opposition and Mr, Ferguson, spoke mainly on the British Preferential Taviff and the Dunning Budget, This talk about the New Zealand Treaty ruining the dairy industry of Canada is all fool ishness, he said, Ask any farmer if he is not getting as much for his butter and milk us before the New Zealand butter came to this couns try, The treaty, he claimed, had ins deed helped the industry for while the farmer was not making as much butter he was making more cheese which was sold for more money. He paid a tribute to his opponent in the campaign who had made fine references about him at Port Hope but in answer to Mr, Bowen's ques- tion to state whether he was a Lib- eral or Independent, he said, "I am Independent in thought and that is why I am running today on the rece ord of the King Government," He asked that all voters go to the polls on Monday and although Dur. ham had been Conservative for so long his travels in the riding showed that it was turning in favor of the Government and he saw a victory ahead for him on Mondy, Other features of the meeting were a lengthy address by Major M, P. Snelgrove, of Toronto, who spoke on the election from the War Veter- ans' view and Md. Gray, of the Dur- ham Textiles who spoke on tlie prefs erence to further ter empire trade. 'ORONO STRERT FAIR The executive of the*Orono Street Fair wish to thank thro the great assistance ren by the Oshawa Rotary C er friends of Oshawa on Wednesday night, The final checkup sthows that Durham County Liberals Hold Rally in Bowmanuille| ve ru me re meer POPULAR GITIZEN] Hon. R. B, Bennett Under : | | This first unit of the systom fs situated on the Town line between Darllugton and Clarke and In known in Bowmanville as the Fruit House, It was at this spot it will he remembered that the C.P.R train was wrecked by a washout und the engineer and firoman kill ed In the disastrous floods In the aprivg of 1020, W, H, Gibson, the "apple king" of Durham county, will have charge of this unit, the de more than it was \ 1 the executiy balance on ming pool ould, ane handsonre dre now ¢ a tor the \ wi I'he w inners. of the car re } of Clarke, and Mrs, Jackiian Montreal, who have agreed to sell divide the of these Wi ( per, and rrect 6.710, Cif I th proceed Ihe ec Bu two ladies A HANDY BOOKLET | with It the compli Oshawa Dally Times, Gazatte-Chronicle and Hentinel Btar, # books hoon lasued for thoke who lo wit by thelr radios on night and listen to the re the election, This booklet hun every candidate in every rid giving the result the past tion and edequate space for Carrying ments of the I'he Whithy the Cobourg let ha Intend Monday ult of Ing of | Putting the results of this election, Hy this just how booklet ench citigens oan party is faring, Hoo it | thera {8 a change in any riding and If the majoritios of any candidate has heen raduced A number of these booklets have been placed in the comuniittes | rooms. of the respective candidates In Bowmanville, others have been ont out and distributed hy the cnr rier hoys, If you have a friend who would like one or it you need one | yourself we have kept a number in the office In the Cowan Block, Any calling may have one of these booklets gratis, If you want one reserved for you phone h87 and ask for one or if calling at the office when the representative In out, Mr, Cole the barber will see that one ix provided, This is a fur The Times and its associated pap ors are glving to Bowmanville dur ing thin election, USE TIMES SERVICE FOR ELECTION RESULTS With the conservatives holding a linge rally in the town hall this even ing the last gun of the present elec tion battle will have been heard be. fore the town clock peals forth the hour of midnight tonight. Monday another silent battle will commence, the battle of the polls and every citiz- en of this riding with a strong sense of duty will be out rain or shine on Monday and cast their vote Election Service When seven o'clock arrives citizens will be anxiously awaiting the result and shortly after that hour the re. sults will be coming in. The Times will maintain on Monday evening a service for every citizen who cares to avail themselves of the use of this service and on phoning number 587, the results will be given as far as is known at the time. The Times has made arrangements to get the fig ures from the sub divisions as early as possible and up until midnight a phone service will be kept going for the benefit of those wishing to get the results from their own homes, A special edition of The Times will be on the strect during the evening showing the results as far as pose sible throughout the Dominion while | it is hoped to get into this edition the complete figures for this riding Look for this edition and get the latest news of the election, 7 -- - re ---- GRAIN FAST RIPENING In passing along the highways of the province, the fields, that such a short time ago were a virgin green, are seen to bexturning to brown, It is with a feeling of regret that the coming of the harver! season fore: tells the approach of fall. Much as we dread the hot weather, it is al- ways looked forward to as a time for recreation and enjoyment, Then when it really arrives the summnier is over almost before we know it, With the passing f the federal elections, the next step toward fall is the Toronto Exhibition in the lats ter part of August, September brings the opening of the schools and the summer is over for another year, _ The Whitby Advertising, subscriptions and Daily Times news will be the te and Chroni 23, received at Jo, ~Teleph Whitby Branch Office, at Gaget Ld After Business Hours~Phone 359, REPRESENTATIVE~JAMES H, O 5 4 WHITBY WILL BE REPRESENTED AT FINAL MEETINGS to Oshawa on Saturday Night Whithy Liberals and Conserva tives will send large contingents to the final meetings of the election campaign to be held on Saturday night In Oshawa, Arrangéments are being made at committee hoadquarters for transportation, and severs hundred will journey to the Motor Clty, The campaign Is warming up In Whitby, Friday night the com- mittee rooms were crowded with workers, Lists aro being finally gone over, and it is now certain that there will be a very heavy vote polled In the County town on Monday, Both parties aro confident of victory in the riding and in the Dominion, The reading of forecasts is now a popular pastime WHITBY LOSES A | Mrs. A. E. Sturgess, Wife of | Local Merchant, Died Suddenly Whithy on Thursday at noon lost mn very highly esteemed citizen | in the person of Edna lean Thompson, wife of Albert KE, Htur gous, well known Whithy merchant The deceased passed away sud denly at the Oshawa General Hos pital to which institution whe had gone only a few days ago to go under an operation, 8he was in her husband's In ehurch on Bunday The late Mrs, Sturgess walhorn Tichbourne near Peterhoro, 41 yours ago, and was the daughter of the lute Ezra Thompson and Mrs, Thompson, Bhe had resided in Whithy for several years, and took an active part in various ors ganizations of Whitby United Church She sang In the cholr, taught Bunday School, was a mem- her of the W. MH, and a very faith. ful church attendant, Bhe was al ways ready to help those in need Deceased is survived by her hus band, and mother, and one sister, Mrs. A. R, Brown of Welldnd, The funeral takes place on Sat urday afternoon from the family residence on Dundas Street West A nervice will be held in the Unit. od Church at three o'clock and in torment will be made in the Unlon Cemetery, WINDOW BREAKERS IN POLICE COURT, MUST PAY DAMAGE nt who have been stones Into windows of empty houses in town were hrought be- fore Magistrate Willis in juvenile court Thursday afternoon, A eit gon who hag a house here which he oceupled only on week-ends com- plained that practically every wine dow had been broken, The magistrate gave the hoys a lecture and ordered them to make good the broken glass within one week, or else come back to court, HOSPITAL MEN GET JOBS BACK Men Found Not Guilty of Theft Have Been Re. instated The 7 employees of tha Ontario Hosopital who last week were found not guilty of theft of stores from that institution, have heen given their positions back, They started Boys throwing tore, apparently in good | health, no later than Monday, and RMISTON work on Wednesday morning fol lowing a notice from the provin. cla] mecretary"s department, It is understood that the men will also receive thelr hack pay for a period of about 11 weeks, Representatives on behalf of the men to the Provinelal Hecretary wera made hy Crown Attorney wes (Iihbon, lawyer for the aectised men and a number of prominent local citizens, These, together with the verdiot of the Court, have re- sulted In the men heing taken back, The report of the provincial in- wpector on his investigation held at the Hospital recently has nol yet heen made publle, PASSES AT RIPE BENNETT CAUSTIC ON KING'S PRONISE (Continued from Page 1) passed by Parliament, Two weeks ago he egald ha could not take the power from the Provinees, He could not do it two weeks ago, hut now he snys he is going to do it, There hag heen no change in the constitution since, And the Cang- dian people are not so- evedulous that they cannot ges through this," On unemployment, too, the Op- position Leader continued, the Prime Minister hos changed his attitude, "He says, Mr, Bennett proceeded, "That he would give dollar for dollar if," He paused and went on, "You never heard him make n statement yes or no, He wid 'i" the municipalities and the Provitices would pay they could not take care of the situation," The Conservative chieftain de- nied that it would cost $2,000,000 to endl un ppecial session of Parlie- ment to deal with unemployment, It would not cost. one-tenth of that, he declared, AGE NINETY-SIX Mother of F. i Beecroft, Whitby Manufacturer, Taken by Death ¥F, 1. RBéocroft, Whithy manufacturer, was upon todny to mourn the loss of his. mother, Mrs, Margaret Hes croft, who passed away in Toronto ut the ripe age of 96 years, Tho | deconsed, who had lived in Toron [ to for 46. years, possessed all her facultion almost until the end, and | in many ways was & most remark able woman, Bhe possessed a good memory, and had heen blessed with gond health for the greater part of her life, The Inte Mrs known called well Reecroft waw slok only an few days, She passed away | at the residence of her How ard L, Beecroft, 267 Roxton Road, Toronto, where for many year: she had ade her home, In the | eity she had a wida circle. of friends Hhe Ix survived by three daugh 11 grandehildren grandchildren | ters, two sons, | und 18 great MACHINERY OF ELECTION WILL SOON BE IN MOTION Sheriff Paxton Sending Out Ballot Boxes to 98 Polls Sheriff J. ¥. Paxton, Returning Officer for this riding, is gradually gotting the machinery ready for the taking of the votes in the Fed eral election on Monday, He has hegun the distribution of the 9% ballot boxes, and the task of fill. ing theses has been no sinecure, For days he and his staff have worked diligently and long to get the machinery In smooth working order, Ry Naturday this task will have been accomplished, On Monday the votes of approx! mately 30,000 eloctors will he taken, and the Sheriff has made arrangements to receive the re. roturns from all parts of the rid. Ing, Definite fnstuetions have heen lssued to all deputy returning of- ficers as to how the etection must be condutte, and no trouble Is ans tleipated' In any of the numerous polling places After the election an official county of the ballots will ba made by the Sheriff in acoenrdance with the Dominfon Elections Act, WHITHY JUNIORK PLAY Whitby Roverettes, the junior team In the County Town are play ing two games in that to-day with the Sllverthorms of Toronto Hart Johnson, sponsor of the team in forms us that the games will he played at 4 and 7 p.m, respective ly, This Roverette team ia the team that has issued a challenge to any team of junior age in Osh awa, CONSERVATIVES ABUSE SIGN THAT THEY ARE BEATEN (Continued from Vage 1) had unced ne } cason, Premier lared the province of i wecept this offer ace is that Ferguson will not go down on ne knee ) for help, 1 he lould be J vii on hoth knees to give the unemploy= ed," said tl ) ¢ minister, "Neith "Mr, Fer 1 ¢, nor his van ity, nor | ' | head should be af the re I'ere King One ie nn wil de taro "I f now A Bly { ) (he er tund in the unempl ad getting | lief," the spe tded Scores Abusive Talk charged Con resorting to during the recent wee of the « | 1, This le clas dication that "they at they know it" there had hee stream and vituperation which dishonor to the party they ars ed too 3 trad I prea ue permitted wa ed in ( ker rime. minister le with The servative lea personal a ed as an defeated and t aid n "a ahuse ane Sup Empire th and he expre esemt King said, in the election d dence the peo nada | uppart the effort 10 develop h 4 nother country and remier was ple of ( ernment in its trade wit | empire | losues Signed Statement Ina ned \ the premier s+ sued here to the people of Canada he classified the three owtstginbiug iar sues in the f the § " | get of 1930, a Aras Prior to the meeting Kit ddr ed a large gather during the after fealand treaty and hutter discussed at much | th | who clalmed the reason for increased ime portation of this dairy product from campaign as the record Liberal hud ire trade Prem the mi here fer RK # ( ing at Alexandra I'he ni ing n rations were the speaker the supply of Canadian butter had heen gradually decreasing at the same time as the demand was on the increase, Business prosperity in the Dominion was responsible for the increased demand, he said, and it extended to cream, powdered mille and similar products, TARIFFS BEARING FRUIT, SAYS MOORE (Continued from Page 8) Donald, Libera) candidate in Brant ford, and John Harold in Brant, Of more local interest was his statement that the Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Plow Companies had heen represented ut the iron and steel industries hearing before the Tariff Board, and made no request for advanced tariffs on finished products ins competition with them, and no request for reduced tariffs on their raw materials, le also made reference to the fact that the duty on tractors had heen taken off by a Conservative Government, and there wae no longer such an industry in Canada, A great portion of Cans ada's imports of agricultural imples ments were found to be tractors, but he doubted that Mr. Bennett had made any pledge to restore tractor duties, The twa candidates and Joseph Singer, Toronto, were other speal ers, while Joseph Ruddy, President of the Ruddy Manufacturing Com pany, relvigerator manulacturer Mr, Harold is nlso an refrigerator manufacturer--was the Chairman, [standing for Ross MacDonald the King-Dunning tariff and New Zealand to 'Canada was because UNTIL OF for Have you EXOHANGER Want to dispose of my busis ness, Good country store, good buildings, ete. Would consider good Oshawa prope orty, APPLY HOX 708 TIMES Karn's D Next to Post Office to exchange toward a Guaranteed. for-Life Pen or Duofold Pencil? kind or condition of Bring it in to us We will allow you $1,00 for it on the purchase price of any Parker Duofold you select, Here is your chance to buy gifts even for next Christm B r old or 1 in \ do hia rh SR --~ Only 1 pen or penell credited to each unit purchased, PENS GUARANTEED FOR LIFR AUGUST 16TH ONLY FERED Old Pens and Pencils ~any kind . , | in any condition== ot an old or you would fie : ob fang Li Dokod ur old one does not matter, yi for birthdays, bridge-parties, Domot offer ia strictly limited an to time, rug" Store Phone 378 RADIO T0-NIGRT Hon. R. B. BENNETT: Leader Liberal-Conservative Party will speak at The Auditorium, Ottawa, on Saturday, July 26th, and be broadcast over coast-to-coast network including: CKGW Toronto, CNRO & CKCO Ottawa, CFIC Prescott, CKOC Hamilton, CJGC London, CKCR Waterloo, CKPR Midland from 8 to 10 p. m,, Daylight Saving Time

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