Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SA over the aly of the Mayor Chas, Bowles, Gerald Bucks ley, noted Detvolt vadio announcer | Governor Green, taken some weeks Following his of | hotel lobby, Detroit, The graph ahove shows Buckley recalling announcement [slain hy gunmen In the Lasalle photos | Liveeehd, homor at a hanguel, Inset==Angelo who Is held hy police charged with being "lookout. man' for theese gangsters who riddled LEGION PICNIC AND DECORATION DAY PLANS MADE IMPORTANT BUSINESS AT MEETING OF THE LOCAL BRANCH Oshawa Legion Again to be Represented on Warriors' Day Plane for the sannusl plenie of the Branch, for its decoration day sorvice and for the usual contin gent to attend the Warrior's bay parade at the Canadian Natiopn) Exhibition wera the chief Hems of business transacted at the meeting of the Oshawa Branch of the Can adian Legion Inst night I'he date for the plenie, which will he held nt Brookside Park, 1s Clvi Holiday, August 4, and in addition to the members of the loci) branch, an fovitation 1s to be 1s sad to all returned men in the city, to the Ladies' Auxiliary, and | to the Whithy, Brooklin and Vort Perry hranches to attend, wo us to make It a great rally of ex-weryice men At last night's meeting three An Oshawn wan members of the Port Verry | 1) I URDAY, JULY 26, 1930 3. branch were in stiendunce, and through them, & challenge was 14 sued to the Port Perry branch to play nm softball game #1 the ples nie, Arrangements were Announced for transportation by bus to the pienie ground, the first hus to lenve the market hullding at 140 am, on the day of the plenis, Committees ware appointed, the sports commities taking charge of the program, a special commitieo heapned hy W, Jenking 1#Vipr linrge of refreshments, and » commities hoaded by the president heing named to provide for specia} ptiractions The decoration day service, to held on Bunday, April 10, wis left In the hands of the decoration nnd memorial committee, under Comradn 1", K, Creighton, and this committes will areas Lhe program and other detigls for What 18 expecied to he A memor: uhle ocension The meeting unanimously de cided to sang the ususl large cons tingent to the Warrior's Day Pare nda on August 24, when i 18 ex pected (hil the Oshawa contingent will be led by a hand from the oily The executive ecommities wus empowered to make sll ar rangements for this avent The possibility of the 1031 provincial convention heing hald discussed anid avery hraneh in the Provinee will ha cireulariged with a view (no se L reports an curing support for the proposal that Oshawa he the next conven tion rity A resolution of thanks to Chief Friend, for his co-operation In ~, " mos ---- me. m-- preventing the holding of a Cone munist. meeting in front of the war memorinl wag passed nan mously -- : HARBOR DEVELOPMENT The Jevalopment of an "internnl harbor" at Oshawa has heen cone templated since 1508, Dr, T, ¥ Kaiser, Conservative candidale climes, Dy, Balser, who 18 an aus thority on loesl history, attribuies evedit for the scheme (o the late Abram Favewell, who was al ons time memhbey of the Legislative Assembly for this viding, Dr, Kas er clatms to have heen connected with the harbor scheme since $2 yours ngo when he vislied the luke front In company with the Hon Mr, Tart who was Minister of Pub He Works in the then Liberal gov: ernment, CHICAGO PRODUCE. FUTURES Chicago, July MW =Cuotations on the spot egg mnrket were unchanged today but a somewhat hnproved une der-ton was noticable, Vutures were stronger from the opening with wll sales on N whe Vie; and with this price Wd at the close, The general statisien) news is unfavorable but the murket does not seem to re spond to this bearish influence, Hut ter extras mre steady to firm, The outlook for sa-meorraow being mostly far wn unchanged market, On the futures cull there was vither spsmo die buying for the on the strength of diguppointing prodisetion norather sharp toss Inte storage movement -vesterduy I'his early strength, however, was of short duration and In later trading market Novenhey apering wis mostly under pressure, closing unchanged No other tea so fragrant or half so full of flavour "SALADA" TE A 'Fresh from the gardens' LEI. O dal LL July butter, 5; Nov Two market diy, 22745; lust year, 20,00, Vyge to-day, 2,172; lust year, 2557 und wu Chicago spot market rus J504e steady to firm tone steady, New York spot Viggs, graded firsts, 22¢; tone stead New York spot 20 to 210 tone firmer hold keep yesterday In her phe was living with her daughter Charles Webster at 429 Wa) | pit heging! mar Mond, #he died while on a viel ta har other daughter, Mrs, H. Allsworth, In Montreal, Mig, Hamilton was the widow of Hobert ¢, Hamilton, late pres dant of the Ontario Ladies' Collgks prominent Toronto broker find n daughter of the late W, D Matthews, commitments, =Nov, eygs butter, receipte=Putier to utter, ex standards, 35/c; tone Vigas, graded [irs ma Vondiu Love=Buppose | should fel wb Miss Pert Fonda Love markels=Butter| (41 ¢ Wovie i na tone, Vggs, first Pept marytte=lutter, vie; tone steady to firm, | i) | defy you, And suppose | should or three? hould never give up pooh defying you MIN, 1, ©, HAMIT/TON Hamilton Wenkin Where is Land's End Bird yonr | inde "It Is where that lot whic I bought from the real estute con Dalia Klizahelh RA and moral uplift champion, was | ago, when the former was guest of | Buckley with bullets, Bp, - [ KEDRON spending this week with Miss Tes-| Ms, W, 1, Mountgoy, Marion and le Mountjoy, | Willa, attended the Werry family | Miss Kvelyn Hobbs, Orono aspen! [ve-union, at Hampton, on Wednes Kedron, July 22-=Mr, and MP8. | (ha week-end with Miss Mildred | da Harvey: Pascoe and Loveaine; and |g) | Ma Conlin, Missen Marguef Mrs, T, W, Beott attended the Pas: Marwood Wend, Oshawa, | ite snd Kathleen Comin, visited woe pienie, at Hampton Park, on land Miss Lens Hoskin visited with | with relatives in Toronto, op Hun Friday, [Mr and My, oR, Meard, Woodville, | da Misses Helen and Ruth Cole, ¥i Bi unday | Mi da Mountjoy, Wilma Werry andl My and Mrs, Wm, Batty, Osh [sponding a few Lorraine Love ave attending Bum-|uwa, ara spending a few days at|John Mountio mer Heheol at Oak Lake, this week, [ap HH, I" Wer Hl Migs Rhea Crosken, 'Toronte, Mr, and Mr Wand. 1 vi Byres, Wil spent the week-end with MIss| california, spent a few days Ins! waturday with the qa a, Eel Hazel Van Dyke, week With thelr cousing, Mr. and| Mm. H. 7 Col Mr, and Mrs, A, R, Beott and |rps, Wm, Hephurn U7 Me and Mr family, Arnprior, are holidaying ot} Mr and Mrs, H, ¥ | wfteynoon Lille Lytle Torohte, ia days with Mrs Frank Davis, Geo Marion, Oitawa, spent Harold Mountioy | Hoskin Winter Warry ari nd family and Mrs, €, NH | latter's Hampton orn Wheeler family, and Mr and Mrs recent | 1 Harvey | | Mr, IF, W, Lee's pending this week with relative Had with (he Mr, and Mrs, Roy Werry, Mont |i Montreal vi J veal, visited with reiatives herve Inst | Miss Mary Lytle Toronto, spent Mr and Mi week Thursday with M John Mount! und | Miss Vera Richards, Oshawa, 18] ny Ihirsh Toronto wire > TTR | Mpg, J, Gray and Miss Helen au "of My and Mri Coldwell Cray have returned home, to Tol ' a lanto, after spending mn few weeks A DDD~a sluggish at Mr, W, Hepburn's and other 1 MI aid Mrs Y; N oJ laakin and lintive : ! niienaed ihe oode-Jahnes pimply skin needs! "| 0 yn | | ite tonic action Moses Howard and Earle and | Tuesda | An active fluid that cleanses the tip [ M1#8 Hazel Van Dyke visited with | Mr, Albert Luke, Toronto, is hol | Mr, George Van Dyke, Darlingio faxing at his home here sues of unsightly Impurities, kh | Maignl an Dyk ariingion 0 lier and Myre N, Huskin and vi I, Mauntjoy il M L sulforors---gho et aliftdren visited witlt Mr. Goeil ane | vi) pont Vos th Po ' lo BgeDh | lon, nt Hampton Park, | " coe, Almonds, on Bunda Alen Walker, -Whithy | Mra, Tt, J, Luke, Mr, H, ¥, Wer Mr, Gtbert Gibson, Oshawa and | F. W, Thompson Drug Steie ry, Miss Dernlee Werry, Mr, and |; Iharl - Luke were in Peter Lm a ira and Lakefeld on 'Tussda | "RAGLAN - ww' Raglan, Tuly 23, 1080 Mr and 1 [| M ( Bra and family visited hh friend n Enfield, on Sunda Miss Hazel and Mr. Frank Grose wit the weelioend with their par ents, Mr, and Mr. A. 1. Grose Mrs, I, Mave has returned to he ome" mo Goodwood, after | visiting vith her daughter, Mi Andy Pilke Miss Hazel Pier F'orantr nent . the week-end with her parents, Mr, Mrs, 1. Pierson and Mrs, J. Evans and family with friends, in Manchester ; or Hy Tadies' softhall team A Good Supply of 550, 600 and |] innit, mo gm fay evening, and plaved a friendly 650 ft, Twine on Hand of "Nn urls ray ind Mrs, J, Bray That is your reward when you use British American Gasolene. Power to take you where you want te go, at the speed you wish to travel , , , with unfailing smoothness. visited with Mr Power to get away, power on pickup, power without the Prospect, on Biaditerd or International Ds Wests ow penalty of excessive carbon, pitting . . . or any of the troubles a [the 'Appencance of ins au epoved caused by gasolenes of less than the highest quality . . . and wine there is no price penalty. " ital paint Mr, and Mrs. J. Latimer and son J have returned ta their home, {tn Toonto, atter visiting her parents, I Mroand Mrs, Wm, Luke, | Mr and Mrs, Wim, Avery visited VI friends (n Burkqton, recently, Rey, and Mrs, J. R, Merriam and ® s family are on a menth's holiday, at 00 er- mi 0 thelr summer home, at Rice Lake . Mr, Gorden Thompson, Taronte 16 Celina Street spent Sunday at his home here Phone 8 Mr, and Mrs, Gordon rent and and Mr, and Mrs, N, Grose and Mr USED CARS AND Real Good Buy son, Bill, spent Sunday with her par j FU x Y 'ah ents, Mr, and Mrs, 1, Cook, Colum 4d , A Te A, Grosé, Misses Mary and i tl io A GRADE Doran, Tarontn, were all Sunday vi stars of Mr, and Mrs, 'D. Thompson 1929 ESSEX SEDAN. A Beautiful Car for the ~) Whole Family TRU CK 1926 CHEVROLET CANOPY top-truck, 4 ton, } ti Jon AS just the truck for delivering groceries : i : s «> PF} » Er Ep, Cl rons FOR EVERY BARGAINS is iitine Trimaae oe" of Michigan, CAR 1928 ESSEX SEDAN. Thoroughly reconditioned and sold with our 30 Day Guarantee C : . . Jh¢. BRITISH AMERICAN OIL CO. LIMITED Peerless, Super-Power and British American ETHYL Gasolenes Miss Jean Hazelwood, Vancouver, IN GOOD A : | (~~ TRACTOR 1929 ESSEX COUPE in splendid condition, A 4 Ross, Ames & GartShore al i wi Company Limited perance, prohibition and public Qulote re 138 King Street W, Ne" () { ls moms of Methodist Episcopal vhuvel of the United States, |: " who Ia in Canada investigating liquor control acts, He ds at present at Toronto, Ont Phone 1160

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