Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jul 1930, p. 8

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» PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930 | WHITBY TUXIS TRIUMPH OVER OSHAWA RED ACES IN CLOSE GAME Fans Given Real Thrill As Juveniles Battle In Whitby Red Aces Were Many Errors and Gave) Poor Support to Magill in| Box--Homesters Airtight Game An predicted the juvenile game between the Red Aces and the town park in the County Town was well attended and the fans really had something to enthuse about, The Tuxis won 15 to 14 but it 'was anybody's game until the last man was out in the ninth, Although the first two innings wera rather ragged as regards play, all hands settled down after that and the game hecame a round of put outs and clever plays, Mayne the much thought of twirler for the Tuxis did not prove to begso much of a puzzle and was touched up quite freely at times, His main trouble seemed to be lack of con- trol, He wag In "trouble with all most' every batter in the first half of the game, After the first two In- nings his support which had been ragged tightened up and saved him in many cases, As the game wore on his control improved and in the last Innings he had everything In passing it might be sald that Mayne struck out six and issued three bases on balls, Magill, in the a Lo Yhe CAREW LumBiR (© ST wW (OSH/ 4 ATHOI 1 $25.00, Scotland Woollen Mills | 8. ROTISH, Manager Tailor-made . ~Y d JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornill, Oph, D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 Played Guilty of] box for Red Aces pitched a master- lly game, Mis slow ball and change of pace had the Tuxis swinging all | the time, He struck out four and issued four bases on balls, but had two wild pitehes, His support was not so good however, seven errors were entered in the score book against hig teammates, The errors came where they hurt at that, Four of them were chalked up, two each to H, Gaz In centre and 8B, Gaz In right, In every case these errors in the field meant runs, Tuxis on the other hand only made three misplays and these were divided between J, Hoard, 1. Wilson and Baker, Tuxis had pow er in thelr bats, three homers fell to their lot, Mayne in the first, Bye in the third and Wilson in the seventh, a three bagger also helped, A homer for th Red Aces hy Shel. enkoff in the sixth helped the cause along for Oshawa, Score by Innings 3 34561718) AO 4000K8K $0 1:1} RE 1.0 15 1 14 7 Tuxis R, Aces 6 4 0 0 2 The line ups: Tuxis---Gordon, rf; Brown, 1b; Beott, If; Mayne, p; Bye, 2h; Baker, ¢, Red Aces Cooke, 3h; Heard, sn.) Wilson, ef; Anderson, er, su Gulltingn, rf, of; e, r.f: Cook, I.f; Peterson, 1h: 8hel enkoff, 2b; H, Gaz, c.f; Magill, p; Kitehen, ¢,, in the eighth Umpires Lovelock and Scorer R, Bell, Ab; Coop 8. Gaz, Joynt, AMERICAN LEAGUE QUINN RTOPS TIGERS Detroit, July 24,.--Jack Quinn piched pre-war baseball yesterday to score his ninth. victory of the popson at the sxpense of tha Tigers, 4-1, and even-up the four game series, SENATORS DEFEAT BROWNS St. Louis, July 24. After losing three games in a row to the Browns, the Washington Senators defeated St, Louis here yestorday in the series' final, 10.9, in 11 innings. A home run by Cronin, his second of the day, tied the count In the ninth, and the Sen. ators put over the winning run in the eleventh inning. RED SOX BAFFLED Chicago, July 24.--'"Red" Fa. be and Hal McKain held Boston to four hits yesterday, while the White Sox pounded Danny Maes Fayden for enough hits to sedre a 6 to 3 victory, YANKEES FALL AGAIN Cleveland, July 24.--The In. * 1 000 Hing Fotvard Fok Centrally located in the business district yet quiet and comfortable 1000 ROOMS WITH BATH 03° and up ~ European Plan Modernly constructed well established ond most homelike hotel! n FON J Ee -- FAMOUS POR MOOD ' VeToRA DING Re ROOM 40 one te EE THE CAFETERIA Rumah 8 Equi i " ore o ate' Bric et AR Lrg HTB SET / Hg THAAD ive P 1-=1827 Chev, Sedan. real Jow-priced family ear, tion in evory way. ---- Used Car Specials New Tires, Paint and Upholatering, and mechanical, condition perfect, 11028 Hssex Coupe, in bean titul condition, 11926 Essex Coach, recently overhauled and painted. 1-=1029 Essex Town Sedan in new car condition, 11027 Bsrex Coach, farmer owned car in 1st class condi: J You may use our deferred payment plan if desired, A 138 King St. W. Ross, Ames & Gartshore Company, Limited Oshawa . Phone 1160 ALPINE CLUB TO MEET AT "MALIGNE LAKE m---- Jasper Park, Alta, July 23, Lady Rosemary Baring, daughter of the Earl of Cromer, who travel led across Canada last summer on the Canadian National Railways and was much interested in the dominion, will arrive in Jasper National Park this weekend to join the Canadian Alpine Club camp, This year, the Alpine Club will meet at Maligne Lake, to climb peaks as yet untrod by man and un-named, NATIONAL LEAGUE LUQUE HOLDS CARDINALS Brooklyn, July 24,~Adolfn Luque's superb pitching gdded a full game to Brooklyn's hold on first place in the National League yesterday as the Robing made 1 three out of five against the St Louis Cardinals by winning the weries final, 4 to 1, while the Chicagd Cubs lost to New York, Sylvester Johnson engaged the til the seventh Inning, but weak ened a bit at the finish, REDS HELD EVEN Boston, July 24 and Cincinnati remained hand mn hand In sixth place in the National League as the result of thelr tak ing turns winning In a double header here yesterday, The Reds battered out a four-run rally In the ninth inning of the first game to register an 8-7 win, and the Braves took the wecond by 6 (o bh in eleven innings, GIANTS WHIP CUBS New York, July 24 The Giants took advantage of the wildnoss of Chicago's pitchers yesterday to win the series final from the Cue 8-6, and pend the Chicngoans a game deepor into second place New York took the werfes 3.2 TWO FOR BUCCANEKRS Philadelphia, July 24 Pitts burg took both ends of a double hendor from the Phillies yester local series, The Pirates took th: first game, 2-1, and won the last, a long drawn-out battle that last ed 3 hours and 41 minutes, by 16-15, In 13 Innings Home runs by Traynor decided both, He hit one off Hansen that won a pitching duel for Meine In the ninth pf the opener, the ball hounding Into the bleachers dians evened an old scorn with the New York Yankoes yesterday when they trounced thelr rivals 10 to 6, to make it four out of five for the series. Cleveland was tho vietim of a similar beating the Inst time ihe team visited New York, "Whe Is your favorite author." "What do you mean? The one Whiss pisos | like to read or the o8e ploture looks cutest In the advertisement? = a i TET ----p ay A daring aroma regeneration -- You'll thrill to it's action and pulsating romance Enacted By . ROBERT AMEN ~~ LILA LER «== MONTAGUE LOVE NED SPARKS «= GEORGE MacFARLANE Auban veteran in a keen duel un | The Braves | day and gained an even split on the | SPORT SNAPSHOTS pt Wii . Motor lust time City these Tonight at the St 1 he 3:2 in nine innings of real exciting be the opposing twirlers tonight, a This game endeavor to be on hand to sive the » LJ Brampton overcame a two goal feat St to 3. That just tire us the playoff Saturday although the joh Textiles two will he one of the best Simons § wre (MU Brampton Just ns ar and on the w forced to on the bit to lie down they | to be right | r Ladies Soft tke were swallow turn in a Chosen Friends on the | Friday Whith three co night in the nd game Rover wnered tie eo having xt ¥ ' alter the pe Brampton Wins ahout puts Saturday won from OMI, WO games are Parts and Service vu, Textiles Tonight adium the Parts and Service meet teams met Parts and win softball, Webster and Rodgers will nd a real pitching duel is expected, season and evervdme should are worthy Service of the hoys the support they LJ ol, Toronto last night"te de the Saints out of the pic ancernerd play secured a place, the from deficit in here will not the defeat and are going Motor (ty Brampton on have ME be still smarting in Brampton win right here in the v . Ball Friday int Cheys second hull of the possibility team ut the Stadium on of the schedule there in the of a played » * Oshawa Juniors to Brampton the | celsior nian . » League Exec of the executive ofthall League will be held t Church Ad I'he with juniors are invading game the young | ganies in the group far the A meeting Awa in the | playoffs will rst Bap tiuke place at the meet Old Timers [ the ¢ Ih night at Alexa chisrge « dra Var day modern the will b and nat a eneration, maved eto ith I'he 0 pm | ohdsd game ral with hest batter saturday but due » hold the to take place on found bette me on | Whitby Juni pensar of the It would be con any team picked from players of Fhe with all is the second time le has wish to be league TR of teams in matter diligence and ur on that the Sportin Chron ssued sue + chall classed as afraid of any be taken up When dack Guest, Diamond Soulls' winner, arrived at Toronto, he was tendered the warmest wel. come ever given to any athlete re. turning to Toronto, or, parades and clvie officials and dignitaries blended into one pans orama of acclaim to Canada's betwee in the ho riday night at 6.30 pn entent to Crowds, col. | night for a the noon Frida low lower In will he no pink view the happenings of ten by any mean Ma utive Meeting representatives July 25th arrangement 1 of the Osh night, at 9pm cussion of the for th » Ll Game Friday bition game 1a be played on Fri and the that the a real gam nthe Old Central Leagner rub vish to point 'out yon't forget that this is leaguers have probably the I'he to the Lacrosse what is first advertised it ha BE THER KAIme was game been * » ors Challenge Whithy Jumior Rove chal of Oshawa 10 a gi sof thall Pla A team from St IEROry s or age playing in the Girls Softball asked to look ry is correct, the ent re into the , and if our mem this Whithy Oshawa do Editor of the Cizette and Oshawa that the challenge ought te hero of the hour, The photograph here shows foatumres of the recep. tion, (1) Mrs. Guest, mother of dack, the returning hero of Hen. Toys Marjorie Guest, Jack's charms Ing sister and former Mayor Mes Bride, as they appeared during celebration, Kiwanis Camp Boys Take Part In Boxing. Tournament Events Ranged From 50 Ibs. terest was at a high pitch an through the afternoon, first be held in the camp, ests of clean sport it Is to be hoped that it will not be the lust to 100 Ibs.--Youngsters Took Keen Delight in Ex- hibition of the Manly Art ~Fought Cleanly and Fairly The bows had » really fine after~ noon at the Kiwanis Boys' Camp on Tuesday when a boxing tourna. ment was run off amid groat ex- citeament and rivalry, Twenty-one hoys took part in the events, which ranged from the 50 1h, events that went two rounds to the 100 1b, houts that wers mlowed to go six rounds. All the necessary officials were on hand fo ses that every. thing was on the square and In- BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost D.C, 02 39 814 60 43 BRA hh 44 HTD N68 46 BDA Buffalo hd 400 Newark ho 48D Jersey City 42 ho 410 Nending LE} 260 Ww ednesday' . Ne ores Baltimore 4-9 Reading 2:0 Jorsey City ,. 4 Newark ......2 xBuffalo ,.. 8 Rochester rf Toronto at Montreal (played Tues day) x12 toning NATIONAL Rochester Baltimore Toronto Montroal LEAGUE Lost P.C, H Hil AHT6 (HE hl AR A808 4604 Rrooklyn Chicago Now York 8. Louls Pittsburg Boston Cinelnnati Philadelphia { Wednesday's Scores Cincinnati B-6 Boston xfocond game 11 Innings Brooklyn ,,. 4 St Louls New York BR Chicago xPittwburg 2-16 Philadelphia 1-15 xidecond game 18 Innings AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost PC 63 32 .661 HR 36 .834 hd 40 570 ih 16 h 490 MS anu p h 87 : 34 B8 370 Wednesday' N Neores Philadelphia 4 Dotroit Claveland 10 New York Chicago. .... 5 Roston sWashington 10 St x11 Innings INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE TRATION WINETTWST Reading, Pa, July 24 Balt! more won both onds of a double: header from Reading here yester. day, and ran {ts streak to thirteen consecutive victories for the season over the Keys, Lou Koupal worsted Nelson Greene in a. pitchers' duel In the first game to win by 4.2 while (Yawart Bolen held the Keyu to three hits In the night «CAD Lo cop by 8.0, Philadelphia Washington New York Cleveland Detroit Chicago t, Louls oston veal vous reed Louis +e4.9 SKEETERS DEFEAT BEARS Newark, July 24, -Jorsey City, although outhit, took the first of n four-game series from Newark here yesterday hy 4 to 2. The wildness of Jim Faulkner, who in sued five. passes, and the ability of the Jersey hatsmon te bunch thelr seven hits hehind base-run. ners, gave them the victory, TTT ------ New Martin Today and Friday THE COMEDY HIT "Crazy That Way" "TIGHT SQUEEZE" FOX NEWS Color Panorama "IN THE ORIENT" Reduced Prices Allen, 78 Ibs, ve. Bil 78 by, Geo, Allen, winner, #0 Ibs, 5 Rounds fhort Patterson, 82 Churlle Wells, 83 Ibs, Lawrence Borgess, fiero Hema, bs., 83 lbs, vs. Willet, Taylor B56 Ibs, bys, Intyre, 66 Ihs, Rod Connolly, &8 Ibe, Roy Purcell (bye), Rod Connolly, winner, nO hs, 5 Rounds Jack Allen, 91 Ibs, vs, Fred Coy- ston, 94 hs, Claude Vance, Ryan, 95 Ibs, Bil Fraser (hye), Jack Allen; winner, 100 hy, 6 Mounds Albert, White, 115 Ibs, vs. Tub Walker, 120 Ibs, Albert White, winner, Officials Glen, Mepstead, Timer Ollie ¥iint, Beconds---CGilen Ba! ter and Glen James, Judges----Bud | Rowden and "Doc'" Robbie, This Is the the kind to In the inter tournament of 04 hs, vs. Tod The rosults are as follows BO Ibs, 2 Rounds Roddy McPhee, 46 Ihe, ve 52 Ibs, Jack McPhee, Fred 2 he, vu. Fred Boh Planwright, | by Jack MePheo, winner 60 Ihe, B Hounds Bill 'Willet, 63 Ibn, ve» Bi Willet, 70 hs, 4 Rounds Referee a, Me winner Only the Connor Thermo has the: 3 Insulated Tub HEAVY copper tub armoured with heavy galvanized steel. Insulated. Keeps the water hot. Built stronger to last longer. THE CONNOR AGITATOR is polished smooth to protect the daintiest fabrics and garments from wear. Washes cleaner and faster. NEW WATER REMOVER with over- size cushion rolls --easy on buttons --wrings clothes quicker and drier, NEW LIFETIME OIL ENCASED DRIVE runs quietly, smoothly~a lifetime of dependable service---solid bridge frame construction--built stronger to last longer. YOU ARE PROTECTED FOR 12 YEARS by the Connor guarantee--Ilongest and broadest guarantee ever given with an Electric Washer. The Connor Thermo is approved by the Hydro Power Commission of Ontario, SEE IT TODAY! ' Connor Washer Store See Demonstration Saturday at 12 Bond St. E. BRINGING UP FATHER ITS BREN A LONG TIME NCE You LED YOUR WIFE TO THE ALTER HASN'T IT HIGGS"? YES: AN THATS WIEN MK LEADER: AHP ENORD: YOU \WOZ HANDSOME LAD BLT VaRY BASHFUL, ( ------ A | WOZ THAT: | REMEMBER \N MY EXCITEMENT 1 ONLY GAVE 'THE MINISTER FIVE DOLLARS \T WORRIED ME FOR A LONG TIME « | WANT. TO G\WWR PIFTY- 010 You EVER GIVE IT TO HIM? | WISH | HADN'T GIVEN WIM Tie

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