Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jul 1930, p. 6

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A ------------ = -- PAGE SIX The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will he received af the Whithy Branch Office, at Gasette and Chronicle, Telephones 23, After Business Hours=Phone 359, . ON REPRESENTATIVE--~JAMES H. ORMIST Expect Heavy Vote In Whitby Monday There Will Be Five Polling Places, One in Each Ward-- Polls in Whitby Open at ® am, and Close at 7 p.m, Daylight Saving Time--Returns Will Be Received at Loca) Committee Rooms and Gazette and Chronicle ce Citizens of Whithy, fn common with others throughout the Domin- Jon, will on Monday next go to the ols and choowe n man to represent hem in the next Parliament of Can ada, The present indleations ave that a very heavy vote will he polled in Whithy this election, Theres will he five polling sub-div- islons in Whithy, and they ara la. |[licers pated as follows: Pollin Hibdlvision No, hCom Y . {munity Hall, ort Whithy~J, M BOI Rubio lon Nu. be Haw, {Willis and William Bmith, deputy re orth-=John Wills and Daniel Web. | Vrning officers Mer, deputy returning officers, [The polls will he apen from 0 "| fm, to 7 pm, daylight saving time, Polling and from Kam, until 6 p.m, stand Bowman THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930 - a 1f a henvy vote is polled it will be Uncooked jght o'eloek or perl aa is wii Sun. o'slork on perhaps later before A "LIBERAL" of the riding is known, The returns will be received at hoth of the Com: "PROTECTS" YOUR HEALTH mitten rooms, and at the office of the Guzetle and Chronicle, Telephons enlls to 28 and 70, the Gazette tele: cule Tron and Brass Company, The (known Whithy boy und employee of industry, It will be recall passed [the Whithy Cavette and Chronicle into new hands after the death of {and now editor and proprietor of the late Vred Hateh, who carried It [the Kaltconts, Herald, Palteonts on (or many years, Bask, with Mrs, Augustus and The new name appears on the |daughter, have coma east to visit his Company's new eatalogues, price |mother, Mrs, Joseph Augustus, who Hints, in tags, stationery, ete, | is ill, and other relatives and friends and the name "Whithy" is promin- [in Whithy, Reuben left Whithy in ently displayed on all printed mat-| 1014 at the ago of 17 years and has ter, thus giving the tewn much val- [made good in the west, This is his uahle advertising, inasmuch as the [first trip east since that time, Na factory products ara shipped to all | turally, fe #80k many changes in the paris of the country, old town, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Proctor, of Toronto, are hollduying with the for mer's sister, Miss Hertha Proctor and other relatives hers, Mr, Geo, Newton, of North Bay, formerly editor and publisher of the North Buy Desputch and Tribune, wis in town on Wednesday and gave this office un eall. He was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Bell while in town, phone numbers, will be answered and #ny Information available cheerfully given, 4 Kpocisl editiops of the Oshawa k batty Times will he distributed in Whitby at different intervals during the evening, carrying the latest elec tion returns, Whitby Youth Saves Young Girl From Drowning The story of how a Whithy young man, Alex, Thompson, won of His Honor Judge | and Mrs, Thompson, at the risk of his own life, rescued a young Indy from drowning, comes from Amprior, Ont, and is recorded in the Chronlele, the weekly newspaper published In that town, With his parents the hero of this story was visit ing in Amprior on Tuesday of Inst. waek, and while down at the town wharf he observed A young Indy, Miss Muriel Bond, in difficulties In the water Quickly he took to the wate) and swam out towards the girl, arriving in time to take hold of her upward pointing hand as whe wae going down for the third time, and bring her safely tn whore, where after medical attention she was revived, Alex, Thompson Is employed In the loeal branch of the Royal Bank of Canady, and when ask od shout his brave acl wan very Inathe to speak about it, In fact, ha wan very anxious that it should not he known, It is possible that an move will ha made to have his brave acl sult ably recognised, WHITBY INDUSTRY CHANGES ITS NAME | - Whitby Malleable, Iron and Brass Co, Succeeds Hatch Co. Announcement Is made that Whit by's leading Industry, hetter known as the huckle faetory, has ehunged | its name from the Hateh Manufpet {uring Company to the Whithy Mall. | \_ An Easy Recipe 2 Lge 1 Top'n Self t Tsp'n Mustard 1 Cup Vinegar 1 Can Logle Brond Milk John Noble and Emmett Oke, dep uty returning officers, Bear vigorously all ingredients except vinegar, for a few mine utes. Add vinegar, stir welland sect aside for a few hours to thicken, This dressing will keep for weeks, Clip and try this simple resipe + oo you will find it delicous, EAGLE BRAND SWEETENED MILK CONDENSED THE BORDEN CO, LIMITED, 140 8¢, Paul W,, Montreal Sond me (rea recipe book " New Magio in the Kitehen" Polling subdivision No, 8-Couneil Chamhar--Gaoo, W, Huntley, Deputy returning officer, Polling subdivision: No. 4-Turn ers store, Brock Bt, B.4Alfred Luke and Wm, Lavis, deputy returning of Breakwater at Whitby Harbor To Be Repaired I'he Department of Public Works at Ottawa Is calling for tenders for the reconstruction of nine hundred feet of the south hreakwater nt the Whithy har hour, Tenders close on August ut, and it in expected that work will he proeeeded with this fall, The government in the pant twa years, has carried on con siderable reconstruction work al the local harbour, the Randolph MeDonald ~~ Construction Co, recently completing a big Job, The heavy gules and rains of recent yoars have played havoe at the local harbour and last year there was a grave danger of a large portion of the break water falling away, The recon truetion of the nine hundred feat, now ntimblated, will put the breakwater in good shape for many years to come In the astimates tabled In the House of Commons at Inst nes sion there was an amount wet aside for this work at Whithy harbour, The Week in Whitby Mrs. AK awa Howpital went an operation on Monday condition In guite serious, Reserve Friday, August Ist | Kvening Byanch W A All Bainta | Church entertainment Particulars [ Inter, | Miss M, Matthews, R. N, has re turned to her position on the staff of the Mary McClellan General Hos pital, N.Y, after spending three weeks visiting her mother and als ter, Mra, N. Corner and other rela Lives Mr, George K. Sage, student of Wycliffe College, Toronto, will have charge of the services in St, John's Bay Chureh, for the next few Sun. days during the Reetor's holidays, Visit the Parish Hall of All Saints' Chureh, on Tuesday, July 20, Rasp berry ten and sale of home cooking, Toa worved 8be, Mr, and Mrs, W. CC, Wilder and daughter, Netty, are holidaying at Part Rolater Mr, and Mrs, W. 8 Meeker, of Hamilton, are visiting the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Mesker Mr, Wm, Robson, of Toronto, a former renldent of Whithy, visited hin old friend, Mr, Geo, Bterricker, Fthis week, The pupils of Miss Josephine Thomas, AT.C.M., of Whithy, have recently passed in introductory piano with honors, They are Dar. othy Crooke, Oshawa, and Greta Lick, Whithy Mr, Grant Lynde, a pupil of Miss Kmaley, Oshawa, has succossfully assed his Intermediate Theory Eamination at the Toronto Con: nervatory of Muaic, Miss Olive Garrett, en route to her home in Watrous, Sask, after a year spent in Kurope, visited for a few days with her aunts, Miss A, KE, Goodfellow and Mra, Goodfellow, Mra, A. TT, Lawler and family are nd Mrs, Leonard Velow were ats Kendants of the bride 10d, Stoom After, n short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs, Moore will reside in Belleville DEATHS MRS, RICHARD BLIGHT There passed quietly to rest on Huturday, July 19th, Janie Hayeraft, widow of the late Itichard Blint of Myrtle, Ont, after being conf ned to hod for the past six wenks, Mrs, Blight was born in Darling ton Township, County of Durham, on Beptember %, 1860, and lived there until her marriage with Wehard Blight of tha Township of Reach, Ontario County, residing nt the homestend on the town line between Whithy and Reach, for many yeurs, After the death of her husband In January, 1014, she went to reside in Whithy, and has practically lived there ever since, About six weak previous to her death she fell an the pavement. while out for mn walk und tore the ligaments of her right hip, from which she never recovered, and she gradunlly weakensd until the end came, The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from her late residence, Centre Bireet north, service heing conducted by her Jusor, flev: A, I ILichards, o the Tabernacle United Church, of whigh she was a mamber The pall-bearers were all old friends, Messrs, Thomas Itoss, Wm Maw, Vrank Harris, Jas, V, Dencock, W, J, Cook and Clarence Haye A large number of relatives and old friends from Myrtle and elge whare followed tha ramuins to their Inst resting placa in the family plot in Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin Bhe leaves to mourn her passing, one daughter, Mrs, W. I', Biggs, Myrtle, and one son, Mr, Geo, | Blight, Whitby, and four grandehi] dren, Mr, Theodore R, J, Blight, of the Gagette Ofles, Whithy, and Mis sof Viva and Thelma Briggs, and Mr. Harry A, Driggs, Myrtle, and two great-grandchildron, Viveratt and Helen Blight, also ane sister, Miss ¥, ¥, Hayeraft, of Bowmanvilla, ull Tof whom were present. at the funer LL Among the beautiful florul offe ings from sympathizing friends were tributes from her son, grandson and family, her daughter and family, her sister, Civil Berviea of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, the Whithy Office of the Mundy-Goodfelolw Printing Co, M, A, James & Bons, Bowman ville, Mr. and Mrs, John Lawrie, Oshawa, Mrs, W, F, James, Mrs, Ware and Men J, White, My, and Mrs, Virgin 0 CONSERVATIVE MEETING A Conservative meeting will he held in Whithy Town Hall, on Thurs day, July 24, Every citizen of Whit by Is urgently requested to come out and hear Dr, 1. KF, Kaiser, Vix. MP, and J. Karl Lawson, K, ox-M.P, West York, Matters con earning the Immadiate conditions in the Town of Whithy will be discuss ed, The char will ba taken at eight o'clock, daylight saving time subdivision No Wil # office, Dundas Street VV; | ard time, ' Nawe Abus LABIARY AT THE GAOY, The officials of the County Gun are grateful to tha United and Baptist Church eongregations of Whithy for donations of hooks which will form pare of a library to ha utilized for the benefit of the prisoners The hooks are all by popular authors and will undoubt sadly he appreciated hy the gaol in mates, helping them In pAsE AWAY profitably the hours of thelr con finement Easier Than Writing I'elephoning 1s always easier thar un letter and usually mor atiefactory, Out-M-town ealls are as simple to mike now as local calls and almost as quick In connection I'he low evening rates on "anyone ils begin at 7.00 pm, and still lower night rates at 830, You can peal a hundred miles or more for kinson, Jim Hturgess, I", Thompuon,'a it the price of 8 movie, gi i | KAR) A J Pp). TO HIS MAJESTY: THE KING NO! Castrol is NOT Sold through ~ Chain Stations Castrol is NOT AUTHORIZED for sale at Chain Stations operated directly by large gasoline combines. This is in accord. ance with the World-Wide Wakefield Policy. Obviously a large gasoline combine directly operating Chain Service Stations does not wish to sell any other lubricant . . . whatever its merit . « . in Direct Competition with oils of their own, at Frenchman's Bay, was a very enjoyable and successful event for all, The weather could not have heen more ideal, and the afternoon passed all too quickly, A program of races was carried out, with the following winners writing ST COMPLETED IN ATLANTIC CITY EXCBLLED COLONIAL FRFETTAL ITY Now Ready for / FETTER 4 HOLLINGER, Ore, »EVOENE CFETIER,. Din wl is EN Primary boyvs=8mith MeCulloch, Bill Smith, Gilrle, under 12 year don, Marion ¥mith, B. Mihalke, Hoya under 12 years--Lorne At L Jy UN POLICE COURT Flsle Gor 'hurnday after IN THE In Poltee Court noon Mra. Dennis Brock Ntrest North, will appsay hefors Magis trate Willis on u charge of keeping liquor for sale, 'The charge In the aftermath of a visit made by Chiaf Quantrill and Constable Thomas Mrs. Dennis, It is understood, den lan the charge For permitting the house he was Hamforth pald a fine of $46.00 and costs The house was visited hy the Chisf following complaints recalyed It has now heen declar: | od a public place where liquor | cannot he kept Amie Hosea has heen eharged with operating a moltoy vehiels without a permit The cane in now hefors the court, Weddin gs SOUTHWELL-=WHITE The marriage of Kdna daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ephriam White of Mooreheld, Ontario, to George Kenneth Southwell, son of Mr, and Mes® Joseph Southwell, of Part Whithy, took place at three thirty yesterday afternoon I'he ceremony was performed by Di Fletcher at the Centre Street United Church parsonage It was & very quiet wedding and Immediately alter the happy couple left on.a wedding trip, motoring to Moorefield They will make their hame lor a short time in Port Whithy 2 SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The annual plenle of Whithy Un ited Chureh Sunday Behool, held on Wednesday afternoon of last week A BE ih - a Ke drunkenness in | occupying, MW BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT I A ES Ey SN RAT ow vi 4 Niurgess in in Osh wheres she under Har EXACTLY. WHAT YOU WANT = At the right price, finer foods for your table==of a quality that is known to every housewife, are regularly on sale at your Arnold's Market, Note these real good values for this week-end, for | Viola, 10. 35 A ---------------- Ie wn 22¢ 'S _- ww De w De TA ATTN: "P AND OG" SOAP EAT CHOICE BOCKEYE MAKER WABHDAYS A PLEASURE Eom ------------ CLOVERL Salmon + 41 ROUND STEAK ROAST rr ------re 1. 2. KENNINGHOUTHWELL A very pretty 'wedding was sol emnined on Saturday, July 10th, at four o'clock at 8t, John's Church, Pt, Whithy, when Derothy Victoria, daughter of Mr. and Mra, J, South well, became the hride of Elvin 'homas Kenning, of Oshawa, aon of Mr. and Mra, Thomas Kenning, To ronto, The church was prettily de corated with various flowers and ferns, The Hearboro Roya' Choir receded the wedding march, pla od Mr, Robin Nicholson, by singing a hymn, Rev, D, B, Langford, recs tor, performed. the ceremony, CLARK'S PORK and BEANS Size 2's THe great majority of chain stations do not sell Castrol. They Cannot, . and Do Noi Castrol is available, Everywhere, through Independent Service Stations . . Independent Dealers . . « Garages . + , and through certain Selected Stations not excluded from selling Castrol by the Wakefield Policy. If you swing bito a chain station for Castrol, do not be confused if you are told "5 3 19 , [| ENoEr RUMP A "| ROAST a FRESH RENDERED » Qe BEEF DRIPPING - > 9: Fray Bentos conse wn Bde FRUITS and VEGETABLES NEW POTATOES Fall 3 3 Ph NEW DUCHESS . SUGAR CURED BREAKFAST BACON only the choicest of Ontario hogw are cut in our own plant for our bacon supplys=carefuls ly cured and smoked, ensuring perfect flavor, 18:1b, Peck Try a pound this week, - APPLES om 28- at | Pork Shoulder sweet void 10. |e 1 Ib. Carton 14e ' EASIFIRST OR DOMESTIC spending two weeks at their summer cottage at Janetville, near Lake Seugon. © gg Mra, George Garvett, of Toronto, visited on Sunday with his aunt, Miss A, Goodfellow, and Mrs, A: Goodfellow Mrs, W, Douglan Thomson, of Rrooklin, Ontario, will receive al her home on Tueaday, July 20th, fram 8:0 o'clock (Standard Time), Reuben Augustus, a former well: ntic City is alwayp 'in season i. There's never 8 dull mem Ww " The bride, who wan given away in marriage hy her father, wan prettily pian in Ivory Satinfaced Can: ton and Chantilly Lace, and cap veil with seeded pearls and arange blo: noma, shoes of white satin and hose to mateh, and wore the groom's gift, n oryatal necklnee, ane prado [) shower houquet of Ophelia Roses, Baby's Breath and maiden hair fern, She wan attended hy her sister, Mina Jonsie Southwell, who was pretty: in a gown of peach moire with princess lines, and mohair hat to match, and wore silver shoes, and carvied a hou. duet of sweatheart roses, The groom was assisted hy Mr. 7, Rebper een, of Toronto, and Mr Kyrle Southwell was usher I) groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a white gold necklace and to the an cufflinks, ; tat Atlante Ry Finisar Vi "at i] Penner ve VORAN | After the ceremony a weddin, supper wan merved at the home o the bride's parents, when fifty guests were present from New York, To. ronto and Oshawa, The bride's mother received the guests In a gown of grey canton crepe with hat te mateh, and the groom's mother wore green canton orepe with hat in hlending colors, ro and Mra, Kenning left later for a motor trip to Muskoka Lakes, Niagars and Buffalo, ] The hride Awelled in a poudre blue ailk knitted mult with white ra Beret and white shoes, On veturn they will reside in Osh. ; MOORE-CRANDELL Saturday evening at Cedardale Units ed Church parsonage; when Violet atle, dau hter of Mr, and Mra Al SHORTENING hart randall became the bride of John Moore, son of Mr, and Mm IR 'ol Brsaklin, Quiasie, Ma "We do not stock Castrol" . . , or + . . "We have no demand for Castrol", This is simply another way, of saying, "The Wakefield Company Will Not Permit Us to Sell Castrol." WATCH FOR THE CASTROL SIGN. The world's outstanding Economy Lubricant is available wherever this sign is displayed. Incomparable for Bfficie ency! , . . Castrol has more world's records to its credit than all other, motor oils combined! Adopt it for complete motoring satisfaction, Produced by CG. C. WAKEFIELD & CO, "The All-British Firm" Head Office: London, : WAKEFIELD A Montreal » . Lubrication Specify Castrol Gear Oils for Transmission and Rear End

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