Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jul 1930, p. 3

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PAGE THREE A ---- ----------------r¢ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930 Hundreds Attend Official Op Dr. Kaiser Claims Important FUNERAL OF LATE : W. J. BURNS WAS Part in Harbor Development | "uur '\perconty Before Meeting at Westmount ,.... +... oc =. vs. { | { | } Oshawa, RS --.. a AND MAYOR BERT WEMP and Toronto who yesterday Ine dulged in a friendly game of golf ut the Oshawa Golf Club, Mayor Wemp was very much impressed with Oshawn's fine course and during the play passed many com plimentary remarks shout Hs cons struction and ls beautiful situati on, MAYOR TT, 1h. MITCHELL Mayors respectively of Oshawa weeepted 1 / Nelson Mis e CHUN rule o'eclork Cis were CAND wile and quickly transported to some | ooond line stretehed alme nilied in spent | just shout despalr Cp -------------------- their services, here, there and orking:like beavers, Kis MaelLellan, of Bare secretary of Kiwanis Eastern Canada, was present, to cent for (Continued on Page 8) he said, were which 4 ! "What has Dr, raguire A ner k last | winanville | i | Lantern Wocight o'eloc hoon A | od and from Great Britain and were sorely disillusioned. 1 don't wish to re oall that time, but occasionally Ini a charge of Here's a chance to fill up the old medis cine chest -- and prepare for emergens cles=-at prices 'way below norma!, Bear in mind that nothing but quality merche andise is sold here, For the FREE A 26 Tul f W . Men hury's Faviar Pribiig Mennen's Shaving and a 25c cake of Cream, Aoej Nkin Woodbury's Koap, Balm, 2hc, 49¢ Roth 25¢ ™e value ,, For ,y FRENCH te, amr, ov BALM 3e juries ADVANCE POLL OPENS TONIGHT Sailors, Travellers and Rall: A way Men Entitled to Early Vote | 'Memher of the House of Commons advance poll for the urhan { and thereby that an even wider municipality of Oshawa will be ' - [ Nald of public service may hacome "I am pleased alen to add that [held this evening, tomorrow even: e 10 | yours In the Parliament of Can. | the Liberal Party in this constitu | jig, and' Saturday afternoon and ada! oncy has heen strong enough 10 | gyaning, with Frank 8 Ebbs, elens 'I am a modest man and, ina | send several of (ts speakers to other 'yopal elork, as returning officer much an M King, in that otter | ridings. \ The poll will he held in Mr, Bbba' In the Interests of Money W.H. Moore li Algny building King Atreat LLU Savers wil ams Piano Co Supt. ani, or wvalistd Khe Krusehen Salt, 6b LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN ONTARIO RIDING Will Be Held as Follows! Cedardale Hall, Erie Street States He Was Misquoted pro lo oe I aio Fook so SRaNA . 0 +1 ve Ate By the Toronto Telegram curated on | BI Sho Canons' 11077 oor TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. SPEAKERS nave heen properly the voters' lal for the munieipal fhe Listerine ,, 00 860 LL fty in which they cast their ballot, fhe Italian Balm ,. 80e and must give reasonable proof Abo Peprndent Paste Abe x W. A, Dryden Mr, A. J Graves Mr. H. Mr. J. Semeniuk And Mr, Gordon D, Conant Chairman--=Ald, Ed. Jackson that they may ha out of the efty hoe Dodd's Kidney Conservative | plain them, However, as a conces sion to Dr, Kaiser | have asked m friend, Arthur minent Liberal, and | Connells of tha Party to four Anal meeling on | might "Parhaps It should ba sxplained [to Dr. Kaiser that I have hben re quested to speak in 27 different constituencies In this Province in | support of Liberal candidates, and | hatore tha campaign 18 closed | | will have spoken in five of those | The outalde constituencies Rlnght, KO, a pro high In the addres fSuturda and Citizen Chickens D. Conant Concerning His | Xilliam J. Burm, held yusietday ot (Ty WA Correspondent) i an Alexandra street, wis a fitting tri North July 28.-An | TRIBUTE PAID TO which he wis the founder, Quiet from the depredations nf these LOUD APPLAUSE! Maver W. M in Band, Huge Camp Fire Nelson Hain w Convicted of { ayor Wemp ve, Mayor |in which he was u citizen for so motor ear Is thought to play a G me sve nature, paying tribute to the trangporting the stolen articles - Labor Leader Condemns A new cous record 'for amuts | those who are left to mourn the pas dnls when In the cover of dark: |. 1008 camp last might en sentenced hy His Worship Magis- the local elub, when he scored w The funeral, which was attended Refutation of a statement belit ing In 20, Mr, Molden was playing | conducted by Canon C, RK, de Pep hens ware yamoved from a chicken | ood went far over the expectations | VoViee yesterdam judge 0 | the A charge that the tariff policy of th The Inter club match was won | 4 member during his life time, Th Ray Ire down one side of the seven acre fyhioh offense he appeared in cour industries in Canada and an appeal ny 4 4 4 duh | unknown destination the lowest gross scoves turned in | casket, were uw mark of the esteein S |] weed remier In wn Lid (he crowd went away marvel. | 1he hearing hy the girl, who was p wid went away marvel | Dany comlituted the main, paints LNA WORE thes . |a minor, It was brought nut that fn for the locals, Among the other | tances in the Westmount publle schoo! unteer Juhour has built it, and for | gig Worship urged that 8 marriage Young 1, Mr, Carswell 1, | cere tribute to one who had : ' Board give Intiar fighting mood and the audience Miller 2, (0, WW, MHesselwood 1, revealed in the beautiful world of Campaign to Discussion Phin | i 1 vd To let Wim read CRA i | i all {| Ramiyn would not ha ahle tn pro Vi | tain ie exciting ball game served Lyide for a wife as he was out of tien, brought together Mayor 1, W, Mit. | de Pencier brought hope and sin "Yo lov J iy: the Chevrolet an Mulleahle | work 11 boat and wa arn all noor together | minutes official cares and worries Interment was mide wt the Union OUTSIDE SPEAKERS Ran the campaign with the com Miss B. E. Harris Sustained the last dance ut an early hour this charging & tie advertising, the candidate sald | they joined towethor in a friendly | Mayor TB. Mitchell, Messrs, (i, D Plant. that 1 have neglected 1 tributed their services to the Ng | waniun "Mac" \ | bunkum and without Toronto brass to state the total of thelr seores | AM Georee Lewis, of Brockville in Support of Many Lib. thin cumpnign J haya sought to s BF Han ng pith. {the Regimental hand turned ont, and | » Muckenzin King " struck hy meanly saying, they are in directing bylaws and | hart's Pavilion, when In some man | nn pers It aug hit " Pr. wer sald, "When 4 platform In thi loved you," Dr, Kaiser sald, have participated in the tourna: | Life Guard Culling dragged the | fore Buturdey night, on account of | gon 8! (50 00 davonrad to o Triste tioally destitute, Many had come ' enkagemant, hour, Agiin in the evening after [Morrow night, In support of L hor compliwhad since he beeame Prime fo yo farce of the collision, Traf | | yond his depth, On trying Lo re speech made by hin opponent, Dy ning Nudget upon the indusirial who investigated the accident have woman of the house, "Do yon pe! YAgain, the i Captain Culling stated to The | Challenga of Dr, Kalsar that he would have thought that the Does | bail and will he tried shortly in Bow Orilite, July 28-<Prompt action vantage of having a life guard at [0 the present campaign Liberal yanks of the Riding of 'On | duties within a few days as her in | 1 " 0 ) " nen round him, headed into the diteh,! Wilfred Duffield on Two Canada and guite competent to ox which he rescued younr Dumeld | 0! me to state whether my eandi Flying To USA, gust or from July 24 at Williams' | guard at the lake during the sum Berlin, Germany. «Wolf ! "While I have Just about despalr RT | DISTURB NO i | ga by gS Officialy Keo) -- . of 'Esteorsed 'Merchant : Ay Thieves Carry Away Mower | -- oplies to "Uncompliment~ too P - / Attachments and Oshawa Kiwanis Club Ap- 9" : p 4 7, / ary Remarks" Which Held, L 4 ly) ply Fundamental Principle States Were Made by G. NEW RECORD FOR Tie umeril eetvien of the" Inte %, of Kiwanis "We Build" REFORMATORY HR ternoon, at the family residence, 61 ' \ | Conduct in Harbor Mat- ' | ' / epidemic of thieving has broken | haute to the simple hfe, which the de b out in the district around hare, OSHAWA LEGION tor (] sensed had led, devoted to his fami much tn tha annoyances of resi. v.40 his city and to his business of ' fents, Apparently nothing is safe | ! Ball Game, Regontd] ' CANDIDATE GIVEN {Went 18 Holes in 67 ind retiving by nature, yet at wll night vaiders who stop nether at times interested in the life of the city hid farm implements or poultry, The | ' Mitchell in Friend! many years, the service for the de motor ony Iv tought to may 4 and Dance Are Features | Seduction At Court "A Poor Man's Elect tchell in Friendly parted was of a simple and impres A ks Du and ronveniont way of of Opening Yesterday Dr. Kaiser Says--Toronto memory of a trie Christian gentle Bumuel Burgoyne was a recent i ; i W [ I Oshaw o a man and imparting consolation 10 wnfforer nt the hands of the vane |, Wawa | sepied in invirgtion ii Johnson Hamlyn was curs was pot atl the Oshawa Golf | sing of a revered friend and coun Record of King Adminis. Club yostorday by J, Molden, of | sellor . hae Hom petiony Wie the Jivou and they had no 10 regyet it Willis, tn one year definite ana attachments om A NOWEF Lhe good people of the city turned n - 4 i 7 ¥ peo / r and six months Indefinita In the tratio remarkable 67 for (he eighteen | only hy members of the family and Ww H Moore Makes Re | to hich had heen Jets in a fAald, Bat | 00 50 bundreds and piled up an at Ontario Reformatory, at Guelph, in holes, going out In 45 and returns | intimate friends of (the deceased, was * * nrday night a fut rooster and eleven | oj ee that swamped the grownds, ; ¢ ' ' ' nour y J morning fling the Jat which he hag played at the time In a club tournament | cier, rector of St, George's Ankh . coop owned hy George Beolt Alul the Kiwanian host by right Hamlyn appeared to heay in the developm '| with the Soarbore Golf Club ean church, of which Mr, Burns wa Ld motor car was parked a distance parked solid alll ment on a charge of seduction, for p A th wale ° nway from the house and It is said goverment was adverse 10 tha b 4 \ 4 > fowl were hundled into if y the Scarboro Club hy quite a | many beautiful wreaths and sprays and hall an hour later a . fh fare of secondary manufacturing wide margin, N. Hurst had ons of | of summer flowers, which hanked the t hall a just wel Hy eta avidencs ih J 1] Conservative for support of the an nts | Dy the Oshawa team, with a cred. | with which the departed wus held h party constituted the main, BIRR [iyo os "and scored thres points | 4 wide circle of friends and acquain Ly ' ore 3 ¢ ! ¢ £ ELL Ml \ A vbw, ana WI Hamlyn had promised to marry the . ords of high praise for the camp | gir or, Conservative candidate, delivers Mid a: HEALTH ft HRA § Amp girl, hut found it impossible to do od before a gathering of electors [ POInt scorers for the Oshawa Club Fhe service ftaelf wun dig 'Mr. Moore Says He Is Comlyan certain compliments {om ipell, for the Kiwanians whose vol | io "qua (0 his financial position were Bert Smith 2, Pard Canning | 10 simplicity and win indeed u win | work ns Chatrinan of the Tayi : y nu h n LL 1) f) inst night, The former member oi i, Mr, forming Himself in the 1 ahall not hve the work that Camp Director "Rob | would alleviate the sentence, buf, parliament for the riding was fn [Mr Smith 1, Mr, Henry 1, George | Mie h of his time so close 10 God, « in till bk Dr. Katuar wit, coms bi Robinson i Moing Jon A wor J. ¥. Grierson acting for the aes he flayed Offielaldom w 4 ind Hutte Adhering ti the last solemn . und have dinnay with Len 1 underprivileged hoys of the | pyged stated this morning that hi By I Rg Wd an Interesting hy spin i rites of the Anil service of Public Issues me, | shail he gi : ite hi ' " ' pa sOMO - ' # - » I have 80 ' ( lie "Phis election 1s a poer men's chell, of Oshawa, and Mayor Bert hathy ie the orrowing family of the NO NEED TO BRING {od of plonsing the Doctor. Ha be teams of weal wiies' league, to slection and we are all in the same |B, Wemp, of Toronto, For a few | Ieccance Lihe last encare of the Just number of {er duint that IT 4ld not speak about | Dr. T, B, Kaiser said, wars forgotten by the chief mags. | Lomeiery, Ke Canon de Pencier of | morning, the party travelled in Wigh | 7h Kiwanis ' Explaining why he wan doing Jt: | trates of thie respective cities ns | Cloting "The pall bearers were, n ; ww him and ends it with the com Slight Injuries---Toronto [ gear The wirls of the ball 16ams] cvervahory. mri Liberal Candidate Tells of piaint that | have nolo Driver Asvasted that he desired to discuss the is | game, Both Mayor Wemp and Conant, ( M. Mundy, John Bale | ' npao k ahout Mr, Mackenzie King teons of the affair, and sent the ¢ Bl ore sues of the day withoyt "blare and | Mayor Mitchell were fon a and David M. Todd, all of Oshawa Being Requested to Speak Now, may way that durin ing awry with a hang. The hoys of | for Eastern bands,' although it Is understood that thes 1 J | confine myself to publle "ime | ealth nurse, received shght in| rendered a fine program without | The boy, Wiltied DuMeld, was " t land public | nlone ai hep A few parsons, were an good on the falrway as playing on the doek neur Narn oral Candidates [a lg h ' When & 28) / ; onnl eulogy fre Hi : YI igh Ralier aver i you and resolutions through thelr city | por he was eitlior shoved or fell | ~ Eaplaining that he would not workols a a a Rid Car I Ring ton highwa couneily Mayor Mitchell WHS LO | into the water, On this occunion | he spaiiing In Ontario Riding be lr | stant on eyer ya wy : dorks Razor Ot dun shy an Tet ment but was provented from wo [boy to safety This first accident |APeAking in Camphaliford JOnigh1 | plat without exaggeration or ml Miss H car wits Dadiv smash : doing by another more pressing took place shortly after the noon | And Brantford and Hamilton representation what haw I» \ oo M ph ih hoe ot | ARN Cdrrien on ] we mm supper, the boy went for a swim | #1 eandidatos, and that he wishod {a0 foony in 1621 and more partion | 0 Oficer Hinehehiffe and Chief In the Take and evidently went he. [10 make an immediate reply to the §y, py ype aan of the King Dun: | (oy, tuble Venton, of Bowmanville, have oalled upon comforiahble } ' homes and have been told hy the ' turn to shore he sank and the | Seteer, at Port Perry on "ruenda Y | ite of this nountry reckless driving guard went out In a boat and pull. | Meh, Wo. H, Moore, Liberal can Doctor complaing | against a Toronto man who was in member me? | .am one ot thosn | OR WNING od him in after he had gone down diduie i Ontal lo riding hi mor, Lihat wo have nor BrotBht outpian om ee rer ul tie. hero d (Continued on Pape 0) once {HIE MUEA Lha allow ag Th) Fld speakers Into the constituency I motorist had been released on $1,500 DRIVER ERCAPES FLAMEN | | Dally. Times that these two rescues ale gr hatin y pe net Re hug. the tor might have complimented me | manville police court. Miss Harris wis, July 33. romit setiof ON SAMF DAY: the frst he hus made, The ad. | *nAorsation of the i upon this netion, for within the will probably he able to fesume her . \ " ous injury when his truck caught! 3 the beach 1s amply shown by the I observe from 'The Times re Co en thorough nver t regarded as seriou { ) ) ovoughly conve re not regarded ous, fire on Atherley Road today, Duffy, | 4 o ovonin of yesterday, A kroat dea) | Port of tha meeting | id JR e mel inpoug H ' i A J : suddenly discovering flames a Captain Culling Rescued of credit 1s due to him Por (C1 at Part Parry the other night, that [4ant with tha conditions - af al) Th plucky and oMolent manner fn | Dr. Kaiser has hurled a challenge 0 truck was destroyed, | ' dF poy Occasions daturs In this Rid hn the from robabl drowni % atur n | ding hmm ® on 00 "Late. Teo | Classily je pre ey owing dorsation of the Rt. Hon W. 1, BUMMER CCMATE FoR AT Captain BIL Culling, who Is life | [in kanelo King, Lender of the Lib | oral Party Point, Lake Seugog. Apply at the | mer season had the novel experi: | Oscar Weller, German aviators, left Point or A, W, Plokard, Now: |ence of pulling the sama hoy from | Staaken for Croydon, Englond, this manville, Ont, Phone 188 the water on two nconslons yester | morning on the first lap of a flight (800) | day, {to the United Stes, of of pleasing the Doctor or secur ing hie vote, | shall make one more nttempl On June 21st, Innt, 1 received A letter fram Mr Mackansie King Fin which he said I much hope | that you may he returned ss a Reg, aoe, , Hirth and | | wow - i -----lttisii'iassisseiiiiisiiisiiiiiiiiiiiii iS operate EERE EER 25¢ cake of Lavender Soap and a 35¢ bottle of Lavender Water, Rot oo 3c value for ,...., Donald Hall Exonerates The' Oshawa Daily Times' arti lo to the Telogarm in any way, because Times From Charge That or right, In fact, the Talogram ; misquoted me just as much as the | o ASR a Made loi Sink went wrong on the other e Political Capital Out : ' | of Expansion in Radio wide," Field on Monday, July 88th, the day of PHM. OD Ae the general election, in the pursuit A0e Rromo<Seltzor , Be their employment or calling, 400 Kleotrle Of ,.. 88¢ The hburs of the poll will he Nh Chases Kidney from aeven pm, to ten pm, and Liver Pills ., #8 Thursday ana Friday, July 24th p00 Ipana : With every purchase of and 24th, and from two p.m, to ten Paste we a Dr, West's Tooth on Saturday, July 26th, B00 William's Rrush, 800, we will give expected that a pars Pink Pills . ase Free a 88¢ tube of Dr, political matter (n reporting the | tioularly heavy vote will he cast y West's Tooth Paste, new lone taken on by the Williams "at the advance poll, About 36 80 value 50¢ . Free The article in Tha Times on Nat urday last, in connection with this matter, did not in any way refer {pm to the Dunning budget or any other It fs not Stating definitely that he had. been misquoted In an article which appeared in lant evening's lwwue of the Toronto Telegram with refer once to the "Oshawa Dally Times | jug ag covert, aven according to and the Toronto Liberal papers {ye Telegram story. making political capital aut of con -- ---- ditlons In the Williams Plano Co, of Oshawa," DoniNd «Hall, super intendent of the company, in an interview aver the telephone this morning, completely exonerated the Times from having made any such attempt, and stated that the Greek Orthodox Hall a HV nt (Comer Ritson Road and Bloor) i Yuden was a fale and accurate re. port, TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. The complaint whieh My, Hall 3i¢ make in Solvation with the Telogram reporter was with refer: i SPEAKERS enca to an article in the Toronto Mr W, A, den Mr. A. J, Graves Mr. W, M, Gilbert Mer. J. Semeniuk Ald, J. B, Waterous ': Mr. G, D. Conant "I never expressed any wovall wire hated Fox Terrier op tive of any candidate, (lobe, which gave oredit to the Chairman----Nicholas Rychlo -- : view to the Globe," said Mr, information leading to the arrest Company, and Its statement that voters avalled themselves of the FOF +12 22 24s employment would ba given to [advance poll at the last election, ahout ten men and between 10 and 40 girls, those Agures still stand. FOR BABY Tiny Tot Taleum, 28¢, Tiny Tot Soap, 10¢. Reg. 38c value 29 c oy Travel Pack Portfolio 84 Interlined envelopes and 94 Sheets Ripple finish Paper 49 Extra value Coming Events ------ | 8 Conta por word each Ine IN OFFICIAL CAPACITY sortion, nimum charge Prank Kbbs of this eity inform. for each insertion, She, od The Times thin morning that he did not attend the nominations in Whithy on Monday as repregentas tive of W, H, Moore, tho Liberal candidate, He waa there solely in hin official capacity aw alectoral olerk for the riding, as required by the statute under whieh he was appointed to that position, and un der which he could not under any clroumatances ha the representa. 7 Velvo Sanitary Pads, 39¢ One dogen for SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY monster meating at Memorial Park, Premier . Howard Fer guson, (1a LAWN I10R ROCIAL Wadneaday, July 80, from 4 o'clock, on Mr, Kimer Dixon's lawns, 470 Simcoe stroet south, under auaplees Holy Trinity Chureh, Regimental Band In ats tepdance, also fortuna telling, Admission 28¢, Ohildren 100 Kveryhody welcome, SAE Free! Ruy 8 Cakes of Palm. olive Soap for 89Ne Ald get one extra onke Five, (20-28-34) MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, Rosx Corners, Homa till Friday, (300) BARN: od out Into the making of complete | oil's Drug Store hax offered a re radio wots in the plant here, ward of #5 for the return of a YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT such Hall, DANCE AT Dunning Budget for the fact that REWARD OFFERED tt CITIZENS' BAND IN ATTENDANCE AT ALL THESE MEETINGS the Willlama Company had branch. do MH, H, Jury of Jury and Lov. Everybody Invited to Hear Election Issues biscussed "Thin company has nothing to say regarding politics, and will not be dragged Into the political came paign, But when the Globa made that atatement, it published some thing It had no right to publish. 1 did not, however, even mention the and conviotion of anyone detaining or harboring thin dog, The dog Ia described an having half of head and both ears brown, and body white, Information should he phoned or sent to Jury and Lovell's Drug Store. SQUARE hart's Pavilion every Thursday and Saturday nights, Admission Aho, (20-22:-26-28) RUMMAGE SALE FRIDAY AT market, 2.30 o'clock (20a) Jury & Lovell's Simcoe St 8. Phone 68 REXALL STORES x St EK Kine 31 28

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