Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jul 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 19% | The Oshawa Daily Times Bueceed ing THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newsps afternoon except Sundays and legal he fave ot Oshawa, Canada, by fhe Fima m (] ly hy ir Ming pk A Alloway, foes retary, Pie Osawa. Daily Times is a ma or of the Canadian Press, the Canadian Dally News panes Association, the Ontario Pravineial nilies and the Audit Bureau of Cireulntions, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered hv carrier, 15¢ a week, By mall r Cann (outside Oshawa earrier deliv win) $4.00 a years United States, $5.0 veny TORONTO OFVICE L1) 3 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street. elephons Adelaide 010] H, D, Trasiddar, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN US, Powers and Stone Ine. New York and Chicago WEDNESDAY, JULY a8, 1080 published ove} o HELP THE RED CROSS BOCIETY The Oshawa Red Cross Boclety is doing wonderful work at its cottage down by the Iake, where it is doing some splendid health-building for children who otherwise would not have a chance for normal de. velopment It Is a work which Is worthy of the strongest possible support of the generously disposed citizens of Oshawa, Unfortunately, there is an Impression abroad that this work is financed by the Oshawa Rotary Club, This Is not so, True, the Rotary Club rendered a splendid service in building the cottage and turning it over to the Red Cross Bociety to be operated, But all the operation expense, ull the ex pense' of actually caring for the children, feeding them, giving them expert nursing services, has to be borne by the Oshawa Red Cross Boclety, with the ald of those citizens who feel disposed to make dona tions, In past years, a splendid list of donations has been recorded to this worthy object, This year, however, the usual contributors are sadly missing, Only a very small sum, very far short of what is required, has so far been subscribed, This Is due, perhaps, to the impression that the Rotary Club is financing the work, Now that the impress pion has been corrected, it 1s hoped that the Red Cross Boclety will receive an immediate response to ita appeal and that the funds will be forthcoming to enable the life-sav. ing work to be continued, Mrs, M, Hegwel wood, PT Albert Street, treasurer of the Bo. clety, will be pleased to receive contribu- tions, which will be duly acknowledged in the columns 0. The Times NL |. E DON'T BIGN A BLANK CHECK The elector who turns out te vote on July 28, now less than two weeks away, will he discharging a civic duty in an honorable way, No matter whom he votes for, he doen an honorable thing, But the stay-at-home nonsvoter hy his or her very absence casta a vote for bad govs ernment, A vote not registered (a a blank cheek on the welfare of the nation, signed by the millions who eifher don't care or don't think, j Let 00 per cent, of Canada's electorate cast their ballota on July 98 and this eouns try would be safe even If a Communist Gov. ernment were returned to power, The strength of Communism lies In ita tyrans nous grouping of power in the hands of the muddled or sinister few, One of the moat serious signa of the times in the fact that a magasine, like the "Liters ary Digest" in the United States can send out a few hundred thousand ballots and, by plying science to the straw vote, may pres d an election result with amasing exactis tude, The meaning of such a ballot in that dems ooracy has got the mob habit, Anyone can predict what a mob will do, and when dem. ooracy degeneratea into a mob, the sooner someone assumes a dictator's robes, openly, the better, Mark July 98 on the calendar and vote, Go to the polls more with a prayer to heaven for wise guidance than in the awelling elas tion of hopedsfor vietory, If that ia done, if the vote ia cast, then all will be well with Canada and with the Canadian people, BEYOND THE ROUNDS OF DECENCY One can expect almost anything from the rabid partisan press in the metropolitan centres, but an editorial which appeared in the Toronto Mail and Empive trespassed the bounds of ordinary decency, One can ex: t, that that newapaper, being rabidly servative in ita views to take every op: portunity of attacking the lolea and principles of Premier King, hat 1a ita privilege, and, as it might see it, ita duty But when it used the words, "A Jelly Bellied Old Flag-Flapper" and anplies them by inference, to the Prime Minister of Can ada, the nenaes of decency of all rea people, irrespective of their political views, Are outraged, . It in not A political question, Tt ia a uestion of decency in public affaira, The Times in not taking issue in any aenae with ble the political views or beliefs of the Mail and ¥mpire, nor fs it in any sense upholding those of Premier King, But It does take strong exception to language of the kind quoted above ax applied, even by Inference, to the first minister of the erown in Canada, After all, the prime minister of Canada, whether he be Libersl or Conservative, Is the ehosen representative of the people of the Dominion, and to seize on a phrase in one of Kipling's creations, the phrase quot od above, and place It at the top of an edi. torial which ends with a direct application to Premier King, Is an Insult to the puotle of Canada, One 1s Almost moved hy this flagrant breach of all the canons of good taste to remark that candidates may well pray to he delivered from the utterances of thelr over-zenlous nawspaper supporiers, i A, AS CANADA COMING BACK There Is decided Interest for the people of Canada In the despatch from New York telling of the Canadian dollar being quoted at & premium on the money exchange in that eity, Canadians have so often suffer ad from thelr dollar being discounted In New York that the change In conditions Is worthy of comment, What is even more gratifying Is the statentent that the placing of a premium on the Canadian dollar 1s due to the fact that an upward swing of the trade balance, In | favor of Canada, has occurred, This means that there is less of & margin between the amount of goods bought by Canada in the United Mtates and the amount of Canadian goods sold to the United Miates, In the Inst few years Canada has suffered from a tre. mendous unfavorable balance in this trade, #0 large a defeit against this country that economists were justly alarmed, 16 may be that the reaction against the United States on account of Its new tari schedules Is making itself felt in a practical way, hut, whatever the cause may he, It Is good news for Canadians to know that the trade bal ance is now definitely swinging back in fa vor of this country, Wr E-------- THE KEY TO THE SITUATION Business men and industrialists in these days are busily engaged in seeking a wolu tion for the depression In business and in dustry, 1t is not an easy task for the de. pression in world-wide, and world conditions will have to change before any one country can experience a revival, There In one key to the situation, however, that Is worth try ing, since It has been endorsed by men In places of authority, It was made the sub Jeet of a cable sent by Howard Heinz, presi dent of the H, J, Heing, to the annual con: vention of the British Advertising Club, Mr, Heinz cabled the following message "Our world business fs ahead of last year, In times of depression It Is al WAYA Our custom to increase our ad vertining. 1 consider advertising Ix one of the greatest economic forces, If properly used It can stimulate trade even In perioda of depression, "Truth In advertising, quality in pro duet==these are the twins that will help to overchme and prevent business de pression." Mr. Hein put these principles into prac tice and found them successful, an Hlustras ted by his testimony as to increased bhuals ness, The moral ia plain, In time of de. pression Increase your advertising to overs come It should he the slogan for every husls ness and industry at the present time, EDITORIAL NOTES With the canning season In full sawing, the political pot ix the only one that {a bolls ing over, In less than two weeka there will be plenty of people saying, "1 told you so" It in no fable just now to say that Canada 1a the Land of Promise, The pathway to political oblivion ix often paved with promises of "serious conaideras tion," "We all talk to ourselves, Bach of un ia not one, but two=='I' and 'Me'==and with pers dlatence these two confer,"==Rev, Harry Emerson Foadick, When Chicago people claim there ia no place like home, that phrase takes on a double meaning. iw "Our language, in nearly every detail, ia Wogieal, In thin lien a charm, "==Janet Ran: kin Alken, ; The only difference between the recipient of an ordinary college degree and an honor Ary degree fa that the latter already has a good paying job, 'What people really want is a religion that will make them feel respectable without res quiring them to he respectable. =Publishers' Syndicate, pe Out in the bush lands men are still we primitive, they believe in settling an argu: ment with fiata, instead of using dynamite, w=Port Arthur News-Chronicle, THE PLANNING OF "WAITING JOBS" Having dealt with means of relieving distress in time of nnemployment, and with the creation of local bodies to act for the relief of unemployment, we now turn to the further constructive principles of the William H, Moore Program for Fmployment, Turning to the fourth principle of the William H, Moore Program, we find It of special Interest to the workers of Osh: Awa, 18 1s an follows | "I'he creation hy municipalities, provincial and fed: oral governments of a list of "waiting Jobs" In the form of public works, to he undertaken when employment eon: ditions demand, and the creation of reserve funds to take care of these "wulting jobs" at that time," The wisdom of sueh n policy In self-evident, There Is, In | every municipality and in practically every governmental de! partment, federal and provincial, a list of projects which | might be referred to as "time jobs, that Is, projects that could usefully be completed, but for which there Is no im: mediate necessity, By n systematic study of municipal, pro. vines! and federsl requirement for the future, it should he possible, In every community, to set nilde certain projects on | A "waiting lst," Then In times of serious unemployment, these works could he undertaken, and employment of an emer gency nature provided to tide over the period of difficulty, This {8 & far-reaching suggestion, one which should mak an immediate appeal to the working men, One can read) name a list of public projects In Oshawa, for instance, tha might have been "waiting" for Just such a time of unemploy ment us the present, such an the bullding of the Bimcoe Street Mouth subway and the construction of the sewage disposal | plant, Had Mr, Moore's plan heen In effect before this time, | everything would have been ready to proceed with these pro. fects to tide over the present situation, And there are other lock! Improvement works that could be quite well placed on | wn "walting list" for the future To make this principle even mare effective, Mr. Moore's suggestion In that the municipal, provincial and federal gov grnments might well set snide each year a portion of thelr revenues, to provide a fund to carry out the "waiting jobs" when the necessity arose, This, it seems to us, 8 a proposal very much In the nature of paying an annual insurance prem jum against unemployment, a very practical way of proparing In advance for the rainy day Thin proposal Is progressive It would he easy for each munlelpality to define ita "waiting jobs", and in common study with the various Local Kmployment Councils, to name "wait. ing Joba" for the province, From there, it (a but a step to name a similar lst for the whole Dominion, Thin would serve another useful purpose, 1t would place the Inception of public works on a new basis, The Local Em. ployment Councils, acting as non-partisan bodies, would be in a position to have publie works scheduled ahead, so that there would be no possibility of governments undertaking these projects prematurely, on the eve of an election, a temp: tation 10 which [t has not been uncommen for governments to yield in the past We believe, an Mr, Moore suggested In his apeech of July §, that the public epinien whieh would be created would hold back these works until jobs are actually needed for men who have no work, We believe thin In one of the most practical suggestions over put forward hy any eltizen of Canada as & means of pre: venting unemployment, and the electors of Ontario riding are going to make sure of sending Mr, Maore to Parliament on July 28 to further develop his principles along this line, Tomorrow's article, dealing with the New National Poliey for Canadian workmen, will also be of special interest to the workers of Oshawa, Inserted by Ontarle Riding Liberal Association ARE TIT --or OSHAWA Branch Olfice £3 Simeon 5t, North Interest on Your ] F. J Reddin, Qshawa Branch Manager Enablished 1084 ---- Ovhaws Branch, 83 Simess B4, North Savings with Safety A generous interest rate and safety go hand In hand in 4 Central Canada Savings Account, IF you already have a Savings Account with us, keep it growing, If you haven't, start ene next pay-dey. Small deposits, mede each pay-day, will soon grow Into -a substantial amount et eur 4% Interest rate on savings More than Eleven Millions of Dollars in Assets, protect your deposits in Central Canada Business hours 9 am. to 5 p.m, Including Seturdays, CENTRAL CANADA ISAN anp SAVINGS COMPANY TORONTO Head Office Kina and Victoria Cte WL ASSETS Ulver Mr, Ferguson, tn Win anxiety | 8h News of Election Ferguson Changes Views Kingston, July Bdoe=ln 1007 Pramier Ferguson, by letter, re fused the applioation of the York Township Counell to the Farguson Government far unemployment re Hef on the ground that "une ployment 1a entirely a munioipal LLLCTE Ton (hin revelation in respect of the Ontario Premier's preselection views an to what authority w responsible toy unemployment volief, Mon. don ©. Blot, Minis ter of Public Works in the Mao kenge King Government, last NIERE Added the declaration that al the 1007 Intemsprovinelal Confers ance Premier Ferguson had talled 10 mention unemployment as a fold for Federal endeavor, and, deed, took the ground that uns employment vellaf on any tixed DARI marely snoourased whom: ployment. ---- weaves Ferguson Bme, July 20.= The Canserva: tive Government of Ontario and Premise Howard Farguson have haan negligent in thelr attitude toward URmRlE MAN, charged Hon, Peter Hetnan, Daminion Ministor of Labor, ax he continued hin election campaign speaking our here, . VME Ferguson asserts a condi ton of stagnation © has heen brought about In Canada due to (Rade depression and unamploys ment" asserted Mn Hetuan (1 to hiame the King Administration for all the (lin which have befallen Canada wines Conlederation, - uw not a0 rash Ax to say hin Provine ln] Government has no responsis bility with regard to unemploys mont, In 1081 an Ordersin-Council paseed hy the Melghen Connervas Hye Adminintration stated respons AbEtY for conditions arising out of MAR A wore primarily Provineial, Karly lat winter Mp, Farguaon publioly stated that his Frovinoe could leek after (ta own unemployment altuation Loaders' Final Appeal Ottawa, July 20=<The Conaerva tive and Liberal leaders will make heir Anal election appeals over radio on Baturday night, Roth Hon, Richard B, Ronnett and Premier MacKensie King will be in Ottawa The Supreme ' Gitp=Thanks ba unto am or hd URRPOA NADIE gify, n plone, ot him wlory ta the Lord, OF NOt he that commendath hime self in approved, But whom the Yo commendeih. == Cor, 10:17, " OVER td. bh ln o ps 4 6pwéo ELEVEN MILLIONS From K to 10 pm, (eawtern day: JHaht saving time) the Canserva ves will he on the slr, In a dn minion-wide hroadenst of the mest Ing In the auditorium In this city The same nationwide hook-up will then carrey Premier King's raply fram 10 pm, tH 18 pom (eam orn Aaylightssaving timer, Mr. Ben nett will follow from 18 midnight 1 am daylight paving time, or 11pm to 18 pm, eastern standard time When Mr. Rennatt eoneludes his Anal appeal 10 will ha 11 pm. In Winnipeg and d pm, In Vancouver It people would only work an hard ap they warry, they wauld forget to worry Hault Dally Bay When some women sing In order tn quiet a baby it is adding Insult to Injury «Chicago Dally News Wo don't need long-winded cam PALEN orators so much an short winded Vsteners --Arandon Bun, It's Just the old problem of dis tribution, There's enough idleness for Rraeyhagh, but the wrong pens ple have it, ooklyn Times In a London oourt vecantly, a man informed the magintraten that bY profession he was a post, He did net reveal however, what he did for a lying, «= The Passing Remitting Money We sell drafts, money orders and cable remiccances on all parts of the world=at lows est rates Quick service at all branches. PARI Batablished 1071 OSHAWA BRANCH Tn W, JOYCE, Manager a DERAL ELECTIONS Addresses will be delivered by. W. E. N. Sinclair, K.C.,, M.P.P Mr. W. A. Mr. W. M. Gilbert Mr. A. J. Graves, and Mr. W. H. Moore, The Liberal Candidate The speech of Rt. Hon, W. L. MacKenzie King. from Ottawa will be broadcast and amplified from 10 till 12 ryden EVERYBODY WELCOME a 'wy o'clock. G. D. Conant, Chairman. en A i HP 5 AA A ANE AJ. OA Oe db 1

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