Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jul 1930, p. 1

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"A Growing - Newspaper in The Oshamua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News Whils It Is News" VOL. 7--NO, 19 Pr sy OA wi binders od Pulls Hider OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1930 Lod dodh dodhedie dieses ews in Brief } hy Comsdlen Froen) JN Aviation Pioneer Dies Buffald, N.Y --Glenn H, Curtiss, widely known aviation pioneer died this morning in the general hospital here, Ld Ld ; Regina is Dry . Regina ~Saskatchewan weather is so dry that the City of Regina is sending watering carts arcund the streets to water trees and shrubs on the haul. vitrds » Diphtheria Prevalent Winnipeg --~An unusually mulign- "nt form of diphtheria which prevails n many parts of Manitoba, gives indication of being on the wane, but the Department of Health recom: mends province-wide immunization to halt further spread of the disease Ld ' J tary Committed ~James - H, Blackwood, former Secretary of the Winnipeg Parks Board, was committed to stand trial on & eharge of converting $1,112 Parks Board Funds to his own use C.N.R. SHOPS WILL CLOSE FOR A WEEK Toronto, July 23--W. A, Kingsland, general manager of the ventral reg ion, Canadian National Railways sta 'ted today the following sheps would remain closed for six days while em ployees took their annual holidays, with pay London shop, July 21 to Tea side (Toronta) shops, August 4 to 9; Stratford shops, August 4 to 9, The Montreal motive power and car shops were closed down last week for the annual holiday, DISPUTE OVER COAL BILL ENDS London, Eng, July 83--A long dispute aver the coal hill which has been tossed hack and forth be- tween the House of Commons and the House of Lords came to un end today with the lords agreeing to a compromise amendment sent over by the Commons, DETROIT MAYOR 18 FORCED TO RESIGN Detroit, July 23-RBy the decisive margin of JOB81 vates the Detroit electorate yesterday approved the re call of Mayor Charles Bowles, Under the law Bowles automatical 1y hecomes a candidate at the spee- ial election which will be held the latter part of August, HOOVER SIGNS THE LONDON TREATY Washington, July 23-~President Hoover yesterday signed the London Naval Treaty Ratification hy Creat Britain and Japan and the depositing of all three signatures in London remain ta he accomplished ta bring inte full ef- feet the convenant limiting fer the first time all eategories of fighting vessels for three great naval powers, $1,000,000 MORE GOLD FOR CANADA! 1) ab | (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) New York, July 88----The Inje national Acceptance Bank today It Was 000 in gold to Canada. was des thought the consignment tined for Montreal, MILLIONAIRE HOBO STARVES T0 DEATH Had Spent Fortune in Aid: ing Friendless Wander. ers--Dies at 56 fitaunton, Va, July 23-James Ralph How, the "millionaire hobo," ia dead as the result of 15 years of self-denial, Physicians attending him when he succumbed in a hospital here yesterday sald death was due to pnoumonia, "evidently superindue- od by starvation. He was 66 years old, Despite a bequest of $600,000 from his mother, Mrs, Hliza Fads How, in 1015, he had denied him- self the necessities of life ta aid unfortunates, especially hoboes, His time and energy as well as his fortune, where spent in the inter. est of migratory workers and he was the financial "angel of the Ins ternational Hratherhonl Welfare Association, with hobo shelters in 16 cities, . WEATHER High pressure covers Ontario, Quebec and the central Siates whilg fairly deep depression ave centred over Hudson Bay and off the Labrador coast, seatter: ed shewats have ogeurred in the Prince Albert region, some dis: triste of suthern Manitoba and the south eastern Ontario but the weather throughout the inion has been mostly fair and moder: ately warm. Lower as, Gear: Jan Bay, Ottawa and Upper: St, wrence Valley, Light to hoy ITY winds, fair and warm tosday and Thursday, Lamond hay, announced it was shipping $1,000, is SPANISH DUTY MAY BENE a aa 16 Cents # Week; 3 Cents » Copy Terrible Earthq RL OVER 250 KILLED AND MANY MORE SERIOUSLY INJURED IN THREE VIOLENT SHOCKS United States Consulate Has Received No Report of Americans or Canadians Being Killed, However OVER FIFTY DIED OF SHEER FRIGHT Shattered Communications Make Estimate of Death Toll Difficult, But 250 Are Known Dead, 500 Injured Naples, Italy, July 23--The. ter: ror of earthquake, so sharp and awful that the number of deaths from sheer fright in Naples alone was estimated at Afty, struck southern Italy to-day In three shocks that caused the most wide spread seismic devastation In Taly since the great Messina quake of 1008, Beenuse of the shettering of communications and the difficulty of ronching vietims, imprisoned in the wreckage, an Accurata count of the dead and Injured was still un avallable, hut the number of known death this alternean reached 261 while the number of injured at least twice that number | with at least a hundred in a ser lous condition, Three violent shocks were felt shortly after ane o'clock this morn. Ing and a lesser shock added ta the horror at 6:86 am, The hamlet of Melk in Apulia wag the havdest hit, unconfirmed reports stating (hat there were 100 deaths there alone. Everywhere in the stricken re glon, firemen, soldiers, militiamen and elgilian volunteers dug Into the ruins hour after hour in frelzied efforts to discover whether there wera victims buried under the de- bris, Damaged walls and roofs were holstered up, Af the work of rescue it was halieved that the number of dead In Naples would he well aver 100 and that at least another 100 more would he seriously injur ed, The violence of the three fatal shocks-- grade seven on the mer: ealll soale--was Indicated hy the calenlations of selsmographers that if it had venched grade ten on the same scale the whole city of Naples would have heen destrored Lu to twa o'clock this afternoon, ( Slates consulate had no any vietims in Naples o Aen pl Een At Sorrento, whieh is ng place of Amer: went on notice of A popular stoppl Rn ful a \ od hy a cave In Father Blasts Kiddies to Death Harneshoro, Penn, July 23 Two children were killed and their mother injured early today in the explosion of a charge of dynamite helleved set hy the father of the ohildren as a result of differences with his wife The explosion demalished the front of the home In which Mrs, K, Terry Langham, and her four children were living at Emeigh Run, near here, after separating from Langham. Two of the chil dren escaped injury, Five deaths were | reported In the nearby countryside > uake Rocks |Quebec Reports Quebee, July 26-=Premier |, yery ending June 80, 10430, expenditures of $40,812,807, revenue was $40.681, 064, The greatest single source talled $8,660,700, The heave penditures, $11,045,068, voted to the provineial highwa ABOUT 50 DROWN | hee Liquor commission, ed Rhineland Cut Short by Tragedy (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cablenz, Germany, July 23 --F dent Ven Hindenburg's progress ta the liberated was tragically cut shart hy lapse cof a ricket pontoon aver the Mosel th their lives af his tour of the from allied up the remainder had been in honor of the Rhineland leny Mourning hell tosday in contrast joyful peals talled with mn his scaretary while in lus difficulty at once H of the marning further details, THRILLING CHASE persuaded. net ta the scene af the in his anxiety Drunken Driver After Threatening te Shoot Garageman (By Canadien. Press Loased Wire) Hamilton, July 88 iv and a mile-a-minute east af the eity limits in Hamilton overnight At a refreshment London highway near lice were notified, Large Surplus A Taschereau of the province of Que: hee today announced a provineisl surplus of $4,860,686 for the Ascal nyer The of revenue 'was derived from the Que which to Lng were de- AS GERMAN BRIDGE ~ FALLY INTO RIVER President's Tour of Liberat.| esl triumphal Rhineland col hridgg river last night ih which between 33 and 50 persons lost The president to-day decided 10 give whieh liberation oceu pation and ta return ta Berlin after attending mourning services in Cab Coblens terday's Germany's aged presi dent who learned of the disaster fram sleeping car at the Coblenz station was with ta proceed disaster kept awake until the early hours for AFTER TOURISTS Sought Revolver chase through the eity in which an Am wan tourist hurned up the pave- ment and lost the police at a point on the Niagara highway two miles proved tn be the hMghlight in police activity stand on the Ancaster early this morning a drunken tour- ist flashed a revelver and threaten: ed to shoot Jack Martin and Rabe ert Clark, No shots wera fired how- ever, and when the tourist joined his companion in an aute olty po. New Lealandto Negotiate Pact Sending Envoy to Canada to Discuss New Trade Treaty Ottawa, July 28 --No aMeial an nouncement was fortheaming fram the department of external aWairs today in connection with the cabled despateh from New Fealand whieh stated that Dr. COralg, comptroller of customs wanld sall for Canada an August 12 in arder to inlifale discussions leading tn the drafting of a trade treaty separate from the Australing treaty, with New Hea land, Cancellation an Octohar 1 af the order-insgouncil which made the Australian treaty applicable to New Zealand was announced in the hudget an May 1, It was further stated that steps would he taken to negotiate a new canvention, The general election campaign has, however, held matters in aheyanee but the prahabilities are that dis cussions will take place in Ottawa hefare the departure af the Cana dian representatives tn the imperial conference of Sept, 40, IRISH RAILWAY DISPUTE SETTLED General Strike Prevented by Intervention of Gov: ernment Ireland, July 23 intervention, Puhlin Phirough government a general strike avdeved an the Creat Bouthern Rallway Innes, whieh would have paralyzed vail communication to this elty, . has bean prevented After & nine haurs' eanference hetween the executive af the Na- tional Union of Rallway and vepre- sentatives of the Great Houthern Ratlway and the Irish Company, a settlement was veached, * 1a terms include the immediate reinstatement af all dismissed rail: way employees and vecagnition hy the amnihus company of the Bus Drivers Union, aMiiated with the National Union of raliwaymen, EMPIRE GOODS T0 Bennett Pr "wy (By Ray Brawn, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Montreal, July 23~Befare a huge audience in the Mount Royal Arena last night Premier Mackenzie King dealt with extravagant election pro- mises which, he asserted, Hon. R, B Benngtt, Conservative Leader, was making ta the electorate in different parts of Canada, Quoting from the House of Com- mons Hansard, which gave Mr. Ren: nett's remarks in connection with the vote of $50,000,000 for Montreal ter- minals, Mr, King said the Opposition. Leader had expressed grave concern over this expenditure, Mr. Bennett had warned the House that "obliga tions of this character must he met" and that, while he did not want "ta he considered an alarmist," he must emphasize the gravity of the matter, But the attitude of the Conserva- tive Leader had changed, said Mr King. With an election campaign under way, Mr. Bennett was making promises which, it had heen estimated hy several newspapers, would cast $1,000,000,000 "I My. Bonnett was alarmed when omises Billion, alks in Frenzy,' King Says he talked about $50,000,000, he mat frenzy new when §1,000,000,000," He nis he in a state of he talks about Prime Minister audience laughed. Phere was a serious side asserted as promises, Rut Mv. B talking "hlue ruin" "simply for party ends" courage investment of outside ca in Canada, and this, in turn, hel ta hold hack the prosperity of Daminiong ta discuss wnemplayment Mr. King's eriticisms, $2,000,000 to 'unemployed relief? we Songs Sun Once again the Prime (Continued on Page 14) to the matter, hawever, warned Mr. King The Conservative Leader was go: ing round the country making these ennett was also and depression said Mr, King. The effect of this was to diss ital The proposal of 'Mr, Rennett te call a special session of Parliament met with A special ses. ston of Parliament would cost $2,000, Vhy not, he added, give the This proposal met with applause. B niater ase sorted the importance af trade de- velopment within the Beitish Ewpive, GET PREFERENCE IN NEW ZEALAND Deminion Increases General Tariff, Extends Bri? tish Preference rrer-- (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Wellington, NZ, July 2.-An amended tariff an imperations whieh will yield the state an additional rev. enue af ahaut 800.000 sterling, or al most $4,000000, has been announced in the Howse of Representatives hy the Rt. Hen. Gi. \V. Forbes, prime minister, The new customs duties, explained the prime minister, 'are not tivtended solely to Jetluee revenue, hut will alsa give further preference ta Ewe pire products hy raising the duties on goods of foreign production or manufaoture. It constitutes, in a sease, a lwxury tax as tobacea and cigarettes, comin types of. apparel and haisery, motor cars and gases line ave subjept 10 heavier duties than before, d ¢ | | | | | BODY FOUND STRANGLED Philip B, Rumbald, aged #7 Tonawanda, N.Y, was found seang Ind in his sar hy the side of & lone: ly stretch of the Mineala Rd, near Port Credit, Ont... Here are shawn shove, view af scene where death ear was found. The ear shown is not Rumbeld's machine; John Night ingale, wha found the body, Below: the victim, Philip Rumbeld, No Solution To Brutal Murder Yet Discovered Police Cars Scour District Near Port Credit in Search of Clues Faranta, July 23 Palice ears tra velled aver eenteal Ontavia Wghways at a rapid ehp today as pravineial afoers endeavoured ta trace the tivities af Philip ¢, Rumbald awanda, N.Y. fram the time he his hame on Manday until his hody wis found on a lonely Wghway near Part Credit yesterday, Gasoline sta tions, fruit and lunch stands, and ather highway purveyors were gues tioned hy the police in their efforts ta seoure clues ta ane of the mast pussling murder eases they have ex perienced in years The hady of Rumbald, wealthy i estate developer, was found in his awn ear hy a workman returning home. The vietim's hands had heen lashed behind his hack, he had heen gagEed and his nose packed with cattan wal, then his assatlants had apparently placed a rape around his noel and twisted it with twa pieces of soldering metal To make cortam of death Rumbold had heen cruelly heaten aver the head with a hammer and his skull smashed to pulp Palice ave confident " murder was nat eammitted where the grue some discovery was wade, They ave of the opinion Rumbald was attieked thiewiitte an that the murderers, after driving aveund all night had loft the ear and hady where faund, That rehbery was committed was paved last night when O, B, Rums pald, son af the slain man and a employee of Niagara Falls, wm y \ NY, arrived to identify the body, He stated his father had $300 on his erson when he arrived in Niagara alls Monday priov to starting owt an the trip that was to conclude at Baveie in a fishing tein, This money was missing fram Rumbald's elothing whild every article an his person "a heen investigated hy his slaves, he Paling part af the case police say ds the fact Rumbald Tot Niagara Fall, Ontario, at three a'vlack an Monday afternoon and should have arpived in Bagrie. that wight, They eve he was attacked hetween Niagara and Part Credit, Ry ehock- Ing Aervige stations they believe there ia a slim hope of ascertaining haw far he got an his journey he- fore he was either attacked or somes thing oeoureed 10 cause him to ofange his plans af i Fon left LJ bos. BR Bad Storm Hits Pennsylvania Workman Killed When Lightning Explodes Ten Tons of Dynamite Ih and hal Penn July 23 wind, rain eastern Pennsyl caused the In nur to many and s of thousands of dollars in the intalerahls false |} depth kenres of prostigtions in the delphia area the last' tour da ceompanied | the ruinati mparahle ta the hy the protracted Philadelphia popihined electri whieh stryel esterda arn vania late alt wn Hye perty | I'he hreal yhieh had heat ind Phila Wi 1] "i mraad drought Cray [4 hronght and heat { He Ban i Patl ILaston | a wirkman af (| Penn, was killed hie lightning mature explosion at Fhioysands nf ina the pits, in the debris wa (BRA) workman Met ann i eof driving of the i from past ident ne pl ferment quare ined the pr (10 wns of tan naming ured | and buried the hod My Marg Hhoenisvill Pottstoy of el Penn with four nuns Tmmaeul Heart, i when their autamahile vt Limerick, near here Ihe centered during the storm the sisters was hurt PETERBORO FIRM who was fl | ie Af 5 ~ WiNS DAMAGE SUIT | City Loses Action Over Fleoding Due te Diversion of Creek (Ry Conadian Press Leased Wire) Taranto, July 28, Justice My Hyoy in a tudgment delivered at Oagonde Hall this morning awards damages 1a Ackerman ang Hons, wha run a leather factory in Petey: hava and wha elalmed $16,000 damages from the elty, Hig Lord: ship diveots that the ameun) of the damages shall ha determined hy veference to the master al Peatorhorn, RADIO ANNOUNGER SHOT IN LOBBY OF DETROIT HOTEL Gerald Buckley Had Wit nessed Gang Murders in Same Building (By Ca nm Pres Lemaed Wine) parva An ay Herald erry! Ruekley, Radin announcer for radio station WMBRO was shel and killed hy three unidentified as. saflants early today in the lobby oF the Lasalle hotel, Buckley had delivered addvesses on political suhieota and desevihed vice oon ditions in Detvait Buckley was said to have. heen # witness of the alavihg of George Colling and William Cannon, Oni CRED gangsters, shot at the side entrances of the hotel, July §, Has tan WMRO is located in the Las salle hatel and Bueklay was sald ta have seen the shooting of Cans nen and Calling from a hotel wins dow, Buckley was shot hy three wen who entered the hatel lobby while he was altting there waiting for a telephone eall, Eleven bullets aw. taved his hody, The assassins van aerass Woodward avenue, on which the hotel faeey, and entered @ TEN PAGES FIT THIS CITY | to Fly Pacific (By Conadinn Press Leased Wire) Tacoma, Wash, July B8§.--The pero hour drew near today fov the Ar ngE of two projested atrplane fights trom Tacoma 1a Tokyn Lieut, Harold Hromley, Cana dian Ayer, thrice thwarted in at tempts to make the trans-Pacife Nght, sald he would he ready to start his new plane "City of Ta cama' aller tomorrow on reeeipt of favorable weather reports Hobert B, Wark, Bromley's rival announced he would he ready 10 take off Friday morning. Bromley and Wark have denied any inten tan of racing each other tn Tokyo KING HOPES FOR NEW RE-UNITED CHRISTENDOM Receives Address From Dele: gates to Lambeth Coens ference and Replies Landon, Fag, July 33-Hopes fo a reunited Christendom were expire eid hy the King in reply ta an ad dress fram membeis af the Lambeth Canference when he and the Queen received them in Buekingham Palace todla The King shook hands with carh visitor I thank your addres vation and i," said the fuests Looking hack upon the heginning al this series of Lambeth conferences iomust he & of pride and thankfulness 1a reflect what test many the hear ta the growth and development Anglican eom munion "I opemember ten vears ago when | had the pleasure of veceiving the sixth Lambeth conference that the guestion of the veunian of Christen dom was foremost in your thought vou put hefare the world an ideal of unity and a plea for new endea VOur to heat vents in the fahrie of the church, Tam most happy to learn that this appeal has nat heen frpits less, iF 18 my earnest hope and: prayer that the work whieh. your last con ference hogan may prosper and that the deliberations of this present ean erence may result in same natahle advance toward this most desirable end," Val most pneerely tag and for the spirit of de iection which animales Ning addressing his au ee far the ETE -------- LISTOWEL LAWYER GUILTY OF FRAUD Sentence Not Passed on Charge Arising Out of * Real Estate Deal (Ry Canadian Proas | Rivatfard, duly Cael Hamilton, prominent Listowel lawyer, was (his worming found mullty of false pretences hy Judge Clement of Kitehener as a result of hin operations as the Listawel Agent of the Toronta veal estate firm of Huhhs anid Hubbs A sentence Was not passed (his pe ak COUNTRY SHUTS OUT U. S. AUTOS AND BUSINESS MAY COME TO CANADIAN FIRMS: Two Will Try H. A. Brown States That Oshawa Plant Handles All General Motors Exports to Spein and May Benefit From Move SHOW PREFERENCE FOR CANADIAN CARS Spanish People Have Found That Canadian Products Are of Better Quality Than Those Made in the United States (By Canadian Press Leased Wins) Madrid, Bpain, July 41= The fERment 1aday. published a new 1a Wf schedule whieh increases the duti Linited Blate altomubiles, les, matoreyeles Fagor blade ill Lifiye Ol NUE OS prineipall chine Matis hams Fhe increase w move 10 stabilize Inporiy SPWINE Mas {ney and hig yi Hires, US TR FUER An Anna ee Bpaniah a Feprisal agains arn on hieyeles chietfl hitting and Lerman ' and not in any wa the ner Ineveases in phe United Sate Tarvin ahont doubled Cireat Britain, Francs WEie May Benefit Oshawa When intarmedshy The Times nf th despateh, H.W, Hiown, iee-prestdent and general manager uf the al Motors of | anhada, Limited, stated that for about, a ve pow the Oshawa plant had heen looking ater the ¢ ports of. General Meatars cars In I'he Impos ten of the inereased duty on aun mobiles fram the United States would not 1m any have a detrimental eee on the exports from the Osh awa plant, in Ws opinion, hue might by giving the Canadian made oars an advantage over the cara of athen makes produced in the United Blaten he af decided henefit 10 the Cans adian plant, and might speed up ie export business with Spain My Brown naturally, eould not maka any definite predictions as 10 the possible result, hut his tone in discussing tha WMALLEE WAR Very oplimisti Incidentally, My, Hrown alsa res marked that the Npanish market had shown a deeided preference for the Canadian ears of al Motors an the ground of superior quality, the Chevealet as hail at Oshawa having heen found wach superior that turned out in the United Siatey Wlants af the General Matars of Cans ada, Lamited Ahoy Ligney i" pain Wi in a ---- Killed by Train St Thomas = Russell Gorvelf, agen Movers, a freight brakeman, in tha service of the Michigan Central Ratlway, died in the Memorial Hess pial yesterday from injuries suffers ed wlhien he fell under cars of » freight tram that was being switchs od at Hagersville 75,000 in Red 4 1 - Unions in Canada ------ (Ay Canadian Bam Lonand Wipe) Winnipeg, July 20="The Communist party of Canada has organized mors than 75000 unemployed workers inte the various eraft unions under the arty's jurisdietion, aecording 1a P f. Fark, Communist candidate foe the North Winnipeg Centre seat iw the next parliament. OF this huge total, this eity "has veernited 900 {wy the Jast week, ho declared in oon ducting an elegtion campaign meeting MORNE, On a downtown street last wight Many ; Interruptions Mark = Meeting at Dundas (Ry Thomas Green, Canadian Press Ww arvespendent) Dundas, July 23=In Dundas Riv erside Park late yesterday, Hon, R Bennett gave Ms strong endors ation tw the candidature of Gordan Co Wilson, official Conservative cans didate for Wentworth, Twa other candidates in the field ave & R Weaver, independent Conservative and BC Roigas, © Liberal, | farmer minister of highwavs m the Pragres sive government 'of former Premier EC Dray ; Several Interruptions There were interruptions towards the elase when My, Bennett gave his unqualified support ta Mr Wilsan, member in the last pariaméhe wha at the clase of the session announced his retirement from publie life an account of fl health, The three wen responsible far the interruptions were taken 10 the ont=akits of the erawd hy A police officer and wamed, My, Hennett asked that the wen be let alone, YE owill deal with thew" he said, antl ohavged that the inerpups HONS Were organized, theatre, according \o withesses \ Me. Weaver, one of the pandidates, My, Bennett continued, had stated Only the other night at a weelingy if you da nel vate for me, vote fon Reiggs, "A vale for any other cans didate than Gordan C0 Wilsen, the apposition leader declared, was a vols for Briggs and the Liberal pany" \ discussion developed among = group of sivals supporters near the latform, "Da not he alarmed," My, Aennett remarked, "it is just a lttn noise among friends, hut. net dup our friends" = Quotes British Ranker Phe (ternational bankers weeting recently in London, Me Hennery said, had decided hy resolution that the way to dovelap the Empive was hy trade auveements with mutual preferences hetween the nations al the Wwmpive, "1 asked you on the ninth of June at Winnipeg," he ex» oliimed, "to take my word. Now | Ask you 1a take the wards of these hankers. Ave vou prepared 1a taka the words of these bankers ar the word af My me. They are just as layal a hy Rata Bmpiie an Mwy Ning " \

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