Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jul 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO The :Whitby Daily Times received at the Advertising, Wbssriptions and news will be Whitby Branch Office, at Gazette and Chronicle ~Telophone 23, After Business Hours--Phone REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON SEVEN EMPLOYEES OF HOSPITAL NOT GUILTY OF THEFT No Intent to Steal, Says Court--Move to Get Men Re-instated Seven employees of the Ontario Hospital at Whitby, charged with the theft of goods from the fnsti- tution, were found not guilty by Magistrate J, E, Willis in Police Court this afternoon, His Worship based his decision on the ground hat on the evidence submitted Ihre dia not appear to him to be any intention on the part of (he ae eudéd to commit the erime of theit, The Court uphald the contention of several counsel (hat there was Ink of evidence of a guilty mind on the art of any of the men, and that efore recording a conviction tails point must be clearly ostablished. The discharged men are : F. M Lomax, in charge of the stores de- partment for a number uf YORI) James Boddy, J, Fearan, Stewart Byers. Daniel Glloughlay, " Rycrofy and James Deddaing hey were taken into custody ten weeks ago, tried In, court, and judgment was reserved for soveral weeks, nd- journments being made from time to time, The arrests were carried out by Inspector Boyd of the Pro vineial Police Department, Provin. cial Constable Diamond, and form. er Chief of P'oliea H, Gunson No Intent Shown After hearing by counsel WwW. H. Kenned, Whitby: 1. M. H Irwin, Whitby, and D. A, J, Swan son, Oshawa, Magistrate Willis de- livered his judgment which was brief and to the point, His Wor Charles | ven, He had considered every case very carefully, and the same evi dence pi to run through all of them, Some of the accused bad ad- mitted borrowing and taking things which they believed they had a right to take; some of them dis carded, but in his mind there was # doubt that either of the men in- tended to steal, and this being the case the men were entitled to the benefit of that doubt, The men had already suffered a great deal through loss of employment and being brought into Court, and he did not feel that there should be conviction recorded In any of the cages, His Worship added that af- ter going into the avidence there did not appear to him to be any intention of theft, therefore all charges would be dismissed, The Magistrate however, handed ont some friendly advice to the soven men. He told them that fn future, now that they knew the re- gulation of the Hospital, It behoov~ ed them to be eareful, and to con- duct themselves In such & manner as would free them from any sus- plefon. 1t was part of thelr duty to protect the property of thelr employers and this rule applied to, emloyoes everywhere, Magistrate Willis asserted that he had looked over the evidence carefully, and he could not find one tittle of evidence to show that there had been any misappropriation of goods from the stores department. All goods had been handed out in a proper and regular manner, and it had not been established that one dollar had been out irregularly, | judgment Arguments of Counsel Addressing the Court before was given, W, H, Ken- nedy, of Whithy, cqunsel for some of the maccused men, argued that the evidence had disclosed lack of brief arguments {a gullty mind, which was absolutely for accused, including [essential to establish before a con- viction could be recorded, There had been no deliberate Intention on the art of the men to steal, 1". M. H, Irwin, of Whitby, agreed with the contention of his learned ship observed that the cases had) friend and argued along similar been before the Court months, and on account nature, it was 'necessary to hold them over from time to time, Ha agreed with counsel that there had been no evidence offered of inten: tional theft, If a man borrowed something, oven if he did not bring it back, it was not theft unless in- \ention to committ theft was pro- of thelr for two [lines Absettitely no gubllt had heen proven to the court he con- tended, says Arrests a Crime D. A J. Bwanson, of Oshawa, counel for Stewart Byers, expressed himself in accord with what had been sald by Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Irwin, He contended that the casé of James Boddy was a ridiculous tn ota. ai. ai. ofl SUMMER TOURIST FARES WEST In effect May 15th, from Oshawa Ta Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Port. Iand and return Banff and return, Canadian Pacific In effect June 1st Lake Louise and return, reached only via Canadian, Pacific . Return Limit October 81st. Stop-over , allowed, Let us arrange your itinerary, IMustrated literature gladly furnished M. R. JOHNSON City Ticket Agont, 11 King St, East, Oshawa CANADIAN PACIFIC «$111.88 reached only via vee $01,60 yg 4 y What many people call indiges- . tion very often means excess acid in the stomach, The stomach . nerves have been over-stimulated, and food sours, The corrective is an alkall, which noutralizes acids instantly. And the" best alkall known to medicalescience Is Phil- ; 1ips* Milk of Magnosia. It has re- mained the standard with physi- clans 'in the 60 years since its in. tion, Lg spoonful of this harmless, tasteless alkall in water will neu- tralize instantly many times as much acid, and the symptoms dis- appear at once, You will never upe crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this, Get a small hottle to try, Be sure to got the genuine Phil. lips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years in cores recting excess acids. Kach bottle contains full directions--any drug- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1930 one to bring into the court owing to the trifling nature of the evi- dence, Put he had been haled to court, tried, had Leen out of work since his arrest, and for weeks had been under suspicion, Many honest ted theft unintentionally, and with- out sny color of right, He did not believe that any of the men before the Court were actuated by persou- ul or eriminsl motives, They did what was considered the nsusl and proper thing to do, In the cases of Byers, he came down to Toronto from Burwash, where he was em- ployed, first saw deputy-provineial secretary Robins, then Inspector Cuddy, He could have destroyed anything he had In his house be longing to the Hospital but he did not do it. But he with the others was charged with theft, "I submit in God's name that these men have suffered more than they ever could suffer It you convicted them," sald Mr, Swanson emphatically, ad- men, all of them honest and good citizens should have been dragged into court, He asked for a whole- sale dismissal on the ground that no intent to steal had been proven, It is understood that efforts will be made by counsel for the men and others to have, all of the men re-instated, with Mack pay. Two weeks ago Crown Attorney J. A. McGibbon announced that the Crown Ind already made efforts along this line. All of the men have been out of work for ten weeks and have suffered much in the way of privation, as well as be- ing under suspence, It 1s unlikely, however, that any move along this line, so far as the government is concerned will be made until Inspector A, L, Me on his recent investigation, BRITAIN SEEKS 10 BUY GREENLAND? Washington 4 Hears Empire Would Purchase Island as Air Base Washington, July 19 Persist ent rumors that Great Britain is seeking to buy Greenland in whole or in part, or to oxtend Its treaty rights there, are attracting, much fnerest in official and diplomatic circles here, While official confirmation of actual negotiations is lacking, it Is recognized that Greonland has an important bearing on the proposed British Arctic air route, explora- store, or Ra tions for which are to he under taken by a British expedition, This expedition, headed hy H, G, Wat- kins, expects to spend fourteen months in surveying and mapping out an aeroplanc route from Kng land to Canada by way of Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland, The Danish Prime Minister, ace | cording to the Legation here, ro- cently denied reports that Dene | mark was considering the sale of Great Britain, In circles It 'was Greonland to other diplomatic suggested that the British and Canadian Government, would be both Interested, If not in the actual purchase, at least in acquiring additional rights which would as- sure adequate landing bases on Greenland, TORY PREMIERS CONSPIRED T0 HOLD BACK WORK (Continued from Page 1) were returned to power he would call a special session of parliament to deal with unemployment, He then asked why Premier Ferguson of Ontario, Premier Anderson of Saskatchewan and Premier Tolmie of British Columbia, do not call & special session of thelr legislatures to deal with unemployment, 'They do not have to go to the imperial conference," he proceeded, "and if they are sincere about unemploy- ment they should have taken legis. lative action long ago, hecauss un- employment Is a matter that comes with the jurisdiction of the pro vinces under the British North America Act." Relterating recent statements the dominion government was prepared to give dollar for dollar with the provinces and municipalities ip order to give work to the unem- ployed, Premier King sald "up to this minute I have not received word from a single provincial pre- mier who seeks to take advantage of that offer," Statement on Waterwayws North Bay, July 10.~~Answering charges made recently by Premier G. H. Ferguson that the dominion government was responsible for any delay in the St, Lawrence water. ways development, Premier Mac. Kensle Xiag issued a lengthy state- men here last night in which he placed the responsibility on the On« tarlo premier if the project 1a blocked, Reviewing the government's posis tion in connection with the scheme and the development of power Premier King states every effort has been made to assemble the vars fous difficult factors of the project without delay and without undue haste, The engineering, the finan- cial, the international aspects have all been considered. A constits utional = difficulty occasioned by provincial claims as to waterpower rights in navigable streams arose. "We have sought a solution by friendly conference," the premier states, Continuing the'premier says the dominion government does not wish to go into the power business and regardless of whether the initiative in the development of the St, Law rence or any other navigable stream comes form the dominion or from the province, * the power will be available for the province on a definite basis which provides for A fair allocation of costs, Bana os rh CER Vi people, sald Mr, Swanson, commit. | ding that it was a crime that these ! Pherson has submitted his report | dels the Bowmanville Office of Block, Kigg Street, Bowmanville Representati DOO00000000000000000O0U | NEWS ABOUT TOWN | At Chautauqua Tonight One of the most delightful of the Chautauqua programs will be given tonight In the big tent when the Metropolitan Artists render their Light Opera Festival, Unique and vivid presentations of drama tie scenes from four of the worlds mont popular opperatiag are featur ed by this talented company, Nose Muarle, Desert Hong, Student I'rince and The Chocolate Soldier are the four operetta which have heen selected to appeal most to Bows manville mugle lovers St. John's Church John will Services In Bt Angli Church tomorrow lows: Morning Praye Communion, 11 a.m, Evening pray er 7 p.m, The rector the Rev, R J. Bhires will preach at both gers vices in he fol el and Holy Music Results The following students were suc cosnful In the recent Toronto Con sarvatory examinations Junior Pl ano: Afleen Wight, honors, 76 marks, Primary Plano, Nellie Mut ton, pass, Introductory Plano, Ruth Ives, first class honors, Byron Crawford, honors, Norma Searle, honors. All are pupils of Mrs, J Albert Cole, AT.C.M, Nt. Andrew's Church The services at Ht, Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be at the same hour as last week, Rov, W, J, Todd, the new minister will preach, Plenle at Camp The congregation of Bt, George's Church, Newcastle, held their an nual plenie at the Cream of Barley Camp yesterday afternoon when a program of races was run off after which the party numbering over 160 sat down to a fine supper sei ved by the ladies of the church FINE APPLE CROP EXPECTED INTHIS PART OF ONTARIO Government Report Gives! Bowmanville-Oshawa | District Large Crop | According to the recent ¥ruit and Vegetable Crop report of the Department of Agriculture at Ot tawa one of the largest crops of apples in the Dominion wijl be har. vested in this district this year, The estimate of commercial pack for COME TO KARN'S SODA FOUNTAIN For Ice Cold Drinks Milk Shakes Milk Chocolate Coffee Milk Toasted Sandwiches Tee Cream, Toe Cream Bricks Tea We deliver Ice Cream in Brick or Bulk KARN'S Drug Store | Next MO. Phone 878 News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at Daily Times The Times in the Cowan Telephones--Office--587; House--131, ve--B, Herbert Mortlock 0000000000000 the Bowmanville-Oshawa district fg 71,200 barrels which is the larg ast expected crop in Eastern On- tario, The show that Durham Coun- ty and its neighboring countryside has well earned the title of the largest apple growing centre In Canada, The following figures from the report prove interesting, These figures are the estimated number of barrels In the districts of East ern Ontario, Kemptville, Bt, Law rance front, 7,600 barrels; Napanee district, 35000 Belleville district 24,00 Trenton district 40,000 Brighton district, 45,000 barrels; barrels; barrels barrels, Cobourg district 65,000 barrels and | Bowmanville-Oshawae district, 71, 300 barrels, Although this district Is showing # heavy crop the whole erop In the Dominion will be 33 per cent, less than last year, this report adds, Weather conditions this past month have heen favorable to the development of the fruit Apple Crop Prospects Cable received from the office of the Canadian Fruit Trade Com missioner, London, England, with reference to European crop pros hii Pleton, | ' Li ts states thet conditions in Hol. and do not Indicate a good crop and prospects in Belgium point to no below average yield, The apple erop In Germany is expected to he about an average, while In Swit. zerland it is estimated that the yield will be slightly under the nverage, Report from Germany in- Aleates that the crop is expected to we good and in Scandinavia condi~ tions promise a very good yleld mt no definite estimate can yet he given, Prospects in France are cons widered less favourable than earl. fer in the season hut information with respect to present conditions is available, No definite Information Is yet to hand concerning the English crop, | but one trade report indicates that (crop about 60 per cent of last year is all that can he expected, re -------------------- BOWMANVILLE GAVE ROYAL WELCOME T0 CHAUTAUQUA Large Attendance at Show- ing of Broadway Comedy "Broken Dishes" As usunl Bowmanville turned out in full force to Welcome the 1030 Canadian Chautauque last night when every available seat in the huge canvas auditorium was taken and many had to stand First night audiences are supposed to he one of the signs of whether a show will be & success or otherwise and last night's audience should he proof enough that the Chautauqua in Bowmanville™ will without a doubt be an outstanding success Last night's presentation "Bro ken Dishes" wag one of the finest plays that has been seen in Bow manville for many years, Robert W Straus, as Pn Bumstead, the meek | hushand of an overbearing wife was the outstanding member of the [ cant and was ably assisted by na strong cast of actors. This Broad- ae] ui | = | | | First. Class Stenographer 2 to 8B years' expericnce, Shorthand and dietaphone | | experience necessary, Apply Williams Piano | Company | way comedy was played to perfec- tion, It was a singularly bumaw play telling of the misfortunes of the Bumstead fam#y in a combine. tion of tenderness, hilarity, honesty and misunderstanding, The audi- ence wers very appreciative and many times during the performance the actors were forced Lo walt for a loud burst of applause to sub side, Those who went came away well satisfied with the evening's entertainment while those who stayed away and who hear of It from thelr friends will wish they had heen there and will no doubt make up their minds to at~ tend the other programs during the next four days, Plans to attend the Chautauqua while it 18 here, Beason tickets may still ba obtained from members of the Chautauqua committee up un- til tonight and hy buying one of these one can soe this ine series of entertainments at the cost of shout fa quarter each, Voluntary Bird Census Takers Many hundreds of persons in Canada and the United States are voluntarily assisting in the taking of an waterfow! census to deters 1'in® any increase or decrease in the numbers of waterfowl that in- Lahit North America, This is not ririctly a census hut very valuable data are heing secured, "It is the duty of every one of you to make at least one person happy during the week," seld the Sunday school teacher, "L have," Johnny promptly, "That's nice, do?" "I've heen to see my aunt," seid Johnny, "because 1 know it always makes her happy when 1 come home again!" . ansWered And what did you HONGH OF ROMANY (Cleveland Plain Dealer) fing me the songs of Romany As camp fire embers gleam, Bing me the songs of hill and vale, #ing me the songs of dusty trail, The old, old songs that never fail To lull me into dream, fing me the songs of Romany And strum en old guitar, croon Melodious songs of simple tune Bung to a dreamy gypsy moon Or early evening star, fing me the songs of Romany, Those songs beyond compare, fing me the songs your lips have learned, The songs for which I long have yearned, Oh, sing! The disl will soon be turned And jazz will All the air, Sing. me the songs the night birds ATTIRE TS USED 1929 ESSEX SEDAN, Whole Ross, Ames 136 King Street W, BARGAINS IN GOOD 1928 ESSEX SEDAN, Thoroughly reconditioned and sold with our 30 Day Guarantee 1929 ESSEX COUPE in splendid condition. A Real Good Buy 1926 CHEVROLET CANOPY top-truck, Vz ton, just the truck for delivering groceries Company Limited CARS A Beautiful Car for the Family & Gartshore Phone 1160 | | VotetoBuyMorefromBritain Less from the United States That's the True Road to Greater Canadian Prosperity THE new higher tariff policy of the United States has shown Britain and European countries, well as Canada, that the United States does not waat to buy from other countries, but only to sell to them, It has helped to create an overwhelming sentiment at home and abroad in favor of buying goods from those who buy from you, Realizing this situation, the new King-Dunain Bu dget was framed, and Canada's pew poliey right in line with British' and overseas sen The increased British Preferences aim to and to enlarge our markets in Brivain and the Empire for our great export trade, aim to create greater prosperity in Canada, Hits U.S. Trade Further changes in the British Preference been made that will divert a big imports from the States to Great the Motherland with which to buy more wi rtion © Beicain, so ed with more t and other will be from us. U.S, tariff rts figure that $250,000,000 worth of goods that the United States, and were formerly imported from the With the United Scates raising her duties higher and higher against Canadian wheat, butter, milk, cream, cheese, eggs and other oducts, is it not good business to cultivate a with Britain and the Empire, to buy from and to sell to those who are friendly and | to come? y t0 be friendly for years Empire Approval of Budget The King-Dunning proval, with Empire ap as sell to you, Itisa strategy, designed to 0 help Britain and the Budget meets with British sp- proval, with approval, to trade with fits who thy from European you invite European nations to trade with us on a re- ciprocal basis, to build trade based on a sound and The King- important their endorsation since the Bigger Markets-- t is the biggest t before the electors for of Confederation, for Canada an export hemes i and most More Employment The King: individual as is aimed to benefit the as a whole. It is If that is what you believe is Canada's need today, if that is what you went yourself, mark your ballot for your Liberal N Build Canada and Empire Trade Bennett CAN'T Win--Vote LIBERAL ONTARIO LIBERAL CANPAIGN COMMITTEE, TORONTO )] Vote W. H. Moore 3

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