Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jul 1930, p. 11

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a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN , CTASSEELE DS meets FECTION --¢ CONANT & ANN ANNIE, BAR Bolleltors, Notaries Publis, Converanaing and gonorsl Hoo of Law, Oftioss 7% Himeos br th, Oshawa, Phone 4, ©, onant, BA, LLB; AV, An id WANK x. rn BINCLAIR Commerce Buildin tister, Nolioltor, Notary Publis, onveyancer, Money to loan, Of loo 14% King St, East, Oshawa, Phos 44 bSbridence hous, x > 5 Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Publie, Nios over Ktandard Dank, Entrance Simeos coe Bt, Phone 18, J, V, Qrietaon, KC, 1 K Creighton, », A, NC Vrasor, B.A, YMAN, WARWINTER, Bolloitor, Notary, over Dewiand's Store, Money to loan, 16 Bimeos street north, Phone 67, Resi once B474W Kite, prac I . risters, Molleitors, ete, 24% Bim» 008 ft, N, Phone #160, Money to 0 WALL, BA, DANI Conveysnoing snd general 22% King Mt, ri (4 AL A ARRHICE WARKTN Bik ie ony to loan, Alger Bldg, 0slte Post Offices, Phone 101 FRANK W, LODE, BARRINTEN, Nolleitor, Notary 'ublle, Convey: Ancor, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Offles, Phone 8000, Medical DRE, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 20060, Of flee hours § am. to 8,40 pm, Dr, B, J, Haslewood, special attention to Surgery snd X-Ray Dr, B, MH, Harper, special atfention to ohild~ ron's Diseases and Obstetrics, Nun. day apd night onlin 8416 or 154 DR, MoKAY PHYBICIAN, AUR Koon, Acocouoher, donee, Xing Bt, East, corner Vie Oshawa, Phone 04, a re PERRY, PHY 'WICTAN Murgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of ia n ts and children, Offices an Pond East, Phone ty ; J 8, Bdlhure, hy: « OP, an nbhurg y Mn Nurgeon and Obstetriolan, Office 145 Bimooe Bt, N, Phone $5030, residence 40 Cadiling Ave, North, Phone 8186, y PHY SICTAN, Bur 000, Obstetrician Office and residence, A198 Mimooe Mireet north, Phone 8415, DI. i ARCHER DROWN, PHYS! clan, % x eon and t Obatetrican, o office nd residenie Simeon Street, orth. phone S108, 'l ter, ots, ractioe, Lhe wna, ones, 07 Veterinary Surgeon " od ' y " Bpeolalint Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hompital, 808 King West, Telephone 680, (July 8-1 mo,) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PITT DIVAN OFF 110 WLOOR Streat Weat Toronto will he at his offles over Jury & Lovells Drug Htors each Saturday from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treats ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may he made at drug store, Phone 0, ye, ose an t bY) TARDRON, apecialint, Oflee over Mitohell's rT XI Drug Store, Plions 2000 and 488), Architects U0 PTENHOURN = ORNENAT arehitectural work, fecond floor, Royal Dank Bullding, Phone 14046, Ren, phone A D JORNNON, AK: © noolate A hiantts Simeon Ht, § Over Felt Dros Watch Repairing |) Nwin watohmake 49% King Stiest 1a solicited, ont, Your pm. Pe) buy and sell used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1080, M, Collis, § chureh Bt, (July 16-1 mo) Classified Ads. | "First tnsertion=144 cents 3 1) Minimum oharge 800, Bach subsequent eoheect: tive insertion 10 per tive inser: \ drive al two first \nsertion (three conta a tv Minimum oh Nr three Insertions, 40 oovta Pox number 100 addivional Professional or Business Dard, $3.60 ber month RY Ki Por hinn ' on a for | Sach | nddivionsl | word, Ave 30 Sunt FE do per Fh (TY Ask tor Classified Ad Department ulldin:, opposite Post rd Office and resks | gud d| last, Ambulance, TN WXPENT Pree shop atl agp Dental attention to X-ray Nurse In House Hpsoinl Gas extraction, Phone 009, setts, work, attendance, 1412, north, over Mitehell's Drug Store, Ons for extraetion, Phones bd, OIL 0, HUDDELL, DENTINE, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac. tions, Office, Royal Dank Bids, Phons 048, residence 1376M, TIT, 16 Dewiand's, Bimeos Mt, N, over Phone 1067, Nes, 202W, Evenings tm A MT TS KVR, Dentists, 87 King Ht, 1, Hpeoisl attention to mas extraction and X~ ray work, urse in attendance, Phones 1248 and #64, Hemstitching HINT HING, = ICO nine cents yard, Ploating sk rio ine dollar, Dresses eut and jted perfectly, Embrodery work, he Dell Shop 46% Bimeos south, Phone 16064, (June 20-1 mo.) "Dancin iN BCHOUT of dancing and physioal culture 1 9 Church Btreet, Lessons given oh evening from 6 p.m, Vor terms gall or phones B74M at above hours, (June #41 mo) Optometrist "OPTOMWTRINT, ialist In muscle anomalies eyesight and glasses, Author ot yo Care and Eye Brain, The Chilg and Its Development, Dis ney Blosk opposite Post Offices. Phone ib10, oe lly 16:1 mo} Engineering and Surveying BONEVAN AND SMITH ONTAR: io Land Burveyors and Civil Engin oars, subsdivisions, town planning, municipal enginears, 466 or 411 King Bt, BE, Phones 2082) or Undertaking LUKE BURIAL 00, 61 KING AT, Residence bH42 Himoos street, north, Phone 810J and 410W -- URW, URIAL™ C0, M, 1 Armstrong & Bon, FPropristors, Funeral and Ambulance Nervine, day and night, Phone 1088W, N17 Colinm, (440) DAVIN AND WON," INNURANCH 10 King Bt, west, Oshawa, The old ont Fire Ba in Oshawa, 40 Res Companion, hi PLACING INFUTCANGE consult RN, N. Johns, 60 Nimooe north, Your insurance wants at janind to and your Interests pros tected, GANTFAGH AND WIrORAGH COLE: man's, Kb Bond west, Npecialists In furniture moving storage wares house and moving van equipment, Phone Ki GANTAUE MOVING, ONAVEL sand and olnders, Loon) and long distance haulips, smith & Cox Phone 024, 10 Bond Bt, Went, ONHAWAN OLDERT RNTAW Huhed furniture movers, Park Round onrtage, Loeal and long distanoce, Frank Cowle Prop. 66 Park Rd South, Phone 310, (June 20:1 mo) A uty TTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Nhop, Hpeolalists In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Pere manent wave prices #5, $7.60. $10' and §15, All other lings of Beant Culture, Phone S068, Apply § Himooe nireet north, LXPERT A MARC HL ANG BY HTS ty Ward at Petty Lou Permanent Wave Bhoppe, Marcel and shame poo 18 Phone 8008, DARIEN AND Doauty Shop, 0 Celina Bi, We spevs inline In ladiea' halr cutting, mare oolling, shampooing, facials, Marcel B50 cents, For appiiptments phone 8, (July 17=1 mo) VIEW AC ospsories for sale, repairs on eleos trio and battery wets, tubes and batteries teal tterien ree charged, rental wipplied $l, hhusie Ju60J, Charles ale oy Wigln Kant, +1 mo with rental #1,00, Repaired ang rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, LT 1} Mill 8s Phone 188 June 20:1 my ed, Prices reasonable, batteries To Farge, doe rentals 270 dellverad Phone 4800W, Geo. Burroughs, Oortified Radlotriotan, (June 10:1 mo Money to Loan . rh Ro IN A oan Arrange a first mortgage on your residence It it is well Jo» cated, Bradley Bron, over Ward's Store, Blmooe Bt. Houth, (June 28:1 mo) uctioneer gb Ha at stock and Implements, rt Patrons NEDICAT, NMATWRRITY, WENT: al and surgloal nursing, reasonable Whitby B08, Jung Add mop 4 Phone NL All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc, STRICTLY CASH. IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of smal) arcounts of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to some personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement ond collect for same, "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKY, RAND "AND Krave) for sale=="To fasure prompl delivery, place wders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale Phone 1618 : BAND, ORAVIYL, BLATR TOON, wtone, also any kind of trucking, Phone 1070W (July 18:1 mo.) ALL RINDE O17 WNCOND WAND bullding materials, sashes 260 up, doors #1 up, windows $2 up, bricks #6 por M Corner Olive and Drew (141), FIIRT CLARE RUTLDTRG WATE: fals of every description from Ans ost residence in North Oshawa, Consisting of doors, windows, stairs, mantels, kitehen cuphoards Lumber from 1 in, to 8x18, Apply Robert Williams 285 Mimeos Bt, North, Halesman on premises (140) A Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tons ialied T, Tavier, Trronto Osh i he 9 1083 (Apr, 10-11) CURTATNG, rR, all Na, ot canvas goods, Com plete eamp equipment for rent, Fox Hardwarn, phone 36 or 84 Agents for J, J, Turner and Bon, Peoterboro, Ontario, (July 8:1 mo) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND sk 1 WOOD dish ,, ood ow load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited Phon ron lid, also radios, wrennged, L666. ---- WAL Hee F ITH Ta co, pianos, new and used pianos, Intent models; terms Apply ©. Trull, Phone (111.41) FOR WATE = PAINTE, VARN: Ishes, Wo have the Inrgest assory ment of paints, varnishes, ete, In in the eity, The Paint Biore, §0 King street west, Apr, bit) WAND, URZVEL, RTONK, dors, black loam, J LL por an Vor quality and service phone Ks scry Dros, BSS r 1), (May Betf) OWAVEL AND BAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel $1.60, Boresned sand $1.76, Prompt de Kvery. Phone 030RIE after 6 p.m, (July 10-1 mo.) ETHOTRIO™ WOVE, NEARLY new, Also other housshold articles, Apply B11 Jarvis HBireet, after 4 pm (140) RicowoTrromy " RLECTRIS Anges, Kan stoves and cook stoves, Harry D, Wilson's Hardware, 23 on Hireet Went, (140) FiO TRUYRT RINORR™ CANINE, drop head sewing machine, 4 draws ore, little used, Apply Mrs, Dickie, Lake (140) For Rent NPTRACTIVE AVAWIHENT CEN: tral, four rooms, newly decorated, hirdwood floors, steam heat, elec tric vefrigerator, stove, hotwater, Phone 1400, © (14) WENT=RTX" NOUS WRICRK central, complete bath, furnace, slectric, gas, Good condition, Ime mediate possession, Phone Min 4 TO RENT=WITH ~~ VIEW ~~ 710 purchase or lease, modern house, furnished with gardep and drive, Plossantly situated, Phone NOW ¢) rooms, Choles of first or second floor, vent very reasonable, Apply 22 Kim Bt, Phone 1306V, of 6) TO RU T=NICETY TORNIRHED bedroom, siugle or double, Kvery convenience, very central, Apply 176 Centro street, Phoue 2600, ) UOTE YOUN HOOMED APART ment, every convenience, very central, private entrance, Tmmedis ate possession, Apply 46 Church Wt, (16e) Wanted to Rent FULLY MODERN FIVE OR BIR room housa or bungalow, In King Kast district, August 1, Apply Box 768 Times, (16:18) WANTED TO NENT=T IVE TOON bungalo, hone 748M, (1be) WANTED TO RENT VIRNT OC» tober from 456 up to 100 meres ni farm near highway and Oshawa, (460) raat LH Wanted To 'Buy CTRAN BOTTLE WANTED TOR ensh, Including ketehup, vinegar, wine, plekle and horse radish, Also jam Jars, Phones 07T4W (July 14-1 me) a -.. rh GE Motor Cars OWT YOUN CAR WARHED™ AT Dominion Garage, 68 Bond streut west, Phone B10K, All cars at ous price $1.00 (July 17-1 mo) FOND WEDAN IN GOOD RUNNING order, Naw tires, $40 Cash, Ap ply 170 Fillott Avenue, (140) 107TH YROLET TOURING driven Twelve Thousand Miles Phone S480M hetween 6 and 9 p.m (140) FORD TON TROTR WITH ROX: ell Axle, vary good eondition, bé King Birest W (16e) § ------ EE . Notice i THUNAN HERNAL ATOR moved to Kimeds Houth, Corner Mill, Herbal Remadion for various Allmeants continued hy same fam: oun Herbalist (Julyib-1 mo ai ply Box T7560 Times 1) Shoe Repairing THE BERT YLACT WHEE vou got your shoes fixed like new ia hy Menko, corner MWimooe N, and Wiliam W, (June 80-1 mo) Auto Accessories MOTOR AGCIRIONY CO, §T RING Bireet West, Auto partaiand aooes: sories for nll makes cars, Autor mobiles bought for wrecking, Phone 8060), (June 28<1mo,) ory AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Co, New and used parts and ae gesnorien, oars, truoks, prices ren: sonable; ears wanted, Phone BOSOW, 18:17 Bond treet West, (June 206+1 mo) Contracting whe oleotrie 0) Alterations. Instoring, (hur) hone 180 for estimates, Spirella Corsetiore FPTRELEA TARMENTE FORTHE disoriminating woman and miss, Phone Mrs, Blatter for demonstra: tion S1°°M, (Junedos1 mo) ork V Wanted OONORETE WORK, CHLLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road. ways, sand, gravel, oinders, Chris, Graham, Phone 2001M, . : (July 8-1 mo) » bothered with cookroachen, I will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, Phone 17080, (July 16:1 mo.) Caulking (1 oaulked around the door and wine dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out oold alr, draughts, fles, soot, Adds comlort, preserves frames, J. NH, Lawson,' Phone T733RD, (July 10+«1mo,) D ---- es --- For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD: orn suites including electrio refrig eration stove, laundry convenls encom, ote, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 2071, or The Trusts and Guarantes Co, Lid, manager tor owner, Toronto, : Lt 3742) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL Al conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Sredlar hiro, LLL FORT RENTS tral, b FoOmN, all conveniences, month, Hox 741 Times, (1681) CHURRTOL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, hy the month or year, Dox 747 Timon, (160-10) AX HOON OTHE "WITH dA. age to rent, Apply 64 or B68 Onhe awn Nivd, ; i (160) TWO OR THREE UNFURNIRIED rooms with convenlences, near Motors, Immediate possession, Phone 8R61/ sod 18a) FORT NRNT=NEW™ GARAUN Apply 186 Arthur Mtg or Phone 140M. __ fife) THIET FORNTRITID ROOME FOR Hght housekeeping, Apply 848 Goll Breet, Phone 1841M, newly eiorated, lease or hy the (160) AUNTATO=TONTOF AVI RINT reasonable to responsible party, Apply 'R, J, MoCQullooh, Cream of Darley Camp, Bowmanville, (180) unfurnished, ' Bvery convenience, Phone 15060 or 204TW (2th) TWO TURNTERIG ROOME overgm convenience for light houses keoping aor room. for two tends. oc 1348, (140) BH HOUNEREWPING apr Modern conveniences, suit married couple or 2 girls Reasonable, 285 Celina 8t, Loh) ( Painting and Decorating KC OUTROLE, VINEE CLARE PA: porhanger, painting and wralning, Prices right, work guaranteed, 140 Pine Ave, phous S006w or 2007w (72aL1) Ew al "Help-- Wanted Male ATONE STANATEN WANTED TON Oshawa, lxperience unnocessnry $60.00 weekly to start, also sub stantinl share of profits, Applleant must be able to furnish $686.00 to §1360,00 ensh deposit on mer chandise, Address Manager 4080 Mt, Donia Btreet, Montreal, Que, Roa Le) Position Wanted WINoW WITH LITTLE GTRE wants work, Good plain cook and housekeeper, Phone 88563), (140) oo , -- "Hospital WHRTTAY PRIVATE HORPITAT, maternity and all patients recom mended hy physicians, Phone 860 Whithy: J. M, McKee, ILN,, Bupt, (July 1 16- 1 mo) Real Estate For Sele MODERN S-NOON ~ WUNTATOW North end, Must well at snorifice price, © Owner leaving city, Phone 160NW, (16¢) "Room and Board UOMTONTARCE ROOM WITH hoard, Hultable for one or two, Phone 1888W, 188 Allee hw, (100) Help Wanted--Female AT, Ly on farm, Phone 1407 John 'T, Bryant, Plokering, 142} (140 WANTHO=--=EX FERTENT (00 N eral over 23 years of age, Must have references. Apply 8 Bond Bt, Went, (140) A name quite often may decefye; He sure you lr what you helleve, id M v Nature, Peter Rabbit was all sxcited, But he was soon to be «till mors ex cited, He had made the gequnine ance of Egret the Orent While Heron, ¥gret had told him that ho had rn handsomer eomsin who al #0 dressed wholly in vhita- Snowy Karel; also called the Little White grat, Alo Lgrut had seid that there was still another of the Heron cousins who dressed In white and (hat when he had come up from the sunny Bouth soma ol those white cousins nad come with Bim, MWe had paried from them ot the mouth of the Laughing Drook where It entered the (irsnt River, "1 do wish," seid Peter, "that those white COKIN of Yonurs would come up here to the Smiling Pool, How I should like to see them!" Hardly wars tha words out of Peter's mouth when Jerry Muskrat squeaked, "Look, Peter, look over townrd the Big Itiver," looked Winging thelr way straight toward the Nmiling Pool eame threes big birds that Peter vecognized at once ns Herons Peter A A-------------- ------------ P---------- Summer Resorts FWTH AT PRERTONVALE, POOLE for adults and children, Arrange: ment with Bowmanville-Oshawn Bus Line for 10c fare during sume mer months, Dressing rooms for Indy swimmors, lunches and tens garved, Phone 26H1J, (160) : Auction Sale AUCTION RALE=AT 844 RIM- coe Htreet Bouth, Oshawa, having received instructions to sell the entire houschold effects of the late Mrs, Morris, consisting of the cons tents of an sleven room house, among which Is a quantity of an- tique walnut furniture .and one piano, This ts un first class lot of furniture, Bale Tuosday, July 28, 1080, at 1 p.m, sharp, Terms cash, TW. J. Bulley, Auctioneer, (16-17) Wanted THOT WHO ART TROTHLED with some ehroulo ailment, such a8 nerveusness, paralysis, varicose veins, Roitre, arthritis, heart wenkness, rheumatism, oto, Phove 260 for a free treatment in your home, Tune fn on Theronoid Health Talks, over station CFILH Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1.80 pom, Theronold of Osbhwa 164 William Street Kast, (Juno 026-1 mo) Agents Wanted ---- WANTED OLD EFA BLINAED Canadian Manufacturer of electric washars and froners, roquires local dealer on particularly attractive proposition, Clive references In first application Dox 766 Times, (1b) MONTY == MO! Y KARN IT IN YOUR HPARE TIME selling our beautiful private greet. ing Christmas cards to friends and neighbors, #5 percent commission, Handsome sample album. nent free, Write today, Manager, Dept, 11, 8 Winohester Ave, Montreal, (16a) RECTAN WAN FOR g dred store route; this county; ex- perience unnecessary; no selling} distribute and collect, Hhould net poventy dollars weekly, Shamans Mtg, Co, New Toroute, Ont, (10a-33a) Palmist MADANTE BROWN; x Phone appointments 2636F, 0 Loulin Btreet, (June 88-1 mo) MADAM ENA, Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone J404W, (Julyds1 mo.) Books n ONITRTENAWSE OTRCUCATING library, You will enjoy reading the latest Fiotion at minimum coat, Phone 1478, 87 Rimeoe Kt, North, ('TF8 tf) A Misleading Name By Thornton W. Burgess Potor, look, over (oward "Look, " the Big River And they wera white, nll whits, At lonst that Is the way It seemed aw Petar looked up ar thom "Here coms my cousins now," said Meret, "You'll have a chance to hecome sequainted with them, Each of the visitors in turn drop ped his long logs and alighted on the edge of the Bmiling Fool near where Karel. was standing, There they stood with thelr necks stretches od up afer the fashion of all Herr ons when they alight, Peter fairly gasped for It was wonderful sight to ses four such big birds all in white, Peter noticed at once that Egret was the biggest, Also he saw that the three new arrivals had black bills. while the bill of Kgret was yellow, He also notiged that the legs were rather greenish, Now that they wera so close, he saw that two of the three had a few bluish markings, which would not he seen al 6 greater distance, "These are my cousins, the Lid tle Blue Herons," sald Egret to Peter and Jerry, "Who did you say they were?" Jorry Muskrat asked; and his face wore a pussled look "Little Blue Herons," Egret, Jorry rubbed his eyes and pre: tended there was something the matter with tthem, "I guess | need new eyes," suid he, There was a funny look of sure surprise in the eyes of Egret, "Why do you need new eyes?" he asked, "Bo that I may see correctly," replied Jérry, "Now, those cousin of yours look to me to be all white, but you say that they are blue," "Nothing of the sort!" declared Kgrot, "1 didn't say they were blue; I sald they were Little Blue Herons," "Do you mean," spoke up Peter "that they are the children of Longlegs the Great Blue Meron?" Egret shook his head, "Of course not!' sald he,. "The ohild- ren of Longlegs the Great Rlue Heron never wore white in their lives, These. are the children of Little Blue Meron and that Is why they are called Little Niue Herons, Little Blue Meron - is no bigger than they are now." "And In be dressed all in white too?" asked Peter, "Of course not!" replied Bgret. hexinning to get a little impatient, "They wouldn't eall him Little Blue Heron it he were." "Then why do they oall these Lite tle Blue Herons, when they are white and not blue at all," des manded Peter, "I'm getting all mixed up (Copyright 1080, T, W, Burgess) The next story: "Peter Gets Things Straight at Last," replied ali King #& Prince Sta. JUNT HOW OLD? (Detroit Free Press) Dr, Harry Emerson Fosdick cries for 4 return to the "old morality." But just how old, doctor? Home of the resl morality wasn't--well it Just wasn't, - 5 te ' Machinery Rep Repairing NOTHING Y00 LAKUR NOTHING 100 SMALL, Adanac Machine Shop 161 King Wt, W, Phone 1214 ER a | EATON GROCETERIA | : It Pays To Shop I : bu Always : We have for exchange one and one-quarter acres with sevens room frame house, with furs nace, electric light available, hard and soft water, small barn with hen house and pig pen, plenty of small fruit, quarter of mile from Provincial Highway, close to school and church, This property Is priced at $5800.00 and the owner will exchange for a4 or B roomed house outside of the City of Oshawn, Your property must be worth what You are asking for jt, DISNEY NEAL ENTATY, Oshawa, hone 1860, Em EE ------------ SES Good Weather Ahead! wel)0 NOL 1080 JOUP CAPww Lot me finance yous=Addie tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Roow 0, 14 4% King St, East " FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Cueck fgnitios, clean and ade Just points, Mjust earburetor on Chevrols Cars, 1028 to 1080 modeln Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 00 Kimeooe Mt, Mouth Men's of Suits, Regular l $286.00, | Special .... $12. 50 Dominion Clothing Co. Ob King St. W, Phone 8144 Ye CARL W LUMBIR 1 a Al HL Ww 4) 5 iamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner wend] CEMENT B BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 000 Carnegie Ave. IPhone 1048 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST anclusively In muscle Dieney Block «Opposite Bart Offeg ELLA CINDERS---Trick Riding rh RR

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