Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jul 1930, p. 9

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pe THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1930 PAGE NINE Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on ,.. THE LOCAL SCREEN Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse ment 'World o) Clara Bow Stars in "True To The Navy" Now at The Regent and of and in "Ladies of the Mob," were subjected to a barrage complaints from Bow fans, "On the other wide of the ledger, we have records of 'It, "I'he Viest's In, "The Wild Paryy,' 'Dangerous Curvas,' "I'he Maturday Night Kid,' und now her Intest hit, "I'rue to the Navy ' Later, we will updoubt- odly present Clarn Bow in a diver sified serrvies of characterizations, but, for the present; ns long an youth must be served, we will keep her plogures ufter a pattern of which "True to the Navy' Is repre- wentative," "Clara Bow personifies the joy of living, the exhuberant spirit of youth, the vitality of radiant, well-being, (he exhilaration of clean, qulck-thinking, flashing movement, and vivid beauty, In her, people find releases from thelr worries; she Is refreshing because she Is natural In every part she plays." That 1s the estimate of Clare Bow, 'whose newest, starring roe mance. "True to the Navy" will wen at the Regent theatre, made Ww BP, Sehnlberg, the flr pros fucer in Hollywood to sign her to Clare Bow now playing -at The Hegent Theutre, FIER "Near The Rainbow's End" Starring Bob Steele Now at New Martin The New Martin Thostre will present a program of unusual ex- eollence on Haturday and Monday, when the drapfs "Near the Raine how's End," starring Bog Bleels, a well known portrayer of western roles and sn old favorite who will be remembered for his daring horse buck riding, The locals of the Jiovire in Inld in the romantie setting of Colora- dos Creat Canyons surrounded hy lofty mountain peaks. while he- hind the snow-capped mountaing are spread the wide fertile pining divided Into ranches and on one of these ranches a part of our story Is Louise Lorraine that charming young lady with the dimpled smile and snapping black eyes plays the heroine in the diverting western melodrama, and altogether near the Fninbow's Kind will please the nos fastideous patron Included in the program at The New slartin, saturday and Monday, will be found soma short subjects of undoubted merit, "Vancy That' 8 comedy sketch, "The Travelling Balesman' of story fame und a reel especially made to please the ehildren entitled "Kids and Pets #o coma ont and spend an evening of real enjoyment paturday and Monday at the New Martin Theatre, In "True to the Navy, which will show at the Regent theatre for anacted two days, Miss Bow plays the rule of a soda fountain clerk, wilh wu hoy=friand on every batileship Never serious with any of them, she nevertheless, Is true to them ull Frank Tuttle dwected the pleture + long-term contract, Wehulberg is o-dny general manager of West Joast production for the Pars~ mount=Publix Corporation, . When he fivst discovered Clara Bow he Nun an indepedent film maker, Many people, recognizing In Bow the powers and capabilities of A great dramatic wmerress, 'have written Paramount executives pro- | osting because Clara Mow n't | presented In dramatic roles, To theses questions, Hehulberg Answers, "Because Clare Bow typl fles youth and Is youth Wself, we feel that it would be an error to try to make of her a. mature woman of the world, We attempted this very thing in "Children of Divorce" SWALLOWS MIXTURE : OF GAS AND ALCOHOL £ eT : ; eo -------- RELIEVE IT OR NOY (Wall Breet The - former telephones girl had given birth te triplets As her husband entered to view his family, she looked up at him and with a wan smile said, "Wrong number? Please excuse It," Before placing Automobile In surance, get my special rates, Bargain prices for lois in Dears horn Park, subdivision, west of Elmeos N J. H. R, LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg, (By Canadian | os Lonsed Wire) J { ¢ d ' Journal) ( Hamilton, 'July 10.-=Huld to | have taken a mixture of gasoline and alcohol Internally at a Alling station on Hench road yesterday, William Marries, Langstaff, Ont, was removed to the general hows pital in the police ambulance, Al the hospital a stomach pump was put to work and the man's recovery Is expected PLENTY OF MONKY (Kineardine Raview-Roporter) If you want to know how "hard" times are In Toronto, Just get & line on the number of peopls who uttended the Woodbine races and the amount of money that passed over the counters of the hetting booth Irish Free Htate, Northern Ireland, while a strong and representative British eom mittee has been formed to ensure full British participation at this notable sports gathering of the British peoples, Canada will, of course, be very fully represented, practically every province sending its outstanding athletes The Games are scheduled to be held Agus 10.28, fn REBELS CLAIM BIG VICTORY | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) shanghal, Chinn, July 19 Northern Alllance rebels today clnimed sweeping victorie over overnment troop wlong the Halehow/Tungkwnn rullwny in | Haleta Honan and assorted (hel | forces had oveupled Kewiteh, a al strategie elty, The rebels sold they | ware pushing on roward Tangshan Colonies, the HH #milton, Ontario, will he the contre next month of the British Empire Games to which athletes from all the Dominions and the Mother Country will flock, E. W, Beatty, chairman and pros dent, Canadian Pacific Railway, is chairman of the nations! commit tee of the A, A, U, of Canada for the Games, and promises of sup port have been received hy the committees from Australia, New Zonland, Afrien; Bricish Crown ASK SUSPENSION OF MEMBER FOR REST OF TSN British M.P.'s Horrified Laborite for Seizing Speaker's Mace SOLLOWAY, MILLS APPEAL 1S FILED Culgur Julv 18 Grounds for the appenl of 1, W. C, Solloway and Tames Harvey Mills, chief oficial of Solloway, Mills and Company, Limit ed, who were sentenced fo Juil terms and fined in Supreme Court of Al berta following conviction en con spiracy charges, huve been filed the court house hy defense coun] The appeal will he heard in the Ap pellate division of the Supreme Court, probably in September Hear on the Radio! THE RIGHT HONOURABLE W. L. Mackenzie King PRIME MINISTER MONDAY, JULY 21 8:10 p.m, Eastern Standard Time 9-11 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time Address from Ottawa CFRB-Toronto CNRO-=Ortawa JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARIS J. W. Wornill, Oph, D, Eyesight specialist Phone BRIA Change of Management Sale On Garage Doors JULY 81 TO 84 ONLY Kelling Tmmediafely 150 Pairs. of doors | » 4 we TOT ONIN 7.00 ) "TaxT0 NI 87.50 T'0XT'6 x1 0" 87.50 T'ONT'H N07 A750 10 pr, Wx0/XROVSIM7 @ HT.B0 9 . WOK OUSIAE TY ® R000 wevernl pales of pine and spruce seconds at cut prices COLLEGE WOODWORK Telephone 2088W Kingston Road East Open evenings during sale Character spndies from "Tur to the Navy," Hegent Theatre, today and Monday, i A -------- 70 ; a0 10 10 SEVERAL ARRESTED FOR REBEL PLOT, | (By Canadian Press Loased Wie) | Wd Lishorn, Portugal July 10 | Kinngshu provinee The Portuguese government Jet ft | | be known today that u plot against | Workers Pay Half of the dictatorship of President Car | A : monn has heen discoversd and a Londen Eng July 19 unpetis | Dole in New Zealand number of citizens and soldiars Ar: | sion for the remainder of the pare | rested Hameantary session of John Peckett | Complete order prevailed In Lis | ihe Laborite woandnlized the hon, House of Commons hy welging the! wponker's mace and holting for the doar has heen aoked In motions | to the hola presented hy five con ROrVative moamhers Neckets declared that he had written to the speaker explninin hint he mount a Alsngpnent to him | personally hy his net Asked what Induced snateh up the mace Racket sald "I was feeling angry ar what had | happened hafore and wanted to makes mn protest I meant to get It] out of the house [n order to eall ant: | tention to the matter against which | wo wars protesting the way Brook viv had heen treated over Indin, | tL had gotten out with it I would | Yve deposited (tL In the room and | {loft the house." The Laborite who eame the husband of the actress, Kyrie Nellew, added, "the only thing I'm wnorry abouy Is that the Incident must have disappointed some American visitors. to the | house, Mr. Hrockway (old me hn wis expecting them and I had of fared to look after them for him Mut of course nelther of us was able on ment them." ol known in an official statement Is sued yesterday hy Premier J, K Brownlee Tha greater part of the time of the general conference WAN tukon up with an exchange of opin long bhatwean the Provinelal ropre ventatives, both with respect to | probable extent of unemployment turing the caming tall and win. und ns to the exparience of the ovarnments in methods adopted In previous years tn most the sit: ig | uatlon. "The result will he of | Hrnt Wrslstance In preparing for CKGW.-Toronto CFCA--Toronto CKAC-~-Mootreal CFLC--Prescort or CRCO-Chatham ONTARIO LIDENAL GANPAIGN GOMMITYER, YORONTD i CKNC~Toronto CJGC~London CHML~-Hamilton 3 il Whi i Wellington, Ne f An annual lov) of 40 « nhout #7 In Naw Zeulund of 21 yours of and older, with some exceptions, to provide half of the fund from which New Zealand will administer insurance the so who hinge v . hi Wi Lh Ji bo, ii the larger Interprovineial confer hm to A Panorama 4 . Brilliance and london Portraying World Progress Nautical but Nice |) 'Capitor' PAN (% r tainment recently he BYN WITH FREDRIC MARCH HARRY GREEN A Paramount Picture nn With her Clara Nings! eyes, hey voice, her whole body! In au fleets ful of sweethearts she finds, "There's Only One Who Matters," whe fights the Navy for him, Remember Frodrie March in "The Wid Party?" He's her boystriend again And Harvey Green's a riot in a real comle role! | Pramier's statement "Phe experience of this Tro WORK, NOT DOLE, ; and clear was discussed at | DECL ARFD REMFDY length," the statement continues, | Nie or having regard to (he | olimatie conditions In Western Winnipeg uly 10. No har outers will he brought from East on Question--No Harvest ifs . No special train will be oper Excursions This Year nied, And there will be no Atirace Roe entiment of the: unemployment | declares fn its new onferenca here of the three far | ng BREWER Column, add "rockway Who has saried all of | lrect relief was the best manner | flolals of the Government say that or ie trouble hy breaking (nto the | Of tackling the problem, and that | the combine does away with the St ow \d R wan and 8,000 men In berta." Us but they left together, Government, This wan made Alban x EA | During the last week in August io unemployment Inst your In the unemploy "ne el 0 the question of other pos FORUNEMPLOYMENT +a: = ern Canada to the prairies this - tive low harvester rates on any ts Jevma 28¢ Went Provinces was that provision "The combine Ie part of the tion period with a flary Indian (he cost of any relief measures | fnhor of 12,000 men in Saskatohes the first week in September, th NEW MARTIN | 2 Days | sarorcav ence to he held In August," says Fas "dole." mens camps established for brush sible forms of work that might be tli ROYAL YORK | Western , Provincesr Confe cunon, the Winnipeg Free Press Edmonton, July 19 General | of the vegular trains the paper work rather than Issuance of | oyuse of the great change, Of - - Superior ALL-CANADA Ives wan expelled hefore his cols | should he shared hy the Dominion largest annual exposition in the werl will be in progress, RETURN OF AN OLD FAVORITE irdy displays, buildings, attrae tions, #0 huge, magnificentand diversi fled that two million people fron "N Th \ ear © <Q Rainbow's End" almost every Sountry will visit this A Thrilling Tale of Colorado Depleting the Trials and Teibula unique and colossal enterprise, The 1930 Canadian National tions of the Ploneers in this tireat Canyon Country, Excltings= . Gripping==Romanti¢ Exhibition promises to ecli COMEDY "LES VOYAGEURS! » brilliant "FANCY THAT" pageant reviewing Canada's 's develope A Rib"Tickling Spontaneous Cyolone of Fun ment from ite earliest days will be staged each evening by 1500 per formers on the world's Tagen stage, Rw sl ilar tnd and SRT han his inelu EN SANA main lon Been ol i Te SL Ld Aix » from Canada 4 Regular Military nine RL i 8 ol shal Tremendove M ches tiv and a $5,000, Futurivies, Fikh Fikh proleseionsl M ay a Swim for world Wrele=--a oie board boat, out motorboat, rowing, aki ad Yih + reoos and Canadian National Motor Show in world's largest Automotive buildin This fa 8 big year at your Rxhibion. Arg TO-DAY AND MONDAY SING SONG CARTOON "our Gang" | Tp Shade of IN "BEAR SHOOTING" The Old Apple Tree" GRAHAM McNAMEE--NEWCASTING LAWRENCE TIBBETT IN THE ROGUE SONG SPECIAL FOR THE CHILDREN Salesm an' "Kids : and "» He Made a Sale Once P ets OUR PRICES ARE REDUCED VAUDEVILLE SKIT "The Prasident, HWW AIERS, Manager, Coming TUESDAY Here in the sliver cabinet which In to he presented hy the city of Toronto to Jack Guest, Diamond Soulls' winner, upon his arvival from England,

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