Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 GENERAL MOTORS SHUT OUT ST. SIMONS 7-0 IN FAST GAME eal | BASEBALL RESULTS IVTRHNATIONAL TALLY Won Lost Vi Ioehomtor 00000006 BT Baltimore oooeracebh 40 Mantvsul coco nne hh A Favente veer chh AR Hitfalo iM hh di yany renee A hil Nuwirk covers BB BH Handing Ll] Yomi win' un Hesilin Favela 11h Nevirk Monten [] f Honding Haha ey fi Bultimore foviey City 0 Buffalo AMUBIRICAN 1LEAGUY Ww Fant uh {] 1h LE 48 fi i REF RE] City rene ine Perr nei a) UL] hi Henin Chlenpn Haritan Youtordny'n Miludeiphin 14 Helio } vow York 4 BL Lonls Wa ington 1-6 Cleveland NATIONAL, L/w Wan Low TTA 15 Hd Lh] i 1] fii | Weonkliyn Chivas Now York 8. Lie Huston Piitahrg ' y Le imnutl ih hide phin ! {inital Youtevidny's Howlin hivngn 0 Hroakivn 4h nat mela New Yor) | 1 Hnston Eh Pith Joh 10 Ht, Lowe fi MAY wi tip waehine wit 141 wired Iigh ih the luda | they seared, every one . of them ence Cronkers Whe Fear: | thive probally kh horail (hid Onliw i to the game prepared, perhips, 00 Washington 000 Fans Bécame Wildly En ta Canine Holden's Bl Lani faunpter, the home town crowd hid wn weeks, Oshawn General Motors | game I'hare no det up tn He Bid they play Tacromse? They 10 | guaad ton, hil thei iy ann Oat honestly sirned i i aw pole anrned, hut nol seared, Meanwiile ed Motors Were Slipping) PH collected + silly pone == Had Speed to Burn 3 "won the gue, 1-0, They aid, and DAVIDSON SCORED IN | tha HEOPA Fepresaiits the miuvgin of | | play prety gaenriloly the Hight of the veversss of Ihe | Sew York oi ees piel few game 0 ha anes move avalang thusiastic -- Locals Were | disap tittad, Hut from Fr mites | poral got In 1h Strong In Offense and De (ii Lan: fence constant materia) for enthisinem he homasters hind simooth eo Aller giving thelr follows Pal | pigation, speed and searing pine Jey amie Lop spa ed ant of 1H with | pee fram RTI fo end, They LOVEE DeR dust ght, und BRYE LL Lrnvelled wt top wine nyu Lhely dlapavagers of veesil dus the | tenvalt af the fin | With variation Improvements | jis natural nil Ihit had the weary 80 BImons Wools | gaough to keop pi fAaving whaling CRORE | fm the Motors linet Ganfe Last Night Will sil. twenty-tonr, Seven lovely my Hy iis time, gentle veader, youl FIRST MINUTE or PLAY! The medivim siged crowd ame phiiadel hia Fivul (hivty wecomds of | eau Lontntey hall wity (heaigh the TIM | gen pitations af the heart for the past Land all ives lasted thraughou the grand hee-haw BE glmone were travelling fwalye hive snd CIETY they while ay Vii BPE Fe Hew Lhe with the bigs Lhd the Toes) tha farm axpesiegd Amerienn the Hire "ine a stron COAL COAL | pte Phone 108 North Ww. J, SARGANT Yard =#y Wong pen Orders Veompilr Deltesred aad] i" , Chimplon el hind l pha Hem in Vist ning hell the Hefore (he | wit had in| un hail | hill th finanntf | yin Fed up the Held HPPA A REE |r) avn inl HH iil the tale hil | Hing I pus The BSnlinle LTR Hela | Your Gols from he firing this time, taking Wis as from Havion And all through that first fifteen Oahawin wins fur whew ny nu the Hare Pete i hdl ahvirt on gould during the while the General Wain pressing eantin and giving thi dnintn' de no yest Wp In th ans ware hseoming organiend In thelr afford with no doubt we to the hetiee (opm Ihe Canova! Moin UE Cru ting toate combination that hind the Hig tH he défonos wars holding from | He ahi will, led Hui 1 hye dpanoer and Ty Bik, hath of wham avin | Hired marvellous game it the | After twelve minntes nl with the thikker had wpnd | W He unnpend the | hi Hight ial | Cinhi Hi turtod alt al Hay from had pivop hie k newlines thetp seul | grahhed 1h "a period Hin ines i on the ain hou Matars home ily fue TTL goal the Ive White Eni iia MurhEmnn iil [dunn Hin vith ha lating ond of afflelnting i mini es ul hve Sond gunriey ute vepaalel No lel the ue tialden nn win Wars Lore | while field Wil 1] ia il Fhe len alian Wie futng minute ol tannin Hn apparently snln oil he fh I've nlght passnd nid field RIBVEnRsnn wna his who! homestars Hhyee ui [ Fivsl Quarter hut halt gone And hefarh the hall sounded fap [817 Dek Behind een re [the end nf the period, they had [It #lOWly Wp the lef added another tavensan ai purted for the soul Eh aM a | of Toronto eheokey HAFTeElL pias Kelly sie k, und tha latter made ke Ahout the sore the 1oeuls five gonls up Puring the first five the third guarier, Hi not gat past midfield home wern workins ime wfter time, only well svaeited plays the evitienl nim ant Finally the first penalty the ame arrived Piper Bulns took unwarranted Hbhepties with his stick winging, and yeferes Lionel Cone her seit him (a the conler without haatiatinon Nevartholoss, with a man short, the Halnle hegan 10 press and yammed home thelr flat really © avmanised attack af the period fed Hpeneer hake i up WeRtly, and started a passing play down the fiald, Ty Hilk teak 1 ty Ihe a whirlwind, hu! ha stepped inside the erenses, #nd the whistle unlled for a faceoff Oshawa continued matory af the play, hut Buther and In goal was A tower af drangth, and the parind coasted oh tn ta elose Without a sopre The final quarter heatght twa were goals, heth of them lovely winglehanded sforis Kelly Da gray ploked the hall up along the fence hehind the Bt, Bimon goa! weaved hin way up towards the HOR), faked a pans, and slammed 1 nto the nel es ane af tha pee! Lost goals of the year Three minutes lates ted his third counter of the game and ended the meoring when he same dawn the left side all alone, and found himself with just one defence man to heat, He slipped pet him Hie wealth of mist, raved In on the gol, and snapped the hall Inte the far corner of the nel That ®onl was a fitting elhnay IH A EPORL game Panalifen were faw and far hes tween, Thies wera meted out to the visitors, and two to the hone worn, all far miner InfraoMons, Lionel Conaoher, one time "Rig Train of Canadian amatenr apart handled hin teat game for the Aentor OA LA and wade a good jah of | GOAL NCORING ah OND WT. WEN) nf wearing gone | when hil | wer me had fou RTI EC REIL i he mtn Wislom i eallactod uw pa Weil right In im wiheriund didn't Tht finn min hiny a Automahlile In speeinl rates Iota In Dear west nl Hefore placing ] iy BUFRNER, EBL WY Bargain prices for horn Park, subdivision, Bimeas N J. H, R, LUKE Hegent Theatve Hidg, Haan hn tha NWA Fanta ball aul of mid finld, tonk wll then eluded a Intl wn Dogray's nn mis hat put 0 IL ile miniites nf Himons did Fhe Oslinwa in smoothly halen up a In have he Uolden nel PE ie a Red Aces Triumphed Over St. Gregorys 16-4 Last N ight Three Pitchers Failed to Stem the Tide for the Saints=First Gomes in Second Half of Juvenile Softhall Schedule Amihis, Nel Kava Hnefil Fins The Aves resi, UA] an thely ours for uw few iunlngs, and Whitely powmed to hive Chie fil wall We hund, hen, In the slghih, they WERL 01 whol hy hthing wives, Wid Wiitely departed to minke wiry far Towns, Harting with 1, tay, the boing bind ed round wignin, und five rims wore (he vesiull, with « fmm! Te whith left wtvpnded on the Ling whisn deyos wan (ossed out nl fival for the third puta BE Gregory's put men on oavery tnntige, hit eotld never wipply tha pinch pscensury arive non flock fulton, Thule uly goad Inning wis the ffth, when they prodneed threes coatunl ars ont oof a hit mang soversl Ave GEM re Whttuly hind the youlod hive BL, Gregory pitchers fall ol ta stem the tide Yast aight, and the Hed Aces amerged trom wehodiled Juvenile ghme on the comfortable ond of wn 164 weorg HW the fest game In the second fait of the sehieduls, They did not ait Wi hs Hilids hy nearly us wide om Eln we the score woild In Alomte, bl managed to ane thely hits where they waild do the mos good, BL, Gregory's hud nine hase Wows of whieh they eould minke fo more Ahan fony rine, WHEL ooard of the game fanning six in Hod Aves turned (hely eleven hie hi wevnn Innings ho worked, wig Hit sixteen caunton ling one frees Heket ty fie Fhe fiat half of the fue fo fod Aco dohh Andnrsnn Hing With the hig wplush for the Ciutitinnn, py Gay, vp Cook win doh, the lend off wan Patovson, 1h Magill, pi doy Wilh ml hil four the sedond Hime be MH, tay, of; Oke, Ih fare the Inning ended, and savin Ho Gragory Frown, 6h Fins Lele kled povimd the plinke be Wir, vf; Dalaong, ni Normoyh { fore the fled three ont oul he Hinkin Mh wyey it) MeAdnm Hin were registered got wef Gurmun th an rne I" Champ Leip to fest when Lon Wihltaly, pr Towns, Missed up hin work Wi Trewin Sruek out, hy Whitely ind inline ablighigly folluwul i 1, hy Diels Is With wrym which Tonded the Law 1, hy Mail 0, Baw linn, (hn COE eed Toi rin, mid off Whitey | Faw Dabong dapmeted from the mound, | Long 1 off Gutttinen 1 helng roplnesd bh Wihiliuls Pho | iH 0 "Wa hilin Aves continued to Wit, Conk, Peter Whilely Ih ree Tits don nnd Oh tod mingles In Home vine, Cool fore 1h plurge wis over, and H Umplres Hooda) Gay chipped Ih timed in Hall Trine ul host slrikoait Hh If i Con foh 1h h, hy Guiitin hill ul In of Mu I. ta uw 0 i uf im hiknn UIE vole iil Liveloe) rer, I mn " Leafs End Losing Streak; to have thelr | Take Two From Newark hie 10a Pili I'he poppsd out pg) rend rap "Vi in both en i yen id I'he ful 17 "ale AT Paine loko tiffop of # four-game tos ped the Newark Hi of wn donhilehsnde Orion Hl Twn vere Ite HH wh AVETFIOIe hit idl (R17 conan' i Yo oul tin i nl Hina Wi Hifterent the I virile i down al hit hat tor Hin wei Ht ou i] Hi "i Lright hits In nn rie the First Fann Hl ete hed off Wis FEE Tn 0 vow an fbb) turn at hat in the RH He minda fone wht in wii Bie Pn Eh iy far the Iida to | lind tha flat thi protons fue LAR to Ele to lott the seoond the winning cored on the Iowan Pale Inning of Ald thi | thnt foal) Hoth ERIN he hy the Hime lime hut the amewha hie TTT I" th i the in the drove In wn rin TLL Tange iH Ih Hint h LiFe Minin Hany WOVEN IE Aial nie | in WHEN wo unt the fohnny Peadhe fintahed the flyut Cantrell tallied he He the and In vin hve Wik Fuh 14 hits But wlte thes First Inning the Hens muh with Bim ti the pineh Uynle wid Vets fan in in the ilinehed Eh thn topped af hy Jos Har Piet te pln fa onptra with the run ive fully populated Andy Gham who reliaved Don Hrennan in Chih ber Fovesd In 8 run when witblead Pali thee men hiae Ho owak i &l third hing hit the frat ftheual hoing ARTE hil Vion (uy Ane Joie are his fifkeanth Frudhomime | 1] HIT 1] Often ye i" HERAON ll | hay goin' fei ha With and ertied hn CT WIN THIRD PRIZE | eT ty oe io' Bo de AT PORT HOPE re were down In nwever thay the Rink Skipped by O.M, Alger Awarded Silver Ple and received wllver Plates PEERS money hey yt pot Hiv ii Plntee he two alhey Wi Wer whipped Hae k Camrle hae Ie inks fram Osh Who sttended the tournament hy Bo tondmun und My, Camis hi games hut hin plug was no BAEh enough ta hifag him into the PIIAe Maney he fist won prea in the won hy Me. Melasenrt Hapa and (he wid hy WE nf The same town Fhe tournament was run iy VRLRI WIE thes played during the Play wa Pont Jane My fram ake hain AL RLY how leis want to Part Hope the tournament Thine nf the oily PAYE 0 in LA Hndey BAIA Alinrnnog he heing vin am 18.00 {Davidean) nlden (Hievensnn) {, Hlevansnn (Harren) meeond Quariey White | Fhivd Quariey Hearn Fourth Quarter fi. Degray i Uolden Oshawa General Hhannon point Conley point Hubbel, fest delenes onal, second defences Bmithean defence Bik, contre Detiray atte Davidaon, second Golden, first attack Havean, ant slide home Htephenson, Inelde home White, suhe, Fox, Wikan, Whyte Taranto Hl Himons Bon! Huthevland, point Nettenley, oovey wolnt Kavanagh, frst defence Hakely, second defences Letghton third defence Thom, centre Moran third wttnek Kingdon, saeand al tek Davis, fest attack Robertson adele home Mactiregon halide home Handeraon, subs, Heaslen 1 telden [MONK DUNN IN HONPITAS APER BNING KNOURKRD oy Doativay 0h h ] N Ky duly 1? Huehanan, Waveross, Un, wealier welght who waes knocked out in the meventh round of his hout with Hinmy Neal, Clneinhatl, on Mon fduy night, died yesterday, Hospital nrtendants snld they wera "unos tain of the eaunn of hin death, al though at fAvet he appearsd ta he wiering from a stomach hemor rhage Campbell Cannty Coron Walter I, Hughes sald he would make a thorough investigation fn Dayton, Samm) Ja Rl han gon faved pei third thivd nttaok Maton MIG GAME FRIDAY Don't forget the hig game of the eanan at the Motor Oty Madium tomorraw night, Chev and OM Will wtage the battle of the year, smart Hal Liane! Connehey And perhaps the battle of the een try, Whe kowns? Anyway turn | AMERICAN LEAGUE Suspension of Two Local Lacrosse Players Refused WII WU BNL THOUGH Detroit, July 41, fiurlors ware Injected Into th inthe inning of the series opens histwaen Bouton and. Detroit yautardiny hofore hi while to endl Won Vieory wt § to § HOMENN WIN GAMY We, Lain, duly 17," wi Viti give the New York ¥aiine iW o# to 1 victory aver Bt, Leu fi the flest of a fouy-gnme serie fiero yuntorduy and extended frown' losing wreak to Himes MIXTH WIRAIGHY Chilean, duly 11 The Phi) dolphin Athiaties routed Ted Lyons two Innings bers today will an to thelr sixth wiraight vi tary 14 to with the Chicago White Nox NUNATONN BIAK VEN Havalund, duly 17=""he Clay Ind Indbune und the Washingt fontors split no twin WI hers ym tereny, the Nats winning the fir gimme 10 to 4 und the Tndiung wighitenp, 16 to # The dropped to two und » behing Wie longue lending A's British Team Is Picked for EmpireGames Landi July 17, Lard Diy Hurehley, stellar hurdle runner womethey of the Beitieh reek we fold tenm that will compete at | mples Games wt Hamiiton, On Hest month I'he team Wan ally wonnounced today and inelud about fy of the heat track fald athletes no Hritain tonmu wre provided for all und Held events The teum 1s uu follows FOO-yurd dash HW, Kngalhart, Hong, WB Page and WW, Blimmans gao-yard uh nuathnre, Hanlon, WH, Wigein fd: nd ee Henngwing Hanlon vid KROyurd-ruen M Hampran, IL Thomas and H oid One mile LITE Hodgos, Thomas and hres mile run 1 Oddie, Tourn and J Iemtle pun lyoankon, Wintiuld, and KW, Harper Mleoplochnun U4, Halley Morgan, Teoaynrd hurdles lay, Do Findlay, | wid Ho Warper, LAD yard hurdles lny, Lolgh Wond, D Futham High Jump Fb Gordon, NN, Hevans and 0 Hrond Jumps=H, Cohen, Foley and Revans Pale vault BH Dabington-Smit Le Mond, HH Ford, and Foley Havelin throw «lL, -Nnow and Furney Hammey M Foley, I" tra { Hird and I, Lely Tow Carnes, Townnend lyarann, Tom! and Burg Gal Lord Foley, ¥ Lord Burs Nradbrooks, Dn, Min In thinw Nokes a IK. Priddis Mhot put Foard and 1, Howland Diveuns throw Ford Nokes, and Priddis Hop, step and jump Marathons«M, Hignall, mith and H, Payne Reavann A Fory Two reliol hers Figorn wars Wome the To In the weries apes Honntors hall Knmes om nnd nad pimmaons Gutterides, Winfield, Noame, and W Turney Howland, At Meeting of O. LALA Toronto, duly 17 Kil oris have five prominent. players panded trom worlor lacrosse fulled how moating of the OA LGA, like ative, when It win sugpested hy rad Waghorn Jv, that "Ie Keays, Hart, Woarry Powell of Brampton, und Con Golden nnd Wilker Wii won of Oshawn ho expelled from In arouses until they prove regular vo wdaness In the mide pres whore they play, The executive con wldared the propugition, hut when ' r ty SUL there wan not enough evidenve to WUppark tho -suspensions i win thrown ont All the pluyers mentioned quill fled under the ariginel residences rile, but I wis elsimed hy Mr, Wiakhorne thiul they were net con noun vostdents, He sould not sup port Ws wutement, und when it wn ravouled that nll the players men Honed 1ved In or near thelr In arses cliuhs nothing could he done In tha mttaer WW. Bluiney ViesPresident, com plilned about the sppointment of offietats edutming that Incompetent moan ware selected to handle major gnie and that several times of vlnhe wars selected fo guipen played hy thelr own " In AJ 1] nw Brooklin Beat «| Port Perry in Lacrosse Game mom hiey hundle Ian I wa the OA 1 etm aruhile ull wav ted the! nu bhourd of unpoint of ufter consid tonmider Frapident Hike At filine 1] Part erry vikitod - Brookliy the third of home In thin tistefet, un fe Hath ftehod hn ho Broakiin, July ML laoromns Lewin EY Fussdny to plny Wd home Kim om 1 | tule crowd holng Wy ranma wvenly the defence Held of Brooklin hind more experiences und hold Port witnek down The Kume uitod In favor of Hrookiin 4 gous (to | I, 0, Waghorne of Toranta, whe In down hore comeing the tepm roforend the game und conehed the tenms ul he nm tne Brookiin has got two miloor tesm of hoys from, ten yours to Hiftesn yours and Port Perry tenm ol minors, Arrangement nine for home und home with the "kids" to start vd |The Loni he Hrookln Varker, Hiainton Lol Cumphell, Cubhign A Lake Wilkon, Walls, MoDuff, Meott, MeKengle rin Part Waoodn, iwitear, Hight, Koatnutive hit i" tn hive In i fhe 1a net Henan Wh he al aontinue Frannk Lu of Osh | of oMelnl ware ny, okaitive meme plaead In ohare for the Wustern distri to help out Prosidont Wary "Ihe hotwoen Torontos and Mimiteo on July 0 was thrown oul wu Dyin of tho Jake Whores ten played without registered cart! | Nenie Parmi granted to Wal Inoshurg and Guelph to play sn axhibition gnome I" pHne 7] lon wa an Were Hime next I wink Puttoruon New Martin NOW PLAYING The J lay and ne koll Medicine : M Hamilton Wins OILY wan In Connaught Cup ere ee Palterson and Hay Ul] i arr ole Pay Houeh Heoluor, Ohrenn Dodd, Ohrean A | Favmer, I, Woods, Hurtoan, 1", Woods, Manning, Hout K h OLD BLACK JOE monthern Kehoos FOX NEWS COMEDY "FRENCH KISSES" Reduced Prices n Toronto, July 17, Hamilton This Ion, Ontario's hope In Connaught Cup playoffs by vietus of a 8 to | win In tha two gams series with Canadian Logon, of Fort William Thintlon curried a two gon! load in to the final game at Ulster Sindiom at night, and wore only able to foros m1 to 1 te from a much In ferior sloven on the evening's ox changes, At that the Haman ne Hrogntetion wera ueky and have only to thank the weak attack of the vinttora to he able to qualify to | meat Montren) CNL In the tnter provinetnl Annals, fant night's game Wan the poorest of (he series In dnte, thers heing very Hitle spacta oulnr play hy sither team " Vv h 1, « dq h, 1) Tailor-made Sua $25.00 | | Scotland Woollen Mills BN ROTINH, Manager nd 18, In, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE se CART W THIRD NTHALGHY Rochentar, July 17, Rallying the closing Innings the Roches! Hed Wings captured their thi LPR ght game of the series fro the Haltimore Orioles here yeatep dey, A tno he ehumplons wera tralling, to 1 Boing Into the last half the sixth but in vight field tence, NRUHTERS FIGHT Muffale, July 1% The Hnok Cats Kloked over the trae Alter wuffering two defeats he last nlEht and turned on the Bisons far a Bote 6 telumph ROVAIN CAPTURK Montveal, July 17.-=The Roya captured both ends of the douhl honder hore yvostorday afternog With Reading, before a wooksday orawd of 4,200, Howell Claset hurled a seven hit forged to the front, Hon Martin's clout aver the Jorn) larga | UMBIR @ t ATHON Awalting now 10 welcome you, this fine new hotel of distlne ton affords a luxury of ae commodation and appoint ments found only in the greatest of metropolitan hos tela) a nicety of service ine herent to Canadian National, The Nova Scotian, with 170 RUeAt rooms, Ix convenient 0 milway and steamship traffic and 10 all favore Nova Scotia reser |, the {deal headquarters for a Maritime Province tour or N oy "Hon, fu deinily Hom AALWAYS Nata ON Sonera LL Od Xd in Ll) rl 11] TINY TIM MINATURE i of 1] 'e gb! [1s Holes for 28¢. THE PLACE 1} LJ WW A 8 MeLEAN General Suporintonaon Monuea! WALTER PRATT, fonoral Manage, Monies! Phutout tn the Firat game and then entered the nighteap an a rellet Opposite Genosha Hotel Judge of play, yaftaree Paley Burnell hurler and won a double victory, AUl and support your favorite Bik RINGING UP FATHER We et First Quarter AE = x \ (DAVIAEOR). «100i 00 Sh Se BITE Ao we a |. w-- -s ---- By Geo, 00, McManus sam a warm vd ---- BAP RA LALA | TO Yeu WEAR Ye OR = ( DIVINE WA eA =A «LA WAKE SING a TR LOP DE: Ok = ny eG : & DADA A) 3% a | THATS Wht | LURE "THE OLD *} VOWS wr DONGH OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY -- Ws post \ IS ee) alent ne § bs \ OPK fs ae ~ ei te wh wl Gi qo wo ren W A Nie 1A IY Pantie Beroion, Tie, Oreat Priva in sights resseved,

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