Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 6

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' PACE $IX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 re -- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs J ing Mr, and Mry Athol Btreel, Mrs, Nicol and daughter Ann of Detroit ave spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs, John Callison, 214 Burk 81, Oshawa Me, and Mra, Donald Kasttop of Detroit, ave spending a short vacation at Mr, and Mrs, 1 Callison's 219 Burk Street, Hall of Toronto, is visits 1. Mofiatt, 30% Miss Colver, matron of the Childrens' Bhelter, and her nelce Ruth Moors, of 106 Bruce Kirest, are selling from Montreal on the "Minnedosa' on Vriday, July 14th, for a six weeks' vacation iy ng Innd and ¥rance, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Petrie, Mrs, BI Bryant attended the weds and Miss Wieanor Anderson motors od 10 Lindsay on Saturday last, Albert und Fred Barnes of Nase sal Biraet, ave spending thelr holls days with thelr grandparents, Mr, and Mes, H, I Dunning, of Cannif ton, Ontario July 18th, Mr, and Mrs, ¥iliryant attended the wed. ding of the Intter's sister, Miss LAN Allman ut Bearborough, One arin, On Baturday, Rev, and Mra, John Galt, of Hare row, Ontario, formerly of Oshawa, where My, Gall was the pastor of the "rst Baptish Chureh, are spending a few days in town vis iting thelr daughter, Mrs, J, WII Kins, Burk Htreet In writing up the Phair-tGunn wedding that took place on Tues day, The Times ommitted (0 say that Ray A, Gunn, brother of the groom acted as best man A sucesssful whist drive was held In KEngle's Hall on Tuesday avening under the ausplees of the Mons of Beotland, My, John Rteven son won the first prise for men and Mr, Aleck Btevenson won the aonnolation price Ladies' first prive went to Mrs, Ness, while Miss Mar geret Boyd won the consolation, NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re: por of meetings of all We. men's Organizations in the community, Kindly address such to Women's Page Ed: itor or Telephone Number 35, When writing remember to use only one side of paper, July Clearance Our Prives Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE Ni Blmeos NL, N, A ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Simeon 86 REPAIRIN WATCHES OUR SPRUIALTY If your watoh ts uot giving satisfaction we oan repair and make It tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Ottiial Watoh tnapector tor Canadian Natiopal and Oshn awa Rallroads 10 King St, W, Phone 180 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 20 Bhmcos St 8 «== We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH w! don Wright a bequest of $1,000 Ohlcago, wan made famous throughs $1,000 IS LEFT BY MRS, WRIGHT TO W.CTU, ia In the will of the late Mrs, Gore to the Women's Christian "Temper. ance Union of Canada in provided Mrs, Wright, is former president of the Dominion W.OG/IU, Bhe died in London, her home town, on June 86. Mrs, Wright is well known amongst the W.C1 0, works ars in this eity, BROUGHAM HOLDS PICNIC AT LAKE Laskoview Park seems Lo he a favorite spol for church and Hun day Wehool plentes, Yesterday the United Chureh of Broughham held thelr annus! plenfe nt the park, Cars and husses conveyed the 40 people there In the morning, The first attraction of the day wus the hounteous noon meal provided for by the Indies of tha congregation In the afternoon the children also the grown-ups enjoyed the amuse ments at the park and a program of sports, The Brougham plenieks ars did not leave for thelr homes until Inte In the evening If was a delightful day for all who attended FIRST BAPTIST 8.8, HAS ANNUAL PICNIC] I'he First Behool wa Huptist Church Sunda fortunate Jn having one of the finest days this summer for thelr annunl plenic yesterday, arly in the afternoon uw crowd of shout ane hundred people consisting for the most part of children journeyed to Lakeview Parl I'here was a long | Hist of races so ln order t4 have them finished in time for the plenie suppei they commenced a on un the crowd arrived. Committees of Sun day School teachers were In charge of the day's programme, Hesldes vices there were games, and when all were finlshed the usually plenteous supper was served, Yesterday being ane of the warmest duys sn far this summer a few af the pleniekers were seen in swimming in the lake, hut It was wlso noticed that none of then stayed in for long, Lake Ontario Is not the warmest kind of lake to swim in REPORTER FIRED AS CRIME PARTNER Chicago Newspaper Cleans House After Dis closures Chicago Tuly 1 7==The under. tow of Jake Lingle's assassination has dragged Jimmy Murphy under A vateran police reporter, after 88 years of serviea with the old Chicago Journal, and recently with the Chicago Dally Times, Murphy was discharged because, he admit ted, he held a partnership in» nalghborhood speakeasy for alx months three years ago Murphy, one of the fow remains olds time" neWKRAROT men, res garded as "dean of the guild in out the country recently hy helng taken an the prototype for ane of the amusing charnoters of "The Wront Page." newspaper play which had & long run in New York and olnawhere The Dally Times, chronloling his dismissal, printed a statement hy the publisher which concluded with: "The Dally Times has noth ing but good wishes for Jimmy Murphy" MANITOBA CITIES TAKE KING AT WORD Will Build Bridges on "Dol. | lar for Dollar" Basia Winnipeg, July 1{"The oltiss of Winnipeg and 8t. Boniface pros pose to group themselves in an ef: fort to alleviate the unemployment problem under Premier Maokensle King's dollar per dollar scheme, Decision to start at once on the rebuilding of two brides as vellet work for the jobless was reached at a conference today of civie of. flelaln gf the two olties, Tentatively, it ia sumgested the Dominion Governaent, In line with Premier King's promise that the treasury will expend an equal amount with provinces seeking to reliave unemployment, he ankeq to pay 60 per cent, of the total ex: pended on the work, The Manitoba Government would he asked tn meet 28 per cent, of the cost with the munieipalities putting up the remaining 256 per cent, Permanent Waves, LaMona Oil Method $3.75 MANUFACTURER'S A he Taree of thea S10 waves will alr ", bag i hat WEEK ONLY 11: Ru. DEMONSTRATION ven oat i. ively net ul aint ol Wh Tornttion By or additional coal an OPEN RVENINGS '2 Simcoe St, 8, Ph 1) : TUNIC AND BHEKCHES TOR A woman rifle shot, Mes, Dow, wife of a member of the Canadian contingent, who hopes to figure In the prige Huts during the Bisley fortnight, lent color to the seens when the services' week opened RESTORE FRESH COLOR | TO FADED SILKS But Leave Lace | win Trimming Untouched | * Tintex will bring back the just. outsolstore color to all of your faded silk wearables without, in | anyway, altering the original color of lace trimmings and insertions | All you have to do ia to select the woper 'lintex product (you'll it listed helow) and follow the | simple directions given on the hox, | In a matter of moments your "washedout" wearables will bloom with colorful newness, hut the lace will he just as it waa before ==untonched hy tint! Tintex is 80 easy 10 use, so ins atantly effective, so surprisingly perfect in results! «THE TINTEX GROUDPw=, Products for every Homes tinting and Dyeing Need Tintaw Gray Hov--Tinta and dyes all materials, * Pinson Blue Rox == For laos rimmed wks = tints the silk, lace remaine original eolor Tinton Color Remover Romaves ald bolor from any material so it can bo dyed a now calor Whiten == A hluing for restoring whites Jo to all yellowed white materials, 1 5¢ Atallidrug, dept, stores Tin NoLoN counters , , TINTS AND DYES Canadian Distributor Lyman Agencies, Montreal | House defeated the WOMAN SHANRPRHOOTER Nhe wore a Hght Khaki tuple and Hght hlue hat, Jorsey and stockings, Mrs, Dow In her brooches In-seon here accompanied hushand hireoehes, hy her LABORITES WIN ON GENSURE MOTION Liberals Vote Solidly Government Against Tories I'he Coneerya ive the Opposition found themselves last night when they sought to have the House of Commons condemn the sosoalled tatlire of the MacDonald Govern ment to maintain and extend the afoguarding duties I'he motion of cOnsure Wis may al hy the Right Hon, Btanley Bald Conservative Leader, and, he ides eritleiging the Administration for fa nek of a safeguarding pol i \ axpression of the Hours regret that the tiavern ment had nrhitrart! oxeluded from consideration' the fmposition of dutles on foreign foodstuffs, The motion hy #18 1 vote, the traditionally free Liherals voting, almost. of iy, with the tovernment Iuly 15 members of London soup ht In true neve SHOT IS FIRED AT HAMILTON PLANE on July 17 I'he din heen made tlordon Chief Kngineer of the Hamilton Afrport, that some time during Inst Maturday or Sunday a hullot of 28 ealihre was fired at a Moth plana In charge of Hamue! Paley, fiving Instruotog The bull af the plane was found to ha plere od at oa paint ahout four feel he Wind the cockpit, OMelals sald there wil no doubt the hole in the metal wan made hy a hullet, Chief Clark of Wentworth was eanlled to investi gate the affply DETROIT GANGSTERS SLAY TENTH VICTIM Detvall July 17 guns claimed another vietim here youterday, the tenth In twelve days, when the hallet-viddied body of David Overstein, aged 20, Was found at the roar of A014 Huber mires, on the Kast Hide, Overs steln's brothers, Manuel, aged 10, and Alhert, aged 17, later appears ed at Pollee Headquarters for questioning, Manuel sald a member of the old Purple Gang called at the house late Tuesday aight, Hamilton covery ha Raynor hy Uangaler "1 do not think that the idea that it taken a superman to fly {x at all sound, "==Colonel Lindbergh, With, Women Make Well Balanced Parliament ----r Montreal, Que, July 16m/l'o he well-balanced a parliwment must have women ns well wen in membership, Mise Idol Bat Jean, Tidepen dent-Liberal candidate in 51 Denis division, told an. an dienee Colpo ed mostly of wen, tonight, Miss Saint Jean with Wen irirded with question whieh she had invited Answering uw question us (o why she hid entered the con tent wn an Independent aberal instead of a stradght Liberu) Miss Saint Jean veplied (hat although tn the main ele approved the phic of Premier King, there might bi certiuln Issues dno which she wold not he HOw whieh side of the loys would. vou sil if elected continged the gquestinger "On the side of My Kenele King," wis the reply Misy § 1 pgreenien Mar read Jean Is oppo the farmer member for Denis, Dr, A; J, Denis Liberal, and J. A Gauthier Conservative "Canadians point to thelr roads and elaim American drinking made them '"==teorge Bernard Bhaw people are those who consider facet; the hravest are those who face the consequences w Countess of Warwlek "Tha wise! - American novelists of the ripening handsomely Tumi Hraneh he "twenties nre toward oblivion Cuball Stops " the Headache Thousands of people, who onoe sufercd from headache, do not suffer now, They take one ZUTOO TABLET, as harm a soda, and are relieved in 20 minute LIBERAL WOMEN ENTERTAINED AT GARDEN PARTY Mrs, red twin of Whithy enter tiled shout thirty women who pre viously hid worked in the interests of the Liberal purty at au garden arty ot her beautiful home "Inver yin" yesterday afternoon. "Fhe pur pose of the afterionn, besides it he Vg a sock) alfaly was to organize the Labherwl women of Whithy, Miss Sleep was appointed chialeman and a conitnitter was appointed for each wird. The outstanding feature the afternoon wis the address hy My W. HL Moore, the Liberal Candidate for this riding, Mv. Lewin announced that the \Whithy Liberal ladigs would he glven the use of ao splendidly equipped room Wrock Streel Nearth as thelr committees room Af the conclusion of the husine fei wa served on the lawn, with Mr In weting as charming hid less REPORTS THEFT, HELD FOR MURDER ni Suspect Arrested in Mont:| real When Complaining of $50 Loss Montreal In) 17 When he vised dotective hendguarters yosterday to complain of un theft of gh Hevrmnn Heng Harrvere, wanted In Wishilukton, DOC in connection with thi murder of Mary | Tinley YOK recognized und placed under arrest. The local had hens furnished with na of Barrare in aut from Washing Mary Baker's hody noeulvert In Avling fan count Vieginta, April 18 Inst Havrers admitted hie identity poliea stated, hut claimed (0 have no knowledge of the murder [alles completa doseription olreulur ont ton last month wan found In fro Cuannda 2h were val Of these #08 Animals exported In the fisenl your 108 wed ul B06, 166,05) REG R00 went to 1) 'nited King dom; SHA,708.010 tn the United Hinton, and $7,000,000 to other aountrios I bh hh NOW DON'T BE LATE, BICK, TO GO YO THE MOVIES TONIGHT | WANT ISN'T THIS WASNDAYY | -- LATER | TOLD RICK ABOUT RINGO TODAY. YHE THOUGHT | BTILL' USED A WARHBOARD! A-- WHO BCRUBS NOWADAYS "WHEN BOAKING IN RINSO BUDS GETS CLOTHES BO MUCH WHITERI]I USE RINBO FOR DISHES, TOO THE GRANULATED HARD'WATER SOAR nso intuborwasher ... for ow whiter clothes IMRS; GUS ARSENAULT MRS, CHAS, SLINGERLAND 82 Albert Bt, Monston, New |g m, No, 4, 8t Catherines, Ontario Brunswick | "Before my last baby was| "I have used several bottles horn | was very weak, nervous | of Lydia E, Pinkham's Vege and discouraged, | saw an [rable Compound and find it advertisement in the paper | helps me wonderfully, especial. ' about a woman who had been | ly before childbirth, 1 have like me so | bought a bottle of | five lovely children, After my Lydia I, Pinkham 8 Vegetable | last baby came | had a miser- Compound, 1 took three bot. | able pain in my right side so | tles and it carried me wafel nl another bottle of the through that eritical time, i | Compound and I feel fine now, have three children to care for || work outside during the and I feel well and strong, I tell | {rule season in addition to my others about your medicine," | housework, Mrs, Charles Mrs, Cius Arsenault, | Slingerland, | ON Lydia HTT THT Vegetable C ompo ind I yedin |b Medi LY IY 1) abioting ine ( I Ontario, ( Pinkham yin nada and SE i Alheriy the foblegs of Manitoba, ind Welt eh Columbia WEST REQUIRES NO HARVESTERS FROM EASTERN CANADA Anyone and Anywhere Halifax oo RS YOU €an You ean teleph Winnipeg now a I'he ne chewan Heginn, Jul finvern ment of Haskut will pro Bibit fmportation of harvest wars eall vaur neighlior In faet, your ors from Bastorn Canada this year, | glephone will find for vou almost I'he Pravinee's unemployed will he | an anywhere in the world, The given the first opportunity of sdek surprisingly low Reduced ing jobs In the grain fields, rales begin at 7.00 pm, and then, If additional help is wel rites at B.30=0n qilred, preference will easll com! and {evening I til | night he given | "Anyone" calls 1] i lS SURE IT IS, BUT I'M UBING RINBO, THE HARD WATER BOAR, AND | DON'T NEED TO BCRUB ANY MORE THEN YOU WON'T BE TIRED, THAT'S FINE RINSO MUST BE WONDERFUL ME 0 like this) (Millions wie Rinses Thousands write w letter " done in no tig "Wash in scrubbing says Mrs. Jean Cushman 10 see how Rinso breaks ate | makes thick, greamy, suds, Wiha | | get my wash done in no tiny : ow, than the old way. N . ph bing! 'That saves my strengt} iy hand , too, Vor dishes, too, ¥ equals Rinse N CUSHMAN: "You ought hard water ane a noltener, fool and so mut to do any } MRS. JB o clothes , Millions pA come This way saves th ont Qlrt==8aves serub Rinse. soaks no clothed: And aves t yw thin way 8 ip hite they don't need te » be boiled: \ 1s all you neeth v water, Rinso Even In harden as much \ suds an pufteds Cupter oy id lasting suds, Recommendes O fed b maken {8 washing mae obi nes, Getthe IG package: [iti shies by the ater of LUNstaver Brothars Limhed nr ------ TILLIE THE TOILER-~Ken Can't Holler "Foul" Here _ HERE 'wa ARK . KNOCK A COCOANWY | OUT ar Te Teel Maw LL, | 2 MN CENTS By Russ Westoves

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