Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times In the Cowan Block, King Street, Telep + 'Houser131, Bowmanville Repair Herbert Martiosk Waterworks Department Loses Money Annually, Reorganization Stressed Council Will Enquire Into, Water Conditions in the Town--Real Working of System Showed $1,400 Loss in 1929 the cause of the trouble, The town haus spent hundre els of dollars putting water on thosé streets and then some of the residents refuse to take water, Council made up their minds on Monday night that this wits going to be changed, There is a by-law in effect whicly ean foree those who have the water running past their doors to take it and in all probability this will be done Another ease A complete reorganization of the aterworks department of the town will likely take place this year as # vesult of some startling facts which came to light while the counell was endeavouring to pare its estimntes to keep down the tax rate on Mon day night, Where it had appeared even to members of the council that the waterworks were an asset to the town it was practically proved at the meeting that they were really a lin bility the way they ure being run Just now, Actually according to the hooks the waterworks came out of 1929 with profit of some $2000 while when it was shown that the Fire Department was paying $3400 a year for the use of the hydrants, which after all is just passing the buck from one department, this would really give the waterworks department a working loss last year of $1400 which members of the council very rightly decided had to be stopped, Bowman ville as everyone knows gets its water, the hest in Ontario, from n natural spring in the hills cast of Tyrone or nine miles from town I'his water has a natural drop to the town and it is not necessary only un der usual conditions to use any foree to bring it into town, So there is really little expense to that side of the affair, The real cause appears to he the lack users or thealowness of the rates, The latter fact ean he ignored for If the town had enough people using water there is no doubt in the world that the system would pay for its awn upkeep and end each year with a handsome profit the same as other municipalities who have more expense than Bowmanville has The next thing to consider is what can be done about it? On many streets in this town where the water Is laid there are a number of homes who have not yet installed the water When we say a number of hames we mean a large number and this is | I ---- : Announcement Of Special Interest to the Home Lover Here is the OIL BURNER you have been waiting for, designed and developed hy the makers of the now popular "Oil King" Burner at a price never before thought poassible, and within the reach of the:most modest income, You can now purchase a fully Automatic Oil Buner and enjoy the coming winter evenings witheut having to ats tend to the furnace, Save worry and work Cain health and happiness. The EMPIRE is a small edition of the Qil King BURNER to meet the demands of the average sized home==is of strong construction=-made with precision, ls quiet and economical in operation, THE DOMINION'S FINEST OIL BURNER WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN 'PRICE Completely installed, Fully automatic $325: Sleotrie ignition, One 128 Gallon It costs you thir te. a demonstration and explpna- tign of our Deferred Payment Plan, For Sale by Whitby Plumbing and Heating REG, PARROTT, Prop. of the loss each yeur appears to come from the in stallation of meters, Previously everyone was on i flat vite and me ters were installed ut great cost und the difference gained hy the town wis not worth the while, It was shown that the meters do not even pay for themselves for they are said ta he worn out in about three years and the difference In receipts he tween the Mat vate and the meter is not enough fo warrants the expendi ture Then another thing, At times petitions are placed before eouneil asking for water mains and more of ten than not these are not granted In this ease many citizens elaim that the council have only themselves tn blame, One ease in particular is worthy of mention, A number of times Mr, Morden has petitioned the town for water at the Cream of Bar ley camp and has he got it Na, he has not and there is a natural drop to that place and many houses ute who want the water also I'o make a profit on the water works department it appears that more people will have to use the water and it Is up to the town ta put water in when a petition is present ed, The residents of two houses on the road to the Camp have heen sick recently from bad water in thelr wells and it Is a fact that one of these families today drawing water from up town | NEWS ABOUT TOWN No Pressure People living in upstairs were un uhle last evening to get water, the reason helng that there was not vel on re Pha Lh SG Compacts REGULAR MODESS (12% box) MODESS COMPACTS (3 in box) 49c 2 Packages worth 6B¢ for ........ 85¢ 4 Packages worth $1.30 for oon 'KARN'S Drug Store Next Post Ofiee « Phone BIN re & enough pressure to force the waster wpe The reson appears to be that the factories are at the present tine using a. large quantity of witer and the main does not carry enough to upply this want, The pressure was iw little better this morning No Football Saturday I'he much looked for Leskurd Bowmanville soccer game scheduled for Saturday at the High BSehool grounds will not take place as Le kard has dropped out of the his was caused hy squabble that took place re player from Enniskillen team wished to leave Other teams did not kard dropped out I'here is a WARLING In sportsmanship in the lington Football League Jens ithe srding whom the the league and Les lot Dhar AONE ree St, Paul's Win or Cream of Barle which ever you to eall them, schedule frhall game last night when they made w rally in the eighth innings aga Maple Grove on the latter's ground I'he score was 14 to 1 and the game wis real snappy An ever ng number of fans are taking interest in this team who have proved wonderfully since the the season rl wish St, Paul' solthall team, won i neren in UI William H, After w prolonged illness aceurred yesterday of Willig Worden, 61* Grosvenor Street, Toron to, at the age of 67 vears, He was » native of Bowmanville and came to Foranto more than 50 years ago, For Ww long period he conducted a drug store. and Sub post office at the ner of Young and 8t, Joseph Street Later he hecame president of the Drug Trading Co, Ltd, He was an Anglican Warden the death Chautauqua Tomorrow Chautangun opens tomorr promises as usual to be an outstand Ing success, The finest program ever produced by the Canadian Chautan quia has heen prepared for this sea son and it is to he hoped that, gend will avall themselves of this high class entertainment tangua Flags are now King Street LION BLANKET cit seeing Chan SPUNK Aero BOWMANVILIE IN SOCCER FIXTURE Bowmanville Bow to 2 to 0 Defeat--Second Loss This Season Bowmanville suffered thelr second defeat of the season when Zion heat them in u regular scheduled socoer fixture at Zion Jast night hy a score of 2:0, Rowmanville were sadly at a loss without Davis and Simpson two of their stellar players who were away and the whele forward line seemed at a loss when near their ops ponents' goal, Zion fought hard and their win was not unexpected from the start, Zion won chose to the toss and RADIO TO-NIGHT Hon. G. HOWARD FERGUSON Prime Minister of Ontario will speak at Skating Rink, Sudbury, Thursday, July 17th, at 9.45, Eastern Standard Time of the first half at the end of which tart ol | hanoh {| mintater kick to the worth, About seven minutes from the start J, Jones scor- ed the first for the home team when he shot out of a seramble right in the gos! mouth without Knight hav ing any ehanee, Bowmanville became mare. wiry after this but to no aval and Zion kept up an aggressive at tack peppering the Bowmanville goal but without further effect, Bowman ville broke away several times hint were repulsed hefore they were ahle to score, Zion had much the better they were one gosl wp, In the second half with Bewniun ville kicking downhill things were ens tirely different and most of the play wis in the Zion goalmouth but the Bowmanville forward line were lack ing in something and were unable to score, Fore ene thing there was little combination hetgeen the for witrds hen Allen repeatedly sent Znice shnts from the outside there was neverf anyone there i re ceive them, Alen played alout the hest game on the field while Lobb wis also good as was readily geeog nised by the crowd who kentgqlling to "wateh out for Lobb" With but five minutes to go and with a slight hope of Bowmanville drawing even Zion broke away and wfter uw seuffle in the front of the Bowmanville goal, three men sur romnded Knight and scored the sed ond, Pascoe doing the necessiry kicking, 'This practically ended the gimme and put Bowmanville down to second place in the league, "They were previously on top with a game to spire Ihe referee last night ap peared to be blind or did pot eure whether he saw many of the glaring fouls und offsides and if he did see them he took very little notice them, « While not excusing Bowman ville for losing the gan st mention that the last goal would no Aout have heen avoided if this ref eree had noticed a Zion man fully twelve feet offside Hut unnoticed the game went on and snather goul wis added to the Zion seare two minutes later Fhe teams were Bowmanville Knight, goal; "Lobb Back; Buthgate, 1, Hack; Wise Halt; Wing, CC, Half; Bruce Allen, OO. Right; Dahson, | right; Hoekett, centre; Gilehrist, | lett Graham, 6, left Vien ~Btainton, mos hack 1, Capieran, 1, back Trull, 1 half A. A, Balsony ¢, half; R vb hall, J, Jones, out Jones, |, right; A, Balsoln Pascoe, i, left; Glaspell, § Referee, Lloyd Ashton, Enn ol [1] mun, i Lo Hulf 1 Withur, 7 Cameron right; "l Centre left killen MOORE EXPLAINS EFFECT OF TARIFF ON AGRICULTURE Cantinued from Page §) but It was there, and was worthy of attention It might he to have nn few Canadian side of the float a fow ships, hut not do That vould not it Canada were to trenty ohlifintidns wild, was not the thing In eonnection with tha Bt Lawrence Waterway Power was the most fmporetant thing and even If the waterwpy were hullt as an plhCanadian project, under ita treaty obligations Hiipping, he Ive halt of It away Kyvery part of Canada had Nt problems, but they were all part af the great whale, and, he added If you elect a oman who fs not | eppable of handling your husine how oan you expect ha will he able to sit in the councils of our notion and desl with National problems With the power to send one hack vole, or a potential eahinet Wa ean send a man in capable of comprehending the mass of detall connected with your busi ness AR a nation, or 4 man who has for the last three years proven his ability to do that very thing WW, H, Moore W. H, Moore, the candidate, wa the last speaker, There were evid ences, he sald, that Conservative intended to vote Liberal in this election, and that the government policies wera meeting with the ap proval of many Conservatives From all parts of Ontario, sald Mr, Moore, were coming optimistio ve ports of the glowing prospects of winning several seats from the Conservatives, and these definite yo ports were highly encouraged Pointing out that the engaging of Mr, Chapman as an investiga sor hy the tariff hoard had heen questioned in the campaign, Mr Moore sald all such appointments were mada without thought of pol ition, and on the hasis of eMelenoy Mr, Moare also referred to the possible the und would done hey Hhipping, hi Most hiportant nlong river that hin maintain to give ray Lt.-Col. J. Keiller MacKay, LL.B,, D.S.0,, - WILL SPEAK TO THE SOLDIERS OF ONTARIO at Model Theatre, Midland, Ont., on Thursday, July 17th, 9 to 9.45, Eastern Standard Time "These two broadeasts are over CKGW Toronto, CKOC Hamilton, CJGC London, CKCR Waterloo, CFCO Chatham, CKPR Midland, CFLC Prescott, CNRO & CKCO Ottawa many investigations made by the tarift hoard, and a printed record made, and so far thers had been no eritieism of anything sald at any tart hoard bearing, The invesiis gations of the hoard had, in effect, furnished the tariff poliey of the IAiheral party, Is investigations produced the facts on which the opinion of the government was founded and passed on to parila ment for action, Thus placing sound and reliable information al the disposal of the members of the "house of commons, Outgrew Old Methods Canada's business had far outs grown the old methods, sald Mr, Moore, and in adopting the (tariff howrd iden, the Wing government had slmply changed its methods in keeping with the changed hus ness conditions of the country, "1 am speaking In omy own nelghbourhood to a farming coms munity," said Mr, Moore, "and frankly admit that I went to Of« tawi whightly prejudiced against the manufacturers, hut when we gol into operation, 1 think our methods an applied won the ap provil nt all the mannfaeturing groups,' Veuit and Vegetnhlos My, Moore turned hig attention to the frolt and vegetable tariff schedules, Bome of these ware ail valorem duties and other specifi duties, Complaints were made growers vegarding unfaly competi thon fram the more favorably situa ted parts of the United Bint There was a long and controversial discussion, and a combination of nid vislorem and specific rales was ol rived at, with provisions for min mum rates on some frat eommaod ftles, "This wag done Lo meet {he dumping of fruit und vegotallog from the nearby markeis of he United Biates, In this investiga hy Special- lb | THE ORIGINAL H.P. SAUCE Bottle 26¢ PALM OLIVE SOAP 3 cue 23¢ SERVE IT COLD VI- TONE fn3leTh53c Fin GILCHRIST'S Valencia CAKE. 21c BUDWEISER Malt Syrup i ti 19¢ Size 1 in SPECIAL! Green Gage nd Loabaid Plums 2 ins 27¢ eauntoryalling Lonly tion, there were consumers' fnter- ests and producers' interests, Fut it seamed loglenl to provide a tay iff on fruit snd vegetables oul of senson, hig schedule hud heen very unfuivly eritielzed and, mis represented hy the Conservatives and had evepted a great agitation, to which response had heen mads hy ehanging these tavifis to # Ken gonil hugs Mr, Moove also used the 111ustrat- tion of the potato sehediules Lo show the diffeulties which were met with In satisfying even all Glasueg of potalo profncers, wince in this commodity, one set of grows ers demanded a higher tariff on potatoes, while another sel insists ad that there should be no increase because It might clogs the United wiates market for Canadign seed potatoes, This situation, however, had heen solved hy the principle of Leountervalling duties, which provid ef that if the United States wanted iw higher duty ngningt Canadian potatoes, then Canadas made Ig tay I npainst United Blates potatoes equally high, This seemed ke good common sense, heeause It showed the neighbour thal he sould wyol close hls door tg our products, and expect to have our dagr open to Wis products, The ap plication of the countervailing dn (los to the egg Industry fin the same Why ns no good common-sense prin tiple This did not mean hit Counuda's tariff was made fn Wash ngton, Cannda's hngle tariff wag fixed nt what (he goy arpment thought faly, and the principles applied to tnerenses heyond that rats wand not to any deerospss helow that The schedules on bean ith thelr countervill were wilson given wn explanation In government hand hocunen hin rile uni lisp! ng prineiplos comprehensive theses duties, the noo 'ben 'EXTRACT 16¢ 17¢ 240 TB BUTTER 23%¢ ania 100 28 420 23% , 180 LJ SUMMER MENU SUGGESTIONS Foods to Tempt Lagging Appetites During Hot Weather LIME JUICE CORDIAL 360 amdieh BEER extRacY 28 nm Lo a8 EATON'S JELLIES Ail havors 4... 26 Meunvt's strawberry dam 10 or, Jar We CREAM OR PIMENTO CHEESE {puetanl re 2 0 MEATWI Teh" helo' 20 hy» HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Libby» Fancy Quality Crushed. No. | fat Hn Libby's, a Fi Panex Saiity, BARTLET 'PEARS Libby " { iif wal, Faney alin Lal sick Jeliow cLiNa toy ot tn SRE] 21¢ souk ROL ' wrted Vi lotios. 4.08 tol 280 axes "SOULLION uous 28 doer . CHICKEN BOULLION outa wont hf toekist LOBSTER PASTE Phounia : Pore Wears sudo Tekin wet 'nie RELISH h Jig M BOVRIL DELICIOUS SANDWICHES . only made a ¥incerd effort to eor yee the situation, and help the farmers of Canada My, Bennett had askad why not apply countervailing duties 10 all cammodities, hut it would he fool igh 40 wspply them to ariieles not produced in Canada or required us raw materials for Canadipn nai ry, British Preference Touching on British preference, Mr, Moore sald that this meant simply taking Cunnda's hfigin ans uwway from the United Slates, and giving it to. Great Britain, "We ure taking it from Sam and giving i ta John, not taking anything awiy from our own people' He eited the waw making Industry ns one in the British preference hind glven Dreltaln Cunndinn hus! Hews In not produest in Cunuda formerly secured to the nlted Bint Thin i direst ald to Hritish industry without hurting Canada, and hy uppll ention of the principle ho per cent Britlsh labor and material cantent, that provided amplayment to Hritiah without de priving a gingle Canadian of a Job LAL ioeommoniey Whe Lhe of arkmen, In closing, Mr, Moore wuld he hind worked hard and given hiv het, wervios Lo Canada as chaleman of the tariff hoard, and if eledted on July 2K, he was prepared to glvae Ontario County that same Kind of service The meeting closed with hear! chearn for the candidate and he singing of the National Anthem, . Machinery Repairing NOTHING 700 pa NOTHING 100 SMALL Adanac MachineShop | 161 King St, W, Phone 1814 | i II ER A -- gy STORE King & Prince Bis, ITEMS MARKED SPECIAL' ON SALE AT THESE SAVING PRICES--JULY 18 . 24 SPECIAL Aylmer Pork and Beans An Low Price Unusually No. Squat Tin SPECIAL Tiger KETCHUP 18¢ Large Bottle SPECIAL Quaker Brand Puffed Wheat The Popular Breakfast Cereal for Young and Old I has for 21c SPECIAL: - Cowan's MAPLE BUDS SLB, BOX $1.19 SPECIAL Fray Bentos Corned Beef Delicious for Salady, Sandwiches 1-lb. Tin 21¢ SPECIAL ~- THE BETTER 5 SPECIAL» Ham. THINLY SLICED | SWIFT'S | Premium Cooked | 49¢ LAUNDRY SOAP [ SPECIALw SOAP ww 18¢ for SWIFT'S Peameal COTTAGE ROLL whol ike 1h. 286 EATON'S Orange and rystals Lemon 8 om, 4c Stare Open All Day Wednesday and Saturday i Aor 25¢ Makes A Delicious Drink 34 om. (TR |i SPECIAL! Sun-Glo Butter Creamery 2 vs, 61cC INCI 2 | SPECIAL! New Potatoes No. 1's. 18 Pound Peck, 45¢ Address 52 Simcoe St. North

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