Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 prrobbr bd dbbb bbb bbid AWARDED DECORATION Kingston--"The department of ational defence af Oawa haw ane nounced the award of the colonial auxiliary torees ofesrs' decorns tion to 1Lt4-Col, J, €, D, 1'Esterve, Prince of Wales. Own Regiment, Kingston, BETHANY GUIS POWER Coboyrg~~Creat wag the yejole ing, when the electric power was turned on at Millbrook for the village of Bethany, NEAR DROWNING Lindsay==A drowning necidont was narrowly averted hy the timely assistance of Miss Bernice Kelle of Bobeaygeon and Miss Herberia Thurston, when Miss Celia Thurs ton ger Into deep walter al the Roheaygeon W, I, plenk CHURCH RUINED Lindsay==A vecent wind and rain storm did more than a Hite dame ange legally and throughout the country, Zion Church Maripows, south of Little Britain, was the PR { EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS heaviest loser when thelr new! decorated ehureh was nimost whals Iy ruined hy a baby eyelons which struck it tearing off the vool and breaking fn one of the end gables, Al Cavaw's Mill, a serious five wis saved only by the quick work of the night watehman, Perry Arm: strong, who extinguished un biase caused hy Hghining, GROCERY ENTHRED Brockyille="Tho grocery store owned by J, 0 Curean, located wt the corner of Bartholomew and Wellington streets, wis entered hy some unknown party, who made off with n quantity of cigars and vig wretios CHILD WAN DROWNED Cornwmlh="Wa find that the in fant ehild of Mes, Goevirnde O'Neill, upon evidence produced, oama 10 ite death from ssphysiation hy drowning." This was the verdict of the Jury empanelied to Inguire into the death of the ehild found dead In a washiub, on July hb COAL The Best Jeddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Prices Produced ' DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines | | | Peterborough, hy Hohert Hull of this elty was eon {in pollee court Coroner Pr, ©, 0, Hamilton prosids FATHER SAVES BON Linduny=Vreddle Kitaby alght- year-old won of Woy Willahy of Taranto was saved from drowning ut the Government whart off Lind way Hiveet thin morning hy the aulek work of his father in pulls ing Wim ont and applying artifeinl respiration, ---- CHIMBRATY IN PLANK Withee Fallss=A biplane, plot od by Ldeutenant Burt Whislds of dnmalen, N.Y, hasama an Interest ing part of a golden wedding ane niversary celebrated hora when Ldontonang Bhields took Wis (ether and mother, Mr, and Mrs, Waller Hhislde, for an air ride over the town In the eslahration of the somplation of a half-contury of happy married life, NEW TOWNSHIP TREASURER Cohourg--tlihert 1, Blophens han been appointed Treasurer of Haymour Township hy the Counell of that munieipality, TO UREOT CAIUN Holleville==A oalrn to the mam ary of 700 Indians who deeded to the Britieh crown all land extend: Ing west to York will he erected on au special site nt Carrying Plan, Prines Kdward oounty This In one of the moves which resulted from a recent convention of the Ontario Histarienl Bovlety hore | DAYLIGHT RAVING WINN | Lindsny==After petition and pointer petition, the tawn of Lind ny will gontinue on daylight sav ing time until the end of August, the town has decided A mation dufarving any further discussion of [ daylight saving until the frst mesting in Beptemher was passed | after wu previous motion (0 ress ind the hy-law was voted down, THROWN INTO DITON Poaterboro--Colliding with a ear driven hy Hruea Bolton, BR, 10, a HEht eoneh driven siderably damaged at the eorney af Douro and Rogers Biraets, Hull's {ear glanced of the other vehicle and struck a large olm tree, hat although Hill was thrown Into the diteh and shakes up, nelther man racelved serious Injuries LANH FOR BEATING WIKH Komptyillo--Hentence of year definite and 18 months In determinate tn tha Ontario He farmatory, with 10 lashes, to he given In two whippings, was Im posed hy Magistrate H, Atkinson here upon Kroest Jannaok, 04, who appeared on a ohinrge of assaulting his wife and doing grievous hodily harm TENCH IMPOSED Ab no apecial sitting NEN Hrookville Worth While = VALUES On Finer Foods for Your Table We strive continually to bring to you well under one rools=foods of une questionable quality and wholesomeness, at prices that represent the utmost in food values at all times, These Item # listed below are hut a few of the many specials offered for this week end shopping, WETHEY'S PURE ORANGE Marmalade 10-00 30 23 COTTAGE SPECIAL! No, | 81ZE TIN ) Tins Siar 2 BRAND CHOICE TENDER YOUNG PEAS FRANCO BRAND 25 BURFORD PEAS 2D ms le CREAMERY 2 de Ibs. 1 Ib, Carton ic FINEST QUALITY 'ooked Ham" 48- PURE KETTLE RENDERED LARD 3 1b, Pail ROUND Shoulder Roast 19. FRESH OR SWEET PICKLED Brisket Beef The photograph here shows Gen, Micklehorough, left, of De Havil land Alveraft Company, passenger, ---------------- ------------ » af the county eriminal court Ivan Hoanlip, of the township of Yonge Front, appeared hofora His Honoy Judge Reynold ehnrgod with «a sovious affence nganst pn enfoshied minded person, He was found Sullty and sentenced ta (wo yours lows one day In the Ontario reform atary, with a further indeterminate nentence of two years less one any In the same institution BILL TO ADMIT WOMEN T0 1 0RDS SUFFERS DEFEAT Killed in Upper House by Narrow Margin of Four Votes (By Canadian Freas Leased Wire) London, Eng, July 117 A hill tn admit women pesresses In thels awn right ta membership In th House of Lords was defeated yoanler any hy the narrow margin of four votes, Bi ta 40 Lord Astor, wha has thi wamen's chnmplon for-many yours in thelr tight for pecagnition nm the upper house Introduced to day's hi and made the plea thi the hare of sex should he removed from the House of Lords as they have hoon from the commons, the ouhinet and most other public de partments There are only } women who are pearesses In thelr awn right and would he entitled ta sit In the Houwe of Lords hoen WIL hold that the « estion of. the admittance of women should he 14. Fruits and Vegetables LARGE RIPE Watermelons NEW DUCHESS Apples 2 Ibs. 21° Each Ae | ' Loins, 1b LAMB | Legs, 1b. Fronts, 1b, ib, 28¢c Hl 1§¢ tof until the reform of the whole Canserviative peers opposing the |» Wally house wan considered no move ment which han heen considered or some time | | YOUNG BOY ADMITS | STABBING NURSE (Ry Canadian Press Losssd Wine) Morristown, N, J, July 17 Allen lite Will exumine Harry Woolsey an overgrown hoy of 14, who has renkoted for poles the killing of Anna Miller, a nurse In his fam y's employ Woolsey sald he had stabbed the gird, He did not lke girls, he sald heoause they are all oats The hoy hoanted that If he had enough money to huy dye for his hate he TORONTO YOUTHS BADLY BEAT MAN SAID "STOOL-PIGEON" | (By Canadian Prose Lonsed Wine) Tarento, July 17. «=Harald Oaurts ney, 40, recent arvival fram Datealt, wan found Inst night hy polies lys Ing uneonselous on the street as the result of a severe heating ad ministered hy a gang of youths who had Ack ined him of helng a "stool pigeon," Following an investigation hy pollee Joseph Hmith, Toronto, was arrested on a oharge of wounding, Courtney, wha was taken to a nospltal multering from a possible fracture of the skull, thoes charges of shop-hreaking on his recovery, AMAZING STORY OF CONSPIRACY WAY EXPOSED IN COURT Man Posed aa Five Different Persons in Attempt to Get Mansion London="A meat vemarkahe oon piracy," was counsels deseription nf w onse at Westminster Police Court Wm whioh it was alleged that ie : An agreement wax wade 1a buy 4 neers Mas fale mansion for $260,000 A handkerchief and a glove were dropped from the Chancery Court as a signal for a plaintitf 10 rush trom the court and escape A wan posed as five different pers ony, and Another wan was taken from a meal ward and used to represent CAOmenne else. In the dock were Tan Forbes Pownsend, 46, architect, of Oneens vod, Richman, Stren and Leapald [ Ronald Basil Gavel, HA sehoolnase ter. of Porehester place, \W. They appeared on remand eharged aan and Major Geoffrey O'Brian, who piloted the Puss Math, shown In the photograph, from Torani in conspiring, with other "i known ta fabricate evidence with mm tent to mislead the Court af Clan eel Fownsend thre with making uo false statement for the purpose of olitwluing a pa part Ofer Far House Hh Boome, for 1) I uhh Prosecution Fawnsend assumed Hes | this « Vin den Ii h ire (i Maik tom In Feliyuury last ub Lotte and WW treet estits Ler Hahed § i den Bergh | 1 ef tron The Hall I mide Yarborough ITH: tr \ with vies lan Iiveeton pili that al lest hve Piru font wind Jalph 1] in Celine Mant iW lot Ling lol Lard igen | 'i Wpents, reeel Hire nw oalter In A attics tated that Phat addr | lieve hit + tiling Phen oll pide | | naend ta nin Phen Lard Yarborough received a letter signed by W. A - Monkton, and purporting to he written fram The Litihiye uttan LL aurtena | letvey told Lod ithe wier met A I My, Van de wha ri Yarborough had met at Can Me, Van der Bergh wanted Mig how ad wold pa ething vedi F250 (00 Fitten hy nm hifterent iho nHleman Hergh I Anpointmany Made | Lire eit downstalr niuilly said | Heit ih \ Wonlfe ed with Lord Yarborough | buy the house fos | inl Yarharn deetined 1 ng ta the dificult truetions from My \ hut ownsend ther | them 40 rey W's sulle roceed turthe W of geil | an der | hn i Me, Roop went {H IN pvent: | rm of solieitars and § er an estate contract Winnipeg in 14 hours on duly 18, thus establishing a new reeard for this tripe He averaged 10) miles per hon the purehuse an land charge on lieing for Hy uspetan arose tht Townsend and Vin der Bergh the sine and Lord Yarharough's soli tient at which den Bergh, Mr. Townsend Lira. he present Mr Raome Mi Jerson eons ire made an app Vin vill My Fhe appointment, Lis nat kept Meanwhile, 1 fom Hon ne hall gh hal the resented the Yurthure iil inthe Purchaser Ie il Tos solicitor removal I the dnst La thereupon asued Harold Van den Houne, Hoehampton lan Mr, Room + Alatin Dropped Glave anon the end a registered eantraet ud Yarharongh wa al the instance ol Hergh, Stanford his, suid ner's shap Chan i Gar Hin VLG Ening ue and ere giired fog Mr, K \ wn th he wind " Went itn the eourt ind Tawns end mn Lard La nun the galler ngh's solicitars had ple ta oun them he Yarhar Liy her al pe when Townsend ed ow handkerchief and n glove phe gallery anu signal and upon ed plaintiff, who was ut of the court and hut ing that the sup Cote da, rushed enia I tram the When the ean called, the learned judge had 1a adiowrn it he ise the plaintin for eross-examation My, Roane Hoare! to Wis Wis hol present alleged, nade i the effect that tent in tal ward | procured his release Leessedd me up ta inter the Duchess of futland abot the purchase through me Harall Van den Bergh, of her house," the alleged statement, added ail wisend were pe end being allowed hall LUE PT Clare statement Wis ap when | n LHe n h is Ciarein whded, Pawn | rv AUreties od fine In Quehey tient vaoarded production of mn Canada In commereis) wan In Quebee tn TERN IRL Quebee has heen if somparatively I'he LALIT TE quantity, hid Pon RIG Ww ely producer sine MISHAPS BRING HIM NEW RECORDS rem-- Captain Profits by Accident to Steering Gear of Ship Portland, Mest is not very often hist sit pi ie the direct means ab establishing veeords hut that 1s Just what they have done for Cs ap tin Ellsworth Doughty af Ores I tant Captaly Ponghty salled his vessel, the Annie Louise, ont of Portland Hirbor on a sword fishing rip oft Georges Binks, Parting favored he Werle ernft until they were aban 150 miles off shore, then ita sleering wear become disabled and 1h Fil in wis fareed (a "heave 14" and make temporary repairs. Althangh the braces on the rudder hid given wity they ware alile ta hmp back to part herve and lund thelr enrgn of 20 swordfish without assistance. In all they had heen out just 13 dave Fle iid areivel marked (he first af the Joes) swordfishing fleet wea the earliest (rip ta peach pont In June in the memory of old fine waterfront men and one of the fr ekest trips wade out of Portland Added ta all this the fact that he Anime Louise, farmer) i lalister pick, 18 the smallest of | easel ait of Partland thi Captain Doughty reported that he had spoken the Buninpes Edward Smith of Partland fishy and the Berni anil Captain Hur Liven vith declared that despite the fou ditions an the coast, the the Hund Captitn vith Al Hi A] wenther un with ideal ha § THY NEW MANITIN definitely estaly RIMES In talking pl af fresh fruit witl AY Hint It Hahed tures like thet irhiling A chor fui lent hynideed the galery and whole da Fithian WUT (EITT door wold Hed al ane jae VOLES Wie esr happing 8 of fifo none th tudios in Hall I 1 tay for the hig ol ing rehearsals the stage he apen and sweet notes hreose ng far one ap nT | ol al TT Were y an the Next 10 the sput- where the sing rs lifted their veolees Wn hisswan y wikh i set for "The Medisine Man the Vittany all -talking production whieh eumes to the New Marti Fheatre today, "Fhe set was # eau try share, full of everything ene find Wf Bunty store I'he compar with scheduled 10 start work in the next morning Direeray Beatt Pembroke's assis! and and Grant Whyteek, Supervise mide n eareful sirvey of the set 0 d'elaek in the afternaon, just i mike sure everything was right T thought | told you ta he sure there were a Jot of oranges and if ples in sight, suid Whytosk, Thera aren't enough here ta feed one ehild What's the ident" The assistant seratelied hig head and oliserved that the "shrinkig: m itn had heen tremendous Phil Gladstone, chief studio exes willked up wt this moment IN show voy where they are" he declared, and suiting actions 1 words he walked out to the std Isr he sligers leaving "Bure, we ate 'em, admitted Hive i Hinle found a group a deep 1 i SVE tlantlc Clty Is always 'In season' Flhisre'n never a dull mament #t Atlant Lily ilpenr pau We vaentian Hime Hinelng ple Lit hl N wandsifil apres shan! Bpend week if Bwesk pnd, with is yuu 11 F&A Ph hme ls] [nght=lreshevigarausl bled illite, BATES Jmeriean Plan BY 1a bo (he Hetitad tah ) He pun fa Pian olton + Manor One of the n ines! Holels In Atlantic Cily pa weekar a weskoond snlow the fugues! he Anent appeintments without seerhlia les Tob, Welt nr wie far reservation BYERLOAKING THE B8FAN FA WATER BATHS A ANDREW, fro LF A a Fa | Ld #06 REEME OV MEEKS, hi 14 AN Avenue Boardwalk and A Hotel Disfinctivaly Different' COMPLETED IN ATLANTIC €ITY' UNEXSELLEE coro Now Ready 1 rou ; FEY TER ANOLLINGER, Swe EUGENE FETTER, Ana Si ---------- FREE Huy 4 hoy of DUSKA FACF POWDER And get a Boe bottle J DUSKA PERFUME | FREE BOTH FOR $1,00 Hager people ave going to make FO BAYER IONeY, ard Nationally 1) | ------ 2h \ $l 80 | Bathing Caps | Beach Bags PENNY SAVERS | GUHERTTR READRN lavge diab |). Mall neoifie WAL Jevaeelivn hewn 69¢ we Mstorine 25¢ oe Viral 45¢ ao Pi Mit ot npnesia | 48 C 00 Heat's Hinuision | 99¢, foe Gin Mis $5¢ A00 Tpana Paste 39¢ TAKE THE BURN ont of SUNBURN with 'GRAY'S BALM 80¢ Gyo Beach Supplies | Bathing Shoes ,... 78¢ - TREE YOUR CAN | CLEAN AND NHINY T™H KOZAK-WAY | Do try It w | Price | | WRITING PAPER SPECIAL! Ntationery Hoaed Paper and Havelopes, Ras velopes lined in heantitwl shades, Reg, 81,00, 59 C mpeelal FREE! With every jar of JONTEEL CREAM Will be given a LoReve PEAY Simeoe St 8 Phone 68 REXALL DRUG STORE BARGAINS Thraugh the ews operation of the manufacturer your Hesall Doug Stoves offer you these Regular High Stands Advertised Artie los at Mxeeptionally Low Prices Thursday - Friday - Saturday the most of this apportunity SPECIAL A regular Be cake of LAVENDER SOAP | and LAVENDER WATER BOTH FOR 306¢ | | | | | FREE FOR BABY With a tin of TINY TOT TALCUM Will he given Regular 15 YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY AT JURY & LOVELL'S The Rexall Stores SPECIAL! A regular Bde POWDER PUFF and a B80 thy of DUSKA TALCUM Reg 600 value hoth for | i 39¢ ERE EER RN VELVO The aewest and host SANITARY PADS One A%en in a 39 ¢ Nox ERR is King St, B, Phone 28 HAWKEYE | Relable and { Ne, 2 We inn { No, 2A see i NA | Penny Savers [ hemi 39 ha ed 35¢ l Phen 20p a5¢ 29¢ , 22¢ '29¢ He Hramn neltgor |, Be Sloan's Liniwment Be Mevea Olt, 400 Cant oe \ BOYS! Get a Glant WATERBALL and KLENZO TOOTH PASTE BOTH FOR 40 CAMERAS Rasy tu operate we |

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