Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 PAGE THIRTEEN THE, CIASS) Seller "os D SECTION, 4 meets Legal ---- pc: CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTEIE Rolleitors, Notaries Publle, Ete, Conveyancing and general prac tice of Law, Offices 7% Blmecoe Bt. South, Oshawa, Phone 4, O. D, Conant, BA, LL.B; A. JV, An. nis, B.A, L.1.D, W BE: N, SINCLAIR K.C, of Commerce Building, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, TA, --DAT: rister, Solicitor, Notary Publle, Oonveyancer, Money to loan, Of. flco 14% King St, East, Oshawa, Phone 446. Ttesfdence phone #37, ORIEN CREIGHTON AND Fraser, rristers, Conveyancers, Notaries 'ublle, ete, Office over Btandard Dank, Entrance Bimeoe coe St, Phone 18, J, ¥, Grierson, K.Q., T. K, Creighton, B.A, N, C, Fraser, B.A, TOUTE 8, HYMAN, DARNIATHR, Solleftor, Notary, over Dewland's Store, Money to loan, 16 gimecoe street porth, Phone 67, Resi. dence B474W, - GREER AND HUMPHREYS BAIt- risters, Solicitors, ete, 24% Sim coo Bt, N, Phone 8160, Money to foun i ALEX C, HALL, B.A, BARRIS. ter, ete, Conveyancing and general practice, 22% King Bt, Last, Phone 4237. ey o (tf) A. J). PARKHILL, BARKISPER ete, Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op- posite Post Office. Phore 1614 FRANK 8. EBBS, DARRISTEW, Solicitor, Notary "ublie, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bullding, opposite l'ost Office. Phone 2000, Ea TER Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 20060, Of- fice hours 9 am, to 8.80 pm, Dr, B, J. Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr II H, Harper, special attention to child. ren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sun day and night cnlls 2416 or 122 DR. MeKAY PHYBICIAN, BUR- Keon, Accoucher, Office and resis dence. King St, East, corner Vie. toria St., Oshawa, Phone 04 DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of fufants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone ES TERETE DR, DAVID ARCHER, MIN, CM, LR. CP, and 8, Edinburgh, Phy. slolan, Burgeon and Obstetrician, Offico 149 Bimcoe Bt, N, Phone 8020, residence 40 Cadillng Ave, North, Phone 81066, PH, OW. OAR, PHIBSICTAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and vosidence, 513 Simcoe Street north, Phone 2416, Lean DR. |. ARCHER BROWN, PHYS1. glan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residen:e, 85 Simcoe Street, North phone 3107, DANK RT Veterinary Surgeon PR, SHIRLEY, VETERTNATIAN Specialist Diseasos Domestic Anime als, Cat and Dog 'Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 0620, (July 4-1 mo,) Ear, Nose, Throat "Specialist PIL, 7.1, TRYANS OFF 160 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treat: ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 07, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PR, EB. F. RICHARDSON, specialist, Office over Mitchell's Drug Store, Phone 2660 and 432). Architects U0 BTENHOURE -- GENERAT architectural work, Hecond floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Res, phone 000J, ~~ THOMSON AND JOHNEON, AR: sociate architects, Simeoe St, 8, Over Ielt Bron. San . Watch Repairing FA VON GUNTEN EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repalr shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat. ronage is solicited, : | Second Hand Dealer FHCOND HAND DREALER---WH buy and sell used furniture, stoves and tools, Phone 1080, M, Collis, 8 chureh Bt, (July 16-1 mo) wm - = Rates for Classified Ads. | First insertion=-1134 cents per word, Minimum charge 800, Each subsequent consecus " tive Insertion 'lo per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price ol two first (insertions (three cents a word), Minimom charge for three insertions, 60 cents, Pox number 100 additional Professionat or Business Oards, $3.60 per month for 20 words or lesa; 10 cents a word per \nonth for each wdditional word, TIMES CLASSIFIED "ADS OOUNT LITTLE; AGC COMPLISH MUCH ___ TELEPHONE 8 ANE tor Classified AQ Dental Dit, § J. PHILLIPA, OVER BAS- sott's, Special attention to X-ray work, Cas extraction, Nurse in nttendance, Phone 060, House 1412, DR, HM, COOKE, 0 BIMCOR AT, north, over Mitchell's Drug Store, lay for extraction, Phone 64, PR, LL, KE, HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gos for extrac. tions, Office, Royal -Bank Bldg. Phone 048, residence 1378M, * Dit, J, ¥, BROCK, DENTIST, 10 Simcoe Kt, N, over Dewland's, Phone 1067, Res, 202W, Evenings hy appointment, ___________ DR, LANGMAID, DR, DAVIES, Dentists, 87 King St E, Special attention to gas extraction. and X- ray work, Nurse in attendance, Phones 1243 and 804, Ba ia i Sia Si Ht mstitching HEMSTITCHING, - PICOTING, nine cepts a yard, Vieating skirts, ne doflar, Drewses cut and fitted perfectly Embrodery work, The Dell 8hop 20% Bimeoe south, Phone 1666, (June 20-1 mo.) Ee -------- Dancing STADANT HERNDRIEE SCHOTT of dancing and physical culture 160 Church Btreet, Lessons given each evening from 6 p.m, Vor terms call or phone 874M at above hours (June 24-1 mo) SS sa Optometrist C. H 'UCK, OPTOMKETRINT, aveclaltet In muscle anomalies, eyesight and glnssen, Author of Kye Care and Kye Strain, [Ine Chile and Its Development, - Dis ney Block opposite Post Office Phone 46186, (July 16-1 mo) SL : -- Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH ONTAR 10° Land Burveyors and Clvll Engin cers, subsdivislony, town planning, municipal engineers, 3866 or 411 King Bt, BE Phones 2682) or 2hdd, nian a A IEW A -------- A -- Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING BT Kast, Ambulance, Residence 042 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL, CO, M, IF, Armstrong & Hon, Proprietors, funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night, Phone 1082W, 7 Celina, (4tn) aa Insurance DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE 10 King 8t. west, Oshawa, The old. est Fire Agency In Oshawa, 10 Re putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R, N, Johns, B80 Simcoe north, Your lusurance wants ate tended to and your interests pro- tected, I rf ai ade Sl Transportation CARTAGR AND BTORAGE COLE. man's, 86 Dond west, Specialists in furniture 'moving storage ware house and moving van equipment I'hone 82, : = Li 3 CARTAGL, MOVING, GRAVEL wand and cinders, Local and long distance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone 924, 10 Bond Bt, West, . OSHAWA'S OLDEST E3TAR lished furniture movers, Park Road onrtage, Local and long distance, Frank Cowle I'rop, 66 Park Rd south, Phone 215 (June 20-1 mo) BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE shop, Specialists in permanent, finger and maree]l waving, Pers manent wave prices $56, $7.60. $10 and $16, All other lines of Heauty Culture, Phone 2068, Apply 86 moeoo street north XPERT MARCELLING BY BRET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shame poo $1, Phone 200K, WATSON BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 5 Qelinn 8t, We apecs fulize In ladies' halr cutting, mars celling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 conts, For apphrintments phone 2663, (July 17-1 mo) Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE AC. censories for Hale, repairs on elec: trio and battery™ sets, whes and batteries tested, batteries res charged, rental supplied $1, Phone 2850J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin Kast, (July 9-1 mo) A ED 760 with rental $1.00, Repaired ana rebullt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill St, Phone 1§80W, (June 20+1 mJ) ed, Prices reasonable, batteries re- charged B0¢, rentals 8°o deliverad Phone 4806W, Geo Burroughs, Certified Radiotrietan, (June 10-1 ma) Money to Loan LOANS ON" GOU ; : pub and farms, apply A. J). Park: ill, 37 King East, phone 1614 [) oan arrange a tirst mortgage on your residence it it is well lu: cated, Bradley Bras, over Ward's Store, Simcoe Bt, South, (June 28:1 mo) aa Auctioneer PHONE 716) W, J, SULLEY AUC. tioneer, 346 Simcoe St, 8. Oshawa Ont, Special attention given to houséhold furniture sales and Farm stock and Implements, Your Patron. age_sollch ed. a TE SR Te Nursing MEDIOAT, MATERNITY, MENT al and surgleal nuraing, reasonable Department Phone Whitby 0506. June 24-1 mo) {hullding materials, sashe IMOTOR ACCESSORY CO, of this nature, will bring a messengar who and collect for same. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE --------------_-- This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of smal) arcounts For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT will receive the advertisement / SRR : . Building Supplies CUMENT BLOCKE, HAND AND gravel for sale--"To 1arure prompl delivery, place wders In advance of delivery date WwW. Dorrowdaie Phone 1618 BAND, ORAVEL, BLACK LOOM, stone, also any kind of trucking Phone 1070W, (July 12-1 mo,) ALL KINDH OF WECOND HAND up, up, bricks Olive and (141) BUILDING MATER description from fin North Oshawa 260 doors #1 up, windows $2 $6 per M Corner Drew FIRET Cl fnls of every est residence In Conslsting of doors, stairs, mantels, kitchen cupboard Lumber from 1 in, to 2x12 Apply Robert Williams £284 Hinmcos t North, Salesman on premise window (140) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = awnings, verandah curtains, tops installed I. Taylor, [l'eronto Oshawn phone 1J53 (Apr 10 tf ) AWNINGH, CURTAINS, PFLAGH, all kinds of canvas good Com plete camp equipment for rent Pox Hardware, phone 40 Agents for J, J. Turner Peterboro, Ontario POkCH canopy oh or and Bon, (July 8-1 mo.) Shoe Repairing THE BEST PLACE WHERE YOU got your shoes fixed like new by Menko, corner Simeon N, and Wallam W (June 40-1 mo) Auto Accessories il KING Btreét West, Auto parts and acces gorles for all makes cars, Autos mobiles hought for wrecking Phone 2060J, (June ¥b-1mo,) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Co. New and used parts and aes cosgories, cars, trucks, prices rea sonable}, oars wanted Phone 2080W, 106+17 Bond Btreet West, (June 206-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING CONTWETE plastering, electric 0, alterations, 'hone 189 for estimates, (un ana tt} . ¥ od l wv Nh. Spirella Corsetiere EPTRRLLA GANMENTE TORTTAE diseriminating woman Aud Mss Phone Mrs, Blatter for demonstra: tion ¥1°°M, (Junefo-1 mo) Work Wanted a J CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road ways, sand, gravel, olnders, Chris Graham, Phone 2621M, (July 8-1 mo) NW TROCESS--IF YOU ARR bothered with cockroaches, T will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, I'hone 17381, (July 16-1 mo.) y Caulking EVERY TOME SHOULD 1H eaulked around the door and win. dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, files, soot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, J. H, Lawson, Phone T88R2, (July 10-1mo,) aa eee... id Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 5041 WOOL slabs, $3.50 per load, Also bone dry body wood Waterons Meek Limied Phone 1284 (Apr. 2611 FOR BALY-~HEINTZMAN Ltd, pianos, new and used planos nlso radios, Intest models; arpanged, Apply ©, Trull 1H60J, FOR inhes ment in the city King street west, AND GR7VEL, "BTONEK, Chn ders, black loam, $4.59 per yard I"'or quality and service phone Ks (vy Dros, 833 r 11 0 hone (111th) HALE == PAINTSE, VARN Wa have the largest assort of paints, varnishes, ete, In The Paint Store, KO (Apr, 46 tI) (May 8-11) GRAVEL AND HAND, ONE YARD and no quarter of gravel $1.60 Bereened sand $1.90 Prompt de livery, Phone H20R12 after 6H p.m (July 10-1 mo,) HROWN LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE for sale, Cheap for Apply 41 Burke Btreet (120) IOI HALELARGI ARN AND chicken coop, Immedinte removal Murdoc Warren Ave a | (12¢) ron HOD (12 IN 4OOD TONTHORENCY CHERRTE ule, 220 Nassau gt. Phone ) FOR SALI condition BICYCLE, Phone 2608], (132) HLECTRIC TOVE, NEARLY new, Also other household article Apply 11 Mtreet, after 6 p.m (14) RECONDITIONED KLECTRIC ranges, gas stoves and cook Marry D, Wilson's Hardware, 23 King Btreet West (14a) $30 NUYHR BINGER CABINET, drop head sewing machine, 4 draw ern, ttle used Apply Mrs, Dickie, Luke, (14e) Inrvia Love a-- For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- orn sultes Including electrio refrig oration - stove, laundry convenls ences, ete, continuous hot water upplied, Apply Supt, phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantes Co Ltd, manager for owner, Toronto, ow (27-11) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conyenlences. hardwood floors Apply Bradley Hros, (NLT) FOI RENT=ATARTMENT, CRN: tral, 5 rooms, newly decorated, all convenlences, lease or by the month, Tox 744 Times (1a0te) CHEERFUL AVATUPMIENT IN husiness section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Hox 747 Times (1648-0) ARVEN ROOM WRICK-VENEER house, bullt In euphoard, All convenleneos, newly decorated, Possession at once, Apply 168 Bloor Waat, (180), SMALL HOUR, ORNTRALLY located, reasonable, 11 Rigin 8t, 0, Phone J8621, At once, (1380), AITGHT, CLEAN, FRONT Two room bachelor apartmen', Very central, I'rivate convenience, Hot wator, room service, 06 Centre Bt, : (13¢) HOURRREEPING ROONE, HOTT abla for young couple, Apply 246 Eulalle Ave, I'hone 2700), (18h) ELLA CINDERS---The Price of Pleasure terms | For Rent VURNIBAED BINGLE ROOM, #4 per woek, 68 Gibb rireet, (120) VOR ~~ RENT--NUW GARAGE, Apply 186 Arthur Bt, or Phone 1486M, - v (14e) EROOM WOURW VOR RENT Phone 2608J, (1%c) BUNGALO--HOWTOP AVE, TENT vonsonahle to responsible party, Apply I, J, McCulloch, Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville, (13e) TREE UNFURNIRITED WOOME, immediate possession, reasonable rent, Apply 90 Frederick Bireet, Phone 2807, (1%¢), APARTMENT, VORANIBHED OR unfurnished, Every convenlence "hone 1660 or 2847TW, (or) TWO FURNIRHED -- HOOMA every convenience for Hght house keeping or room for two friends Phone 3848, (140) ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT CIN tral, four rooms, newly decorated, hardwood floors, steam hont, elo trie refrigerator, etove, holwiler Phono 1400, (14¢) FOR RENT-=BIX ROOM BRICK central, complete bath, furnnee, alectrle, Good condition, Im modinte Phone 101W (14e) possession For Sale or Rent FIGHT WOOM HOUR dun Road, Apply Hi West ON VER Brook Ht (1%¢e), Wanted To Buy AN BOTTLES WANTED FOR including ketchup, vinegar, plelle and hese vadish, Also Phone 074W, (Jul CLE cash, wine, jam jars 121 mo) Room and Board AND BOARD IN PRIVAT WY Vary central Al hone 1048) HOOM famll Hee to 0 Kir rent, (14a) Wanted IROVBLIEI suet WHO ARE chrounle paralysis, arthritis, ele THOSE with » AS Herveunncss, veins, Koitre, we allment, Varicose heart ikness, rheumatism, Phout 00 for a free treatment in yon home Tune In Theronuid Health Talks, over station CFRH Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1.80 p.m Theronold of Oshawa 164 Willlam Street Kast (Jung ¥6-1 ~ Motor Cars GET YOUR CAI WA Dominion Garage, went, Phone 3108, $1.00 on mal HED Al Bond strect ALL oars At one (July 17-1 mo) DUMP TRUCK Phone 21241 (13 Al CONDI (14h) NING AD (14) CHILY Cheap ONE 10 for snl A CHEV, CARRIOLIT ton Phone 172) FORD BEDAN IN GOOD RUN tre $40 Cash 0 Elliott Avenue 1087 CHEVROLET TOURING driven Twalva Thousand Miles 'hone 2450M hetween 6 and 0 pm (140) order Now ply 17% "Notice DIG THONAH HERAT TORE moved to Blmcoa Houth, Corner Mill, Herbal Remedies for various Aflments continued hy spme fam ous Herbalist (Julylf-1 mn) For Sale or Exchange ONRINTATONTIORWAY, TOUR ist and Service Btation, § Cabins, heautfnl new Rug Hrick Home with Kleetrio Hghts and hath, and 6 neres of excellent land, a Real pot for Hmall fruits, will consider house in Oshawa for exchange Phone #479, (18¢) FOR HALE OR EXCHANGE Country for Oshawa prop erty, $4,600, $1,000 stouk, Mons) maker, Murdoch, 237 Warren Ave (18¢) Pets and Live Stock. OHINOATLLA RATHI WARD good pets for the children, A fow pairs ready $8 per pair, Apply Hayward Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave, ATO MANATHER WANTED TON Oshawa, Experience innocessary 50.00 weekky to start, also sub. stantial shave of profits, Applicant must ba able to furnish §026,00 to $1260.00 cash deposit on mers chandise, Address Manager 4084 Ht, Donis Street, Montreal, Que, (140) The way to make a sorrow last Is constant thinking of the past, Mother West Wind Beret the White Heron was mak- ing his first visi to tha Smiling "ool, He had told Teter Rahbit and Jerry Muskrat that this was his first visit to the North, but that once upon a time, go he had heard, Is family used to come North re wilary, That sounded to Petar Rab hit lke a story, and you know Peter dearly loves stories "If you please,' grid Peter, "why did your family give up coming North?" Keret looked very sarionsys His eyes hacame rather pad looking "Ho you ever sea any of those two logged creatures called men?" he usked HOt course,' sald Peter Of coursn, satd Jerry Muskrat Then you have seen the reason that my family up coming Narth," explained Egret, "You mean that two-leg god crentures hunted the members of family with terrible guns, don't said Jeter, gave those your you?" Agents Wanted AGENT WANTED FOI RANKIN Fons and Coffee A raul opportun fty, Write Rankin Teas, Chatham Lost and Found AT LAKEVIEW white gold wrist ot with rhinestones and { Keaprake, Raward return to 161 Colborne Ht PARK watch nm Pinder Mant (18h) Painting and Decorating Rj, GUTROLE, FIRBT CLABR PA porhanger, painting and graining Prices right, work guaranteed, 40 Pine Ave, phone 8066w or 3067w (7211) Real Estate For Sale SATE TW Toon nue: ' close In, A bargain for 216 Alles atroest, Phone (14h) LORT punday, Falmist MADAME BROWN, Phone appointments S606) HE) Louisa Breet (June 24-1 mol MADAME RENA, PALMIBT, #456 Buenn Vista, Appointments, Phone nagaw (Julyd=1 mo.) Hospital PRIVAT: HOSPITAL, traet, reopened June 21 MeKee, It,N,, superintend Phone 3650, Whithy, o (July Room and Board Wanted WANTED ROOM AND HOARD with private family, North of King t, Apply Box 764 Times PALMIBT WHITBY Hyron JM ent, 16-1 mo) (14h) Help Wanted--Female WANTED---GIRL, FOR GENERAL housework on farm, Phone 1407 John T, Deyant, Plekering (14h) WANTED --EXPERTENCED (KEN- oral over 28 years of age, Must have references, Apply 8 Bond Bt West (140) Auction Sale HALT == MR, JANER HByors, 10 Prined street ia giving up his second hand business, in Oshawa, 1 will sell his entire stock of e¢holea clean. furniture hy Pub He Auction, Everything must go regardless of cost, consisting of 0 onk dining ehalvs, 6 tables, 7 rocks ing chats, 9 cribs, 6 upholstered chairs, 8 beds, complete, 8 sliding couches, 4 springs, 1 oot bed, 3 gosoarts, 2 hall rucks, 8 bhuffetts, 2 sidebhoards, 0 dressers, 1 chiffon. ler, one kitchen cabinet, 1 wash stand, 1 combination gas, coal and wood range, Other things too nums erous to mention, Hale Saturday, July 16, 1080, at 1,80 p.m, Terms Cash, W, J, SBulley, Auctioneer, AUCTION (14h) By Thornton W. Burgess ( 14n) | We Egret's Sad Story a - iR if AA a HIE yon please," sald Peter, "why did your family give up coming North?" gought out 8 TY plows J |} @ on left, They the most Peret nodded, "That's it," said he "Did they hunt the ent?' continued Peter ™i Kerel shook his head, No," suid he, that | know They hunted us for something Do you pee these fine feathers on my Both Frets to time H "not of nlse hack? Peter and talking "Never nodded them," we sean Jarry were whout nid Jarry have any feathers like them," "They are heautiful," said Kg ret, "but they very nearly put an end to my family, Yes, gir they very nearly put and end to my family, When I think of It, it is a wonder to me that a single Egret fs alive now, It was for thelr beaut) ful feathers that the Kgrets were hunted hy those two-legged crea» tures with tereible guns, They want ed. our heautiful feathers Those ware terrible times, terrible times! They were hefors my day, hut l've heen told about them and 1 can't hear to think of them, When | think of the thousands and thou sands of young Egrets that starved to death In thelr nests, It fa A won dor to me that a single Hgret In nlive today" Peter Rabbit looked at Jarry Muskrat, and Jerry looked at Peter and In the eyes of hoth was a pug gled expression, "What made them atarva to death!" sald Peter«after fn while "The two-legged creatures with terrible guns that wanted the fea. thers of the fathers and mothers," explained Egret, "You ses, it is only in the nesting season that we have these hanutiful feathers which are called plumes, So the hunters would wait until the nesting seas son, Then they would geek out the nests and shoot the old birds as they brought food ta thelr young Then, of course the YOUng would starve to death, Oh, It was terrible, terrible! Ho the Egrats stopped coming North hecause there were only a few of them difloult places in the Far Bouth wherein to build thelr homes; but even there the feather hunters fol lowed them, Finally, when there were only a few loft, the hunters stopped coming. Of course, Meret didn't know It, hut the reason the hunting stopped was because those who loved the hirds secured the passage of a law protecting the Herons and forbid. ding the wearing of thelr wonders ful plumes, It was true, as Egret had sald, that only a few of his family were left; so 'few, indeed, that for a time it was feared that there would soon he no more Hg rota left (Copyright, 10080, T, WW, Burgess) The next story: "Peter Learns More," LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber ang Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 804 Whithy 18 JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARIONS J, W., Worrull, Oph, D, Eyesight Specialist Phone nan Ned YOUNG 4/2 Prince' S Oshawa} Ont EC i propesty property 1550, from We have for exchange Onequarter pores room frame naee, electri havd and soft waiter, sinnll harm with hen hous plenty of small feu, quarter of Provincial close to school and church ul al nnd the owner will exchange for nA or B roomed house outside of the Clty of Is price mist house, Hight Oshawa he you nee asking for it HEAL ESTATE, Oshawa one and with sevens with fupe nviallahle, pig pen, Highway, This MiENO0,00 Your worth what DINKY Phone ha Good Weather Ahead ! weDDO NOL 1069 YOUF CATw Let me tinanee yous=Addis tional Cash Given, G. R. Holde MOTOR LOANN Roow 0, 145 King St, East Sra -- a i Check JEL 1080 model Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 0p Bimeooe Bt, Bouth FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT fenition point on Chevrolet ( ad retor Lo clean And ust parh 0 198 Men's { Suits, | $28.00, Special |... ' Dominion Clothing Co, ON King Nt, Ww. Regular $12 50 Phone 414} i Ye CAR Ga IW LumBiLR (© 4 ATHOL Phan = pe STW OSHAWA I Anil [ree Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner " Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 500 Carnegie Ave, Phone 1088 Disney. Block EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Spealnlising exclusively in muscle anomalies eyesight and Satie 1516= Phone Opposite Mart Off Tul | TL TH THE TICKET TARER'S {HAT IN THE COASTER, WHEN (T STARTS set You, MISTER NE 7g 0) MLE y --_-- Ce BTR

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