PAGE TWELVE «THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, na.) JULY 2, 1930 The Whitby Daily Times |NREWATERWAS |Board of Education BEET sme nesses (| USEDDURINGTHE | Hires New Teachers),s ti artic sn GwAlter Business Hourn ~ | one BA, A : ; REPRESENT Ee, RMIST - whut the Tiwi off, when he was | [EEE did ATIV JAMES H. O ON HOT WEATHER Al the July meeting of the Board | ren of the various schools during the i inn ik ae game, How-| f§ that's how of Kduention, held on atinauday ave | last term, was received with grati ever, the game was taken down and ening of last week, the School Man | fication und filed, Reference to the | iy to be played off, . / | \ ow emand| agement Committee accepted tla | report in made elsewhere In this is-| Th hithy players, looking for ? » Council Mo V es 0 Get dune Peak P oD) restimation of Mius Kenpo y, of the | sue, The elim "that A play the Eniet | ; Was 890 H.P.--Revenue |Brock Street Public Sehool, and of Tenders were opened for school | #fter 10 pan, is too hard on them, ise Harbin, of king Stree) decorating trom George Kell, King | 940 being their regular bedtime, y It may be that. Capt, Best, when Show Increase Behool, The Committee reported Wor k or ocal Men fp that it nad engaged Mr. Marry Jor, out Fie Gonder of Mir |ho returns' to Whithy, will be able ge 1 So cise every delicious ; The amount of water delivered | UC Ww eof i, 4 ren Har Kell for 1383 was nceopted. oft Soipute ity He Chief av Ws) bubble crackles when mille' " Of = . ) to the maine of the Town of White | FUR, i ' A wpociul meeting of tho Sehool ey hours, | il or eream is poured on it! Rice Krispies are toasted ' ' kL J Secures Promise From Minister of Public Works That Local by in tie moh ot Jong. 1039: The report of the school nurse, | Manage ent & 'ommities il be Lou GAVE CHILDREN ANNUAL ; Mechanics Will Be Considered, in Accordance With | which averages up at the rate of | Mise Patterson, phowini, wore se if I Lasse wverul mates TREAT i . rice--filled with flavor and Poli fD f 150,008 mallons per day, The |°omplished among the wchool child. liequiring ie The Musons of Keystone Chapter ' ! crispnoss--what a breakfast! olicy o epartment, When Contract for New Build. greatest amount pumped in AY No, 30 due thelr sinnuul tran to [ Rice Krispies fasci ate i i " y b p { ' the children ot Kt, John's Rest Home, por ---------- : ' ascir ing at the Hospital Is Being Awarded-- Bridge Con. | ove day was on Wednesday, June Judge Thompson and (amily are | Corbett's Point, on Wednesday nf- WATRON, WALTON children, They are ideal for th, viz h16,600; the least was on ' struction Com any Gives Em lo ment | to Whitby Labor 4 4 y ¢ p sponding un few days in Arnprior, ternoon, July 9th, There was an at-| CNL gateman near Ovitlia, Ont, , 4 py Ail... A SR Handat, Jing In, STTi0q su p : Miss Btraiton, Whithy's popular | yenduneo of "110 ut this Camp, com: who prefevs a charge of nssuult early suppers. Order a red- Whon it was learned that plan " is n y age +) , 18, e ee in it librarinn, loft on Sunday on & Wo | posed of 24 children 4 years and un against J, 1. Younghusband, | and-green package from Yor the new: watehouss bullding at fom-- bi ind 1 Jy hig yf or ie Vig ; oh ie ya 13 weak' vial with Siendy in Chicago, der, 74 more of various ages, and wealthy Orillia summer resis your grocer tos ¢ a nt i 1g the practice of the, le. 4 ang 8 Ly. ' Mr. H. L, Taylor and family have [74 Its, montly thers, The treat dent, alleging he was nttacked . the Oneuro Hesbita) Jud been ap: | yayiment to have contractors use | 562,000 gallons, Three very bot [|___ moved from Walnut Street to one i Seats, most Ahi of Ah, i hy he tank = day. Made by proved of by the Provincial Bees | yoee1 1ihor and local mechanics, [days at the beginning of June, Mrs, 1. Gormley is visiting with |0f Mr. IN, Bassett's apartments | whieh the winners received prizes, i Kellogg in Lone retary"s* Department in Toronto, . this ve 8 (0 b espol LI rmiey 1 I's ) , 74 i fh, and bad been sent to the Publi It at all possible, oh you?, appears lo | 8 raed in | friends in Arthur, Ont in the hg Tele Shoe | hullding. Miss | followed by un excellent Lupper, The don, Ontario. ae 0 th ¢ four srely eible for most of the Increase In 4 Innes has leased the house viaeute + fn v ' ' Works Department whieh has Yours sincerely, pumpago this year, Mr, Wm, Jeffrey has been visiting a Taylor Hd ou Mh A from of be H od, wih Supplied by thank all Masons and thelr wives charge of the construction, a letter George KB, Henry The "peak" demand for power | his sisters in Western Ontario, Dudley, for one year, at the end of i oT Tepoclul trots or velrashe | VIO £o-opermted with th nin donut | was despatched on Faturday on | Minister of Public Works and f1. June appears to have occurred | Mrs, Cuttell and daughter of To- which" timo she 'expects (0 have a ments were purchased with money ing fou und Money, awd lo juny] hebalf of the Council to the min. VIghways, | ut 11,86 a.m. on Thursday, 261h |vonto, visited recently, with Mr, and | new home bullt on her lob ut the | donated by the members of this v » i Ingest mick ig and} ister, Hon, George 8 Henry, usk- It will be vecalled that nbout |inst., and amounted to &0% H.P. | Mrs, M, I, Jennings, corner of Ontario und King Streets, | Chapter, After supper each of the ped this very enjoyable | ing If a clause might be Inserted | two months ago Coun, J, H, Ormis- |The K.W.H, con: tmption for the Mr, and Mrs, 15, 1, Booth returned | Miss Josaphine Thomas, talented | mothers present. was given a very | (ant pressed in rousing cheer | in the contract for the building | ton moved a resolution tn Council | month was 271,200, A year ago, | to their home in Detroit last week | duughter of Mr. and Mis. Norman | pretty cup and saucer as a remem id 4 " | : from all present | RIC E KR » stating that local Inbor must be | when an amount appeared in the | the ponk demand for the month of |ufter spending a month in town with | Thomas, has Just von wn number of | hrance of this event IS) 1ES employed, The letter was signed % i by the mayor, and it pointed out | warchouse, asking the minister of | M, consumption was 260,850, The Mrs, H, 1, Pringle and daughter degree of A, I, C, M, from Jhe To: | tha mothers usked ona of the Mas . : ¥ he ; that in view of considerable un-| public works that (ocal labor be | falling off In industrial power de- | Kilzabeth and Miss Margaret Hazell ronto Conservatory of Mu he, Mish | gon, Mr, W. Harden, to make u pres By Tohn's, Port Whith Rector, employment fn Whithy with | given consideration when a cou. | mand would seem to be partially | ure visting in Detroit, Thomas, unidey Min Allon, Lire, sentation on their Jehalt to Mira Rav b B. Langford Susduy, July local mechanics available, the | tract for the work wins being | compensated for by the Increased Mrs, H, 7. Thompson und fami! pasged in intermediate gan, and | Stevens, superintendent of the camp, | 20th, 10 won, Sunday Hehool, i minister might consider the Coun: | awarded uso of heating appliances during | ave nolidaving in PM uskakn, Wing | under a d tui Ti ben op aight of u pretty parasol nn wu slight ox- jm. Morning Prayer; 7.00 p.m, Holy cell's request as a favor, ( Saturdas fi Jack the summer season The day of Anderson and Mins (lad98 Katon seeing, The Al M, wan the "igh« | pression of appreciation and grat Communion Service, Thursday (to m aturda eeve Jackson | 0 kd q i bo remems } ost honor for Miss Thomas, 7ho last | tude for all the care and kindness day) 7.20 pan, W. A, Business and On Tuesday Mayor Wowman| wired the Ontario Bridge Com. |'!"® pea emand will be remem: | wy, were with them have returned |... A Neh | I : . wird : } ' ! ¥ bered ns an excecdingly hot da your wa successful in pedagogies | shown to the children and them | Devotional meeting racelved the following letter from | pany, contractors on the Grand f ih Billing Record Ye | home, with first eluss honors, and vas one | solves, Mins Stevens was gre lvl The United Chureh--- Minister Ne Hon, Mr, Henry, which indicates | Trunk Bridge at "ort Whithy, set. py ng ico Water a0} that the Council hus in its efforts | ting forth that six outside men | ,,, 1427.07 1006.65 012.94 | Children, of Bt, Catharines, and | same honors in theory to the mothers for the gift of uppre-| Union services with the Bapti | tary. WhoR ws are yout to get work for its citizens met | were employed on the work, als 1080 1865.6 4301.06 106045 Mrs, Clearwater, of Toronto, spent clution, [( hureh, 11 am, Morning Worship, I with a measure of success: though it had been agreed that TAR Pdi is sown | EWE Sunday with Me, and Mrs, Jennings CHECKER NEWS The members of the Committee [ ith story sermon for boys and | : Toronto, July 14, 1030, | local labor would be used as far | Ent and. Water FavenGes ni 4 Mr, Gordon Johnston, of Akron Chief Quantrill made un auspl- | on this Fresh Ale treat wish to girls, Hermon theme: "Communion| were horn Dear Mr, Mayor: ns possible, The reeve received n i" ater rover Ohio, accompanied by Misi Blanche : : i ----_ ------------ ek Hibbs, Uniontown Pa, spent the A - " . 4 - nd ~ a ih. Acknowledging your favor of | reply that local labor would be ) the 12th inst, re work on the new [taken care of, On Tuesday morn past week ond with the former'; . . ' " i " 1 warehouse building to he erected [ing when members of Counel! parents at Maple Lodge, ) at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, | visited the work {ive Whithy men Mrs, H, B. MeConnell loft last let me say that I will keep your | were on the job | week for Wabi-Kon Bungalow Hotel, N EK ER Y Wabl-Kon Camp, Lake Timagami, A ------------------------------ - --_--_------------. 4 Northern Ontario, for n two weeks'| 4" vacation, | % AT 0 HOSPITAL Mrs, A, 1, Wilson, of Toronto, | ; ( NT. With God." 2.00 (Standard) After. noon service at Almonds Unied Church, 7 pm. Evening Worshi Sermon theme, What In God like? Ie A. L. Richards will proach ut " ervice Bummer visitor nee cordially Invited to share the Lins piration of these pervices, | " . . " op 010 H.P, o ve notable muse honors, neluding the J win) feuture way added wher . provincial estimates for~ the new [June was 910 H.P, and the KW. | relatives, A rpeclul feature way added wh WHITBY CHURCHES 3 ------ - | | Mr, and Mrs, H. H, Tonkin and [of two in "he Dominlon to take the | surprised and expressed her thank | A I, Riehurds B.D, Sun, July 20t I ® W) came to an end before Arthur Rogsome holidaying In town with friend hil . Wie ) business / : - trip Jy vr Pg Noo York | . The savings you make on special sales are always great at A & I hut do you realize that Sent to Public Works Dept.,| The death occurred on Thuraduy, when you huy at A & P you save on yeur entire food order? C il Ww t 1 | July 8rd, at Penticton, B.C, of Mar sore Is at a low price. une! ais y gute Fringle, in hor Ninetythird Your savings arc greater at A & P hecause A & P initiates low pricos by at once passing on year, Deceased wan a sister of the Labor Employed lute Alexander Pringle, of Whithy : to you all savings in lowered costa - and a former resident Plans for the new - warehouse Miss Elsie Ross, daughter of Mr, | WE bubidlag ut the_Ouiatie Hostal, 100d Al oan Seals "oon OSHAWA TWO STORES--KING STREET WEST--SIMCOE STREET SOUTH a-- Whithy, have been approved of by |In the Hospital in Toronto for the the Department of the Provinelal | Past nix weeks, has recovered suf Secretary at Queen's Park, an d-+-etenitly to be brought to her home liave been went on to the Depart here, Her condition Is mueh Im GR OCERIES ment of Public Works, It is ex proved, ir fr f CHOICE MEATS A 4 I'he members and thelr friends o A NEW LOW PRICE--THE COFFEE SUPREME " pected that tenders for the build i ' e OW ost 0 ea t ing will be called for shortly, and | hrincess May Lodge, Daugl ers of . y that inside of a week or two con- | England, held a garden purty at the | SMOKED PICNIC , struction work will be started, Mm, he, Ridhardaon, ai ) y Ih. 2 fhe provincial architect was), 00% supper served on the lawn HAMS Wr Wo. 25- Some people spend a lot of money for down to the Hospiial last week |GUER BL RURRAT SERVER OH on and went %over the plans with Dr. fo prize for the guessing CORD \ A WEEK-END SPECIAL Health and don't get it. No matter Stevenson, the medical superin A delightful time was enjoyed by . ME SLVERUAOOK CREAMERY LA war: ow. | 4 For every item in an A &'P tendant, ' n ' 7 The building, which will cont " xu Cowleson ar . » how much you spend for it, health abe gangs mich wall, cont | Mr and Mes, Row Cowieson ar ER 2~ ' , and of fire Mr, and Mrs, Roy Blow and ehild SUGAR-CURED SMOKED BREAKFAST be. » ) ee 0 tore helgh will not come with wrong food habits, broof construction throughout, It ran, of Los Angelos, Calif, are vis 3 Nh aa bum will provide accomodation for the | jt th the former's parents, Mr A bowl of Shredded Wheat and milk wil provide accomodation for (he | tg with the' tormer's patents, My B AC | wioko MW, el SUNNYFIELD butter and milk, and later a pas: Mr, Blow and family came by Pastewrived Creamery south, for breakfast every morning will Bo teurigation plant will be installed. | motor and hold a ticket for record ARF . [] It will bh A deep | ment | time, LEAN, BONELESKE ROLLED a long way toward repairing the dam- which Will be utilized Tor hums | Mrs. C. Hodge and on Gordan PEAS BA 2 a a if the | n t th ork d with Dr, il NC A i fos liens ir } on | Pot Roast ". 1 %- 4 » ' some of tha aquipment age done by foolish food habits, A hullding, The new warehouse is the | Mrs. Millen ut their cottage ~t Bow simple nourishing food that contain IB Jew dutiging to be added te vie Un pW | I AYLMER BRAND vo ) ns the hospital units for some years rand Mra, Wm. Saunders anc CORN AY 2 . 2 p's ' past. Ita need has been felt for | Mr. and Mrs, A. Crooks, of Chicago, GOLDEN WANTAM TING [J ware recont guests of Mr, and Mpa, Mion orn ee " every clement the body needs --and any years Present storehouse W, €. Town ' p \ 1 TE i . {ey ¥ lv di weliftion ate inadequate Sh at Mr, Rtieh, Rig hardgon of Den RICE Ly 2 (TH 1 Pe dat urday morn 80 easily digested. ii iii under Mayor How. | Ver, Col, formerly of Whithy, with man's. signature to the Minister of | M18 daughter, Mrs. Cook, are visit 6b. Pin § 29 Siiced Ib, [J y \ Public Works, asking that in view | 10g relatives in town ; THOMPAON'S tha of much local unemployment, a| Mr. RN, Hassett has donated a srEDLERS \d e clause might be fnserted fo the con. | beautiful wrist watch, worth J26,90, tant providing that loeal abhor he {to the Whithy Bowling Club, for RUMP E F employed { competition in the annual Singles ROAST OF BROOMS .. reo Each 29: } J | Competition te be eld shortly on PULL PRIME.CUT Pp 1 . [the local gr ma Mr W, Stone, well known local . | COLBORNE MAN oe. "istic svi | | Ciieheem age, te "39. ALLSORTS sis w. 27. | day evening on a trip to Fineland He will be gone about sly IS NEW D 0 [i M Mrs, George Stuart Robertson, | wes TN e LARGE RIFE CALIFORNIA 4 LL LAL] formerly Misn Aline Landon, left NIRLOTM . C t 1 2 antaioupes 4& for ° A------ on Friday last on the White Star The annual meeting of tho ldne to join her husband, In " Masonic Grand Lodge of the Prov. | George Stuart Robertson, in Nir SAUS AGE Tork 1b. 27 BANANAS i 3 we. 2 Le ine of Ontario is in session in To: | MIngham, England, WITH ALL THE BRAN ronto Wednesday and Thursday of | Mra KF, Padgett received the con OF THE WHOLE WHEAT ay STI afternoon (he io og fT week. & ods _~ BEEF onisRAT nOHING ib. 1 Pe CABBAGE NATIVE. 2 Hds. 1 3c THE GANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT GOMPANY, LTD, | annual meeting of this Masonic |8ion of her 80th lirthday, Mrs, UKUWN . te distrlet, which Includes Oshawa, | Padgett Snjoys good health, and wax 22 ] Whitby, Port Perry, Brooklin, and | hapny to take tea with Mrs, Mor neveral other places, was hald, for [¢omba and Mrs, Mackey, of Al Beef Bologna Shiced 1b. NEw monds, on Monday evening at Lhe MRAAINA Dox. ¢ th y trict 0 purpose of electing a Distric ne of TT an Wh Doputy Grand Master, The high H honor was given to ¥, W. Wil sar, With whom she resides, ih loughby, of Colborne, a well Ridney Erskine, of Windsor, . e Potat NEW No. 1 Ibs ! known resident of that village, nie in town for a fow days this ; GRADE hd i week, . ' ~ IN GOOD whe | ucesda G. M. Linton, of Mr, and Mrs, John Rowe and " Composite Lodge Whithy was |(aukhters spent the week en. in APPLES COOKERS 2 ibs. 23 Lindsay represented hy M. M, Gibson, I | "ag Yd Mrs, W, C. Town and 1. Gale, w. &. Haden, I. G, Bra family motored to Brockville on T MATOES CARROTS NATIVE 10 Other lodges in the district Nraday Jatt, yetuening an Sunday. J aNowk 3 Bun. . were represented, spending o few days with his family 1929 ESSEX SEDAN. A Beautiful Car for th ERVATIVES TD Al Hotel of Me Acta NO. 24 Whale Family + ||| WILL HOLD RALLY | Cont i eh at: ath TING c Extra Special Chojes Young 1928 ESSEX SEDAN. Thoroughly reconditioned IN WHITBY JULY 24} "pout linens. orion. who has ac. AYLMER CHOICE x AMB and sold with our 30 a - cepted a position in Toronto, ha Day Guarantee Conservatives of this riding rented Rye on Walnut Htront will hold a grand iy | to. Mr, Lane, th |! \ 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN, small mileage, runs ! Whitby Town Hall on Thurs the C.P,R, Atation. MW Woglor a FRONTS - ib. 1 §e and looks like new, New Car Warranty day ovening, July 24th, The The taxi business started ting, which starts at 7. Mr, 1626 CHEVROLET CANOPY top-truck, %; ton, [fl sania time and a0 dave | hie. vo "sali "fs 'ATi Watermelons LOIN ROAST i. 18 saving, w N . i ust the truck for delivering groceries hy Warl ay To MP, of HAM bans tetly, oBetuted, 4 : : Toronto, Df, T, ¥. Kaiser, |Was made on Friday and Mr, Brown of Oshawa, the Conservative [look possession Saturday morning. LOIN CHOPS 1b. 25. candidate, and several r, Albert W. Jackson reports the others, The committee in 0 vy Mra, 8, R. Bragg of hor charge of the weeting antici [home on Brook Street South, to Mr LE Ross, Ames & Gar tshore pate tree coms ana ai in |, I, Buna of the Randell Ne, | GS w Ib. e snl % |the property for some ti : Company Limited : Har Bacula the indies, | 2OCO8 Uh over an Berman a is will be Dr. Kaiser's tinal ® town o t Ww. Tiout Col Willi TLANTIC 135 King Street Phone 1160 ral Tn Why Bors The | miki Min pe] i Mr Tee GREAT A & Paciric Tea Co. the following Monday. Sa hh were Visitors in town op LIMITED or CANADA