THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 : PAGE ELEVEN "ey wit down, ht Sophia unforvinate," | ful company, the most lovable person | woman asked, suspicigiisly Save | the sound of an approaching motor, she began dr at we Canna | who ever Nygdems him from what?" Her heart rose on a wild fright- You can be confident that Ja, a "Doss't It matter whether a per] "Vrom the feeling that lie's made | ened prayer, PASSION FLOWER aM ta galt wot it settled," Dules| son is faithful or not?" Dulce echo- a terrible wreck of things=that we| "Who's that?" Dulce asked, its quality never varies 4 y " Ly 's " Cassy suid, swale Kabow Novis sald esgerly, "We sould get it sete | €d, shocked, "Well, | think it mat: | all have 1 dow'e know," C A od Be ters=it matters to mel" "Bust we haven't!" Dulce insisted, | lowing ted, If Dan onee could belieye==if 4 / he once could see, that ig dowt| "It doesn't seem 10," Cassy observe | "What's been wrecked? 1f you mean | At stopped here" A care any more!" ed dryly your divorce, why, it happens every "It might be my oth." { Synopsis of pissing nptalments; (irtleulate gasp, and hall rose, her| Khe fooked entreatingly at Cass Ihe other woman was silent for a] day!" "Oh, have Ht mother, Have it mot . ih and pri] A uth or of terrified eyes on the doorway, Wer | aud Cassy looked back ut her "with moment, "No, it loesn't make any "I know it does, Dulce," Cassy in- or! Jer frightened prayers Jumble weulth on, mare | lind pressed tightly against her | gues widening defieutely in surprise, difference, if WWo==Dan" she admit-](errupted herself incomfortably, "I fogathet, der te clicked, steps ly) fathers our, Dan | heart A "You don't mewn," Dilee question | ted "But iow, Cassy," she went on, | fave to go now. 1 have a=an ens y a p Jae i Maps Wace, In. happiness and pov: | "Oh, what fs Swit fs 167" she | oa in a thickening voce, "that you| "what are we going to do?" gngement, I'll come wy to Napa" | 10UNCAC on He Doro oC art doo arty twa chil dian are borne | whispered, fainting. And Immediately y / "Going to dot" She urged the other woman toward turned the knob of the porch door ry til C uf - A Tommy and ret, Cassy's | she ight her breath with an apelo- "ill do care, Cuswy ! behind Dulce, Dulce wheeled; Cas "We f yn o, What's going to happen | the door, / : father then ---- forgh ' petle, ughuted laugh, Dulce wis ids pA fuss; it, din hed text?" "Do you want me to got" Dulee | exes vere fixed Hpbi Vie Sgure hia 1 to give her a stunding In the doorway, "ifm oe hu fie were die] Cassy could manige a laugh demanded, of 4 san Houta aan the loge the se o " tial ranch Starn, euising howile thers WIS | orcad," she ia Yu "Why, nothing!" she suid, | "Well = since 1 have to go my- jr den beyond the doorway ih Napa, California, oy thin nothing particularly reassuring In| "7 q '1 "But=you mean, let him go?" | golf d gard \J t doesn' t=vaem to make mich y | 4 hen troubles ave at an end, fn. | hor aspect, Cassy, rullying lier seals dillerahe hg ry) to msie WICH | yee demanded blankly, Dulce, a solidly built, handsome (Co ALA hy Kathieon Norris) 'Fresh from the ons "Tjled i is there that they meet | tered forces us best she might, (alt: "It ought tol" Dulce protessed,| Sassy laughed again figiire, eyed her hostess skeptically, Py a ------ ha i -- ae Vol Varney, a alls thy widow od forth ah itased upolony. (| shocked : "Whit else ean you do?" "You want me to gol' she ex- iy BE ---- ye 3 bd fl = J " y { t aa _ They "re har 'ove. Fve hee yo Jig Ned with hy "Hve never changed" Cuwy ob. Wi, wat arn] juid sl. ealad managed an unconvincing PARTY BACKS POLICY APPLE CROP SHOWS {NEAR DISASTER WHEN J " 6 ) ' MES " 1 Lon Sil od aller Dan's divorces and wo to | vi (his morning, This wwiul fog=t| "IPN, [n't and won e've, You know | ugh. ON UNEMPLOYMENT| DECREASE IN CANADA CAR IS DERAILED live at La Lomita, Dulee's lux: Whe wheeled a basket chalr toward o this, Dulee, for Some dims Dan" "No, 1 don't 'want you to go! Bute . --,, urious stock farm near Napa, the fire, ; | oy y find nothing to say LA denly | "upg, nobody'll be happy," Cassy | hut we ought to tulle about these (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Cassy in loneliness and courage Did you=you did't drive down |#he burst out passionately "So you | uo ceded 111111 oma Ottawa, July 17.=The commer . Enrries on wll the 'way? No, of course you | are going to ake Bim away rom | "p00 fooked at her Blankly for a] "After Dan is gone, 1 suppose?" London, King, July 17~The La-| 700000 Cons "or™ Gunada ents Ratlorpury, July 1 Wa 2 And as the idle months pile |vouldy't!" Cassy - bubled inconses | he' full minute, her tear-stained face] "Well, he's going, isn't he?" bor governments policy in donling pian Bf 1029, an compared with ah a k. "iy Jaren to the "N A od 3 wey, sengor g 3 x i Dan repents his Sind rans duentiutly " No, I'm net) Cassy answered | pyzyled | "You expect him here (his morn. | With unemployment was upheld at 1040, Indicates roductions of 40 Ms Dasseiges | : Dick ' "You don't care, do youl the | promptly, "That wouldn't solve any= " / " 90 weeting of the parliamentary In 449, i ralls on the trostlo over Dickson's ne wild wet night, w J : promptly, A ny 8 ay "Yau hate me, don't you," she aske | ing, don't you?" Dulce suddenly aske|f 1 |] p wor cont. in Nova Boon, 23 perce dl alone " La Tomita, the he oy other asked measuredly, Hey scorn thing!" ud sullenly ' dy ed, shrewdly hor party al Westminster yoster- sil in Quebe an "por. cont in whos puuy are Jooedar, Saslys rings wildly, fil manner helped to restore Casey's "Nothing would solve anything!" "Now 1 don't hate you," Cissy ange Cassy faced her, silting, But the |dny. nL i ue Ine. ba Dy i was Barrow y Hyori iid igh ie ts Loy, Dan! Tommy has | shattered selfscontyol, Dulce sald, beginning to weep agin, | ood; color had faded in Wer brown cheeks A. suggestion by Hon, Herhery [ GOLAEG, JOE CRAB LhE by ile in | Drosence.o <mind of express m heen hurt=Can you come? He's "Perhaps | don't)" "But all | know Is that I love Diss "Well, the ou hate him?" "Nonsense!" she suid Morrison, minister of transport, | 180 10 iE un Ky wenger Wilfred Dickey, who leap- asked for yousplonss=will you "Well, then," Dulee said, fn the | F've never loved any one else! There | of oh A oy hy BL kad You know where he 1s, don't | that the party hold a worles of meet British Columbja the crop Is te od to the signal cord and brought hurry 1" same cold, susplelous manner, "we | nrg plenty of other men ln the world "0 don't sen why there should bel you?" ' ingr to dfkcuss various aspocts of paced io vied mn Jhereute ot 35 the train to an emergency stop. a ud ji 1° A uy Sh ; . yr cont, 16 Lots Op . fr Yen a Cassy and Dan wateh their hoy | cin talk JUSL is SIRE ; Just as wiructives"| go 00 jg "I give you my worll 1 don't!" the problem and possible solutions, | BEE CORE 00 batt I Li. For three hours trattlc wan Lis f Cassy merely regarded her expect She paused, wiphg her eyes " well' ble] * f fees' Dislce | 4008 10 consnultative committee Lo y up after the accident, Kxamine- prs Then Ha a' bp. bith nl "} Mt ' 4 tee Lian," Cs Alt, well: Ditlca said, miserable H 1 thought you di ul ngainst 4,980,916 barrels In 1929. | 1jon revealed the car balancing at nek "hen | oy seuss their Wh Hl fey Hr fo i, 8 | und dissitisfied, "perhaps vou aren't suld -- ¢ ' vile , "Casey," Dulce began, without pres] observed simp { # ' ' v Eiao o {WO p "Neo fores 18 RIALOY that moral ---- the edge of the ties oi the trestle. future, whish seems hopeless, Kill, i , | prowdt But, unfortunately, 1 am I'liey stood like two Jungle animal Ba lg nl Boketitel branetior are more Voi Ital way total Iu 200 Cassy takes the children 10 amble, "where's Dan f "lover since Tummy's sceident, he's "Yeu can't even anger me saving | motionless, watehing each other, A Carmel where, unknown to euch "How should 1 know where Dan) been changed," the visitor presently fin Dulce." Cassy observed. madi vin the dead: silence, shut in the please "feligion 1s caught rather than | rare than beautiful blondes. == |cuing the ear from its precarious other, Dulss and Dan arrive, tiv. J : taught. ==Donn Inge. lorens ZLegteld, position over the gorge, -- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) HA is" sild Nothing Uve dong has cheers tutively ant, fog-hound room, Cassy heard | Dilee eyed her dispussionately, us| ed hin ups] hiaw 1h I knew he There was # silence, during which ; If she were appraising a stranger wits unhappy! But 1 never guesser n'a ny A eves studied Cus TWENTY. BRVENTH INSTAL: |" 1" ni, Pon what you kiiew, | the reanon until & few days wgo,| Dulce's seddenal eyes studied Li MEN fd 17" she demanded, in a tone held | Then he told me that he was going Sh Th ural there's some happ Ones In the house Cassy found | 1o the level of cold fron, I asked | away, 1le's taken an-ugency In Side |, t : hersall shaking with terror you where Dan wis" ney" vy au me over ta Cansy's side OF what? Burely not ef this feos, "I dent know" Cassy answered "Australia!" Ie yi oo ramfigdred with. sudden for as a native born Ban Franclsean | blunt! the angry color rising in "Australie, And he's going there!" | y of ; she had been accustomed to lesser | her face "Do you think I'm proud of mys Par 0 oust that you were fool wnd greater fogs a hundred morn "You de knew," Dulce countered | selfsstill wanting: Wim?" Cassy des | 0 emt Dan as down here IRs a year, all her lite long quietly manded, "Do you think I'd net fore a the Ho on you're 40 philose "Mavhe | have a fever!" Ca he other woman looked at her | wet hims=put him out of my igs Ie (# he he un, trembling "is be thought, putting her palms 10 her miking no reply if sould?" vu "i ol boi "you've won, 1'd hot cheeks, "And you're golng (0 tell me" "I mow there ure other nen finer ry he t Ta yer in this Hine i At eleven o'clock the telephone | Dulee ndded than Dan, smarter und richer and Kon, don't hen fool, Dulee!" Case rang) Casey's hand shook as she "I give you my word of henor,| better," she went on, In a dey wild| suid wearily, us the furlous voice took down the receiver, It wis Mug, | Dulge, Uve neither seen him ner] rush, "Does that make any differ broke tallsing from Ban Franelseo, friendly | head from Wm since we left Napa fence? Why, I'd rather see him walk hi this horrible fog makes me} und easunl five weeks ano! in there at that door, with his old | co oust? Dulce muttered apologetl "You sound queer, Cassy, What's Dules looked at her keenly, with | brown cap on, and his homespun A up?' suspicion in her narrowed eyes, and | suit ; "He ¥ , p ydet . Her theill ef Aa ig I don't belleve ty don't know why 1 love him," Tommy sdddenly appeared ui =~ For Summer Diet --and Shield Brand Mayon«y reassuring laughter [a sneer on her lips, the window, between drooping cos died away youl" she hogan again, In on gentler tone fants. eureyin g wh . ) ' : A o8 , Ci Ka telegram Wy "Nothing! Only==we have the mest You de believe me," Cassy sald | "1 don't know why he seems differ mon !prehably from -my mother, ) a he naise is ssenti to aKe em ppetizing ghustly fog down Leva this moving, | gravel ent from every one else In the | = B00 Go tained, walking to hei \ A Ihe whale place is In a winding "Well, then, T don't know where | world, I don't know why I'd rather | 000 She wis coming down t NAY DAE LSING Scientifically speaking, it is the vitamines contained in sheet |" he | Dilee sobbed desperately have trouble with Dan than good ortow." hos TAL 4 . kee "We've got a heavy fog . here, Nu, | haven't seen or heard of | times with any one else! My life niche tara open the yellow anve! p | wb 4 lettucs, tomatoes, raw carrots and cabbage, ated that p i" Cassy presents | is divided Inte two parts". Cassy [SV S00 0 he floor, - Cassy felt our systems tuned up. Add to these a few spoonfuls of an' Hing sinew we cae ' Ld pe "Oh, have vou Vay some obscure | ly repeated went on, "the times that Dah is in the oot rock; her moth wis dy | SHIELD BRAND, the creamy, piquant MAYONNAISE and yeason she was glad | vie down to Del Mote last | it, when everything Is tight, ever) qh hands cold, She tried des "ry "Mow about my coming down for | night," Dulee said in a piteous tone, | thing (s significant, and times that and his ¥ a ehlinie he nist show ] your palate will whisper 'how wonderful.' A A dinner?" Pye not slept a wink, less Kh | just= don't count, When T'm not | Eg In the silence the little 4 "Oh, Mae, you'd loak like a coins] faltered into tears again. "I was sure | with him, Tm thinking about tim OHA, A cain To Silke a sw Son, 4 8-02. 8-01, Take a jar along on the picnic, and you can be sure it Oh you'd look | filles 10 | i ie | with hl this t minted clock began to strike a swift 23c Jar 23¢ jar 23c will add zest to the appetite and make the plonic supper quering army" he was here!" she sald | owreote Dan ou terrible levter, im ive Jar "Then I'll come. ll get thera al "Phin ds terrible" Cassy sald, Io | ploving Wim to come home, But ut cavina far Long 'Trip Tomorrow Just that much more enjoyable. peven," | wn elear, hard tone, She got up and] then you had him, I'm not blaming Must See You Today at Now, Dan - "Mae, you're si my Ife, Yai alked 10 the windo voll | ! 0 be lay now trom far Spice M could din WwW wou #0 A, daving mY He Fou Ww od a if oy willie tha Jou A au a be . i iy ow 'e Fron fe ; RE La A guid dw , These SPECIALS are on SALE for EEK of VLY 17th to 23rd man! idl a wornan's husband away, Ifyou can, [ (© Coe down r "Casey," ha sald seriously, "stop Whit (63 Dules then asked feebs | More blame to the wife or hugband fon nit Kkly she henrd herseli am STORE HOURS SPECIAL~LIBBY'S Fancy Quality Hawalian heing #0 nice to miei You're putting | ly whi can't hold them! wer | 8 a.m. till 8 p.m, GROCERIES all Kindy of ideas (nto my head!" "Why, Dansyousme" Cassy ex: | "But now you can't hold him, and = uyegaghail he hore=at poop=--" 8 am. till 12,30 | p ' And this thie her laugh wis veally | plained, fmpatiently, In a tone of [everything's all mixed up gain" She crumpled the telegrmm ai she Wednesday E 3 c for Your Summer Home ayy and her favewell Lad Ita usual | strong. distaste, "TE was Tol accident," Dale {0 crumpled the envelope, and legs chegetul mete as she ended the eons | "ICs tareible to love any one as] sald resentiully rund to fling It on the How 8 am, till 10 p.m, Slice Ask Local Store Manager veraation, I fave Dan" Dulce agreed, in a tears | "1 suppose that had something tof Cosel flame Saturday about Shipping Arrange. Tha olock sounded the halt our, | shaken, mufiled voice do with it. God knows that it sfart "You're at Del Monte!" she ak A Dainty Preserve at a Savin ments, and Cassy Jumped, and uttered af Cosy, at the wadow, dnhnered od It all up amaln in my heart," Cane | falnt seream only with a belek and mirthless | sy confessed, after a pause Non Pinon my wiy hot [ drove VT s fn idietous" she sald ae | nigh "fie can't' be true 10 any onet"| SC Rtwered My ca Wild Strawberry Jam---Old _ | Pork and Beans-- Aylm Malted Milk -- Horlick's..., tou an. the. aileencu sartled Gown]: "He's all I have Dules added, | Dulce exclaimed bitter! ye your lanerhiore. 1 had a late CityaBrand 16-08. Jar... 37¢ Brand = Individus Siz Chocolate or Natural, olen Tore, pathetically "I don't know that it matters)" [Let fist she sald restlessdy, on Bean Hole Beans--A new Tin, 2 Tins 15¢ Small Size ' 45¢ WChnaye un deep vole said close | There wis un shorl silence. Then | Casey's tone wan weary, she shrugs | EEEGCEhGd 1 thought, I'd lunch product with that won In areal] Cream & Pimento Cocoanut -- Baker's Snows behind her, Cassy turned with an dus | Cassy came back to the fireplace and | ged faintly, "He's the most wonders somewhere driviog ww." derful woods favor, heese ---- Spreads like drift, Finest Quality, - an -- ' a . AA 1 wal. "Oh, If he only » 16 cA 2 Tins i Butter, 2 Pkgs. ! 28¢ Shred, Ib... , 21e " only. hie recognises it" Cassy prayed I'm putting you out?" Dulce us) " p . AEA CC rR ee CAT A ' od, frowning faintly, looking in the Nature's Food' SPECIAL-INVINCIBLE Family 20¢ CLUB HOUSE Ca aa direct nol the operied dining room Red River Carton fri luk . But unfortunately 1 made an en Cereal J E L L I E S aye OLIVES k YoCasty slammer Ph g Pi 4 elu wey ant) ' vw. 24c AQuick Colorful Dessert--Try These No. 8 Dottie 18¢c Au 1 have to talk more t@ Vou, 8 Jne Canty," Dulce nald, alarmed, 3 Tuna Fish--Light Meat-- Lime Juice---~Montaerrat-- Lunch Rolls--I lal » : Wi haven't wottle 4 sapling. And) Shell Brand, Halves, Medium Size Bottle "15 Sheets to a Roll, at in iy before he silk, to Tet me kiow Tin 2c 2c 3 Rolls i106 J I have 15 talk Chateau Cheese--Plain and ° ry Cherry Punch Sano Drinking Cupe--" gagement for twelves=with a neigh There's something ol abot with him, 1 have to see him Pimento, Ideal for Sand Wish Horne's Dixie rand Iotel " again} Fij rush on board the steam wiches, }i=lb. Pkg. . + 19e Bottle ys Package a 9c "Lalo. i won't!" Cassy said, un \ Centrally located in the business district : sired, as she paused threateningly Perlect Jolly Powder SPECIAL--NESTLE'S EVAPORATED 21 QUEENLAND yet quiet and comfortable Mulee sbiided, wee you this afte M TALL Sweet Mixed 1000 ROOMS WITH BATH no wil hore 1} nothing NU-JELL I L K 2 TINS PICKLES 43% and up « Europeen Plan fo Jak." Clo), vay 2. 15¢ The British Standard for Milk we 430 "1 cannot go back to La Lomita bo ¢ iy heart oy ulee began Medervly gonstructaduel sitablahed and ent wy | 4 Sut i h ons Gi | Serviettes High Park suddenly, with and most homelike hotel in can't do tr There's nothing for me to , Brand, 80 to a Pack. Oran sade and Lemonade Fruit Jars--Medium Size, * ovah, 2 Tins... 28¢ Corona Brand, Dozen,,, $1.09 live fol WPI tell vou © what, Dulce, 1 4 12 Parent rapt 3 Ting Fruit Jars--Small Size | i write, Tl Soe to Napa ¢ and Lemon Cup-- N10 Philos messin a Ol N O hat FL be eo 1 Don't you uns oR Medium rg Corto--Sie Joll, oe Sor. Rand + Does, 5 . derstand I" Battle..............onninens 200 Heavy Quality, Dozen 18¢ ! IY WRut even (fhe Ix, what can we pan [) 'er AMOUS FOR FOOD ao) tevin A NNCOATION hn VICTORIA DINING ROOM Wve mustn't let him go" Duke "Really Delicious" SPECIAL----PEARL WHITE NAPTHA : DELMONTE CROSSED FISH 1 3 BARS niserably, RY po Brasaioh ho peritated ni onsense i" Cassy sald . No] O A P Fancy Bartlett Sunday Bvening Dinner 02 only thi ul Can BAY @== T™E Fyriy hi ROOM ih wif he i i petted Sardines 4 JL EARS Pw "Pull him out © " the other y 4 ted nd Ete Pull hin out of what?™ 1 2 Tm 33¢ | Each Neighbor That Has a White Wash Uses Pearl White | Se'th 4 7¢€ [] Lal y forenst Sunday) § Rubber Jar Rings--Extra Fruit Salad -- Delmeonte Marmalade--Robertso ety gs cohavy uality, Dosen... 8¢ Brand, Fancy Quality, Imported, Golden ib faiany tasty tau inped~ Y se] h Park Brand : Ne. 3 Site in. LY 3 ave Shisd, 130s.) jar 8l¢ ¥ ie | yor ' Via © reen arma - Shel . Ground Fresh Daily, Ib. Se | Muffota--The Whois Wheat Robertson's Imported, Ts ib, Biscuit, Package. .........., 12¢ 16-02. JAr.........ciiiee 360 TODDY Chili Sauce | WHE AT Sere a Co Battin 24c For a Light but Substantial Summer Breakfast le lc BLACK FLAG INSECTICIDE it &immerbiis in 27¢ "5ir46° Eni 20° Ww DIRECTION OF § /\ aS MAJOR GROFFREY O'BRIAN & Yu} al) - | Less A KIRBY HUNT \ MANABING DING who, In a Toronto:\Winnipeg fight : ; 1 Vw ul on Baturday, set a new record N >) of 14 hours, with an average Ming apeed of 100 miles an our a So PS. JE Aylmer Green Label SPECIAL--QUAKER PUFFED c The Health Drink PKG. 1 1