Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jul 1930, p. 7

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THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 19%0 a DD Re Pro uce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTL GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain donlevs on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the (ol lowing quotations for env lois; Manitoba wheat No, | novihern Hy No, § mi Phe; No, # Ao, NE%e; No. 4, Diu No, Bh 85 No, 6, 68¢; fond Ble (ad.f, Gadey eh and Bay porin), Mani io Mis No, 1 toed, 450 No, 8 do, 41 %e, Ameria ene Na Millfod, daliverad, Maontvenl fralghts, bi inetudod---Brany ton $34,865 whoris, ton $26.46; midd Vngw ton $81.45, Ontario grain Barley, rye and inal, # yollny, Wheat 00 to Ohe, huekwhest, nom CHICAGO. PRODVCW PUTUREN Chioagn, duly 1H=Thera wan a Matinetly wenkay tons ta the ogg markel this morning with vale sonerally lower, VYalume of hos ness In Himited not only along tha styant, hit on the exehangs whore hath spot. and Futures wea suffers ing alike, The Intier displayed Hi tla peltivity today with tha close unehanged, "The enrly outlook seem od to favor i higher spot hulle mavkelt, hut Inter 1 doysloped ht husiness wan nol as aetive ns had heap anticipated so that quotation held unehanged, , The underions In wendy Only Hmited trading tonk. placa on Novemhay hutier RE -- N OCEAN vayags en Inland 808 18 nature's tribute to a avared land hon the eis heat 10 wave washed breezes iy Le matterelashortiain ide, and the palatial steamers Aniiniagia', "Kaowatin'* and " Man iteba" re vialting to 16rve you, Whether far he srl * 1h or on yar worl 0) . e aks advantage wl this oo fl 4 ' ay a 8 pla he we Nicl en fia i aptamer Can Nii ram Port We finasdey ne Wi t the Soe Mien he wi Venies on € oy, eal for fan Y PY ar i "en go LLL od Fe: Can noah wifes . ibd 0) ve youl Infernailad Ay siariptive aaklst M. R, JOHNSON CP ACPR, 11 King 8, | Im which wseltled shout in Vine with yortardny's elone, Open hmmilinents algn, 1 BET duly hutier, omher hitter, 1,518, wo markel veesipis Putiar fe | hy, AB ABLS nwt year, 41,070 BREN Loeany, BB, 804; tant yey Bil nan Chilengn spol mavket---=Butier ax: tran, Hn; standards, B4e; tone firm; eggs, graded fivein, 80c; Lone wend to eany Naw York spelt mavkel-=Buttey wxlean, Bhai no tonn; agen, firsts, $1%e to 830; tone firm, Novemhey #7 Noy TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Emoked mesigHups, medium, U8 to fhes cooked Joins, 48 to hie wsimoked rolls, §8eg von kant haeon, BO to Ae) haokn, pen-menled Bde} dn, smoked, 46 to bbe, Pork Inine, 80u; shoulders, 21e; bby, Shes hime, 46 ne Cured ments Lang clear haeon, BO to 70 Wu, B4e5 70 tn 00 ths, Bes 00 10 110 The, Ble, Heavys wolkht . volls, 40u3 NHehtwelght valle, 8h Laval 1h Lhe pully, 17 17% Shortening 'Tlerees, Iho pilin, 14e Hpeelnl PuaLYry Tiavens, tithe, 16 IMMIGRATION 15 DISCOURAGED (Continued trom Page 1) cham, when a questionsr had had two queries gnswerad and trind to put mo third Md the audiences and Mr, King protest The andienes, shouted, "Put him aut!" Tha Prime Minister remarked that perhaps the questions were ealoulated te distur the mesting and he would he wind to answer them Inter, 1. wan an onthyninstie mosting and the prime minister mat with applause when he doalared that the Havernment was willing te glve dollne for dollar' "ta proviness and muntelpalition whish would start » praginm of constricting suhways inder doy lavel avossings, to mest the unemployment sltuntion, He pepantad an emphasised his stain meant that the federal Ciayvernment wil willing (0 aslast any pravinees whieh vaporiad unsmploymant ton prent for 1b ta ment Aunin the Gopsenment stand ready to eontris hte tYdallar for dollar" with the provineas and munleipalition Ao Word Fram Provinces i HT ha ausnriad ones wEsin wa have nol reosived 8 commun antion from any provineinl Govern mont stating that it Is unahin tn gobs with the sliuation and asking tor fodorn! neslstanen' HRoaprasantations made hy Pras miler Heavken of Manitohn, In whieh -he sent on un request of war vaternns lat January, had not haan ragarded as no yeguest for assis anos in Erol emergency, said Mr, King, The neads of the war valeans had heen mel or any tubs, tn Five, lug tiereey, prints, Ihe; tubw, whoviening Ih hike; palls, LJ HE SUNKEN SHEPHERD Ha today In wasn shroud Hin gentle hands are full nowy may; with flnger-hain Uuon » wisp of wanl Hlanpn or He oareins to the Heavenly Throne To show the walting Lord Ho could not Toave in Tambingtime To hone the Blessed Word No Ink will aver waken him The mists will elimh the sky And tn the daw-pond an the Downs Hip shadowed sheep gn hy Mary Marquis tn the New York Times those new tires for this week-end pon spend this weekend by the roads side, Spend it on the road! Come in right now and we'll fit you out with the now tires you need, We've got Goodyear in wide variety as to aise, tread and price, uy all offer the biggest value for the money, Our service in putting thew on your wheel and seeing they are properly inflated is i ROY WILLMOT All Weather Ties Shop 11 CELINA STREET, OSHAWA, ONT, aco PHONE 2402 worms FAIR DEAL FOR CANADIANS 18 BENNETT'S PLEA (Continned from Vago 1) inte offiee, the Conservative lender duciared, "and," he regretted, "hey were the pisk up of ouv song and danghiers, Why did they nel way have! Becauns thers wis ho work," The Quebss Minister of Agri: enlture, Mr, Bennell prosesded, hed commented on the fuel that BO par cent, af sertkin producin sons wimed, in this provines had heen imported, "Give Canadians a chanes," the Opposition ohisefinin finked, STOCKS DECLINE AT TORONTO TODAY Many lssues Ease Slightly But Dominion Stores Is Firmer - (By Canadian Vesna Lonssd Wire) Tarontn, July 16,0n uw declin Ing taurnaver, prices of the pring pul stocks on Tovente Block 1s chinnge went hnok # short distances from the eloss of last night, wip Ing out nearly the whale af he gain made at one thins yesterday Blooks were not pressed. for sil hut un moderate amount of profil did result Cram yesterday's rine wilfioiont tn mora than offset Graers to purehnse Intornationnl Nioksl, -Novanda, Ford of Canadas, Imperial O11, B A OH, Musall=Frontenas entonniel ud fractional wet-huiks Hengiinn held to the pries nt the close last night, #a did Hell Telephonn Pr I, Conmimers Gas, Beyvies Bia tons, Loblaw, Mussay-Hurvis worn ntliny neha gos Daminion Hiores was firmer nl B04 KEDRON NEWS Mi i Mra: fi Will Alan nid July 16 und Bd, Parker, Bay and Mary sompanied hy Mr. and Mr Martin, Cluvencs and Volmn motarsd to Lindsay on Bunduy visited with friends there Miss Dorothy Clugston spent # fow days with Miss Ruth Cole lust woek Mr, and Mpa Taranto, visited thelr sintey, Mrs Mr, and Mrs, Hyeratt Mountjoy and familly vislied st My Gm hlett's, Columbus, on Bunday and attanded anniversity seryioe Me, and Mrs, BJ, Luke, Alhert and Miss Olive Luke Miss Wiima Waerry woes al Arthur Warry's, Hnniskition Mins Allie Wood, Ovann, 1s visi ing with her sister, Mrs, W, N. How kin Mi recent Kedron, Pangell with arden an Munday Jahn layer N My wid My ware Mia | we nid and Mes, Hows vinltors with My Chana, Albin, Providenos My, and Mew, Harvey Paseos and Lovvnine spent Haturday with In und Mes, Mettulloeh, Oronne Mes, Wo Honrd, Woodville vised with Nv, anid Honkin Miss Burland Willing wpont Tuesday with My tava Chardon and Walter Davin vintied thelr unelin My, KE, Noshitt, Calum hus, an Hunday Mes, Wm Loualin Haphurn, Miss Heolon GUray, Vies and Murvay with My, and Mes nhnld Miss Dorgghy Clumston, Calum bus, has heen spending o few dave with Miss Wilma Werry My, and Mes wrvey Crossman td fronn visited with oousing, in Linduay, on Saturday Mr, and Mes, John Mountioy, ME Lorensa Mountjoy, and Miss Hons Mountjoy were recent visitors with J. Mountjoy and WW, | Mauntiny My, and Mes, 8 W of with Me and Men Park Ip Oshiawn, veosntly Mr and Mes. 10 Davin attended Columbus anniversary on Hunday wnd wera guests of Mr, and Mes H, Li Pascoe Mr, Hinnley Rose and Mise Colla Wank, Torantn, wera weekend | gueate of Me, and Mea, John Clave, | Mic and Mes, Rous Joo anid Min Hoarnten Warey avalon thenselyeu | of the appartunity of attending the | OAOUPEION to Rochester on Wolpe day and report a good time Mus, Oronkem and Miss Crankam, Toronto spent the and with Me and Mrs A Dyke, My, and Mes, Wm AWA, upent Manday with danghior, Mew, HF Wer Mp pnd Mys, I Oronsminn, My aud Mea, Harvey Crossman and rane, Me, and Mis, Harvey isons and Lorvaine spent & day at Oris Hay vevently, Miss Hagel Van Bye in uponds § ng » fow dayn in Toronto, with relatives, A number from here attended the garden party an My, + Nis dery's home at Prospect, "on ris any REE and vepart a Fe Hine, Mi and Mw Bo Jowell und Ril WORD Peoent guests of My, and Mya 10 Bhipman Oshnwa, yoeant ly Min, W N I'oranto luhin and Mis fray und Mya, Elnranon wpent Thureday Meriin Hepburn Hophurn Mis, | Honkin visi Chas, Warne, Rien | weak 1 Van Osh thely Hatty, Haydon, ny oA NR VOTRE Horvioes, on Hundey, June Bh were largely attended, many people coming to hear Rev, L, 8 Wighy of Belleville, a former pastor of this olvonit, who delighted hin Audionon at the atternoun and evens hg orvices, he musi hy the Havel uhdey the londershipn of Me, KB, Blaples, accompanied hy My, Avthup Beseh, the plants, wan excellent, Heleos tone fram the Newoastla Male Quartets were snjoyed and very Ben Tinkington, of Taronin, wers wenn of Mr. and Mis, Clarsnss , void Mins Vernn Trewin, Oshawn, Is holiduying st home Minw Melon MeDonsld visited Mien Muriel Thompson, Mun, Wichurd Ashton has velurn od home aller spending a fow months with her daughter, Mrs, Browne, at Leaside My, and Mrs, Sidney Yrawin and wonwi Mv, and Mrve, Wi, Moore and Muriel; Mr, Jumens Stainton; Misses Alles and dune and Harold Ashton, of Enniskillen; Trawin, Ray and Dorothy Beeld, Orohe; Mr, Ir Teawvell, Oshawn Mis Mand Ashton, Tovanto; Wve Collosotd Tyrone, wera ghosts of Myr, un Mrs, Wm, Trewin, Misa dn and Albert Moore; und Mrs, Bherwood Hundle and duighters, and My, Norman Fine die, Mew, Minnie Maove, Ming Knute ind Douglas Moore, al) of Bowman ville wern guests of My. and My Alex MeNall, Mr, anid Mrs HOME O11. UNDER HEAVY PRESSURE Loses B80 Points in Sharp Decline= Trading in Other Issues Light " (By Canadion Prosn bonsed Whe) Fovonto, Aly 16,=Wenknens In Homa OFF was the outstanding funtive an the mining market aw ing the sirty pevied to-day The price Aropping under heyy welling pressive to a low of $4.60 and sanding ab midday nt 85.60, 60 he low last night's clone Though nothing offieinl was avaliable al thie the of writing, 1 in execied tha softness In connnetad with the fuel no annoineamant his hoen winds regarding the dividend which tue Other changes on the hoard were voulutively unimportant, and trad ing remuined HEht Ehroighont Aix OU witned 6 tn $101 ann Acme i point to 44, bit Cxlmont wil off Ao $100 and Novdon Win Jumh holding wl 81.0%, Hudson uy Whe anmpuratively grag mem hay, repeating yulsorday's FIV nes and gaining another 40 to §810, fnternationnl Nickel supsed oust tn #h Vipand vecoverad un portion of Ha ml fan peliing up ta 1.00, 4 shove Nast might's clone Cabimnrin following vaporis of Wh the property, » "no Mr, Austin Iarmar, of Burketan; Mr, und Mrs, Blimey Beach and family, Knnlukiien, ware guests of Mr, Arthur Heaoh und family Mew, Culloeott und Breting I. Tull, "Fyvane, wera giests My, und Mra. David Graham Mr und Mrs, A Bhinrps and fame Hy, nwiskition, Mra, C1, Bunderson, Wurkton, wers guests of Mr, Rich urd Hianderson Mi, und Mid, James Bradley, Preston, Misses Wigle Moore Ghrnen Wary af Enniskillen, WwW, Vo Wiekurd, and Marion, Bvelyn Allan, Nowenstln, ware th of My. and Mea, Eimer Brad Mrk of Min fin Mi Mi ee ley My Trmin Mi Minn Mra Ve yok KOU usp ys W 10 tn Bh Tuck Hughes draped hawaver, and trannidn Wire Hawn fw Lowey priced hans pists Hehtly traded - Eadbu Ani let sustaining minor RUN LL and Howwy paint "ih ware only Haulin nnd lonuon Mio. WW. Bammusiiy, Kenneth, Nestiston) Hohert, Charla and Margarst, Florence Wheeler, Taroning Paterson, Onkwond; Mrs, Mi GH, Cartwright, My, and Mrs, Hut tary and daughter; Mr, and Mrs Crossman, Taunton; Mr, snd Mrs do Mountioy, of Curiwright, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, James Cross mun Mr and Mes, Challis and daugh ter, Howmanyie, Mr, and Mrs, W Giflor, iy Hutledgs nnd Mins ima Hutledgs, Balam, ware guesiy af Mr, und Mrs, Theron Mount Jin} Mins and il find meh wppreciuted nt such serves Haov, Mr, Wight anid My Wight wore entertained Ihe ul My, and Mes, Bilas Trewin during thelr wii} hey left for Belleville oun Mandan On Tuesday, avowd aatherad, shoul 8 o'viock, tha horse pHiehing he followed hy husshpll wud foot Wil werved on Lhe h the ladies und the communtiy, the With thay Nawers len wily Ihe i hae hn Inree July 1st when NUL gun, hin ti Pippo ehureh lawn gantlomen nol niles holng very preity decorations of Sums Pha sonelosed shod was tively decorpted for warviees wna sonoert In the aveping the papular antsy thiner "Duncan Cowin with his GONEOIL sampuiy prasapted an wn Hirply new PEOETim which was thoroughly enjoyed hy The proceeds wars aver four deed and BEY dollars My Mm, U BB Farinte, wid My nnd fami Mr. Alp Onhawn, visited My, and Mrs Hull Mr, nnd thildren uf My, nnd Mr, Mark Kate MoNall and Mra Heh, Blomon and daughter, Mes 1, Vanstone, Mr, and Mrs, Wm Hobbes and family, all of Taranto, Me, Fred Cowling and sen, Purple Hill, wore guests of Mr, and Mrs iehnrd MoNail My, ant Myu Mra, Darne, and Mes, MoClenn, Mra Foranto Mi wo Grossman, Oshawa Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Mr, and Mea, J, ¥ manville Mi and Mrs, Husssl hers and Velma, Eaniskillon Miss Annie Monitjoy Taranto, wore guests of Mr, and Mrs, MH ton Wlemon Ming Hilda Blamon pent the week and il her home hore Mi undn My Mi wn wna Bharpe of Miu Cepll wure guests of Maunt joy Killott, How Matlamh hinhy Yoryone Ieiin Burk, of Win, Hoatl Halaman, of David wid My wnil In Mrs, A Preseolt Enkei were pus Min, Husssl Aungey wind Howard Allen Nowonstle, worn kuests of nnd Mi Hunry Ashton ME nnd Mrs, Withert duughter, Margarel visitors of thelr parents Mra, John Weight Mi, und My Mark Thompson and Lo A Tramble motored fram Uhihoyran, Michigan, hringing with them Mea, Win, Hankin, of Clave and, Ohio, and are visiting My und Mea. John Wright Me, snd Men, Theo, Blemon and dolin and Mpg Haunders, of Kani Killeni My, and Mea, Horh, Heott and Halon, of Ovann; Br, snd Mea lemon, Bowmanville; Me and Mra I Virtue, Burlington, wera guests of Myo nnd Mrs, Bilas Trewin Me, and Mrs, Blunley Hond and Mi, and Mis, Adama, Unhinwa Howmanville, and holly Mi Canndn's Boonie Crandour wan ellel ehnractaristios Park, Alberta, th nrinty henuty of Ia mauntain take fur the town of Taspor Hianlf there ave al least A dagen tarnpscoryntalline jewels, reflecting Almost avery hue from the pale tapas of Chrome Jake the lapis Ingull and sapphire of Patviein and Vyvamdd, tha vivid cmerald of Hesuvort, the Aredike apd Hite of Tike Wath Farther WhY Are gathers, cneh heasutiful in iA Wily Modlvine and Jw ques lakes, Cavell tnke, Amalhysl linker mo Tonquin valley, Hraseau lhe to the south ang Twin Tree luke to the north Hide Whith Mi A10] and und | ul wire (Ine Iaupny Ihe Nutlonal and 1] awn ul W, H. MOORE HIRED ARMORIES ON MAY 26, KAISER SAYS - (Continusd from Page 4) July 20 we plied to hold one of the greatest poltical meetings ever staged in this historic riding, bi when we attempted Lo engine the hill we foind that my cppenent had wlrendy hooked 1 nd lor that might, Now we will be forced to meet Aemorinl Parle under the hl shy, But i will be n wonderful nieet ing Just the sume for Wan, G, Hows werd Verguson, premier of this prov nee wid one of the: gremtest politic lenders, will he ehiel speaker" List night's meeting st Whiteyale wis held on the beawtiinl grounds of the Allan Major Home and Is the first polities) garden purty ta hive heen staged during the ciampilgn The lawn wis brightly Hghted while the speakers peenpied a slightly ral sii] platform dried ih fags A forge numibert af Pikering township valers were present und Dir, Kiser reecived a oud uation when he ap eared beforg the A disthuguished provincia! cabinet member, In the person uf tie Han (yen Hem Minister of hgh win, spele on belinlt of Lr, Kiser and advocated the removal of the present government on the grownd uf inetheieney and tli e 4a predect the industries of Canada, Dr, Titi Moore, of Brooklin, Indeliutigalile worker fur the | pre ided aver thi ahle fashion and sty Dr, Balser should ret ned member of patient Cntr Appeals for Bupport Referring to his last term in thi House of Parliament Ih Kiley tuted that in AD years' connection with public masters in the eonnty, he that he thoroughly the wndustiia!, agrieatturg! nomen! situation in the rid Heeling WAP FVRIIVE Eileen Uther InKE In tap nly urged that hie i fal considered nm derstand mam in and 1 odo not aspire Ht | il ae of sing Hon | 1] [ have tried 1 sd ir, Kuler a any more honor liek vet =the priveleye the Government wilh Kennett Prime Min I'he King gov fi toll Dr, Ka wer stated, The hus come when there should he w change of gover ment. 'The Liberals have Lira furth neo policies for Hi solving of the Fine the eannti oth band the Wi prepared 10 cops ton and hind tan, he claimed Fhe industrial Die lowest ehh i" in fine TTY reat problems he sald anservitive | Hi Cin the of ii Hig with phislnetog af Canada Is wt sine 1874, he didate gontended. The reason far this depression was hecause of the ine Milenay of the gavernment I tead wl nding BI0O000, 000 hovenr on American goods, this mo ney wan spent wt home, unemplo would not exist, he said The Conservative party advocated a tariff commission, he explained, to study tari thst the sonsuines would not exploited, The Caps viitives da not h for a high ta iff, hat rather one which will prayide adenine Hale for dustrie Agvieulturs Languishes fon Can Hake why wiry whieh allows agvientire wish and heeome stagnate," didate "The eondivion atlenitural industry in Canada now almalutely deplorahle Dr Kalaer fMatly dented that the Canservative party had ever neglect ed tha agricultural Industry I'he Liberal party had stolen the AMIENS of the Coanservatives patect Canadian agrieulture hy Kilser contended, But they had not Cun ia ment Wo " fl wi Cann pirates WRI "A head to lan the ean of the AFG stited Bekah gone far encngh and thelr efforts to amis 1h futmer wera effectual The King goverpment had viol eh PAA TH fur the prosperity which existed a few yours ago, I whi "Wut they took the credit for that prasperity so now they will have to weeept the blame for the = present hisiness dejraspion," Whe government wis = pro-Amerl cit, Dr, Kaiser charged, Te hud fall wll 1a nike preded aging thi wn file Aurtff regulations which are cay famsly alfecting. Canadinn trade Vie Taherals hegame pro British uve mh, Ir, Kalser suid "I am glad to see that they are British," he said, "fay | hehieve hist Canadians. must realize the vile of Fanpive relationships, Bot Tee 6 be femown tht the Conservative party iss - shod for and wlwayvs will stand for w wreat Canada within the great Hritish 1omipire" In eomelision weed hint w yily he for the Han the Canseryitive Ihe King administy inp his heen fond wanting," Lie gid, "and 1 will remain for the Comsmrvitive party to conn to Canada's wid Hon, George 8B. Henry Flig provinee his been endeavoring withont during the past few yeits ta obtagln federal ald for pro inelnt vemds, Hon. George 5, Henry Minister of Highways, declared, "Ten Hon, My. Henry tiled uhservilive Laaverinne Weert Borde y us prea the developer Wis Hu FA jilu additional pravinees with wide hitherto To eultirs ht Katser wmphin for him ment a I, Bennelt, und Jrrty In SUECES nr the | Hm el BADEN JEN) Fray Iphwiys Anetend Histon birden Ariawing he tl "Federal cannot be separated," | Mr, Henry dessribed W we a "Prince of Hamorl ting that the Liberal Gr the friend af the workh Mr, Moore wlwi faker! he suid What lad for help the Henry noked many and LL 1) I the il Ma hit pan Hy the il fun dl inl ni il i the government | whingman, Hon, My France, Beitaln, Gey COME es uherin endeavored 1 nw debit have which Bank mE PAGE SEVEN prise! her people hy retaining the Cistindn, however, hu lugged hahind, Turiffs have heen yi por uggminet her exports whils Cana ding wre Leng raed of thelr home mintket by imports fran ahroad "Our wdniinistration has heen & nen wt the switch," the Minister ol Highways eontinied, "While other wmniries are tuking care of them selves, our government his failed 11 peaneet Canada, Only now the pring minister 1s beginning to realize thal there Ts unsmpdoynient In the land Whe speaker debited whether the Lanning Budget eamld be neeepted suriomsly as I represcited um Adrastis change in the policies of the Liberal patty The Australian treaty was ons of the greatest Wunders whieh hadevs . er been mde by ung BOVEFHINEH Che prediction that these treaties villd ruin the Canadian Industry hid heen realized, he eantinued, Uhie spoiler heliayed in Vangie trisde but his did net believe that Ca wid would be strengthening tie angles by refusing 1a develop ei awn power of producing goods that she might mport mare fron Great Britiin Pha diy with pe the dnjured psople rise up ta do ww trathon,! he suid ae nat kel nw he hers when of Canada wil th this wdminige Lumber in Transit hising rom Cnn I th Ling wtudy Is careiod oul il present hy the ol Products Lathoratorios of fii, Department of Interior, hohaviawr af Himbhey in Lene fram the Vadhd Count is Yin Inharatory hag arennged to ples hn cavionds of Himhey eon Tgned to Montreal and OLLawa, i number of thie content of In Vancouver Han with eastern Ottawn and Montreal Tahoratories ve heen checking ur theses mol ture oontents on arvival in thi oil, 10 determine the amount ol fhaorbed In transit An Intare cauyey hainvian, maistyr whieh was determined Through ca-opgri vonsiEnees, he maint ure livres women cama to blows al A bargin sale, Wheres there's frill there's a fray, Business men appreciate the competent service with business accounts are handled by The, Dominion THE DOMINION BANK EOTAPLIOHED 10°) OSHAWA BRANCH | T. W. JOYCE, Manager bp A de A SHOPPER'S HAVEN That's what one lady called the ARCADE, and truly she was right. We are adding new lines daily and for low prices and quality merchandise Oshawa has never seen its equal, and get your share of our advertised specials, MEN'S WHITE Handkerchiefs Good Quality Lawn, Hemstitched Border, large aire, Tourday morning early Sc ea. Men's Work Shirts Khaki and Blue, roomy cut and double stitch, some in coat style, Sizes 14 to 17. Bankrupt Sale Price Sac eon. Men's Work Pants Good quality cottonade, davk colors, well made, All siwes; can't be beat $1.25 ea. Just Arrived, Large Stock of fancy patterns Ba The Arcade Great Bankrupt SALE 28 DOZEN ONLY Men's Dress Shirts Collars attached and detached in plain white and You'll wonder at these all sines, nkrupt Sale Prices 1244 Flanelette BLANKETS 72 x 90, Firat quality, (1 pair to a customer) $1.85 pair Boys' Suits. Hematitched Pillow Cases Good quality cots ton, 40 in, 300. SHOP IN THE MORNINGS, Hemstitched SHEETS 72" x 90" alse, Excellent quality ingham 32 in, wide Thursday, 9.00 a, m. 10¢c yd. 10 yards to a customer only Crash and Turkish Towelling 10¢c yd. Come Early Comeand See the Low Prices IV a Boys' Knickers Large assortment of good quality tweeds, all sizes

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