Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jul 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" fs -- The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer og rl rR rg AA OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1930 BRITISH BATTLESHIPS GO TO EGYPT Burke Leads Canadians in King's Prize Shoot BRITAIN WILL PROTECT NOTED OTTAWA MARKSMAN | LIVES OF FOREIGNERS, ONLY SEVEN POINTS UNDER EGYPTIAN PREMIER TOLD HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE i iy, Hy, Faro | Lives and Property of Several Canadians Are 1.3 i Foreigners Must Be Pre. Among 300 Marksmen Dominion Day Is : | served Going Into Second Stage Marked n Japan 3 ------" of Shoot Friday (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) WAFD NEWSPAPERS Tokyo, Japan; July 16,=(By Mail) ARE SUSPENDED SGT. MAJOR HAWKINS I'his year's eclebration of Domin a---- ALSO HIGH IN LIST/ ticularly Tn 'Tokyer was. festared b Precautions Taken by . Brie Both Burke and Hawkins tiewlarly in Tokyo, was featured by an adress which ou "rode tish Following Riots Yes« terday in Which Fourteen Are Former Winners -- Were Killed and Many Burke Has 98 and Hawk- ins 7 Out of 1086 tion wide hook-up Injured (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) It wan only the second time in his tory that a forelgn envoy had spos Bisley Camp, England, July 146 With un total score of 08 out of ken over radia in Japan, The uddress 4 TELE wis in English and was translated in | IH # | 4 be | possible 106, Lieut, Desmond Durke Jupanese by BR, Yoshinura, # member of the Canadian Legntion staff of Ottawa wan leading the early Canadian weorers in the first stage Prospects Good il Tt lg hes TRI For Wheat Crop of Toronto, was another early Outlook 'Very Encourag- 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES VOL, 7-==NO, 13 poe Sd bbb d ddd badd rey News in Brief | (By Conadian Proms) © Negligence Alleged Toronto, A covoner's Jury inves. tigating the death of A, R, Looker, Toronto, in n peculiar highway se- cldent near Richmond Hill on June 40 last, has named Kdward Cale Toronto, ng having heen guilty o negligence, BE Gardiner Wecoverin, Calgary, Nobery ardiner, elected by scelamation to the next House of Commons for Acadia con- stiuency, Is recoverimg from his slight Indisposition, The progres sive leager was forced to ¢aneel an engagement to speak at Coronn- tion, but Is reported improved . Ld ' Bandits Use Machine Guns Willman, Minn,--=#ix ~~ masked bank bandits pumped sub-niachine gun buliete over the heads of em- battled p2!ice and eltizens yesterday to escaps with loot valued at more tuhn $605000 from the Bank of Willmar, Two women and one of the bandits were wounded ' * LJ TERRIFIC BLAST ON DREDGE HERE ' Little Hope for ' ' ' [ Missing Airman (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Itangoon, Burmu, July 10 {smey nu slender hope remained today of finding the missing Britislsalrman, Erick Hook, alive in the jungles where hig friend and planemnte Jimmie Matthews, left him dying Inst Saturday while he sought ald for both of them IH and Injured as Hook was It wan felt he would he no match for Dengan! tigers, felines famed for thelr ferocity, with which the jun gle is popuMited, There was some question even of finding his body, since the area abounds on striped hyenas, which leave ttle trace of thelr dopredations | Fumigation Vatu) Montrail, "Three peopls were | fore killed by breathing hydro- cyanie gas used in fumigating An apartment house here nst night, * . LJ Knvoy's New Title London, Ry Esme MWoward | former Ambaseador to Washington, will be known henceforth as Lord Howard of Penrith, according to the Offielnl Gazette LJ a TT olf 1 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng., July 16,-=The British government has ordered the battleships Queen Elizabeth and Ramillies to proceed to Alexandria for the protection of foreign lives and property en« dangered by disorders at thag place, Prime Minister MacDonuld nounwing the dispatch of the vessel ' also informed the House of Coms oo» Manitoba Stands Aloof fegina, ==Thres Provinces will be yapresented at the Western unem- ployment puriay al Fdmonton, Alt, but Manitoba will no delegute at the most v . Serious Five Kellogg, 1daho,=Wire ed In un dwelling-house und swept through an entire ety block of Wardner, near here, vesterday, leap ed to un tnherscoyered mountainside have Laborites Face Censure Motion Liberals Not Expected en we 1000: GALLON TANK OF OIL BURNTMAN HERLED When a 2,000-gallon tank of oil on | other members of erow received minor | who was on board at time r ¢ bl board the dredge Primrose burst injuries (Capt. | th Lockie Rogers of Midland Oshawa harbor barin, Mam Cunning. | Ged, Horton of Welland, skipper of tha | W"* thrown into the water, hut w abla to swim ashore, and (4) dia, which. start INTO WATER finisher, wecond to Burke among the Canadians with 07 Burke won in ania the King's Prige in 1024 and Haws in Hera are shown to LL) and raged uncontrolled * Elevated Trains Crash York, Sixteen persons were three seriously, In uw rear-end between two crowded el at the Chambers street Station of the Sixth Avenue "L" late yesterday, The uecldent threw hun dreds of homebound passengers into a state bordering on pank LJ LJ LJ] New hurt, collision vated trains Ineome Tax for Relief Brisbane, Avstralio 0A special tax on all Incomes to provide funds te extend the present unemployment vellef works in Queensland, Is among government proposals announced at the the state parla ment's opening of British Unemployment London, = British unemployment fi gures still are soaring upward, a Government report yesterday indicus ted, The Ministry of Labor announ eed that wit Julye 7 the total out of work was 1.033.500, a gain of 42, 02% aver the previous week and 789, 254 more than the same period last yea Canadian Vessels Carry Most of Grain (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Buffalo, N.Y, July 16.-=Cana: dian shipping qompanien had the bulk of the wheat: business on the Great Lakes last month according 10 the report of the Lake Bhippers Clearance Association, made pub lie here, Wheat from the * + shipments to Huttalo Upper Lakes, during June totalled 17,816,004 hushels, while 251,286 bushels were car rled by rvall,- Bixty-seven Canadian vessels carried 10,108,115 bushels while 27 American vessels carried the remainder, ROLPH 1S NEW HEAD OF IMPERIAL BANK (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 10.=Frank Augus tus Rolph of thin olty Is the new president of the Imperial Bank of Canada, runceeding the late Poler Howland, it Is announced, follow: {ng a meeting of the Noord ot "directors at the hend office this orning. " sir Hames Woods, vige-president of the bank requested, in view of hin advancing years and his desive pot to assume added responulibili= ties that hs name whould not be ponsidered president, Mr, Rolph in genoral manager and treasurer of Rolph, Clark and dtone Ltd, lthographers, He has been a director of the Imperial Bank ainee 1010 "WEATHER -- A mild depression Ix contred over Hudson Bay with a trough ovtending southwestward to Minnesotn, Pressure is high over the Lower Lake veglon and eastern states, Showers have ocourred locally In onsts orn Nova Seotla, Prince Eds ward Island, and in northern dintriots of Ontario and Mani toba while in other parts of the dominion the weather has been ful, Temperature has moderated in Alberta and raskatohewan, "Forecasts, Lower Lakes and Georgian Bay, and Ottawa and Upper Bt, Lawrence, moderate southwest winds fair and warm, Thursday, moderate to fresh southwest winds mostly fale and warm, a 'few local thunder showers, | Lieut, Wins won It In 101% The first stage to-day was fired A00,500 and 200 yard distances weored 43, 4 and 01 res pootively and Hawkins 01, 42 and 34, The 100 hest scorers out of 040 entrants go Into the wecond wage I'riday, The First Range Five competitors had perfect peores of 45 ut the first range, 600 yards, 'The Canadians as a team wera fairly well up, however, Bontde Durke 13 was marked up nt Burke hy Captain W. G, Holland of Vie. torln, Compuny-Nergt, Major » Jamison of Toronto, Meret, Major | W. H, Ruffell of Victoria, and | Quartermantoer-Sargt, €, Moors of Nt, John, who Is not a member of the Nisley team Boores of 44 wore recorded hy Ferg! C, WW, Foam of Montreal, Company Sergt, Major MH. A, Timh. reall of Toronto and Lieut, G, A, Molesey of Winnipeg, who Is not a member of the Canadian team Necond Range Neores Going 'to the 600 yard range, Burke kept in front of all Canadians with a good U4 for a twosthirds total of 67 out of a pons siblg 70, Lisut, Rowen of Pdmon ton, Company-Nergt, Major Kmslle and Capt, J, K, Foreman also had d4'% at this distance, BNergt, J, H Regan of Victoria scored 113 Well up at this mark wera No wen, Fmslle, Foreman, Jamieson and Ruffell, all with two«third totals of 0h Young Woman Dies When Hit by Train (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Perth, Ont, July 16, ~-Miss Mary Furlong wan killed here last night by a Canandan Pacific Railway puns wenger train, With a young woman companion she had heen walking nlong the tracks towards the sta. tion and falled to reach a position of safety before the locomotive struek her TWO INJURED IN HICHWAY CRASH At, Catharines, July 10. Alfred J, Kenny, Toronto, in in a serious aondition In the Welland hospital with a fractured skull and, Allan Cameron of Owen Hound {a suffers ing from less serious injuries re oelved about midnight when a oar In which they were riding collided with the rear of a parked truck un dergoing repairs at Welland, Rob art Kenny, driver of the car escaps ed with slight injuries, ing"' Says Report-- Wheat Is Headed (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, July 16 Manitoba's present crop outlook is described ne very encouraging' In a roport Issued today by the provincial department of agriculture, Wheat fields are headed, a) though honds are not lone, and are of a good appearance, how wel they will fil} depends on the wenther, the report ndds . Although vainfall has takop the form of local showers rather than heing general in charactor, they have hoon more evenly distributod than in most years and today there ure neither any very wet nor vory dry. aroas, Hall entailed only local lowues and conditions for re-growth In damaged districts are sald tu he very good A few correspondents report races of rust, the crop summary continues, but there is no ground tor alarm Prominent Doctor Dies Winnipeg, Dr, 1, 1, Thompson, native of Lucknow, Ont, and one of Winnipeg's prominent mediean men, Ix dead, He at on time prac tined In Collingwood, Ont EX-MAYOR ANGROVE KINGSTON, DROWNS Jumps Off Bridge This Morning-- Has Daughter in Oshawa (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) In a fit of de Kingston, July 16,« Any spondeney ex-mayor 'Vhomak rove, aged Ol, jumped off the La Sulle causeway bridge ut 1.30 this morning and was drowned, Hix body was recovered soon afterwards, Mr, Angrove was horn at Cornwall, Fog land, on Mareh 2, 1869 and came to Canada at the age of fourteen For a time he conducted a foundry here, He was very prominent in my nlelpal circles and was elected mayor in 1923, 1924, 1925 und 1926, For the past three years he has been engag of as A government inspector, He is survived by hiy wife and grown up family Mrs, Grant Tutehinson, street, Oshawa, is a daughter Jarvis Foreign Immigration is Discouraged by Liberals ny RAY NROWN (Canadian Pross Staff Weiter) Winnipeg, July 15-The Dom: inlon Government has not for years pontributed a single dollar toward bringing foreign immigrants into Canada, Pr, Muckensie King told a large audience lero last night, Ie made thin statement in an anawer to a question anked from the floor of the auditorium, When Mr, King wan dealing with unemployment » man in the audience asked to be permitted a question, The prime minister stopped and asked for silence; so that the gues. tion might he heard The man explained that he was a worlonan who had found himselt unable to compete with loreign im migrant labor, -------------------------- "What are you going to do about Immigration?" he asked, Mr, Khig sald that somo foreign immigrants had come In under rails way agreements, 'But,' he gdded, "last April we Informed the ralls way companies that they must stop recruiting for the bringing In of foreign Immigrants, and they know that to ba the policy of the Governs ment," Final Prairie Meeting The meeting here last night was the final one which Premier King will hold in the Prairie Provinces, There were a number of ques tons asked during the meeting, os pecially when Mr, King wan dealing with trade, and the majority of them he answered Only in one (Continued on Page 1) Moslems Attack Hindus, Result is Serious Riot Troops and Police Rushed Into Affected Area of 150 Square Miles London Fok, July 1h Hparse Caleuttn dispatches believed to have heal bhlue-pencilled heavily hy consors to-day told of serious riot Ing In enstorn Nengal botweon Moslems and Hindus, The Dally Mall sald that an area of aver 160 square miles war af fected Ilour persons were killed and two wunded at Mymensingh, and frantie calls for help ware re gelved from Kishorgan), about 40 miles away, All avallable troops and pollea were rushed to both places, The started fighting wan sald to hay lant I'viday at Kishorgan) whan a large Moslem mob sur rounded the house of a Hindu money lender, and after an unsue consful parley on a note, looted nnd hurned the residence, noverely beating the occupants Missionary Fapelled Noston, Mass, July 10, «The Amerioan Board of Commissioners for I"oreign Missions is in receipt of a communication from J, J, Ban. ninga; nocrotary of tha Madura mis. slon, India, alleging that Rev. Ralph R, Kathahn, a missionary from the United States: was ex- polled from Indian hecause of his sympnthy with nationalist leaders, WOMAN STABBED IN TRIANGLE FIGHT, MAN IS ARRESTED Wife Finding Another Wo man in Her House Uses Knife With Effect London, Ont, July 14-1 NR Steels, resident of Wastminster township, win face oharges of aw sault dolug actual bodily harm and earrying concealed weapons, when he appears In police court to-day, The charges wore preferred by police following an altercation at hin home last evening whieh ve. sulted In Mrs, Earl MacKensle, n neighbor receiving knife wounds In the back, Hospital authorities stited to-day her condition was rerionn, According to the police, Mr Nteele, who in employed in this'sity during tha day. treturned home yentordny to find Mra, MacKenpln and Eteele in the house together, Her husband, Mrs, Steele alleged flourished a revolver and Mrs, MacKenzio attacked her using fists and feet, Necoming frightened Mra, Steele claims she ploked up a knife from a table to defend hare soll and during the melee Mra, ham, ehef, was Injured and another | dredge man was hurled into the water and | Port Arthur, wile of Injured chef, and | bisset occurred MacKensie was stabbed, Shorts Urged | on City Fathers| (By Canadian Viess Leased Wire) Jul Ottawa, 16 I he members of the Board mm Ottawn were 1rged join the movement for dom in the ing, Noulan Caughon, wi several fours in Europ | eats of tow planning and as parti; | culurly well known throughout Cans | | | | Mayor an of Control yesterday to greater free matter of men's cloth | v his made in the ter ada in this connection, appeared be Hoard white that 1 and Control shorts fore the of yester day in sisted AHH ALY weather '1 owe had as prent necs is you have shorts," was thayor Big Endurance Plane Crashes Three Occupants of "K of New Haven" Escape in Parachutes and in 8 WHS coo ible for hot linen ade of dre most | sel and! wear | \ | miment, | calves nought Blant's ¢ Wi (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Dostwick, Ga, July 16-<The monoplane KX of the New laven, crashed here today wut the occu panty escaped by use of parachutes The plane was enroute to South America on an endurance fight, Jimmy Garrigan, one of the pilots, suid the ship got beyong control after it consumed nll its gasoline that ho und his compuns fons decided to desert it, All three flonted to safety one mile from hero, The ship was demolished, The ship left Roosevelt Meld, Now York, yosterday on a refueling not-stop flight to Huenow Alrep, Garrigan was accompanied hy Garland Reed, another pilot and Randy Enslow, a pllot and radio operator, Help reached the filers soon af- ter they landed, Their ship plough. od into the ground about un mile west of Bostwick, Winner. of Fight For 48-Hour-Week Dies (My Canadian Press Leased Wire) Syracuse, N.Y, July 16. -Jamoy M. Lynch, for many torms pros dent of the International Typo. graphical Union died in hospital here thin morning of blobd infec tions, Railway Men Favor The Dole (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, July 18.-<Thy con. vention of the Intornations! Brotherhood of Stationary Fire. men and Ollars hore today went on record In favor of the institution of unemployment fhsurance in Canada and the United States and decided to join with. any other organizations to prevent the Arowht and extension of the 'power trust" on boht sides of the International border, (2) Mra, Kam Cunningham of | dradgn Primrose on board of wh $250,000 Loss as Fire Burns | Boiler Factory Spectacular Blaze Destroys | Leonard & Sons Plant in | London, Ont. (By Canadian Press - Leased Wire) London, Ont, July 10 Damage that Is Hkely to amount to $260, 000 was caused by n spectucular fire which broke out at the K, 8 Leonard and Kons boiler factory on York Street, nbhout 12.056 a.m, The five, starting in the ofMee of the plant, spesad with Hghtning rapidity and when hie firemen nr rived tho central portion of the structure was ablaze, The flames wore thought to have started through defective wiring Ax the fire spread, all available firemen from the day shift were called out to cope with the roaring flames, Col, Thbotson Leonard, head of the company, was unable to state definitely what (he Yoss would be Robert North, the night watchs man and the only person in the building at the time the fire broke out, had gone to the costs oMeo to got a drink of water when he dis ocovered the flames shooting from behind waveral ofMco draws, The flames shot high in the sky and could be weon as far west as Strathroy, Coli Leonard stated 25° men would be temporarily thrown out of employment, The firm in one of London's old. ont Industries, having hoon estab. lished in 1834 by the late Senator Efjah Leonard, PASTOR ADMITS THAT HE SHUGGLED ALIENS INTO U.S.A Sentence Suspended by Court--Said Men Going to U.S. as Students (My Canadian Press Leased Wire) Jamestown, N.Y, July 16.~Rev, Stephen Cruturos, 35, pastor of the Magyar Presbyterian Chureh, Cleves land, pleaded guilty in federal court here today to an indictment cons taining two counts charging alen smuggling, Judge Simon L. Adler imposed a fine of $500 and suspend eld a sentence of one year and one day in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta, ¢ It was charged that Mr. Cauturos, while pastor of the Hungarian Res formed Church, Welland, Ont, hy misrepresentation induced officials of the Bloomfield 'Theological: Seminary, Bloomtield, N.Y. to certify to the American consul that arrangements had been made for acceptance of two | sorvative leader, on July 7. Join Conservatives in Voting, However (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, KEng., July 16-~The MacDonnld government, after a brief flurry on the Lgyptian situn- tion, late today was plunged into dabate on a Conservative motion of consure in the House of Commons for ita fallure to provide safeguard. duties, Notice of the motion was given hy Rt, Hon, Stanley Baldwin, Con 7 The Conservatives were sure to support the- motion solidly, but it appeared doubtful If It would receive sup- port from any other quarter While there have heen many sur. prizes this session and the govern ment hus come so near defeat on more than one occasion that a slip up tonight was not impossible, most politienl observers were of the opin. lon that there was no likelihood of the government's heing overwhelm. od this time, This belief was held because of the general opinion that the Liberals will vole against the resolution ---- ce -------------- MANITOBA MARKS 60TH BIRTHDAY Premier King Hands Back to Province Its Natural Resources (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winipeg, July 16,--Manitoba yosterduy colobrated her diamond Jubilee, with Premier Mackenzie King ax one of the central figures In an impressive ceremony in front of the parliament buildings, The dominion prime minister formally handed to the premier of Manitoba the province's natural resources, and a cheque for over $4,000,000, in lien of alienated re- sources, "The title to the groat do. main which now becomes the pro- perty of Manitoba includes lands, forosts, minerals, water powers, game and fisheries which half a century ago consisted of a few isolated settloments and, equal' eral Price, At two previous trialw ike | thme jury disagreed, with a major. jy in favor of acquittal, Indian tepees, now enjoys status with older provinces, Ontario and Quebec, The province ; mons that Sidky Pasha, the preseng Fgyptian premier, and Nahas Pasha, former premier and Nationalist lead er, had been warned they would he held responsible for the protection of foreign lives and interests During rioting in Alexandria vese terday thirteen natives and one lads jan killed and natives were injured in clashes between Ege yptian soldiers and police and strike ers The Ramillies is a JO,000-ton Cese sel and is armed with eight 15-inch guns while the Queen Elizabeth is a 28,000-ton ship and also carrics eight 15-inch guns Newspapers Suspended Cairo, Egypt, July 16,1 paper Ahran today said that twa Europeang were killed and twelve others wounded in rioting vesterday at Mahomet Al Square, Alexandria, The paper also said that the gove ernment had decided to suspend the Wafdist newspapers, Al Balagh, Kaw kab El Chark, and Elyon wer Many newss R-100 IS STILL IN HER HANGER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cardington, England, July 16 Adverse winds are still preventing the removal of the glant airship, R-100, from the groat shed at Cards ington in order to prepare for the flight to Montreal, Handling parties were ordered in readiness every morning this week but the orders for today were cancelled last night owing to a forecast of unfavorable weather, It is believed there will be little chance of removing the ship from the shed before nest Saturday, ARTHUR GRIMES MAY HAVE THIRD TRIAL (Jy Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 18, == Provincia} police are Investigating evidence which may necessitate a third trial of Arthur Grimes, 23year-old or phan mmgrant, on a charge of murdering hs employer's wite, Mrs, James Stevart, on a north Grime by township farm in February, 1929. Ho is now being held in St, Catharines jall, where he has been since the time of the slaying awaits ing the decision of Attorney. Gen Fair Deal for Canadians is Bennett's Plea in Quebec BY THOMAS GREEN (Canadian Poss Stat Wreitdr) Three Rivers, July 16,~=Strong attacking the tariff policies of the Liberal administration, Hon, R, B, Bonnett closed his election came paign in Quebec here yesterday, Tho Conservative chieftain warned hin audionco against "false erios of war with India," and declared the Issue should bo faced In a straight. forward manner, "Do you helleve," the Conservas tive chieftain oxclaimed, in a fair doal, an even chance for Cana- diane? Do you believe Canadiane should have a chance to work on the raw matevials of this country In Canada?! Do you believe Cana dian industry should have the ops men as studonts at the seminary, portunity to supply the wants of Canadian consumers? If you do, vote for ug, but if you believe our boys and girls should grow up to manhood and womanhood and then have to go to the United States to find jobs, vote for the Liberals, 1 you want to give work to Japan, Crechoslovakin or somo - other country In place of Canada, vote for the Liberals." For the exodus of Canadians to the United Statos, Mr, Ronnett had caustio references, "Why," he sald, "Promfer Tascheronu sald at Queen's University that {if the num ber who had left Canada were known it would cause a surprise." One millon and a quarter Cans adians had left this country sines the advent of the King government (Continued om Page 7)

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