Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jul 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1930 PAGE NINE } SORBLED 3 A Yr A Fi ---- -- a CONANT & ANNIS, BARRIFTURE Solicitors, Notaries Publis, Ete, Conveyancing and genera) pras: Heo of Law, Offices 7% Bimeoe St, South, Oshawa, Phone 4, O, BD, Conant, BA, LLB; A V, An: ols, B.A, Lib, WB, N, BINCLAIIL K.C,, BANK of Commerce Building, JOREPH VP, MANGAN, TA --=TAT: rister, Solicitor, Notwry Publis, Conveyancer, Money to loan, Of foo 14% = King Bt, East, Oshawa, Phone 446, Residence phone KAT, GRTBHEON,™ CREIGHTON Vraser, Baryisters, Notaries Publie, ete, Office over Btandard Bank, Knlrance Bimeoe coe Bt, Phone 18, J, V, Grierson, K.0, T. K Creighton, B.A, N,. 0, Vraser, HA, LOUTH, HYMAN, DARWIATIN, Bolleltor, Notary, over Dawland's Btore, Money to loan, 16 glmeos street north, Vhone 67, Hesir dence H470W, AREER AND HOMPITRIYA BAN ristars, Bolicitors, ele, S44 Bim. cos Bt, N, Phone 8160, Money te Loan, : ALEX C, HALL, WA, BARRIS: ter, eta, Conveyanelng and general practice, 28 King Bt, [ast Phope #287, (tr) A 4, PARKHILL BARKISPER tte, Money to lean. Alger Bldg, op posite Post Ofiee Phone 1614 FRANK 8B, LBUIS, BARRISTEN, Bolleitor, Notary 'ublig, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bullding, opposite Post Office, Phone 2000, RA 6] aes SEE Medical DIN, HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 2060, Of fice hours 0 am, to B40 pm, br B, J. Haglewood, special attention to surgery and X-lay Dr, BH Harper, special attention to ehild ren's Digenses and Obstetrics, Hun. day and night onlls 8416 op 152 DR, McKAY PHYBRIOIAN, BUR goon, Accoucher, Office and yesis dence. King Bt, East, corner Vie: toria #t,, Oshawa, Phona 04 DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants apd children, Oflce and vesidence, 07 Bond Kast, Phone 1166 a - DR, DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM, LCP and B, Edinburgh, Phy: , slolan, Burgeon and Obstetrician, Oftfeo 148 Bimooe BL, Phone $080, residence 40 Cadlllae Ave, North, Phone #166, Pi, OW, GARI, PHYRIOTAN, Burgeon, Obstetrielan Office and vesidence, H14 Bimcoe Btreet north, Phone 8418, Wii DR, |. ARCHER BROWN, PHYS I+ clan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residenie, 185 Simeone Street, North. phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon PR RATALEY, VIM INATNTAN Hpecialist Diseases Domestic Anime als, Cat and Dog Hospital! 200 King West, Telephone (80, (July #1 mo,) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PROTCT, BRYANA OF 160 BLOOR Htreel West Toronto will he at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Htore each Saturday from 1 ti) 4 p.m, for consultation and treats ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments - may be made at drug store, Phone 07, A Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat BR 0, RIOHARDEON, apeelalist, < 'Offloa over Mitehell's Drug Htore, Phone 8600 and 4884, PN A TW, MOUNOE, OVER Hank of Commerce, Himooe and King, Bye, oar, nose and throat, Hours to 11,00, 8 to 6, 7 to 8.00, Phones, offlee, 167; real: dence, 04, (June 14-1 mo.) Architects U0 ATENAOUNN = ORNTNAT architeetural work, Fecond floow, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Tes, phone 000J, FENTON AND JOHNAON, AN. soclate. architects, Himooa 8, WN, Over Felt ros, Watch Repairing FAT VON OUNTEN. EXPERT fwiss watehmaker, repair shop at {44 King Atreet West, Your pat: ronage is sollelted, AND Conveyancers, N Ny Rates for Classified Ads. Firet insertion==11 oents per word, Minimum charge 800, Each subsequent 0onseol: tive Insertion lo per word, Three consecutive inser tions for thy price of two fired \napriions (three conta a word), Minimum charge or three Insertions, 60 cents, Pox number 100 additional Professional or Husinems Oarda, $9.60 per month for 20 words or less} 10 canta a word per \nonth tor eath wdditianal word, ; TIMES CLASSIFIED ADN CONT LITTLE AO QOMPLING MUG TRLRIPHONK 88 Ask tor Classified Ad Department Dental Dit, BF, VRILEIVE, OVER WAR selt's, Hpecin) attention to X-ray work, Cas extraction, Nurse in attendance, Phone 950 Houge 1338, al ne DR, HW, MW, COOKE, 0 BIMCOK BT, north, over Mitchell's Drug Blore, Gan for extrpetion, Phona bi, Dit" LH, RUBBELL, DENTIRT, Nitrous oxld oxygen gin for exiraes tions, Offige, Hoynl Bank Bldg, Phone 04K, residence 1878M, Oi JV, BROCK," DENTIRT, 10 Simeone Bt, N, over Dewland's, Phone 1067, Rew, 204W, Evenings by appointment, a DIR, LANGMAID, Dit, . DAVIES Dentists, 87 King BL, W, wpeoial attention to gas extragtion and X« ray work, Nurse In attendance, Phones 1844 and B64, ~Hematitching HEMBTITORING, COTING, nine sents # yar Pleat) ma dollar, Dresses ait and A perfectly, 'Embrodery wor Dell 8hop |} Phone 1666, a NAVAN WEWDHE BOAO0T of dancing and physloal enlture 160 Church Btreet, Lessons given each evening rom 6 pm Vor terms eall or phone B74M aL above hours (June 24-1 ma) rh ----_ lp ER eee A _____ Optometrist OG RTTUOR, OM ONBTRTET shecialist In muscle anomalies, eyesight and glassen. Author of Eye Care and Kya Brain, Fhe Uhila and Its Development Din ney Bleek opposite Pose Office Phone i616, (July 16:1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONBVANTAND WMTTIT ONTAR 10 Land surveyors and Civil Engin coll, sub-divistons, town planning, municipal engineers, Hoh or 411 Ring, Bt, ¥.° Phones 86887 on IEE] "Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT Kast, Ambilancs, Residence Hid Bimeoa street, north, Phone 8104 and g10W AA ORHAWA TURTAT. C05, MW, Armstrong & Hon, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Reryine, day and night, Phone 1088W, #1 Celina, (4th) Insurance AVI AND HON, INNORANGH, 0 King Bt, west, Oshawa, The old: gst Fire Agency In Oshawa, 10 Hes putabla Ire Companies, INT TCACTNG ~ INRUTCANCH HN, N. Johns, KO Himeoe Your Insurance wants at Interests pro sonsult nerth, tended to and your tooted ----"" Transportation ! CARTAGE AND HTORAGN COLE man's, 6 Hond weal, Hpecinliste In furniture moving storsee ware louse and moving van equipment, Phone 83, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders, Local and lonk distance hauling Hlth & Cox Phone 084, 10 Hand Hi, West OBEHAWA'Y QLDERT WHT AM: lished furniture movers, Park oad onvtage, Local and long distanee, Frank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd Mouth, Phone #16, (June 80 ae Beauty Parlors ATTY LOU PRRAMANENT WAVE Hhop, HMpecialists In permanent, finger and marcel waving, ler manent wave prices #6, $7.60. $10 and $16, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 8068, Apply KU Aimooe street north . EXPERT MARCKLLING HY BE? ty Ward at Hetty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and slam poo #1; Phone 8008, a WATHONE BARBWR AND Hanuty shop, 8 Colina Ht, We speos Inigo In ladies' hale outting, mar oelling, shampooing, facials, Mares) Bho cents, 1or appointments phone 2064, (June 10-1 mo) Radio Service mo) OUTAWA WADIO WERVIGE AC aensorien for sale, repairs on elec tele and battery wets, tubes and hatterien tested, batteries res oharged, rental supplied 81, Phone 28603, Charles Wales, 140 Rigin Rast, (July 0-1 mo) HATTORTON 0 16¢ with rental $1.00, Repaired ano rebullt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill 8t, Phone 1880W, (June 20-1 LR L h ed, Prices reasonable, batteries re. charged 0c, reutats 80 dellverad Phone J800W, Geo Burroughs, Certified Radlotrielan, (June 10:1 me) Money to Loan "TRO forty and farms, apply A, J), Park: ill, King Kast, phone 1614 TRE MONEY WH oan Arrange a frat mortgage on your vesidencu it {4 la well lo: cated, Hradley Rros, over Ward's Store, Simcoe Rt, Houth, (June 28-1 mo! Auctioneer PHONE 718) Wo I, SULLEY AUC: tioneer, 346 Simeone St. 8 Oshawa, Special attention given wrnifure sales and Farm: mplements, Your Patron ureing NEDMAT, WATRINITY, WENT: al and surgloal nursing, reasonuble Phone Whitby 608, -- dung 343 mel All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE his rule has been found necessary because of expense snd loss arising from handling » large number of smal) arsounts of this nature, For thy convenience of sustemers who find it inconvenient w come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will bring » messengsr who will receive the advertisement and collect for sams, "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT 1 Building Supplies CENENT BLOTKT, BAND AND gravel for sale="Lo tarure prompt delivery, place wders In RAVAN s of delivery date, WwW. Horrowdn'e Phone 1614 BAND, UHRAVIEI stone, algo an Phone 1070W BLACK LOOM, Kind of trneking (July 14-1 mo) | doors #1 up, » intows BICOND HAND Winlian ue, B42 un, bricks LL] Olive and Drew (140) A SF. 5 A Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS awnings, verandah curtains, tons installed I' Vaviar I'rranto Oshawa phone 1054 (Apr 10:41) AWNINGE," CUNWTAING, PLATE, all Kinds of eanvas goods, Com plete camp equipment for rent Vox Hardwarn, phone. 85 or U6 Agents for J. J ol muterinin, ALL, KIND building yi per M Carnes PORCH eanop, Turner and Bon, Peterbarn, Ontario (July <1 me.) Shoe Repairing TE HEAT PLACE WHET YOU get your shoes fixed lke new Ia hy Menken, corner Mimeoa N, and Wallam W (June #01 mo) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACOLEHORY CO, 01 KING Hireot West, Auto parts and neces gories for all makes oars Auto mobiles hought for wreoking, Phone 80604 (June Eh-1mn,) QITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Co, New and used parts and nes gessories, oars, trucks, prices rep sonable] oars wanted hone BOROW, 10:17 Bond Bireot West, (June 46-1 mo) an a aS Contracting OONTIACTING UONOWETE plastering, eleotrio 0, Allerations Phone 180 for estimates, (lien) Falmist MADAM nrOWN, PALMIET Phone appointments BOOK bi Lioulsn Hireet | June #1 mol MADAME RENA, PALMIAT, A446 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone aw, (Julyfi-1 mo.) a A RA » EE aS Spirella Corsetiore FPTHRL CA TARE STH TORTI diseriminating woman and miss Phone Mra; Blatter for demonstra: top #1°°M, (Junefisl mo) Work Wanted CONCRETE WORK, CHLLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road ways, sand, gravel, olnders, Ohris Graham, Phone S6R1IM, (July #1 mo) NW TOOTSIE. vou Ann hothered with eookronehes, T will rid your house of thom, 140 Olive Ave, Phone 1748K (July 161 mo) Caulking EVERY HOME -- HHOUTH In oaulked around the door and wine dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out oold alr, draughts, fle, soot Adds comfort, preserves frames, J, H, Lawson, Phone TRARY, (July 10-1meo,) Articles For Sale MIAKD HAKL AND BQ I WOU sibs, $450 per load. Also bone dry budy woed Waterous Meek Limind Phone | 288 Ant ni FOR WALE-=HEINTZMAN CO Ltd, planos, new and used pinnos, aloo radios, lutest models; terms nrrnnged, Apply OG, T'rull Phone Ohh (Lihat) FOR HALE == PAINTH, VARN lshes, We have the largest assory ment of palnts, varnishes, eto, In In the eity, The Paint Bore, KO King street west (Apr, 4b th) JAND, GR7 VEL "BTONE,™ 015 ders, binek loam, $4.67 por yard For quality and service phone kn sry Pros, 888 rv 11 (Muy Bil) GRAVEL AND BAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel $1.60 Bereened sand 81.76. Prompt de Hyery, Phone D80KIE alter b pw (July 10<1 mon, ) BROWN LLOYD BARBY CARRIAGR for sale, Cheap for cash Abily #1 Burke Hireel (1d) FOR RALE= LAW WATN AND chicken coop, Immediate removal Murdoch, 47 Warren Ave, (Ldn) NONTHORWNCY EHEWRTEN von pile, 420 Nassau Bt, Phone 3000 W (140) FO FAT ATOV OT TR 00010 condition, Phone gaudy FOR WACH=TATE cauliflower and celery Prince Mt (109) CAHBAU, plants (1) For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD orn suites (neluding eleotrlo refrig oration stove, laundry conven onoen, ote, contindous hot walor supplied, Apply Bupt, phone #671, or The Trusts and Guarantes Co Lid, manager for owner, Taranto -- I .,, / (87-11) FOI WENT=ATANTMENT, (EN: tral, 6 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences lense or hy Lhe month, Hox 744 Times, (168t1) CHERNTOL AFARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, hy the month or year, Hox 741 Times. : (16010) APXHTN ENT, FORNIRHRN OR unfurnished, Kvery convenlence Phone 1560 or BRATW : c (on VOI WRIT TIE OOM flat, gan, electric and telephone, All newly decorated 248 Hruee Bt, I'hane Hiaw, (1 ) FORT RENT==0" ROOMN, OEN tral, Kvery oonvenlence, Phone IAW, _ (110) ARVIN ROOM HRTOR™ VENER house, bullet In euphoned All convenlences newly decorated Possession al ones Apply 10M Bloor West, (180), AMATE TOUR, ORNTHATEY Inoated, reasonable, 18 Kigin Bt HW, Phone J0680, Al onee (180) UNFURNIEHED ROOMH, possession, reasonable vent, Apply 00h Fredoriok Hivest Phone 4807, 3 ~~ {1he) HITAAT, OGWAN, FRONT Two room bachelor apartinen', Very central, Private convenlence, Hol water, room service, 06 Centra At, Sa 4 (180) FT ROON HOUR FOR RENT Phone 28004, (180) THRIK Immediate ELLA CINDERS--An Aimless Fellow erent CONCESSIONS. i » ad ment ler See Ty Ov Oe --_ 1 sPeMD A LOT on NEVER, WAVE ANY WY EES INA RNG EL i AN AR 3 For Rent VORRIRHED RINGUE WOO, §7 poy week, 65 Gibh feel, ( 126) HOURERTRPING ROOMA," WUT: awhile for young couple, Apply 446 Bululle Ave, Phone nm, (140) WONG AT O=TOWTOP AVE, WENT veagonahle Lo responsible party, Apply I, J, MeCulloeh, Cream of Burley Camp, Bowmanville, (18a) VOR HENT=NEW GATAGT, Apply 166 Arthur BL, or Phone 1446M, (126) TO RENT=NICETY VORNIEH KD hedeoom, single or double, every convenience, very central, Apply 178 Contre sirest, hone 4600, (180) APARTMENT TO TET, CENTRAL All gonyeniences, hardwood floors Apply Bradley Bros, (Lr) EE FF Sqg For Sale or Rent OTT ROOM HOTRE ON" VIN dun Road, Apply bd Broek Hi Want (140) " Wanted To Buy CLEAN BOTTLES WANTED VOR eauh, Including ketchup, vinegnr, wine, plekls and lrse yadish, Alno jam Jars, Phone 074W (July 141 mo) Help Wanted--Female WANTRO=SOAVABLI PROTA unt middie aged housekeeper tor small family, live In. Apply W Bond Bt, West, (hie) "Room and Board OOM AND BOARD IN PIIVATI family Vary ventral Ali Miy wie tu rent, Phone 10 J (1h) 'Wanted THORK WHO AIRY TROVRLE with some chronle athment, such AS NOIVAURNEEN, palRlIysin, varioone valns, goltre, urehiritin, heart wankness, rheumatism Phone SOO for a free trsatinent in yo'n home, Tune In on Theron Health Talks, over station CFI Monday, Wednesday and Vriday LAO pm, Theranold of Osithwa 164 William Htreet Mast (June Motor Cars OUT YOUIT aA WARITED™ AT Dominton Garage, k% Bond #trect west, Phone BLUE, All oars AL oie price $1.00 (June 14:1 mol FOR FALECARL FOR DELIV ory work or gavdepcr, tood eon dition, Very oheap for cash, BO Miplo Hires (11) ONE T0ds CHEV, DUMP THU) tar salu, Cheap, Phone S101 (130) oh gh:1 wma a ko Notice DIR, TIHUNA'S HERBAL HTORK maved to Bimeas Mouth, Uoarner Mill, Herbal Remedios for various Allments eontinued hy same fam ons Herbalist (duly dbl mo) RE PUA 5 PAS § a For Sale or Exchange ON RINTETONHTTIWAY, TOUR fst and Hervies Wiatlon, A Cabin bhenuttul new Tug Brick Home with Wleetrle Huhta and hath, and 6 nores of excellant land, nu Heal pot for Hmall frolte, will eonsidor house In Oshawa for exchange Phone J470 (180) FOR BALE OR EXCHANGK Canntry store for Oshawas prop erty, 84.000. B1.000 stoek, Mons) maker, Murdoch, 87 Warren Ave (180) TE Pets and Live Stock CHINCHILLA RARRITH MAKE good peta for the ehildren, A few pairs vendy B00 per pale, Apply Hayward Murdoeh, 37 Warren Ave (180) dE Ae a - had Second Hand Dealer AIOOND ITAND DRALER Wh hy and sell weed furniture, stoves nnd tools Phone 1080, M, Collis, MN ohureh Wt (July 16-1 mo) TARR rr WR pd iy a Lost and Found FORTE AT TAR NVIEW IVARKR, Hunday, white gold wrist watoh ol with rhinestones and ame thysts, Keepsake, Howard, Pinder return to 181 Colborne Bt, Kast (tim Painting and Decorating NOUTHOLW, FIRE OLARK PA porhanger, painting and pratning, Prices right, work guaranteed, 140 Pine Ave, phone J066w or 20ATw (Tain Getting Acquainted By Thornton W. Burgess m----ry Tao strangers always be to) You'll find it wise as Ar right, wo erry Mushy -- On the hank of the Smiling Vou wit Peter Rabbit perfectly still, On one end of an old log, whieh was half in and half out ef water, sat Jerry Muskrat, He, too, was perfect ly still, Both were watehing the ap proach of a beautiful white stranger With slow, stately steps the stranger wih drawl near, At times hie stood perfectly still for so long that Veter Wali nearly lost patience, "I'wiee his Jong neek shot forward and his vellow bill seized somethiug In the water, Ones. it was a hall -grown frog) once It wis wn minnow, The white stranger wis fishing AL Tust the stranger wis near en He had not seen Jerry, nor con Veter, Had they moved Httle, the keen eyes of the trunger would have seen them In plantly Ao last Peter ventured to thump lightly, Instantly the stranger Ending at him with susplelous f Fxcuse we" said Veter; "1 inst he un stranger here iiing Poal" trannger looked at Peter very do you think sal" he lon ough lind he fyer an Viy ed centise | visit the Smiling ool noand never hive | seen you he replied Veter And | live right here In he Bil i Pood' squeaked Jerry Muskrat, wid never have | seen you he fore" he stranger turned un pale ol birlght - eyes on Jerry, "Hella!" sald he, "1 begin to feel more at home here are many of your family down here | eame from." You mean," said Jerry, ther many miuskrats 1" Phat's 11," replied the stranger Fhat's what 1 mean, } always feel at home with a few Muskriats a Fond It you please," fore "hat J'osnid Peter in his most polite munwer, "I would: like to kiow who you are, | am Peter Rab hit here th with @# twinkle In the eyes tranger, "I am pleased to oi, Peter Rabbit," sald he, "i ret the White Heron" you were a Heron!" erled Jerry Muskrat. "You must he a ¢ou in to Longlegs the Great Blue Her | he stranger nodded, "1 am," sald hi ined 1am cousin to all the rest afl the Heron I'here are several of them, you know." "And vou are a stranger here, are none oeried Peter "Absolutely, Peter, never was here before in my He It Ih a very pleasant plave here and the Hospital PRIVATE HORPITAL, Myron street, vaopened June #1, Jd. M, MoKae, IN, superintends ent, Phone B60, Whithy, (July 18:1 mo) Bi a a Room and Board Wanted WANTED ROOM AND ROARD In private home for two young men, Must be centradly loeated, plate prige, Hox 706 Thnes (14a) WANTET TOOK AND HOAND with private family, North of King Bi, Apply Hox 764 Times Ee _- ---- SAA WIHITRY (10h) "Real Estate For Sale TON NATIT Mind Ing lots, close In, A barain for cash, Call 316 Allce street, Phone 1718W, (1h) Auction Sale AUETTONTNATIE=="WAVING whe colved ingtruotions to sell at V1 (bbe street, Oshawa, on Thurs dny, July 17, 1080, the following goods, beds complete, drensars, congoleums, china cabinet, kitehen tabla and ehales, place cheater: fiold suite, Quebes cook wlove, heater; a quantity of dishes aud conking utensils, 3 soreen doors, Other things toa numerous to montion, Hale at 1.80 pm, Terma onsh, Wo 0 Mulley, Auctioneer, (18h) | absolutely} | PHBE YOUNG, 1 4h Prince S Oshawa, Ont Sd -------- po HANDWOOH VIDOE Laid by expert weshanics, Old 'lool finished Hke new, Ge. 1 Contractors, nm W. HAYNIS 10 King wt, West Phone 481 « Hesidence BOTHW y : ki "I think you must be a stranger here at the Smiling Peel prr---------- a ,--oo fishing seems good," Vgret spoke In uovery croaking sart of voles "Wave you heen over on the Big River PV fu red Jerry Muskrat Vgret nodded, "1 followed the Mig RiveY to get here" sald he | "Why hisven't vou ever dane It he fare inquired Veter "I have never before," replied heen sa fur north Igret, "I've heard tell of how my fanny used to sone, as fur north us this fn the days of long ago, but this is the hrst thine {1 have ventured up this way" "Did you some up alone" Jerry Muskrat "No replied Vgret, "a few of my friends came along with me" "I hope now that you are here that you will stay," sald Peter, and he sid 1 very nleely, as if he really meant It; which he did hank you," replied Kgret depends on the fishing" (Copyright, 1930, TW. Burges) Inqulr wl "Tt all "Paret's. Sad Bory, next story ROYAL YORK 0 re Tea |e 286 At all Superior Stores Wa hive for exchange ono and ONeguarier nores with sevens voum feame house, with furs naoe, electric ght avallable, hard and soft water, small han with hen house and pig pen, plenty of small frat, quarter of mile from Provincial Highway, close to school und chuveh, This propevty Is priced nt BBROO.00 und the owner will exchange foy #4 or Bb roomed house ouside of the City of Oshawn, Your property must he worth what ou are neking for jt, DISNKY {HAL ENTATY, Oshawa, Mone 1580, | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Good Weather Ahead! Let me finance yous=Addis tional Cush Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANM Roown 6, 14 King Nt, Kast wa -- I A TT SY FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT fenition, clean und ad nAJust carburetor Cars, 1088 to Cheek Just points, on Chevrolet 1080 models Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 00 Bimcos Bb, South w Men's and Noys' Al Wool | Bathing Hulls Bpooinl p $1.95 Dominion Clothing Co. | | OW King Bt. We Phone 8141 COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard Moor Atrest B Ovders romptly Delivered Ra ku AM . LL) Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARUR NOTHING 100 SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 101 King Nt, W, Phone 1014 - . Dho CAREW LUMBER (© 1 ATHOL STW OSHAWA | Hi Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner | Expert Watch Re iring , BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts, LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard hone Oshawa 804 Whithy 18 Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegle Ave. Phone 1088 w-- LS home RYESIONT MRCIALINY ly 1h wuss aresiaht and gloves Wit Phoussibit Disney Block "Opals Ret Offa a es Ea taal EE A

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