Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jul 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT , , THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1930 SENIOR LACROSSE GAME HERE TONIGHT-CHEVS IN HITTING MOOD A ------------ ---- i. Sam BIRT General Motors Team | PIGEON RACING || nations, | Chev. Ladies Slugg ed Faces Stiff Battle in a ot mews SPORT SNAPSHOTS fi| teacue Out 24 to 5 role from Veru, Ind, UNA, on sy fine distance of 406 miles I" win | " oe | . Lacrosse Game Tonight! um di vio ii | TN Over Chosen Friends Ad FR rr CHEVS, DEFEAT CHOSEN FRIENDS is Rg TR lag Edda Ho HA only one bivd nrvived home In Yao FY A ih following ot favs is ua {ie, LAL ons hylng nel viong Bihan 4 Cieten lands valkas " va " Wildy Roven vestardey id ha Brovitys faving Chave, Indy wolthullinste art Chevys segred al least one run 7 > 1 ) 0, but they found the Chew, # horse of another ' / kK / . wsatad to be on hand ai Motor City FINAL STANDING IN ing to Bramley Jros lo the tune of 2 tu 10, b y to 0, Pie Traynor's single in the | their was 24:5 ve Chow | In every inning, Ny scoring fon f ' ' 1 voir way Lo 44:5 verdict over Chos stadium from Torento tonight to LADIES' LEAGUE hit the conditions wars bad dx | color ut the Motor City Stadium Tis might, Buse Wits ving off the woond Inning was the only Pirate len Friends tn 0 postponed game ut | rans in the first and five In tha 106 the (hivd visit focally of the quite evident by the fact OAL O08 | Chey, hits In every Inning and the score ooked Viku w erleket weore, Ini, Traynor died stealing fn 108 | Motor City Stadium ast night, | #ocond they were Away to # goo Frad = Whitimora's #t, Simon's long bivd only New it the tiie of Phese Uhove wre hard to stop when they get golng. Chevs, will now third, oEngle walked and wan 10] (herahy winning the right to meet | HarS and vers noyer headed, I'he vin fay ment ianatut Motors Team Won Lost PA jor ards i Jul duns n.. meet the stroms Ontarle Mallcables in she phayelf of the first lull of * Jonly Pirate loft on ba of Engin tod Ontario Matieshin inn sudden | Wonk spol on tire Chas Filends y : a ' f " . / ) next 4 : i ' ' yr HP) 11a Meheduieg ! Chevys, r A A a4i 1% | " ih : Brom 408.68 1 the schedule on Friday wight at the Stadism, On the list vecaslon ay. in thi ming nnd the ne " denth game which will be played | Vie up seemed 10 he between A i Milloubles 0/0 4 ' LL amioy Wy 123.04 ! 9% 40 4 " Pinion wont ont fn order IY | ow Vridny night, for the champion. | ond and Dhird, Many ground balls Lowal interest also Ausives 4 | whjgpy er 3 1 148 when these two tems met, the Chevs, absorbed w 23 to 3 defeat, The Lg7 hatemen tacad tie Brooklyn gin of tha frst half of the Oshawa | went through thls sector for y pitcher Ladies' Hofthul) Teague, Chevy | earned jill Tha crowd wers on coodly mensuye of support for the | ¢hose ' a gine on Vid fiould be oud n Vriends 2 1 A408 - Wii i Vriduy should be goo : Motor boys who avn ont (0 tien . est atc Mudd PEP va ind all Che way and with Viv, Fl. |e side of (ha losers and never gn': n another game such as that dis ' "ow rh el TTL HOOKIK, WITH HAD Hott back In the box for them, | un their rabid yooting tH) the lax Chevys, and Malleablos play off GMC, Vu, BT, SIMON'S TO-NIGH New " Ily 16, =Tany Cues | thay were practically faultless on | hatter wan out, Two plays in par fy played against Bt, Kimon's on thelr 4 I) . 1 D . visit here n week ago Inst Batuy ht Meloy Sly Satium on Friar, n S mn raw Ihe Generw! Motors Senior Laciosse Club entertiuinm 4 mon's ainelo's batting featured = Cinein | the feld teulnr stand out a8 worthy of pi half + 100 } i ul Torunto, at the Motor City Stadium tonight, The game is called nall's 14 to 8 victory over the New note in paseing, 'The cateh mads noovder to make sure of a plies d 0M I! fry | sted Lietwe the two 1] York Giants Jers yertierdn) (118 | w------------ -- hy Miss Wilcox, playing- first for , Leads, Ving, July 10 I'he mom for 6 pm NEE FIVIRITY Has CRINLE wiween tn ' CIEE [4] : K nthe play-ofis, tonaral Motors ave uneatisfaetory (ost erieket match in ont, and with Brampton out in front" toss for the GMC, outfit will uinelto, Hedy' rookl third hase | Wikln presentog hiv report of the the lowers In Aha ast of the eighth Rut to win tig battle in no unter INTERNATIONAL modern tmes closed to-doy In fat bir relly us AW the. ether hand will place them in second | THAN, Avove fn wiv vines with # | yous aotivities, woneluding with | wis no pli, Miss Wilcox vin back tain manner, while st. Himon's, ' nt nppenln unainst poor Hint von. | Vo 1eatly aEHIBUA Ol Ne. 3 pe : nd Awingle, doubls, home vin wud wee |g" guiuited fiance) statement | With her buck to the Infield ard with thelr backs to the wall in a LEAGUE ditions ni Hondingley, when there place, The toe) team defeated the Bt. Simons twelve on their last ritice fl which was favorably vecelyed, Har. | snared the fy, WB, Morgan made | | fue eateh for the Cheve In the | | shily greater axtent, have a sim only: remuined 20 minutes of play appearance here by uw good margin, The Salnts wre bringing u line | mony was the keynote of the gnth far ambition hefore them With | ine time, Many thought the Aww 0 in whieh "Dewey" he is und Mie Leighton ure included, so that CABDINALN WIN | ering, nvery one prasunt expressing | 17st of the ninth, whan she van he end of (the seheduln now less NED WINGS GAIN tentinng, nivendy deprived of all th GML will have to work for all the gouls tie ny "hiladelphin, July 14 Ihe BL | uheolute confidence in the direct: | back and canght un 18XAH leaguer han four wanky AVAY ik Wa | Hoehester, July 10,==Nochester | ehnnes of yvietory hy the wether, 4 . s 3 Louis Cntdins wal fr WLI | orate and team with ona hand longue rues one of the closest In| eainag wn (ull game on Its threy | might have heen given tha sathsfi gama rom indaiphin Hory During his address Mr, Blekla | he Chaves dese y on Astory, eveyy ganna hie un import ef 4 ah In yi futarng: | Hon of playing out the mateh with AARABN IN Conou RG veaterdny afternoon, 7 to 6, minke bgoiiod to the growth of the al [ina rh Smtarvel thals win or ing the Tools still deeper In IN8 | yandanes figures of the Nationa) | aver. mi the Chasen Friends mans ant heaving on the standing of (he § our fungus chins Yosierdiay nf- | England to the end, 10 would Linve A o Wie plaving in Cobourg this evening and should pull out a Natl mn 1 y \ y colli eapective teams and Doth AEEYOR: | japnoon, when (he fied Wings de | boon a gesture they would Lave un 3 first trip to Oshawa the Coburg team has heen Natlonul League collar Tonpu game, while Conny | yo errors to help them on their Athans are determined to @ive Wk pagieg (he Waltimaye Orioles 11 to [doubledly taken an AD HesUTRnCS ( { ( . Burtelgh-tirimon pituhind for Hh mythe Touched upon the team Vil he power of the Chaves bats hey have fn the final drive whieh fo 3 4 gingging contest of England's wngrudging pirit without the) wr pitcher and several other player wough Injuries visttors, and although touched 'for | oi, qiy patntfons with the amal | may he gauged 4n soma extent in o- now tinder way, for the vight | = pyieythves hits for a total of | wheres ft now sppenrs the Home | sistained in itor weeident fh mies hive been close, hay 10 hit, wan affective with men on | ob narities of the OHA, and | (ha fig van ot the number of times 0 fgure In the play-offs | ses wore hammered ont in {lend teem muda everything to oh | ; \ vis ; ELUrn fLame [1 biwas ond minagad to survive the | po may 4 th : k v i i" ny W & bing " . an ly Ing il y ' / / it Lhe players ) [ig ih na Ab 18d | (ie wild game which siw Joches | straet them, it Ie being -argied, | luyed | urd | | ied ard hese two ire You's {| Mr, $mythe was veelactod or | jad 51 batters at the plate during to be al full strength and a arue ! 4 awever, neither 01 amerpoid 4 | / ig. Direct contrat | HE fl RUMBA? of {atta Thotid LIRA od ter come from hehiod three (Imes Have Nf hi the A Jo . riod | |. the schedule i the vill eommmence almost im CUM BEAK KVEN | a ing | ire lh of ( any the game to the 42, who went vip i ' to win the start graeafully fro nomi | Hieeat foston, duly hbo Osborn | POIng extended for u fur her pore | roe (the Chosen friends, The losers vantage nf this senior Iwilhieht | wera plgnw of plies among tho Aus | mediate ' pitehed the Chiengn Cubs tg a Bh to lod of two years, My, Bmiytho ha vern at the mercy of the Choy ure whi ' faved, ' | y " 0 ACOYeN ) ' ; gti HANA qd 4 ) " ) ' : Hutre wit hi bi ih : fod Ihe SIERTERR GO DOWN thin ih Pt I a dy Vi . HA { ' 4 victory over the Doston Braves haan respansihin fer the team twirler who stroek ong 11, More W | a plane ) glune ) ) "w nm y | A ' Motor City ftadiim | Buffalo, July 10. Polling oul iby vie v y iy 3 J OSHAWA NATIONALS PLAY BATURDAY hare yesterduy and nn oven hrewk Kridup) impro am! nn payi poweP tn Elliott "arm In the | 10 base Bits of houvy and timely Cshavin Nations! vet the strong Ash Highlanders team from Te In the four-gama seri a ' ¥ , Siig ol | Viny-on A Walker lot A ' ' PS uo Ye heen istramenta no sola WAVE X yn ; 0 | variety, the Buffalo Bison register ranto on Baturday. of this week EE i assitred of a Cabby Hartnett drove his 20th ye I nl on) (he got the only home run of Cuba Buying From ei thelr second vietory In us + . . i ' home vin of the season aver the ( rh A nein) w the game fn the ast of the eight, many nights over the Jersey City AMERICAN | une, full of good hedulad for 330 [oantre tinld Wenchars in the sixth | 10 National League circles Con feore hy innings | t for training on after Grimm had single Mite hy [nies Judgment of young plays en I 001 002 200 " Canada as Protest HACK CALS hy 0 i ' 'AGUE Miged playe Hiaek Cats hy a count of 121 LEAGUE | wil meat ul Cuvier, Wilson and Steplionson ae. | tanks aeo-high, the Leafs hol 451 148 25x » ho oy ! WM Against U.S. Tariff KEYN BEAT HOYNIN -- p-- np fa4nted for thea rune suriiey 1 40/nl dares fa bast young team Mo ne ups " 0 ' 108 6 KAM Chosen Friends Moody rf, 104 | | London, Ont lly 16-11 Montreal, July 16,=The Road ATE THON SWEEP sERIES | ' ' + HH ' "ing Keys tied up thelr sories with Lola Jul He Tle ARRANG ' ' ' \ |. Mnowden e.; , Bibloek 8b, nj tas NGING MANN CUP SERIES ni | # I. Neesca 2h A. Fisher p, Bh; K, drive hy United intas Lurifr | gy ie Hoyals by winning the second Ath Hrowns wore held hitloss by \ | ~: po y JIT § NH OANEAL 4 n 5 ther fruit trees have heen planted : framers weainst nations eneakod | Lume of the series hero yosterday | two Philadelphin pitehors anil he Although castern lacrosse Is oily at mid season stage plans are Smt 1¢€ Given hn tha Olver Faby 0 ant al Mock nn, Wilson M,:- J, Mors A | nf WwW. Wileox, 1h Mind valley, this spring, the heaviest | #00, ° I In trade with the UR in helplos | gfiernoon, 6 to 9 1st of the minth yesterday in the dready being mnde for the Canadian championships und Mann Cup ! I {hada hn ! . h W h a Turke, Nelson Graonn (urned fn [fine] game of tho series, Which tha es to be held In the Fast this year. AF. Lyon, pastopresident of New Contract spring planting in the last five Farrell replaced Miss Fisher in the ubnae Jossn hy dutie IF IRAY La fine hurting fob until the ninth, | Athietion won 11 ta 4, for 8 clean e OALA. his been iin: taueh with the Western clubs and arraig . yours, The number of fruit tre third bv fib Ihe ailudad | adi when he ost his temper over Um ween of tha four voniest Labi winds ta tlav this Dom las 'with: the Yakt wiort By Maple Leafs now In the disteiet totals 150,000 Cheyrolets-- 1, Goold 1h) y Narang th by nrodics ot Amer, | [Ure Darra decisions on halls and Nari i alii iy ye 31 . A number of now settlers hive mov. | Kennedy 8h; B, Efllott oj M, Kis J { ) aduee of Ame a 3 . 4 h 3 m tadium, on e last day 1 F t p ' y Iran ovigin and Ri looking with a strikes and almost ont tho game YANKN WIN ; 1H ! : hE \ Hie | Hurday In August, La Toronto, July 10, The shara-|ed fn and purchased land during [Mort gh; V, Eliott pj A, Walker friendly eye to whut Canada ha Chiengo, July 1h,=Th ow ) and. un the following Wednesday, H necessary, Brampton holders of the Toronto Maple Leaf | the past three months 4 Li ef} B, Morgan ss} ulton rf, York Yankews nohioved u inning red to wih the Fast with thelr re kable record at the Hockey ot 11 | con in offer, ald dames Cormiol BAS \ OF : ay ; ed to win In th it Wi voremnrkab ied at the top nekey uh m \ Annual cot . TA 10 orn EBALL RESULTS margin In the fnnigural sel [1] A | Vike! by for clave yesterday alt the offices of rhe worst thing parents ian Umpires Dell and Garrow, Seon Canadian trade commissioner Lo al the OAL standings, although Oshawa, tn rivals tha western toi yeslorday when | ) ny " Del Cuba, here INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE thay took tho sisth and final game | the Faeelsiory in the Ontario finals, my be stronger neat month, Good the club, President FKdward W.|say about a sultor is praise er 1 0, Hoare wa fmpeyiant Hans hutter Yesterday's Hosulls of the pore with the Chicago | yeports have also been received of Ottawa and Quebec teams find BEN, ATR now hoginping (0 go Wan Lost D.C | White Ho Ota bh It wan the Westidnster Salmon Wellies are the pick of the West for the team of Inte Cuba from Canada Rouliester Yay ons Ltontth Now York vieto! | : » s Baltimore ; B5 AD HMM [last year Hin Bxeslleney, Viscount Willing | Montreal viol AD Jl MARBEIIY. KEFECTIVE considered lon, Governor Cenaral of Canada, | Toronto aay TY Detroit, July 16. 1p' Mar mp LL heen elected honorary president | Buffalo ' 'a t4 AD ATH [berry held tha Detroit Tigers to 5 | of the Canadan Jersey Cattle Club, | Newark ' ' ) Ml A907 |wonttered hits and applied the i darsey Ul AD BO A840 | whitewash hers yesterda the Reading | it 8 170 | Washington Henators winning 4 to t a 4 sr) Toronto Leafs Lose 0 Yesterday's Nesulis 0, 1 was Marherey's fifth cous NEaig e ruuie,sesrir] Gitte Win And: Lanih of he Tu Newark in Second Game Roehesior HL Baltimore 00 { Buffalo +18 Jaraay Clty , 1 HORTON WON FROM INDIANS mr -------------- ME Wy 4 pvolang Hy J ea Hoste Taron July 14 It Aa woh AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland, July 14 he Hoston 1 no haiy Hi vata wi MINISTER ADMITS lf Won Lost 1'0, | Red Hox defeated the Cleveland In | bly plieher ; pros * hilgdelphin BE 20 087 | diane here yesterday: in the fourth [against Newark yesterday In Wa gteliths ' ha ih iol di Inst gums of tha rie 14 tol location of the plate Was value and SMUGGLING ALIENS New York oo th 0h LENE] Claveland won the first three [when he did get the ball over he | Claveland + even. 49 43 500 [mamas [cauldn't foul the Hears a Hitle bit | pelagehurg, July 18. A minis Datrelt ar 80 AR A486 Clint Brown, Inding pitaher, w | He dign't last through the third | (ap of the gospel who employed his Chicago ' 14 BO 100 | pounded from the hoax bn the GFE inning . position and church to smugksh Ft, Louis ' d8 M 170 [and Walter Dean took his place, | Hut (f the southpaw's care, in A [aliens 1fto the United Ktates In in Noaston 11 ha 114 | Arown allowed tha Box elght WUE pitehing way, Wan pathetic, It] mil in Buffalo facing a term an Yesterday's Hesults which they turned Into eight of | wasn't any more so than that of his high as ten years in the penitent] Philadelphia 11 tf, Louls . f | thelr pine tonm mutes in a hitting way. Lefty [ary | Now York hn Chlongo Wl Faulkner an old friend had the He fs Neverand Ktephen Cautol Loafe, at least most of them, Ying | on, former pastor of the Hungar Hoaton 1 Ulaveland ' . ' IGHT Washington 0 Detrol aad down and playing dead fan Presbytorian Chureh in Wei NATIONAL LEAGUR No with Page's wildness and ins | land, who lell that place Lwe years | apict Ke Sve | . Won Lost P.O | affeotiveness ennbling the Neais to [ago to wesime A New pastorate in | Brook vn A% M0 LD i N wot up A flyecrun lead fn the CIYAL | Cleveland, He has already ploaded ghunies en Over. 20.000 apple, peach A ow ARR ' ESO. a) is been strengthened, whthough Winnipeg Argos are also serious contenders for the famous troph Farente Mail nar d coup Chicagn ET RELL Ih nl 5 threes Innings and with the Leafs | gutlty to two counts of smu -- INOW York sssaver tll 7 V8 using their bate un If they were | giing aliens into"the United States . " ula with velliek Bt, Louis svivivan i 8! 31 taothploks, the second game of the {aver the ence -bridee, Youth must be served'... ing. laughter ant || Moston threes. / orien went to (ha enemy from Now | for youth sets the pace in fon, IF you are not ERLE TT ER RR i Jetway, 6 to 1, (hat | Contrast for the erection of a business and pleasure , + and \ \ " \ ) an! } married find out Cinolnnnt| cea fh | y It A) " pel Jeet 0 a 2,600,000 hushal grain storage ele crowns his coming into man's AHO . | Phiadelphia RERLL : Fai ne " Hh id fea hits, | Yator at Churelill, on the Hudson estate by smoking olgars YL Yostorday's Nonlin "> ot a | Tiny, haw hoon awarded by the Can real smoke and a man's job, > ; tgred. They would have ) | Cinelnnati 14 New York : widely nontlp 1, Mi, Louis oo 7 Philadelphia «oof vin inte thely ninth shutout of the adian governmen hoenrn 8 Rosten UL ROUAON IF LOELY INL 00 COTY | ton nso ms Rrookiyn «8 Plttahurg 0 plokod- up a streak of wildnoss in : | . Called | : : the ninth and passed threa men E' b ae Toat's Lone Hun TINY TIM | VY PEOP E Vs, PEERS wld 8) . Faulkner walked iattia wilh | ma out Then Burke made a 0 pd . . Ahead ph 'another wilk to MINATURE : WITH { fll the bases, Harris scored on "IN ENGLAND Cotas waoriticn. tly and Phillips MYA NK er ) a LO hh ' hand wot LhAL Wa for | "The cigar that's made good " Aomeonn to set up & home van, But SHOW CANCELLED Lords' Refusal to Pam Coal Nome runs are a luxury the Leafs I THURSDAY & FRIDAY Mines Bill Subject of y f fcrk nd, one fd, aot how uh 'he ¢ Ar a nator of Publis Gibao nd flied out to Hhinnera [ Ei itront \ Attack or in er PH 18 2 for 23, 10e, straight THEATRE RENTED vor " ---- i toll weapped) ei rma POLITICAL MEETINGS Londen, July 18,'Tha Dally ) Fisheries In the provinea of Herald, Labor organ, today launch Neitieh Columbia ave a considers Holes od an anthLords campaign as a J , Ap ) 0 . . ID, VANUR able industry, an indloated by the D | Adin hopy of the reheated PE Dominion Faplorom' pilot, who | figures for 1020, In that year the for 28¢, ' i iv ae flouse. of Lords to "iag™ in "an aevoplane mishap, | production was valued ai over N M i An HI while landing In fog at Wunter's [422,000,000, of which salmon wo. THE PLACE \ » "ww wo WwW : Way, ona ong of Great Boar [vounted for 811,867,000, he in - : e art n Nitin 16 Seven And A halthour Lake, on hy 14, He wan thrown | veatmoent in the Industry In atime Opposite Genosha Hotel MILD ny MODERN METHODS BRR \ foom the cookplt and drowned, [ated to be $01,000,000, and there And "The Peers v. Tha People' \ THURS, and FRI Bi the (ssue upon whieh the hor C--O YS VR A A avarnment will, most probably, | § 3 ' THE seek Ui wage a Aon slstion BRINGING UP FATHER ' campalEn =n campaign which | Ty HID TEN DOLL Ww " + ear A -- HL ae I, re political commentators Kenerally Whol Sst ARK oR oT LIEBE | RIND AE Ar! | GRE WOU ARE GO AMEAD! 1) £XPOC Lo xen under way before the WH Ruth BEFORE MAGG\F TRYING TO PIC OUT NOT DIS TURR ICING VIAN [| nd of tha year Was A A BOOK TO READ - y 150, wtraight ho moat serious challenge to Vn ot |) pe p Cc y Ia hep Bo Comedy Drama the popular will since the Mouse ? ' A \ p : 2 fr : Livia tides. ant Ginorge'sn J ESS ¢ Mf pind - " wople's' budget o on" 1a the Rr ed a 4 OLD BLACK JOE® "| faves. tuiset 'or, 10%0" ithe a '& | : ' Nyy wolthern Kehoe aotlon of the Upper Mouse, whieh, [| | gl yesterday vatused to pans the seven ll y and a halbshour rk t aad Liked -- FOX NEWS [1300 Mavs tore ive fine" || | a a won pe COMEDY It ix interesting to note that FRENCH KISSES" [| Wivioer has meow in 10 sears ' PINON VAR: ran thO Ih tre. Some Jost Tina Today period of time its manufactured A Play With Musto rom $0,400,008 to $136.000,000 The Climax Rirds sing more Avenlly when it ". // hn in raining, vars an ornithologist, It wr ' 4 C 48 Just the Ume for Hauid potest

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