Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1930, p. 7

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i : : THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 PAGE SEVEN | Latest News of Stock Markets, Grain and Produce Exchanges Produce Prices in the CANADIAN WHEAT guad donmants, awing he 'Commercial Markets ACREAGE REDUCED with the Jobless gltuation PRODUOK [TORONTO Is 3 Por Cont, Lower Than Not Yo Vmer Candidate pi onte ovis dealers are ih Last Year, Ottawa fmiths Valls, July 14 Pri wurosuiven meetin , here dooided not J] promi at the following Estimates 4) LLE 04h iLL -~ git 0.0 to enter wn candidate in the come ing slection, Ihe meoting opposed high tarifiy, Tmuds Government's Keonomy Goderich, duly 14.-A langihy ruview of the praKent Bavorn mont's rocorg and of jie Hilbure polley wan given Huron North Otiawn July 18'I'hs Lotul enti wlactors horn waturduy hy Hon 0/16 | mated aren sown to wheat In Cane Inman Midooim, minister of (ride 0,40 [nda for the 1050. senson 1s 24,068, wd commerce Ho nd tromod vw |11ke two Wundrad snd fifty million UAB B00 mores ax compnrred with 46, larga wudlones In the interests of {dollars worth of purchasing ower ABUL URB,00% neven finklly reported for WwW. MH, Habertson, Liberal eandt | rom the United Hinton to (front 100 1040, necording to the weekly erop dui, Beitatn,' he continued, The result 0.80 | report tssiad hy the Dominion Burs He wid the goveramont wan Loe | wan that 1eWApupern and pubis 030 |enu of Hiatisties, This "i dae Any conducting the affairs of ar iw in ihe United fates wore soni. 1 y Ao Levenss of 871,704 neves oy whout § fei with the satus amount of | pining Aho ' Neng fie find Joust ison for sree 010 pay eant money an in 1014, ullowing for corded Canada hy the ropihitie I" CVann, (hres 10% ,, 000 ooo 0,401 The aren of Vall wheat to he hate wlhini fitng spent on obi: | Wis now suggested that Presidont Galary, dosen - 4,00 veulad 1s entimated ul 650,500, ons rosnling rom the wie, | Hoover might make soms modifi OFingen, aossn 000 0.05 REPRE AH COmprred with Wid LL whileh wan Lady nhott Lb pores Houoydew melons such 0,90 noven in 1040, 4 decrsasn of 107 of Canndn's = Loti) + ravens, be Blrawhervion, quart i017 oA nerves or m por esnt, »e naked Win audiences whether, hid Granetruit, sah 4.00 0 10 Hpring Wheat occupies 4,047, thers not hee wind sconomien) Potutoss, DAE +0000 1,00 000° meron, wa agninst 44,440, 11h ndmintateation tn the purl ning Cuenmhers, shen 4.0 0,00 faves In 1085, wu denransn of 471) vents under the King gover Lamond, GOK 1100 10s 11h Aeros, or about 8 par con VEEL mont, Cunndi contd Wave pid off Bananas, 086 see 0.06 Other aavenl orops show Ine 1, \'y by : Apples, his es 5.00 ATORNAN, neaording to the report, | 1, Wr [RIA TAM o AOI. DANN. onts from 18 ATHATT nove 40 18.0 | Bhnw, , HD 0h hi, Toon beh, 0.80 BIA000 novels haviey from B086, [¥, Kiation 41 il LT hin hot eho UB Aad nares to 6,060,000 noreni rye Kugviant, saeh a wire trom 001,044 acres to 1,008,800 Ah be) 0 in', 8 Standard Mining Exchan aey Janis, iy. for JH Pall vys ooiuples 766,400 weren ar Bux ge Puranips, 11 abe viv. 18h Ah wi Cnnundn treated Great Britain, the Mother Country hid treated (Lhe Dominion much mors generously in the past, ""Ungland has right slong i mitted us to go Into her markets and compete on the sams bass with her own produoers,'" said the Pyamior Ho did not think (he bargain Ing spirit whileh ho sald was helug dMapluysd hy Mr, Bannett, was the right spirit In which to mest » coiintry which had dons ro mush for Canada, "Wa have transferred something tons in the tariff against Canada, Canade bud held out a band to Groat Britain in this budget, ssid Mr, King, He telt that there would he & rasl, practionl response from the Mother Country, Ihe great question of the. British prafarencs and a sffest on trade was Jurger than any party or see~ tion! appen), suid Mr, King, "If this government is defented, the tudes! 1s defeated," he Adeslared, Ha rotarend to the fact thet Hon, Charles Dunning, minister of fine anon would he ons of the Cane dun Anlegation to the imperial conferanes If the government was roturned, Mr, Dunning bad been nw British immigrant boy, We bad uoms to Cunnde and made bis way to ths top, Wis attendances at ths vonfarencs would be appreciated hy the Vinglish people, 16 would help to Wind elossr tha bonds beitwesn Canada and Groat Britain, Bh. , SI en Stock Market Prices Market, Summary by Canadian Vroom Toronto and New York Mock Quotations Supplied Robi siscdint oh i: Ag cei Toronto Stock Exchange i 140 hi 164 High Low on yr" 11 New York Exchange rag, , 0% Woy ; Can, In 17% 1714 Can, Wd, 12 14 High Oly, Dry, hb'% AR 194, Dig, Hem i hk UL] Dm, Biry, 41 V1) $10% Gypsum 15% 156% Wo Int, UW, 414 A114 Ag Int, Nhl, 24% Ui ik Int, Pat, SHH 1814 Bim Ind, Aleh, 4 [} 7 Imp, O11 #1 Hos Loh, "A" 14 14 Ms, Hr hig ih Mu, I'm 18% 18% an 0A 0.45 Do, eresmery, pound 0.86 Veully and YVogstahley ABDRYAENS, § DUNGHON sow Currots, B Wunghos i000 Henin, don, DUNGENESS vivir El Ontons, dry, Lie, Dah t +0000 Do, 6 at, basket , , CADDIE vivir re Uni itlowey iii Wndive, dots 1100014 Mushivaomy, 1h, 00 Lont otbuoe, thres for 140 Iho 040 194 wh, Grd, 140 Hd, Ws, 100 TH, Ug, 645 Wr. Hr. 16 wa he LIngraded, oases votuyned, oxivan B74 10. hy trawh flrsin i LLIN] donds, 4 4 to Bho, Clown 17% ILS ree NE 010 04h gree Blok ghemlbynand, trash extras 406 Br, A, i fresh vite B7%e6 to 88% BustapmNy, $, Ontario creams bry, walle 870 to §7%¢e; Ne, 4, Bhs to 86m pS IEning Cranm-Spasinl, 876 to Ml, No, 1 B06 to B76) No, 4, Bis PLT 1 aves, soloed, Jaratined ind government graded, gL é ominnl quetations te poultry Mh he ure an tollowni ou) if - Ally Falted Henn over b ha, seach oo 11 Over 4 Lo bh Ihe, och ,., 000 Over 4 to 4 Ths, eleh 4004 Under 6% Ibn, oooh oo 000 dV Fpring Broilers, over £% to § 1s, OREN i ierinagn er ll Over 0 to 894 he, eheh +; ei Old Hoosiers over b hs, each ,,1 Over 4 10 Bb Vow, eneh 0010 Dresga Poultyy If in good vondls finn, will he pald § to 4 venls whove #live prices, selling Toronto wholesale dealars are of Low Cloke 144 144% hh UL] 210% 410% wha A090 Hi AR LL ER LER LL Hloek An, Am, Vi m. tel Am, Inter, Annsondn Alita Blrop hiondix «0.0 Heth, Wan) Hyors AM, Can, Dry Cun, Vay, Cn, Flim Pr, 40% 940% Cn Mim Co, 1004 1 Wa Chrysler 0 89% # ME Col, Um Wh 4 Lin rie REE I" ree wi LU] tren A SUIT SALE 100 Men's fine worsted Suits, Navy blue, pin stripe, grey, brown and sand. Single and double breasted. Regular prices, $26 to $33.60, ; (al (ER 0.10 18 0.46 0.84 1,00 0,80 04h 1.00 Mh 8.00 1,00 0,4h 0,10 010 / / Vox Vim AY State tm predicted that Dritieh Can, Vile 0% prefer wives Cunptinn ten Mor, AlN t wondertul Giip, ind Li 4 orth, ' heli) tnt, Tel LIA Ai Kulvinator 16) Mt, Ward LR Ni, Cush AN 4 Ph, 1a, Cowl 16 wold win phigh hie fab hot LL" 10% LUA 404 167% that of slipper LAR prasperil whith " tht hind gons bi '» -- nny ih iy 85% LL] 144 18h i hi Ale +, Amulri His Mis BLLO0,000,000 cupitul debt oul of current ruayenne I wig the on'y conte In Lhe world to do so Wn compared with 684,000 nores In 080 and Bpring rye BU6,K00 uovey Tomutons, WM, sever 0:40 1 3% A ' ! f 8 | y Khel, B DUNANER ose A AERInNL BBT.TH1 noven lant year, Hadishos, § bunches oi Ving wend shows an ares of A811. hoy farin Jroduee W to reinll dealers at the allowing priness Eanes ronh, extras, In cartons, Rui trash axtras, loose, dof firsts,' Hon; seconds, 470, Hulteys= No, 1, CYRRMBEY, DrintH, Slag No, § evenmery, print 0 Chesin-- Now, aL IR twins, 18a) triplets, T8845 alll tons goo Old, Inrge HN twine Shei triplets and outs, Bow old wtiltons, Bie, Pouliryms Ehlekens, Bb he, up Dog 4 to Bb Ihe 40 Dog BW to 4 the Do, Bie 83 he Do, B lhe Drowned oo HAHN vers idsBe pron an il TTT 1 renner Bl Mens, over B IDA, yor aens BO Hrallers , i tear i Pyke i ' Sra BL Pip Bia JH lower al WwW 1:4 1s Hurkeys 0000 ELE L) TORONTO HAY AND MTRAW Wholesales dealers In hay aud Flraw are queling Ahiphety the fol Towing prices for earlond lots, de liverad on track Toronto Lhe 01 26 19 dame) psf OF Bel 1100) Fea 10 Aamo fog Af LI As] (F300 eff Bundy sg ARS Badu No, B timothy 4, 014,00 No, 0 timothy 00 10.00 1U.ho Wheat straw i ih ) Uil sifaw fill TORONTO HIDKA AND wool, | Toronto wholeshla Aealers a hides and wool Are quoting prices th shippers an follower Clty fi groan, Bel hulls and hrands, 4¢ country hides green To; do, cured T 1:0 to Bei Tovonte ity oalf grosn 100] oeuntey ealf green Bei oily veil Kip Rep ocountvy veal kip ¥¥el do, ouved, Ti5 tn Be] country LLLLL] kip, to hel horse hides, ¥o, 1, $8,607 No, 8 #1.76] Ne, 8, $1.00, Horsehair, doe Ih Waal, tial, tree of rejects, 18a 1h vajenta, Boj sheepaking, 26 to The wah Tallow, noid, tn baveels 1b, 44 a bei Oakes b lo [LTR K AMEN MAR BY The following are guotations, Fetal, In effect an the Bt, Laws anos Market, Toronto! Produoas FEES, AL an, por dosen 4, Doo, Heath per dosen 04 0H40 048 Now bnels, _Putioh ran niie 00 aa TORONTO "GRAIN QUOTATIONN train deslors on the Taranto Houvd of Teade ars making thu fullowing quotations for car lols) Manito whest=-Na. 1 north ori, Wee; Noo 8 do, Datge; No § do, WEMei No, 4, POs) No, b RU e) No. 6, 870; feed, BT (000 Goderieh and Bay ports) Manitoba onls Nn | 0% 0; No 8, do, B9%e AMBIIOAN 00PN==NB, deg No, 8 do, POY, Milifeed, delivered, frolghin, bags tneluded Bud Uh whore, ton, BO8, 86; mid dlinge, ton, B81. 46, Ontario grain==Wheat, Bho to LL! Haviey, rye and buckwheat, nominal fond, § yellow, Monies) Brin, ton, ---------- AMERICAN FINED FOR ASSAULT ON RAILWAY GATEMAN Orillia Court Convicts hb Younghusband of Offense Orie, Ont, July 18 =Mslo dvamatio and Alolant seenes, anact ofl after midnight al the Atheriey Hond, Canadian National Hallways oronning on July § ware told of In avidense tn palios eourt here when Joo Ln Younghushand, Conmetin Magiinotarer and leader in the AMIEL younger set of OFIIA'S sum mer oolany, was sonvieted of ob BEPUOLINE A Yallway amployes in the performance of hin duties', and fined B60 and costs, Younghushand, who eondueted hin awn dafensn, stated that he wis un hie way hame from & dances al abot 0 o'eleck In the morning When (he ineident poaurred, He Admitted raining the gate, whieh bin irad tho-orousing but denied any very OO Butter, daley, per 1b, mtention of wrongdoing, TheNewLawMakesNecessary -saje, sane ---insurance, or ab to pay i del prinel Inte details 10 tnalate that ip tert who be able to driving lity for damage. ig poy sd bom 08 es: License through fault peu a 10 all cars owned by = parE rE The Soudan hi ves by in other he pen or TF ro law. The approve of BE ABLE TO PAY TT EE oR 0 a a ER ROO neves an compared with Hole HOO mopes 1h 1040 The ares planted ta potaioss 1s oulimated at GR7,000 wevew, an sompurad with GAN, 787 nerves an In urenss of 4 par osnl DAMAGE TO GRAIN MAY REACH MILLION IN CANADIAN WEST Region, July 19 «Tha hall Aorms Which sarily this week heat down thousands of sores of grain in the wast, did & million dollurs Anmugn to Baskatehownn orops, helleves 1, t, Higley, general man wer of the Municipal Hall Tnsuy noe Association for thin previges He bases his sxtimate on oldime entered hy Insured farmers, totale ng $600,000, and tha opinion that loses ta uninsured grain Hrowery nENregnte " simile amount Up until thin weak, and before the recent devastating storm, the ansooiation had pald claims this YOu ANEreRating $000,000, equal to the entire loss In 1000, ACTION AND NOT PROMISES NEEDED BY UNEMPLOYED (Continusd from Page 1) Mintater, ha proveaded, read lika # Vialey tale and vesulta oould not ha securad hy Vioving and playing" with Cannda Grip With Problem ULL Us Rot he deceived,' ha sald Al one wiaEe, Lal us Eel To EPipa with our problems Let us have WoLion and net words" Me, King had sald, Lion Jeader declared that hin (My Heunett) wha wronk in ealling Paviiament unless he had some con stitutions! proposals to submit to Parlimment, "Wall," Ne exclaimed YL Ohave wall conalderad proporsis to submit to Parliament] otham Wine 1 would not have sald 1 would oll & apeoinl session after July 2¥ It aleoted, to deal with unemploy ment, Wa proposes to antieipate many af the national undertakings Wo have 10 parfarm In order that the Opposl MAR MAY E81 work, hot promises WARRA, nal eharity He had, My. Hepnstt procesded thiked with psople from every part OF the 0OURIEY, AR Work Was ne oepraly for the hungry and for the idle. Nolthor the unemployal nor the VOURLEY wanted doles, "We mul have action, nob promises,' he of olnred Had Mr. Xing wade a wtudy of unemployment, thn Cons nervative leader continued, the Prime Minister would not have Wade the siatembnt al Brantford that auch & condition did not exist YI opropone,' Mp, Bennett stated, to oall Parliament Immediately after July BR for the purposs of ARADIINE the representatives of (he people 10 deal with this problem on oproper basin, What does Mp RINE propose now? Ha proposes a vonference, When psople want te 'PARA the buek'ss=to Use a oar Alh oxpremlon==they call a confer: anes," Bolution Too Apparent Thora Wan no nedesslly for a VOnference on unemployment, he continued, the solution was ten aps parent, WHEL you want tn work," on axelaimed, hel ONTO NORA and you are on 10 uel work,' Unless thin 10 the hoon of Canada ory it alee oitlon, Mr Beunett aay he Wane QUaben members with other mem: bors of hin party, to vote him oul of offlen, "I do not want place and VOWAE Over hrokan promises" Mv, JORNOtE axolnimed, "I want place ARE POWER th aRrVe my fellow Canadiane RR -------- a) The owner of a cheap wateh Drought 1 Into tha jewelers shop 19 486 What sould ba done tor ft, "he mistake | made of cuirae hay Admitted wan In dropping in" 'Well, 1 don't suppose you oould help that, the jewaler remarked, en Ribinke You made was ploks ww g RAPID Polleaman: "Miss, You wes do in ay, Wier an hour!" 'Oh, th ond oh at aL spa AR Oh, De, Mi Puloon Holl He, Of Hy, tn Ha Ih! Lik, Mh Nruda News of the Election Battle (Continued from Pago 1) tive sandidain An address Bhinnlok In facing J offiolal Conservative, mont, i, | In Way Iie han Koh in UL 40h hi (AL) TL 4 ) INH in nibh Moh ton won 100 LaurierOutres A Wimbray, hoe a Ve 40% LER 24% 18 arumonnt, Ph, N, Jor, Haale 000 Handle Kih, Blmmons ' hi Hi, of NJ, 0 | Nahar 2214 } 1 Mian) 18814 1H whim hi 4 fl Yoel, Truek us LLL LU) HL Noh 40h wo ---- Maroiap, Inpt Parliament Vancouver, Columbin's ul Labor July have hero, MP | Pramior N,N provinces and Hon hin Miniate) and Joseph | le, nf naw 0 non Hl % LER 1h 0h 81% Liberal membay 07% AD By HEL 141 (1% TW of the Promior Contradicied 11 Premier and toutradicing wiatament hy Prime Minister Mag Yeneie King that no provinces has auked for unemployment aid Tolmia of the cons! WwW. A Lahor, Writish Minister the Both Muckon nen PREMIER AS NO DOUBT LIBERAL T0 WIN ELECTION id from Pages 1) in Alhertn Whatever galing thers were would he divided hetwesn 1) hornle und 110A I hnve not had mush of uw ohanee Manknt ahitwan, hid 1 think thet 1 will ha Just an good a 1st the Prima Minister puld Heitish Preference finder Mr, Dunning's hides wa have made the Jurigog! the Het ish pi heen mad TR] vinred | (Cantinu 1ime Inetrsune In iL hin ha da foyened ih time Hut na malier how AHAFOUNTY hy AE "WELCOME" says the.RED INDIAN station to the motorist For thousands of Canadian motor {sta, the sign | of the Red Indian 1 means better oils and motor fuel fe + better service', better, value, Wherever YOu care to drive today, you cannot t bo far from a Red Indian station, They dot the high: ways of the country and, one and au today and, plays; bid you "Welgome ON SALE $18=¢ SIZES 38 TO 46 J. C. McGILL 12 KING ST. EAST BN A we ¥ , McOOLLY FRONTENAC ¢ QI wre ay

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