Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1930, p. 6

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| AARABS BLANK PORT HOPE 10-0 CITY WIN Be. "player . PAGE SIX' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 Dainty Pitches Shutout Vv No Runs Scored in First Five Innings, But Oshawa Scor- ed Six in Seventh-- Dainty Has Eleven Strike. outs The Oshawi® Anrabs had Mitile or 10 diMeulty in defeating the Port Hope team heve on Saturday wfter- neon inn seheduled flure The eams hattied ¢losely with no score for five innings hut the visitors weinhened under the pressure and he final score was 10 to 0, The feature of the game Was he smart hurling performance {iurned in by "Duke Dainty who Land eleven strikeouts and hesides this, led Wis team in hitting, Moise fiyed out ta centre field Port Hope-=FPriar played out tn {ian feild, Walton struck ont and Moise fiyed out to eentre field, H alr walked Whitely i Aarabs nut Hudson to OQugh, Rowden struek out, Faly out trying to steal home » und. Innings Port Hope, Rowell wtruek out, Hudson hit over second Micks struck out and Hudson Was Donut stesling second, Anrahs =, Kilo struck Dainty. hit over second hase, Gum mow filed out to centre Huhhell hit to left and he and Dainty ads vanced on a passed ball, Killott i} Ayed out to contre field ' fed Inning Ough Wakely out struck out Part Hope filed out Brown struck out 0 centre field Anvahs Carver Paly walked and stole Whitely was safe on a fields v's tholea and Walr was tugged at Lthird, Whitely moved around on a wild throw, Rowden singled Wal tah made a nlee cuteh of Pilot's drive tn end the rally gave Molee a life, Moise was fore Port Hope, Friar out, Gum mow to Hubhell Walton out, Dainty to Hubbell Huhhell's error igave Moles a Mfe, Moise was fore 'ad out at second, 1. Elliott to Jum mow Anrabs Dalnty out in fleld, Gummow fouled out cher Hubbell walked and second, T, Kllott struek ou Ath Innings Part. Hope Hudson fiyed , Elliott, Micks struck Carver dropped Ough's easy Brown struck out Aavahs =Carver out, Wakely to ough, Fale hit to left fold, Whitely fived out to Moise Valy sfole second and repeated on thivd as Rowden walked, ©, El Mott singled scoring hoth runners Dainty out, Mieks to Ough oth Inning Port Hape Wakely out ta Hubbell, Friary singled piruck out, socond centre fo eat niole Pain Iy Wal ton aut on a hunt to Hubbell and | Moise flew out to Gingarosk! Aarahs, Gummow out, Micks to Walton, Hubbell fouled out tn third haseman, T, Eillott was safe on an error. Gingeroski fled aut to Maise, Tih ort Hope ant. Hudson fived out to 7 Micks struck out Aarahs,-- Fair was hit and took first. Whitely was out, short to first Fal took third hase having sinlen second Row den tripled scoring Fah Kl Hott got # hit through Aral, Dainty singled and Elllott scored, a 1a Rabbitt Qummow ht through the same place and stole second, Hub hell drove a hot ane through third sooring Dainty, T. Elliott ground od out, Micks to Brockinshive and Gummow scared, (ingeroski was safe on a flelder's choles, He tried to stan) secand and Hubbell scored when the hall was thrown away, (Hingevosk! taking third hase, Friar pouldn't stand the gat and walked ta the hench, His play had net heen anything to talk about, Fairy grounded out to frat base, Ath Innin Part Hope.~Hroekinshire fan nad, Rrown out, Dainty ta Hubbell Wakely singled over shart, The who went in Friar's place was given a mood howd, Dainty walked him, Walton struck out, Aavibs ~~ Whitely walked and wan forced out at second when fiuwden base, ©, Elliott walked, Dainty singled seoring Rowden and Elllott, Gummow hit to shew, fareing our Dataty, Hubbell fiyed out to left eld, 0th Inning Port Hopo.~~Malne fiyed out te Giingeroski, Raweliffe "out, 7, Hl Nott ta Hubbell, Gummow and T Eillott humped, trying to oateh Hudson's holst, Hudson was out trying to steal secand, ending the game, Inning Howeliffe struck Moore Hoy RM, Aarahs A Fale, of, Whitely ¢ Rowden, \f 0, Blliatt, 4h Dainty, Hummow, wu Tahvall, Lh, T, Elllott, 8h Garver, rf Cingaroskl, rf = a0 gp Se oe TH oy de 0 Cres ------wmamo= PEI owMD=muD ow? I 1 YZaual UMBIR (© Locals to ictory Saturday Part Hope, RH PC, AR, Iriny, vf, "1 1 0 Walton, oh, f H] I Molise, v1, ! Roweliffe, « Hudson g.5. Micks, #h, Ough, 1h, Brown, of, Wakely, p Brockenshive ABR, K] r }h I H} 11} $24 10 8 diruek out, hy Wakely, 4; hy Dainty, 11; walked, hy Wakely, hj hy Dainty, 1; three hase hits, Row: deny hit hy pitcher, Wakely Umpires: Rowden, Port Legge, Oshawn, Borer, A, Walker LOCAL, RINKS TAKE PART IN TOURNEY AT WITHROW PARK J, Bryce's Rink Still in Run. ning for Trophy Hope; Oshawa rinks took part in Park Bowling Tour nament in Toronto on Haturday lanl The tournament which Was the ninth annual avant of the kind at the Withrow Park elub win graced with ideal woather condi tions Threa games were played hreinging the primary event down tn the quarie finals he re maining games in this event will he played to-night beginning at 6.16 p.m The wera | Patterson of tn 10 in the Four the Withrow Oshawa rinks participating Bryer who defeamd W Withrow Park hy 18 preliminary and HW Foard, of Balmy Beach hy 14 to 11 in the second round, and D 0 Danaldson of Withrow Park in the third round hy 104 (on TR Mr Bryee is still very much in the run ning far the trophy I'he other rinks ware not sn fortunate haw: ayer J, DeMille wan hy the sears of 18 ta 12 from A, W. Guard in the first round hut lost his next two Eames hy close seores J |} Foulds and his rink were put oul one. two heing one shot dawn in gach game, CC, Hienhouse won lis first fiom A, BE, Harhour, of Eaton Memorial. hy one shot, hut lost to A. A Ellis In the second round hy the seare of 16 to 16, In the consolation event Mp, Sten house was put out hy 1. Mills of Norwood Park hy 16 te 11 TENNIS CLUR QF ST. GFARGF'S WON IN TOURNAMENT | Interesting Event Took Place on Church Courts Saturday Kiliott | A tennis tournament was played on the courts of the (ienrge's Anglican Chureh on Saturday after: noon and evening The tourna ment which aroused great interest was featured hy many fine EAmMEs and muck elosa play It was ran an the point system, twanty points being possible: twa points helng al latted for a win and one point for A lle Lemannde andl cake were sarved during the afternoon The results of the play follows Ladies' dauhles 1st set. Mm Harold Smith and Miss I. Dabney defeated Mra, Hohhs and Miss Dickle (6:1) ond sot, Miss H (!, Colpus defeated Miss O and Miss KE, Hobbs (6:4) Men's doubles, 1st set A Kvang and H, Armstrong tied King and simmons (6:0), nd set-=H, Winstanley and P Joffrey defeated 1. Terrett and O, Ooarhin (6-8), Mixed doubles, 1st set Mr, and Mrs, Metealfe defeated Miss M smith and Mr, 1, Hartley (7-0), ind set--=Miss Cowan and Mr Corbin defeated Miss Peaves and Mr, MoGregor (6-4), Men's singles, 1st set, 1, Khha defeated MH, Bickle (6-4), and set--Mr, Metoalfe defeated Harold Bmith (6-4) ' Ladies' singles, 1st set, -- Miss D, Dohney defeated Miss Fisher (6-0), nd wet. -Mps, H, Smith defeats od Misa D Sweet (:8), ft, George's Tennis Club wan the tournament hy 11 paints ta 0 fram the Christ Ohureh Club, NATIONAL LEAGUE LAW HAVES HRAVEN Houton, July 14,==The 6 a'clock sunday baseball lav In Massaohu- Selle Was Put tow test In the see and game of a douhle-hoader he tween the Braves and Cubs heve, which affielally veverted to the soare at the end of tho 8ighth in ning, giving the Braves a 4 to 0 Vietory after the © bs had van in tour in the ninth, The Braves won the fivgl game by a score af 2 1a PIRATES ATO ROBINS Brooklyn, July Hla trench stupped tho forward rush of the Brooklyn Robins Sunday nosing aut Jim Kia, 1 ta 0, na piteher'a dus), although Mutshurg El Are aa Hull and Miss Pawson Kat anly four hits while the Robins piled wp nine, a hs "hie CANADIAN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS TO BE PLAYED IN TORONTO Toronto, July 14.=The leading jawn events of the year, the Lana dian lawn tennis championships will he held an the grounds of the Toronto eluh commencing on Hat: urday next, duly 10, and continu: ing throughout the following week, Qui=af-town enitvants are not re: quired to vepoart until Monday fore neon The events Ln he played com prise the various championships of Canada, viz, men's singles - anil doubles, Iadies singles and singles (under 1 on Jan, 1 last) doubles mized douhles, Junior men's and Indins' wingles (under I8 on Jan 1 last), and veterans' singles and doyhles (over 46, on Jan, 1 last) Firm and second priges will he given ann im addition winners In men's singles, ladies' singles and Jo ow men's singles, will have thelr names engraved on the Meldrum Cup sinzenger Cup and Junior Cup respectively -- 8. Leafs Lose Two Games To Skeeters Taranto, July 14 Those pest! farons Jevsey Ully Elentars ware up to their old tricks at Maplin Leal Atadium alurda) Av on Lhelr previous visit hers they walked off with bath end al a danhle liender, displaying # hand of pit ahing in hath games that the O'Neilimen "found pansldarahly haflling The result gave them an aven hreak In the four-game sei ion he first the Hhealers h tn fohnny the second game far and rvapeated an early season ef fort against the l.enls hers hy| Wanking them 1 ta 0. Tneidentally It owas Allens second shutout al the week he having lniied the floyals to three hits In the Montreal werion | Ih ties to win Lo 'make use of wot produces the timely base wal lap. They had. a lead in the first game on two oceasions hut twice a | an halls hy Cantrell was can into a Jersey CIty run and lanes cost the hig vight the vietary | wont ten imning tiuy Cantrell Allen worked | the visitor game hoating thelr FRmes them appartunl | hut fallen They vould Leafs had hath hake verted Lthosn hander TEAMS OF TENNIS | (LUR VICTORS | SPORT SNAPSHOTS Oshawa Aarabs Cineh Mace in Playoffs Fhe Oshawi Awrabs einehed a- playoff berth on Sunrda Part Hup everythin nen hy defeating the tw 0 The Aurabs had tw the fine pikehing of "Duke" most ul it, althawgh their hitting seventh inning. The Awriahs play and the return game with thit 1s have elinghed a place in the playo ey heginning to take much 1 LJ Ld wre Piainty, wiley margin of °* deal Hit Hh EE Varah af Hy e team hy the large gd thelr own way, due i wd they certainly woefully Breit mile weik Tur in Cabimirg un V am here on Batyrda fis now and the interest in th ' wi cept Vednesduy Ihe Liasehall fan Hove ein ¥ Mimico Juniors Here Tonight Fhe Cishawa luerasse fans wil General Motors Jrs they geet the Mimiea Juniors in shirt wt 700 g'eloek and there wil Juniny welcome held a In sebion wis ean at Lil Jittle ' the Oshawa FILET FEEEIVER § Krampton wali Juniors Chevs, Beaten thal ean Tlie wert when he thi Faron handed a he exhibition eal team ot mn # » ' Oshawa Lil Tea I he (shina cul defeated I their hest gun $601 the Cryspiled vhen played om il Junior Bofthall frhall Teague thi § he local nor Riker that th Ihe Junin hint th Wil Jers ire hittin league shun on player layer In th it the ein i" Aliens eight COFFeeting fehl plays 1 ' Chosen URI Cheve, vs, i | fille il Wig Chureh ih 411 teres | final standin gel lng League Game | have a chance 1a see the Cshawa Alexandra Park, The gine is dus no admission es Appirent! the op! tngham Buynare Wi ther on Friday in tomght at when ih ERIN Bane | hu RL} in whieh that het ean nates ght Again fares 1 h the ihe Tarhie uh thie Chink wud oil ih Hi gil beatin the | Hale. wt Ladim City W " in ih ain hil League Is Over TT Id In Abi Friends Tomorrow ive | | § | J 1] Tonight h ¥ and ANY MA mest LNT SATURDAY Oshawa City Shows Good Form to Defeat Crusaders Seniors Defeated Bowman: | ville While Intermediates Wan at Whitby Windle the avnfor tegin of the Wish awit Femme Club were galing o ry ouver the Bowman ils RENO entry in the Central Ontario Tennis \ssuglation regular nature: #l the local here on Baturday afternoon, the intermediate represen tation of the Oshawa elub were pla ing In Whith they likewise were suecessinl defeating 1th Whithy Club Of the five events played in Whit hy the Oshawa team wan three whil the Whithy club won two events However, the mateh wis closely con tested. and the wis doubt ful until after the fifth event had heen played as up until that time hath clubs had won twa events The senior entry have improved their standing in the group sein what and shauld they defeat Camp hellford io their next game they will he tied with them for frst Of the seven events played the Oshawa Club were successful in winning all. However, the visiting team put up same stiff apposition and far those spectatars wha were present the afternoon's play proved ta he very interesting to wateh, SENIOR MATCH Men's Singles Oshawa versus Bowman ills Erie Vesey defeated RB, Strike 6-14 it mou res where mn Guten od, Dr. MeMullen defeated 8 James 6 1 Men's Doubles Alger and Everson defeated Alex ander and Mitohell*o:1 4:6; 6-1 Harris and Armstrong defeated His son and Gould 6:17 3.0; 6:2 Mixed Daubles Mr. Fishletgh and Miss Movers de foated Mr. Dudley and Miss Ames 0d: 6-8; 6d dies' Singles Miss C'hert defeated Miss Oshorne 16; 6:1; 0:1 Ladiea' Doubles Miss Ferber and Miss Gaheen de feated Miss Mason and Miss Van sane Gd el INTERMEDIATE MATCH Men's Singles Oshawa versus \Whithy Len Corn defeated H. MeArthue 6:24 0-0 Men's Doubles Reet Cieanik and Bah Haveis de foated Joe Raseambe and Covell OJ 0-4 Dan Ha! en and Jim Lister deiaat od Bennett Smith and Ford Lind say Gel) 6:0 Mixed Doubles Murray Flainer and Misy Martin de foatod hy My, Geale anh Miss Ross 08; ol Ladies' Doubles Mise Fleming and Mus, {oated hy Miss Astley Righardson 6:1; 6-4, Niuart des and Miss Oshawa City Team Well and Defeats Crusad ers by 6:1 - Win Crusaders laagun leadel Division were visitors ta Osh paturday and lost ta Ush Lahban wan th Hauston kleked off for thy ars nies run con left Hrook His cross was cleaved, Cily hiro away. Loahbhan's shot an goal vary near, He again made another tey, which Flockhart was lueky 1 save, Brawn a fow minutes lates had another shot which, was wel saved hy Floekhart, the same player seaving & few minutes later Houston hrake thyraugh his sha Witting the upright a bheilliant of fart on. his part "ha were naw having the best gama at this period. The defence wera having a hard keeping them aut. Hendvy « was fisted aut far a carne from which Lappin oleaved City now hake away and Carvies cross Brawn seared heing helped on his way hy Gilmore Ist AWA On awa el Fon Visit hy wi nl the fom shat hok Fh Plays City Gives One of Best Displays of Season to Score Decisive Crusaders City » fram sreal tun H Lathan v Dumps war al Hu wander AWAY an the Just gain hath the hat att, Hou hi fay fal wa playing the Crusader adn ie fo ht NERY HO HRY IRE vay ar wa dang fhe UNL Hine Wome geal ig taehing pgusition tarwurds hein 0 owateh, Cy hroke Fullerton shot past, Munro wisa Just Bang uve Biohe aviy al Lhe well saved hy shields forced to Bihve A oy Houstun hi Hall tim helng vel load hy 1 Hrawa scan halt fap 1h handled the ball Was going through alfslde hy Cry up alt, noth [ all Hina shat Cine itl helng Win wid fram With Ih Ihe Cy Awa) hay wey he Wi ha Lilie Woky 1a taried He Cy Lappin vowhen Houston Fram a fron kiok | satlors relloved the situation Tuy the City a fe minutes lates shields was forced to give g carne away fram saving Wood's shat Lappin eleared with his head Clty now hroke away. Labban to unio to banstall ta Brawn whi heft two men ta scare f heautiinl City B, Urnsaders 0, Lahbau was hurt bat resumed after 4 law Mines Clly heake away and steam Grants pass Dunstall shot Anat missing the hay Cruspdeva Uroke away. Houston pnssed 1a Hroaks, shields making & Eveal Ww oul BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Vel Haltimare Hoehogter Toronto Montreal Bultaln Newirk : darsey City Heading fi Youterdny's Bosnia B-4 Rochester 1-4 Baltimore Bel Newark Buturdny'e Roslin Baltimore h-4 Bufiale Healing ih Hoehegier 10 innings AMERICAN LEAGUY Wan Lost 1] hil 17 i Reading Buttalo Mantreal pO Hho hd LL hot thi hog hdadelphia Washinglnn New York Hayelund Patni 1 Chinen a1 h1 Hi, Louis fhe Raston ho Yesterday's HBosulin etrait hh Washington Meyelpnd ¥ 11 Bastan Culled In seventh, rain York 7 Ohlcugn htladeinhin 1 Bt. Lous Baturdny's Heanlis Hietenlt ih Washington ayeland 1& Boston Philadelphia Ih Bt, Linus fhiengn 11-7 Naw York NATIONAL VEAGDH Wan Last ¥ Naw frnpkiy Chirp en New Yark Fowl Hoslon etnhuy ineinnatd 'hiludeinhin | Yesterdup's Hesulie ithe I Hranklyn 0h ineipatt 0 thivagn ines sehedyled Biaturday's Hesulin frankly n 1h Ne York ' Cincinnptd ff hlladelphia A) Aostoun A ittehnrg I Ht Lauls B 15 nw Yarl Hi n Chiles AMBEHICAN BTUDENTS Fandan Ia! 4 The fd tract and field team of Coy and Pripeet mn Universitios (1 8} nd Cambridge annual Internationel track i fald n tamiard Bridge aturda Fhe Americans won hy | n YR WB and canes WIN aa hl ih 161i "n al wn IT ni f TERRY HEAT 161 (l ! | ey Cy intarnatin defopted th mt Ht 4, dn an exh hil CARDS | I'he Jar I League inh Cardinals me hey fnuis phietds having nm twa mip Inter Nelp thought the the har in aye Fam his shat Miho Lhres A Tew hields Wid. B0ing In Hie ILARL minutes UL when hn hall yey alend of IL going tita the pet, Cy From the klek of VAY, Larrig sd Diss to altalde, A Tow IHinand In Finekharvt Crusaders | " real whose pawarin Fiohing was great tu Wateh wil Hamsan fouled Heawn and fram penal Lobihan shat hy post was hur am Wid \VRry tn his team far (hs game, Fram Carrie's Munir scoped od henuthl goal with his head gh mE Floekhart ha chance 10 sald City hy, Crusaders 1, After a Tew wines play Bhields was penalised ab earexing the hall feam the free kick, Nolv .shanting hy Wilson hirnke away and fram Wis pass Houston shat aver the har wily wily Shields ta heat Brown a few winutes later brake through th Cruaaders' defanee and sooved hia fourth goal with a gueat shat, th whintle Just gning ane minute ter far time up, Oshawa Oily 0 Cinsaders | Dahawa ane af the Uinada line up Crusaders Plaokhiart, Glimars Williamson, Howles, Naty, Walker Wilson, Woads, Hendry, Arooks Oshawa Oty shields, Ghent Lappin, Geant, Lohban, Cunelitf, Carrie, Dunatall, Biawn, Muara, Fullerton, Referee A. Finn Crusaders | City brake a Hawn hens Hinwp hat 1 min un oan in Wie Iwtug all nol W hse ald, £41) WHE Plasing the Oy Llihetd game fay Kiek Walker Tittle rest of finn hv hy Han the have mn Cy in finest inhban punters halls BD a-- The photograph ahove shows the crew of the Fife designed Saneire yacht Quest AoW battling with \islon and Norse: man for the honor of backing wp repraduond the Royal Canadian CUlub's challenge 10 the Raohester Yacht Club for the famous intern national challenge traphy origin shai RA Yacht | Canada fram Vencedor at Chie Fram toft to vight: Hohhy darvis, Dug Addison, Norman Gonderham (ANIppet), Jack Bartlett, and Wal ally won hy Aemilins Jarvis and {ter Windeyer, FART TTI TTI ET TTI TY PE a Tr Crippled by Absentees, Nats, Lose to (.G.E, 4-1 » -» [ After Delayed Players. Ar rive on Fidd Loss Hold Home Team, But Three Goals Had Already Gone in S, NATIONALS. LOSE IT Tr Ld JONES RETAINS 1, GOLF TITLE Has Taken All Four Major| British and American Crowns iphinwin Malionils 1raveging "lo Farania an Buliuriiay to meet the rang U.K neeey team. Phe wine wis called for 8 80 p.m, ani RLY 0 players of the Nelk were ni thie field hey Fit hey inh Intarigchen Club, Minneapolis, Minn, duly 14,==The king of all the golfers, flushed with the heat af one af the greatest hattles of his avery glynde tn (he home hols Suturday with hig thrane a (rifle shaky, the professional Hght hel gade in hot pursuit and & A0:fan! putt over the rolling turf hefap Wim, While elose to 10.000 spe ators held thelr hreath Bobby Janes stepped up highly and hil the hall sivalght and (rue Intn the tun for a bivdie § that closed he Kal wi door tn all challengers, clinening | he 190 Wa fourth vietary and sieeessfyl | Hin defense af the apen gnlf champion: | Bone | ship of the United 8iiles [ 1h All that Beahhy needs tn dn pow | Hee to make 10 a elegy sweep for 1000 | bil with all four maior Heltah and | Nal American tiles dangling from ane | Mitt man's helt for the first time in hie | 11 ny Is to recapture the nlted | hin Ales amateur oerown al Phils Aelphin in Saptemhar dones Beopes NT Tones, with successive vaunds of | unaltered, | T1-TU-68Th, finished Wis eonguest | Ihe With a total of ¢87 the secand low Hh sl total In the histary of the American open and onl wlrnke | shart of dhe recor foviviae | YBUFs HEN WY Lhiek Ihe near-hy- Minnekhada It gave him # 0 twa slrokes aver his ival, the veteran Macdonnli of New York, whn mane naationul fight -- 1] Tal | 3 y Excelsiors | . ak ' S ' tl au} rn [ folean raped the crassha € Ix 1 Wa then Headie shit hired ASRIN ~ > ' Ihe all was injured an { ame in ow | had hi iy { bho | UIA RR July i pammen an atback and delays might Hrampion Eseslsiare | the da May | Rann | In i] En i 1 an | BIEL cnnse art The last the apening Ho 8 at the famous Hoaplea Fielo | mpian Finca That Own IN decided to slapl the ga thin he fined and 1mmed) Pease the C00, goul, Ke ie shouling past (RIT Hl Wile Maying wall hit 1 Wik Liking bon meh aut nl Lhe team and 1h pice saan told, dohnelone searing ar the hams wriey ten min Wes ply 0) i pitting In Une fonthull hint hes WEE Wa men unmarked nwing on hh 0nomen shart, A lon ViIlng tito smith anid the hall Hp thrangh hi Ho the wet, The game Wii Nites when an Bppear Liuken down Aveseed, the fawn, 1h trang; thnk ol hari nal ar great Nils BEY heme hinge Hol hela TL hil hey wip three onl Fl How il 1h thi | Lela [ 1ine Halt Him AreneIve | homestere ware 1h Hi naw thei lenred nryiveg (20) | tani halt Raul with the 1] CHEE [an Mui hit 1 wg nd tn enn Hine, with atl Jahn lind Smita 0.1, were 4 pvesaad ar and single INingh In A ninile lnivy nied WEAN Ui In PAT | Win ight had nol» the ERie heen dif fiir Fame Hare i Haw i wppan fil Pi asing hat Fri Wacked through tallaw ed for EAM ol wn huis Hh ned nr fi 7) hall Tek whi Ae fol 4 il Fivans EHH TEE Inning Wl Wy iu BON | he airy Ihe #1 Margin Lie Honmiestng nearest | Bmith | gntlant mn ang | mind A nl i" fl WHS Mii A Enel Boal hold Hiern w Veni have Hprignte | tn retin Hired and wont fA opy In ire | iin sl periar ihe dashing whipped \ i BOWE i & i Live fa ALLAN Aviinsian Papl Gia lant Fn al the Amar fir eye neh his master rider win Bin nnn Balan That Nat here an thelr win Ihe (ast af the season to the Balnts bh FON WINN Ehivign Thin art Hil per proved Ghamping Earl Bande Arlingion iE] Norse nim Hie LJ antl wo This lnk 1] Hrampion LARm ae he the Pest developed FROBNL YedPs, NE hey I the | Linas worst, Coach Kddie Pawers hia hs men playing heads up Inorasss ind they work Hike a well-allnd machine witalning that | sueohes Which avanahly follows unselfishness and stellar team Pay, AN Lhe raea progresses 11) Whely thet the Rxeolstors will van LIRUe (0 tmprave, and 1 1s regan able ta helteve (hat under Andie hey will In i CLEVELAND'S FARY WIN Cleveland, July 14 Clovaland Infegtod Hogtan in tha wand Smee nl tne nday 11 I'ne ofiled in Ihe nl ning he nf aL if In mide ThlER One wl IL tha rain The lohges! Wada thin season at Leagues Park hetghts ta take their place with | WoA WE hy Magan, Cleveland, tn tha EPeAlent amaledr teams pro: | Ihe deep contre fled, dueed In the 0A LA ---- gr ie Hi A contest that far the most pan NEW MARTIN TODAY Sl gi KEN MAYNARD Van cleanly played here wae n seme heavy checking, and just 4 wand hafare the tinal whisth "The Fighti ¢ Fighting H " Legion sounaed UPipert. Balin af | VICK OF HOLEY WOOD ¢ : A plman's and "Heri! Pawel) of the | Invaders indulged on a Hatip hat A Royal Pair COMEDY te, AN other players, howeval SR bbs HAWAIIAN did nor interfere, and Hain waa PINEAPPLES WAS Buventh aeh hame pins -- handed HERLONQS af ten min ins Fhe Heampton delonse guided hy Teddy Reeve the heat players in the sport, had Wie Ht plmen's attackers badly atguessad most of the dime, hil AYER Al that Goalkeeper Rey Large had same Lard shots to handle, several of thew dviven fram olose vanes, NL Elmen's found It very diftiondt 10 engines these agd=man Assaults, each local plaver Invariably heing shadowed hy An appoanent RK] superh 1y ane af A 5¢ package may save you from going 10 sleep at the wheel of vour ean

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