Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jul 1930, p. 6

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The Whitby ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 10, ap rc 1930 Be A AS ROE Ay a Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby Brancu Office, at Gas '1(» und Chronicle,~Yelephone Se After Business Hours 'I'hone BAY, REPRESENTATIVE~-JAMES H, ORMISTON Ask That Two Whitby Police Officers Be Appointed as Members Of County Force Council Passes Resolution Expressing Régret that Name of N Last t Constable John Thomas Was Struck Off at ions, and Asking That He Be Re-Instated. Also that Name of Chief H. W. Quantrill be Added to the County Police List Whitby Town Council wants the members of the municipal Bolce force, including Chief ¥ Quan trill and Constable Ay Ry to be members of the County. Police force, At Council's meeting on Mon- day evening the following resolution, moved b Rid AW , ily and seconded by Coun, Fred 71 Rowe, was passed ; That the Council learns with regret that the name of John Thomas, one of our town cons stables, has been removed from the list of County Constables, and the clerk is hereby instruct- ed to write Sheriff Paxton, High County Constable, requesting that Mr, Thomas be re-instated, and that the Chief Constable be also made a county constable if not Already on the county constable's ist,' The Council had no notification of the fact that Constable Thomas' name had been struck off the County list, other than that which appeared in the papers, nor had reason been fortheoming for such action. The Council had no objection to the name of ex-Chief Gunson being struck off , as he was leaving the force, but it was expected that the name of the No otHER cereal so crisp. Rice Jrispies soit setisl y orackle out k or reeam, Children og ior tbout them, * And such flavor | The taste of toasted rice, A different treat for broulkfast, Wonder. ful for the kiddies' lunch, So wholesome and easy to digest, Rice Krispies are handy to use in recipes. ake the place of put sat, At » Made by Ke in Frost. Oy oy tlantic City "is always {fin season" There's never a dul v new Chief would be added in Mr, Gunson's place, Chief Quantrill told the Council that in 1927 he was sworn in at Osh- wwa as & county constable and was under the impression that he was still on the list, although his name did not appear on the list at the present Lime, Reporting to Council on a number of matters relative to tlc fire departs ment, Chairman Robert Reid, of the Fire und Light Committee, told the Council that five galions of oil used for the pumper ha sappeared from the fire, hall and he was unable to find oul who took it. There were 25 or 30 keys to the hall, he said, Que of the members had promised some time ago to build a cupboard where all supplies could be kept un der lock and key but as he got a job he had not heen able to do it, Everything should be locked up, he suid, Reeve Jackson stated that it was rather a serious matter if people were goimg into the fire hall and taking things which did not belong to them, and for which the town was paying, He agreed that everything should be locked up, HOUSE ARREARS MUST BE PAID UP Housing Commission May Have to Ask Owners to Vacate Owners of Housing Commission houses in Whitby who are in arrears must pay up or vacate them by Sep- tember Jrd, according to a decision reached by the Whitby Housing Commission at a meeting held on Thursday evening, Those present at the 'meeting were W, H, Kennedy, Charles McClellan and 8. Thread. gold, A statement from the secretary showed that there are four Commise sion houses in arrears, with no sub« stantial regular payments being made, The town is responsible for the are rears to the Provincial Housing Come mission in Toronto and annually the town has 'to borrow considerable money at the bank to meet the pay ments, This costs the town not a few dollars annually for interest. There are fifteen Commission house owners in Whithy but all but Jour are making their payments regu-~ larly, CIVIC HOLIDAY ON AUGUST 4th IN TOWN OF WHITBY -- Whithy's annual Civie Holiday will be held this year on Monday, August 4th, which is the same date as other places in this part of the country, including Toronto and Oshawa. At the Town Coun. cil en Monday evening a bylaw was passed setting this date, and in due time the Bjur w ill issue his pr tion calling upon the of tN he Finest | EE | phd ~ CE hunk citizens to observe it. It is un. derstood that a celebration, in the form of a monster field day, is being arranged, tame to be held in the Town Park, Details of the iy ramme are now in the hands v. Russell Bailey, and will be ix Ri later, START WORK ON BRIDGE Work has started on the new bridge on Grand Trunk Street which was last week authorized by the Council, The structure will be completed this: fall. The con. tractors are vuploring some local labor on tho job, The contractors are the Ontario Bridge Company, CONSTRUCTING NEW SEWER Work was started last Saturday morning on the sewer extension on Chestnut Street, The work Is being done hy day labor and only Whitby married men or heads of families are being employed by the Public Utility Commission through the chairman of the Relief Com- mittee of the Town Council, WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PIONIO The Whitby Women's Institute will hold a plenic on Friday, the 18th at Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville, legving Whithy by buss at 2 p.m, sharp, To non-members th charge will he 60 cents which entitles them to be members of the Institute for one year, To members the charge is 25 cents, Come and bring your baskets, The Week in Whitby Mrs, Charles King, of Toronto, Is visiting friends in town, The Whitby Girl Guides expect to go into camp for th. first two weeks in August at Cameron Lake, Fene. lon Falls, Mr, and Mrs, M, L. Jennings vis- ited their daughter, Mrs, H, H, Ton- kin, St. Catharines, Dr, and Mrs, Horace Bascom and the Misses McKay, left this week on #& motor trip through the States. Miss Gertrude Bryan and Mrs, Russell B, Collins, who have been spending a week in Buffalo, have re- turned to town, Mrs, N. Caldwell, visiting her daughter, Mrs ner, Dundas St, E, Fiwood Haycke, of W. C., Town's staff, has returned from a holiday spent at Harrowsmith, Ont Mr, and Mrs, A, W. Jackson and family, have moved to their cottage at Heydnshore Park, Miss K. Meen, of Toronto, has been the guest of Miss Thomson, Dundas St, W, Miss Helen Hudson, of London, Ont, is visiting her parents, Dr, and Mrs, H, Hudson, Byron St. North, Mr, John Morrow, of Montreal, paid a brief visit to his sister, Mrs J. Melntyre, Brock St, S Coming~Dr, F, E, Luke, optome trist, 167 Yonge St, Toronto's able eyesight specialist, may be consulted about your eyes for glasses at A, Allin's 2 Srug store, Whitby, Tuesday, July 29 t The Are for the Loyal True Blues and Orange Orphanage, at Richmond Hill, wish to thank the citizens of Whitby, who contributed so generously on Saturday, June 28th, when the sum of $50.00 was raised, The Wolf Cubs plan to go into camp on the farm at Greenwood, where they had such a happy time last year, Their camp commences August Ist Mr, and Mrs, Bert Spence, of Lansing, Mich, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wu, Spence, Miss Dorothy Benson was the week-end guest of Miss Doris Roberts, On Saturday evening, June 5th, Miss Doris Roberts entertained at Bridge in honor of Miss Margaret Hudson, whose marriage takes place early next week, Miss Hudson was the recipient of a beautiful silver flower basket from her girl friends present, Wm, Broughton, of Whitby, was one of the prize winners announced recently by the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Association in the 1930 field crop conditions, 'Two sections were conducted, one for the cabbage and one for lettuce, Mr, Broughton's prize was for cabbage, Miss M, Kishey, A. T. C, M,, who has filled the position of organist in All Saint's. Church very acceptably, for the past five months, has moved from whithy and therefore given up work, Mrs, Ww, A. M,, the rector's mother, been appointed in her place, ST, BERNARD'S SCHOOL PRO. MOTIONS of Sterling, is D. Tur Crisall, has her Tre promotion list of St. Bernard's Separate School, Senior Room, is as follows | Jr. 1V to Sr, Podvinsky, Pass=Fred Podvinsky, Antoinette Giraux, Frances Rowe, Frances Bure tinsky, Margaret Calderone, Helen Turansky, Margaret St. Pierre, Sr, III to Jr, 1VeHonors=Philip Burtinsky, Pass==Annie Bragg. Jr. IIT to Sr, 1Jl=Honors=Olga Burtinsky, Billie Steffler, Pass--=Annie Anderson, Billie Kapuscensky, Annie Burtinsky, Tom. my O'Brien, Billie Turansky, Helen Bandel, Fred Anderson, OKley St, Pierre, Willie O'Brien, George Len nox. ANNUAL TREAT AT FRESH AIR CAMP On Wednesday afternoon mems bers of Keystone Chapter, R.AM,, Whitby, gave the annual treat, In the form of a very fine programme IVHonors-Peter Yarmola, Steven H,|it involved really EXTRACT TAR FROM ALBERTA SANDS, BARREL TA TON Will Mean Thousands of Dollars to Wester Province Edmonton, Alla~~Buccess In ex- traction of tar from bituminous sands in the McMurray area of northern Alberta has crowned ten years of ecort by Dr, K, A, Clarke of the University of Alberta, Ninety- five per cent. pure tar' was taken frifm the sands in recent experi ments, leading experts estimating that hundreds of thousands of dol Inrs may be saved in road-bullding and other Aevelopi ments following the discovery of Dr. Clarke's pro- cons, Five barrels of tar, claimed to be as pure as any produced from any other known source, were exiracts ed from five tons of Alberta bitum. inous sand subjected to the Clark process recently, The work was done at ths pilot plant near the raflway terminus at Waterways. close to McMurray, Prof, Alan ¥, Cameron, secretary of the Alberta Research Councll pelieves that the Clark plan has given to Alberta the solution of the tur sands extraction problem, Continue Production , Hundreds of barrels of the finish od tar will he produced during the summer and it will be the work of the mines branch of the Ottawa Department of Mines to handle the utilization experiments, Dr, Camer~ on states, Besides the use of (ar for road purposes, It is admitted that other flelds must he develop od | norder to warrant hope of ex- tensive development. A wide mar. ket lies in the genera petroleum field and it has been shown that modern processes will produce gaso- line and other petroleum products from the separated bitumen, Commenced in the laboratory a decade ago, Dr. Clark's work ad vanced step by step through labor. atory test plant and small-scale semi-commercinl plant, By 1025 A semi-commers cin! phase whereby ten tons of sand fl poer day could be treated and the bitumen extracted at reasonable cont Mince that time greater improve. ments have been made, bringing the process to such a state of effis clency that the tar now extracted shows less than one-half of one per cent, of combined mineral and water matter, A year hack an in- tensive two-year program was launched when an agreement was reached between the mines hranch of the Dominion Department of Mines and the Alberln Research Counell to join forces in an active campaign of development, Two-Year Program When the two-year program was worked out in the spring of 1029, Mr. Cameron explains, the mines banch was to undertake the work of mining and utiligation while the Research Council concentrated on the separation process, The minse branch opened a quarry on the site near Waterways, Dr, Clark then remodelled the old plant which he had constructed in 1926. Its capa city was increased to three tons per hour before it was shipped to the quarry last fall, Then tons of tar sand were put through the plant at the time, but the water content of the product was found to be about 2x per cent, due to Dr, Clark's system being ossentinlly a hot water process, While wator content is not objec- tionable in a road-surfacing pro- duct, It In undesirable {if the ses parated bitumen is to be used as source of petroleum prodets, So Dr, Clark continued his exper! ments, During the winter Dr, Clark con- centrated on Iimpovements in the process aimed at removal of water, In April the plant was reassem- bled with improved extraction me- thods included and again set up In the quarry, . It was put into oper. ation in June and, after a few minor adjustments, turned out an Ideal product, With one barrel of tar to the ton an the present , rate of operation, it is planned to oper. ate until fall on a tenshour-a-day schedule, NOTES FROM THE ELECTION BATTLE Ministers Assn Amall Forguson Simcoe, July 10.~Two Cabinet Ministers yesterday assailed Pres mier G, Howard Ferguson for his attitude on the St, Lawrence water. way and power development | and his activities in the and supper, to the residents of St, John's Rest Home at Corbett's Point, The weather for the sports was ideal and all enjoyed the pro. gramme to the fullest extent, and appreciated very much the kind hospitality of the fraternal men who have beon mindful of the Camp for many years, BAND GOES TO TORONTO Whitby Citizens' Band goes to Toronto on Baturday to march with Mount Joy Lodge, 1.0L, in tho annual Twelfth of July pare ade, The band has had this en gagement for soveral years past, and after each parade a new cons tract is made for the following yoar, HELD COMMUNION SERVICE The Bacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed at the morn. ing service in Bt, Andrew's Pres byterlan ~ Church, the minister, Rev, John Lindsay, presiding There was a large attondance of communicants, and four new mem- bers were added to the church roll, "Sending a manuscript out is like gonding a little ship on a trad ing voyage: much depends upon the wind and the weather," ~=Booth Tarkington, Ea -------- A Federal election campaign. They wera Hon, €, Elliott, Minister of Public Works, and Hon, T, A, Crerar, Minister of Rallways and Canals, who came here last night to address a Liberal rally in sup. port of W, J. Taylor, the party can. didate In Norfolk-Elgin, Mr, Cre. rar's address was broadoast through th province, "The Prime Minister of Ontirlo," sald Mr, Eliott, "is willing to in- Jure the Bt, Lawrence waterway it he can make political capital out of his refusal to accept the fairest possible terms for neitlement of the issue between the: Dominion, and fhe rovinpes,' Mr, Crerar sal "Promier Ferguson tells us that the Ht, Lawrence waterway fn the big lssue, It is nothing more than a smoke screen to hide the real fasue, I should not be In the least surprised if he finds a new issue on which to appeal to the electors within R.tha'yel next ew weeks," Devries Changing Status Trenton, July 10,~~Starting his Kanstern Ontario campaign in ue district yesterday, Premier G, H. Ferguson declared before large dudiences here 'last night and at Belleville in the afternoon that the -+ No Discrimination government of Premier King had Toronto, July 10,~As no vight to alter Canada's siatus within the empire, undor the basis of confederation, unless the prov- inces are first consulted, Coupled with this declaration Mr, Verguson again challenged Premior King to declare himself on the Bt, Lawrence river project, Commenting on the report coms piled by Canadian engineers per their lengthy study of the project. the speaker sald it clearly separ- ated the power and navigation ends of the development, Ottawn that the were interfering with munist, Candidaton ment during their ners, & communication has usking for the facts, When approached last Judgo Morson of the emphatically denied that ] Labor Supports Kuler erimination way Kitchener, July 10,-~A resolu- tion supporting the candidature of Hon, William D, Euler, minister of national revenue, has heen pass ed hy the Labor exceutive of Wal. erloo North, In previovy didates Ontario election campaigns the labor executive supported Karl K, Homuth, Mu. A, for Waterloo South, who has invaded the Waterloo north cons stituency to oppor: Mr, Kuler, who is celebrating his 66th birthday Lo- day, I-------- Toronto, July 10=R, manufacturer, was sentence Reformatory by Judge Radio to ho ™ martial [] Ottawa, July 10,==With regard to the reported refusal of a radio station In Quebec City to hroad- cant an address of Hon, Richard B, Benndtt, Conservative leader, on July 1. Inquiries at the department of Marine elicited the information that Hon, P, J. Arthur Cardin, the minister, has instructed that every facility is to be given for the broad. casting of the addresses of Prem fer MacKenzie King and Mr, Ben- nett, Lan, Li i a a aa St UA Scott and J. W, connection with the Alreralt Company, uaginst the accused SOLDIERS SETTLE were (By Fon hy Pron aan Threves, Germany, July 1 of allegations made by local Com- munists to the electoral oxicer at Toronto oe for open-aly ings in the.purks and on street cor- received by thé police commission Chief Constable Draper declined to make a statement, but His Honor commission being among the varitus classes of can TORONTO GLIDER MAKER SENTENCED McKinnon Turnour, aviator and erstwhile glider year and five months in the Ontario Denton County Judge's Criminal Court, Fraud, theft and conspiracy with J, Hill to defraud the public, in theoffer of positions in Turnour-Hill Alreraft" Company and the GRUDGE WITH RAID" ed 0 result police al Com-~ parltia- moet- heen ro- ovening any dis shown It is the choice of wisdom to prefer this "SALADA" this finest tea TEA 'Fresh from the gerdens' RSA armed with tear dows of several d to one Former service n memories, handler who as Condor recruits charged Windsor M Wire) 0,==Volice Inrge Port "ACROSS the BREAKFAST TABLE" Is the place to hear the men folk praise their wives for their thoughtfulness in selecting Pride of Arabia Coffee, It has become the topic of table conversations--the subject of many tests and the delight of thous. hostesses, "Toppi evenings wit rt mb ands 0 SST | does Social thanks ing off" as it such profuse on the part of the guests, it is evident that Pride of Arabia is fast be- i coming the popular social coffee. d "So Good You'll Want More" william, Ris kept busy all night restoring order in anti-Separatist rioting in which win- shops and were shattered and a number of dem- onstrants arrested, men, meanwhile seized the op- portunity to raid a villa on the out. skirts of the town not belonging to a Separatist but owned by a cigar Wu War time seargennt was alleged to have heen rough with Storekeepers Allowed Viguor w= Hlorekoepers have lguor In the living quarters poction of his premises, Magistrate Brodie has rule od, ( NiTYOvE r Predicted Another large" carryover of wheat in both Canada and United tates is fore. cast hy ¥, A, Ursell, statistician of the Board of Grain Commissioners, Forest Fire Loss In Saskatchewan Heavy (By Canadisn Press Lossed Wire) ~ Prince Albert, Sask, July 10, Loss from northern Saskatchewan's 1930 forest fires, halted hy recem bombs were homes with long -- riing, is estimated hy Dominion for- estry officials as $138929 in. 195 of may | 255 fires reported, About 21000000 board feet of saw timber went up in smoke in addition to 100,000 cords of fuel und pulpwood, Settlers caused 91 of the fires, campers and travel lers 43, und thirty-four were of in- cendlary origin, officials estimated, fyary ei A a THESE SPECIALS ARE ON SALE WEEK JULY 10th to 16th GROCERIES For Your Summer Home Allow Loblaw's to assume all Yorn that might be yours regard~ ing h the sending of Erocery sup~ Pr os for your summer home. Our al manager will be delighted to Ste you regarding this, Just ask m. Picnic Suggestions Skinless Figs--Texas, Delicious and Appetizing Figs, 13 oz, 32¢ Grape and Cherry Punch Harry Horne's, bottle... 23c Peanut Butter--World's Best, Arrow Brand, 3-02. jar... Wild Bramble Jolly-- obert son's Jmporned, 16-03. jar... Tuna Fish -- Light «lle 29¢ SPECIAL--SOMOR DELICIOUS OLIVES A Jar of These Looks Most Tempting on the Picnic Table SPECIAL--~MACONOCHIE'S HERRINGS Pr co 29¢ jar Boon 19: Large Tin 19° Kippered or in Tomato Sauce SPECIAL--FRENCH IMPORTED CASTILE SOAP Hand Size eC 2 Cakes Meat, Shell Brand Halves, Tin... : Lime Juice--Mont« serrat, Medium Size Bottle... 42¢ Sandines-_King Oscar Brand, Dainty and SPECIAL Pure Pride of Ontario Honey + §2° Delicious, 2 tins... 31¢ SPECIAL--~LOBLAW'S Brown Label TEA =a MIXED Phy. € 1. Pkg, 43° This Special Blend of India and Ceylon Tea is Exguptional \ Value. SPECIAL--C. & B'S, TOMATO CATSU LARGE BOTTLE With That Fresh Tomato Flavor SPECIAL--AYLMER Fancy Quality PEACHES Wo © | or Salads.. wd em Juv 300 WT DRESSING Ys Ne 10¢ d Le iT} Orgran Med, Size Bol h Rolls--I fal, 1 Lush heets tos Roll. Roll olls.., segitary D Drinking Cups--Dixie do oT Mg Serviettes--H ark Bran 80 to ooHigh Par ge 12¢ Snacks--Real Tast: | Kivpor Snache--Real Tog tine 1le Shield Brand Mayonnaise DELIGHT A dele. ", ve NA 8 0s, jar Me wn 334 08, Jar 130 PIMENTO NA YONNAISE = Ideal nn FE os, Jar Jar 13 "A Cube to « Cup" 0X0 "ha 2dc Pearl White Napthe SOAP 4d ]5¢c, " An and . POLIFLOR WA Xwin§30 Lib ICKLES HN. A, PURE . LARD then 18¢ s Homemade Groceterias in Ontario | (1

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