Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jul 1930, p. 9

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J a aim ------------ THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1930 RA tay chic PAGE NINE PASSION FLOWER by Kalua Nort ynopsis of Preceding Instalments And saftey divoress=what Cassy Wallace wonders tore lownly, Dan hep husband father of litle Tomm, Margaret goes form v We fovever, 'and the shabhy old vaneh house is a void without him: Ta have hoy husband in love with Dulce Varney, the vieh young widow then lying Alfons the voud from them, Cassy's pride and love, and vobs hey of all veason, She hevselt tells Dan to leave herp to divoree hov, And when she writes Dan quietly te come home to ohildven that nothing ols matteyseesho paper Hem, Married; Wallace reads his answer in a news Varney, ; From Mother IT am the mot healthy children, | ears old and 1 do all my own sework including washin| and sewing and I feel well a strong, 1 used to suffer a food deal as women do and nothing helped me much. I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound in tablet form and it Is the best medi: eine I ever used. I will tell any woman more about it ff she will write to me."==Mmn, J, H, Lehr, ofa Seymore Street, Van couver, British Columbia, TLE Sm LA ETITS Veeetable Compound wl ond! This Shim , what PPens n " mar: vies her tathev's chauflewr, I for Daw se=thely pre very, thely babies, thely com: Ing to the abandoned Pingle vaneh, and Dan's new EavAge on the state highway to Nan Vvanciseo, we roulitios that bind them, make them one for ever and ever, Dyes and Dan return from thely" honeymoon, During the next three years Dules proves (0 be a very Jealous and exacts ing wite, Dan's thoughts turn back to Cassy, We writes hey n letter, TWENTY IRNT INKTALMENT "Well, what'd you think of the hook, Cansy?" "What hook, Mae?" "The book I left for you yesters y: "OW, yég=-oh? 1 didn't read it." "fF didn't expect you to rend il it's three hundred pages!' Canny stated gulltily, and caine suddenly to attention, "Mag, I'm wo dumb! | Intening." What's up?" he asked, with a whdden, keen, susploions look, Cassy wianced uhout the old grape arhor sautiously, Shad w letter," she confessed, in a low voles, "Wrom Dan?! Macalister Jessop asked with quick apprehension, Cassy nodded, Yi upset me horribly,' sid, her throat thiokening couldn't weep all night" "What'd It any?' "Nothing, really, Ho said well, anyway, 1 knew he meant that he had had it on his mind for some time to write me and say that he wus awfully sorry that I'd felt #0 badly, when the= when he left me, and that a man under the eles gumstanees wasn't normal--wasn'l nhle to Judge how muh pain he was giving and---well, and that he WAS BOPEY ="! "Canny!" "1 oan't help i!" she sald, drys ing her sudden rush of tenrs The man regarded har keenly for # few seconds, hefore he said sym: pathetieally, "And did that make you feel so badly, Cassy?" Tor ua minn! + movely regards him level] an her lip tremb« led, and with a helpless appenling look he found intinitely touching she dropped her head, and pressed her brown, thin young hand tight ly upon her eyas "You ean'te=Now, my dear girl," he hogan parsunsively, "you ean't imagine yourself as still caring About that fellow?' Canny "y "do" wish', dr MSLARENS NVINCIBLE So o waste, 10s I "Well, Is not lke you, Cansy, You've too sensible a woman, Its ridienious." "Oh, | know that, Mae" OH'mi" the man grumbled, "i don't i1dealize Dan, Mao, | know he treated me badly, (rented me like Ae" "kunk," Mano ingly, lt you Whe," Cassy sald, shrug: ging, "Dut I know Dan" she went on, In a thoughtful voles, "and | know Just whit he did, And, to understand is to forgive, Mac," "Home men play In Juek, und some don't," the man commented supplied oblig vy "But | would rather nol wes him," "Oh, he wanted to sng you?" red came up In Cunpy's theaks, "Well, you, in a way he did," whe admitted, "No, 1 won't sea him," she said, "What would he gained hy 1" "You have Lo take the world ay It 15, Mae," she argued, out of a sllenee. "I couldn't have done wha Dan did, but I oan understand his doing I," "Well, 1 ean't," briefly, "My dear Mas," volt Heliherately, "you forge Loran away with a chauffeur," YON, well, In many wiyuws-Wal Ince wan't he uncomfortably bogan, "He was 8 chauffeur, Mae' "Nou, 1 know, But you hear of gentlemen's wons going In for wall ing on table," "Of sourse you do, -only~-he didn't happen to be a gentleman's son, He had no code hehind him, Mac, When we ware first married It used to amass me so, his sur prise that thers were rules, .Lhat there were things that could, and things that couldn't be done" "Lote of folk In our hest society walk out on thelr wives, Cassy." "1 know they do-~1 Know they do!" she said eagerly, "Dut they know, They've the skunks, If you ike, Dan didn't know That's Just tha differance Why, Mu Dan's ons of the sweetest, one of the - most generous men I've ever Mae porsisied she sald NHghtly that known In my le, "Your Safegunard®' We believe io maintaining a constant high standard In the selection of pure foods, You can be assured that your purchases at Arnold's Markets will meet the test of highest quality and economy, STANDARD OUALITY Peas wm Ble THE IDEAL BREAKFAST FOOD Shredded Wheat 2 pikys. 19¢ Brands of 'offee of EXTRA SPECIAL! Week-End Sale of Well-Known Coffee Chase Sanborn's Maxwell House 1 LB TIN 33 Arnold's Dinner Blend \ FRONTS SPECIAL! Extraordinary Low Prices on Tender Young LAMB LOINS LEGS LJ ROUND STEAK wlde nu 2Fe |e 18 Tender Young Beef Roast wn. 26¢ Tr ------ $e | Keen's Mustard, Ho Keen's Mustard; Ye Kraft Salad Dressing, 1 iN MeCormiok's Royal Assorted Blsoulus, 10 iverey sR tive a SUGAR CURED, SMOKED SIDE Bacon Cured and Smoked In Our Own Plant Be Shire Pincapple Marialade, 38 ou. #7 TIP TOP BRAND CARNATION, NESTLES §T, CHARLES EVAPORATED MILK 3 a TIN Bde Weiners 19 MILD CURED CORN LAROE RIPE Watermelons Each dJe wo NEW : Cabbage 3» 11¢| Beef Cus» 18 SWEET PICKLED SHOULDER 200 1b. | CALIFORNIA Large and Juicy 33¢ doz. \ He wants to be | finn), What's what's breaking my heart now, hecaune | know he must he coming to ses what he did as it really wan!" "Cumny,' the man sald, after a long silence, "you've heginning 10 think of him again?" "I don't helleve I've aver slop ped," "What & moss!" Mac said, "Ian't 117 But you can't uniove people to order," Cassy argued, "uny more than yon can love them to order" "Uyn never" wha went on, mil Ink und blinking "I've. never hud un companion Ike him; I've never had any companion at all! He's alwayy heen what Margaret oulled me The other day, #Hhe rub bod her head against my arm, Mom, yonw've my host p'rsson!' Dan's heen my hest person 4) Whyn "1 foal differently when he's In the houwe, puttering about, Noth. Ing seams to. have huppsned until I've talked 10 over with Dan,' "My mnarringe WAN never that," Mae said Mae, Just Wis getting home at Wight niways hus given me uA finished fealing=-1 don't know what to eal i! My heart would settle down, Hike something climb ng nto a nest there was nothing more outside in the world, thst hes longed to me, It was all Dan" And he's the man that falls In we with an Intriguing "Oh she wasn't Intriguing! Just desparately loving and porhans nol NOL Hien" erupulous', briefly "Wall, ke io Mire supplied fara people In love evar erupulous? He win completely be witehod hut he wasn't the flrs." Conny, somehow it slekans me to hinve you defend hin! Kyeary man Know that ha ought to stand by his wite and kids" Not If the wife steps back, and the other woman (ells him a eon vineing story I've not forgiven him I'm not a door-mat, that a man can trample I've Laken hin ohildren away from him, and on Fascinating games of Cone treet or Austion .', mule , » deneing . « Interesting com. panions, spacious staterooms + + broad decks . . temptin refreshments , , loads of fellowship and a continual 'round of gelaty or quiet come fort, Just as your taste dictates «+ Intiresting toples of cone venation for months after you return, Make your Europesn tip a Joy when croming by Cabin Class on 'one of the Regal Duchesses or the ever populer "Mont" and "M" ships of the Canadian Pacifi Atlantic fleet, Tourist Third Cabin Return Fare as low a $105.00 Ask your local agent or J. BD. MACKAY, General Agent, Canadian Pacific Dulldiag, Toronto CANADIAN: PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS "Always Carey Canadian Pacitio Travelers' wea, , Good the World a iL y The Standard \ dache Remedy for Mea auto TABLETS are an eMolent imade my own life complete without him, But even if 1 can't forgive, ean understand," it makes It nice for me," Mae wid, $ha voused herself smiling, wip ing her syes, 'Poor you," "You're everything In the world to me, 1 supposes | shall go on tells ing you #0, and angering you," Mac said, with his precise Vitis alr of self-control, "untll we are old." "No, no," whe suid, shocked, "you don't anger me at all; it's Bnly~ wall, 11) tell you; it mikes me fas) 8 litle embarrased, Can't you understand that? To have an per. son you Nis immensely want wall, Just simply meow "Mae, what a moss I'm making of this! But you know what 1 mean, 1 mesn that 1 do Vike you #0 torribly---that I love to talk to you, that youw'rs my best friend far and away, and mama's ma about you, and the ehildren love you, and If you want to go on and on asking me If 1 have changed my mind, for goodneww' sake, do!" Cuswy sald kindly, "UH get you yet," he said, "Not while Dan Wallace Iu wlival" She said IL quistly, In a matter of fact tons, hut It silenced him and thare Was a paiine, "What part do you think Dulce would play In his return?' Mae unked then, "Bupposing him to be wok of his bargain?" "IT haven't thought," Cassy sald enimly gathering up her mending, und choosing in her own mind the words that should nek Mae Lo wiiny and dine with them And all the while Dan's brief In sloquent letter was agninst hat heart, and that night it was under hor pillow, with her brown hand holding It tight, sven In her sleep It wan an shart letter; hut twenty wen words In all "Ousn,' It began And the ah rapt appeal, so Hike Dan, was as pre fous to her ae anything thnt "fol lowed: "I am sorry If you are un happy I never thought how It nll looked to yon I wish some day you would let me tell you Dan,' It was nhout un week ater, ut six o'clock In the afternoon, that Dun wilked nto her kitchen, The sun | E i ------------ EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS had set; thers was a clear soft twi Wght under the shabby autumn treey in the roomy old kitchen, st the ond of the day, he found sll the familiar weonts and sounds of home, "The early evening was chile iy, and the big wiove was fired; pauches wore cooking; baking was under way, Old Mrs, Pringle was In a rocker, with Margaret in her ap; the young Swedish girl was ol the sink, Tommy was studying al. the able, "1 command val you wet diy Munchkin boy free!" Margaret shouted, looking up from her hook, "ihe always says thet when you get to that places, doesn't she, granny?" Tommy asked, Pan knocked; every one turned, And in the silence Cassy came oul of the big pantry, and looked in- auiringly st the visitor, His wir), his slender, blus-aprons dled gir) with the dark rich cloud nhove her earnest, thin brown face, and blue, blue eyes, Dan's throat thickened, and he conid not speak, "It's dad, mom," Tommy pre wantly winted, He got down from the table, and went Lo her sides, and whe dropped her hand and clasped Wx own firm little hand, without moving her eyes from the doorway, "Could | speak to you 8 minute?" Dan asked, clearing his throat, "Why of courses," Cassy loowned hor hold of the child's hand, and jarked her head slightly toward the yard, behind Dan, "We can talk out hers," she suid, They wtogd on the well-ramem hared, desp old porch, Cassy shut the kitchen door behind her, and rested In a half witting position ininnt # long table that was it fared with odds and ends of small farm squipment "What Is 17" she asked In a qulat voles, hrenthing fast "Md you get my note?" ankod awkwardly "Oh, you, And thank you," "I had to knows" he stumbled on, al) the earefully prepared elo quence of the Inst long days. of hrooding completely forgotten "whether you felt=hnrd. toward me,' of hair Dan (To he continued) (Copyright 1080 by Kathleen Norris) ANNENSMENT UP Cornwall, ~~According to the re port of the committees on equnlism tion 'of assessment Introduced al the session of the United Countiow' Counetl the assessment of the e¢ity of Cornwall han heen Increased FONT ARN pines lant year Au given out In this year's schedule the olty In nesosned for $0,815,710 while a year ago the total amounted to #4, CELA EL) DUNDAN W, |, Iroquois. ~The annual. distriet {meeting of Dundas. County Wo { nen's Institute was hold at Mores | wood, The new offleers are as follows Pv Mrs, I. PP, Kverett, Iron queln; first vies president Min George Karl Winchesthr; second | vieespresident, Mra, J. W. Hogart, Morewood, and third, Mrs, Hughes of Winehester; seoretary-tronsirer Mins MoCiee, Chesterville nnd prov nein) director, Mra, RB, | Davids ion, Iroquols, ACCIDENTAL DEATH Brookville, «The Inquest over the untimely donth of James Lehi), 70 Ormond street, who wan electro outed In the township of Elisabeth Lown, Just west of the Ontario Hoss pital grounds resulted In a ver dlot of aceldental death UNUNUAL BIBLE Kingston «<A most unusual hook In that owned by Mrs, W, Ashton of 46 King street weal, this ofty, Iv In a history of the Nible, printed by HW, & 1, Phinney, Cooperstown, N.Y, In 1880 and the pages meas sire only onegineh by one and a half inches, The volume Is hound In leather and is In a remarkably wood state of preservation, The print In very clear and the volume In {llustrated by small wood outs, It Is helleved to he the only hook of ite kind In exintence and Mra, Ash on has refused some very high ots fers for it, DEATHN ACCIDENTAL Napanes, "That the sald Krnest and nald Conger came to thelr donths at the sald township of Richmond on June 30, 1080, as the result of an automobile aoeldent, and we lay no blame on any one for the sald deaths, Much Was the verdiot rendered at the ine quest which was held at the Selby own Mall, DAYLIGHT SAVING Lindsay, ==Action was deferred y the Town Counell on a petition to have the daylight saving byslaw quashed, FEWER LIOKNNKN Lindsay, Mr, W, 0, Agnew, la: sus of automobile lloenses for Lindsay told The Post yesterday that about 800 loennes loss than usual had been wold In Lindsay thin year, He did not think this Wan because of any decrease In the number of oars, however, hut he. oause lloenwen oan he bought In Minden now, WOMEN ORGANS Cobourg. ==Cobourg and dinteiet women organised & women's branch a the County Conaervative Asnoolne Ofloars are: Mrs, Horbert Wioks, president; Miss Clara Weld, flat vice-president; Mra, John Newton, wecond vice-president; Mrs, Arnold Stahles, seoretary and Mra, Albert Wood and Ms, Charles Guymer, conveners of the soolal activities committes, Mra, Milton B, Mayheo [and Mra, I J, MoArthur, wives of the candidate and the sitting mem. if ND) he able baiiniative An \ am Onorary pros widents, £ x Kerman-- OLDEST BARBER Trenton, = Louis Lal'rance, HN who recently celebrated bin eighty: \ eighth birthday Is still engaged al work In his barber shop here, He in bellaved to ba the oldest barber in Cunads and has spent forty poven years In Tranton at the busi News NERIOUN CHANGE Broekyillo, Ivan Honslip, of the township of Yonge, appeared he fore Hin Honor Judge Reynolds, charged with a serious offence nuainet an enfeabled-minded por. won, He pleaded not gulity, CHEKSEMAKKRS Kingston, ==A very comprehen sive competition for the cheese: makers of Frontenne County has organized and five trophies und over $200 In prise money has hoon obtained, The object of the competition is to stimulate more Interest in the dairy Industry TO COMPETE WATER SUPPLY PURE Hrookville «Samples of water tuken from the Brockville malng and forwarded for bhacteriologioal oxamination to the laboratories in Toronto of the Department of Health, have been given the highs ost rating, "A Good," hy the de partment, EANY FOR GODFRKY Cleveland, July 0 o=Coarge Godirey, giant negro heavyweight of Lieperville, Pa, won a techs nieal knockout In the wevond round of a scheduled twelve-round bout with Frank Whnms of Cleve innd, last night, Godfrey knocked HKimms down twioe in the first round and once in the second. when Rimms threw In the towel, PENN BARGE CLUB COMING Hamilton, July 0.«=The , Lean. der Nout Club, Hamilton, has been notified that the Pennsylvanin Narge Club of Philadelphia wi) he represented In the Interna tional Rowing Regatta to be held here on Aug, 10 and 20, in cons nection with the British Empire (amen, FAIRFAX OUT OF TENT GAME London, July B==A, Fairfax, bowler of the London cricket team, underwent an operation yesters day morning for the ' removal ot an abscess, and will be unable to play in the third test match on riday against England, f-------- NERO WINS HANILY New York, uly f==Peto Nebo, hardspunching Seminole Indian from Tampa, Fla, deelsively outs ointed Nid, Terris, vet ork lightweight, in hout wt the Quosnsboro's Btadium Inst night, Nebo weighed 1304; Torrin 180M, MAKE REFUNDS TO SHRINE HOSTESSES Many Disappointed Because Roomers Failed to Materialize (By Canndisn Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 10, Retween 7,000 and 8.000 Toronto householders whe paid a dollar 10 be made "official hoats, or hostesses," for the recent Shrine convention will veeeive their money back {if they apply to the Shrine committee stated W, H, Shaw a member of the committee, Mr, Shaw said that the Shrine was not legally bound by the contracts to repay the money but had decided to-do so in answer to complaints: Healthy, Hearty, Children: thrive on. md hristie's Arrowroots You couldn't find more palatable nourishment for children, As a gruel for the very little ones . . just as they come from the package for the older ones , , , grown-ups and invalids enjoy them too. Christie's Arrowroot Biscuits coritain all the health- giving elements of absolutely pure arrowroot. Canadd'1 Ovigingl Arvovront Bilicwlt baked In C by Christie's vince 185), MOTHERS should know 3HOVsANDS of vital questions concerning your baby's care are bound to arise, Baby's Welfare tells you the answers, It was written for the use of every young mother by a thoroughly experienced physician, It ignot technical, hot does it tlt the Place of yu A iy Saves Is i» Just a simple practical treatise in every day language You cannot afford to be without it, Write for your copy to-day and save yourself endless worry, Baby's food le of first c.neideration. (Yuree him if possible, If you cannot, use Begls Brand, endorsed by thousands of mothers, by thousands of doctors, It bs absolutely pure and safe and exceedingly digestible. THE BORDEN €O,, LIMITED 140 Ba, Paull W,, Montreal Sand me, fren, "Baby's Wallare®, alse "The Best Baby' record book, ; BARGAINS USED CARS 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN : 927 CHEVROLET SEDAN $325.00 1927 ESSEX SEDAN : OXY apocial +. vo vie ivan sid $400.00 1928 ESSEX SEDAN eI $600.00 1920 ESSEX SEDAN cannot tell it from a new car very small mileage Ross, Ames & Gartshore Company Limited 138 King Street W, Phone 11680

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