Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Jul 1930, p. 1

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/ i The Oshawa ' Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer fo Daily Times "All the ™ News While ¥ It Is News" 7 I VOL. 7--NO. 6 Published at Oshewa. Usy Except Sundays Ss Every Holiduyo OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES ' " News in Brief toy Conndian Prose) Road Is Cleared Sault Ste, Marie, Ont.~--North: ern Development Engineer ' G, J, Lamb telephoned to the Sault from Massey that motors could now make those portions of the filundated - Sault-Toronto road un- der their own power, for the first time in two wetks. i » Ld To Represent Canads Ottawa.-- James Cattermole Berg, alde-de-camp to His Honor J. D. McGregor, Lioutenant-Gov- ernor of Manitoba, has been pamed by the Canadian Govern. ment as its official representative at the cel:bration at Oslo Noz~ way, of 'the 900tn anniversary of Christianity in Norway, ' Girl Gets Pilot's License New York.--Miss Beulah Un- ruh, 25, a waitress at a popular priced chain restaurant, qualified for a commercial aviation pilot's license at Curtiss Airport, after five months' instruction in he gpare time, She is five feet tall and pretty, . " City Protests Costs windsor.--The Windsor" City Council is to considor a resolu- tion calling on the Government to assume the cost of recording vital statistics In the city. . May Be New Minister Paris, France.--The Qual D'Or- say has submitted the name of Ar- sene Henry, who is French min- ister'to Siam, to the Canadian gov- ernment for approval as the next French minister to Canada. Ld » Tour Reaches Vancouver Vancouver, B.C.--On their way to Peace River and determined to see as much o Chnada as possible 'en route, a party of nearly 200 eastern Canadian ministers and ad- herents of the United Church in Canada,' touring under direction of Dr. 8. W, Fallis of Toronto, reach- ed Vancouver yesterday. » Cardinal Seriously Ill Vatican City, Italy, July 8.-- Cardinal Vannutelli's heart weak- ened during the night. This morn- ing he received holy communion and the extreme Jinetion. v Killed on Highway gt, Catharines.~+John W. Munn, 42, a resident of Niagara .town- ship, near St, Davids, was a1most instantly killed on the Niagara highway last night by a motor-car driven by Perfeival Skinner, of St. Catharines. ! yo.» Tong Glider Flight New York.--A wireless message from Captain Stuparich of . the liner Saturnia revealed today that the glider Claibowine Foster" stay- ed in the alr for eight hours yes- terday, believed to be the longest ocean flight ever made in a towed plane ---- a eta ee MISSING BOY NOW BELIEVED DEAD (By Canadian Press Léased Wire) Kapuskasing, July 8.~That Victor Gareay, six year old lad, who has been 'missing from his home near here for over a week, is now dead, is 'the fear expressed by Chief John Neegan of the Mattice Indians, The | chief whose expert Indian trachers have now joined the search for little Victor is confident that they will find his body int two or three days, BROKER FACES 35 CHARGES AT TORONTO (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 8~--Frank M Smith, brought here from New York City after a lengthy battle against extradition, to face 10 charges of fraud and 25 charges of theft and receiving, was remanded until Juiy 16 whe: he appeared in 'police court today. Following his arrest over a year ago Smith, a broker, jumped his bail of $30, 000 and fled to New York where he was re-arrested. DOUBLE DROWNING © AT BLACK LAKE, ONT. (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bala, July §.--A double drowns ing occurred ,at Black Lake on the Gibson reserve near here yei- torday, it became known today. The victims were John 8. Roll, 23, and Lionel White, 22, of Pittsburgh, Penn, Their = bodies were recovered several hours after by Indians working nearby. CE -- Pressure is high over the Lake and central por. tion of 4 United and . low over eastern Car and Manitoba, Showers have oc curred from the Ottawa val. ley eastward, and heavy rain is reported from Brandon, Manitoba, while in other parts of the Dominion, weather has been fair. : 3 } BUS LINE PROPRIETOR DEFIES CITY Storms Do Heavy Damage to Crops on Prairies HAIL STONES MOW DOWN GRAIN; LOSS TO CROPS MAY BE 75 PERCENT LIKE EGGS Winds of Cyclonic Force Sweep Over Wide Stretch of Prairies, Causing Heavy Damage SASKATCHEWAN WAS HARDEST HIT Crops Almost a Total Loss in Area of Fourteen by Six Miles .Near Spring: water : (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Yan. July 8.-- Hail and winds of cyclonic force which came on the heels of an electrical storm' last night and early this morning piled up heavy damage to grain fields in a wide stretch of territory in the Canadian west. Both telephone and telegraphic services were disrupted and full reports as to the extent of damage were slow in reaching here. Halil stones which in some areas were as large as pigeon eggs cut standing grain down over a large area stretching all the way from Amisk, Alta, to. Brandon, Man, first advices, sald, Thousands of acres of wheat land were ruined. In a strip of farm country approxi- mately 14 miles long and six miles wide located west of Spjringwater, Sask., crop loss was estimated as high as 756 and 100 percent, TWO SHIPS SUNK BUT SEAMEN SAVED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sydney, N.8., July 8.---Twelve seamen of Nova Scotia and New- foundland are safe here after crossing two score miles of sea in uncertain weather after their ves- sels had practically gone under them. First to reach shore were Captain Phillip Strickland and his crew of six of the steamer Machi- nery, which went down 30 miles off Cape Smok early Sunday morn- ing. Captain Iionel Wareham and four men of the Newfoundland schooner Arauconia reached port in a small open dory. ELEVENTH BODY FOUND Brockville--~--The eleventh hody from the wreck of the drill boat J B, King, recovered today in the vicinity of the disaster was identi. fled as that of George Kovach, Montreal, .a driller, LANBETH PARLEY HEARS APPEAL ON NEW PRAVERBOOK Asked to Condemn Bishops Who Have Adhered to Unauthorized Work (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng, July 8--~An appeal fo 'the Lambeth conference of 'arch+ bishops and bishops to "bear witness for the truth against errors which threaten the very existence of the Church of England as a national church", has been made by tlie Loya) Churchmen's Union, with the apr proval of the council of the Church Asgpciation. he appeal is directed against the revised prayerbook, which has twice been rejected by parliament, and the Jrogtises endorsed oh Shiv prayers . ey She ops) have pros moted the sale and circulation of praye k which no clergyman o the Chureh of England can use withe out guilt and dishonor, an to gain inviting disestablishment, 'to sacrifice their own ends they seem ready by the highest .interests of the church and of the nation", the Loyal Church- men's Union declares, "The loyal minority of bishops are helpless," the appeal = on. "Who but members of the Romanizing fac. tion are now promoted to the epis¢ copate phe. Vesition of the ital clergy ty is fast becom ne Fai Ay . What we ask of not any interference with adininis- tration, but faithful and' put.poken resy and on of 'perjury, fawlcssness, try," y : i $40.89, ou is 4 Lindbergh Gives Views on Flying (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, July 8.--Responding to a request from the League of Na- tions for his views on the interna- tional aspects of commercial aviation Col, Charles A, Lindbergh has cabled to the transit section of the league a4 comprehensive outline of what can be done for flying. He suggested that now is the time, while airlines of the world are in a formative stage, to establish princi- ples and practices whic hwill offer a broad basis for development and which will recognize that the aero- plane is going to break down nation- al barriers and the prejudices of iso- lation, "John D" is 91 Today Tarrytown, N.Y., July 8.-~John D. Rockefeller was 91 years old to- day. Except in slight details, the day's routine was the same as on other days. BACK TO BOYHOOD'S HAPPY DAYS CROWN PRINCE MICHAEL Photograph shows Crown Prince Michael of Roumania, who was re- cently relieved of. the cares of king when his father, Prince Carol, returned and took over the throne he renounced. ful dog, The prince is seen with his faith- BOARD REGRETS RESIGNATION OF SHARMAN MOORE Holds First Meeting Since He Resigned to Contest This Riding (By Canadiun vr Lott Wire) Ottawa, July 8A fairly large del- egation from the grape growing dis- tricts of Niagara peninsula were pre- sent today when the tariff advisory board opened its hearings on the re- quest for a revision of the tariff on grape juice imported in bulk for wine making. This was the first sitting of the hoard since the resignation of W., H. Moore, chairman, who is run- ning as Liberal candidate in Ontario county in the present general elec: tions. L. F. Burroughs of the grape grow ers and Hector Racine, provincial chairman of the board expressed the loss 'the board had sustained in the resignation of W, H. Moore. The growers demanded higher tar- iff in view of growing importance of grape growin, It was brought out the liquor act forbids sales of Ontario wines in this province if not made of Ontario grapes. Letters from British Columbia growers urging the tariff were read to the board. 4 GARTON REFUSES TO PAY TAX DEMANDED BY CITY, THREATENS REPRISALS Conan Doyle to Talk from Dead? (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Crowborough, Sussex, Eng., July 8,--The family of Sir Arthur Con- an Doyle today awaited word from him that he, whose mind was the parent of Sherlock Holmes, had golved the mystery which always interested him most--death, His son, Adrian Conan Doyle, de- clared: "My father fully believed that when he passed over he would con- tinue to keep in touch with us. All his family believe so, too. "I know perfectly well that my father will often speak to us just as he did before he passed over, We shall always know when he is speaking but we shall have to be careful, since there are practical jokesters on the other side, just as there are here." PILOT'S CONDITION CRITICAL Camp Borden. Provisional Pilot C. D. Pooler, Woodroxe, Ont., is making a "magnificent fight" for life at the Camp Borden hospi- tal, authorities there stated today. Pooler is still in a critical condition fom an aipan collision. King Government Has Done Much to Unify All Canada Germany Wants New Treaties Are Price of Participation in Briand's Scheme of United Europe (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, Germany, July 8.--~Revi- sion of treaties by which Germany was bound after the war and a formula of equality for all nations were made known today as stipula- tions the German foreign office would make for consideration of France's proposal of a "United States of Europe." The German reply to the mem- orandum of foreign minister Briand was the subject of a debate today in the foreign affairs ,com- mittee of the Reichstag at the close of which it was sald In semi- official circles that a majority fa- vored an affirmative answer with reservations, Whether stipulations other than those reported had been raised as Germany's co-operation' provision was not revealed. AGED MILLIONAIRE TAKES SECOND WIFE Naw York, July 8.--August Heckscher, 81-year-old multi-mil- lionaire philanthropist, was In the Adirondacks: today after a quiot wedding last Wednesday. The bride: was Mrs, Virginia Henry Curtiss, 56, widow of Kd- win Burr Curtiss, She was a close friend n¢ Heckscher's first wife, who died in 1924, BANK DEPOSITS DECREASED INMAY Demand Deposits $69.400,- 067 Lower and Notice De- posits 'Drop by $8,686,812 (By Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, July 8.--A decrease in the assets of Canadian banks dur- ing the month of May of $45,838, 8 decrease in abilities of i are d in the monthly bank statement fssued hy the d ent of day. Assets in April 1930, total led $3,275.932,394 and in May had; pak to 5 0,003982. Tla- Fo a Aye 51,968,434, in May they were i A610 a n eposits reased dur- ing the month under review from $644,067.89 Br gals 2 a deciiug of $69,400, gr. 2 not ed | 8.686.812, trom $1,441,141,712 to $1,432. The credit to "the Canadian Banks in the central gold reserve rose from $43,780,866 in April to $45,680,866 in May, ho i" was passing through the policemen and two of inane gd & eared unable t (By BAY BROWN) (Canadian Press staff Corrdspond- ent.) " Victoria B.Ci, July 8.-A crowd- ed theatre and an overflow meeting in the Chamber of Commerce faced Premier Mackenzie King here Mhst night. The Royal Victoria Thea- tre was filled before Mr, King ar- rived, and those turned away were directed to the Chamber of Com- merce. He wanted, said Premier King in opening his address, to dew! with an issue which was one of the most important, not only to Canada, but to all the Empire. He wishes that the electors could divest them- selves of political bias, and con- spider the great matter which he proposed to discuss merely from the point of view of Canada's good, and the good of the British Em- pire. The all-important trade development. "To my mind, the first duty of a Government is to bring about unity in a country," said Mr, King. This had been the view of his Government, and therefore upon attaining power, he had gone ahead to redress grievances in vari- ous parts of Canada. 'The claims of the Maritime Provinces had been dealt with, and he helieved the Maritimes had never been more happy and prosperous than they were today. The natural resources had been returned to ths three Prairie Provinces, and this week matter was th transaction would he completed, legislation British Even now necessary Parliament, And finally the claims of Hritish Rioting Brings Crisis in Egypt Four Killed and Police Seem Unable to Stem Fighting July 8 Two rioters were killed today at Mansouah in a fur. fous and prolonged encounter be- tween armed forces and followers of the recently resigned Premier Nahas Pasha. The police fired in- Cairo, Egypt, to the mob which offered stubborn resistance. A pitched battle was ranging in the centre of Mansouah which the police and a de mont of troops end. ® Nahas Pasha who was in his motor car, was In the thick of the fighting. : Mavsouah is a notorious Watd stronghold. The Wafd executive committee. held a meeting last Tight to Siscusn xe Sycure program. mem} ecided to proceed by ordinary train over the state rail- ways by way of tah this fore- noon. : A prominent member of the Watd executive body informed the newspapers that the Wafd would 40 ita ntmost to hold its meeting in Mansduah notwithstanding a pro- hibition by the Government on the use of the Delats railway, Ontario Holds Key to Federal Battle Result This Province Is Prize . for Which Both Parties Are Striving (By GEORGE HAMBLETON, Can- adian Press Staff Correspondent) Ottawa, July 8~Outario holds the key to the riddle of the general elec tion campaign. There, in the opin- ion of Conservative and Liberal cam- paign headquarters alike, the main battle will be lost and won. [Its seats are the prize for which both organizations arc serving to the uttermost, And with the 58-day campaign en- tered well into the second half of its course, both sides are beginning to balance their cliances® and both, in their estimates of the Ontario result differ widely. Liberals think they may lose a few seats here, gain a few scats there, and in the upshot come 'back both from Ontario and dominion as a whole about as 'strong as they cane out, 'Conservatives believe thev. will make heavy gains in Ontario. In'the general elections of 1926, Ontario returned 53° Conservatives and 25 straight Liberals, A year earlier, Conservatives had taken 08 Ontario seats, Liberals only 12. In the pes- ent campaign, Conservatives are estis mating a net gain of 17 = Ontario seats, giving them a total of 70, two more than they had in 1925 and only four less than the union governiaent secured in, the gencral clections, of 1916. Taking the dominion through-- with election day still three weeks oft--both , parties. are' claiming con- trol of the next dominion House of Commons. - Conservatives estimate (Continued on Page 7) INJURED IN CRASH SR or G. D. POOLER Pilot Officer, © Woodroffe, Ont., who was seriously injured in air 'collision at Camp Borden, yesterday, when KE, W. Soren. | ed using their "| brought chaos there. Big Imports of Coal, Steel, Said Due to Liberal Policy (By Thomas Green, Tanadian Press Staff Correspondent) Sydrey, N.8., July 8---In the lcart of the steel und coal dis- trict of the Maritimes, Hon. R. B. Bennett spoke last night. Here the Conservative Leadgr spoke at late hour, and oarlier at Glace Bay. "Yonder," the Opposition chief- tain declared, 'is the great stéel industry. What has happened in the last eight yoars? Recelvership. reorganization, slackening of em- ployment and no present likeli hood of an improved situation un- der the present Government." Mv», Bennett went on: "We sent a mil- lion dollars a day to the United States for iron and steel products. How many tons of thousands of American workmen are living on Canadian money today?" Coal Industry Touching upon 'the coal indus- try, Mr. Bennett exclaimed: "What we want to do is to back this in- dustry with all the might and power of the Canadian people.' He referred to the appropriation made at the initiation of the Gov- ernment last session of $10,000 to investigate tho possibilities of fuel in' Nova Scotia. "Why," the Ov- position Ledder remarked, "$10,- 000 would not piy the salary of one scientist, It is an act such as would be laughed out of court," He deprecated the large impor- tation of coal from the United States amounting te $50,400,000 for one year, coke from the Ameri- can Republic to an annual amount of $6,600,000,, and the sénding- of more than $300,000,000 annually to tho same country for iron and steel products, "Do you know," Mr, Bennett (Continued on Page 7) Famine Brings Riots in China Campaigns Are Launched Against Brigands, 700 Kill- "ed, 400 Captured By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Shanghai, China, July 8---Chinese ress advices today said 700 bandits ad been killed and 400 others cap- ture in northwestern Kiangsi pro- vince during the Yast week, Provincial authorities were report: § r military against the brigands: who in recent months have 3 c1als were said to be undertaking re-cs. tablishment of some degree of secu. rity. A similar campaign was' réport- ed under way in eastern Chekiang province, where lawlessness had reached large proportions. Northern Chekiang reported suf. fering and Hee. riots where famine King Prays for Unity in India New India House Opened Today 1s Emblem of Na- tion's Solidity, He Says (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng., July 8.---A new India House was opened in Lon- don by King George today with an expression of hope for the emerg- ence of India from the present troubleous era into days of peace and contentment, The restoration of a true under- sjanding of the unity of the great- er commonwealth of, which India Is a part, King George said, "would ald in solving India's des- tiny". "At this critical period of In- dia's history, when the thoughts of all who love that country are centered upon consiructive effort and upo: laying well and truly the foundation of India of the future", King George asserted. "l regard it as a happy augury to be able to open a building Which marks the end of cne perjod of advancement and the boginning of a new, "But India House stands for more than that. As I look around me I see the emblems of the reli- gions, tho 'provinces and the states of India. This building which contains them surely testi: fies to the unity of India in her- self. The position of India House among those of the sister nations herein the centre of my capital further symbolizes the unity of the great commonwealth of which she is a part, For a deeper realiza- tion of that two-fold unity I most earnestiy pray'. JUDGMENT UPHELD INDIVERSION CASE Keewatin Power Co. Loses Out in Lake of the Woods Water Suit (By Canadian Press Lesned Wire) London, Eng, ' July 8.-<The judgment of the appellate division of Ontario is confirmed by the judi- clal committee of the Privy Coun cil today, in the Lake of the Woods water diversion case. conditions had brought the popul to the verge of staryation, Counter Attack ter od Shanghai, China, July' 8~Nation. alists are preparing a counter-offen- sive in Shantung province in the hope of regaining complete control there from northern rebels, despatches to- sen, B.C, pilot of other plane, wag killed, ; day from various Shantung localities! indicated, Their lordships of the judicial committee dismissed the appeal of the Keewatin Power Company. in which the Lake of the Woods Mill. ing Company and Keewatin Flour Mills Company were respondents, The Power Company had sought to prove there was wrongful! diversion of watege . % Bowmanville Bus Line Pros prietor Declares He Will _ Stop Busses at City Limits Rather Than Pay Tax OTHER COMPANIES MAKING NO TROUBLE Both Collacutt and Gray Coach Lines Are Paying Tax--Council Unanimous in Urging Measures to Collect Chief of Police ¥riend will' ba instructed by the city eouncil to take action to collect the passenge er tax from the Garton Bus Line, operating . between Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whitby, for the privis lege of running busses over the city's streets, The tax. which is charged In accordance with the number of passengers carried, has been paid by the Collacutt Coacld Lines and the Grey Coach Lineg' but the Garton Lines now owes the' city $01,18. Ald. T. A. Garton, of" Bowmanville, proprietor of the bus company, has refused point blank. the representations of the city of ficials who endeavored to collect the tax. The decision of the city council last night to refer the mate ter to the Chief of Police is in thd Suture of an ultimatum to Mr. Gar- on. * "This company must learn thal it can npt resist the demand of the city of Oshawa Mayor Mitchell stated, Threatens. Reprisals On the other hand the Bowman+ ville alderman has threatened res prisals, Evidently belleving that in spite of the by-law the city has no right to collect the tax, Mr, Garton has challengéd the city officlals to take any action which they please. City Treasurer P. A. Blackburn inform. ed the council that the bus coms pany had firmly refused to pay. Detective Sergeant Flintoff, who during the past week wus acting chief constable, wrote the city couns (Continued on Page 12) QUEBEC PREMIER ADMITS SURPRISE Quebec, July 8.~-On his return to Quebec from a holiday - trip Premier L. A. Taschercau express- ed surprise over a Washington despatch of July 3 "which de- scribed certain recommendations made to the United States senate by the United States federal trade commission in regard to meeting competition from Canadian news print mills, + Premior Tascherean declared: 'I haven't been advised that such an increase in. price as described in the despatch has been made." -------- a ------ THEODORE WAKES DEFENSE OF HONOR AGAINST CHARGES All Australia Aroused By Allegations Against Na. tional Treasurer (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) i» Canberra, AustraMa, July §.--= : A scene of intense drama was wits nessed in the federal house of pars | liament today whon Hon, B Theodore, who resigned as lh 1 treasurer following charges of a royal commission against his former administration of Queenss land, made a clearcut statement In defense of his honour, wt He demanded the present Queensland government to make & formal charge against him or elas in some way enable him to appea before some unimpeachable tris bunal to defend lLimself again "calumnise and dotibtful charges™, "If I am guilty I am -unwort of membership in this house. If T am innocent' I' am entitled to a namo. clear from tarnish', des clared Mr. Theodore. "T have glven half my life.to public service, b bave maintained cxalted ideals hud kept my hands clean irom anything unworthy of my vosition of trust". ' 73 Hog The present situation has monp= polized the attention of all Ause tralia. A roval commission ap pointed by the present Queensian administration 'investigatod purchase of the "Mungana mines by the former Theodore state ministry, and declared there werd evidences of fraud and dishonesty.

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