Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Jul 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY "IMES, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1930 Muskrat, It was answered by a number of little squeaks. These were from tho little Muskrats. Their mother had told them that the danger was past. The next story: "The Heedless Little Muskrat." (Copyright, 1930, T. W. Burgess) MANCHESTER 1 The Signal Passed Along Obedience without delay You'll find to be the muskrat way. jerry Muskrat. Peter, Rabbit had spent a lot of time around the Smiling Pool. You see, Peter was greatly inter- wted in the school there, for teally there was a school in the Smiling Pool. There were two ieachers--Jerry Muskrat and Mrs. Muskrat, Nine little muskrats went to that school. Of course, hey didn't call it a school, But uiger all, any place where you earn lessons is a school and those ittle muskrats were being taught lessons evory day. It was surprising how fast they grew, It was quite necessary that 'hey should learn as fast as they grew, Otherwise, they would be come grown up without being real- ly fitted to take care of them- selves, Peter, just from watching, got so that he understood some of the signals. He was over thero just at dusk one evening. Jolly, round, Mr. Sun had gone to bed behind the Purple Hills and the Black Shadows had crept across the Green Meadows and over the Smiling Pool, It was all very calm and quiet and shadowy there, Presently the first little star came peeping out and was reflected ip the water. Nowhere could Peter see any- thing of the ~~ Muskrats, Jerry wasn't to be seen; none of the lit- tle muskrats were to be seen. Af- ter a while Peter began to wonder where they were. It was just such a night as Muskrats love, Could it be that something had happened to one or more of the family and the rest were in hiding? Peter tried to be patient. However, pa- tience does not hold out forever and at last Peter made up his mind that he would go over to the Green Forest for a while, Peter was just about to start along when he hoard clearly but faintly a sound which he recog- nized. It was the sound made by a flat tall being slapped on the water , The sound came from down the Laughing Brook below the Smiling Pool. Immediately By Thornton W. Burgess en Peter stayed right where he was, He didn't move. So, by the time Hooty the Ow! got up here every little Muskrat was hidden." All this Peter said to himseit inside, taking the greatest care not to move so much as a whisker or to make a sound of any kind You sce, Peter knows all about the wonderful ears of Hooty the Owl and how well he can see at a time when most other people can see very little, And Poter was quite right in his understanding of those signals. Jerry Muskrat had seeri Hooty the Owl and had passed the signal along to Mrs. Muskrat. She in turn, had pass- ed the signal to the little Musk- rats, and they, because they had all been trained, had at once hid- den and remained hidden, By and by Peter heard a squeak. It was made by Mrs, dd TIME TABLES } a Sa Bb Al de Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after i 7. 19%.) (Da t Saving Time) hester, Julyb.~~Mrs, John Johnson is visiting with relatives in Greenwood, and attended the birthday party of ber aunt, Mrs. Jane Boper, who was 86 years old, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs; Bice, of London, Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Muir, and daughters Edna and Katherine wore. visitors, on Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank John- son, The Young People of the Bay of Quinte Conference, are holding an excursion to Rochester on Juiy 9th. Any who care to go can do #0, From Whitby and . return, $3.40. Your hours will be spent touring the city while there, Mrs. Howard Dobson, Ray and Harold, are visiting with relatives in London, A number from here attended the Garden Party at Greenbank and onjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lamb, ac- companied by Mr and Mrs VV. Smith, of Blackstock, motored to Sunderland, on Thursday, to hear the noted play from Lindsay, "In Bloyrom Time." The W.M.8, met at the home of Mrs. M. Barrett, on Wednesday, June 26th, The usual exercises took place, Mrs. Dobson gave a re- port of the convention and also had the study book for the meet- Ing. Mr and Mrs, and family, of Baltimore, Graham Christie ELLA CINDERS Fest First Mary. land, are spending the summer with his father, Mr, Peter Chris- tle. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Martin and daughter, Fern, with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Martin, were visitors on Sun- day, at the home of Mr. Chas. Lamb. Miss Blanche Reesor has return- ed to her home in Stouffville, Our annual Sunday School pic- nic was held last Saturday at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. The day wag fine and with the various amusements, such as the merry- go-round, provided the children with much amusements, Myrtle, Raglan, and Prospect, all held their picnics on the same day which added interest. During the afternoon the boys played ball un- til they found out which appoint- 'ment had the best team and then the girls played, Mr. and Mrs. Ivason Moore vent the week-end at Peterboro and other nearby places. Through an error a mistake was made as to the name of the Minister marrying Mr. and Mrs. Moore. It shou'd have been Rev. Ferguson, and not Rev. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dobson and sons, Ray and Harold, reccnt- ly motored to Fisherville, whera they spent a pleasant day. Miss Verna Master is spending her holidays with relatives in To- ronto. Miss Edith Ottaw, of Colling- wood, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Mas- ters. HARMONY NEWS Harmony, July 4--~Mrs, J. Green- tree left, on Thursday, for Valcar- tier, Quechee, where she will spend several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. N. MacBain, Mrs. A, T terwillegar (Sr) is ill and confined to her bed. We hope she will soon be out again, as her familiar figure is missed Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Terwillegar on the birth of a daughter, The community extend their sym- pathy to the May family in their re- cent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving mother. Mr. and Mrs. P. Timmins have left for Kingston and other places east, for the summer months, A good number turned out to watch the ball game on Wednesday and Thursday nights between Oshawa Dairy and Harmony. Wednesday night the score was 11-34 in favor of Harmony. Thursday night the Har- mony boys were again victorious making the score 15-42, A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed Winter on Wednesday, July 2. when they entertained about thirty-five of their friends. The first entertain- ment of the evening was a kitchen showes for Mr, and Mrs, F, Fleury, (nee Miss Ruby Greentree) who were recently married, They received a large number of useful and bautiful aticles. The remainder of the even- ing was event in music and dancing. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess and a very enjoyable time was spent by all And perhaps Michael, ex-boy king, is just as glad his dad's back. Now maybe he can look forward to some help with his home lessons.-- Guelph Mercury. At least those big road advertise ments ought to carry the names and a description of the hills and rivers they hide..--~New York Her- ald Tribune, TELLING TOMMY A WHY ARE MOST MALE BIRDS MORE BRIGHTLY COLORED THAM THE FEMALE, THE DULL COLORATION OF THE FEMALE 15 DUE 70 THEIR HEED OF BENG IHCONSPICUOUS OM THE MEST, TOMMY. ONE ~MATTLED CASSOWARY --y-- THE JAVAH PEACOCK Rg TJESIGHERS OF HOMEN'S HATS HAVE NEVER RAZOR BILLED CASSOWARY ~~ IN HATS. WHY DION'T MOTHER LISTEN TO DADDY TELL ABOUT BIRD MILLINERY? § HAT THATS WORN SHES INTERESTED J HUN! SHES HoT INTERESTED IN A TIL 17 MOLT! West the sound was Tepeated but was Arrive mesh louder. This time it came trons back of the Big Rock in the Smiling Pool. And then right 'away came a whole series of lit- tle slaps. They were not so loud because they were made hy small- er tails, These slaps came frow {n among the bulrushes at the upper end of the Smiling Pool, After that all was still. Yes, sir, all was still, Peter sat right where he was. He didn't move. Jn a moment or two it seemed ag if a shadow---a flying shadow---passed across the Smiling Pool. Peter held his breath, Inside he was saying, "That was Hooty, the Owl. Jerry Muskrat must have seen him and gave the signal down there in the Jaughing Brook. Mrs. Muskrat over there behind the Big Rock heard the signal and passed It slong. The nine children over there in the bulrushes heard her and each passed the signal along. Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. -- We Deliver £3 SOME SPECIES OF BIRDS THE MALES IHCUBATE THE EGGS AND CARE FORTHE YOUNG. IN THAT Tog CASE THE FEMALE WEARS THE BRIGHTER (LORS. J Tht THIS DAY OF CHARACTER READING IT 15 IHTER- ESTING TO STUDY THE BEAKS OF BIRDS AS THEIR BEAT SOME BIRDS FOR QUEERNESS OF HEAD ORNAMENT, THE JAVAN PEACOCK, THE HOOPOE, THE WHITE-HEADED BELL" BIRD AND THE ONE-WATTLED CASSOWARY SHOW CURIOUS STYLES OF BIRD MILLINERY, "n, King Features Syndicate, Ine. Great Britain rights reserved Arrive Hoepits! WHITE - HEADED BELL-BIRD a > ev nan B23333§3%3303: NOS ow SOON Mmane BSW 8anNVghst SRCA52R58E S HHT : TER Sauls kl PTY OEDOEEES SBomamae BRINGING UP FATHER SAY MAGGIE OW LONG DO YOU THINK I'M GONNA, WANT FER MY BREAKFAST? NJ BE33333338333; 33 $3553 Poppe? ] i NEVER MIND THE REST OF MY BREAKFADT _ ! HEY MAGGIE! KIN | HAVE A CUP OF COFFEE WHILE I'M WAITIN FER THE REST OF MY BREAKFAST 7 NNN » 1 Ptr A et vod sed fE3asssansst da 833°F¢ gfopPepeessDe o33388398838 828sss POPpphens AN~RDENs S& i ------ ---- AE i BS3nss8iie a *uBPpPuP Pe 832333333 oPeeoyp 8: a8333333332383 HT 3 3 A SSenon Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Leave Arrive Oshaws a 30 a. 10.00 a.m. 13.35 tm Arrive Whitby 9.45 a.m. 1215 pm 2.5 p.m, 4.3 p.m, 6.30 p.m, 8.30 p.m, 10.45 p.m, 11.00 pon. © 1950, Int Feature Service, Ine. Great Britain rights reserved DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Machinery Repairin | 4 NOTHING Yo Spairing pei NOTHING 100 SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 C, P, R. TIME TABLE Effective , orl A im. COAL COAL Phone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard 9 Bloor "treet MB. Delivered Ww © 1990, Ring Poorares Syndicate, tne, Grest Brivain rights served. 2 "BUT SHE PUT LP HER MAGIC. WAND ; AND SAD-"HOCLIS, POCUS, ELDER BUSH, | | DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMEY STOOD MOVE NOT BACK OR FORWARD, HUSH" STILL: TRANSEIRED BY THE CHARM= e---- THE OLD WITCH TOOK COMEY BY THE PAW, AND LES HIM TO A CAGE AND LOCKED HIM INSIDE = 78 By Russ Westove 00D [= DON'T IKNow al pte, CANAD, NA AAR SER A D ; £20 a.m, Dail ) 9.85 a.m. Daily usday 12.56 p.m. Daily, Except Sunday pm, Dail 4.43 pm, Daily SN 541 pm, Daily Except Sunday um, Daily « m, Daily m. Dail WESTBOUND Arrive Oshawa be BOBBY AND COMEY DECIDED TO RIN AWAY FROM THE OLD WITCH - AND THEY RAN AND RAN ~ ©! TILLIE THE TOILER-- on on yn a OH, YEAH . WELL, HE WONT BE |F \ YOUVINE SPOILED My VACATION BY ASKING MAC DOWN HERE FOR A WEEIC § MAC'S ONE OF "THE REST FRIE 'y \ iH ii 233% spo ACS GOING NOW, TILL\E i. mh ME ry i aT WED LIKE THANKS, TO HAVE You DOWN HERE AT | THE BEACH FoR A WEEK WHILE TLLIB/'S HAVING HER 5 NT TILE Bites i aan Copp UessEs BEEEER2E:: ur waich ts uot giving on We can repair 'make {t tell the correct time - D. J. BROWN { Egg: § HE JEWELER © a Official Watch Inspector i "anadia Bens » 5 tesa Sate tA BF \ tonal and Iroads - ~ ie = -! San isappche 5a $10 § » ity Sunda . 4 ee and dolla Sonagre. duly

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