Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1930, p. 8

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" THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, MONDAY, JULY 7, 1930 J HE A [FS HP A School of Safety hoover goes to nature's school nds 'Safety first" to be the rule, Mother West Wind, LJ g Bafety first Is the most import- int law of life for the little people vho wear feathers and fur, It is the "first thing to bs learned, Nothing else matters until that is 'earned, There is no such thing as safety 'or the heedless, the careless or he stupid, No sir, there is no wich thing as real safety for these, Dne must he heedful, careful and mart to live to old age among the little people of feathers and My, So, usually the first thing that Ws taught the furred and feathered babies is to instantly heed danger ignals, Over in the Smiling Pool was a ichool of safety, It had two teach- srs and nine pupils, The two oachers were Jerry Muskrat and Mrs, Muskrat, , The pupils were 'heir nine children, Peter Rabbit happened over there and it was + funny sight that Peter saw, The sine little Muskrats were swim. ming about where the water was shallow, A little farther out' was their mother, Away over by the Big Rock was Jerry Muskrat, The Instant that Peler appeared on the bank things happened, Slap! went Jerry Muskrat's tall on the water and Jerry disappeared, And, slaps on the water and nine little then there were nina funny little Muskrals disappeared, It was so wrprising that: Peter didn't know By Thornton W. Burgess "How did you lke that?" he inquired, of grass and among the bulrushes, where they could put their noses out of water to breathe, yet not be seen, Here they all come now," Sure enough, there was Mrs, Muskrat with the nine little Musk. rats following her, They were coming out from among the bul. rushes and the grassy growing near where the Laughing Brook enters the Smiling Pool, Jorry looked up at Peter and his eyes twinkled, 'Safety first, Pet- er," sald he, and slapped the wat- er with his tail, Instantly, Mrs, Muskrat and nine little Muskrats disappeared, but not befora Peter heard one big slap and nine little tussocks , FIND FEIER GUILTY OF ENDANGERING SAFETY OF PUBLIC Ottawa, July b.~Finding Roy A, iMacDonald guilty of flying which by reason of the low altitude und prox- imity to persons was dangerous to ublie safely, Magistrate, Charles Kopewsll allowed the Nttawa Vly ing Club momher his frecdom on suspended sentence, ; The Magistrate "also suggested that the civil avaition branch of the department of natignal defense should nct cancel the flying certifi. cate of MacDonnell whose antics in the alr on May 28 evoked a storm of protest from residents of (he southern wection of the capital, Carrying Hec Kilrea, professional hockey star, as' a passenger, Mac- Donnell swooped low over baseball fields and tennis courts diturbing the usual calm of the residential distriet, 4 BEDLAM REIGNS AT PORT DALHOUSIE Crowd of 150 Mills About Officer Trying to Make Arrest St. Catharines, July 7~Victor 0'« Donnell, aged 25, whe gave his ad- dress ut Shaw Street, Toronto, is in the General Hospital here, suffering with sealp wounds, and Chief Con stable George Middleton of Port Dalhousie is 'confined to his bed at his home, as a result of an affair on the / Port Dathousic wharf Saturday evening, According to what could gather, O'Donnell came . over from Toronto on the steamer with a picnic. As the 'boat was. about to tic up, it'said, some one threw a chair overboard, and officers of the bout, it appears, accused O'Donnell of being to blame and. demanded that he pay for it. When he refused, they called the Lakeside Park policeman, und demanded the arrest of the To- ronto youth, The policeman was un- able to do anything, as O'Donnell was surrounded by friends so Chief Mid- dieton was called on, He placed O'- Dofinell under arrest on a charge of helng Intoxicated and started for the lockup, followed by a crowd from the boat of about 150, O®onnell, police say, fought the officer, who was finally compelled to use his "billy." The erowd, police claim, closed in on Middleton and his prisoner, and the police " the officer was knocked down and licked, : A hurry call was sent to St, Cath. arines for the Provingial Police who quelled the disturbance, ' Plane Falls Into Lake, Two Drown South Haven, Mich, July 7.~Bert K, Kogle, Kansas City, and Duane 1 Heller, Chicago, lost their lives when an elght-passenger Travelair plane, Kogel was - piloting, plunged into Lake Michigan five miles south of here yesterday, Heller was the relief pilot, The machine, was wrecked during a heavy fog. ; A new ship was christened reo- cently with a bottle of lemonade instead of champagne, On reach. Ing the sea she rolled just same! the HOOVER SIGNS THE WATERWAYS BILL Describes Project as Bigger Than Panama Canal-- Provides Much Work (By Canadian Press) Washington, July b.~President Hoover bas signed a Rivers and Harbors Bill which In his own words authorizes a larger project than the Panama Canal, Tu a statement lssued after ne had attached his signature, the chief executive enumerated three prospective benefits which may coma from the measure, "It will provide employment for thousands of men, It should be fruitful of decreased Lransporise tion charges on bulk goods, should bring groat benefits to our farms an to our industrios, It should result in a better oistribution' of population away from the con | gonted centres," Tho present measure has reach ed $1456,000,000, One hundred and sevently projects are given government approval under it, The work Is to be dons over » period of from one to 156 Years. "Does n man know how to hand le a baby?" asks a writer, Jt de pends largely on how old she is, A Dutchman claims to have seen his won in America by means television, Hans across the sea! A moneylender has writen « play, He is said to have maintained the interest to the end, ' ELLA CINDERS---Au Revoir But Not Good-by fs : S BULY, by (BMT ITH TELLING TOMMY IN HIS "LINES WRITTEN IH EARLY SPRING, THE ENGLISH POET WORDSWORTH SAID + "AND "TIS MY FAITH THAT EVERY FLOWER ENJOYS THE AIR IT BREATHES | TOMMY, what to make of it, He just sat there and stared, Presently, up came Jerry Musk- mat right beneath where Peter was sitting, How do you Vke that?" he inquired, "How do I like what?' demand. sd Peter, looking perplexed, "The way those children of mine have learned their lessons,' re- plied Jerry. "What lesson?" asked looking still more perplexed, "Didn't you hear me slap the BUS LINE water with my tail?" demanded WEFK DAY SCHEDULE erry. ' 7 Br VE! | (Effective on and after April 27, 1030.) Mai replied Peter, hai (Daylight Saving Fine) "Didn't you hear Mrs, Muskrat slap the water with her tall?" continued Jerry. "Yen", replied Peter, "And didn't you hear all the children slap the water with their tails?" persisted Jerry, "Yes," replied Potor, 'but what of it? "A great deal of it," retorted * Jerry, "They showed you how well they had learned their lesson, Of course, you know perfectly well that that slapping of the water is the Muskrats danger signal, Mrs 'Muskrat and IT have been teaching the children that, no matter what they are doing, when they hear that signal they must instantly dive end hide. You paw them do it just now." Poter nodded. 'Yes, I saw fit an they did it very nicely," sald he, "But where are they now? I should. n't suppose that such little fellows could stay under water so long, Indeed T ghouldn't think that Mrs « 'Muskrat could stay under so long." i Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | -- - . PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Bimeos St. 8. -- We Deliver EE ---- EE. ---- slaps on the water, (Copyright; 1030, 'T, W, Burgess) The next story: 'The Signal Passed Along." GOODNESS! 1 FORGOT TO ASK DADDY HHAT HE MEANT BY THE LAKE POETS,' I WONDER IF HE MEANT THAT THEY TABLES Peter, er Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville DOVE COTTAGE, WHERE WORDS PORTH WROTE HIS BEST POETRY, ™S, ---- 5 v A If | AS BORN 1H CUMBERLAND ENGLAND, 15 ONE OF THE MOST THOUGHTFUL WII] is "10 AD DIED 1 1850. EVEN I MIS GANM- LYRICAL POETS OF MATURE ALL THINGS SEEM ! & MAR SCHOOL YEARS HIS LOVE OF MATURE MAS TO HIM TO PEEL PURE JOY IN EXISTENCE i=, | ALMOST A PASSION AND IT GREW WITH Wis | "HE MOON DOTH WITH DELIGHT . GROTH UNTIL HE MERITED THE NAME WHI WAS LOOK ROUND HER WHEN THE HEAVENS ARE BARE, ~ SE APPLIED TO INTHE HIGH PRIEST OF NATURE, WORTH, THE BEST OF THE LAKE POETS", > ¥ @ 19%, King a Ine Arent ran Hight reserved EE By Geo. McManus JUBT A MINUTE BRLUTLS WELL GO Arrive ve Whitby am, i Leave manville = = - 3 33) Pop edousnes 2 - 2 Sm~n "Sows manciOonw SSem~ SREACSSERSNS Bats "a Popo reooss 223333 32333 23323333 meta See 233 ZS ompwas ES 3332 SuRaskienanks 33233 333 B33: F3: - =2 Fs SPIO PPTDsass 3 frfeionzis THIS 1D TERRIBLE | WISH MY MOTHER AN FATHER AN' TWO BIG BROTHERS WOZ HERE NOW ip pga £ Na TAKE \T RIGHT OLT AND PUT IT IN FRONT OF THE DOG HOUSE € [4 239 OW DARE YOU Coow CORNED BREF AND CABBAGE MR. JIGGS ORDERS Emspp Smee wluBe BSNS E ooPostsss ~ WOZ ante -- SS 3333337; DEA, TN S832 32333 33333332333333 Seo s ssseach Sovosoporonssss 23 TezpPod -- 11.00 pm, Time mark Whitby Hosp! SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULER Going West Arrive Hospital i am, 03 wa > anile PE g - oi $1 H S299 #33332; seTIPes 333333: F=3 a5 is v ¥ F TRL go" Bas age 33 So DoE: : 3333333 Ne ai 333; ck33aas muni 2 : 3 a3 =o sesses Machinery Repairi ~ NOTHING A Bjanng NOTHING 100 SMALL ~ Adanac Machine Shop 104 King St. W. I'hone 1214 ¢ AND COMBY CAMB HOUSE IN THI WOODS, IT WAS 2 2333: TEe® ROOF WAS MADE OF A FROSTED CAKE AND THE WINDOWS WERR MADE OF SUGAR AB COMPY TOOK A BI@ BITE OF THR GNSER BREAD HEDGE, THE DOOR, OPENED AND AN OLD WITCH CAME NATIONAL RAILWAYS OUT AND STOLR SOFTLY LP TO OUR Sestive Jung' I. PETS AND PUT WER MAND ON BOUND BOBBYS , SHOULDER + ® os Ft sxe £283 - EE] 72 ' Daily iil tly (Except Sunday) Daily Daily ; Frm 2 -- THE WITCH PUT HER ARMS AROUND THEM AND SAID "GOME INTO MY HOLIGE AND I Wiki. GNE YOU All THE GOODIES IN THI WORLD" VDON'T LISTEN TO HER.) SAD COMEY. SLET LS RUN AWAY ¥ wees 7p - = 0 20 So =Sina SITPTEETs $33233:23 a ™ WANT SURE, GO AM : i [sur WHAT aes. |] NO ATIC You IF TILLER « VM as You THINKING || i" BNOLAW I 4 ! -] fier hi | i OF NOW, + Twas wust |! LATTHINRING How || | HARRY vb BE \F TILEY Ly | HAD 'AN \CE You WANTED) To SAY TOME THING | To ME, i Enns gr: ty 277? 322 =3838E28R 233w22o=es = PT 2 iy Except Sunday i | | hw QL Ha, find J iif iil ol | \ ith Hi i h Ho ------ -- biti init i HAE i i ' iit " Hit iH! ] A X \ iil / if gi il | ih SmpAmeRman EJ 32 WATCHES w OUR SPECIALTY ¢ 3 hi [| | il" (tl. ALG he ae © a ji Hi hi it your watch {a uot giving : a } j i fi Jit bd hy I" a Hi sathtuc ; on i y= SH : iis ee fh 4 Yl : i HN ction Wwe can repair a! and make it tell Lhe correct 'time £ a D, J. BROWN: : THE JEWkALER Watch Mnptcton tor awa KR :

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