Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1930, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 7, 1930 3 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS pd TO BUILD BRIDGE ~ Ottawa,~The Federal and One "taro and Quebec provincial govern- iments have arrived at a satisfactory 'agreement on apportionment costs and maintenance and a new bridge 'connecting Ontario and Quebec be- 'tween Hawkesbury and Grenville "over the Ottawa river is mow 'as 'gpured, The bridge will cost approx- dmately $380,000. _ MINISTERS INDUCTED Cobourg, --Ministers of Cobourg | Presbytery of the United Church "were in attendance at two induc- fon services at Roseneath into the storate of Roseneath Circuit. At timore the induction of Rev. J, , David took place, BOY SAVES FIVE Kingston,-- They took hold" of ch other's nighties, and Delbert, Sthe eldest a boy of 9, carried the aby and led the others through the ense smoke from the burning uilding," was the way Mrs, Charl- s Yates of Barriefield told of the eroism of Delbert Cole in saving is four brothers and one sister, il under 7, when tke house they ere sleeping in caught fire, Mr, nd Mrs. Stanley Cole, the parents, ere absent. At midnight one of the hildren, seeking something to eat, pset the lamp on the bedclothes nd the fire ensued. After getting he little folk out Delbert raised he alarm, Nothing was saved. CORNWALL CELEBRATE AT FINCH The Orange Lodges of the ounty of Stormont are to celebrate he 12th of July at Finch, where a arge gathering of Orangemen will ake place. BIG FISH Lindsay.--The big fish are much in evidence these days, A few days Vago Dr, Speck landed a 13 1b. "trout at Drag Lake, while guests of Dr. and Mrs, Frain also secured & big one from the same lake and Fred Jones and an American tour- {st secured a 29 Ib. trout. NEARS CENTURY MARK Belleville.--One Bellevillian who {s nearing the century mark and "who is still enjoying excellent health is Gilbert Seams, South Foster Avenue. Mr. Seams will be 100 years old- on November 24 of this year. er ------ ' TEACHER ACQUITTED Ottawa, -- Declaring that the Crown had failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused ad committed the crime, Judge E. iJ. Daly, in County Court dismissed ithe charge of robbery with violence preferred against Nelson A, V. ooper, Carp high school teacher, ' ah was charged with assault- fog Miss Kate Wilson, Carp tele- phone operator, and robbing her of #5, on March 30 last, PRESCOTT SCHOOL ADDITION Prescott, -- Following a joint " _ .meetPg of the Prescott Town Coun- 'eft and the Board of Education to discuss the advisability of building an addition to the Prescott High Bchool at the cost of $94,000, the 'Council decided to place a by-law before the citizens of the town to | | "be voted on as soon as possible, in forder that, should 'the by-law ' carry, the construction be started _\ at once. { HYDRO BUYS RURAL LINES 2 Brockville, --~The Beach Electric 1 item, making use of power gen- ted at Iroquois on the St, Law- ce and distributing it through Esighboring parts of Dundas and renville Counties, has been acquir- Zed by the Hydro-Electric Power 2Commission of Ontario, which thus . "obtains control of a net work of Srural power lines in Matilda and ' LEdwardsburg Townships extending 0 the surroundings of Winchester, e purchase of the Beach system "has been under consideration for {two months and the rights of jockholders in the private enter- {ze are being safeguarded. It is that extension of the system {11 take place and that rural con- umers will enjoy reduced rates, : UNVEIL TABLET Lindsay. -- The descendants of eremiah Drury and his wite Han- have celebrated the 100th an- piversary of the establishment of family on the continent. A memorial tablet was ynvelled at Hart Cemetery, Wilfrid, Ont., a few miles west of Cannington, FIRE DESTROYS HOUSE Pieton, -- Fire destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs, 8, Whittle on the Bloomfield Road. All con- tents were lost, The house is on the farm of Fred Hubbs and is owned by him, Origin of the fire is unknown, The loss is partially cov- ered by insurance. REBUILD BREWERY Belleville.--Patterson Construc- tion Company was awarded the con- tract for re-building the Budwels- er Breweries, damaged in a fire, DIAMOND, WEDDING monte.~To have reached the 60th mile-stone along the. course of a happy, married life was the pleasant and unusual experience of Mr. and Mrs, John MeGill,. of Blakeney, recently, ROTARY OFFICERS Campbellford, ---- The officers of the Campbellford Rotary club are: President, H. N, Carr; Vice-Pres,, N., Alex MacColl; Bec'y-Treas, E. C., Dolman; Directors, The above officers and E. M, Brunelle and H. W. Lapp. OVER 200 NAFIANS ON TRIAL TODAY Charged With Murders and Many Crimes of Violence Sciacca, Italy, July 7.--~The Ma- fia, scourge of Sicily, will be dealt another blow with the opening here Saturday of the trial of 214 men, The crimes cover a period of 20 years and the accused are charged, among other things, with 43 homi- cides, 24 attempted homicides, thefts, cases of extortion and vio- lence in the gerritory of Madonle. The documents in the cases fill 69 volumes and the Government prosecutors are confident of a sue- cessful outcome. They say the present round-up is the most im- portant since the dramatic clean- up of the Palermo district in 1027 and 1928. The Mafia long has been notor- fous. for its bloody vendettas and the course of justice has been im- peded by the traditional Sicilian '"'cherta," or refusal to testify, MARKET PAGE TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the fol- lowing quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No, 1 North- ern, $1,01; No, 2 do., 98 1-4¢; No, 3 do., 95 3-4c; No, 4, 93¢; No. § 36 1-Z¢; No. 6, 71 1-2¢; feed, 69c (elf. Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba oats--No, 1 feed, 3-4c; No. 2 do, 39 3-4e, American corn--No, 2 yellow, 90 1-4¢; No. 3 do, 83 3-de. Milifeed delivered, Montreal freights, bags included, Bran, ton, $24.26; shorts, ton, $26.25; middlings, ton, $31.25. Ontario grain, wheat $1 to $1.03. Barley, rye, buckwheat, nominal, BABY'S BODY TAKEN FROM RUDE GRAVE Cornwall, July B5.~--Provincial police are investigating the strange disappearance of a baby's body from a roughly constructed grave ear Grant's Corners, six miles rom here. The infant was born to Mrs. R, O'Neill, who was brought to a local hospital when discover- ed ill at her home, Polico say she admitted giving birth to the child and that she had burled it in her garden but when police re-opened the grave they found the body gone. 42 Cloths for oléaning windows without the use of water can be made with a semi-liquid paste of benzine and calcined magnesia, The cloth, which should be of coarse linen or something fre» from lint," is dipped into this mix- ture and hung in the air until the sprits have evaporated and it js free. from odor. This cloth may be used again and again, and is a great convenience, When soiled, 'wash and redip. . --- {WOOD Soft Slabs FX ON COAL C0. Body Hard For Furnace or Heater Cut to Stove Length and hid, 805 or Fire Place Hard Slabs 'For Kindling Guaranteed No. 1 Dry | Telephone 262Five Direct Lines Oshawa Nats. Lose Tough Game to Mimico Rovers 3-1 J Oshawa Nationals Pla; Good Football, But Series of "Tough Breaks", "In. cluding One or Two Questionable Decisions Give Mimico Team Three Goals in Ten Minutes-- Nats. Press Hard, But Only. Score Once--Game Is Fast and Interesting Oshawa Nationals travelled to Toronto to meet Mimico Rovers on Saturday in a major league game with a team much under strength but gave a great display of foot- ball to be defeated by 3 goals to 1, Nats set' the pace right off with ten men, who were a man short, and Muir gazed the bar with a great try. The game was confined to Rovers end, and McGregor made his appearance for the Nats. The Nationals kept pressing and David- son missed a great chance to open the scoring and shot wildly past. The Rovers then had an innings and Ross just missed scoring on two occasions, It was a fast game, and end to end was the run of the play. Muir and Sturch, was puts ting in some nice work on the right which delighted the large crowd, but Rosser, made an' awful blunder of Muir's pass, when he sent feebly past, The Rovers. defense were giving nothing away and when Fairley wormed his way through he was badly fouled, when in the act of shooting. Coll shot wildly over the bar. Ross of the Rovers transferred from Scottish, took a great deal of watching, but Boyd was defending brilliantly, The football this half was great, and«a delight to watch, though Nats, should have led at the Interval, Half time: Nats (0), Mimico Rovers (0). The second half atarted ag if Mimico would wash Nats right ou! but Smith brought off a great double save. This was a life for Nats, who pressed for fully § min- utes Muir hitting the crossbar, with the goal tender beaten, In a raid on the Nat's goal the ball-was crossed and Boyd tacking the winger, .accidentally, hit the ball with his elbow, the ref, grant- ed a penalty, and Ross scored with the kick. Two minutes later, Smith saved a shot and when try. ing to clear was hampered with the spectators who were over the line, the referee gave a corner kick, The Nats were disputing the de- cision, when over came the ball and was landed in the, back of the nel before they were settled down, The next minute they scored another goal all against the run of play. Nats wakened up after this, and pressed hard, Sturch went to in. side right, and Muir to centre which made a great improvement, Frank worked the ball well" up the field, and passed to Muir, who beat the entire defense to score a great gorl, The Rovers were now hem- med in, and the home-backs Had their work cut out, McKee gave away a penalty, Muir took the kick and placed into the corner, but the goal tender saved on the post. Nats were now all over Rovers but everything went against them and the game finished with the score unaltered, Mimico Rovers (3), Nats (1), Nationals have lodged a protest which will be dealt with at Mon- day's meeting, A meeting of players and com- mittee will he held at Stadium on Tuesday, at 8 p.m, All signed players are requested to be present as business Is im- portant, Oshawa Nats go Fishing On Friday afternoon, several members of the Oshawa National soccer club went on a fishing trip, to a place near Grafton, and what might have proved a very serious accident took place, The Nats parked their car off the road ah went off to fish, | A couple of hours later they were notified by some residents of the district that thelr car was In danger of fire, A pile of brush, within 'six féet of the car had become ignited and was burning merrily, The side of the car nearest the fire was badly scorched and two windows were broken by the heat, The car fis owned by Geo. Snow, Oshawa City Starts Out Fast But Visitors Rally to Overcome Lead and Out: play Locals in First Half-- No Score in Second Half ~Game Is Fast and a Good Exhibition of Soc- cer--Best Game This Sea- son Clydebank were the visitors to Oshawa on Saturday, Lobban won the toss and Baxter kicked off for Clydebank. Inside of one minutes of play, . Dunstall scored for the City. After this sudden score Clydebank's forwards started showing the football they are capable of, Baxter scored from Davidson's centre, he scored with a first time shot, giving Shields no chance to save, From the kick- off Brown headed a fine goal from Smart's cross, City 2, Clydebank 1, Play was now very even, After this Clydebank's forwards being more Baxter again scored Clydebank's se- cond goal after Lappin failed to clear, Lobban and Munro were making fine openings for the forwards who were easily held by cLeMod and McClus- key, McCluskey made' some fine sa- ves from Smart and Dunstall, Clyde- bank broke away and from Lappin's misunderstanding, McAlpine beat Shields giving him no chance to save, Half time came with Clydebank leading a well deserved lead of 3-2, Brown started the second hal! for the City the ply was travelling from end to end ev few minutes and from a pass from Munro Ratcliffe miss. snappier on the ball than the City's' Oshawa City Loses Close Game to Clydebank 3.2 ed a sure goal with only McClusky to beat he almost knocked the corn- or flag down with his shot, Oshawa City's halfbacks were now the out. standing line on the field Cuncliffe and Lobban were playing a great game Cuncliffe just hitting the up- right with a great shot, Baxter at the other end missed a sure goal when he shot by, with only Shields to beat The last 2 minutes of the game the City did all 'the attacking but could not score goals. Dunstall having hard luck when his shot went passed the upright, The City's Jeft wing missed a sure goal from Smart's pass with McCluskey lying helplessly on the ground when he shot by, Munro was at this period playing great football and making some brilliant openings for his wing and centre, On one occasion after: beating se veral men he passed to Brown who fell over the ball, Oshawa had sev- eral corners after this but McCluskey cleared in fine style. The whistle blew for the finish with Clydebank earn- ing a gredt victory. This was the best game seen this scason at Alex. andra Park, This was a hard game for the City to loose, but a great one for Clydebank to win, Line up: = Clydebank: McCluskey, McLeod, Cunnings, Nicol, Hunter, McHattie, McKell:.:, Dawson, Baxter, McAlpine, Davidson, Oshawa City: Lappin, Grant, Smart, Dunstall, Radcliffe. Referee--W, Mitchell. Shields, Lobban, Brown, Fullerton, Cuneliffe, Munro, "Hello" girls at some of our telephone exchanges are not allow- ed to wear jewellery, Yet they are always recelving ear-rings! Isn't sho cute? She is Miss Bunny Have, who can lay claim to be one of the youngest softball players in Canada, She is just ten years old and the "mitt" on her A TEN;YEAR.OLD SOFT BALYL STAR IN ACTION fit, She is a curly black-headed youngstor and a member of the Colts team of the Harbor Juvenile League at Sunnyside which is play. "tiny hand was made specially to !ing for The Dally Star trophy. d BASEBALL RESULTS Baltimore Rochester , Toronto sesvee Montreal o.oo 00.%4 Buffalo ,.ce00000.,98 Newark ...c00000.8b Jersey City ...04..,86 Reading .....004,428 Yesterday's Results x~HEleven innings, Montreal , 8-0 * Jersoy City Buffalo ,.6-6x Reading .. x--Eight innings, Rochester .,.b Saturday's Resulty Rochester ...3 Toronto Baltimore .. 5 Reading ..e00., Buffalo .. ronto; Buffalo, ; AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia' .,...02 27 Washington .,00..48 26 New York «vvoev0.483 31 Cleveland ..sv00..86 .39 Detroit ...vove00.34 Bt, Louis «vivves. 30 Boston ...er0000.49 Chicago wasvser. 27 Yesterday's Results Philadelphia 4 Boston Washington x3 NeW York x10 innings, hA1 480 S42 306 A892 Toronto ... xb Baltimore ,...4 Nes ie Newark ..000:3 Jersey City ..7 Bewark seve .8 +ooBb. Montreal ..,.,.3 Games today~--Baltimore at To- Jorsey City at Montreal; Newark at Rochester; Reading at Won Lost P.C, 6682 667% Detroit Chicago . Cleveland ,,.7 8t, Louis .,..,.0 Saturday's Results Chicago ....8 #t Louis ..,....1 Detroit ,....8 Cloveland ..,.0 Philadelphia 7 Boston ,....,.2 Washington ,3 New York ....2 Games today---Detroit at Chic- ago (2); Washington at Boston; Bt, Louis at Cleveland, Only 3 scheduled, NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, ieresre$d 28 ,600 vesee db 31 602 40 33 .b48 .39 33 642 L356 36 493 a2 40 440 tenes 43 403 Philadelphia ......26 43 .368 Yesterday's Results Cincinpat! ,5-8 Chicago . 4-7 New York 10-6 Philadelphia 8-2 Brooklyn ,.10 Pittsburg .....4 St. Louis ",2-12 Pittsburg ,..1-4 Saturday's Results New York ..11 Brooklyn ....3 Boston .. 17-7 Philadelphia. .b-4 Chicago ... 12 Pittsburg ....3 St, Louis ... 6 Cincinnati ....4 Games today---Boston at Brook- lyn; New York at Philadelphia; Pittsburg at St, Louis; Chicago at |, Brooklyn .. Chicago ....+ New York .. Bt, Louis .i... Boston ., Pittsburg Cincinnat! ,, EE see savas AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost P.C, Loufs¥ille ,.ovveers 641 st, Paul .. 46% Toledo 538 Kansas City . Minneapolis .. Columbus Indianapolis ++. ...32 Milwaukee .....+..33 Yesterday's Results Louisville ,6-4 Indianapoliy, 3-5 Toledo ... 6-8 Columbus 552-9 MinneapoMs .8 St, Paul ......0 Milwaukee .x6 Kansas City ..4 2-12 innings, Saturday's Results Kansas City 10 Milwaukee .... Louisville ...6 . Minneapolis 11 St, Paul ,.... Columbus ...8 Toledo ...... ONTARIO LEAGUE (Second Series Won Lost P.C, London revere neg 0: 1.000 Branttord .....000:2 0 1,000 St. Thomas ...ee00.0 2,000 + 0 2 0 0 A487 M87 427 "A Guelph ... 000 Hamilton L000 St, Catharines .......0 0 ,000 Saturday's Results London ....10 Guelph ,,.....} Brantford ..11 St, Thomas ,..0 Only games played, Games today--London at Brant. ford; Guelph at St, Thomas, DURANT CLOSING PLANT TWO WEEKS Taronto, July 7.~~Durant Mot- ors of Canada, Limited, closed the doors of its plant at Leaside Sat- miles out evening, a seaplane owned by Wil lam Christie of the Christie Bis- cuit rescued by a veteran legloss fish efman bourg Harbor by his fishing boat, A calm sea made this ble, seaplane, Dear anchor, estimated to O.M.I. Win From Kodaks In. a very interesting and ex- citing samp at the stadium Satur- day evening, O.M.,I, defeated Ko- daks of Toronto, 12-11, The O. M.I, started with a somewhat dif- ferent team than usual, with Marfon Kay playing second base, Jean MeDonald back at her old, position at short.and Mabel Mills pitching. Elleen Pipher replacing Mills in the first of the 6th and Drury replaced Warner in the 5th, Score at this time was 8-6 in favor of Kodaks. The O.M.1, tied ft up at. the 'end of the 8th with the score 10-10, Kodaks scored onc run in the ninth, Then the Mall- eable came to bat one run down to tie and two to win, Doris Alters ly. sgored ope run to tie up the game and with Jean McDonald and Hazel McDonald on third and sec- ond respectively, Marion Kay clouted out a nice triple and the game was over, Line up: Kodaks oM.1, Jones, Lf, Spencer, c.f. Tomlin, 3h I. McDonald, 3ra Donaldson, ¢ M, McLean, 1st, D, Attersley, ¢ J McDonald, ».8, Mitchell, 2nd A. Bldir, 1.1, Carruthers s.s. 1 Troveman, 1st, H, McDonald, 1.1, Druty, c.f, nd p. M, Kay, 2nd, Warner, p, and cf. %%%% .. Warner, p. and of, M, Mills, p Mumshaw rf E£. Pipher, p Score by Innings: -- 123 456 789 Kodaks .. ..., 052 001 111 OM) viii 203 010 222 11 2-12 DRIFTING PLANE SAVED AT COBOURG Legless Fishermen Tows It to Shore After Drifting Out Into Lake Cobourg, July 7.--Drifting three into Lake Onlario last Company, Toronto, was and towed back Into Co- feat possi- Christie had anchored the a de Havilland Moth, the east pler by a 15-pound which proved to be too ight when the wind changed from Mr, Cincinnati, the southwest to the northwest. The owner had flown from To- ronto earlier in the day, and was visiting with Bennett bourg summer resident, while his plane was drifting. 500 | lor, Oliver, Co- Bernard Tay- 16-year-old nephew of the rescuing fisherman, first gave the alarm to his uncle, BIG SEIZURE OF QUEBEC LIQUOR Trucks, Same as in O.T.A. Days (By Canadian Press) Windsor, July 7,--Seizure by the Provincial police of a choice collection of wines, liquors and champagne, most of {it bearing the seal of the Quebec Liquor Commission, at a down-river re- sort, is expocted to bring about a governmental order for a police watch over Ontario Highways, on which the contrabrand liquor has been transported In trucks, much the same as in the days of the O.T.A, The liquor seized Is variously be worth anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000 at cost prices in government stores and triple that on American soil, Should a decision be reached to establish a liquor patrol on the highways, it is probable that on- urday, Tho closing, however, only for two weeks, at the same time and cause less inconvonience, may be made and taken, EXPROPRIATION will be Officials in- timated that the purpose was to give all the employees a holiday thereby During the time, they say, repairs to plant the inventory WAS EXPENSIVE Montreal, July §.-~Thirty-four awards totalling $232,610 have heen handed down by Adrien Beaudry, K.C, chairman of the Quebec Public Service. Commission in connection with the expropriat- ly light, fast motor trucks would be stopped and searchod. There are scores of this type of machine to be seen: every day travelling both east and west, usually with two men with the driver on the front seat, apparently acting as guards while a third man 1s seat- ed on top of the loa, "The boys and girls of this gen- eration are growing up with 'the aeroplane just as those of my gen- eration grew up with the automo- bile, I took the automobile for granted, The same thing is happen ing to thé aeroplane,"-~Clarence D. Chamberlin, ------r-- "Elegance in the most elusive quality a woman can possess,' ---- Jean Patou, fon by James MacLaren Company, Ltd, of land along the Lievre River, inundated to form the stor age basin for a hydro plant which the company will establish just above, Buckingham, Quebec, Twen- ty-four awards were handed down over a month ago. Thugs Shoot Woman in Winnipeg Store Winnipeg, Man., July 7.--Shot as she tried to slip out of a down- town. drug atore Saturday night, which on entering a. minute before sho found being held up by a'trio, of armed bandits, Mary Mo hy, Winnipeg dressmaker, is in a'ser~ fous condition in' hospital, The bullet entered her abdomen, The police are searching for the three men who made thelr escape after the shot was fired, "The family is no longer a self. sufclent castle in a ' semi-hpstile world "-~Bdward Sapir, professor ¥ of anthropology at the University of Chicago. : ting her speed. hoats through toe | at Muskoka Lakes, Ont, in readiness for the races at Detroit. Marion Carstalis, who Is J ir 3:;.. This is the price at which you can now buy RED LABEL REDROSE TEA 1" RACE WARFARE IS FATAL TOSIX Four Negroes and Two Whites Die in Alabama Fighting Emelle, Ala,, July 7.--Death toll in Bummer County's race riots in- creased to six yesterday with the kinning of a negro man and wo- man at Arkeeta, Miss, 10 miles west of here, There possemen, pursuing negro principals in the rioting, epparvent- ly closed the final chapter in the first negro lynching and race riot in Alabama in four years, With the slaying of an uniden- tified negro man and the wife of Jesse Dial, shot as she and her hus- band attempted to flee from the posse which commanded them to halt, the small army of whites dis- persed and returned to their homes. Jesse Dial abandoned his car and fled when his wife was shot The unidentified negro man was slain as he stod in the door of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad depot and fied at whites when they com. manded him to throw up his hands and submit' to search, Rioting started with thes killing of two whites by negroes, and the return slaying of two colored men, SIXTEENTH SCHOOL BURNED AT COAST Vancouver, July 7,.--Only five days after 500 Sons of I'reedom had been permitted to participate on equal terms with the commun» ity and independent Doukhobors in the celebration of St, Peter's day come reports of the razing of two Doukhobor schoolhouses, "This brings the total of school burned in British Columbia to 186, -- "What is the cause of sea-sick- ness?" inquires a corespondent, The sea. Missionary: Are the natives be. coming civilized? Chief: Gradually, BRighteen of the chiefs played a game of bases ball last week and only four ume pires were killed" FRANCE REPORTED BARRING EXPORT OF LIQUOR TO U.S, | Washington, July 7.--~Word that | France has acted to prevent use of the islands of St, Pierro and Mi- quelon, off the Newfoundland coast, as a base for lquor-smuggling, was greeted with pleasure by trea sury and state department officials here, These officials professed ignore ance of recent action by this Gov- ernment to check smuggling at those points, but It was believed likely that treasury agents in Paris may have brought recent pressure on the basis of a two-year-old Gov ernment protest against the rum-« running which {is reported as have ing increased greatly following the pew Canadian liquor export re- strictions, "The word 'sanction' starting out in life as the embodiment of something sacred, holy redolent of the altar, has degenerated into a common euphemism for war, It is now a term used to designate pen- alities to be applied to violators of the Pact of Parls.'--Salmon O, Levinson, Chicago attorney, aon TAKI ' 'BURN" Out of Sunburn! Is quite easy, quick and sure, If you will just use GRAY'S BALM Prevent the heartless dam. age that summer ordinarily means to your skin, Keep your skin looking smooth and clear by the use of this wonderful healer, Simply rub a little on and--=presto ==the burn is gone. DO TRY IT SOLD BY Jury & Lovell LIMITED King 8t, ¥. Simcoe St. & Phone 28 Phone ' Bees don't buzz around Artificial Flowers ..... Crowds don't come to a store without a reason. . Our Bankrupt Prices are the Inducements Come and be convinced. ; ARE YOU PLANNING A TRIP? . Ve have just Fvslved a comv plete assortment baggage consisting of plsdboon, clube bags, hat cases and trunks. COME AND GET OUR ' PRICES BEFORE BUYING THE ARCADE BANKRUPT SALE (Under new ownership)

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