i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1930 Bowmanuille Daily Times News, advertising and subretiptions will be recelved at the Bowmanville Office of ¢ Times in the Cowan Tolephonss==Office=B87; House==131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock NEWS ABOUT TOWN Durham Regiment The Company of the Durham Regiment attached to Bowman ville and under the command of Captain Bert Bounsal will leave for summer camp at BarryfeldeKing- ston on July Sth, Any men wish. ing to accompany the regiment are asked to communicate thelr de- sires to Captain Bounsall as early as possible, Chicken Thieving There has been an epidemic of chicken thieving in Darlington and Clarke Townships during the past few weeks, It is reported that In Clarke there has been about five farms raided in the past week, Pro- vineinl Constable K, Smith of Bow« manville is Investigating, Front Wtreet vs, Goodyeay Front Btreet meet the Goodyear in a scheduled game at the Publio Nehool grounds tonight weather permitting and this should be one of the best tussles of the year, Hoth teams are strong and although ' Goodyear are yet the favorities to win the first schedule thelr hopes may be dashed to the ground, Fans will find it worth while to attend tonight's game, Ving at Masthead The Canadian Ensign proudly fluttered from the masthead on the Town Hall Building over the holi~ day In honer of Dominion Day, It is not many times during the year that this flag Is used and its ap- Karn's lce Cream consists merely of pure cream, milk and sugar cane, fresh fruits and the finest syrups and as it melts lusclously In your mouth you realise that there is nothing more delightful than Karn's pure Ice Cream, Bricks or bulk, Karn's Drug Store Opp: I O, « Phone 878 We Deliver pearance is noted by many citizens. The Post OMoe ran the Union Jack to the head of the mast while many storm loft thelr flags out for the ay, Improvements Potor Lambros has been greatly improving his cafe on King Street, during the past week and has had installed the latest sum wood fAx- tures which add 4reatly to the ap- pearance of this popular eating Inge. Pete has also on display in Is window some splendid roses grown in the Resery, well known garden of Councillor ¥letcher on Queen Street, Hy ' No There was no damage reported As 8 result of the severe storm which passed over here early yes terday morning and which worked havoo at Welcome 30 miles west of herd, The rain however together with that later in the day did much to spoil the holiday for the host of plenickers who were at the Cream of Barley Camp, Cream of Barley Improvements As Wan expected, the holiday was & big day at the Cream of Barley Camp and hundreds were seen plo- nicking during the day, Mr, Mor- den informed The Times yesterday that he had decided on further im« provements at the camp in the near future, The improvements will take the form of a new fishery which he will build In the hollew north of the bridge, This when completed will be stocked with a large supply of trout, A rather quaint and nov- ol thing was notloed and remarked about by hundreds at the camp over the holiday and that was a large Maple tree trunk with eleven stumps protruding from ft, It is a thing that is seldom seen and when alive would mean that almost eleven full sige trees would he growing from the one trunk, Mr, Morden has had the ends of the stumps painted and on each end he Is having painted the heads of famous people. The work fs being done by a local artist whose work has been commented on widely, He Is Bernard Mitchell who is the ars Ist for the Wingfoot Clan, the Good. year periodical, He has at present finished the head of the Hon R, B, Bennet, the Conservative leader, and in the next few days the heads of the King, Premer King, Pree mier Ferguson, Dr, Meaman, and C, M, Mundy, president of the Osh. awa Dally Times will grace some of the trunks, Mr, Morden is also 0on« sidering the erection in the near future of many more cottages to add to the large number already at the camp and whieh prove so pop- ular with the tourists, BTS, Cam The vanguard of the army of boys from the Training School moved down to thelr summer camp At the lake yesterday and are pre- paring for the ofMolal opening on Friday of this week when hundreds of Kiwanis, Rotarians, and mem. ney of the Leginlature will be pre- sent, Concert Tonight The popular comio actors Mutt and Jeff, will appear in person in a show at the Town Hall tonight, These artists have heen to Hows manville every year for some years now and have always in the past received a real good reception and they will likely receive the same tonight, The show Is not a moving ploture but a stage show and one of ron! merit with a cast far In ad- vance of many that visit the town, The Cause of Accidents ' Shortly after sundown last even ing a small oar of somewhat doubt~ ful vintage came putting along King Street on its way west, It was like many another ear of its kind with only one front light, Trafe Ofcer Mincheliffe took not of the approach and Stopped the ear whieh pulled up with a jerk and nearly turned upside down, A look at the ear revesled that the front light in question was entirely off the machine while there was also no sign of a rear light fixture, The driver was driving on an instrues tion permit without a qualified driver with him, He was made (0 fix the ear before leaving town and Inter at Tooley's HI crashed into another car making a day of it, Motorists who persist In driving oars without lights and without the knowledge of how fo drive are a menace to the safety of others pn the highway, Mi clo Club Most About 60 members of the Tor~ onto Motor Cycle Club held a field day at the Cream of Barley Camp yostordny and provided a large number of thrills for the crowd at the camp, The club was headed by its president, C, C, Saunders who slated that it was the Intention of the whole club consisting of some 200 members to hold thelr annual field day at the camp In the near future, The members would be nce companied by thelr families, Some of the stunts ty went through yesterday were halr ralsing to say the least and the crowd were made to hold thelr breath while in one capo n machine leaped 40 feet from 4 raised board, Another feature of the outing was the "surf board" riding, A board was tied to the back of a eycle and a man sat on It while the machine went round the grounds at 40 or more miles an hour, In every case the man was thrown with the exception of one young fellow about 19 who It soomed was glued to his sent as all antles of the driver failed to dis- lodge him, Competition at Training School Field Day Very Keen Enthusiasm reigned supreme at the annual sthiet ¢ and fleld meet at the Boy's "raining Nohool on Saturday when 108 hoys wore entered In the 23 events which formed the attractive pro. gram, These contestants repre- sented the five cottnges or lodges at the school and the competition between the cottages was eclipsed only by that of the Individuals in the different events themselves, An interesting announcement was made to The Times by ¥arl Cun« ningham, physical director of the school who is responsible for the fine showing of the boys, By the time the 1081 champlonships are here the school will he equipped with a modern athletlo fleld with A quarter mile einder track, he stated, The field will be favorably compared with any in Canada when completed and will be equipped to take oare of every up to date track ovent As well as areas for playing Baseball, Lacrosse, Rugby, Booger, Cricket and other games, Kiwanis Lodge Win Kiwanis Lodge won the inter- lodge champlonahip with 44 points, while Center Lodge with 23 was necond, North Lodge with 20 third, Routh Lodge with 81 fourth and Jury Lodge lant with 18 points, Lloyd Lee, a splendid youth, was the winner of the all round cham- plonship with an aggregation of 14 points to his oredit while the second 'place was taken by Karle Dleoks with 11 points and Harold Ried third with 10 points, Al events were contested and the bigger events were made inte moving plo. tures by the Ontario Government Moving Picture bureau, The full results are an follows, Class A 10 and Over . 100 yards dash 1st, Russel Lee, 18 secs; 2nd, Bud Gravelle; 8rd, Earle Nleekn, £15 Bhot Put,--1st Barle Bleoks, 28 ft, 6} ine; 2nd, Joe Noteman; ird, Lloyd Lee, Running High Jump.--1st, Bud Gravelle, 4 ft 8 ns; 2nd, Albert Stringer! 8rd, Russell Lee, Pole Vault-=1st, Lloyd Lee, 8 ft; ind, Russell Leo; ard, M, Tomlin- son, . . Running Droad Jump.--1st, But Gravelle, 17 tt: 2nd, Russell Lee; rd, Karl Dleeks, Class 1), 14 and 15 Years 100 yards dash.--1st, Warle Meaks, 18 ft, 1.5 fn; 9nd, Lloyd Lee; 8rd, M, Tomlinson, 8 1b, SBhot Put-=1st, Xarle Bleaks 34 ft, 94 ins! 2nd, Joe Note. man; ard, Lloyd Lee, Running Bread Jump.--1at, Lloyd Lee, 14 ft. 7) ina; 2nd, D. Lake; rd, A, Lee, {| Week-End Specials New Shipment of Inspiration Prints ~ Inpretty designe of red, bl ue, green, black and white etc. 36 inches 29¢ wide. - Special, yard, ded odd adda ddd Br BERG RBBES SL RL PUNTER "Hose, in a good range 87¢ SILK HOSIERY Allan A and Fleur de Lis pure silk of summer All shades, pair, Ladies' and Children's Crepe and Dimity BLOOMERS Regular 4c. Clearing, yard Ebi ABE In smart stripe designe, 5 Smit stripe i SILK BROCADED'ROSACHINE A suitable fabric for ladies' and chil- Shen's matt Summer Decases, os ue, peach and cream. | inches wide, Regular $1.00. BOYS' WASH SUITS 8 Special sot Bey 45¢ belted styles. Reguinr PURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING Good quality. with red and blue, and d and green stripe border. ial, yard BATH TOWELS Of an extra heavy weight, white with gold, green and mauve, 'Note the size, 26 in, x 48 in. $1.50 oT TER eR a RE a 19¢ CRE TE ST I Slightly im- , Clearing, 98¢ Of ming. GIRLS' PANTIE DRESSES Chambray with braid trim« Plaip, Chembiey Special, LADIES With shadow proof hem. Mites, Regyler $1.50 and $1.95. " $1.00 e " SILKNIT SLIPS Colors or Running High Jump,--1st, Lloyd Loe, 4fL 64 Ins; 3nd, M, Tomlinson; drd,"M. Bhelley, Pole Vault.--1st Lloyd Lee, 7ft, 100 ins; 4nd M, Bhelley; 4rd, B, Blamk, Class C, 19 and 18 Years 76 Yards Dash. ---W, Stewart, 10 sec; 2nd, A, Cox; 8rd, Mumford, Running Broad Jump-=W, Slew- art, 18 ft, 6 ins; Sud, ¥, Roberts; ird, C. Pmith, Running High Jump.---1st, W. Stewart; 2nd, ¥, Roberts; 8rd, A, Smith, Rope Climbing.~=1st XK. Jabour, and, D, dwards; 8rd, C. Smith, Base Runnivg.--1st, C. Smith; ind, A, Cox; 8rd, VV, Roberts, Class D Under 18 Years 76 Yards Dash,--1st, H, Ried; nd, W, Perdue; 8rd, R. Roberts, Running Migh Jump,--1st, Mike Inenk; nd, G, Dyball; 8rd, M, Ried, Running Broad Jump.--=M, Lu« kak; 2nd, HM, Ried; 3rd, 4, Dyball, Rope Climbing,--1st, L. Base tne; 3nd, A, Mtontly; 8rd, H, Ried, Base Running,--1st, HW, Ried; nd, I, Pastine; 8rd W. Perdue, . Relay Races Jr, Cottage Relay (quarter mile) ==18t, Center Lodge, #1 3-5 seo! Ind, North Lodge; 8rd, Mouth Lodge Br, Cottage Relad (halt mile)- Int, Jury Lodge; 2nd, Xiwanis Lodge, One Mile Race.-1at, Joo Note man, 65 min, 856 1-5 sec; 9nd, A. Stringer; 3rd, Darl Drash, Sr ------------------ LOGAL REPORTER REVIEWS RECENT HOLIDAY TRIP Pays First Visit to United States at Buffalo We returned recently from a very pleasant vacation at Crystal Beach, Outario, and Boffalo, New York, which has not only given us A wider vision of the province in which we live but has also given us our first glance at a olty across the border, We left Bowmanville by train on June 16 before most of the townfolk were out of bed and about noon arrived at Bridgeburg, which 16 the last station before crossing the International Bridge to Buffalo, I'rom here we motored to the Peace Bridge at Fort Brie a little over a mile away, This bridge fs a magni. fleent atruoture which shortens cons siderably the trip to Buffalo trom the Canadian side, The bridge was opened some three years ago by the Prince of Wales and was named Peace Dridge in commemoration A century of peaceful relations be. tween Canada and the United Stat. os, From this point, we travelled about twelve miles on a paved high. Way to Crystal Beach, a summer resort better known in that section of the country as Duftalo's Coney Inland, We would venture to say that 78 per cent, of the people of Bowman ville have never heard of Crystal Beach and yet we were surprised to find when reaching there that it rivalled Sunnyside in its heach, its dance pavilion and its hugh mid. way, A beautiful sandy beach atretohes for more than a mile and thousands of bathing anthuaiasts, montly from Buffalo spend the sum. mer in that part of the country, We were told that Crystal Beach has only a population in the winter time of a few hundred and yet in the summer when the resort In open that populations reaches over 10,000, What proved a disappoint. ment to us was the fact that hard. 1y any Canadians were noticed and ot the hundreds of oare which were parked at every concelv point very fow had a Canadian loense, We were alno informed that in the Winter there is only one store at the Beach while we noticed clone onto 100 when we were there, After the season closes following Labor all stores close up until the noxt season opens in June the fol. lowing year, ore in in Or rk, tho Ee) yatal Park, one of Oni Wa have ever seen, beautifuil HE tad 3 eapable of holdin couples at one time, ing 1,900 his wan erected at a cost of a | To quarter of a chestra in engaged for the whole feanon and other mpecial oreh are brought in during the helght of the geason, The Midway ia one of the finest in Qanada and boasts the largest Cyclon Coaster in the magnificent dance pavils || million dollars, An or Yaya) n Sas 21% world, We, more out of bravado than anything else, tried a trip on this cosster sid we can honest say that it gave us a bigger thrill than when the German's in thelr Zeppelins ralded London during the war, Another feature of this resort 1s the cement promenade and the large pler where the boat from Buffalo calls every two hours, This boat, The Oanadians, makes the trip from Buffalo to Crystal beach throughout the summer, It is 12 miles from the beach to Buffalo and it takes 'about one hour to make the crossing, ¥rom the pler at night one can plainly see the blast furnaces at the huge Lackawanna Steel plant across the lake send their flames skyward, On Wednesday wo took the boat to Buffalo and were the guests for three days of MY, and Mrs, Stephen Florence who somo years ago were in gharge of the Cream of Barley Camp here and who have a host of friends In Bowmanville, We had no trouble In passing the immigration ofMoers all of whom are stationed 'on the Canadian side and on arrival in Buffalo harbour were greeted with a busy scene, Freight and pase songer boats plied their way in and out of the harbour and syrens wore sending out thelr warnings of approach continuously, When we landed wo found ourselves in what is no doubt the slums of Buffalo and the trip up Commercial Street to Main Street was through some of the most squalid living quarters wo have ever seen, We made it our business to take note of Bufialo's main street and compare it with Toronto and we are of the opinion that Toronto is a much nicer and cleaner city in which to live, There were large stores but none as large or nearly as large as Eaton's or Simpson's, The streets cars and busses were a green color and were not half as clean ag the ones that are seen in Oshawa, The con- ductors, may have oalled out the names of the streets but we did not hear them, and it was with the groatest difficulty that we were able to know when we were to alight, All fares on street cars and busses Are 10 cents so we still have some thing to be thankful in the seven cents fares over this side. When getting on the bus at Delavan Ave, we purchased onough tickets to lant un for our stay and were given small tokens somewhat like a 10 cent pelce, The Florence restdence is on the outskirts of the city In a very high ly restricted residential section. All houses are about the same style, the same length and all are frame in construction, We received a | The Whitby BETTER VALUE than ever( J. Lyons & Co,, (Canada) Limited, Toronto. royal welcome at the home of the Florences and we must mention here that this home was one of the finest it has ever been our privi- lege to enter, Every modern device is incorporated in the building of 'the house and one blessing was the hot water available at all hours of the day and night with the use of an automatic gas heater, At night we went to one of Buf~ falo"s many theatres and those compare very favorable with any In Toronto, Looking back over that three day visit to Bultalo we must say that we found the city modern but not over interesting and we are still of the opinion that Tor. onto has it beat & thousand and one ways, Returning to Crystal Beach on Friday we managed to noe a couple of days without rain and to witness some real learge picnics, to Saturday the plonic of the Mar. ine Trust Company of Buffalo was held at the beach and about 6,000 people arrived on the two after. noon boats, We regretted very much that this fine resort is not patronized more by Canadian people than it is and we believe that if this resort was a8 widely known in Canada as it Is in Buffalo, the result would be that Canadians would be as much In evidence as Americans, We must In conclusion remem- ber to state the very courteous manner in which we were treated by the Company that operates the beach, They gave us a pass on all concesions and treated us royally. There is something in being a newspaper reporter, when one tra. vels, after all, Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the vhitby Brance Office, at Gan (t anv Chronicle~Teolephone S-=Aftey Dusiness Hours «= |'hone BAY, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON CHIEF QUANTRIL ASSUMES DUTIES Head of Police Force Start: od Work on Tuesday Morning Whitby's new Chief Constable, Harry Wesley Quantrill, late of the Oshawa police force, was on the job bright and early Tuesday morning. The new Chief, through some mis- understanding will not have his uni. form for at least a week, as it is now being made, It has been ordered through a local merchant, Chief Quantrill moved his family to Whitby last week, taking the house on Kent street owned by Mr, M. W, Collins. It is centrally located and close to the business section, During the holiday week-end, Night Constable John Thomas is on day duty with the Chief, with Wil. liam Roach working at night. The traffic was very heavy on Monday but the local police had no reports of accidents of any kind, CONFERENCE OF YOUNG PEOPLE IS OPEN AT WHITBY Delegates Come From All Parts of Canada and Newfoundland With seventy-five delegates from all parts of Canada in attendance, the Young People's Spiritual Confer= ence in connection with the United Church opened at the Ontario Lads les' College at nine o'clock on Tues: | 4 da morning, with Rev, A, L, Richs ards, B. B.D, of Whitby, delivering the |) opening devotional address, All press byteries of the United Church, inclus ding Newfoundland, are represented at the Conference, the majority of them having come from the great §tiering of Sunday School workers n Toronto, The Conference contine ues until Thursday night, The address of the forenoon was EA by Professor A. R, Cragg, of innipeg, and it was a brilliant and inspiring discourse on the subject of prayer, Prof. Cr declared that prayer must be the Fuot around which all Christian work centres, and the keynote of all that is y 1 Jas the chief essential in Christian vin ple submitted : eports on the find- ngs of each of the commissions at the Youth Conference just closed in ronto, These reports proved very le to ull who heard them. An followed at which some 'Dr. Myers followed with a ver thoughtful address on the obRorun . iey for Christian work open to tople at home and 'abroad. hh ; Following: this address six young | p, s were discussed. Rev. [of AGRICULTURE 1 LANGUISHING . Cintinued trom Page 1) the basle industry of Quebec and that success would only come to agriculture with the co-operation of city dwellers of all classes, The report went on to adversely coms ment on the importation of food supplies as detrimental to the suc cows of the agricultural industry, "It suffices to say, men and women," he asserted, "that Cana- dian agriculture has languished and all because you cannot coms mand your market at home." It gave him great regret, Mr, Bonnett continued, to have seen, the deserted farm lands of New Brunswick, - Quebec and other provinces. "Well," he stated, 'I am going to say right here that I shall regard it as my great re- sponsibility" if elected on July 28 to see that the collective weight and power of the Dominion of Canada is placed behind agrioul- ture. I would be lacking In qualifi« cations entitling ma to head the Government if 1 falled to do so, It is the basis of the country's wealth, and to think that ft has 'Ween so neglected, What does thig GRYern- ment exist for anyway?" i. Augmenting Tourist Revenues From the tourist traffle, the sum of $208,000,000 had been col- { by this country last year, ¥y jo Py "with the construction of a great national highway, this revenue would be greatly aug mented, But, that was not the only thing, Mr, Bennett proceeded, Connecting as it would the east with the west, old-time Maritimers now residing in Western Canada could return to their homes by the road, passing entirely through Canadian territory, The people of the east, too, would visit the west, the Conservative leader went om, and the highway would provide n source of cheaper transportation for farm products, CP.R. ENGINEER HAS - ENVIABLE RECORD North Bay, July 2.~~When t Canadian Pacific Railway Say=s fiior--~train No, 18-=pulled North Bay at 7,66 Monday pr the grinding of her braked as the end of the almost ashes, railway career of hemde that Mellvenna, For 47 years, sinly was, #0 venna's hands, eyes (ferned, an directed the companié holiday, and in all that longr and lite vice, there has nev staying in | mark chalked up festivities, Neither himself nlinriot, and | train associates ha® highways jured; he has nev relief from wreck in either pas and quiet worvice, and no pabe order of injured while yiliall say that care, vr than thn tions which In the evening quite a number of young people from Whitby and Osh- awa Joined in the conference, when addresses were delivered by Profes sor Cragg and Rev, Dr. Frank Lang- ford, The assembly hall of the Col- lege was filled and the session was marked with niuch success, On Wednesday and Thursday sev- eral outstanding speakers will be heard, and there will be recreational period, The delegates are loud in their praise of the beauty of the College grounds, and of the fine fa- cilities provided in the buildings. Free use of the gymnasium and show er baths Is being made, DOMINION DAY QUIET IN WHITBY, NO CELEBRATION Motor Traffic Heavy, But No Accidents Were Reported There being no special celebration, Dominion Day, Canada's national ho- liday, was a very quiet one in Whit- by. No accidents of any kind were reported by the local police, and traf- fic officers at a late hour Tuesday night stated that the week end had been fairly free from motor mishaps. he traffic was exceedingly heavy, and early Tuesday morning the cars were lined up three deep on Dundas street west, waiting on the signals, Most of thy trafic was going east and north, At night there was a steady stream, which continued to / flow west until the early hours of Wednesday morning, Bus trafic was fairly heavy, but not so much as on other holidays, Quite a few picnic parties passed through the town, Many citizens left the town by mo- tor for family picnics. In the after. noon Jupiter Pluvius put in a sud: en appearance, accompanied with thunder and lightning, The storm was heavier he country than in the town, bu™ho damage was reported, although the farmers say that crops are getting too much heavy rain, An exhibition softball mateh be. tween Mimico and the Whitby Maple Leafs, staged for the afternoon in the Town Park, had to be postponed un~ til evening on account of rain, At seven o'clock the Park was the mec- ca for many fans who saw the Maple Leafs defeat the visitors by a close score of 6-5, It was a hard fought engagement, with Whitby having the bat of the play in most of the in. nings. In the afternoon not a few White by people went to Pickering for the annual celebration held at Memorial ark under the auspices of the fire. men, Some also went to Port Hope hare a mammoth celebration was Quite So "What have you got in the shape oucumb this morning?" awk od a custonier of a smart shop ase sistant, Gasoline Oil & 7 For Thous} Aprevious Comfortable: ~Ilet us fit your car with 4 Cable Cord Tires. Thére's thi, lui the name suggests in these tires-# ho of flexibility that/goes a long w bumpy road surfaces. We carmoriam change 'while you wait. MERCURY SERVICE LIM! PHONE 994 Official Depot ' DUNLOP CABLE CORD TIRES i Wholly Canadian and British a Bto history. | 1 the afters Widay ardor "away and Yoning in hint holidaying, was provided for ined in the elty ur of St. George's g#ondered a program nd other airs on the the afternoon, 0 highways leading was light, in com- firsts of OF the main travelled 8€0 meek the quiet and of the farming bhoauty of Kawartha ® momory of olly, who died go 6 yoars, Tires ht n vg and p brothers, (163aN A "Nothiak But bananas, ma'am!" reblied the yhuth,, Al Lumber Lumbet Interior Trim Doors Shingles G Tent" Test . Building Papers Roll Roofings COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North