Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1930, p. 7

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FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 PAGE SEVEN 'Grain and Produce Exchanges ---- Prices in the 'Commercial Markets PHODUCR QUOTATIONS Toronto wholesale dealers are Yuriue produce at the following PH Uiktaded, canon relurned, trsh Sirs, 280 fresh firsts, 96c; to 28e, onde, No. TeOntario ( ory, solids, 27 to 27% e; No, 2, 26 to 26%, Churning Cream-----Bpeeisl 28 to 30s No. 1, 27 to 28¢; No, 2, 24 to 2be. Cheess==Nao, 1 lorge, colored, seritined and government graded, f%e, Poultry Hens, over b 106, sovivevniis 88 Do, 410 5108, sive ivenereidd Do. 8% to 40, cusrrireesdl Do, under 8% Ibs, ivi 0es lb Spring broflers 2% to #4 lbs, £7 Do, 1% to 2% he, +.0v: 11) Old roosters, over b Ibs, cove 15 Do, over 4 to BIDS, +rvwevis 12 % Fig Ph 20¢; triplets and cuts, #00; stiltons, 31e, Poultrye Dressed Chickens, 6 Ibs, up ivusis 4toh os, 8% to A 108, Liven 10 8% IDB soniie 0, 8 D8 2iivrenrnenns Hens, over b bs, Broflers , +, +4.. Ducks ,,., Turkeys , , .. ---------- FARMERS MARKET The following are the quotar tions, retail, in effect on the #t. Lawrence Market, Toronto; Produces Eggs, extras, per doz Do, firsts, per dos, .., Butter, dairy per pound ,,. Do., creamery, per Ib, 0.36 Fruits and Vegetables Asparagus, 'bupeh ,,, Carrots, 8 bunches ,., Beats, buh .. Po, 6 qt, , Onions, dry, baske A Do, 6-qt basket ...iv001 Cabbage ' " Cauliflower ,. ,y v4 0. Endive, dozen . ,.. +. Spinach, pack ' Mushrooms, par pound' EERE ER ten tee ts Alive re rer res vee re Frere . SELLING 11.qt, Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs~--~Froesh extras, in cartons, #4¢; . frosh - extras, Inoae, 82e; firsts. 30¢; seconds, 27c, Butter=-No, 1 Srenmery, prints. Sle; No, 2, creamery prints, 30¢ | Leaf lettuce, # for ,,, Cheess~Now, Inrge 18301 Head lettuce, 2 for ., twins, 18%0; triplets 180; stil-| Parsley, per bunch .. tons, 208% c; Old, Inrge, 28¢c; twins, | Cress, three for , , --~-- : ee CT Cum Dipped «ord is Immersed in an 100 1 Fam nae it i] eomplately insuleu ith Jubber on which acid has no effect, NE er ---- wip oped Cords Stand the Acid Test Even though Firestone cords are of superior strength and elasticity before they are built inte Firestone Tires, they go through t Gum-Dipping process for added strength and endurance, Gum-Dipping=--exelusive to Firestone Tires ~=gaturates and insulates every fibre of every cord in the tire, This prevents the cords from Shafing gaint each other and eliminates inter jon and heat==the greatest enemy to tire life, Thus Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires have le reasons for their toughness, pied, ness and unigual d miles pb By det Jn they held all world r Ningesnd andyrancel Specily Fi Firestone um- 168 ON your car, your nearest ped Tin Dealer today. FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. OF CANADA, LIMITRD Rodd's Tire and Battery Service Cor, King and Centre Streets, Oshawa Phone 930 A Most of the value you build inte your home is out, of sight, but OAK FLOORS are not, + They are the ene featurs about your rooms, which gov- ern the appearance of everything else in it, as well as marking the quality of the home itself, Get the figures on OAK FLOOR. ING from your lumber dealer. But at FINSH HARDWOOD. FLOORING. is pra-ominently the finest; and costs no more than inferior brands, fot ove OvetBroduEtIoR OWS "general reduction Colory, dosen +. vss Uranges, per dozen , , . Honey melons, each Wirawberriés, pint ,... Grapefruit, each ... .. Poiatoes, or aren Cucumbers, each .,..,. Lemons per doen ,.. Bananas, per dosen ., . Cal. green peas, 6-qt, basket . uo +0 orn Cespiant, ash tiene Green beans, 6 qt, ... Green peppers, six for Turnips, DUS, srr vvv iii Parsnips, 11 qb vovviv Apples, bus, RAL Groen pods; 6 4b 000 or Tomatoes, Ib, , vsvee 1: Pineapples, each ,,,. 0.26 fRhubark, three bunches ., Hadishos, 3 bunches .,.... Néw Carrots, 8 bunches .. New beets, bunch . Green onions 3 hunches (Green peppers, 8 for .. HAMS RN WD SRR D POSTS STO ODS SommS re SOIT IDDIVNERO=ID ree tee TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesalers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked Meats--~Hams, medium, 28 to #be; cooked loins, 48 to b2¢; smoked rolls, 2c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 40¢; backs pen-menled, B4c; An, smoked, 46 to bbe, Pork Loins, im : shoulder 19%cy hutts 2415 Lams, 26% Cured meats--~Long clean bacon, $0 to 70 Ibm, 24; 70 to 00 Ibs 2%: 00 to 110 lbs, 21c, Weavy: weight rolls 40; lightweight rolls, bo. Lards=Pure tlerces, 10c; fubs, 16c; pails, 170; prints, 17 to 17%e fhortening=--Tierces, 1%¢; tubs, 18'%¢e; palls, 14e, fpscial pastry shortening=-- Tier oes 16c; tubs, 18% ¢} lin, 16e. TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting shippers the fol. lowing prices for carload lots, de liversd on track, Toronto, No. 2 timoth... #14,00 N®. 3 timothy , 12.00 Wheat Straw, ... Ost straw e------ rng GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronin Board of Trade are making the fol. lowing quotations for car lots Manitoba wheat==No, 1 Northern $1.01, No. 2 do, 79%e No. 8 do, A7%¢e No, 4, U6% 6 No. Bb #70; No, 6 71% ec: fend 620 (olf, Goderich and Bay Ports), Manitoba oats--=No.1 feed, 47% ¢; No. 2 do, 44%, Ameriean corn---Nn, 2 yellow | TORONTO (RAIN QUOTATIONN Grain dealerh on the Toren'y Board of Trade are making the fol lowing quotations for car lots Manjtaba wheat--Np, 1 Nerth- orn, D8 No, 8 do, 98%; No, § do, 8344 01 No, 4, 01% ec; No, 5, Ae; No, 8, 47%; teed, Abe (ont, Goderich and Bay ports) Manitoba oats--=No, 1 . feed, 40%e; No, 8 do, 400, Ameriean ocorn-=No, 2 004; No. 8 de, ATe, Millteed, delivered 'Montreal frefghts, bags included, Bran, ton 824.26; wnhorts, ton $26.35; mid. ns, ton, $041,256 Ontario grain, wheat, #105 Barley, ryé, buckwheat nominal, CHICAGO PRODLCE FUTURES Chicago, June 26.-The prevail. Ing irregularity of the spot esp market brought about a rather of values this morning, losses in some cakes as much 'an one full cent, An easier tone right from the opening could be detected on the futures whlch Alipped from 27% to % on Now embers, uotationp on the spot butter call held unchanged this morning with moderate to mond demand in evidemos, The Novem: her futures were not afforded the support given the past few days 50 that quotations were a shade lower at the close, Open commitments~Nov, eggs, 1,004; June butter, 4; July but ter, 1; Nov, butter 1,108, Two market receipts Rutter today, 280,000; last year, 81,019 Eggs today, 45,074; Ist. year 40,004, Chicago $14.00 yellow, spot market---Rutiey, OXtras, 82% standards, 33%0; tone steady, Wgge, mraded firsts 2201 tone unsettled to weak, New York spot market Rut. ter, extra, A8%c on tone, Egps, firsts, ny ton tone irregular, TORONTO WID WIDER AND WOOL, baihility, The per cent Torontn wholesale dealers in hides land wool are quoting prices | to shippers as follows: Clty hides Kreen, fe bulls and brands, do)! country hides. green, Te; do oured, 714 to Be; Toronto elty call, kréen, 100; country calf, green. fo; olty veal kip, Ro; solniry ven! kip, 70; do, oured, to Ko touatex grantor ki to Bo; lioree No. i ht No, 8 in ne" Hg & Pty wh -- --.. 1, free of In es se reesikinn Ww " | h i gai, dure, i WAR WITH INDIA TALK IS SCORED] (Continued trom from Page 1) a Shins . talk al fd neon io bout. le their ice wi ivy of th bi ty p14 Jost nt nos that stocks art aul po tisen. nN + NAME OF CORN SHOULD DESIGNATE FINER STREET Legion Will Request Council to Change Name of Currie Ave, ---- A resolution asking that the eity council give consideration to chang: ing the name of Currie Avenue, and giving that name, In honor of Gen. eral Bir Arthur Curyle, to some mora pretentious street in, the eity, was passed at the regular meeting of the Oshawa Branch' of the Canadian Legion, The resolu tion was sponsored by Comrade KE, W. Pearce who. Ih an eloquent speach, sald thet It was & disgrace that Genersl Currie's name should be attached to a strest so little In keeping with his serviges to Can. ada, While it was admitted that there were other streets of a simi lar character named after other leading figures In the war, the speaker suid Canadians were most interested in General Currie, and that since there were main streets in the city, such as Centre #ireet, which had names of no special significance, it might be possible to transfor the name of Currie to one uf these, 'It General Currie 'were to visit Oshawd," seid Comrade Pearce, and were to he taken down to ses the street that Is named after him, he would he liable to onl} for a bombing party to mop it up.' There was general Agresament with the sentiment of Comrade Pearce's motion, and it was agreed to pass the resolution and have it sont on to the city council as A tant coke as to the willingness of the council to aecept the viewpoint of the Lerans, JUVENILE COURT CARRIES ON WITH MARKED SUCCESS No Serious Offenses Brought to Attention of Judge Jarrett This Year The Juvenile Court in Oshawa under the able supsrvision of Rev, WC, Jarpett, Juvenile Court Judge, hag heen carrying on with ita usual marked success, Rev, Jarrett in formed The Times yestarday that the canes that had come before the gpurt In this year have on the wholes heen of & minor nature, No casei that were of a serious nature and in which diffeulty would he exper fenced In making a settlement were dealt with, It was learned The Juvenile Court in the elty has heen doing a great work in tak ing care of those cases of delin: quency that are nat sévers anough to bring to the Poliea Court, In the modern age it has been found that much hatter results have basen ob tained hy taking such casés to & Juvenile Court, where the aircum: stances of the cose Ara investigated fully and some good advices given to the earring juvenile, The atmesphers of the court room with its crowd of sensation seekers has heen found te have a bad effect on the Juvenils mind, The child gets the idea In the Police Court that no one eards what happens te him, Tn the Juvenile court on the other hand such a per sonal interest is taken in each case by tha Judge that the hoy er girl comen 10 A realisation of the course that he or ahe should take and brings a feeling of personal respon. Ke of repeat. ern in the Juvenile Court is praeti cally negligible, -------------------------- Tf 4 man is not abla to earn as much an he things he ia worth it in no reason why he should spend as much money as ha wou it he earned as much as he thinks he ia worth, ==Glasgow Herald, CANADAS * GREATEST STEAMSHIPS N tolare --n gH me Buchs of Athen mpton, uly 8 AUR: 1 havin Melita a 4, duly 30°... Duchess of July 18 «0s oyvy Dughess of York July 18 RR innedows 1) uohess of Richmond only, Coo of Australie, iy §, July 30 ,... Empress of Seotland, July 16, Aug, § Empress of France en y local Agents or Canadian Bldg. A rr lt fc I , .e " Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Canadian Vress Toronto and New York Wook QuotationsrSupplied Biggar and Omwiord, Alger Building, Ushaws , Grd, $d, Bs, Th, Hg, Ventures Wr. Hrg, 186 140 hin 116 105 Toronto Stock Exchange LJ { 180 160 #40 1h 192 150 160 dn 15 19% Rock High Low Close Br, A, Oil 31% New York Exchange Boek Alleghany Amn, Inter, Amn, Kmel Amn, Tel, Anaconda Baldwin Borg War Beth, WMieel Can, Dry Can, Par I Com, Holy, Chrysler Dav, Chem "ox ' Gen, Fle Gen, Mot Goodyear lien, Standard Mining om Abana Alnx Big Min, Ch, Res, De, Mas, Iq Faleon, Mi He, O11 Nt Hy, Gold hi f "en Hd, Bay Radio Lk, 8h, Rem, Nrnda, film, Carb, Ward Ch, Rg Natl 2140 2190 Rand Ped High 19% 31% Yi ni ns ho 20% 2h 0% 60 1 Copper 8 Low Close 20% 24 Bin, ON ,,, 21% PL, of NJ, "4% Bludebaker 36% Th, RI, Bear 6. % UK, Bteel 157% U.S, Rubber 21 Money 1% per cent, IMPERIAL BANK PRESIDENT DIES Peleg Howland Was One of Toronto's Foremost Business Men Toronto, June 27,--Veleg How: land, president of tha Imperial Bank of Canada, and H, 8, How: land, Mone and Company, died nl his home, 67 Glen Toad, ast night, In his 74th year The late Mr, Howland was one of Toronto's leading financin) men, and had been In business io this eity for over half a century Although he was retiring in dis position, his Influence extended over a wide cirels of husiness netivities, ifLy-tive years ugo he hegun fy # Junior. glerk in the hank which his father founded and of which Peleg Howland wan president, when he died, Two years after entering the bank he joined his father, H, H. Howland, in an wholesale hard- ware husiness, of which he, sgaln following in his father's footsteps, hecame president, He was horn in Kisinberg in -- GRA WRT 1807, and came to Toronto at an ourly age to attend Toronto Grams mar school, Wyer since thne he lis resided in Toronto, In 1891 he: married Ketherine 1, Smith, daughter of Ephraim Smith of Cheboygan, Mich, One daughter und his wife survive him, Besides holding the presidency of the Imperial Bank of Canads ma MH, B, Howland and Sous, he win president of the Contederation Life Awsocintion, and Canadian ads visory director of the Genera) Ace cident, ¥ire and Life Assurance Corporation, In 1906 he hecame president of the Toronto Bosrd of Trade, and he held the position of ehalrmun of the railway and transportation committes of (he Doard of Trade (rom 100% ib 1014, In politics he was a Libera) and In religion, a Preshyterian, a ---------- The death ix announced of Wil liam Mengies, Eskbank, for 20 years agent of the Bank of Reol- land, Dalkeith, and Gorebridse, He was previously aecounta/i in the Trongate hranch, Glasgow, Deceas~ ed was nu deacon of the Dalkeith Want Parish Church, Made by Murra % fo fhimg Os Me =ALEXANDER Murrayw~ SM Mj Don't Cut in'! Avoid this dangerous practice on the highway. It's an offence and a frequent cause of accidents. Let This Be Your Motto 8 on the King's Highway i LR OU needn't be travelling at a classed as a reckless driver, * n excessive speed to be 'Cutting in "" when the road ahead is not clear is reckless, even though you are driving below the speed limit. A fundamental of safe driving is never to pass another car unless the road ahead is clear, and there is a space in the traffic line which you can easily reach before you meet on-coming oars, If you ignore this, sooner or later you will have an accident. Traffic officers are particular. ly vigilant for this class of offender, Passing the car ahead on a curve, near the crest of a steep grade, or at any other place where the view ahead is partially obscured, may result in a 'side swipe" one of the most serious of motor accidents. If another driver tries to pass you, LET HIM PASS, Don't race, That's against the law, too. You may squeeze him out of a place in the traffic line. He may be caught by a car approaching in the opposite direction. If he is, you are as much to blame as the driver who tried to pass you. The Highway Sefety Committed appeals to you, and every other user of the highway at all times to do the utmost in your power to avoid accidents, During this week-end traffic will be heavier. day enthusiasm over-ride your sense of caution. Do not let your heli Seven Rules for Safe Driving. 1) You must aheatee them and ALL other precautions ALL the ad of {LL 3 Newer, att to Snes 5 Bile = = RAR 7 Awan SIGNAL before you slow RE Al | a eraliinte dhs =a SA RR TE NR

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