TUNEFUL ROMANCE 'ove and King Sing in Technicolor Revue of New Title ----- With a cast of all-star players by Charles King snd Bes sie Love, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's new all-tdlking offering, "Chasing Rainbows opened today at the Regont Theatre, 1t Is & glamor- ous sand tuneful romance of Mtv backstage. Charles ¥'. (Chuck) Riesner, who directed "The Hollywood Re- vue of 1920," tilled a similar post fn the filming of this stirring ploturization of the joys and sore rows that are seen only behind the ourtaine, Jack Bonney, who plays his first straight role, Is splendid us the stage manager' who aol 4s cupid in the romance between King snd Miss Love, although poorotly loving her himself, The ploture is abounding io melody snd mirth with daseliog stago spectacles, screened in tech: uicolor, lending a kaleidoscopic background to the swift action of the plot: King sings three of the five song hits in the show and Miss Love, in a whirlwind tap dance routine, is featured in a dancing ensemble of breath-taking beauty and movement, Sammy Lee, who staged the dances for the 'Hollywood Re- vue," worked out the stage en- sombles with superb skill and un. derstanding. Marie Dressler and Polly Moran are hilariously teamed in the new ploture and the supporting cast in« cludes Gwen Lee, Ceorge K. Are thur,, Nita Martan, Eddie Phillips and Youcca Troubetskoy. Bess Meredyht wrote the origi nal story, which Wells Root ad- apted for the soreen, The Ohio Beed Improvement As- sociation, of Ohio state, has indloats od the intention of its members to be prominently represented in the world's iain show at Regina, Can adn; In 1008. -------------------- Foremost among the discourage fog ineldents to which a business 8 must acoustom himself is soe ng [) ographer yawn while wtiting one of his snappy salesman. ship lettermaiLite, Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on . .. GEORGE BENNETT WAKES LAST JUMP Veteran Parachute Jumper Fractures Spine in Sunny. side Thriller (By Canadion Press Leased Wire) Toronto, June 21--The fumed skill of CGieorge Bennett, veteran Jumper, that hod carried hip safely to enrth after ho had leaped from a speeding aeroplang on 970 other ocoasions, fatled him before thou sands of amusement seekers at Sunnyside beach here last night. Now Bennett les in a hospital in what doctors believe is a dying con. dition, The lower part of his spine is fractured, his Internal injuries are serious and his body is badly bruised and cut, Bennett put up a herolo. but los- ing battle when he jumped, Strug- gling desperately with all the skill at his command, the veteran tried to swing his parachute out over Lake Ontario, He drifted helplessly, however, and though he did man- age to manoeuvre the chute over some high tension hydro wires, he orashed heavily against a pole and foll on the street car tracks, RAMON NOVARRO Coming to the Regent Theatre in "Devil May Care" In clothes I'm saving as can be The folks all pin bow quets on me, AVING money by S saving clothos helps to Dbulld character as well as wardrobes, It is quite evident that our dry cleaning and dyeing in being popularized in town==hear folks talk | about us, THE NEW SERVICE LEANERS £.DYERS PHONT OSHAWA 707 WHITBY 41y WMANYILL AO SIMEON STARTING SATURDAY Direct From Imperial Theatre TORONTO : ARIZONA KID "re v RAZY AT ARTOON actin ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS "Goodbye, Legs" dealing with the sudden change in length of wos men's skirts, has gone into production at the Mack Sennett Studios, with Andy Clyde, Daphne Pollard, Nick Stuart and Ann Christy in the principal roles, (TE TE Ra _. Evelyn Brent will play the feminine lead in Rex Beach's "The Silver Horde," opposite Joel McCrae, according to a still further an. nouncement by William Le-Baron, vice-president in charge of Radio Pictures productions, . Ld . . Sighting a greater demand for the two-reel comedy-talker durin, the coming year, the Larry Darmour Productions begin a season © their greatest activity with the production of "Men Without Skirts," a Karl Dane and George K. Arthur comedy being produced for Radio Pictures, LJ LJ LJ LJ Walter Abel, featured Broadway player who gained praise for his in the Eugene O'Neill play, "Desire Under the Elms," when it ran in New York, has been signed for the role of the carpenter in "Devil With Women," the Fox Film Corporation's adaption of "Liliom." Di. rector Frank Borzage is working on the last few scenes of the picture with Charles Farrell and Rose Hobart in the leading roles, Ld . » » Mary Doran has been given the chief feminine role opposite William Haines in the Metro-Goldwyn Mayer star's new vehicle, "Remote Control," which went into production last week LJ Ll . Ll Some of Will Rogers' own philosophy and satire will find its way into sound on film when "Lightnin," adapted from the John Golden stage play is produced by the Fox Film Corporation. An un-named Nevada divorces colony, suggestive of Reno, which is featured in the play, will be the subject of Roger's drawling comments, ' re » LJ George Hill, whose newest dictorial vehicle, "The Big House," has aroused great enthusiasm on the coast as one of the biggest productions of recent years, has signed a new contraet with Metro-Goldwyn Mayer, * " . "Heads Up," Charles "Buddy" Rogers new starring paramount ve- hicte, action at Paramount's New York studio, In the cast ure Margaret "Breen, Victor More, Helen Kane, Helen Carrington, Gene Gowing, Billy Taylor, Harry Shannon, G, Anthony Hughes, John Hamilton, Stanley Jessup and Preston Foster, » » As soon as John Mack Brown completes work in King Vidor's production, "Billy the Kid," now being made on location in the South. west, he will be given the chief masculine role in Joan Crawford's new starting film, "Great Day." Scones from "Arizona Kid" at the New Martin Theatre starting Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse ment World -- Ake fh ll day. SMUGGLER'S BODY FOUND AT PICTON lieved Murdered and Dumped Into Lake Bridgeburg, June 21.-Investiga- tion centéred in Bridgeburg in the death of Jerry Sullivan, University of Buffalo student, whose body was found floating in Lake Ontario near Plcton, The theory was expressed here that Sullivan, known to have been engaged in the rum racket on the Niagara River, was done to death by rival bootleggers and his body dumped somewhere in Lake On- tario, It was pointed out that the body could hardly have gone over the Falls and have travelled to the north shore of Lake Ontario, Fur. ther, the clothing was still on the body when it was found, a highly fmprobable circumstance that It had gone over the Falls, Sullivan was last seen in Bridge burg last November when he start- od for Buffalo with a boat load of alo, Bince that time he has been reported missing and it was the be- Hef that he had drowned in the river, However, a new angle developed in February when he was seen In Toronto by two Buffalo girls who had been co-students with him in Canisius College, Since that time an investigation has been under way by Buffalo detectives, As a result a warrent is out for the arrest of Mack Blount of Buf« falo, He 1s alleged to have accoms« panied Sullivan to his last trip across the river at this point, FOUR SEATS LOST BY FARMER PARTY IN ALBERTA HOUSE Late Results ¢ Show Liberals Gain Four and Con. servatives Two (By Canadian Press Leased: Wire) " "ALASKAN NIGHTS" THE ROONEY TRIO | IN tree delivery m~!l route nited Stator wainal. : ' rhery wer 'ongaged In the wens clothing in- rural , dustry in Canada during 1928, the . wie A geological survey whows the probable aren of Canadian oil fleldn to be 300,000 square miles, The average longth of A n "A wiles, CI , vatablishnients BIRDS" "LOVE | 5 ~ WANTED 'Three Part-Time Salesmen i can be made by aggressive men with country connections. o Apply J. N. WILLSON, | unprecedented Calgary, June 21 Enthironed again in Alberta after victory over a rising opposition, Premier J, 1. Brownlee surveyed an extensive of somewhat reduced domain, Leader of the United Farmers of Alberta party, he realized that his force of 43 members in the legislature was to be decreased perhaps by four, But he felt that he would rule supreme in the new 63.mem- ber assembly, Thirty-eight farmer adherents al- ready aro elected, but the fate of four more hangs in the balance of ballots, final standings will be traced out by votes from remotest outposts, But it is apparent that the more or less staunch alliance be- tween farmers and urban labor is weakened by probably a half-dozen losses, Labor forces have dwindled by two from a former total of six, berals have gained four and Con. servatives two. The standing follows: Blected---United Farmers of Al berin (government) 88: Liberals ; Conservatives 8; Labor 4; In. dent 8. "Tending usted Farmer of Al berta, 1 Liberal 3. Total 63, Mean Thievery {Ridyetown Dominion) began. patod Neen MUnr Wh por n n money left ou for the milkman is stolen, This method of getting rich quick is not ] but wo far as we know it has not mmon in Ridgetown until recently, YAWNED (Detroit News) A man in Wisconsin yawned so heartilly he dislooatd his jaw, The condition has been remedied and the patient told to avola exposure to stories about the Beotchmén. POLITICAL BATTLE ENDS IN WURDER Finlander Killed, Com. panion Sought, After Stab- bing in Ontario Bush Englehart, June 20.~~Result of a battle over Bolshevism, Kalle Pukki, 80-year-old Finlander, died a murder victim here last night, Police are searching woods and settlements for Ole Maki, 34, fellow employee of Pukkl at the Myers lumber camp, 106 miles from Eoglehart, Pukki died in Red Cross Hos- pital from a knife wound in the abdomen, The atfray, police were told, rose in the camp, and Mak), taking a package of food, dove into the woods as other bushmen began the trip to Englehart with the wounded man, Both men, single, had been bushmen for several years, Maki is a Bolshevist, known as a Red Finn, and Pukkl a Nationalist, or Yiite Finn, compatriots sald to night, For two weeks angry words had been flying between them over national politics in their home- land, police were told, The brawls became more and more ARENA KID' AT THE NEW MARTI First Showings Today of Warner Baxter's Thrill. ing Picture The Arizona Kid in 1880 is a no- torious figure, The commander of an army post receives a request for a picture of the outlaw from Sher- iff Andrews of Rockville, He sends a picture and a copy of the reward by stage. ' The stage is held up. The high- wayman is shot by a passenger, kein as Chico Cabrillo, really the id, Among the passengers are the Ho- boken Hooker and his manager. A battle is arranged with the local champion. Hooker wins, Chico ent. ers Snakebite Pete, By a trick Snake bite wins, More diversion comes when Vir. ginia and Uick Hoyt, posing as her brother, but really her husband, ar« rive. Chico offers them accommoda- tions, This inflames Lorita, a dance hall girl, She also moves in, Chico, annoyed, departs after making love to Virginia in Lorita's presence, Chico returns laden with nuggets, Hoyt gambles, Chico discovers his lurking for a week, It struck soon after supper at the camp, The two drew apart from the others. A few minutes later Maki returned and said that Pukki was hurt, police said, A search reveal ed him lying a few yards away, nemi-conscious, blood gushing from a long knife thrust in the abdomen, L guest cheating, Chico leaves. trails him to a rich mine, After Chico leaves Hoyt kills one of two Mexicans working for Chico The other, badly wounded, reaches the saloon and gasps out his story, The Sheriff gathers a posse, Hoyt discovers Cico's identity and with Virginia, plans to capture him, hTe posse and Chico reach the minegChico finds proof of the kill. er's identity, hiding it, The sheriff suspects that Chico is the Kid but determines to wait for the picture. Meanwhile Lorita hears that the afternoon mail is due, She rides out and steals the letter, When Chico returns he sees Vire ginia and Hoyt embracing, Lorita in- tercepts and warns him to flee, Hoyt draws but Chico shoots first, Chico and Lorita ride off to & Hew start in life, WHITE HERONS Hoyt Like frail white shadows now the herons pass Along the darkening water's edge flor stir The water stretching like a miror- ed glass Where twilight falls in vells of lavender, No feather quivers on each folded wing That seeks a refuge where the willows fall Upon the silent water, stenciling Each leaf upon the lake, Berens and tall, The herons edge together, Breast to breast And wing to wing they watch the daylight go, Nor stir beneath the quiet willows, pressed As silently and white as drifted snow, ~=Donfel Whitehead Hicky, guaranty. heated, and violence had been 1928 ESSEX COACH-----Beautiful shape. A few others to choose from-~Come in and see our stock Ross, Ames & Gartshore 138 King St. West OSHAWA Used Car Specials 1927 ESSEX SEDAN-----Tires, upholstering, top and paint like new, mechanically perfect. 1929 ESSEX TOWN SEDAN---New car condition and See this ene. Phone 1160 N\ AN Dancing the Broadway Mel- ody Stars, "Another Production Like Broadway Melody" They said there would never be a good as "The Broadway Melody." Well, here it is~---with the stars of that screen hit! What a story, what glamour! This one has everything! The whole world's humming "Lu able You," "Happy Days," "Every and "Love Ain't Nuthin' But the Blues," ON pi - <>» papitor' N\lCriainment picture as - songs, drama, girls, Coming Next Week! RAMON NOVARRO in "Devil May Care"