Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jun 1930, p. 1

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Che Oshawa Daily Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer PH "All the News While It 1s News" EES Fie deidors GSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1930 15 Cents » Week; 3 Cents s Copy EIGHTEEN PAGES Niagara ra Tul Kad By Auta Joseph MOORE 1S UNANIMOUSLY Barto, son nd Mrs. Barto - Sun, last night hen he was struck J a car driven by Ernest Hodgson, Stamford Town- whip. According. to witnesses, the boy ran from between two parked cars into. the 'path of the Hodgson car.' LR Ba) Abrogate Treat; Ottawa~Official notice Tot the ab- rogation of the Order-in-Council ex- tending the benéfits of the Australian trade treaty. to New Zealand is con- tained in the current issue of the Canadg Gazette; , The Ordersin- Council shall cease its operations on Oct, 12; ty Found With Threat Cut Owen Sound. ~Murdock McKenzie, roprietor of the Walker House at Ft oy charged with having liquor legally in his possession, was found seriously wounded just a short time before he was to have appeared before Magistrate Walker to answer to the charge, His stableman found him lying unconscious in one of the stalls with his throat | slashed, MacNider Avpalrrait Confirmed Washington~The Senate yester- day without a record vote confitmed the nomination of Hanford L., Mac- nider of lows 2 as Minister to Canada. pton Recovers Rondon Tov Thomas Lipton was sald today to have recovered from the cold which kept him in- side all week, He will leave his homo near London tomorrow for the Clyde where his new racing boat, the Shammrock V, is sched- uled for & week's racing. MALTA WILL REVERT Valetta, Malta, June 21-The cabinet | has not resigned nor has the consti- tution been suspended as widely re. ported, The privy council met late yester- day after Jecaiving a long dispatch from England by governor-general Sir John Ducane, Alter the meeting there was a ersistent Juort that Malta would hecanstituted as a crown colony | f 5 fegime or two oF two years, wheat Market to-day prices falling at the openin; {4 | Tia [INKS | (REET For Expansion n Pacific Railway and the hat supe lines, stated last night "super duchesses" and another ress' of the same type ag the of Britain were possibili- ties of the not too far distant fu- ture, ' "With. the deeper St. Lawrence channel---35 feet deeper with 1,000 Jot at the vends," he sald, "it will ross Lonsed W Monge gl Tune 21. ott rocent remarks that there be more Canadian Jace built on the Clyde, EB, W, , chairman and president of WHEAT PRICE REACHES LOW Reduction of 2 38 Cents MANY STOCKS DROP Several Reach New Low mp, market again broke wide open in PERSISTENT RUMOR the early trading to-day, prominent sha several reaching new low ground TO A CROWN COLONY for the year or longer, Stocks were again sold in blocks of 1,000 to 10,000 shares, but the at the end of the first half hour. Traders were evidently disappoint od by the further drops in prices yesterday, In the face of the reduc. tion in the New York Federal Re- serve drop in broker loans, Bottom Falls Out of Stock Mar OF 97 CENTS Occurs in Price of Wheat at Winnipeg, Setting New Low Record for Many Years © $11 PER SHARE Ground for Year or Long- er as Blocks of 10,000 Shares Change Hands (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) New York, June 21.~The stock 8 losing $2 to $11 points, and fokor was only a few minutes late re-discount rate and large Grain Prices Tumble Winnipeg, June 21.--The bottom oll out of the weakened Winnipe, Fy the short session a raction to conth' mv Jushait gay into new terri. ] ng at 07 conis in early twits Towest price thin oar A Sent. A statisticiany to Graduating Class at Oshawa General Hospital y mm NURSES RECEIVED DIPLOMAS AND Above is a group photograph a lomas and prizes at 'last night' Gwendolyne Lough, Peterboro; Doris Moore, Brooklin; Mary Tribble, Brooklin; Mary Warling, Lansing, Batty, Brooklin; Hazel Nesbitt, of the 1980 grauting oc s graduation exercises superintendent of the nurses' training school of the hospital, PRIZES. AT FAST NIGHT'S CEREMONY Port Perry; Toronto. Barrie; Retta Miller, Ont; Jean McConnell, class of the Oshawa General Hospital, the members of which received their 0 nurses who gradusted are as follows, left to right: Lillian Dickson, Hastings: Stella Watson, Brooklin; Helen In the centre is Miss McWilliams, ~Photo by Campbell, 200 Injured in Coroner's Jury Finds That Indian Melee Shooting by Police Was Not Justified (By Coanadinn Press Leased Wire) Bombay, June 21--Twp hundred thelr record books in search of a similar mark years ago, Qotober future skidded to 2 cents to 51.02% to $1.01 and De. comber was quoted at the start at $1.04 to & fraction higher, Improvement in the western crop situation, after rains over-night in Alberta and parts of Saskatchewan © | brought about to-days declines, SIXTEEN DROWN WHEN BOAT SINKS Resident Magistrate of New Guinea and Four Chil- dren Among Victims persons, among them five women, were injured and sent to hospitals and 200 were treated for minor in- Juries today in police charges to break up a Nationalist demon stration in the Maidan Esplanade, The. police, some of whom were mounted, wielded thelr lathis, or bamboo clubs, with telling effect, and drove the throngs from the thoroughfare, which the authorities Inst night forbade as an assembly place for the next two woeks. Shortly after dispersal in the Esplanade another procession ate tempted to form outside the Vie. toris rallwya terminus In protest against the police charges, The po- lea charged them with thelr lathis and dispersed them also, injuring 12 more persons, Shooting Not Justified #Bombay, India, Juno 2l--An In dian jury sitting with the coroner in an investigation of five deaths in the Bendhi © Bazar rioting last ships of the [] nO demid oe Sie the record of nt, and Smphasized the "done ANN, in the railwa y'! oy larger and faster than the present 20,000 ton class to I drt to work at 'of the ship ch He wat ¢ rine. i: ry A ra hae A s field, Borge © fahren 'and' eleven natives wero hen his notorboat cap. fo (By Conadian Press Lonsed Wire) Port Moresby, British New Guinea, June 21.--Resident Magis. Papus, his four vad w sized in a terrific gale, i go and his three children Wore in & cabin of the boast and went down, with it, ' Mrs, Berge, holding her little girl in her arms swam to a floating hatch cover to which she with the help of the (Skipper and other natives ng for four hours, A huge wave tore her srsp and bore her aw po % a0 keoping ont rye five Hours more, The + body later was washed hy welve of the natives savod Ho by swimming in to land. Yngland Defeats Xow 3 PAAR gn 3 Py nen oA first Tughy +A matoh with New Zealand today by six points to three. the Maritime He taped in conclu " to emphasize that feel would ui ts aihrough inc ritish preference, | carried the voi ter to all parts of | Froviness, of the e Min "You have just pa Provincial section » / Mr. King. ister: Canada he Had Bever nteriered kl months to day returned that the deaths were due to shoot- ing by the police which "was not Justified." GIRL JUNPS FROM Driver Giving Her "Lift" man, Bonar Law, fs lylag 'in the goneral hospital at 'Belleville with a fractured skull, the result of Jumping from a car, the driver of © [which offered he was proceeding Jontond RS ter, Barly today the provinelal. Wrst on Ey eacHiption and; holdin, tied byt ousness and it not expected to re- cover, home from sohool and were offerea a lift, alloged they came to was notified but he failed to stop Mabel Ww. in verdints GAR IN. FRIGHT, EXPECTED TO DIE Fails to Stop When Ask. ed---Held by Police (By Lossed Wire) Rf ob 1-~Mable Well & litt to the girl as home from afternoon, Her, eo Wellman, a sigs and ri ty, also jumped the car, but were not serious. 90+ "Our g him'on a nominal grancy, Ha was taken ora today to be iden. 0, young girls as Mabel has not regained consol go of tman' The children were procesding by Wright, When er homo the driv Commonwealth of nations, Youth, Said from Cobourg, Has Terrible Crime Record ~ (Special to The Times) Concord, N.H,, June 21.---Under the condition that he return to. Canada, the place of his birth, with relatives belieyed to be living near Cobourg, Ont, who, will be required to keep him onthe other side of the border until he reaches the age of 21 years, Frank A. Rocus, Jr, 13 year olf mur. derer whose criminal activities are unequalled in the criminal history of this commonwealth, is to be pardon- ed or paroled. The matter will come sel at the irregular meeting the first up before the governor and his coun: sel at the , irregular meeting the first of next month and as the state parole board have approved the youth's release there is little doubt but what the official sanction will be for the coming. Young Rocus a mere slip of a lad standing slightly more than four fect and weighing less than 80 pounds, murdered his boy chum at Nashua because the latter "squealed' to the police. Later after pleading guilty to the crime and being sentenced to the New Hampshire industrial school for an indefinite term, the youth engineered one of the most sensa- tional escapes and led the authoritics Lof three states on' i merry' chavorbes) fore he was finally captured to gun point. The trail led directly to a 14 year old Nashua youth who, the police be- lieved, was being used by older men, This hoy was apprehended and taken to police headquarters where, after many hours of grilling, he broke down and confessed that a youthful trio of three of which he was a mem- ber, had committed the series of amazing crimes, So complete was the boy's confession, so daring were the crimes, that the police authorities doubted the truth of his statements, British Press Agency Urged Publishers Discuss Better Methods of Handling Empire News Lp Ashby By GEORGE RAMBLETON (Canadian Press Staff Correspons dent), Edinburgh, Scotland, June 21, The Imperial Press Conference t0- day opened discussion of the most vital item on its agenda. The creation of & better and more ef- fective new links for the. British E. Nor man Smith of the Ottawa (Ont) Journal, submitted the question in a resolution calling for the appro- val of the conference of "the prin ciple of mutual and co-operative in. fed torchange of cable news hetween the component parts of the em« ve Submitting the resolution, Mr, Smith urged the careful consideras tion of this question, 'Shall the news exchange of the British Bm- pire be carried on through an ors ganization operated and controlled solely by the newspapers of the em. pire--=an organization' free. from propaganda untrammeled by any outside influence and unsubsidized or shall; wo 'continue to entrust this very vital task and terrifically responsible duty to a more or lesa hit and mis systom of commercial agencies over whom we can have no control?" he asked, Mr, Smith 3raced the davolopmant in Canada of an accurate an artial news poivics through the anadian Press, the dominfon's eo- operative Aows-gutharty and di: tributing association "Mr, mith ald 'f am wonder it it 1a not possid @ that our change of news shipughont the Bri. tish Bmpire requires to be over led? Is it in the formation for he British Empire of somo such organization as the Canadian Press, afflated . with like organisations in each unit of the Empire? We have ope in ada--I am informed there is pne in New Zealand--and wh the idea could be developed with a central bureau, - What would it mean to the Hmpive? Tt is wome- Shing that cannot be done in a day, but 1 Se oer, tas a serious thought. tors Cream Poisons Quebec Family Seven People Seriously Ill as Result of Drinking Liquid Quebeg, June: 2lSevén members of the family of Adjutor. Roy, road foreman residing in Levis, near here, '] here in a serious condition yesterday from poisoning which physicians be- lieved came from cream purchased ron a A passing farmer, oy was first stricken and a physician was called during the night. ly the time he had arrived seven members of the family including three adults and four children, were violently ill, all displaying the same symptoms, It was at first thought the victims would succumb and a priest wis cal to administer the last rites of the church but all were on the road to recovery last night. The eream remaining in the bottle was taken by the authorities for analysis, MONTREAL POLICE ROUT COMMUNISTS Break Up Parade and Seize Printing. Office' With . Literature: { OR AS Montreal, Que, Tutie. 2A meets ne of unemployed, widely advertise 4 posters and direulars, to' have eel held osterday afternoon o amp de Mars and to be followe by a march to city hall in an attempt to lay Shin git ances before the mayor, fi materialize 'doe to the ¥en x a special squad of one hundred police. The officers broke up every group as fast as i formed and kept everybody moving in the vicinity of the place, Earlier today police raided a builds ing in the east end where they, seiz communistic circulars, books an pamphiets, a small printing machin and a number of red flags, There was uo yiplente, d | General Coroner's Jury Advises Sy Cobourg Level Crossing Tragedy Investigated and Verdict Returned Cobourg, June 21--A coroner's jury here the level crossing smash of May '26; when six Hamilton people were killed, .recom- mended that the railroads and the department of highways immediately replace the level crossing with a sub- wa The inquest last night, probing was ' conducted - by Coroner Dr, T, C. Lapp of Cobourg and Assistant Crown Attorney A, Cochrane examined the witnesses, "The Johnston family, travelling west in a motor car, came to their deaths at approximately 4 a.m, on May 26th, being accidentally struck by a light engine on the Canadian National. Railway, travelling west at the Kingston crossing one half mile east of Cobourg," the jurors' verdict said: "We recommend that at this crossing the railroads and the department of highways should with- out delay replace the level crossing with g subway, Also in the mean- time, in case of any gates being broken, the flagman should put down the gates not broken and should stand on the outside of the tracks on which the gate is broken." The victims were J, H. Johnston, 61; his wife,' Mrs, Kate Johnston, 51; James Johnston, 26; his wife, Helen Johnston, 25, and two children, Rob- ert and James. The party was re- turning rom Montreal after a holi- ay, Robert Johnston, Tr., 20, lone sur- vivor of the disaster, who collapsed on the stand at the preliminary hear. ing here two weeks ago, briefly re- lated the details of the tragedy. He testified that his father was driving and, after his mother had pointed out the railway crossing, the speed. was reduced, The car was travelling at u crawl, he said, when it was crashed by a westbound light train, FOREIGN GONSULY TAKE CONTROL OF CHINESE CUSTOMS * Tientsin,® chine J him 21--With | 'shipping. tied up" in "this 'port be cause of seizure of 'thé customs by en 'Hsi-Shan, foreign con- 'suls have kn matters into their own hands, British wi 'Japanese cbuibily ished rgency clearances to vessels un. der | air fags, 8 "also gave pers nits for 'export i important a. gainst acceptable guar: ntees dor. pays ment of duties, The French and United States fon suls "also issued clearance, bug did not 'ask guarantees for: duty pay- ments, Tn addition'to the government eus- toms seized by the northern rebel chieftain, the native customs also are closed, with the railways teluing + to i NOMINATED RESIGNS FROM POSITION 'ONTARIFF BOARD TO RUN AS LIBERAL CANDIDATE MELLON PRAISES NEW-TARIFF LAW Declares It Will Not Be Detriment to Foreign Trade (By Canadiai Press Leased Wire) Washington, June 21,~Secretary Mellon praised the new tariff law in a statement issued for publica- tion to-day, saying it had removed an obstacle to business recovery 'by eliminating the uncertainty of the last 16 months." He .depricated "gloomy prophes- fes" made by opponents of the Haw- ley-8moot bill and sald "the motion that this law is going to destroy our foreign trade is certainly without foundation." "It seems to me that fears and criticisms have been greatly exag- gerated", sald Secretary Mellon, Turning to the question of foreign trade as affected by the new law, the cabinet officer. sald 'The United States will continue to buy a vast quantity of foreign pro ducts and to sell the products of its farms, mines, and factories all over the world," In this connection, he warned that "foreign uations that do busi~ ness with us would do well to re- member that the all important fac- tor is the maintenance of the high purchasing power and standard of living of the American people." Fire Menaces Palace Naples, Italy, --Fire caused by a short circuit In elettirical wiring did some damage on the first floor of the Royal Palace here today in the King's suit, It spread to the floor of the palace before it was ox- tinguished. TRACE REVOLVER rm---- Statements of Hon. R. B. : Bennett Are Vigorously Denied by Mr. Moore = Never Handled Macken zie-Mann Funds REFUSES TO BE A "SILENT ISSUE" Candidate Declared He Re- signed So That He Could Take Up Gauntlet Thrown by Bennett in Campaign , WwW. H. Moore, of Pickering, wha until tiiis week was chairman of the Dominion Tariff Board, received the unanimous nomination as Liberal candidate for the federal riding of Ontario at a large convention of Lib« erals held in Whitby town hall last night. Seldom have the Liberals in this riding staged a more enthusiastic, gathering, the hall was packed to the doors and Mr, Moore was cheers ed to the echo when after his nom+ ination he announced that he would be a candidate and had resigned his position on the tariff board in order that he might take the platform and answer "the unjust and unfair eriti- cisms of R, B, Bennett the Conser« vative leader." Audience Enthusiastic Three times the audience arose ta its feet as one man" to cheer Mr 'Mooke. © His ech 'Was const interrupted with the enthusiasm of the lage crowd who roured encour agement. when he aid, in challenge to 'the leader of 'the Conservatives, "I propose to give blow for blow, but my blows will be honest, clean, delivered without gloves, straight from the shoulder." Denies Statement Denying Mr. Bennett's statement with regard to his connection with Sir Witham MacKenzie and Sir Done (Continued on Page 11), OF JAKE LINGL Weapon "Planted" by Rival Group and Owner. Not Under Suspicion Hs, June 21=The revol- in the murder June 9 of Lingee, Tribune re- been identified and its was revealed Chicago, ver use "Take" porter, has ownership carly today, The weapon, police said, belonged to Frank Foster, formerly leader in traced, it the George (Bugs) Moran gang but. more recently with 'the Capone group. Foster, however, is helicved to have disposed of the gun prios to the Lingle slaying. Police have persistently worked on the theory that the murder of Lingle was a gang affair and that the assassin was "connected with the Moranaiello north side group, The! believe Foster's. gun was "planted" deliberately with. the intention of turning suspicion upon Foster, thus "punishing" nim for his desertion' to the Capone group, Magnificent Tree Burned by Vandals| (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Los Angeles, June 21~A . charred stump was all that remained today of a magnificent Joshua tree, 'believed } to' have been the largest of. the! strange desert species in existence, | Fire, presumably sct by vandals, de- |! stroyed the cighty-faot high monareh whose age had been estimated at l= 000 years, T0 MEXICO CITY Fliers Attempt to Make 2,4 200-Mile Trip From New York in 16 Hours (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Roosevelt Field, N.Y,, June 21¢ Colonel Roberto Fierro, of the Mexican army air service, and his mechanic, Arnulfo Cortes, tous off at 1.30.15 (B.8.7.) toda a non-stop flight to Mexico Tv Fierro expected to make the 2,200 'mile flight in sixteen hours. A non-stop flight between New York and Mexico City has never been made, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh made a non-stop flighth © from 'Washington to. Mexico City 1027, Colonel Fierro's plane is a 'Lock+ heed-Sirius, similar to the one in Mich Colonel Lindbergh recently ed a transcontinental rece by 0 plane carries 4756 gallons, o gasoline and 271; gallons of Married Without Seeing Husband, (By Canadian Press Leased + Chicago, Ills, June 21.=A teen-year-old bride, seeking. to "her, husbai i Aa Judge re Wil ams ye that she 'was married without seeing her intended "husband | ; vance, Leader Says Conservatives \ Wr Toy Som Moose wre Tone 20 ab to the platform by the Canadian, Legion band, Hon, R. B. Bennett, Conservas tive leader, spoke in the armories |¢ here last night Several . Saskat- chewan cabinet ministers surrounded the Conservative chieftain during. his address. W. A. Beynon, KC. party candi hte for toow Jaw men. that 4 aim of the I! Ct: 1] there was Bil FM n instanced the porn Wain |x in Moose Jaw and in other wester cities as Sides that the clan © the: administration held no Just oy Brought Resources Retis The opROition leader' refer the fight. initiated 'hy his party the retucn of natural resources toith wetlenn, provinces, Hy He: gontined: "Support us, ih ey have been preac , ly doctrine. for years. Yet | ly come before you and a Phe and power, "Why, if there had been no servative party to fight for the the Liberal hes Have kept i Ls hl fiat Pp e fai an Codd eo hack to. 1905," J }

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