THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930 ED S -~. meets ¥ T RW . KL, BANK Hiding . MANGAN, BA~B, . Notaew' Public, Cos Jann Dili Capaseors,| St E. Phones 1 Es poet nar the Phone 67. HUMPHREYS, tors, ele. 24) Mone 3160. Wo BARRISTE over 's joy 1h loa. 4 Residence he R- ST ; £ol hone 3387, Foon 338d, uf) 1 he JARKHILL, BARRISPER. to loan. Alger Bldg, op. He Post Office. "Phage ) 614, | FRANK §, DBBS--BARRIS otc. Alger Bldg, Phone 2006 Medical oD & Block, Jog "060. oftice a.m, to 8.30 pm, Dr, B. wood, Win, atiention to and X-Ray. Jr. B. H, Hap- per al attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sunday Land Alght Lr 2416 or 12%. oue fi Sh "rel: Disne, E nouns" B t) kk Obstetrician, A nts and chil R. ig 40 id Ave, ET aE ie eo 3107, es Domestic Ani. % hospital, 203 ng W. Tol. 629, (June 2-1 mo) , nec bok oh BRYANS oF \ 160 be ap ho 3 Eo treet Toronto, will fatere 'or pL woes hit .m,, for consultation and treatment po con of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments m mav be mad» at drug store, Phune ville, 900 AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUOK, GH TUOK OPTOMETRI theciaiiat ne asele oe hil snd ie Develop ent, Dis 7 Biosk opposite Ppost Office. Phone § (June: 15-1 mo) DONEVAN AND Suir AR- io Land To J Undertaking Hoy DN Fate, hfs = coe a north, Ansurshos | Kink Be woh Jb The old- est Pire Aven n awa, 30 Re. table ane. 008 | 21OW. consult R. N. Johvs, 80 Bimooe pofth, Your Insurapce 'wants at- tended to acd your interests pro- tected, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small arcounts of this nature. For thy convenience of customers who personally to The Taw office, 4 talsphione call to come will bring a messenger who will and collect for same, ---------- "Times" Classified Teleph ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT find it inconvenient receive the advertisement Ads Bring Results one 35 Staph Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE. COLE- | oy man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware house snd moving van equipment, Phone $2. LSalraon, MOVING, GRAVEL A ef h : 1 Mitancs Sauiine. "Saag Oo Phone 924, 10 Bond 8t. Ee OSHAWA L lished furn'ture paves. Park Road a ae. Loen and Gre distanc ns B10 © Park 7 (June 20-1 mo) A ------------ TL AA I SI "lo PAYS TO MOVE--SUDBURY, Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle- where cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage, phone 200. (May 20-1 mo) .| moving, express, cinders and gravel | eq 0% | Cheap. long distance moving | sig0 0% | Choa. Phone 074W, June 11-1 mo) | oy BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Bhop., Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel 'waving, rer ant wave $5, $7.80, S10 and $15. All Mines of Beauty flulture, Phone 2008. Apply ¥6 Simcoe street orth, i BY 4 eg at Yu i tam n . e h on: Phd arcel and sham- 000 3 AR Shop. na St. W - y shop, 9, Cl wt I Tin, ee elling, ia isles, Marcel cents, For appointments phone 63. a. 1 mo) WA Beaut clalize = Glare, 147 Agnes hd ¥bons (May 20-1 m>) LJ Parisiene Beauty Parlour announ tice of marcelling, 60c, Pinger Waving 176¢, during the simmer months, Commencing from June first. Phone 71. " (May 21-1 mo,) ye, ICE tore, Hours oi re Ful piintment, , of ce | Bank of Commerce, Simcoe and ing, ae ear, nose and throat, | ours 9 to 11,30, 2 to 6, 7 to 80. pnes, offies. 167; (June 18-1 mo.) wh il Music RBERT 5 TRENEER, OR- nist snd choir master of King treet United Church will accept pupils io plano, organ and Joel music. For particulars Lanly, 8 William street east. Phone 3896, (June 2-31) Bn Special Sinton to = Sosaor 8 _~xtraction. Nurse a ENTIST, s_for extra.. ; ee Blde. 37¢ E. Spec spect i pi lance. ov phones 3 OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AO jes for sale, repairs on elec: trie apd baler "l, tubes au batteries batteries "ipod EV] haoas Sp a yy a East, cnarged, 760 called for and de Itvered, Radio service, alrials erect. ed. Platt, Phone 14 May 21-1 ne vi With rental $1.00, Repaired and | rebutit. Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St, Phone 1880W. (J 0-1 md) +] ed. Prices reasonable, batteries roe charged, 500, rentals 27¢ delivered Phone 2808W, Burroughs, Jearities ® Radiotrician une 19-1 mo) ER woman and miss Work Wanted | and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gFavel, cinders, Chris Graham, Paine 201M, May 20-1 mo) SHARP Soe, KNIV. os, Lawn Mowers, Baws. Phone 421W. We call and deliver, 180 Celina St, EK. Bottan, {Jurys 9-1 mo) VIRST OLASS LAUNDRY DONE, Phone 1234M, (May 81-1 mo) Anicdes For Sala MIXED HARD ARE iw th ved ey 330 Bia, Meek Lim \ ser ARINTZM a ao. FOR LI new Rv and uid. his oa, ne pbly 0. Trail, i Fite FOR SALE =. PAINTS, YARK {shes. We have the largest ment of paints, varnishes, - - in the city. The Paint Store, 80 street west, Apr. 36 tf VE STONE, CIN ds End $4.60 per yard 'quali wally and. 4Evies phone Es: i (May dat) For wry ture, beds, dressers, tables, chair, oll stoves, goal stoves, bleycles, ete, 174 Ritson road south. (May 20-1 mo) at 12 Athol Koi) west, for your auto parts and tires..Phone 3476W. Residence 2183J, (May 30-1 mo) A | WATCHES, all kinds of jewelry on easy pAY- ments, Terms from 60 cents per week. . O. II, Dell, agent for Peo~ ples' 'Credit Jowelers, 263 Simeoe South, Oshawa, (May 31-1 mo.) ND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor St, B, Phone 1617M, (June 4-1 mo) used bleycles $18 up. Now and easy terms, C.O.M, foycycles ana fish- ing tackle, 13 Richmond East. Phone 2774. (June 12-1 mo) JUST new, cost $450, will sell for $176. Terms $156, down and #7. per month. - Apply John Meagher, 02 Simcoe North. Phone mw, fase) BING i machine, Apply H. M, a 78 Bond Street, Went, Omawa. E600 SQUAT PIANO IN GOOD condition, for $35, Come and nee it, 1628 Queen street east, Tor onto. (144b) R BOAT, first class condition, with or with out motor. A real bargain, Ww. 47 49 Bond St. West, Tiiens 3305, 1440) GANA t. Bf, Price $50, Wooden structure, Ap ply J. P. Drayton, 345 Ritson Rc Rona, South, rie dinin, car, Haws all cons ts of fhe modern rostaurs nt and costs much loss, Toriis Write tor further partioyiars. B 139 Times. a Canopy Teron F YOU INTE! Tome paints hess AGH Exper work prices "reasonable. for Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOL- ern sites jucluding electric retrig. eration, stove, laundry, conveni orces, etc, continu' s hot Water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone ¥871, or The Trustr und Guarantees Uo. Ltd, manage: for owner, Toronto. (870) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood Apply Bradley Bros. BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- tral, four rpoms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession immediately, Apply Box 665 Timea, (118tr) TO RENT--ONE LARGE VRONT room, suitable for business man, Also ope small room, §2 per week, 94 William street east, (May 23:1 mo) Ei ---- -------------------- LARGE 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, newly decorated, nll conveniences, Inrge garden and garage. Bloor street west, Apply Rutherford, 134 i#t= | Coliun street, Phone 630J, (1381) FURNISHED APARTMENT IN [Llewellyn Apdrtments, comprising of living rgom with Murphy bed, kitchen with built-in cupboards, electric stove and © refrigeration, dining room and hedrooni, four large closets, Immediate posses: slon. Phone 1550. (1420) VERY DESIRABLE APART. ments, private modern conveniences, over Karn's Drug Store also living rooms. Kn- Suire 331 King street east, Phone 18, between 6 and 8 p.m, (1431) tr R / Gibb Street. All conveniences, Ap- Ply 4 Prince street, evenings apply 00 Alico street, (148¢) iy) RICK bungalow on paved street. Con. veniénces, Apply 3168 French St. (1 do! J nished rooms for light housekeop- ing, reasonable, preferred two busi. ness girls, Phone 1037J, 288 Eu Inlio Ave. (144b) 7 8 minutes walk from Motors office, Phone 2803J, (1480) HOUBE TD cr water, $16. Apply 40 Royal Bt, : i FOUR ROOM HOUSH, veniénces, Ment $15, 781 Albert Bt, Phone 3063W, (1460) floors, LL) w and semi-private, | ™ For Rent rooms and bath, Very modern, Phone 847W, (14§e Summer Cottages wfireplace, screened porch, Care age. Lake shore near Colborne, Apply Dr Archer Brown, 186 #im- coe St, north, 144b) Furnished, Good excellent fishing. 102 Church (144b) tage for sule, bathing beach, pply H, Bateman, Th Oshawa, Caesaren, Good bathing beach, Dance pavillion , 825 couple, #14, Bingle, (1460) Real Estate For Sale House, 0. nished 6 room house, garage and beautiful garden, reduced for im~ mediate sale. Terms to suit pure chaser, Responsibw persons only, Apply Box 787 Times. (144¢ iF BONTK: low, 23 x 40. Beautifully furnished in figured gumwood trim, French door, coal. grate, . pedestal basin and Path with chromium plated taps, swinging chromium tap in kitchen, oversikze hot water fur~ nace, electric «water heater, brick verandah, side drive, $5,600, Own. er 856 Roxboro Ave, phone 2700), (145- 147- 149) 1 sacred For For Exchange FOR BALE OR BXCHANGE--TEN Thousand Dollar King Street Resi. dence for sale or exchange for Tors onto, City or Buburban property What have you-~Murdoch, Phone 2080, (1 46a) VOR BXCHANGI--LOT, 40 VT, % 108 ft, 8 ins, Would exchange for car, or part payment, Phone 3264 . (144¢c) CHICKEN, FRUIT OR VEGE- table farm of 17 acres on paved highway, 10 acres full bearing orchdrd, good buildings, Will con. sider exchange for small house, Bee Lycott, (146¢) WILL SRLIFOR EXCHANGE FOR good used car, ong Duplex auto knitter, nearly new. All complete, Phone 461F, (144¢) YOR BXCHANGE- APTRACTIVE farm, 100 acres good soll, imple. ments, stock, crop, near 'school, store, church, Will exchange on Oshawa property, Grand oppor. tunity to make money. Fhone Holden 371W, (145h) Wanted to Buy WANTED URED CAN IN GOOD condition, closed, must not be old. er than 28 model, Box 738 Times. (1480) WILL PAY CASH FOIL 20 BORER, Olds, or standard HRulck sedan, Apply Rus, Jones, King 8t, East, Phone 208, (146a) Motor Cars R Bond St, West, work done Wt a0 A repaired at 49 Body and fender shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W, Fry 3305, (May 323-1 mo) ( AS Al Dominion Garage, §8 Bond strect west, Phone 3108, All cars at oue price $1.00, (June 16-1 mo) To OAKLAND FOUR DOOR WE dan, weld fenders, latest equip- ment, ( mileage five thousand, in beautiful condition, Will sacritice, Phone 280 r 11, (1440) 1928-3 TON TRUCK FOR SALE, 577 Ritson Rd. 8, (1460) Salesman WANTTO SELL NATIONALLY known preparation tn consumer, Car essential, Salary during trains ing period, Apply Herbalist, 74 Simeoa north, (143¢) R CoBIX ROOM Woon gentral, reasonable rent to welect tenants, Phone 3460W, (1440) NTURNISHED FLAT with all conveniences, A bargain to good tenants, Phone 1146J, : (1441) VERY NOH PRONT FURNISHBD room. Suit one or two gentlemen friends, central, ah Simooe 8t. south. (1440) BE double bed itting room, individs ual beds, avery convenience. Ap- ply 178 Centre St, Non na ti a) Rates for | Clagsified Ads, Minimum charge 30e. ah subsequent consecu- Anvertio h 10 per vs Three consecutive fneer. Yon for thy price of insertions 'iret: {ihred cents » word). nine cents a one dollar, s { ol] | délivery from anata oldest and. Nursing al and surgical nursing, Yoasonable Phone Whitby 606 (May 23-1mo,) A 5 ATERN: ity or general nursing, For infor mation phone MV, (June 3-1 mo) Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS -- FROM HIGH class breeding pens, bucked by males from dams of 237 egg reo ord, Immediate shipment, Barreda Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 par Lundred: © White Leghorns, $18, 100 per cent, live arrival guaran,' teed. Modern Hatchery, 3205 Dans forth Ave, Toponto, (June 4-1 mo) IA greatest laying strains now offers od at greatly reduced prices, White Wyandottes, 18¢ each, White Leg: horns, 160 each, any quantity. press prepaid 800 and more, Wo were first in Canada to adver tise and ship chicks, All stock loodtested and under government |. Large catalogue free. Form, Box N-88, 186-180.142-14 rd, "Pleating resses cut 4) i Bmbuadasy wark ' Tha HY Simon br 1006, (Jae 30:1 me), 8 TT T-- Dancing MADAME HENDRIE'S SCHOOL SE ih | Jo Building Supplies ' gravel for sale="To insure prompt delivery, place 'ders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Phone 1618, of dancing ana physical culture, 160 Church Street, Lessons given each evening from 6 p,m. and op Saturdays from 1.80 p.m, For terms call or phone Hu at above hours ay 211 mo) Hospital Y PRIVATE Byron Street, reopens June 21, M, Mc¢Kes, RN, Phone 860, Whitby, (June 13-1 mo,) FA superintendent, WOBENTRHAW'S. CIRCULATING Iibrary, You will enjoy reading the latest Plctiop at minimum cost, Phone 1472, 87 fimcoe Bt. North, (T-I"-8 tI) Theronoid ALB nliments should take advantage of the special free 'reatments offered by ®heronold of Oshawa, 166 Wile I'am Bt, East, Phono 209, (May 23-1 mo) Livestock also driver, D, Lewars, near Dar lington Stn. C.N.R, (145¢) Ee" Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR BOARD CEILING for Whitby Baptist Church will be received up to Wednesday, June 25, Particulars and specificationg may be obtained from Chas. Bakor, Whitby, Ont, Refreshment JC COLD LIGHT PEER SOLD AT Oshawa Cafe with fish and chips, Corner Bond and Ontario streets, (June -21- wks.) Male or Female Help TARN UPWARDS OF $36 WBEK~ ly growing mushrooms for us, Ile lustrated blooklet for stamp, Cane adian Mushroom Company, Toron- to 10. (1330) YARN UPWARDS OW 426 WHER: ly growing mushrooms for us. Il lustrated hooklet for stamp, Cann dian Mashfoom Co, 141 Lauder Ave, Toronto, (146a) OR "WIN A cleans, dries, polislres, Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute, 10 sales daily net you $420.00 mon. thly, Write today, Carter Pro. ducts Corp, 867 Front St, Cleve. land, Ohio (14a) Help Wanted--Female OR SMALL "Box 3858 Whithy (146e) "Lost and Found -- AUK AND white sult coat, Vidinity of lake. Finder kindly phone 510W, (1480) JUDGE WITHOUT JURY WILL HEAR DIVORCE ACTIONS Regulations Covering Pro- cedure Nearly Completed by Supreme Court Toronto, Juna 21, ~--Rulos of pro. cedure covering the hearing of dl. vores applications which are helng drawn up by a committee of three Judges of the Supreme Court of On« tario of Ontario will probably be completed to-day, it wan learned last night, ~Yeouterday afternoon a confer ence of all the judges of the Sup- rome Court considered at length a draft of the now regulations which had been prepared, It is veported that English pro gedure will be followed in general a though certain deviations will be made' in practice. Instead of ins tituting Proceedings by a petition, is done in England, the applicant Wi filo a writ after the manner of other action coming before a ho of of the Supreme Court. joitor Must Make Aftidavit Notable 1a the responsibility plac, ad upon the gelicitor for the s Appl: cant, Not only must there be aftis davits by the Bt Apr ithe statement of So just. swear to be t rg hy in the its a0 family in Whitby, ge tor the applicant must davit swearing that he, too, ea in the allegations in the atement of olaim to'be true after nvestigation hy himself, minimum, tion id" be collusion, the of thelr \nowledn, but the soicitopl In this y collusion will be reduced to alg anted. onthe defeuld nt, as applies to ore Hen Ap Publle | Hearings will. be conducted in, public without & jury by judges on elrouit, It is not likely that any re~ sulations will be made regarding the admission of the press following the precedent of the House of Lords, Actions for alimony and custody of children associated with the dis- solution wought will be heard at the same time "but sults for damages will have to go before a Jury in a réparate action, The place of the King's 'proctor who attends examinations for dis. coyery and trial in England, will be taken by the attorney-gensral's of« fice and will likely mean the crea tion. of 'w new office in that depart ment, TONNS MUST PAY FOR MAINTENANCE OF POOR PATIENTS Ruling Affects | Many Muni- cipalities in Unorganized Districts of Ontario Toronto, June 21.-~The cost of maintenance of indigent patients in sanitarium falls upon the muni» cipalities in unorganized districts, ruled second divisional court at Osgoode Hall in passing judgment on the appeal against the decision of Justice Middleton, who ruled that the town of Bracebridge was not liable for a claim of $1,171 put in by the National SBanitorium Association for the maintenance of an indigent, The effects of today's judgment are far-reaching, Over $40,000 is outstanding for similar claims in north west Ontario, Sudbury, Time mins, Cochrane, Fort Frances, and the township of Teck are affected by the judgment, It is sald that immediately following the ruling by Justice Middleton, payment for indigent maintenance was stopped, The towns complain that because of the location of a sanatorium in certain districts people in ill-health would migrate thers and impose an extra financial burden upon the community, RUSSIA TO HAVE SUFFICIENT WHEAT (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) ' Moscow, Russia, June 20,-~The commissariat of agriculture has ane nouneed that Soviet Russia this year would have sufficient grain not only to meet the needs of the popus lation but establish grain reserves and possibly leave some for exports ing. Up to June 15, sald the commis sariat, about 304,450,000 mores wera sown which is about 90 per cent, of the government's total years ly plan and about 5,660,000 acrés more than last. year's sown area, MACKENZIE NAMED CABINET MINISTER Vancouver, June 20--Captain Ian Maokensle, Liberal candidate in Vancouver Centre, has heen ape pointed Minister of Immigration, Colonization, Soldiers' Settlement and Indian Affairs in the Federal Cabinet, according to information received here by Senator J, H, King from the Prime Minister, Xight Hon, W, I, Mackenzie King, + ALCOHOL IS USED San Paulo, «= Alcohol was the fuel used to drive a apecial en gine 'on an experimental train hes tween this city and Rio de Jans eiro recently, The motor was ine stalled in the forward section of a passenger coach, had fou Abeody forward and three in reverse, attained a maximum apeed of fifty-two miles an hour, 0 Als Shel fuel 4s a: special profiuct of tate' of Pernambuco. It is for automobiles on accbunt of ita lesserment, tion will be. of 'the de dinary actions, THE DRUGOIST] FOR SERVICE ble to examina |} How 'the allog tions of the ap cant, and will bo datendants to notion, The dofondan vil probably dave have Setanta, Aad ho tidavit will be dex 0 no vit w! 0, ned af his saliocitor as holt that of dhe applicant. As -- , BouAsed & week ago, no dispolus IL --- 'Pittoen rations, containing ors Hise one-third of the world's popu- n are living under naw nes. ined «the world war, Amgrica fe Rovisw of Reviews, g om Evanston, 111, has established 8 curfew law for hot dogw, prohibit- ing their sale from wagons after 11 pm, | EATON GROCETERIA i It Pays To Shop Here Always JURY & LOVELL'S OPTIOAL PARLORS J. W., Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 Wanted car wurth $500.00 in oxcharge for a good six room house, west part of ths city, Buyer to sssume mortgage of $1500,00, J. H, R, LURE, Phone 871 or 087TW HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old floor" finished like new, Go..01 | Contractors, B. W, HAYNES 101 King St. West Phone 481 « Residence BOTW ROYAL YORK Or rl YT "ii 28e At all Superior Stores CARI W Lumser ©) W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1018 | CHEV 142 TON TRUCK Nearly now, 1080 M PRICE $700. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. #9 SIMCOE 841. SOUTH a ON SIMOOE NORTH For $6,600.00 ~ Real home, briek, '7 rooms and bath, ga ow shrubbery, lawns et $1,600 down, Jitanced 4 a Ja 0d, The good. ones rly all gons, W a ha aot, a © DISNEY, 28 King East