a Tn no IR, KC. BANK Ww, E N. SIN SHE CC oA a CREIC A ete. foney PARKHILL, BARRISTER, joan, Alger rile ops : are '424 Eye ton, Asi i | Eon Bare its Development, rd ? Diack opposite Post, Office, (June 15-1 mo) DONEVAN io Land i he AND SAD EAR: LT 5 BURIAL CO,.07 wh mboianer, Raldemer, bof Sim ty 0 Nie done, wants at i 40,084 youy interests pro- T. || 'Coming Event, Etc. STRICTLY CASH | IN ADVANCE vi ke one oka aonemary bani lose arising from handling s large number of of this pature, Fen the camvanince of swtomers wh fd i inomvenin personally to The Times office, Th WI aire the Ce nee snd collect for same. "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT and arcounts os telephone call "TTT Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists TRE. "HAZLEWOOD w HARPER, Dispey Block. Phone "060, Dm CARTAGE, hours 9 a.m, to 8.30 pm, Dr, B pi Hazlewood, special stieption to ry and X-Ray. Jr. B, H, Har. special attention to children's Sunday Diseases. and = Obstetrics. and night calls 2416 or 122. DR. McKAY o YSICIAN. UR. Office and resi % St Bost ame one GRANT BERRY. Semcon, Obstetrician, Inte and DAVID ARCHER bn? C 8, Busan 2 wien and hate ci on bi Ro ae Arh Ave, Nort Phone 3150. DR. CO. W. Obstetrician, Office and Taeibens 513 8 Simooe strést-Busph. 1 Phone 3418. PHYSICIAN | Toronto, Hamijton, Trenton, Belle [+] children, and Bond East, Phone 1185 t, M, Da CM. rh. moving, express,' cinders and gra f in furniture moviag, storage Ware house und moving van equipment. Phones 83, MOVING, ot ge " sing avs ard Cinders. Local and long hauling, - Smith i Cog, - | Phone 44. 10 Bond 85 West, OSHAWA'S OLDEn} pu SIRE: lishe! furn'ture moses Car age, wef and Er. Frank ran | South, : Be fave 20-1 mo) TT PAYS TO MOVE--SUDBURY, {| ville, anywhere cheapest in 'the city, Eagle Cartage, phone 290, | (May 30°1 mo) 90¢c. AN HOUR, MAN ANDTR long distance moving, | Cheap' Phone H34W, June 11-1 mo) Beauty Parfors U PERMANENT WAVE SRO Hpeciar ata in BROWN PHY ca 5 yon 04 Oo Simeoe. and res 3107, y . rect, }.ond $15, All other lin ot oe itare: Phone 3008. | finger and marcel w manent wave prices of Beasuty Apply ¥b = Veterinary _ Surgeon Specialist, Diseases Domestic i Cat and dog hospital, Kine Wi Tel, 629; JR iret W Wen Tov Ss ile BLOO ger ch Gd 1 an tation and treatmen Sopa ig and throa nts ay be made a ein b 265 Himeoe street 1:0 EXPERT WARSI 37 ate Ward st Betty Lou Perman- ni ave Shop) dreel and sham rke, 147 Agnes pg Yhone ay 80-1 mm») LA t| Parisiene Beauty Parlour announ. t]ces the price of marcelling, 50c, t Waving 7b6¢, during the months, Commencing from hone 171. r y (May. 33:4 mo.) sir coe and Bit my throat, 7 to rests (June 13-1 mo.) -- i 80, 2 to 6, office, 157; n---- OVER to Nurse MCOE rt cossories for sale, repairs on Cray n ate trie" and batidry ms tubes bv' uo] Sivered. Rady with ren {pr St or Ro EE iret Clad Choteh: hutch, il taht al woe} wusie. + For irk as yo William street east. Phone 6. (June 3-31) OSHAWA Jatio SSRVICA. Bd batteries ! Si pit ories re $1, P ) 750 called for and de io servive, airials one 1656, (May 21.1" mo! $1.00, Repair rebuilt, Called for and mp A. Fone 138) Stan Higdon, 20 ed. Platt, | i a. Prices jJeashable, batte leg rer raed Soe seniat '350 ares to i n, © (June 19-1 mo) py £1 tackle, hi ne 20-1 no) F Geo. Burroughs, | 3 garage floors, sidewalks roadways, sand, gravel, cinders. Chris Graham, Phone 2631M, (May 20+1 mo) SHAR C(SBORS, KNIV. os, Lawn Mowers, Saws, Phone 431W, We call snd deliver, 130 Celina Bt. E, Botian, FSA dune 0-1 mo) Road FIRET CLARE LAURDRY DONE, | Phone 1334M, (May 31-1 mo) = Articles For Sale fae $3.50 A hos | boss i erous Meek Lim ¢ a 00. gr also radios, latest latest models; gr aitanged. Apply ©. ull. hone 1688). (aie) FOR BALE == PAINTS, VARN- shes. We have the largest assorts ment of paints, varnishes, etc, ia in 'the city, The Paint ng street west, A ND, GRLVEL, STONE, CIN ders, black loam, 84.50 per yard: For ality and astvieh phone Es sery Bros, 383 r 1 (May 340) ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oil stoves, coal stoves, bicycles, ete, 174 Ritson road south, (May 28-1 mo) » at 12 Athol street west, for your *| auto parts and tires, Phone 3476W, nee 21884, A 80-1 mo) WA £8, all kinds of i on 8ARy PAY- ments, Terms from 50 cents per week, , 0, H, Dell, agent for Peo. ples' Credit. Jewelefs, 26) Bimcos South, Oshawa, (May 31-1 mo.) NEW AND | WECOND WAND FUR- niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor §t, BE, Phone 1617M (June 4-1 me) Resi: cles $13 up, New and easy OM, foycycles and fish. 12 Richunond Enst. (June 12-1 me) used bi Lerma, Phone 2774, good condition, fearrvinge in (1420) hone 2444). new, cost $450, will sell for $176. Terms $15. down and #7, per month, Apply John Meagher, 92 Simeoe' North | Phone mw, i bay Camert Oh awa 480) on machine, a lees | 48 Bond Street, West, on, datest style, 885, AD a 1838 pt east, Tor Hw Road ar nEston (1400) ition, for Come and wee oi on "items at, hy onto, and firgt class. condition, with or withs out motor, A real bargain, W. ipme pa 28 or AH or and aon, hn (May 30-1 mo rail : (13) o | Celina street, y [ness mirla BT 40 Bond st. we. hott For Rent FOUR AND VIVE KOOMED MUD orn suites including electric retrig- eration, stove, (aundry, oonveni 81008, 0L0, CODLIBU . 5. ROL WALw! supplied. Apply Bupt, 'phone 247), or The Trusts und Guarantees Lo, nd, Jnanage; for owner, Tetons. APL 14) APARTMENT TO LET, CF, CENTRAL All convenignces, hardwoo 3 Apply Bradley "ross 111%) BRIGHT APARTM hal tral, four rooms, bath, ' electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession Immediately, Apply Box 6565 Times, (113t1) TO RENT-~ONE LARGE FRONT room, suitable for business man, Also one small room, $8 per week, 94 Willlam street east, (May 28.1 mo) LARGE 7 ROOM BRICK NOUSE, newly decorated, all conveniences, large garden and garage, Bloor sireet west, Anply Rutherford, 134 "hone 630), (13880) EXECUTIVE WHO HAS FUR- nished suite, George Apts, will sublet for 6 weeks while on vaca |T' tion. Rent reasonable, Phone J206M, 1.6 pw, (1801) FURNISHED APARTMENT IN Llewellyn Apartments, comprising of living room with Murphy bed, kitchen with built<in eupboards, electric stove and refrigeration, dining room and hedroom, four large closets, Tmmediate posses. sion, Phone 1550, (1420) ROOM TO RENT, AT LAKE, FOR two girls or gentlemen, All con« veniences in cottage, Breakfast if donired, Apply Tost Office Box 108, (1480) FOR RENT~--SIX ROOM BUNGA- low, 312 Kingadale Ave. Apply 18 Kenneth Ave, or phone 1. 14%¢) TO LET--TWO OR TR UN» furnished rooms, all conveniences, Phone 1081W, or apply 17 Park Road (1480) room brick house, ali conveniences, kood loaation, hardwood floors, rewly decorated, hotwater heating, Vacant, 456 Bimecoe street south, Phone 30K or 309, (148¢) ments, private and semi-private, modern conveniences, over Karn's Drug Store alse living rooms, En. quire 231 King street east, Phone 18, between # and 8 p.m, (14310) ---- ensonshle rent 8 leat tenants, 60W, d4c) bedroom' to vent, Very close Lo business seat! + and four corners. 7% Bond Bt, Wes (1440) with all conveniences, A bargaiv to good tenants, Phone He 5 {] Phone 3842, A Church Street, (1481) sult one or two gentlemen friends, central, 26% Simcoe St, south, (144¢) "Real Estate For Sale SRATR VOR ~ FACE=-VOREH room, oft King stree! Fernhill Blvd, (1408) west, Splendid business on highway near thriving town, fee Lycett, id) 0 gravel for slemrl'o insure prompt delivery, place ders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdals, Phone 1618, MADAME HENDRIE'S SCHOOL of dancing ang physical culture, 160 Church Street, Lessons given each evening from 6 p.m, And on Saturdays from 1.80 pm, For termes call or phone Su at above hours (Jay 21-1 wo) 1 VA Byron Street, reopens' June 21, J. M, McKee, RN, superintendent, Phone 360, Whitby, gam HORUNTRHAWR OIRCULATING ' brary, You will enjoy reading the Intest Fiction at minimum cont Phone 1478, 87 Pimeos St. North {(T-F-8 tf) TT Food Tarms 10 GKCAANES On property in the north end or on| good residental property, A client Walling WIth cash end » clear lot as down payment on # five or six room house in good for cation, Price must be right, Houses (0 OKchAnge In All Parts of the city what have you? Four roome cotluge clear of encumbrances to exchange on g00J house, location and price must be right, Have a Buyer WIth three to five hundred cash waiting to buy a five or six roomed home |. north end not over five thousand dollars, Vor sale cheap, & BO mere farm, three hundred cash, balance on easy terms, Bee Farrow & Morden, # Bond stréet enst, (1420) Summer Cottages ROWER COTTAGE TIVE ROOMS ~=fireplace, screensd porch, Care age; Lake shore near Colborne, Apply 'Dr Archer Brown, 185 Sim. coe, Bt, north, (1440) LAKE BCUGOG--HUMMER COT. tage for sale, Furnished, Good bathing beach, excellent ' fAshivg, Apply MH, Bateman, 103 Church Bt. Oshawa, (1440) For Exchange re XC . y splendid loam, aixly acres grain crop, thirty acres hay, good build. ings, all stock and machinery, ete, Priced low, Bes Lycett, (148¢) ANGE---~LOT, 40 VT, Would exchange for Phone 3264 (144¢) 106 ft, 8 ins, OAT, OF PArL payment, Ww. Motor 40 Bond, Bt. West, fender work done si also repairs to wood repaired at Body and shortest notice, motor boats and general work, Phone W. Fry 3305, (May 23-1 mo) Dominion Garage, 48 Rond streut west, Phone 8198, All cars at one price §1,00, (June 16-1 mo) . 4 dan, weld fenders, latest equip. ment, mileage five thousand, is beautiful condition, Will sacrifice, Phone 380 r 11, (1440) Salesman known preparation tn consumer Car essential Salary during train. ing period, Apply Herbalist, 79; Simcoe north, al and surgleal yuking, reasonable Phones Whitby § May 28:1mo.) ity or general TE For infor mation phone 320W, (June 8-1 mo) Gibb Bireet, All conv Ape ply 4 Prince street, evenings api 00 Alloe street, 1480) bungalow on paved street, Con. veniences, Apply 316 French By ( 440) nished rooms for light housekeep- ing, reasonahle, preferred two busi. Phone 1037J, 288 Eu lalie Ave, ( ) : ne subsequent consecu -m imu share rill for hie més number 100 additions) Baby Chicks BARBY OMIOKS -- FROM HIGH clans breeding pens, backed by males from dams of 223 egy reo ord, Immediate shipment, Barwa Rooks, Rhode Island Reds, §17 par hundred; White Leghorns, #14, 100 per cent, live arrival guaran teed, Modern Hatchery, 8205 Dan: forth Ave, Toronto, (June 4-1 mo) with board in, private home, Quite central, Gentiemen preferred, 244 Athol 8t, E. Phone Taw, LoSdune a1) business men private home, AY conveniences, ' Central, rie b 1201W, 440) nine cents a RE + Fe oe, Fg A Rumbiodery ah p by Slwees 4 DEES HL white suit coat, Vieinity of Finder kindly phone a py Sarl | any light color, =. i%0 ity tags, il 'Jorrie", A Tharsabod a be a Safar tha ° Proved, dor. Lg wrist watch in the main part city 'on Thursday afternoon, ptt pleage phone 2071J, Rewa y Se hos Jills quel "noon and evening (1490) idl aliments should take advantage of the special free *reatments offered by Bheronold of Oshawa, 166 Wil I'am St, East, Phono 200, (May 22-1 mo) Tenders Wanted TENDERS VOR BOARD CEILING for Whitby Baptist Church will be received up to Wednesday, June 25, Particulars and specification be obtained from Chas, f Whitby, Ont, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, June 18, Elisa Kirkton, deNmagy the week-end with Foley, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Osborne, Pro- vidence, .visited. her parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. Power, Mrs, Preeman and Miss Chrissie Freeman, Bowmanville, visited the tormer's son, Mr, H, (4, Freeman, Mrs, ¥, wouch, Urono, Miss sida Rowland, Newcastle, Miss Mima Vhipohase and Mr, Ray dalions, witlowdale, visited My. &, H, Bnow den recently, Miss eatrice Cryderman, Dow. manville, Miss lsie Wallace, New: tonville, and Miss Evelyn Lancas ter, Sort Granby, Spent the weok- ond ab Mr, M, NM. Munday s, Mr and Mrs, Norman Laird and family, Mr. Colin Kerr and Miss VIVE Aoliing, 'VORQRLo, visited Lhe formers brother, Mr, A. Laird, ou sunday, Miss Carrie Power, Bowmanville, spent the week-end with her prota or, Mr, Chester Vowel, Mrs, Wi Lv Macklin, Cobourg, spent a few days with her daugater mrs, bam prowden. Mr. Wiliam Lymer, Br, Oshawa, visited his son, MY, William Lymer, Maple Grove anniversary services were ueld here on sunday and Mons uhy June 10th and 16th, On Bum day Rev, C8. Cragg B, A, BD, pastor ob Mog bptreel Lnited wvhureh, Ushawa, preached atters aud his ais gourses were tull of inspiration and were thoroughly enjoyed by al who listened to him, Hpecial mus slo was rendered by the bunday Holiool, akisted by Miss Olive Col los, 'Yoronto, Much credit is due Mr; Norman Laird, of Toronto, whe took his brother, Mr, A, Laird's place and #0 ably trained the school for the singing, On Monday supper was served to a large number of people, after which & play entitled "Home Ties," Was presented by the Cherrywood Dramatic Club, whieh included apscial "musie, Procesds about $76 Rev, and Mrs, O, B, Crags, Mr. and Mra, R, A Wright, and My, and Mrs, Archie McDonald and son John, Oshawa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, J, D, Stevens, Regular nervices will held here on Hunday, BONES OF ANCIENT BRITON UNEARTHED Discovery Said to be Re. mains of Man Who Lived ' Years Ago may Aker, w= Miss ile, spent iss hilda be (Newetatle I eng Ch ligg are ntpintaining a steigt: fart on over the, hones of an Ancient fron of the Bronze Age Jneatthed bh pending an official de- Evening Chronicle) t Bla Son y the earoner on the Question of Eve py at, 'hones of 'an ancient Brits on --- not exempt from the Saath Spore a cov thand IV o the, cdrone in the ordinary Lik to name Bir Information to. his) ] the oe has as no be x ) Ju '0 ® Were Ne" at Sumn \ adie The hylavaon "hocdmie | known the "selaed the bones and placed. them in safe Custody at ey then pros station, gan coroner et th and his report "duly déspitehed to the soroner,. ng a steel. guard over" the Boney until they know officially whether or not Mr, Boulton intends to hold an inquest, r, Boulion told an "Evening Chronicle" representative to-day that he did not intend to hold an Inquest but he would view the bones not nee~ only #0 a matter of duty, since it Is left to his discretion whether to inspect them officially, but out of curiosity and histories ' interest, There Is some doubt ss to Where the bongs=which Dr, Morrison has rapgried to the coroner consists of the skeletons of a male and a fer mile=will I Ay be deposited Mr, Parker Brewis, who was for some years curator of the Black Gate Musctm, is anxious to get them for the Black Gate, The Hangock Museum authorities are: also canxious to get them into their possession When asked il he knew whe would get them finally, the coroner: said in the event of competition, he would have to consult the powers that be, The unearthing of the skeletons and the coffin has strengthened cons siderably the belief that the site on which now stands Blaydon, Ryton and Prudhoe was the site of prob. ably one of the biggest settlements of pre-historic men in the days of 2,000 years B.C, Other similar discoveries In recent years significant of the existence of an extensive ancient British settle« ment were that on October 8, 1926, of a pre-historic dug-out canoe, and that on October 22, 1927, of a char« lot wheel The canoe was discovered on the bank of the Tyne at Ryton by some miners who were reeking driftwood, It is now on exhibit in the Hancock Museum, The chariot wheel was dis- covered only a stone's throw away, r. T, Russell' Goddard, curator of the Hancock Museum, who was noti« fied of each of the discoveries, was not quite certain about the date of the chariot wheel but he told an "Evens ing Chronicle" reporter to-day that, in view of the other discoveries, he e that it Js a cig British refle, J. Mary Plektord tentfies ih that she JU uU0 out of $660,000 HATES but then, it takes more will power than most people possess to skimp and save that way, == Bt, Catharipes Standard, o Ba [Fiereand There (547) With a view to providing pro or encouragement for the very mportant work being done by Boys' and Girls' Calf Clubs to im« prove the a3 oattle agus in the provinge of Quebes, the Cana: dian Pacitic Rallway is offering a scholarship to minors of 16 years and over, exhibiting in the Boys' and Girls' Calf Club classes at Canada's Great Eastern Exhibis Yon, Sherbrooke, Que, August 25+ 0 next, . EY, The 1036 International Railway Congress may be held in Canada, with Japan as a possible alterna- tive. location, according to infor. mation brought back from the 1080 gathering, in Madrid, Spain by D, C, Coleman, vice-president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and Sir George MoLaren Brown, Rus ropean General Manager, who tos gother represented the rallway at the recent world meet. very coun try in the world, except Russia was Mprosnted. Launched on n June 11; at Clyde bank by WN, R, H, the Prince of Wales in the presence of a distin- guished gathering of notables, 8.8, Empress of Britain, 'ace of Canae da's steamships, took the water and pictures of the function were LIC flashed across the Atlantic and the i radioed and appeared in Now York papers, Coupled with the Prince's speech were speeches by Lord Aberconway an Réatty, chairman and president of the Canadian Pacifie Iway, Canada's largest convention held In Canada's largest hotel cams to A successful termination last week when the Ancient Arable Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, coming from dosens of oitiea in Canada and the United States, who had invaded Toronte to the nums ber of close en 100,000, left for thelr » tive homes, The Royal York could not of courses fully ace commodate them and fhe Canadian Pacific Rallway built "Fes City" of rail coaches for the purpose near the hotel, Meat and dairy products are in- arity on the he dally of the people of ita Sounimption of meat is t oent, - greater than in wh And the total quantity 'of meat umed annually in the Dominion has increased cont, in the last 10 years, Ontario hs , of Cana. dd vo his three years, Gaboury, secre! {Province of Quebeo His 8 show & in ae; n in 1029 and 16 to the end In the IE] bers | Atributadle, Mr, Gaboury, t 'the oberince the law Ch ant prov 08 calling upon oars "vivian a in t or rm -- Bright. Atlantio atlver RTL Th grat wl numbers than ever this year, aoe gording to 'went of Lan ol (} Restigouche River catches of 88+ -- 206-Jb, salmon have been to ur ral of the ey hee mintaine | | It's Coming to This in Ul, A stonlthy knock at a mysterious door, a' furtive' pesphole opened, # suspicious face peers out and & few reassuring words nre spoken, The door is opened the visitor enters and buys 8 dozen corks, EATON GROCETERIA It Pays. To Shop Here Always Good Weather Ahead! w=DO not lose your cares Lot me fAnance yous-Addie tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Room 6, 14) King Bt. East HARDWOOD FLOORS Lald by expert mechanics, Old floor: finished like new, Ge.or | Contractors, so Mag 2 We n, it. West Phone 481 « Restdonce s8078W ROYAL YORK Tas Tea Pekoe Half Pound we 2860 At all Superior Stores Motor Ambulance Service Day and night phone 1083W OSHAWA BURIAL CO, Funeral Home 87 Celina Mt, MP Avent & Sons, Prop, | Voc CART W HEC Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1018 a FLINT SEDAN 1087 MODEL PRICE $375.00 Ontario Motor. Sales Ltd. = ---- -- ---- A ON SIMOOR NORTH For $0,000.00 w= Real home, brick, 7 rooms and hath, gars Age, shrubbery, lawns ete, $1,600 down, 'balanced are ranged, The good ones are nearly all gone, Why not ask about this? DISNEY, 20 King Bast Aad