Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Jun 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1930 hd PAGE NINE |, i Hi I : Vie * MIXTH INSTALMENT it wap some five days later that young Mrs, allace, empaying » segetalle puree for a soup, burned ver hand, spilled har puree, and re red t6 the Toto window: sill to nurse or } urigs with what endurance she nig : oy Her whole nignt hand, and the cor- ver of her-apron, enveloped the in- red fingers; she writhed, and whis- rered. aloud. in pain, Suddenly she was weeping bitters v, with her head down on the wins ows), 4 After a while she stopped and wip. rd her yi on her apron, and look: wi out dreamily into the silence of he hot ret, Tt was half past leven oboe , the children were all "(old table and got into his lop, 0 By Kathleen Norris " was thinkin mama," she said in # thick voce, taking hold of his ears and gently shaking his head about with them, as If they were handles, "And don't know! looked out of the window, and every one looked so-so poor, around here," Talking half' seriously, in a de- liberate little affectation of self-pity, she was amazed to see his (ace whit en, "That's Just==it," he sald desper- ately, "Just what?" : "Why, Just what T was afraid of, Cass." Courage, and a little shame, re- turned 0 lier in & rush, and she ssid affectionately , "Why, you're yellow, aren't Dan? 1 always suspected "No, no, no, darling," he murmured his tips against her halr, his arms tight about her, "But you're sn sweet, and your're so hrave! And | want so to have it all go rights] want it to wark oll" . "And isn't it, you sap?" Cassy said, rubbing her head up and down against his cheek. "Why, I've had burns, and T've cried in my life hes fore," she reminded him hetween litte earefully placed kisses, "and the only difference is that 1 didn't have my Danny to gomfort me" | Her depression of the morning had vanished, She was in her happiest mood; older and wiser than she had been before that unexplained burst ou Pfeil corn-starch and a bag with some mis caroni in It, and one can of per soup, and the mustard, of course, and a little five-gent box of seed less raising that Dan had bought her Iane night for dessert, but that she had secretly 'and thriftily saved tor # pudding, She lovked at these things very day, and meditated their possibilit: jes, Then she made » list for market, pa But before going. out, thers often were other things to do, In the frst place, there might be washing, Laun: dry work to Cassy hitherto had alr wiys seemed M Jamote pron her awn sphere of activities as coining the money she had ones spent so easly, bit it had assumed different proper: tions now, And she had 'asked her neighbor downstairs, laughing and shamefaced, "15 there anyt mysterious about washing things, Mrs, Terry?" "xcept that the water in this house is as hard as rocks!" the other woman had answered, surprised, She had washed the small articles, and they had actually comes out clean! Lav ips with sheer exhilar: ation; she had again descended 'to Mrs, Terry's: apartment to borrow her electric dron, ¥ "But _how'll | know about paying you or the electric Tight?" she had at last rememperea to ask, An un: easy look in her hostess's eyes had immediately given way to ene. of re: lief, and Mrs, Terry, after saying with a shamed little laugh that the pte shut his eyes at the sight of his w almy, were gn gare | 1ee.and ¢ he | Ca h of tears this morning yet she saw ne change in herself, and Dan only thought her a little more loving, mere eo | engaging, more infinitely dear than before, Within a week they were living by a settled one an had to be down he dock: at Sight o'clock, up at hall past sl Mik, Breakfast. ab. save 5 Aer and thru r bare feet to felt slippers, pattering conten: to and fre; putting toast, eis before him, At half past seven left, and 4 had in' which to do or Susthoshing u nd onj tem al Rath, ally a : ow there, JAH Crow, ko i" : 7 ne a long da . She had ne ays. e did it tram: yl the nevelt and independence of it all, | Maa dr , with the two b ¢ | ies in the ! ms Jat below dh sill would be the of ream; trusted yquow tle stream trickled out, eilifast at sevs| ba on over ue worst of that Weyl nor break her, ha neither gto hn Cassy take the iren yu to her own meter, : Wy It gave her a tremendous sense of power net to be paying for these de: : an. got homt at hall past Cassy knew his step, flyi oisy stairs, and all Aa meet h 1 in ihe flushed her. hands held wide Dene " or ase, but her ardent, ng lise o the preface to fats noh oven: ke he aat in tie biashale with 0 ne a ¢ the i And resting, Hn Sr ure in a . (1 in the business in nd. : oh bar og 1 nv Mked of her, Tnteren: ' AN while she shattered Simateds of the Terry's and the Terry har ies ny ig Ro fn the market, and her achievements In the sundry line, he hardly listened to her, Var more than by what she said he was entertained hy the moy- ing beauty of her face, and the scented sweetness of the little kisses on his hair or his temples, with which she punctuated her confir nees, "And how are you fixed for money, "Oh, I'm rolling! 1 have my five dollars," "1 don't see how you get that way, You always tell me you have five dollars, ' Don't you ever break it?" "Well, yes But often, when you give me another, I'll have two or three dollars, and T==T'm tight" "The main point being, do you love me 1" "The 'answer heing--oh, my heays ens, my muffins!" And she would en, not to return he waylaid her again, In October, heavy rains began, ahd Casey's little domain became cold, ait wih ne fing by he house, y the second day of it Cassy an Ruth Rerry were talking us despers ately as if they had never seen the sn, The docks were deported, no ships were In, and Dan had settle n determinedly to the. business of find: ing & permanent job, But It was hard Tn the pouring rain. Dan came home night after night wet and discouraged, and as vent day, the deadly seventeenth, came nearer and nearer, Cagsy felt fer first qualms of real uneasiness, "However, it's Sunday, #0 that Kives us one more day's Hive she reminded him hardly, "Nobody Is expected to pay rent on & Sune day I" "EL know it)" he said, desperately, nervously, On the Monday evening, when he came home filled with up comfortable apprehension, and * still without & penny or a Job, it was phisy 18 to find the table set neatly about a Jar of daisies, and the hearts ening dor of pot roast, his favorite dinner, scenting the room, Cassy was mysterious and demure "And mocha cakes to follow," she said modestly ap to the kitehs his arms unth "What's happened, in the name of Allah!" J do yau mean what's happen ed?" bi le "Has your father dio d deud?" "Dan; wren' you awh! Not thet I know of, Oh, and | paid the rent," Casey added, yawning slaborately assim her mouth with the back er hand, i "You what |" "It was due yesterdny, dear, Bo I paid Tt this morning," "Spill W=spill It, honey!" Dan pldnded, resting his tired, 'gold face aghinst her warm little apron, and loging i big wet rm about her, "Well, | just==econcentrated" Cassy explained, complacently, "and then walked sbout staring at things, and then, like & sleepwalker, Dan, | went straight In te your trunk, and (ook out your chauffeurs liveries and your top coat, and put them Into my suite case, and walked over te Moser's with them, and got forty-two dels tars for them in five seconds! And my dear, on top of that, old Moser offered me tweniy-five for my fox!" "You sold your fox!" "No, | didn't, 1 Just 'have it in reserve for the next emergency,' "Fhere won't he any next emerg: ency" ali told her, His tired, anxi- ous, lietle-hoy face wis white and set "Danny, darling, it breaks me all up 10 see tears In your eyes!" "I can't hedp MW: She was out! of his arms agaln, She caliea from the kitchen, "Change and ot those wel shoes, wispper, and we gil', A . rontinued,) 1980 by Kathleen Norris) et -- Fo on your ' Raglan, June 17,=Mr, snd Mrs, Radbourne and daughter of Tors onto, spent a few days with friends fiers, The young ladies' softball (eam journeyed to Columbus on Vriday evening and played a (riendly game, The score was 81-88 In fae yor. of Columbus, The young 1lmen's team played there on Monday with the score resulting in a te, Mrs, VV. Hill, of Orillia spsnt A few days with her mister Mrs, R, Squeinb, bos Messrs Wm, Mop and George Luke spent Mouday in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, D, Lyle and Orvil spent Sunday with friends in Tor. rnto, Mr. and Mrs. A Plikle visited with friends fn Claremont recently, Miss Jean Verguson 'of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. Walter Lane, Mr, and Mrs. N, Luke, Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Luke, A number from hers aflended the Kedron anniversary on Tuesday avening, Misses Twills Turney snd Mage) Pierson, spent the week-end with the Intter's parents, Mr snd Mrs, Fred Pierson. Mr, John Bryant, of Uniled #tates, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Bright, Miss Haze) and Mr, Frank Gross, Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, ' Don't forget the Sunday Sehoo! Jlnk held at Oshawa Lake June, th, Messrs, Lloyd Hughson and Aw thur Ormston, Toronto, spent the week-end with thelr parents, Miss Susie Bray spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Bray, Pros. pect, Mr, John Wilson, sscom by Messrs, Grant Wilson, C, Wilson and Geo, MeClintook, of Prospect, have retnirned from a motor trip 10 North Bay and other northery points, A, at The announcement was recently' made that & new experimental farm is to be established by the Sasks- tchewan government pomewhere beiween Faskatgon and Regine, " THE value of sound design, good materials, and careful construction is especially apparent in the new Ford after After the First Twenty-five Thousand Miles the first twenty-five thousand miles. Long, continuous service emphasizes the mechanical reliability of the car and its economy of operation and up-keep, The passing months and years bring a growing pride in its appearance and an increasing respect for the substantial worth that has been built into it, From every standpoint==in everything that goes to make a good automobile == you know you have made a far satisfactory purchase. Throughout the Ford A i you pay, you will ind many reasons {6r its alert, capable perform» ance and many instances of value far above the price Prominent among these are the four -Houdallle double.acting hydraulic shock absorbers, shatterless glass windshield, fully enclosed four-wheel brakes, five steelspoke wheels, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon alloy valves, chrome alloy transmission gears and shafts, NL ) N torquestube drive, three-quarter floating rear axle, more than twenty ball and roller bearings, and bright, endur. ing Rustless Steel for many exterior parts, NOTE THESE LOW PRICES i EFTLF7 i {EEE i For MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LiMiTED ] HH ! if nied . Fl '

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