Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1930, p. 8

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Fr PT \ Wisiners Play Snappy Ball to THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1930 ™ (Sy SEN FRIENDS DEFEA T WHITBY -- AARABS VS. COBOURG TONIGHT ¥ hosen Friends Improvement Show Big in Winning Chosen Friends squeezed out a win over hice dst night by the odd runin 41, The game produced hits rung and errors by the Heck an drove, with errors occupying » more than. usually prominent place, Every plager on thé Chosen with the exception of C, Gibleck, ma- to work in a misplay of some Whithy did not do so well, Thege of thelr players went through the "entire gare without 'having un error credited to them, + Altogether 26 bobbles found their way into the box score, The scorer showed absolute impartiality, credits Ing) errors to each team, dk he Chosen Ones had one terrific Inning, when they went right through the batting order onee, and got a third of the way through the second timg. When the melee was over, and the tangle was sorted out, it was disgbvered that they had trotted eight runs across the plate, every layer scoring, with the exception of iA Rr iss Morgan, the third to bat of the inning, was retired. on a fly ball for the second out, Her teammates, anxious to give her a second chance; obligingly paraded a- round the bases, and eventually she came to life feated the Newark Bears 6 to | in what game of a doubleheader, A light, driz lin po ning contest and "he second game was called off, to be playe of un. double bill today, from Whitby Rovers 21-20 Buffalo Bisons Win One From Newark Bears, 6-1 Newark, June 18=Buffalo Bisons here yesterday und de- WAS to have heen the first rain. fell all through the nines AS part uffalo's vie. tory Is the first time this season the Bisons have. beaten the Bears on thelr home field, Leo Mangum, ace of the Bisons' pad, hed the Fubl r and yielded 10 hits, but kept t idely sc { Porc wad (hes, but k A hem widely scattered rennin worked for the Beary and were nicked for an even dozen safeties, Thomas, with Tour hits out of five times at bat, led the attack of the Witiners; Jordan, the Bear third:base- man, ha ad un perfect day at bat with four singles, G.M.C. Jrs. Go to Mimico Tomorrow The Oshawa General Metors Ju- nior Incrossa team held another lively practide at Alexander Park lait night, "In preparation for their scheduled league game, which will he played tomorrow, when the lo. eal team jurneys to Mimioo, Although the Oshawe G, M, © came to bat for the second time of the inning, and was retired at first for he third putout, y Whitby did "thelr heavy offensive in the carly. chukkers. By the wo fm fourth dna had Passed n to histor; hey. ba (rolled up runs, oid "to win any oRdiniry ball' e, while the best 'the Chor sen Friends had been able to do was three runs, In the first the Whit belans trotted five runs in, They add: ed one in the second, and then went to work in the 'third to slash out three more, By the time the last half of the fourth rolletl around, they had a full head of steam up again, and scored another five, While all this was going on, the Chosen Friends had considerably been pulling their 'punches, merely taking the precaution to trot 'in an occasional run to prove their ability to do so when they wanted to, In the fifth and sixth they suddenly Woke up to the fact that ghey were in & ballgame, That tremendous Aith inning brought in eight runs, and they kept up the hitting spree with sh runs In the sixth, That brought them within one run of the pace set- tng Whitby nine, at 18:17, Chosen Friends rested on their oars while Whithy scored another couple of runs, and then wens down the stretch Juniors have only held three prac. tices, they are fast rounding Into shape and they should make a verr creditable showing in Mimico to- morrow, "Toots" White Elected Coach ; At the' practice last night, 'Toots' White. was chosen coach of the team and the choles was very favorable to all the players, "Toots certainly knows the Kame and he possesses a spirit of friend. liness and good-fellowship which will make him an ideal coach, There were about . 20, ambitious players on hand last night to try for the positions on.the team and "Toots had his hands full, The boys were given a real strenuous workout and then the team which will go to Mimico, was announesd, The 1930 edition of the GMC Junior should prove verr strong. On the roster are "ingluded such players as Daniels, "Shine" Rovin, "Sallor!' Luke, and Aino. all of whom, have had, intermediate ny perience; "Peg Hurst will take oare of the goalie' 'Ing duties and will, no doubt be able to fulfill his position very capably, Sith, Walker, Drinkle. Black, Armitage, Grant, (Mitord; Oke and Woods are some of the other members of the tea who are well known in local la'crosse with a rush, tying it up in the eighth | ¢ and shoving across the winning run in the ninth, Chosen Friends ABRHPOAE C, Gibleck, ef ..,. 1 00 8, Snowdon, ¢ .... : k Morgan, ef & »s , Reece, 2b .,./, K. Gibleck, ss & of , Farrell, 3b 0. , Wilcox, 1b 1, T, Moody, rf «i114 A, Fisher, p iv iie | I ODM AWwmIDON =} ENN Bl cnn. ol mocococa--zn el. %i NI NC 0 --- a orf ER Whith . Wilson, 3b ... Watson, 2b , Blow, iv: .. G. Newman, €.vs+ E. Watson, If M. Forrester, ta +s B Lon, ef vivvine K. Irwin, of eBride, rf ., Elo Kiba = Sheriden, p 1iins § | ' V. WINK AGAIN blin, June 18--8ir Thomas Lipton's cup ohallenger, Sham- V, yesterday added another ry to her growing list by wine an exciting race at Kinks en i i EB EN we 1 OD ONTND A l nse cinn-- VB] oon cmovs 2Z Re Bl carrera £23! Wr DAN DW LN --= I " h | | | = | oisds " 8! Indianapolin CHY vv ANnOAnoli |... 1. Milwaukee .,,..,.30 Mimieo wil give them a in the hon ue race, The frst home RAMS W on Wednesday, June 25, when the Oshawa team will entertain the strong Brampton Juniors, Baltimore Rochester veers s 88 Montreal Toronto «ovvivvee 8 Bu Newark 'Reading Jersey Olty +. , 88 A Philadelphia New Cleveland viedo 82 Washington ov 00. 88 #t, Lou ' Dotrolt «vi nnrry 834 " Ohloago Boston Y 's Rosults #t, Louis ..13 Washington New Yor! Boston one ko Fy Te a i ¢ fot ro Mid chon a3 1 1 Lg aa i bags) Louisville Paul Aiea niroles, A win for the locals foorrow In ying start played a week tonight The result of tomerrrow's game will he watched with a great deal of interest by loeal ju for Incrosse fans, BASEBALL RESULTS NATIONAL LEAGUE En Won Lost P.C amasasasdl 38 611 2M 0 Nit] 508 Ah 443 A017 a7 EE ERR lo: Yesterday's Results Toronto ,,+10 Reading «vied Ruffalo ....0' Newark: ios Other, games poatponed----Rain, UT Games y ' Toronto at Reading, Rochester at Baltimore (2), + "puttalo at Newark (2), Montreal at Jerse LAL anton ro, 1m Wt vivid oe York «ciieins A B08 B93 CERES RRC 4 A Sb 1 craft raan 3 % (17 Cleveland ,,...8 ivvoB Chloago (viii b Only three scheduled, Cleveland at Tht phia (only 0 ; NATIONA GUR TIONAL van Lait p. of it Mn 4 "Oth Ne Yor ! ORY game scheduled a 'ANMORIA Re IL [TRE | | verve 80, sanns nll 30] Yami Ry HH MmItoONn (shana a : a rh ; » CRICKET NOTES -- Bt, Georges Tost to Broadview on Saturday ast, in & rather low seor- ing game, o loan! boys on win. ning the toss, opened the batting with ¥, Larmouth and J, Chappell, After 16 minutes at the wicket, the umpire called a halt, with the game, All the players wers sum- moned to the wieket, and at 4 o'clock, and minute's silence was ob. norved, as a lasting tribute to the memory of Mr, G, Saunders, Can- ada's greatest cricket playsr, who passed away In London, England, Ast weak, It wag a fitting Wibute to the memory of a great Sports man, ! On resuming operations the batsmen proceeded to make the score board peg slong, After mak. ing 16 runs, ', Larmouth was nest- ly bowled, The next three hatsmen failed badly and added nothing to the score, It was evident that a rot had set in, Baxtgr and Btroud for Broadview were bowling ex- aeptionally well and the batsmen enjoyed few liberties, When B, Chappell joined his son at the wick. ot, the rot was stayed for the time, J. Chappell, who had defied the howlers up to the Sth wicket event. anteh, We played a greater game than his score of 14 indicated, and his performance well deserved the ovation given him when returning fo the pavilion, The remainmg batsmen with the exception of Sar. gant, with 8 rot out, did very little, and the innings closed' with the small total of 46 runs, Broadview, on going Into hat, were opposed by the usual pair, Phillips and Howarth, and they oven fared worse than the home boys, In 160 balls bawled down, there were but 29 runs and 6 wick ots were down, It Appeared that the loeals would pull through with 8 wickets down for 84 runs, The boys were flelding wonderfully well and 0, Dewbery hade a brilliant cath at mid-on, ith R, Drummond and Bill Adams Also making good, catches, However, L, Btroud, who had survived two glaring appeals of LBW, put the fssue havond doubt and the team retired with the tot. al of 61 runn. It is a great pity that the local boyy cannot get de- cisions with obstructions, Btroud rightly should have heen out twies before he had scored, Such Is the uncertainty of erioket, This next week, unfortunately, the locals are bidding geod bye to thelr record breaking bowler, W, Howarth, He in leaving for other parts and he will be greatly missed Hin norvices are indeed heartily ap. preaciated by the club, and all the players wish him every success for the' future, St. Andrews Win from Benedicts Ip one of the closest game of the season Bt, Andrews won from King Street Benedicts to the tune of 10 to 16, Krrors were many but evenly divided, There Was some excuse for the Bensdiots be- pauge It. was their second game in #4 many nights, They won their game with A, Y, M, 0, .on Monday night by the score of 16 to §. at. Andrews had a batting streak in the first innings and this must have encouraged them, for they kept in the lead from then to the end of the game, Their lead was threat. aned many times, espaoially in the ast inning, but some snappy play. 1 ing waved the game for them, This in the last time these teams will play each other, unless they reach the finals, wa play King Tonight Bt, Andre Ing \ t, Young People, this or in a row for them, BRAVES TAKE TWO Boston, June 18,---Alded by Fred Frankhouse, who came here yesterday from the Cardinals, the Braves managed to take a double: header from the Cinginnati Reds, The scores were § to 4 and 10 to Prankhouse, Who ' oame here with Sherdel in a trade whieh ant Burleigh Grimes to Bt. Louis, made his debut in the sixth in: ning of the first game, which Rob Smith. atl -Bd Brandt were let: ting slip away from them, Epph Rixey falled to hold a three-run lead in the second game, and the heavy-hitting Braves gar nered 16 safeties off three pitoh: ors hefora, the game Was over, PHILIES WIN IN TENTH Philadelphia, June 18--"Lefty" O'Doul's tenth inning single broke up & pitcher's battle and gave the Phillies a 5 to 4 decision over the Pirates yesterday, Chseter Nichols ond Larry French locked in the hurlers' duel, and although hit hard at times, kept the batters' hits well scattered, The Phillies got eleven hits oft the Pirates pouthpaw, while Pittaburg got te Nichols for ten safetiex, ) "Plo" Traynor hit a home run the Pirates scored all of thelr runs, O'Doul's single Jn the ten woored Denny Southern, who led oft the round with a single and ads vanced to second on an Infield out, i LH Yostordn; 'n Results iment A Toledo i, iil Iwaukee ..6 Indianapolis 8 Louisville 6 Kansan City Columbus 18 8t, Paul | ONTARIO LEAGUR ' \ 'Won Lost P.O, Bt, Catharines ,., 18 & 780 London 11 617 Guelph 13,600 om 16 Ah ERR A veaanen id CRORE RR a ¢ Si gi A ft 3 Bra Guelph 7... 3 London~ iii A ually succumbed to Btroud with a |; three-cornered tie, ting, oo» overcome & large lend and defeat County, Town, by a score of 21 to 20, in & game which was just as close angl exciting as the score indicates, crowd on hand and they GMC, LJ LJ number of Oshawa fans make th A cohch was elected last night, ahd cholee of all the players not have been left in more capable "0 is only ene application being made residing In the eity at the end of the week . fates, which was dated for tonight bourg game, and Rotary Fair, a night hand, CN In the sixthe---the ning iu which th Miss Smith, who PORT SNAPSHOT Anrabs Play Here Tonight ; The Oshawa Asrabs have. a tough game abesd of them when they meet the strong Cobourg nine at Alexandre Park tonight, at 6.30 o'clock, in the last game of the first half of the schedules The Aarabs have been going great guns for the last three weeks and a win tonight will make them winners of the frst half, will put the Teague almost back where it started, as it will create u The baseball vans of Oshawa ure beginning to up- preciate the brand of hull being.played by the Aarabs and there should he u good crowd on hand tonight to see this game, weather permit. Chosen Friends 'Win The Chosen Friends ladies' softball team showed a improvement last night, when they staged a great fighting finish to of hits and errors and the result was a toss-up, flay the Malleable on Friday night and unless the OMI, take them gheriously, the Chosen Friends are quite liable to hand them a defeat Chevw. Defent All-Stars In the benefit game, played at Alexandra Park fast night, between the Chevys, and the G.M.C. All-Stars, the Chevs, assisted by the bat tery of Rowden and Webster, defeated the All-Stars, wha used the Chevs, battery, after a close, hard-fought game, cheered wildly for every play, eniors in Toronto Tonight : I'he Oshawa General Motors senior lacrosse team plays St, Simon's tonight, at Ulster Stadium, Toronto, in a a heduled fixture, It been stated that the Saints will present strengthened lineup and the Anglicans' supporters are expecting a win, ¢ short trip td Ulster Stadium, tonight Oshawa Juniors in Mimico Tomorrow The Oshawa General Motors junior lacrosse team will play their first league game of the season tomorrow night, when they go to Mimico, Mimico always have a strong junior team, but the Oshawa team. Is fast rounding Into shape and they are determined to win their first game, tomorrow night. The Oshawa juniors play their first home game, next Wednesday when they are hosts to Brampton. The team Toots" has his hands full, but the job could Hockey Players Notice The Ontario Hockey Association will hold a meeting on Friday night and among the business to be transacted, is the dealing of play. era' applications for change of residence, namely, R, C. Day, a student of Queen's University, who lg at present All other hockey. players who wish an applica. tion term, for change of residence, will be able to obtain one fram Muteay Johnston, at Johnston's Clothing Store, Simcoe street north, Exhibition Game Postponed The exhibition game between Cheys, ladies and Textiles Intermed. celled owing to a number of other attractions, such as the Anrabs-Cos It will be played as soon as possible, Juvenile Game Tonight There Is a juvenile league game scheduled for Cowan's Park to The opposing teams are Red Aces and Whithy Tuxis, should be a good game and, po doubt, there will be a good crowd on ) Intermediate Softball Doubleheader There will be another intermediate softball doubleheader at the Motor City Stadium tomorrow night, will endeavour to take the Columbias into 'camp and in the second game the Textiles meet the Regiment Black Cats, A win for Cobourg on eat deal of the Whitby Rovers, right in the Both teams had an equal number The Chosen Friends » LJ There was a big LJ * has Thare should be a goodly LJ » "Foals" White was the popular hands, + . As far as it Is known, there for a player to play for Oshawa, . y at Motor Stadium, has been can ".» This LJ \S In the frst game, the Newsies Ladies Mrs. Whittington Wins From Miss Cecil Smith to Revenge Defeat in Ont. Ladies' = Tournament -- Winner Gives Brilliant Display to Defeat Strong Field Toronto, June 18,--Mrs, B, White tingtoh of the: Toronto Golt Club, who led the fleld after the, firkt 18 holes over the Weston coufse oh Monday, managed to hold her mar. gin in the final halt of the teat yesterday and thereby captured her second olty ohamplonship In alx years, while she was runner-up on 'thee other ocomsions, On Monday Mrs, Ho ittington returned a par breaking 7 afalnit Miss Ada Mac kennie's 80 and Ming Cooll Smith 81 and the contest was a three-corner- od affair with mang thinking Miss Mackensie's ability to come from be. hind would bring her through to viotory but Mrs, Whittington starts od off strongly and on the first four holes of yesterday's round she gained three Morty on Miss Smith and four on Miss Mackennie, being five In front of her two closest rivals with only 14 holes to play, She held onto the lead hut lost some of it te squalled the new champion's 82 and finished in se. plage, an Maskenale had an infre- t oft d took 47 folag out and while she oame hom 41 she was forced to take third aven atrokes behind the leader t sly in t of Mins Myriam oy of t to Golf Club, who was fourth with two consistent 87's, In. cldentally Miss Eimsley wag the only other player hesiden the thre |! to break 00 on either and dun, The olty title, which was decided ial: play, produced a reversa outcome of the recent mateh of th Hr Rh } a To Mendon +) in a om , but she [TY not had an average share Mrs. E. W. Whittington Wins ) * ------ ) {alae an absentee, City Gol Title in the breaks In dhamplonship tournaments in recent years, losing two of three that appeared to be in her. grasp until the last moment Her victory was & popular one. Led by the new champion, the Toronto Golt Club players again made thelr presence known as five of the first six were from that club Miss Mackensie being the other, and in the net score competition two of the first four were from that club, Mrs, Andy Kay of Islington, won the net score event with a score of 146, while Miss Mary Wilson of the Toronto Golf Club wan second with 147 and Mrs, W, Box of Rosedale third with 148, Misa Cecil Smith representefl the low handicap play- ers among the leaders with a net 149 for the 96 holes, England Wins Test Match Nottinghamshire, June 18,~Eng- land aphed yesterday in the firs cricket test match with Australia at Treat Bridge by 93 rung after a day's play which left the issue in doubt un tl ten time, At that interval Austra. lie required 112 runs and had four wickets in hand, The English players twisted the Kangaroos tail in the final hour of the watch with such vigor that the Antipodeans did not mile the resistance expected: Aggro: gate scores wore England, 872; 4 tralia, 479. The Australian inning ves terday yielded 335 runs, which was a big improvement on their first effort 0 The final day of the match was crowded with dramatic incidents, the chief ¢f which was the bombshell dropped into the English camp yes: terday morning. which robbed them of he barb of the spear of their at. tack, Harold Larwood, the i] howl: er, Larwood way tao ill to play. Her. bert Suteliffe, injured yesterda$ was The twelfth man, Prince Rulespunhll was called in to field, while J. Copley, a voung player on the second eleven of the Notts Connaught Cup Game Called When Player Refuses to Leave Field to ---- ' Toronto, June 18.~The refusal of Shepperd of ¥arlscourt Kenwoods to leave the field when ordered to de- part by Referee Craig, resulted in the second round Comnaught Cup gam, at Conboy Park last night be- tween Mount Dennis ""nited and Kenwoods to be called with 15 minu- tes to, play and with Kenwoods lead ing hy one to nil on a goal scored by Lewis on a pass from Stockwell, Just before hall time, Noble of Mt, Dennis was sent off but although playing with a depleted team in the second walf, Mount Dennis were ha- ving most of the play, but could not find the net, Manager O'Neill and Pete| Cote Each Get Three Safe- ties--Catcher Phillips Is Seriously Injured and Leafs Are Left With But One Catcher -- Phil Page Reports Today and Catcher Steinecke Has Been Re- Reading, June 18 neover powerful ofNence with ving a Hove O'Neill, Art Ruble and Pele Cote lending the attack emch with thres hits, the Toronto Leafs bat- ted out a 10-2 victory here yester- duy afternoon over the Reading Keys in a drizzling rain, and even. od the present series at two vie tories for each team, 3 Although nicked for ten safeties of which Bill Jurgen collected three, Including a slashing triple, Guy Cantrell, the Leafs' ace, kapt the Keys hits well scattered as he reg Istored his ninth victory of the season, Catcher Edward Philips, sustain od two fractured fingers on the right hand in the second inning when hit hy a foul tip off Jurges' bat, Phillips retired from the game and o'Nelll hehind the bat ier After threatening to scorh In the second Inning when Burke walked and Doc Sheedy singled to left The following Is the result, of the weekly pigeon race staged hy the Oshawa Homing Moclety on Baturday last from Kenthridge, Ontario, a distance of 188 miles alr line 1, Bramley Bros, i... ' 2. W., Cowle ,, ' 3, R, Arkwright ,, Bramdey Bros, + J, Askew , V, Whiteley , A, Webster ,.. C, Bparrow The next race will ha held from Tithury, Ontario, a distance of 207 miles, English Golfers Lead Field aa isa i WT EQ D but he did not make a speech about how he loves the Wallasey {airways as he does af Bt. Andrews, Diegel Blows Up. Toronto Willow Wielders Pound Reading Hurlers for 16 Hits to win 10-2 while Pete Cote beat out an ine field hit to fill he bases, the Lents kesture faded when Bell, bearing down, fanned Phillips and Cantrel} and caused Jos Rabbitt to roll to Walsh, forcing Cote at second, Lents Begin Scoring In the fourth, however, the Lents scored three runs. Cote re- colved a free ticket and moved to third on Bteve O'Neill's single to loft-centre, Cantrell lald down a nifty bunt and Bell's poor throw counted Lote while Cantrell arrive ed safely at first. O'Neill moved to third and then Rabbitt hit a dou ble to right, chasing home O'Neill and Cantrell, "Three hits In the seventh counts ed three runs for Toronto, Harry Davis doubled tn left, Doc Sheedy walked and Cote's single scored smiling Harry Davis, O'Neill's two- bagger against the left field wall brought in Sheedp, and Cantrell' single to right chased in Cote, Hits by Cote, O'Neill, Rabbits and Ruble, and Richardson's sacris fice AY to Quellich added thres more tallies to the Toronto total in the ninth, Rabbitt in this frame furnished na real thrill by stealing second and third ase on Whitney, The Keys counted a run in thely ' half of the fifth when Walsh dou led to right, scoring on Pete Scott's single to right-centre. 1h the final frame Bill Jurges tripled to the flag' pole in deep contresand counted on Whitman's single to right, YANKEES CONTINUE T0 HIT Cleveland, June 18.--The New 'rounds in eight of the last nine years, Other disasters occurred al Wals - . Insoy., Dlegel blew up after a great Hoylake, England, Juno 18. |. ¢0u' onioh threatened Compston's Archies Compston, giant golfer from lend, and wound up With 76 when the English Midlands, with medal ho nesmad likely 'to score 70 and of 70-71-~141, lod 00} ¢y0,"% ohurch near the clublouss qualitying round for the British caught fire and golf fans and cad: open yesterday, All the serious dies helped cholr boys and firemen contenders were to-night in the se- | oxtinguish the blaze loot company of 112 who comprised 2 the 100 lowest scores and ties for the hundredth place, ' Others of the 200 odd who start od yesterday are froe to go home with thelr alibis, 'while the rest fight the real championship baiile, 72 holes medal play, duripg the coming tHveo days, Compston, not enly led the field, but Henry Cofton, young British pro was second with' 143, and W. P, Twine, former Kent professional champion and yesterday's leader, stood third at 144, With the first three places occupled by Britons there 'were hopes of regaining for the Old Country the open title, which has gohe uoross the Atlantic York Yankees continued thelr heavy hombardment of Cleveland pitchers yostorday, taking the third and last game of the series by 17 to 2, The victory put the Yankees in second place, Twenty-one hits, including Low Gehrig's eighteenth homer of «the senson, yang off the Yankee bats, as Clint Brow", Pete Jablonowskl, Ken Holloway and Sal Gliatto paraded from the bullpen to the pite chor's mound and back again, Roy Bherid went the route for the Yanks holding the Indians to seven hits, Toronto Scottish Defeat C.N.R. 3-0 Torome, June 1B-Toronte Scott ish blazoned their way to the local district Connaught Cup semi-finils by virtue of a J to 0 win from Toron- to Canadian National Ruilways in the second round of the Dominion cham- plonship series at Ulster Stadiam last night, Incidentally Scottish had the honor of handing the clever CNR eleven their first defeat of the sea- son, thus halting a long string of victories: wheh the Raflronders have, to date, safely tucked away, CNR: started favortes and were equally as good as Scottish duting a scoreless first hall which was brim« ful of many fine plays with both goals having many close calls, Halli well was never seen to better advan. kaa 3 sam NEW MARTIN Now Playin Ofticinl Pleture Lao Diegel tied with Percy Als Iss, British pro resident in Berlin, at 145 to lead the American group while George Von Elim tied with Cyril Tolley with 147 to lead the amatours among the qualifiers, Bobby Jones' was tied with six Vl SCHMELING Slow Motion Shows Foul Blow Struck . | "HARMONY tage, his masterly handling of many close situntions being of the highest order, Noke also was good, his de- fensive tactics being a treat 10 watch VCNR, missed several good chances in the opening session, the chief fault being a desire on the part of the forwards to walk the ball into the net. others for 20th plage in the quality. ing list, He was not a' golfing ma. chine to-day As 'he scaled the heights of Wallasey and Anally checked In witha round of 77, which he considered about the worst he had played in Britain, They made him na life honorary member of the elub when he finished AT HOME" Domestic Comedy FOX | MOVIETONE : NEWS Men who smoke for e supreme pleas of smoking, wir cigars. \ - know that no- thing can take the g on place of a good cigar. "The cigar that's ' 2 for 2 Oc straight Jor 25 10¢, sraig) "7 18c straight 1 made g MADE MILD BY MODERN teant, wn the most envied Ty to play for hand simply because no one else waa wvailahla, METH

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